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stupendousbearalpaca · 4 months ago
SSR [衣装よりも煌めいて] 伊弉冉一二三
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meetherinparis · 4 months ago
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A cat has nine lifes. Chat noire has at least two lifes, the life of Adrien Agreste, a highschool student and the life of Chat noire, the hero. In both lifes he has a girfirend, not knowing that they are both the same person. In his dreams Le Chat really enjoys it to have both of his girlfriends with him.
thanks for the picture I found by picu-chan.n
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isaptetekdanpuki · 7 months ago
Area Tanjung Malim mana ade buat service dm boleh... batang abang dah lama kesepian ni
Umur wanita= 25 dan 60
Tak kira lah mak ii orang ka bini orang janji boleh main
Bukan nak free abang bayar
Tolong sngat ii tau dm saya srs ni
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gluttonyedits · 4 months ago
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self-indulgent: Kazuya Minegishi and Gigolo manga colourings
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kanesty · 7 months ago
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An illustration for Hifumi, aka GIGOLO's birthday I made this year.
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sin-ophelia · 15 days ago
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Found in a dead grandma's house
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fuddlyduddly · 11 months ago
I love how certain vernacular terms just don't get carried forward generation to generation. No one I know refers their therapist as a shrink. No one would call a male sugar baby a gigolo (or even know how to pronounce the word). WASP is a kind of person I'm not sure exists as a demographic anymore. No one my age knows that The Gong Show was a thing, let alone what it means as an expression. so interesting to consider
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stupendousbearalpaca · 1 month ago
SSR [白馬のホスト様] 伊弉冉一二三
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bitter69uk · 26 days ago
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Released in New York cinemas on this day sixty years ago (24 February 1965): the acme of lurid melodramas Love Has Many Faces (tagline: “Love Has Many Faces on the Beach at Acapulco … Where the Jet-Set Love Themselves to Pieces!”). The steamy action unfolds in sun-drenched Acapulco amidst the amoral la dolce vita milieu of the jaded idle rich, where tanned half-naked gigolos ply their trade on the beach to sex-starved affluent society matrons. (In this realm, it's women who buy the services of male prostitutes, not other men). The hedonistic idyll is abruptly interrupted when Billy Andrews, one of these beach boys-for-hire, washes-up dead on the shore. Was he murdered? Did he commit suicide? A bracelet on his wrist (engraved “Love is Thin Ice”) links him to married 40-something heiress and playgirl, Kit Jordan (Lana Turner). Love is mainly a star vehicle for 44-year-old screen diva Turner (pictured) at the height of her mature glamour. As troubled socialite Kit, she gets to suffer, emote and hide a painful secret, drink and smoke too much, wear sunglasses, dramatically ascend and descend a spectacular staircase, impatiently snap orders at servants in Spanish and repeatedly changes clothes (her garish Edith Head-designed wardrobe was one of the film’s major draws and cost an estimated $1 million). Befitting her status, while Turner's fellow actors’ close-ups are in crisp normal focus, when the camera cuts to her, the lens is abruptly misty with Vaseline or gauze. No one over-acts quite like Lana Turner. Is she awful or majestic? She’s certainly always undeniably compelling. Other bonuses: Hugh O’Brian’s moose knuckle in skimpy white briefs, Nancy Wilson warbling the title tune and dialogue like “Always treat a tramp like a lady and a lady like a tramp.”
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mrwhittaker · 11 months ago
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affiches-cinema · 1 year ago
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Gigolo, David Bowie, 1978.
Illustration : Landi
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psychopasss4 · 1 year ago
Kogami's Gigolo Problems 🤭
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I'm hot. I can do crazy stunts!
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Like this and like that...
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I have hot blonde by my side...
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...and a cute girl waiting for my return flight
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Not my fault, coz I'm a hardcore hunk 😉���
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lecameleontv · 1 year ago
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Captures de l'Ep. 2.11 - Gigolo / Gigolo Jarod (1998) de la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender).
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Saison 2 : Episodes 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 20 - 21 - 22.
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source : imdb
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jobsatindiasmale · 2 years ago
Dating Tips For Gigolos In India For Deal With Clients
1. Don't make things too complicated. The first date with someone you don't know much about is full of uncertainty. Don't try to make things more difficult by making plans for a whole day out or the perfect romantic dinner. Instead, keep things brief and straightforward. Some espresso in a focal area will make it clear quickly on the off chance that your date is somebody you might want to invest more energy with gigolo india pvt ltd. Additionally, the coffee might turn into a lunch or dinner if everything goes according to plan, adding some spontaneity to the mix.
There is no need for a complicated first date.
2. Avoid unnecessary stress on your first date. Anxiety is normal and even part of the fun. However, you'll need to dispose of the sort of pressure that will make you bothered and your date awkward. Keep in mind that your date will feel more at ease around you the more relaxed you are american gigolo. Sitting at a right angle to your date rather than directly facing them is one easy trick. You can do a little people-watching instead of trying to fill every pause in the conversation because this alleviates the pressure.
3. Chop down the messaging, and meet face to face
The discussion could have begun with an application or a site, however it shouldn't remain there for a really long time. Although texting can certainly give you a sense of another person, you need more than just messages on a screen to really indian gigolo get to know each other: looks, non-verbal communication and manner of speaking are similarly significant. So don't squander energy on a virtual relationship - go out there and meet the genuine individual behind the words.
4. Prepare some topics for a first date You might be wondering how to prepare for a first date.
You couldn't go for a prospective employee meeting without planning ahead of time, so for what reason should a first date be any unique? Consider some interesting responses to the questions you might be asked on a first date and some good questions to ask. However, if you treat the first date like an actual interview gigolo jobs, it will raise red flags.
What to discuss on a first date?
We've written a blog post with ideas for first date topics and conversation starters to get you to the second date!
But first, acknowledge your nervousness! Trustworthiness will get you far.
Visit our blog for some smart advice on first date topics, questions, and conversation starters: What to Discuss on a First Date: Rules of thumb.
Keep in mind that responses are just as important as good questions on a first date. Truth be told, your emphasis ought to be on listening great and making the other individual agreeable. With that in mind, keep away gigolo meaning in english from delicate themes connected with sex or cash. On a first date, you shouldn't ask the other person how much they make or why their last relationship ended.
You need to meet someone in person to truly comprehend them.
The key is to listen well and respond in the right way.
5. Support your certainty
Individuals love to be around sure individuals. What's more, non-verbal communication is a strong sign that will enlighten your date a great deal concerning you. Doing some "power posing" in advance is one way to boost your confidence. This implies representing a couple of moments in an emphatic stance gigolo delhi, hands on hips (consider a superhuman), in order to fool the mind into feeling more sure. Simply don't do it on the actual date, or you'll look absurd.
6. Improve your listening skills We all enjoy talking about ourselves, but don't assume that your date finds you equally interesting. Making everything about you conveys some unacceptable messages, truth be told. However, you can't just shut down and let your date talk on their own; that's also a surefire way to fail. The trick is to listen with intelligence and respond appropriately, like when we summarise a point and follow up with a question like, "So, you spent three months in Argentina, how was that?"
7. Make a good first impression. The first impression matters. A person's perception of you is formed based on your appearance and demeanour in a matter of seconds. Smiling is a great way to make a good first impression gigolo videos. Grinning is one of the propensities for affable individuals, an indication of bliss and a teachable expertise. You will not only begin to feel better as a result of smiling more, but you will also project some of that positivity onto those around you. It's all about positive energy!
Also, put some time into looking good, but keep your usual style and dress for the occasion. You wouldn't show up to a cafe wearing a tux, and you shouldn't show up to a cocktail party wearing shorts and a t-shirt either.
8. Be true to who you are. Dating in the 21st century can feel like a game, and maybe it has always been like that. But far too often, we compare our worth to those we think are "winning," and as a result, we try to follow in what is gigolo their footsteps rather than finding our own path.
However, there shouldn't be winners and losers in dating. Finding someone you care about and can relate to is the key. someone you can make happy for yourself and someone you can make happy for them. This is just conceivable when you stay consistent with yourself and let your credibility radiate through gigolo in delhi.
9. Make sure your first date goes off without a hitch with the right follow-up.
So you felt an association, the discussion streamed and you shared heaps of things for all intents and purposes. Terrific. What next? A fruitful first date is just pretty much as great as the development, and this implies orchestrating another gathering. You could carry this out right away, but it's probably best not to put someone in a difficult situation. Also make a good refer to gigolomania.com
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Just a normal text convo with a coworker/d&d buddy of mine
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inakialistelizarralde · 2 years ago
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Floorplan of Julian Kaye's apartment from the movie "Aemerican Gigolo" by Paul Schrader (1980) . This is a hand drawn floorplan, made in scale, coloured with colour pencils and with full details of furniture, fabric, timbers and complements... The design is made according with the "real" apartment respecting the spaces, proportions, furniture and objets presents in the studio set. . If you are interested in a handmade original or other prints visit my store on ETSY or iCanvas: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TVFLOORPLANSandMORE https://www.icanvas.com/canvas-art-prints/artist/tv-floorplans-more Or you can write me to [email protected] ·
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