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totallycorrectbands · 2 years ago
David: Happy birthday! [shows Michael his birthday gift]
Michael: ‪So, you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬...
[Chris turns over in shock]
David: Happy birthday?
Michael: Bitch! [hits David with his glass]
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devouredflesh · 1 year ago
‪so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬...
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persesphonestears · 2 years ago
Incorrect Task Force 141 + Y/N quotes
A/N: My Y/N's are intended to be read as if the reader/Y/N is male (If you continue to read it'll make more sense) Also Bold is actions and Italics is thoughts
Warnings: Swearing, Slight talk of suicide, slight drug usage
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Y/N: Feels like I should be worried about something.
Gaz: What? Why? What is it?
Y/N: I dunno •_•
Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Y/N: .....
Price: What's that beeping sound..?
Y/N: OH THE BOMB *speeds out of room*
Y/N: recording AHH
Gaz: Ahh stop I coulda dropped my food
Y/N: wheezing
Ghost when he's high: We all die. You either kill your self or get killed.
Ghost: screaming at Soap WHAT YOU GONNA DO
Soap: crying
Soap: Hey you feeling a'ight?
Y/N: Yeah just haven't been able to think straight. Balls. Two guys holding hands. Dick. Dudes butts. Captain Price. Wiener.
Ghost: I love you bitch.
Y/N: Omg
Ghost: I ain't ever stop loving you
Y/N: kicking their legs giggling
Ghost: Biiiiiitch
Ghost: ‪So you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬...?
Soap: ...Happy birthday?
Ghost: smashes his beer over Soaps head
Soap: So no head?
Soap: Smashes his phone and walks away
Gaz: So basically, what's I was thinking of was um
Soap: punches Gaz
Gaz: Aw fuck I can't believe you've done this.
Y/N: Looking at deers excitedly
Price: Dad sneeze
deers get scared and run away
Y/N: Really?
Price: Oh what I'm not allowed to sneeze??
🦝Y/N😈: *sent one video attachment*
🪖Price🎣: What is this?
Opens video
Gaz: I saw you hanging out with Caitlin yesterday
Soap: R-Rebecca it's not what you think!
Gaz: I won't hesitate bitch pulls out his gun
closes video
💀Ghost👻: tf
Soap: Hey how much money you have?
Y/N: Idk like 69 cents?
Soap: Oh you know what that means!
Y/N: tearing up I don't have enough money for chicken nugget
Price: Y/N, I want you to take the lead for this mission.
Y/N: Running away FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT!
Y/N: Price look it's the good cush!
Price: This is the dollar store how good can it be
Soap and Gaz: giggling
Gaz: Even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget, I still love myself
Y/N: Kisses his cheek
Ghost: Stop the games stop the games.
Everyone turns to look at him
Ghost: Someone left an ice cube on the floor and now my sock is wet.
Ghost: Pulling out one of his knives Who the fuck wants to die?
Y/N: Booking it out of the room
A/N - Thank you for coming to my ted talk :)
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deansawthetvglow · 3 years ago
so you just gonna bring me a guybirthday gift on my guybirthday to my guybirthday party on my guybirthday with a guybirthday gift‬
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lettheladylead · 4 years ago
Wait a minute, have anyone ever try to celebrate Goldie's birthday?
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dickie: happy birthday bitch!
goldie: ‪so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬...(throws wine in dickies face)
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cobraghost · 3 years ago
“So you’re just gonna bring me a birthday gift, on my birthday, to my birthday party, on my birthday with a birthday gift‬.. ?”
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mcpe · 3 years ago
so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬...
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crystal-wind · 3 years ago
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Crystal Wind Oracle Card for #Thursday - April 14, 2022 The ‪‎Gift‬ - Express Appreciation and ‪#‎Gratitude‬ A ‪#‎Mayan‬ ‪#‎goddess‬ extends a priceless gift for all. Drawing this card means: You should take time to thank those who have helped you. A thoughtful gesture is appropriate and will be welcomed. You may be acknowledged at an auspicious occasion. You are blessed by supportive circumstances and opportunities. To find out more...get the app or card deck! :) Boxed Card Deck: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca MobileApp: ‎Apple‬: http://bit.ly/ZW95es ‎Android‬: http://bit.ly/18B1BRf ‎Amazon‬: http://bit.ly/KindleOracle (3 & 5 card readings only available in full version only!) The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card Deck! Beautiful Boxed Edition! A must have! Includes cloth bag! Get the deck here: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca ‪#‎Artwork‬ by Lisa iris - http://www.lisairis.ca/ #app #mobile #oraclecards #mobileapp #oracle #crystalwind #Cardreading #Divination #Cards #reading
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simonrriley · 4 years ago
newsies ocs as vines two: electric boogaloo
tags: @luv-ya-hun, @and-shes-calling-a-cab, @piper-koko-barnes-rogers, @heyy--adora, @thatsmycigarbutyoucanborrowit  warnings: swearing, rape mention (it’s the “a child” “NO” vine btw, that’s all)
Cards: I mean I get complimented all the time King and Rora: *burst out laughing* Cards: I-I DO- King: *scares rora on the stairs* Rora: AAA- stop I could’ve dropped my croissant Mouse: on my way to fuck your bitch *jumps in the air and falls on her face* Mr. Brightside: I have a banana peel on the ground and I’m gonna see if it’s as slippery as it is in the movies Mr. Brightside: *takes one step and immediately falls*
Hotshot, to King: You know what, I’m about to say it, I don’t care that you broke your elbow Cards: What’d you say King: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe King: I brought you frankincense Whisper: thank you Bruiser: and I brought you mur Whisper: thank you Bruiser: murder Whisper: Bruiser, no-
King and Bruiser: *chatting on the bridge* Rora, from the other side: Two bros, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay
King: Today Hotshot pushed me so I’m starting a kickstarter to put him down King, with a presentation: The benefits of killing him would that I’d be pushed way less
Bruiser: King could you read number 23 for us? King: no I cannot King: what up, I’m king, I’m 16 and i never fuckin learned how to read
King: *shoots gun at ceiling* Cards: THIS IS WHY SPOT DOESN’T FUCKING LOVE YOU Bruiser: *trying to play sail on the piano* King: SAIL *slams foot on piano and makes it fall* King: *blows smoke onto desk* Mouse: *blows it away* King, shocked: M O U S E King: how do you know what’s good for me? Buttercup: THATS MY OPINION Dog: *growls* Mouse: AAAAA get your fuckin dog bitch King: it dont bite Mouse: YES IT DO Bruiser: i saw you hanging out with whisper yesterday Hotshot: bruiser it’s not what you think Bruiser, with a gun: i won't hesitate bitch Cards, zooming in on 3 packs of batteries: AA, AAA, AAAAAAAAA King: have you ever heard the sound of a rubber ball breaking a window Lily Rose: nope King, very excited: WOULD YOU LIKE TO cards: so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬... King: happy birthday? Cards: *smashes his wine glass in his face* King: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE, NO WHAT DID YOU SAY DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK DUDE, STEP THE FUCK UP KYLE *Spot dancing with a blanket and glasses on* *King comes out from behind him next wearing the same thing* *Bruiser comes out on the other side doing the same thing* Bruiser: *recording and zooming in on the front seat* King in the front seat with a kermit puppet: SHAWTY I DONT, MIND- Jane: King is that a WEED I’m calling the police King, holding a crayon: no this is a- The microwave after Jane dialing 911 on it: 911 what’s your emergency Jane: *locks her keys in her car and calls the police* King: JANE, is that a police? I’m calling the weed! The microwave after King dials 420 on it: 420 whatcha smokin’ King: so i’m sitting there, bbq sauce on my titties Mouse: *on the ground wheezing* Whisper and Hotshot: YOU READY TO FUCKIN DIE King: I’M A BAD BITCH YOU CANT KILL ME Bruiser, with a guitar: I love you bitch *guitar strum* King and Spot: oh my god Bruiser: I ain’t never gonna stop loving you, BITCH *another guitar strum* Bruiser: Back at it again at krispy kreme *backflips and knocks the sign off* Mouse and Whisper: *fighting* King: Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle? Cards: there’s only one thing worst than a rapist *pulls of piece of paper to reveal child rapist* King: a child Cards: nO-
Mouse: I spilled lipstick in your valentino white bag King: you spILLED WHA-WHA LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG? King: road work ahead? Uh YEAH- I sure hope it does Lily Rose: king look, it’s the good kush King, tired: this is the dollar store how good can it be? King, zooming in on bruiser: you better watch out King and Mouse: you better watch out, you better watch out, you better watch OU- Whisper: and so basically what i was thinking of was Whisper: *gets punched by bruiser* Whisper: aw fuck, i can’t believe you’ve done this King: hey how much money do you have Buttercup: uh like 69 cents King: oh, you know what that means Buttercup: i dont have enough money for chicken nuggets- Mouse: hey i’m lesbian King: I thought you were american
Jane: and they were roommates Whisper: oh my god they were roommates Tortilla: *falls on Buttercup* Buttercup: woah- hurricane katrina? More like hurricane tortilla- Cards: *throws frisbee into traffic* Rora: what the FUCK cards Lily Rose, with a picture of king: you are my daaad, you’re my dad! Boogie woogie woogie Cards: King how are those chicken strips? King, turning around in his seat: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS King, out the window: FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS Rora: *gets every single soda in her cup and drinks it* fuck you King: SHE IS A BITCH, B-I-C-T-H.
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courtofthevampireking · 2 years ago
happy birthday
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you would do it to em? To me? your beloved vris? on mine birthday? after sending me among ass twarking gif on discord? so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬?
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ogspaceink · 3 years ago
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🌬 so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬...
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years ago
‪so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift‬
hi !! i love your writing and was wondering if you'd be able to write about the rise turtles and how they'd celebrate reader's birthday with them? platonic or romantic headcanons are fine! you can just do them all together or separately.
if you don't wanna write it that's totally fine; just craving some fluff and i'm always happier in my birthday month.
happy birthday to me !!
i can hear this gif i hope you can too
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the way i giggled when i saw the gif please -
but!!! happy birth month bb!!! i'm blowing you a kiss most respectfully
birthday headcanons
Raph! ❤️
the whole group is definitely planning something for you, but they each want to do something small for you, all on their own. and for Raph, it's an early-morning rooftop hangout
you're used to it now, but the first few times you nearly screamed when waking up to Raph trying his best to be quiet as he snuck into your room. spoiler alert: he wasn't very quiet.
the two of you will swing by a spot to pick up breakfast at the crack of dawn, and then Raph drags you up to his favorite roof so you two can watch the sun rise together.
you're not exactly thrilled at the timing, but Raph insists that it has to be the early morning - "it's the quietest part of your birthday, it's the perfect time!"
Raph will take this time to give you a small, unofficial gift. it's usually something he's made by hand, a new sweater or a tiny lil crocheted stuffed animal.
then he hits you with a little heartfelt speech.
it's nothing too deep, he just makes sure you know how happy he is to have met you, and praises you for how you've made it another year.
if you're dating, Raph will absolutely take the chance to re-affirm his devotion to you. you're one of the best things that's happened to him and he reminds you of that always, but he's dead serious about it on your birthday.
he takes you back home after that and gives you the biggest hug, and a sweet kiss if you're dating, before promising to see you later in the day.
Donnie! 💜
Donnie is the most subtle about doing something with you on your birthday.
he'll find you in the middle of the day when you're not busy and complain about needing to get his mind off of whatever new project he's working on, and insists that you pick something for them to do.
"it's your day, you choose. just don't choose something sciencey, i'm scienced out."
whatever you pick, he happily goes along with. for the next hour or two it's all about you.
if you're dating, Donnie gets more physically affectionate than he usually is. he keeps it casual, either holding your hand or wrapping an arm around you loosely. you get plenty of kisses everywhere.
if you're just friends, he gets more playful. little teases and jokes just to make you smile and laugh a little more.
after a couple of hours he'll claim that he needs to head back and wishes you a happy birthday before giving you a quick hug or kiss and heading out.
it's only after he leaves that you find whatever gift he left for you - usually a tech item he's made himself, with a happy birthday note attached.
Leo! 💙
Leo bursts in singing happy birthday off-key every year without fail, before sweeping you into a huge hug.
he's so thrilled whenever your birthday rolls around and will celebrate like it's his own.
Leo gives you a gift before doing anything else. if he thinks your thumb is green enough he'll give you a plant, or else he'll give you a nicknack from his extensive collection that he feels reminds him of you.
he goes in the opposite route from Donnie and picks something for you two to do for a few hours instead of letting you pick.
you've snuck into concerts or events, gotten lunch, checked out fairs or amusement parks in the mystic city, if something's going on that Leo thinks you'll enjoy, you're doing it.
if you're dating, he showers you in even more affection than usual. he's holding your hand the whole time, and will happily tell anyone who asks that you're his partner and that it's your birthday.
if you're his friend, he still holds onto your hand practically the whole time and tells the whole world it's his bestie's birthday.
"oh yeah it's y/n's birthday today so i figured i'd do something nice for 'em, y'know? say happy birthday to them!"
when you guys are done, Leo takes you home and gives you one last hug, telling you how happy he is to celebrate with you and how excited he is to see you later before heading back to the lair to help with the turtles' surprise for you.
Mikey! 🧡
after Raph's early morning shenanigans, Mikey is the first of the other three to wish you a happy birthday every year.
he'll call you up in the morning and sing you happy birthday before hyping you up to have the best day possible.
"it's all about you baby! slay the day! do what you wanna do!"
he shows up later in the day to take you out to make something together.
there are plenty of pottery shops, art classes, candle making spaces, glassworking studios, and things like that in the mystic city, and he loves going to one of these places to make you a gift while also spending time with you.
he insists that you guys trade whatever you make, so you get Mikey's and he gets yours.
there's not much difference in the day if you're dating or just friends, but if you're dating Mikey will always give you a ring pop as a gift before taking you out.
he'll take you to get a quick bite to eat before taking you home, where you guys usually trade your crafts before Mikey tells you to enjoy the rest of your day and runs off to get ready for later that night.
the turtles + April! 💚
once your day is done, you're always greeted by April, who walks with you to the lair.
the boys have naturally decked the place out for the night's festivities, and even though they've all spent time with you already they greet you like they haven't seen you in ages.
they order out from your favorite restaurant and Mikey bakes you your favorite dessert, and they all sing happy birthday before the real fun begins.
you guys spend the night full-on partying - dancing, karaoke, party games, it's a blast!
they all make time to present you with a present from the group, something they know you've been wanting but haven't gotten yourself yet.
it's never officially a slumber party or anything, but every year you all end up crashing in the lair together, tired but happy to have spent your special day together with you.
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trichromeeyewear-blog · 10 years ago
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Someone told me Easter is coming soon… Are you ready to surprise me?
Surprise me now: http://goo.gl/FmMyJF
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crystal-wind · 3 years ago
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Crystal Wind Oracle Card for #Thursday - December 30, 2021 The ‪‎Gift‬ - Express Appreciation and ‪#‎Gratitude‬ A ‪#‎Mayan‬ ‪#‎goddess‬ extends a priceless gift for all. Drawing this card means: You should take time to thank those who have helped you. A thoughtful gesture is appropriate and will be welcomed. You may be acknowledged at an auspicious occasion. You are blessed by supportive circumstances and opportunities. To find out more...get the app or card deck! :) Boxed Card Deck: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca MobileApp: ‎Apple‬: http://bit.ly/ZW95es ‎Android‬: http://bit.ly/18B1BRf ‎Amazon‬: http://bit.ly/KindleOracle (3 & 5 card readings only available in full version only!) The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card Deck! Beautiful Boxed Edition! A must have! Includes cloth bag! Get the deck here: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca ‪#‎Artwork‬ by Lisa iris - http://www.lisairis.ca/ #app #mobile #oraclecards #mobileapp #oracle #crystalwind #Cardreading #Divination #Cards #reading
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crystal-wind · 3 years ago
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Crystal Wind Oracle Card for #Monday - January 31, 2022 The ‪‎Gift‬ - Express Appreciation and ‪#‎Gratitude‬ A ‪#‎Mayan‬ ‪#‎goddess‬ extends a priceless gift for all. Drawing this card means: You should take time to thank those who have helped you. A thoughtful gesture is appropriate and will be welcomed. You may be acknowledged at an auspicious occasion. You are blessed by supportive circumstances and opportunities. To find out more...get the app or card deck! :) Boxed Card Deck: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca MobileApp: ‎Apple‬: http://bit.ly/ZW95es ‎Android‬: http://bit.ly/18B1BRf ‎Amazon‬: http://bit.ly/KindleOracle (3 & 5 card readings only available in full version only!) The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card Deck! Beautiful Boxed Edition! A must have! Includes cloth bag! Get the deck here: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca ‪#‎Artwork‬ by Lisa iris - http://www.lisairis.ca/ #app #mobile #oraclecards #mobileapp #oracle #crystalwind #Cardreading #Divination #Cards #reading
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crystal-wind · 3 years ago
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Crystal Wind Oracle Card for #Saturday - October 2, 2021 The ‪‎Gift‬ - Express Appreciation and ‪#‎Gratitude‬ A ‪#‎Mayan‬ ‪#‎goddess‬ extends a priceless gift for all. Drawing this card means: You should take time to thank those who have helped you. A thoughtful gesture is appropriate and will be welcomed. You may be acknowledged at an auspicious occasion. You are blessed by supportive circumstances and opportunities. To find out more...get the app or card deck! :) Boxed Card Deck: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca MobileApp: ‎Apple‬: http://bit.ly/ZW95es ‎Android‬: http://bit.ly/18B1BRf ‎Amazon‬: http://bit.ly/KindleOracle (3 & 5 card readings only available in full version only!) The Crystal Wind Oracle Myth & Magic Card Deck! Beautiful Boxed Edition! A must have! Includes cloth bag! Get the deck here: http://oracle.crystalwind.ca ‪#‎Artwork‬ by Lisa iris - http://www.lisairis.ca/ #app #mobile #oraclecards #mobileapp #oracle #crystalwind #Cardreading #Divination #Cards #reading
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