#Gil in physiotherapy going on and on and on about his wife
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Ice queen / tyrant king au. Thena being a little bit jealous ^^
A little too good. Thena shifted in her seat, watching over Gil's physiotherapy appointment, although she'd been told a few times that she didn't have to. She had responded that she wouldn't be told what she did and did not have to do, thank you very much.
The Ice Queen took no orders, especially not from a handsy physiotherapist.
She was just doing her job, Thena reminded herself as Gil tried a tentative bicep curl. The therapist's hands her on his chest and back, monitoring the movement of his muscles as the surrounding and connecting musculature was put to the test.
Thena still didn't see why he had to be shirtless for it, but she wasn't the authority here. If she were, she would have thrown this woman out already.
"Feel that, in there?" the therapist asked with a grin, jiggling Gil's pectoral muscle before giving it a friendly pat, "that tightness? That's a good sign, but just don't go too hard too fast. From the looks of it, I'm guessing your usual workout routine is pretty intense."
Thena rolled her eyes.
Gil shrugged once he was freed of the relatively light weight he had been given for this particular exercise. "I don't work out as much as I used to, I guess."
"Could'a fooled me!" she laughed.
Thena mumbled under her breath, although neither Gil nor the other woman caught it. She shifted in the chair again, leaning her jaw into her palm.
"I'm going to go update your file, and then I'll give you some plans for what to do once you're released!"
"Thanks," Gil nodded to her as she trotted out past Thena and out of the room. He peeked at her, reaching for his shirt. "How's business?"
"Hm?" Thena blinked, still staring at where the physiotherapist and her bouncy blonde hair had floated out. She turned back to him, "sorry?"
"You seem off," Gil stood, walking over to her and leaning down to kiss her cheek. The fact that she allowed it was indicator enough. "Something up?"
"No," she denied blatantly, standing and pushing Gil to sit down in her place. "Just thinking."
Gil kept his eyes on her. "You sure nothing's bothering you?"
"I'm sure," she growled, and there was his Ice Queen--his Thena.
Gil looked over to where the therapist had left and back up to her. "It doesn't bother you, does it?"
"What are you talking about, Gil?" Thena sighed, her irritation increasing the closer he got to the problem. She tugged at the sleeves of her sweaterdress. "Physiotherapy is a very important part of your recovery. You should be-"
"I meant her."
Thena bristled, and they both knew it was plain to see. She shrugged, "what would bother me about her?"
Gil's grin, which he had been doing his damnedest to keep under wraps, grew wider. "I dunno, just...I know you can be a little jealous sometimes."
Thena glared down at him, "you're speaking awfully brazenly for a man with a hole in his chest, Tyrant."
"Hm, yes, but it's recovering well," he smiled at her, pulling her hand to hold it over his heart. "Beating just for you, baby."
Thena rolled her eyes at him, but he didn't release her hand, and she didn't snatch it back from him either. "She seems awfully eager to paw at you."
"It's her job to paw at me, Princess," Gil chuckled, much to Thena's annoyance. "But for what it's worth, she really enjoys listening to me talk about my wife."
"Okay," Thena sighed anew, now pulling her hand away from him, although Gil let go of it reluctantly, sliding it out of his hand until the very last second. "Very funny."
"I do tell her you're very funny," he proclaimed with a proud little grin on his face. He thought he was so cute. "And pretty, and you smell like lilies, and your skin is soft as silk, and-"
"Okay, here we go," the physiotherapist bounced back into the room.
Thena blinked as she bounded right up to her, smiling at her with all the eagerness of a dog wagging its tail. She took the papers from the younger woman silently. "Thank you."
"He kept telling me his wife would be joining him for his session one of these days." Oh, he really had talked about her. "And wow!--you're just as beautiful as he said you'd be!"
Thena looked at Gil, who was smirking at her--smirking! He thought he was so fucking charming. She looked at the taller woman again, "thank...you?"
"These are all the recommended stretches and treatments for the next few weeks while he's still getting back to full strength. Ajak will go over everything too, I'm sure. But he's doing so well, I'd say a few bags of groceries here or there wouldn't hurt."
Yes, groceries--that was definitely what he moved around on a daily basis, and not people's limp, unmoving bodies.
"He already asked if he could carry you through the threshold when you got home but I told him to wait on that one."
"Gil!" Thena huffed at him, feeling her cheeks warm at the utterly embarrassing question he had asked.
He just shrugged at her, "I wanted to know!"
"You both take care," the physiotherapist waved at them as she headed out of the room again. "You behave, Mister--no more worrying your beautiful wife!"
Gil just waved at her as she left them alone again. He turned back to Thena, looking far too amused by it all. "I told you."
Thena huffed, gripping the collar of his t-shirt to haul him up and pull him back to his hospital room again. "Let's go, you."
Gil sighed dramatically, draping himself over her shoulders as he walked behind her, "my darling wife has so little faith in me. What did I do to deserve this?"
"That's enough, Gil," Thena grumbled, not entirely prepared to walk all the way back to his room with him attached to her like this.
"Have I not been faithful and dutiful and loving?"
"Stop it!"
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