#Gil Falcor
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If it wasn’t for the few Dregs and Vandals that had stuck around, the hatchlings would not had lived as long. The Warlock may have been very knowledgeable of the Eliksni but she did not have a single, absolute clue, on raising their young.
It was an exciting day when one of the Dregs had alerted her that there was commotion inside of the Ether pod. The obvious indication that the 3 eggs that were saved had hatched and new life had begun. Excitement was buzzing around in the large cavern and Nia did not waste anytime to join with the other Eliksni to the pod. Two Dregs were already in the process of removing the lid as a Vandal stood near by, making sure that vitals of the hatchlings were in stable condition. A slow hiss and a release of ether gas escaped from the top and cascading from the sides and that was when Nia’s body had went rigid, lips pressed into a thin line waiting for the news. The Eliksni over the past decades were having severe complications of raising young in the Earth’s environment, with Ether Drills being constantly be destroyed by Guardians, Cabal and Hive on Earth.
It was becoming harder and harder for the Houses to guarantee that a hatchling to live for over a month.
A sharp high pitch squeak accompanied by two others escaped from the inside of the pod. Nia did not know if it was a long forgotten motherly instinct or something else but she slowly crept up beside onf the Dregs and peered inside. It was not something she had expected in the slightest, all three were a pure white color, the exoskeletons of the young not yet harden making them extremely vulnerable. Two of them were the size of softballs and one nearly the size of a baseball.
A runt.
“We are lucky, we have two strong looking young ones.” one Dreg spoke carefully taking one out of the pod with extreme care in its claws to inspect the pup’s health for any illness or defects. The hatchling only made small groans and occasional squeaks as it was examine, pure glassy white eyes stared at really nothing and this caused Nia for concern.
“Is this one blind?” she questioned standing beside the Dreg and carefully lifting her right index finger underneath one of the pup’s claws and holding it tenderly. Running her thumb ever so carefully over its small claw, a bonding moment for the both of them in her opinion.
“They will all be blind for about a week or two. In those weeks they will lose the exoskeletons and will have harder plating. It is common for hatchling to have white eyes in those weeks but they will see.”
That was a relief to hear but there was still concern for the smallest one that was still in the pod. But before she could investigate over the runt a shrill cry from the second hatchling erupted as soon as it was picked up by another Dreg. The Dreg holding the second hatchling nearly jumped and dropped it but kept firm and just scolded at the pup for making such a commotion.
It was good to know that this one’s lungs were strong.
While the pup was being examined it continued its scream of protests. Hissing and spitting at its captive blindly,attempting to bit at the Dreg. Another surprising thing was that Eliksni young already had small needle like teeth and this young one was trying to use them already.
“Hold still!! Don’t you-AH!” There it went, the little firecracker bit one of the Dreg’s fingers. Nia took action and taken away the angry hatchling and begin to run her thumb along the middle of its head. It worked with kittens when the mother tried to calm it down. Little by little the pup’s cries quieted down as its body began to relax and its head began to slump into the palm of her hand and slip off to sleep.
“Aaaannd off it goes to sleep. What a hothead.” she chuckled giving the hatchling back to the tentative Dreg. Now came for the final inspect of the runt and from the way things looked from the Vandal that didn’t even attempt to take the runt out of the pod; It was not good.
“This one...it will not survive.” the Vandal’s tone was that of pity as he peered inside. The pup’s cries were weak and cracked at each call. Blindly crawling around in an attempt to find its siblings or anything else. Nia just looked inside the pod in long silence, watching the small creature helplessly cry out in now small chirps.
“What will happen to it.”
“We will discard it..and will let this world decide its fate.”
The hair on Nia’s neck stood up on end and a bubbling rage began to boil inside of her chest. Turning to face the Vandal, fury on her eyes at this harsh cruelty. Did they do this to all of their young that were sickly and weak? Discard something young and innocent to be left all alone to starve of ether and comfort?
This was not acceptable.
In defiance the Warlock scooped up the runt into her hand and brought it close against her chest. Its cries quieted as it curled up against Nia, its breathing shaky but was still full of life. The Vandal took a swipe to grab at the hatchling but with the Warlock’s keen eye she whipped out her hand cannon ‘Devil’s Blood’ and pressed the barrel against the Vandal’s head.
“I was given an order by our Baroness. To ensure the survival of ALL of her young. This one will not be treated any different because it is smaller than its siblings, if it is such a problem I will personally care for this pup. Are we clear?” Nia growled putting her hand cannon away and held eye contact to hold her ground.
“Clear..just don’t shed your tears if it does not survive.” he huffed stalking to the Dregs in charge of the other young, keeping his eyes locked on the Warlock for a few seconds before inspecting the two other pups for himself.
Letting out a huff and going her separate way to another part of the cavern Nia kept the small runt close, her hand acting as a blanket to keep its body temperature steady for the time being before prepare a spot in her pile of furs for the pup to rest and keep close. Settling in on her makeshift bed Nia shielded the pup away from the rest of the Fallen who taken up quarters in the cavern, away from curious eyes and the spiteful words of pity to the newborn.
“Do not listen to them little one...I know how it is to be cast away from your own kind. But as long as I am around no one would even dare harm you.” Nia murmured in a hushed tone,stroking her index finger up and down along its back to help its breathing. The pup’s shaking had stopped and the breathing became stable.
“You will show them how strong you will be my little one. My little Gilisk”
#Nia Falcor#Gil Falcor#Cob Falcor#Juh Falcor#we got babies when they were even smaller babies#Destiny 2
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It was the first time ever since their Mother had taken them off the planet. It had only place that young Gil and his siblings ever truly lived in, for their Mother to decide that all three of the pups were old enough to leave Earth and join in her trips.
Oh! it was a pure delight for all three of the Eliksni pups.
Cob was rearing with energy when Mother prepared the necessities and a few large crates for the trip. To where Mother had made sure it was a surprise and that had just gotten Cob even more excited and ready for action.
Were they going to the jungles of Venus?
Were they going to the icy caps of Mars?
But they had passed all of those destinations, further and further from their home and deeper into the system. Going to a place of ruin and shrouded in complete mystery to any of them. This was was never told from by their mother in her rare stories she has told them.
Gil has heard of The Reef from his people in the House of Dusks, but rarely was The Tangled Shore ever spoken about.
Obediently all three of the brother listened to their mother’s instructions and rules of this little trip. 1. Listen to her every words. 2. Stay hidden until she motioned them out of hiding. and Finally 3. Do not talk to ANYONE in this place. This was a land of pirates, thieves and killers. No one is to be trusted in this dead land at all.
Their escorts were not only weirdly dressed but in the eyes of Gil they were terrifying. Spiky armor from head to back, their faces unreadable by their masks but it was obvious they were Eliksnki like himself. But still they made him extremely uneasy and he stayed close to his mother. Juh and Cob didn’t even seem bother but rather intrigued by these Fallen.
It had taken them awhile before they reached their destination, going inside of a cave that once you stepped foot was similar to stepping into a Ketch. Though there was much more clutter, and very little lighting to see.
“Do not touch anything in here...these things do not belong to us understood?” his mother whispered strictly to each of them before ushering ahead to stay in her sights. But Gil clutched at the end of his mother’s robe and shuffled behind. He did not want to be here at all, everything was dark and spooky and nothing like back at home. Where there was sunshine and fresh air, being here it felt like being trapped.
“Mom..c-can I stay in here in t-this room? I don’t want to go any further..” he whimpered looking up at his mother with pleading eyes. Nia had stopped and kneeled to the small pup’s level and cupped his head in her hands to ease his fear.
“Stay in this room alright? Don’t venture back outside, just wait for us here and I will make this as soon as possible.” Nia whispered softly before gently pressing her head against his. With that all being said and done he watched his mother and his brother disappear down into another tunnel, listening until he couldn’t hear their steps before taking a seat in the light of a lamp post and pulled out a old worn book from his satchel.
This was fine, he could wait till his mother returned.
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For the pups it was always a normal sight to see their mother out of her robes for when she returned. Old scars from long battles and wars were barely seen and young Cob always admired them, always fantasizing what his mother’s battles were like. But it was always on rare days that Nia’s porcelain smooth skin had areas covered in near impenetrable red scales. Cob was the first to notice when she had returned from patrolling her territory. Hair soaked from the pouring rains of spring and the shine of the scales that gleamed in the fire light.
“Everything ok mama?” Cob asked catching his other brother’s attention from their meal. The Warlock was staggering in her steps with her mouth wide open revealing monstrous teeth. Nia was catching her breath taking in big gulps of air as clouds of her warm breath evaporated into the air. Everything felt like it was on fire, a price to pay to change into a monstrous beast.
That was not from this world at all.
“Yes...just tired from the run..” she wheezed taking her place sitting down with her sons. Juh didn’t waste any time to retrieve a canteen full of water for his mother, and Gil prepared a large chunk of roasted meat from the fire. This was another routine that all three pups did for when their mother returned from a nightly patrol, prepare much as much meat that they had and have cold water ready.
Their mother was ravenous when she used The Red Dog technique.
Nia snatched the canteen and began to chug the water in big gulps, trying not to waste any drop of the resource. It was such a relief that the Warlock’s body was shaking from the lack of food and water she did not have throughout the day. For the technique to work Nia could not eat or drink until after she was done.
It has been two days of patrolling,hunting and protecting her territory that she has used this great gift. But with it Nia had diminished the Red Legion’s numbers, destroyed Taken blights, chased off a few Guardians that were too close for comfort and finally hunted meat that would last for a month for all of them.
“Mama. there’s a bullet in your..” Gil pointed at his upper right arm to indicate where the bullet was. Nia had stopped drinking to look at the scales on her right arm. With a small annoyed hum the woman dug her right index claw in between the red scales and pulled it out. Someone must had gotten lucky on their aim with their rifle to hit her that quick. Flicking the bullet into the fire she dug into meat.
They all continued their nightly meal in silence until their mother had her fill of nearly eating seven pounds of meat and going through three canteens of water. Juh was the one that had broken the silence with a questions.
“Mother..why don’t you want your kind coming into your territory?”
“Because they cannot be trusted, Guardians are greedy and dangerous.” she stated calmly keeping her gaze on the fire.
“But...you’re a Guardian too right mama?”
“No. I am just your mother. Not a Guardian.”
There was a brief pause before Juh spoke up again, but this time he faltered in his words.
“But what if a Guardian just wants to talk? You know be a friend?”
The Warlock’s body went rigid and her brows furrowed. The air had suddenly became very uncomfortable and was filled with tension. Cob and Gil exchanged quick glances before their scurried off to their beds deeper into the cave. If the brother knew of one thing it was that their mother can always catch the scent of someone keeping something from her.
And boy did Nia smell what was going on.
“Who. Came. Here.” she said as calmly as she did, but there was a restraint of anger in her tone. Juh was sitting to her left, her blind side so the Warlock couldn’t see his reaction but somehow she can pick up his fear so Nia tried to calm herself. The last thing she wanted was her eldest son to fear her over something he thought was small, but to her it was nothing but trouble.
“S-She said her name was Yelena...she never said w-why or how she came here.. she just came out of nowhere.”
“I see..if she comes back you let me know through communications ok?” Juh nodded at her response before nudging up beside her, leaning against his mother and watching the fire with her. Though his gaze did travel to the top of her hands, in between each knuckle were small narrow cuts, another indication of the transformation other than the red scales.
“Does it hurt?..”
“When you shift.”
“The first time it did...but over the years I have grown use to it.” looking at her knuckles and clenching her hands into fists before easing. Juh picked up the canteen and began to clean the cuts up, his mother silently watching before resting her chin on top of the young Eliksni’s head..
“Go join your brother’s...you must sleep.”
“You worry too much of your old mother..Now go rest.” with a gentle nudge and a pat Juh followed his mother’s, slowly shuffling in his steps before stopping and turning to look back at his mother.
“I’m sorry...that I talk to her.” he spoke with guilt before leaving from Nia’s sight. Now it was just her, the dying fire and the sound of the pouring rain. Heaving out sigh and cracking the bones in her neck she lingered around the fire awhile longer before dousing the flames and heading to sleep herself.
The Warlock will have to wait fortwo more days before she could hunt again.
A threat that needed to be taken care of not just for herself, but for her son’s safety.
Till then The Red Dog will sleep till then.
#Destiny 2#Juh Falcor#Cob Falcor#Gil Falcor#Yelena belongs to eyeofjustice#Nia Falcor#The Red Sog is off of Monster Hunter World's Odogaron#you dont fuck with that
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It was a unusually warm day in the dead of winter on this day. The sun was out and the snow was ever so slowly melting, though the temperature was still cold enough to make the snow still stick around. Which Nia found on her part unfortunate, the Warlock didn’t much care but the cold bothered her scar on her face.
The pups on the other hand didn’t seem to mind it at all. With Cob’s ankle all healed he was allowed to go out and join his brothers out in the snow. Gil asked if their new pets could play but Nia denied that wish. They were still a little young and not quite big to be in this cold weather.
Sitting on the inside of the cave the Warlock quietly watched over her children play in the snow. Throwing snowballs at another, rolling in the snow, or digging tunnels or either their own ‘hide outs.’ Ahh to be young and unknowing of the true dangers of the outside world. Nia’s gaze was adverted when Valisk sat along side the woman and stared out and watched the pups as well.
“Good Morning Valisk, did you sleep well?” Nia greeted with a tired smile on her face. The Baron simply nodded, turning his head around a few times to crack his spine. A small grumble and growling to clear his throat Valisk spoke in return at the woman’s question.
“A little rough sleeping on the skins of dead creatures...but yes I did sleep well enough.” he grumbled trying to shake the sleep off his shoulders. The Eliksni had an odd way of doing morning routines, it was similar of watching cats stretch themselves and turn their bodies in the oddest of turns. Valisk was just stretching his arms and legs this way and that but still sat in place. Mandibles chittering as he stretched his jaws and cracked anything back into place. He was just taking his sweet time of trying to get himself to be fully awake.
He was stalling.
“Valisk, is there something you want to talk about?” Nia spoke in a comedic tone. Valisk stopped in mid stretched as if startled that he had been caught in something that might had offended the woman. Lowering his arms and turning his attention to her he cleared his throat, speaking cautiously.
“There is..and it has bothered meet since the very few times we met.” he said with dignity. Straightening his back and resting his upper hands on his knees and the second pair crossed over his lower chest he continued.
“Ever since I heard of you taking in Taliks’s whelp’s after her death, I was to say, angered. Out of all of the House she chose an enemy and not her kind. That day when I came here to take them back with me, I understood why my sister chose you..”
The Baron could remember their first meeting like it was yesterday. The day he came with his troops, armed to the mandibles with weapons and elite captains to go get back his nephews. A few of Talik’s comrades had come along, a few dregs and Vandals, to plead to him that it was his sister’s wish and that he should honor it. But their pleads had fallen on deaf ears.
The cave was surprisingly hard to locate and there were many traps. The traps didn’t kill any of his own but a few had stepped into them and a leg would be snapped in a bear trap. Luckily they didn’t shut to wear a limb had to be cut off. Blinding grenades of their own were also scattered around and trip wires lying in weight in the brush.
Thankfully a few knew how to disarm them and the goal was close at hand.
First the Baron had sent out his Marauders to traverse into the cave to look at the surroundings. The Elites,Vandals, Dregs and himself stayed behind and waited for their return. All of them waited patiently and quietly listened for any sound from the inside or out.
Valisk was becoming very impatient and was beginning to lose his patience.
Just when he was about to send another order, they all had heard the sound of a young whelp’s cry.
The Baron had wasted no time in rushing in, blades drawn with arc energy dancing up and down the length of the swords. Why did his sister leave her children to something as dangerous as a Warlock!?! They were far worse than those of Hunters are Titans.
Valisk knew of what Warlock’s were capable ofl The Baron knew the Warlocks had captured, dissected, and experimented on for their own gain. It was horrible to even imagine it.
Its what made the Baron charge even faster into the cave.
Entering the belly of the cave the Baron had screamed ready for a big battle. But when he came it he only saw what he had not expected at all.
The Marauders did have the Warlock backed up into a section of the cavern wall. It was a female Warlock as he looked the Guardian over, short brown hair that reached to her shoulders, somewhat of a choppy look as if she had done it herself. The right side of her face covered with a large wound that was still healing. Right eye pure white from being blind, her other eye a green hazel color.
She looked fearsome and used her own body to cover and protect from their intrusion. No weapons in her hands, just herself with a pup in her coat, while the other two stood behind her.
“What do you want House of Dusk!? I have no business to fight with you! Begone!” the Warlock snarled in his tongue and tried to keep the other two pups out of their sight. This Warlock was acting as if these pups were her own, this dangerous female that could take out a Kell with her power, was dedicating herself to a race she was not a part of. This warlock had clearly gone insane, delusional!
But Valisk felt odd when his gaze fell upon her, all of that rage just ceased to disappear. He had oddly felt calm but uneasy about charging in screaming on the top of his lungs. His heart had skipped a beat when her gaze fell upon him and he felt like the very fabric of his being was open to the world to look at.
He was in love.
Valisk had snapped out of his memory when a ball of snow slammed right into his face and sent him falling on his back. The cries of laughter coming from Cob and the panicked screams from Gil and Juh made himself stop from going into attack mode.
“Cob! What did I tell you about doing things like that!” Nia scolded the pup throwing a snowball herself at the pup. It made contact on his stomach but he just laughed and continued to throw snowballs at not only at Valisk, but at his mother as well.
Nia sprung up on her feet and charge at the whelps screaming in a playful manner and joined in their games. Valisk had just remained in place and watched with silent adornment in this odd family.
Something he silently wished to be a part of one day when he gathered up the courage.
#Three Cubs#Nia Falor#Juh Falcor#Cob Falcor#Gil Falcor#Baron Valisk#*eyebrow wiggle*#secret admirer!~
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It was a very short notice on both himself and the Warlock’s time. The woman had received a broadcast from the Tower and she really did not much of a choice in the matter. Cob had begun to throw a tantrum at his mother about wanting to come along but Nia denied him his request and said ‘another day’. Gil didn’t say a single word and just silently trailed close to his mother as she prepared for departure. Juh being the eldest sibling tried to calm Cob down to the best of his ability but that only led up to a fight between the two brothers.
That’s when Valisk stepped in and separated them, holding them by the back of their shirts and just letting them dangle out of reach of each other and the floor. It was amusing as they struggled and tried to tear at each other, hissing and spitting but being as old as they were the pups shouldn’t be acting like well..
A loud yell of annoyance from Valisk himself is what made the two brother’s freeze in place and look to the Baron with some fear in their small eyes.
“You two are well old enough to not be acting like pups anymore! You are all well old enough to start training by now! Especially you Cob, your mother is only going to be away for a day or two.” Valisk spoke with stern before setting the brother’s down on the ground. It didn’t really take them a second before the two scattered off to begin trailing off after Nia as well.
That’s one way you get them to straighten up.
“Mama do you really have to go?” Juh whined clinging at the edge of her robe.
“You could just say you didn’t get the message! We know how old Hugo is!” Cob protested pointing a accused claw at the Ghost. Hugo swiveled around so fast that he was a blur. Before the pp could even retort, the ghost shoved its shell against Cob’s face and screamed.
Among all of the screaming between Cob and Hugo and Juh trying to get his mother to see reason Gil tugged on his mother’s left sleeve to grab her attention.
“Can Uncle Valisk watch us?” he asked cautiously sending a quick look at the Baron. Before the young pup could say anything both Cob and Juh cried out and protest and shot deadly glares at their smallest sibling, Gil just clamped his mouth shut and tried to hide behind Nia.
The Warlock had just had enough with the screaming and quickly shoved Hugo into her pocket and slapped each hand over Juh and Cob’s mouths.
“THAT will be enough out of the both of you.” she spoke with a ambivalent tone uncertain and hesitant about Gil’s question. Surely the Baron wouldn’t mind watching the boys for a few days while she did the missions and do a few errands for herself. Turning her attention Valisk with a hopeful glint in her eyes, Nia gave the Baron the sweetest smile she could muster.
“Valisk, you don’t mind watching my son’s do you?” she silently implored him. The cave was filled with a heavy, dreading silence as Valisk just stood there and stammered, trying to find the words to say as each eye landed among Juh, Cob and finally Gil.
Gil didn’t seem to mind as the pup eagerly nodded his head to Valisk as the other two quickly shook their head in protest. Those two were already terrified of him with the stern talk they had but Gil silently adored him from a distance.
“Please??” Gil whispered loud enough for him to hear, eyes big and round and full of hope that Valisk would say yes.
There was a human term for the expression that Gil was giving him, what was it??.
Ah yes.
‘Puppy Dog Eyes.’
Sighing in defeat and strolling over to Nia the Baron did not hesitate to take her hands in his.
“I shall watch them as if they were my own..you shall have no fear when you are away.” he spoke with sincerity. Nia looked so relieved to his answer that the Warlock just suddenly hugged the Eliksni tightly. The sudden movement startled Valisk but he awkwardly hugged the woman back.
All packed and heading out on her ship, all four of the Eliksni stood quietly side by side as the Cerulean Flash was nothing but a spec high into the sky. Valisk began to grow uncomfortable as if all simultaneously all turned to face him. Juh and Cob had a dark gleam in their eyes, hiding something mischievous as the Baron could see the cog’s turn inside of their minds. Before he could speak ot them both of the pups bolted back into the cave and out of his sight.
That just left Gil and himself.
Walking up and grabbing a hold of the Baron’s lower left arm the small pup tilted his head back and purred. At least out of all the three Gil was the only one that tolerated his presence and enjoyed his company.
This was going to be a LONG weekend..
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Babysitting 2
It had been longer than two days as Nia had said. What from what he felt it was more like a week of torture. Valisk was NOT meant to be a babysitter at all, he was a Baron! A high and proud rank among the House of Dusk, commanding ranks of Captains, Vandals, Dregs and most operations that was given to him.
Instead he was watching his three nephews while their adopted mother was away with her Vanguard. From what she had told him that the Warlock hadn’t been back at this Tower for nearly three decades. A very long solitude for a Guardian in his perspective.
“Cob...can you NOT do that?.” Valisk grumbled in annoyance as a every second pass a loud pop echoed through out the cave. The young whelp was making it VERY clear that he was bored by popping a material called ‘bubble wrap’ at each second. Out of all three of his nephews, Cob had to be at least the biggest pain in every fiber of his being.
“But I’m bored.” Cob mumbled before popping another bubble for his own amusement. Valisk’s left eyes twitched at the noise and dug all of his claws into the furs beneath him. A Baron could only take so much from something so small before snapping.
Is this what insanity was?
“Cob...not only for my sake but for your brothers’s sakes...PLEASE...cease that POPPING!” he hissed quietly, careful not to wake Juh and Gil from their nap. Both the elder and younger brother were curled up beside one another on their mountain of furs and blankets, obviously oblivious to the racket that their sibling was making.
At a time like this Valisk was envying their heavy sleep.
A long silent minute pass and he finally thought there was peace within the cave. Cob wasn’t popping the wrap and it was the perfect silence for himself to take a nap. Of course that silence was broken when the pesky nephew broke it with not only another pop, but a question that make Valisk stop himself from strangling the whelp until he went to sleep.
“Do you like mom?”
Why would someone so young ask such a question? This very question caused him to stirr in his bed and to look towards his nephew with a long hard look. Cob defiantly stared back him, his upper claws ever so carefully squishing down on a bubble. A threat that if Valisk didn’t answer, more popping would ensue.
“Of course I do..she’s the only Guardian that has any sense-”
“No! Do you like LIKE her. You know. Love?”
Valisk nearly shot up from his bed and scramble at the pup to cover his mouth. But he help himself back and the Eliksni’s body tensed as he turned his back at the young pup. How in the Prime’s id he know about love?! He was still too young to know such an emotion just yet. What in the living Kells was Nia teaching his nephews?!?
“You shouldn’t ask these things at your age Cob. You are too young to understand this ‘love’. Its something you’ll learn when you are my age. Now go to sleep before I suffocate you with your ‘bubble wrap.’ ” he grumbled pulling a blanket up and over his head to try and sleep.
Waiting and listening for a few more minutes the old Eliksni let out a silent sigh of relief as he heard Cob shuffle over to his spot with his brothers. Hearing Juh grumble a quiet protest at Cob for his spot and Gil whine softly. After a few more seconds the cave returned to peaceful silence.
Drifting off to sleep Valisk had heard Cob utter another sound.
“Because I think Mom loves you..”
#three cubs#Juh Falcor#Cob Falcor#Gil Falcor#Baron Valisk#sorry if its short#i'll make it longer for the next one
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Little Thieves
This was a weekly routine for all three of the brothers to do together when their Mother left them the task to hunt for their own meals. Go after anything close to their size or smaller. Juh had already caught a few river trout with Gil, they were small but would only pass as appetizers than a full meal. Cob had challenged them to something better and with more meat.
So far the brothers had missed their chances nearly three times, each rabbit quick to escape into dense brush or into a small hole that not even Gil could follow into. Now Cob was in pursuit for their last attempt of trying to catch a rabbit bear handed. Feet thumping against the damp earth and gaining some ground Cob’s heart was throbbing hard and fast, his lungs and legs burning from the chase. The damn creature was just in claws reach and he could almost taste the tender meat in his mouth.
That distraction caused the young whelp to lose his focus and crash right into a trunk of a large pine tree.
Ohhh he wanted to scream and curse at himself but he laid on his back and stared up into the skies above. Looking at the oranges and pinks of the setting sun as he heard the last sounds of the rabbit disappear to safety.
He’ll catch one eventually but this time he’ll bring a snare wire to trap the fast creatures instead.
Juh and Gil came into Cob’s sight as his older simply looked down at him with a frown and Gil with a disappointed look.
“You almost had it. What happen?”
“I lost my footing..”
“Lies, you were doing that stupid ‘thinking ahead’ stuff again.” Juh snapped picking his brother off up his feet. Cob jerked away from the biggest pup and hissed at him. He didn’t need this crap! He knew his brother was right, he didn’t need a lecture from him about losing his prize.
“At least we still have the trout.” Gil spoke trying to be encouraging to the intensifying situation but froze when both his brothers shot him a glare, Gil didn’t hesitate to clamp his jaws shut and look at the ground. Juh began his lecture with his second brother about how all three were taught to hunt, scavange for anything useful and so on. Cob just stared at him, a dull look in his eyes as he drowned out Juh’s words and looked around.
Then something caught his nostril’s attention.
“Hey shut up.”
“No! You need to-”
“I said shut up! Do you smell that Gil?” Cob asked looking at the youngest sibling before tilting his head up to smell the air. Gil blinked in confusion before copying Cob’s movement and smelled the air. Something was burning, there was smoke in the air. When there was smoke, there was always fire and when there was fire..
“Something smells gooood~” Cob hummed before walking away to follow the trail. Juh was about to stop the stubborn pup but Gil began following right after him, carrying the trout away with him. Juh knew this was going to end up bad but his stomach had rumbled when the sweet scent of cooking meat met his nostrils.
Well...maybe he will just take a look.
Carefully stepping over twigs, and branches Cob had eventually came to an opening. Sure enough some fool had set up a campsite right at the edge of their Mother’s territory. What they were doing and where they were at didn’t matter to Cob, everything was quiet and there was no sign of the owner being here. Besides there was a nice size pheasant roasting over the fire.
“Jackpot.” he whispered when Gil pushed up right beside him to take a look as well. Juh stood behind and looked around and analyze the situation. There were a few crates around and near the tent, a large tent big enough for one person but big enough for all three of the brothers to share if they wanted to. No signs of-
“Cob! Get back here!” Juh hissed quietly to the other spotting that he had rushed over to the camp fire and sat down and had taken a closer look at the roasting bird. Cob’s mouth was watering, nearly foaming as he carefully pulled a piece of the meat off from the leg to see if it was ready to devour.
It was ready.
“Cob! Get back here now! It’s not ours!” Juh hissed again, keeping Gil back in the bushes. Cob just turned back, a needle teeth grin on his face as he chuckled to himself in a small victory.
“Finders keepers brother!~” Cob whispered back with glee before tearing himself a leg and began to eat. Gil let out a quiet whine of despair seeing Cob already eating and jerked himself free out of Juh’s grasp to go and join the other in the already cooked meal. Cob didn’t hesitate to tear some meat off to share with the younger sibling. There was already plenty of the bird left to share amongst the three of them together. Juh’s rare temper was flaring at his brother’s defiance against him and stealing a meal that wasn’t there’s to begin with. But his stomach was already churning of being empty and was winning the mental battle between right and wrong.
It was wrong to take food that wasn’t theirs to begin with but none of them had eaten all day.
Slowly creeping up beside the other side of Cob, Juh helped himself a piece of roasted bird. It was juicy and tender and Juh nearly melted at the taste of it. It was surely fresh and was well dressed with spices, all kinds of flavors dancing on his tongue. Juh took a quicky side glance at Cob and saw that he was smirking at him with an all knowing “Seee~ Its delicious.”
While the brothers shared the small victory Gil had taken it upon himself to skewer the trout on sticks and place them close to the fire. Slowly cooking them while eating the main course, saving the fish for a snack for later on. Though Gil wasn’t too sure if he could eat the fish with how much of the bird he already eaten, the runt also wondered what was in the crates as well, along with Juh and Cob.
Licking off any remains from their claws the brothers carefully and quietly began to scavenge inside of each crates. Finding the necessities of living out in the wilderness. All in one crate was some ammo, a lot of heavy ammo than primary. In another Juh found some blankets and pillows, they could take these to use back in the cave. Rope, traps, whoever was camping they were well prepared to do whatever it was they planned to do. Cob was about to speak to Juh before Gil cut them off, an excited whisper coming from him on the other side of the camp and halfway inside a crate.
“Guys! Come check this stuff out!” he whispered loudly enough for both to hear. Curious on what Gil found Juh and Cob joined the youngest and were perplexed on what he had found.
“The hell are these things?” Cob whispered picking up a tiny clear wrapped package. Inside was a strange disk he had never seen before, little brown specks scattered around inside of it that was clear enough for him to see. Giving it a squeeze Cob had broken it. Was it something that was important? Juh looked at Juh for confirmation on what it was but even Juh was clueless on what it was. Gil shrilled loudly in excitement catching them both off guard as they looked at the smallest and nearly smacked the disk out of his claws. The little runt had taken a bite out of it and both of them thought he was choking.
“Gil! spit it out!” Juh hissed holding Gil ad Cob tried to pry the disk out of Gil’s hands.
“But its sweet! Its really yummy too! Cob! Try one!” Gil protested shoving what remained of his disk into Cob’s mouth.
Cob nearly snapped at him before munching down on the disk.
To his surprised and shock Gil was right, it was very sweet, something he had never had before. He couldn’t explain the taste at all, mouth gaping as he looked at his brothers in awe of this new found food.
Least he think it was food.
“Shut the hell up and eat one! This shit’s delicious!” Cob snapped before grabbing another small package of the disk and tearing it open. Gorging himself in pure happiness of the taste. Juh hesitated of course and weirded out by the other’s behavior over the things but he took a bite and just like his brothers, was lost in the taste and was helping himself. Gil had helped himself inside of the crate and shoveled handfuls of the packages out to take back home to share with their Mother and to have for later.
“Screw hunting from no on. We;re going to raid camps from now on!”
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A shrill cry
Hissing and spitting at the odd creature that flew around his head. Batting and swatting at it as he bravely tried his best to hold his ground against his intruder. His siblings were now waking up and crying out in confusion on what was going on. It was the first instinct of something so young to do when you are still nearly blind to your surroundings.
He let out another shrill cry as it bumps into his face, feathery like wings flapping in rapid succession. Its wings smelled of like fine pollen and the scent of the earth as this strange creature continued to hover around his head. His siblings were tumbling around now in a pure panic on what was going on and the other two could both tell there was an invader in their nest.
But all three were too young to realize that it was not a threat.
“Hey,hey,hey,hey its ok Cobvik! Cob stop crying, I’m right here.” a woman spoke with tenderness and a hint of amusement. Cob had let out other cry to cause the pup to roll backwards and roll into something bigger. He recognized that scent and scrambled into their lap. Feeling the rough fabric of clothing but the warmth his Elder gave off.
It did not take long for his other brothers to join with him, copying the other’s movements to climb into the safety of their Mother’s lap. All three were now squeaking and chirping in confusion that the intruder could still be here among them. Cob could still hear the beat of the intruder’s wings around his head and again he cried out to his Mother to protect him from this danger.
“Its only a moth Cob, it won’t hurt you.”
The heck was a moth?!
That’s when he felt the intruder land right on his face.
Cob didn’t move.
He didn’t dare move.
The pup could feel his hearts beat fast as he waited for it to bite.
To tear him apart!
Nothing happen.
Seeing his ‘attacker’ up close Cob blinked at a creature even smaller than him. Resting right upon his face and so close that he could see it clearly.
It had big eyes
Fur to where he believed was around the back of its head.
Fuzzy antenna.
Heck it was fuzzy everywhere on it from what he could see.
The small pup made soft chirps of uncertainty as he looked at the moth dead on. Locked in a staring contest as neither the small Eliksni or moth dare to move.
“I think this Giant Peacock Moth likes you Cobvik.” his mother chuckled shifting her weight around to try not to disturb this precious moment. Juh and Gil had returned back to sleep, basking in their Mother’s lap in the warm sun as Cob remained ever still. Ever vigilant. Keeping his eyes steady and focused on the moth resting upon the tip of his face.
The flutter of its wings startled him when the insect took off back into the air once again. Out of his line of sight and nothing but a blur to the vast expansion of the blue skies above far above his head.
He was silent for a moment as the pup stared off to where he last could see the moth. Feeling a little sad that once an enemy, then a friend, had left so soon. He squeaked in confusion as he turned to look up at his Mother for answers on why his new friend left. If his friend was now gone did that mean his Mother would leave him too?
Not uttering a word to him as she cupped her left hand to the side of his head. Ever tenderly running her thumb against his lower jaw in a silent comfort. Cob could see her mouth twist into a small smile when he looked upon her features.
Something was wrong.
That’s when he felt something went fall upon his face.
Cob let out a confused whine as he scrambled to climb up her chest to be closer to her face. Her face was wet now and he could hear a very faint cry coming from his Mother. Broken and struggling to come from her mouth as she refused to let it out.
Was she sad?
Now holding the small pup in her hand the Warlock gently nuzzled her forehead against his. Tears running down her face as she held her new son close, knowing the question that he held in his mind.
“I am not going anywhere little one..some come and go as they please...but sometimes...destiny makes the choices and can’t be avoided.”
“I am here my little one.”
“I will ALWAYS be here...”
“I promise.”
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Nia Falcor

(Art by: @setxkth )
Name: Nia Falcor
Fallen name: Kan'iz (Servant in Fallen)
Age: N/A -Appears to be in her early 30’s but she is way older-
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Subclasses: Arcstrider -switches back and forth between all 3 classes from time to time-
Birthday: N/A
Eye Color: Green
Hair: Short shaggy brown hair
Height: 5'7
Other: A burned symbol of the House of Devil’s mark rests in between the back of her shoulder blades. Another scar all around her neck and a scar over her left eye. Her main language is Eliksni thanks to the Devils for that, and English.
Personality: Nia is very hostile to unwanted coompany, even to other Guardians. But around the Fallen and her son’s she is level headed and keeps a calm demeanor. Around her son’s she is gentle but can be strict with them, sometimes giving them tough love.
There are only very, very few people who know of Nia Falcor’s history.
To get freedom and out of the Prison of Elders the Warlock was offered a deal by the Queen of the Reef. Hunt down the Ahamkara named Azirim and in exchange Nia will be set free. Agreeing to this deal but with an exception of bring a few Devils along to help with the hunt. The deal was set and the Paladins released the group on Venus, Azirim’s last seen location. Among the Devils was a very close friend Talok, a female Vandal and a Fallen who was the only Devil who had given Nia kindness during her time as a Devil slave.
Fighting the Ahamkara alone and killing the beast the Warlock had caught wind of what the Queen’s real plan was. To take the heart of Azirim and use for her own gain, keeping Nia a prisoner inside the Prison until she saw fit. Making a distraction and having Talok and the group flee from being captured again Nia had taken the Heart of Azirim and made a wish no one would even dare to do.
Bind his heart with hers to gain the ability to change her form.
There was a period of time where Nia was peaceful when she married a Titan named Kirium-4. With him Nia slowly began to adapt back into her race’s lifestyle, eventually having very little Fallen behavior and was more human.
Centuries passed and that kindness and peace was shattered when he husband was killed by Oryx. Of course the Warlock went after him with blood and leaving chaos in her wake. When the battle with the Taken King was finally finished Nia was left with nothing but being blind in her left eye, empty and lost. Faking her death the Warlock disappeared without a trace, leaving nothing behind.
During the SIVA crisis Nia had come across Talok again but was now a Baroness and renamed Talisk .Going back to her old ways and following after the Baroness’s orders the woman returned to her given name by the Devils as Khan.
During the months Nia’s duty was to protect Talisk from any threats and go and collect materials with the patrols. It was not known to Nia that the Baroness was with pups was that the Warlock was too late to save her from death. Before the Baroness’s last breathe she had given Nia her title as Baroness and and a new name of Kha’niz. Making the Warlock swear to forever protect her unborn whelps and be their new mother.
Now Nia a mother of three Fallen pups, raising the three boys among the House of Dusk and away from dangers. The Warlock is living a semi-quiet hermit life with her son’s Juh, Cob and Gil. There are very few alliances that are allowed to wander into her territories, other Fallen and those of Spider’s associates.
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Empress of Flame
I can tell you very clearly of the day where I saw my mother change before my very eyes. My brothers and I have always known our mother was a powerful Warlock and knew never to test her patience. I mean, she has punished us a few times by having us stand on our heads for five minutes and make us run a mile along the coast of the lake.
But we never seen her change into her ‘beast’ form, we have seen her only in the Red Dog but only when she hunts and patrols around our home.
But out of no where, late one night our home was attacked by the Red Legion when our mother was away. How they had found us neither of us knew, our home was very secluded but they must had been keeping watch of our mother’s patrol and reported back to their leaders.
Of course all three of us were terrified when the Cabal stormed into the cave and began to destroy everything when had. We followed our mother’s instructions to when things like this happen but we still had gotten caught. Gil was hiding his face behind Cob’s back, trying to block out the sight and various sounds of what was happening around him. Cob was snarling doing his best of looking brave and fearsome as we stood close to each other. Myself, I was just silently pleading that mother would just return fast, surely she must had sensed something was wrong at least! She couldn’t had gone very far from the cave at all!
That was when each Legionary grabbed and separated us, each pulled out of the cave and into the open night air. Cob and I were clawing and and kicking at them as we struggled to be free. Poor Gil was screaming on the top of his lungs, crying out for our mother.
I mean out of all three of us Gil had the best lungs out of all of us.
And that’s when she came to us.
The Cabal had wasted no time of aiming every weapon at their disposal at Mother. When she strolled out into the open, she had no weapon in her hand, no armor. All she had was the cloths on her back, Hugo floating beside her and observing the scene before it and turning back to the Warlock.
“ See what happens when ya get a little careless? You get bugs in your home.” the Ghost pointed out before just suddenly disappearing. No one even dared to make a move as our Mother stood there with a expressionless look upon her face. Tilting her head here and there Mother just looked at the scene before her and let out a soft sigh.
Was it annoyance?
Was it that she was disappointed in all three of us that we couldn’t had escaped?
“M-mom.” I heard Gil whimpered in fear, reaching out with all of his hands, my poor little brother was shaking terribly that even the Legionary seemed to be shaking as well. Mother seemed to break out of her trance and just like that, her lips curved into a gentle smile. Full of love and reassurance that everything was going to be ok, that she was going to make all of the bad guys disappear.
As she has always done.
That was all literal hell had broken lose. Our mother’s single green eye changed into a glowing yellow; her hair turning a vivid bright blue and grow out long. I was so busy looking at her that I didnt even realize the floating ashes floating up around her before a bright blazing blue inferno engulfed her and expanded rapidly. The Cabal were yelling to each other in a frenzy as some backed away to escape from the unbearable heat that was growing, while other stood their ground and began fire rounds of bullets, grenades and whatever they had in their possession at the blue inferno before them.
With a sudden blast of incredible heat the blue flames turned into a blue towering vortex and the plants and trees were turned to ash and cinder. That was when I realized a towering beast walked out of the flames. My mother had told me that she had other forms but this was the first I had ever laid all four eyes on what she called The Empress of Flames. I never understood why she called this beast transformation that title.
But now I finally did.
The beast’s horns looked similar to a crown and fire pour around its large body, the fur never singed by her flames. The wings were massive, everything about her was nothing but massive as my mother’s very form made a Colossus look like a chew toy to her.
Fangs already barred at the intruders before her The Empress let out a ground shaking roar of pure fury and began her attack.
I really wish I could tell you the battle that had happened. But everything had happened in a blur and happened so fast that I couldn’t keep up. Everything was so hot it was like being inside of a boiler room that was about to explode. The last thing I did remember was that all of us were up high in the night air and the world around me faded to black.
When I had woken up I realized we were on the far side of the lake edge. Cob curled up asleep on my left, and Gil the same way on my right. On the other side I could see half of the forest already being engulfed by the hunger of the flames. Destruction was running rapid in the forests of the EDZ, the intruders were absolutely nothing but crisps.
A low rumble and with a startle my mother’s massive head gently nudged against me. Her rough tounge licking up any scorch marks or any injury I had endured. I wasn’t really sure how to react but a wave of relief and fear escaped me before I stumbled on my knees and hugged at my mother’s muzzle, breaking into quiet sobs as I nuzzled into her.
“Shhh...you are safe Juh..I am here.” I heard her whispered in reassurance as I felt her a paw press up against my back and pull me close. She was speaking to me even though my mother’s mouth didn’t move, she was talking to me with her mind. One of her many gifts she had of being a powerful Warlock, and knowing so many secrets of our Universe and beyond.
But she was my Mother.
My protector.
Our Savior.
A fearsome foe to any that dare cross her path, either they be Cabal, Hive, Vex, Fallen like me and my brothers or Guardians.
My mother will never have a equal.
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