#Gift For Softball Players
artfully13 · 1 year
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softball mom-softball mom T-Shirt
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kamii-2 · 6 months
UCONN masterlist
rules of requesting
🫂- smut
👥- fluff
‼️- angst
if you have any suggestions on people i should write for please tell me!!
paige bueckers
2 wins in one day 👥
dating volleyball player hcs 👥
sick paige hcs 👥
domestic!paige x domestic!reader hcs 👥
game blurb 👥
cleaning blurb 👥
doing paige’s hair blurb 👥
ruined beach date hcs 👥
sassy!paige x sassy!reader hcs 👥
on live 👥
paige x shy!reader hcs 👥
paige x munch!reader 🫂
paige x chronic stomach aches!reader 👥
anxious blurb 👥
paige talking you through it blurb 🫂
roles reversed 🫂
paige x model!reader hcs 👥
cuddling blurb 👥
paige taking care of you on your period 👥
sub!paige hcs 🫂
head over heels for her 👥 (coming soon)
nika mühl
switching sides 👥&🫂
dating hcs 👥
too busy 🫂
mine 🫂
get it good 🫂
“fuck, fuck, fuck” 🫂
“i missed you” 🫂
kk arnold
dating hcs 👥
cheating rumors ‼️&👥
dating volleyball player & dating hcs 👥
shy!reader smut/regular hcs 🫂&👥
idiot 👥
when someone hits on reader hcs 👥&🫂
can’t sleep 👥
cleaning blurb 👥
bad day‼️&👥
shower sex 🫂
taking care of sick kk hcs 👥
smut hcs 🫂
anniversary gift 👥
roblox 👥
dating cheerleader hcs 👥
ice brady
sick day blurb 👥
dating hcs 👥&🫂
hard loss ‼️&👥
birthday sex 🫂&👥
hype!reader blurb 👥
ice x volleyball player hcs 👥
next morning 👥
azzi fudd
short skirt 🫂
strapped up 🫂
flipped 🫂
“show me” ‼️&🫂
smut hcs 🫂
azzi x bimbo hcs 👥
dating azzi hcs 👥
jana el alfy
set up 👥
dating hcs 👥
jana x softball player hcs 👥
aubrey griffin
close the door 🫂
morning sex 👥&🫂
aubrey x always sleepy!reader 👥
“stop teasing”🫂
dating hcs 👥 (coming soon)
morgan cheli
dating hcs 👥
ayanna patterson
nothing yet
sarah strong
dating hcs 👥
“you thought wrong”
kk arnold x reader
genre: fluff, smut, & angst
summary: you think kk arnold is the finest person on earth and she thinks you’re the prettiest girl alive, but the only problem is you both think the other is straight.
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starrymako · 7 months
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Someone on insta asked me if I would make another child for Tweek and Craig... so I did. Here's Celeste and her little sister, Halley!
Some facts about them :3
Celeste is a bit of a brat to others but she loves her family. She resembles Craig a lot but has Tweek's eyes. As a baby she spent more time with Tweek as he worked from home. Being his first baby, Tweek learned patience and different ways to manage his anxiety while caring for an infant. Celeste grew up spoiled by her dads.
Celeste gets into playing baseball like Craig, but ends up doing softball instead. She is a tough yet quiet child, and sometimes doesn't respond to her coach during games. She is the best player though, and wins the most games so her coach and teammates are used to her behavior.
At home, she loves being pampered by her dads. Her favorite bonding activity is baking with her papa (Tweek). Sometimes Halley wants to join, but Celeste gets a little jealous if Tweek has to take extra care of her.
Celeste didn't start sleeping in her own room until she turned 10. She used to crawl in bed with her parents because she got scared of the dark. Craig bought multiple night lights but Celeste would still turn up in their bedroom. Eventually he allowed their pet guinea pigs to reside in her room to fix the issue.
Celeste finds Halley annoying because she cries so much, but will beat up any kid that bullies her.
The second child of Tweek and Craig. She is terrified of everything despite her parents spoiling and reassuring her. She twitches and shrieks when she hears loud noises. At one point Tweek had a breakdown thinking Halley's fears were because of him, but Craig and Halley's doctor reassured him that she's just a timid child and requires extra care.
Halley wears a lot of Celeste's hand-me-down clothes because she loves her older sister and her things comfort her.
She tends to fall asleep on Craig's chest on the couch while he watches Red Racer. Halley is a huge fan of the show and she bonds with Craig the most when they watch it together. Craig even gave her his old Red Racer pajamas from when he was her age.
Before Halley began elementary school, she spent a lot of time at home with Tweek and Celeste. Celeste tries toughening her sister up but it never works. Tweek does take Halley to kickboxing lessons in hopes to build her character.
Halley is gifted in music. She learned how to play the piano by Tweek and was given a violin by Craig for her 5th birthday.
If y'all have any questions I might have left out, feel free to shoot me an ask! <3 I love answering them!
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cr33pypaper · 3 months
Random collection of headcanons (that are kinda basic) for the HoA cast:
Nick grew up in a family that went to church almost every week, but since enlisting, he hasn't been. He starts going again after they survive.
Was in the choir and very shy about it as a kid
He also grew up in a close knit, large family that has a military history
Picked up his smoking habit in High School and hasn't been able to quit. His family gives him shit for it, but it helps him calm down
For some reason, I feel like he's the 2nd oldest in his family and his older sibling went into the miltary? And he followed in their footsteps, wanting to make them proud. But he also gives off oldest brother vibes :)
His parents and siblings keep in close contact when he's away and sends him gifts and letters even though they call frequently. Jason sometimes gets gifts from them when Nick mentions him
Has a sister, what is my reasoning? Don't know, gives off those vibes
Former Art Kid turned Burnout
Had long/shaggy hair before joining the military
Cheap as fuck because he grew up poor and can't handle spending money
Used to smoke cigarettes on top of everything else, but quit cold turkey after he enlisted
Had his ears pierced, but came to the conclusion that they looked stupid and stopped wearing them when he joined the Marines
Almost flunked out of High School, but barely scraped by and got his GED
Used to play some sort of sport in her school years, maybe Softball or she ran Track
Her and Jason go out for drinks together monthly and sit in silence or bitch about their subordinates
Her and Eric didn't have a big wedding, they got married at the courthouse and had a small party afterwards. She keeps the dress she wore pristine in the back of her closet
Was the bossiest kid ever and the teachers always chose her to be the representative. She was the best line leader known to man
Would drive a jeep or a pick-up
Paints her nails a light pink or glossy clear, but would get french tips when she wasn't following dress code
Got a fuck ass bob once as a teenager and regretted it so bad she refused to try a new hairstyle for years and years
A BEAST at card games. Beat the whole squad's ass at Blackjack, many of them still have flashbacks and refuse to play any game with her
Her career is her livelihood, has vacation time stacked up and rarely uses it
Black coffee drinker
Jumped at the opportunity to have Clarise as his assistant, handpicked her when he saw her resume
Wanted to have kids/a kid before him and Rachel's marriage went downhill
Only child vibes
Radiohead fan vibes
Always adored science and was one of those kids who wanted to be an astronaut
Guilty pleasure is those stupid ass sitcoms that runs late
Threw himself into work after the accident, trying to distract himself and Clarise would find him passed out working
Hates the taste of coffee, but drinks it for the energy. He's a tea man at heart
Used to be the worst cook known to man, but learned when he had Zain and grew to be really good at it
Tried to keep up a good relationship with his neighbors and bring them food when he made extra, but they never grew into the friendships he hoped they would
Has a record player and collects records of any genre, but enjoys slow music
Zain helps him cut his hair
Sweet tooth for desserts, especially chocolates
Dances like a dad to his records and drinks tea in the mornings to classical music while tending to his garden
Never got a chance to go to university, but always wanted to. Loved school
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insertlovelyperson · 9 months
im constantly brainrotting about the counselors & I keep coming back to one question - what sports would each of the counselors play? thoughts??
Oooo this is a fun ask:
Jacob - Football and Lacrosse. I knew so many football players that would play either lacrosse or baseball in the off season, and I just think Jacob fits the bill. He reminds me a little bit of the lacrosse players I knew (derogatory, even though I love him), so I’m leaning toward lacrosse for him more than baseball.
Emma - Volleyball and kickboxing. As someone who used to play volleyball, she just reminds me of some of the girls I’d play with (affectionately). I like the idea that she had some pent up aggression from some stuff going on in high school, and decided she needed to join some sports where she got to hit something as hard as she could. And based on how hard she can rock Jacob’s shit in game… 
Nick - Baseball. I just think he has the body of a baseball player. That is all.
Kaitlyn - Gymnastics and/or skeet shooting. Similar to Nick, I think she just has the physical build to be a gymnast (short and ripped). I could also see her shooting capabilities in game being explained by participating in a sport like skeet shooting.
Dylan - Hockey. The only reason I head canon this is because his actor mentioned playing hockey growing up, and my immediate thought was, “Yeah, you look like someone who used to play hockey.” I think he’d have been the goalie to avoid ‘running.’ I could also see him doing chess team and being like, “Um, actually 🤓👆... chess is technically a sport,” like a dweeb.
Abi - I don’t really see Abi playing a sport in high school/middle school—maybe marching band. But I do think she was forced to play soccer by her parents when she younger, and now she HATES soccer.
Ryan - Swimming or track. Similar to Abi, I didn’t really see Ryan being super sporty, but I could see him maybe getting into something with a lot of cardio to take his mind off of the familial stress he was dealing with growing up.
Laura - Basketball and/or softball. I could see Laura doing both or either, honestly. Maybe softball when she was younger (I could see her being a prodigy pitcher), then she got a bad coach that made her end up hating it. She quit and transitioned to basketball in high school. She wasn’t as naturally gifted with it as she was with softball, but she was always the one the coaches sent in to rattle the other team. The ‘enforcer,’ if you will.
Max - Bowling. Look me in my eyes and tell me this man wouldn’t have been captain of his high school bowling team or some shit. You can’t.
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arakawa-division · 9 months
There was a sound of a doorbell ringing on the front door. Alexis went there to answer it and check who was the person who wanted to visit her. By opening the door, there were no one except a gift box that’s well wrapped with a silky red ribbon and from there was a note that was sticking out on her sight. She picks it up on her left hand and read the note on her right hand as it says:
“Good day Alexis Ward and Merry Christmas. I was supposed to deliver this gift to you in person including reveal my identity that I’m your Secret Santa from Sapporo on Christmas Day however unfortunately, I have to take my flight to UK to meet my family for winter break. I am probably and currently in UK as of now. Clearly we don’t have much interactions but I’ve heard about your reputation as a photographer and the fact that you’re an American. As a man who’s half-English and Japanese person, I know little things about what Americans would like so I have to take a guess what you really like the most. Perhaps……a baseball aside from American football. I was thinking maybe if you’d like to have a free sized Baseball Jersey I don’t particularly know which club you’re a fan of and also a baseball ball covered with few signatures of a famous baseball players. I was able to convince them to do me a small favor and they were delighted to do it for their fans. I hope you find these gifts to your liking and have a pleasant holiday.
Sincerely, Kuraokami Yuki”
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As Alexis looked at the gifts presented, it was hard for a sad smile not to appear on her face as memories of her childhood came back to her. Truthfully, though she liked baseball as a child, she started hating it when she was a teenager. It wasn't because she wasn't good at it or anything. In fact, she often played the game with her brother. She was even in part of an all-girls baseball team back in her home city of [REDACTED]. Though her team didn't win the championship, they still made it to the playoffs, which was something to brag about.
So where did her dislike for baseball come from? Simple. Back when she in high school, she wanted to join her high school's baseball team. Unfortunately, her misandrist of a coach informed her that only males could play baseball, while females were relegated to play softball, which Alexis disagreed with. Eventually, the young red-haired girl found her love for photography outweighed her love for baseball. And after both her father and brother were killed, she eventually tucked baseball away into the back of her mind.
So holding onto a baseball again after such a long time... it felt familiar, yet foreign at the same time. Tossing the ball up in the air and then catching it, memories of playing catch proceeded to the forefront of the young agent's mind. As she again tossed the ball up in the air, a thought passed her mind:
"I wonder if this city has a baseball memorabilia shop around..."
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tumblepenguin · 2 years
Why Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is the best music biopic film
So I watched it last night and I highly recommend it! But while watching the movie I kept thinking "This script is too good. Like this is too clever for it's own good." This thought couldn't escape me. I had to break down why this movie is, quite frankly, the perfect parody and love letter to the music biopic film. Quite possibly the best music biopic film.
In this essay, I will be using the songs that are explicitly referenced in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story as a way to showcase how they reflect or subvert the music biopic film tropes. How these songs are meant show the "real life backstory" of Weird Al Yankovic (and also, the universe this movie takes place in) is quite frankly buckwild. And we start at The Beginning and our first song.
My Bologna—The movie begins with the framing device—a voice over. Then, Weird Al is going to the hospital and being pronounced dead by Lin Manuel Miranda (the Hamilton writer/multi Grammy winner who was receiving the Hollywood Walk of Fame Star the same day as Weird Al and WHO JUST HAPPENED TO BE WITH WEIRD AL AT THE TIME OF THE ANNOUCEMENT OF THEIR WINS. ANYWAY WE WILL GET BACK TO THIS PLOT POINT LATER).
More voiceover. We see the hero's journey start by showing how Weird Al was a musically gifted child, but his family discouraged him. His Mom is the traditional 50's wife while Dad is a Overworked Blue Collar Man who works at factory (BUT THE ENTIRE MOVIE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE MAKES, SIMILAR TO HOW IN A BIOPIC MOVIE, THE "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME DAD" DAD HAS "A TOUGH JOB THAT PUT BREAD ON THE TABLE, BUT MY DAMN SON DOESN'T APPRECIATE IT" FACTORY JOB). It is here we also establish the future Mentor+Agent character, but I'm getting ahead of myself. After receiving "The One True Calling"—(ie, the traveling salesman with the accordion, others gaining the appreciation for his talent at a high school polka party, the reveal to the "You Don't Understand Me" Dad how his son played the accordion in secret (complete with doing so "in the closet" because "My mom supports my artistic achievements, but still has to be a good housewife and follow her husband's rules, but to hell with the rules" idea), only for the "You Don't Understand Me" Dad to crush his spirits (ie throw him out of the house for his talent and we get the important line of "I will become Perhaps Not Technically the Best at But Arguably the Most Famous Accordion Player")—does our hero start the journey. He has a couple of tough gigs/ getting rejected while he's away from home. The future band mates are the new friends he makes away from home (guys that, as the movie points out, have shown NO MUSICAL TALENT OR INTEREST EARLIER IN THE FILM UNTIL THE BIG "GETS DISCOVERED BY A MENTOR+AGENT" MOMENT. GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF). After encouraging our hero to keep going, the future bandmates find themselves at the BIG MOMENT. The moment when our hero is tested for first time with the 1st song. The one that all audiences will know. A softball in terms of the types of references yet to come. In this case, Weird Al gets the inspiration for My Bologna after making his future bandmates a boloney sandwich.
I Love Rocky Road—The "Gets Discovered By a Mentor+Agent" moment of the music biopic. So after the real life recording of My Bologna in the bathroom (with some "dramatic license"), our hero sends his song to Captain Buffoon, a radio DJ (great name btw). The song is played on the radio and to our hero, things are looking up for him! Wrong! The record execs with TERRIBLE WIGS™ aren't buying it! They don't understand how this will get them cash money.
(Sidebar: one of the record executives is Weird Al himself in a Terrible Wig ™. And the other executive (Will Forte) is just laying into our hero. Just laying it on with saying "You're so dumb! You'll never amount to anything. Your breath kinda sticks too!" kinda jokes. And The Real Weird Al is like "hey man, that seems a little harsh." But Will Forte keeps going, making the childish insults worse. And The Real Weird Al has to say "that's kinda harsh, you don't need to go into him like that" about Fictional Weird Al. Anyway, great sequence folks.)
But our hero is not discouraged. Cause his tape to Captain Buffoon did get him a gig at a TOUGH BIKER BAR™/the "Tough crowd to win over" moment (with one bar patron being Patton Oswald, who was originally Dr Demento in the Funny or Die sketch that kicked this whole idea off. The bar owner is Dot-Marie Jones, which made me personally happy). And so he goes up alone, starts singing. But it doesn't seem to be working! The bikers/crowd aren't buying it either! See, they know what it means to be real! But low! Our hero, being discouraged, suddenly shows that "he can do it guys"! Not only that, but his friends are joining him too! The band is forming! The crowd is loving it! What once was slurs and heckling being thrown at our hero is now rapturous applause! Our hero's trial is over. BUT, a dark entity was watching from the bar. In a funny looking getup in the shadows.
Another One Rides the Bus—The Dark Bargain begins. Our dark bargain mentor figure is Rainn Wilson, playing Dr Demento (there are 2. COUNT EM 2 JOKES ABOUT DEMENTORS IN THIS SCENE ALONE. WITH LONG PAUSES FOR AUDIENCES TO REALIZE HE REFERENCING HARRY POTTER WHILE HARRY POTTER (Daniel Radcliffe) IS ON SCREEN). The success of the song means our hero gets his first taste of FAME and HIS STAGE NAME. He goes to a party with the ultimate blunt rotation including:
• Devo
• Elton John
• PeeWee Herman
• Tiny Tim
• Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
• Alice Cooper with a fake snake
• The comedian Gallagher played by Paul F Tompkins
• Kate Pierson from the B-52s
• Grace Jones
• Divine
• Salvador Dali
• Frank Zappa
• Conan O'Brien as Andy Warhol
(Sidebar: There is also a man with a guitar talking to "Elton" and another shot of a man with white blonde hair and suit that I didn't recognize. If someone could help me identify who these are supposed to be, that would be great!)
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And our hero gets tested again by Jack Black as Wolfman Jack and John Deacon (bass player of Queen, which is funny because MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THAT INFO, SO WE'RE MAKING JOKES ABOUT HOW RECOGNIZABLE SOMEONE IS. THE IDEA COMES UP AGAIN LATER IN THE MOVIE). This group of people are like the bikers—they need to see if he's the Real Thing AGAIN. Which gives us another "in universe" biopic song. And the guests are impressed! And soon, our boy is getting interviewed by Oprah (with Quinta Brunson as Oprah, which is incredible). The interview starts showing that he is getting money, the house he always wanted, The Dream ™. He even shows his chain of platinum records that he wears at all times (IT SAVES HIM LATER, TRUST ME). All he needs now is THE GIRL. Enter Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna. She sees the interview with Oprah and "Sees What She Likes
(Sidebar: in the Oprah broadcast we find out Pablo Escobar—yes, the international drug cartel leader—is one of the biggest Weird Al fans. THIS WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER).
Cut to a hotel room. Our hero makes THE PHONE CALL BACK HOME™ to check in with the family. His mom picks up (IT'S ALWAYS THE MOM IN MOVIES. ALWAYS), and she says that she misses her little boy and Dad isn't home cause he's working the factory. The trope gets subverted because she says how disappointed she is with our hero, instead of the typical "Moms always support their kids and their kids' dreams" in most movies. This brings the hero DOWN. He finds his mentor (for some reason being in a bathtub connected to the bedroom where the The Phone Call From Home™ happens). And he gets drugged on LSD! So now we have a Dream Sequence. Which is amazing! At the end, he emerges Reborn! He has also created THE GREATEST THING EVER. His "Sgt. Pepper's" (including DRUG INFLUENCE ™) if you will.
Eat It—This time, "The record executives can do nothing but be in awe of the genius they just listened to". But our hero is tired of being a ONE TRICK PONY. He wants to make his own music. This song isn't a parody. And in the universe of the movie, Michael Jackson is the greatest Parody writer of all time. Because "Beat It" in this universe is a cover song (maybe so are all popular songs ever—hard to say). Now the little man and his accordion are the ones who dominate the charts. They shape music history forever. Not everyone he actually covers in real life.
(Sidebar: This is the most batshit thought I had while watching this movie. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE.)
This song is The Biggest Song in the World. And our hero is getting even more FAME. But with that comes Another Dark Bargain. At this point in a music biopic, our hero will have/or has encountered his supposed downfall. In music biopics, it's usually the mentor+agent, corrupted by money/fame. Sometimes it's the girlfriend who's a HUGE SLUT/does a lot of drugs/encourages the use of drugs/just being a BAD INFLUENCE. In this case, the girlfriend is Madonna (someone that Conservatives think is all the things depicted in the movie already. Yes, probably even being the queen of a drug cartel after killing Pablo Escobar and then takes out Weird Al via assassination at the Not Grammy Grammys BUT I AM JUMPING AHEAD OF MYSELF IN THIS STORY). So she stops on by The Mansion™ and she and Weird Al are Opposites Attract ™. They start making out (but can't show sex scenes in a PG-13 film). And the making out is so fucking funny. But now, "The Girl is in his life, and he's starting to get distracted from his job!" plot line has entered the chat. And Dr Demento is not having it. Instead of focusing on some exciting opportunities (including playing for Pablo "Previously Stated as One of Weird Al's Biggest Fans" Escobar for his 40th birthday party. Also there's a joke about Led Zeppelin versus Howie Mandel and having Weird Al replace Roger Moore as James Bond. And he throws a fit about only doing original work. Which is hilarious since we live in a "Who's the next James Bond after Daniel Craig" era), our hero just wants to be with his BAD INFLUENCE.
While at dinner with Madonna, there is a phone call.
(Sidebar: Weird Al states "This has been the happiest six hours of my life". How I'm choosing to believe that from the time Madonna and Weird Al made out, do the Next Morning Scene™ to the time of this dinner—including the previously established "Getting Distracted" scene—all took place in six hours. Insane.)
It's from one of the record executives (played by The Real Weird Al). It's about Michael Jackson "parodying" Eat It. And our hero IS NOT HAVING IT ™. The first blow that will lead to DOWNFALL. The Phone is getting smashed. Our hero will now be linked to Michael Jackson forever because of this parody! He returns to the table and cannot eat (it. GET IT? Also the waiter is Josh Groban). Now Madonna is giving him alcohol. The Slow Decent to the Bottom has begun! Meanwhile, the band is pissed! We haven't seen them in several minutes, but the BAND IS FIGHTING is about to commence. They say Weird Al has lost touch. He threats to replace everyone with machines (even the GUY WE DON'T REMEMBER IS IN THE BAND, LIKE JASON DEACON, BASS PLAYER FOR QUEEN. See, it all comes back around). "You've changed man," is said. Dr Demento arrives to try and SALVAGE THE SITUATION ™. But "Anything you want to say, you can say in front of my BAD INFLUENCE." And the mentor figure thinks The Girl=Bad Influence. "She's only using you for her own gains" line is used. But our hero is blinded by the love/BAD INFLUENCE to see the truth. This is also where the hinting mention of Like a Surgeon happens (BUT WE'RE NOT THERE YET. THE PAYOFF HASN'T HAPPENED YET). "You're not my real dad!" (even though this entire time, Weird Al wasn't looking for a Father Figure™). The mentor+agent figure is now dismissed. Madonna runs after him, telling him not to Drive While Drunk. But hands over the car keys away cause she a BAD INFLUENCE. While Driving To Clear His Head ™, our hero flips through the radio. It's playing the top radio hits (HIS SONGS) and he turns off the radio is disgust. Suddenly we have a car crash.
Like a Surgeon—We are now back in the hospital. All of the previously stated information is the first HOUR AND FOUR MINUTES OF THIS MOVIE. TO SET UP THE REASON LIKE A SURGEON EXISTS AS A SONG. THIS IS THE GIVEN BACKSTORY FOR THIS SONG.
But now, it's The Second Biggest Thing of All Time. And we get choreography that's the Vogue choreography. And Madonna is doing it backstage. So she's inspired by Weird Al, not ballroom dance culture, to dance like that in Vogue. Fucking wild. Also the backup dancers are wearing cone bras (a thing Madonna made famous with Like a Virgin). We now get The Doors movie parody with the ROCK BOTTOM MOMENT. Which includes flashing the accordion to the audience (instead of a dick). And now, our boy is CANCELLED and has to LAY LOW, which mean going to a diner with his very famous girlfriend. Madonna says what their Hollywood couple/ship name should be. But they couldn't lay low, because Madonna got kidnaped by Pablo Escobar. That's right, you forgot about Pablo Escobar, didn't you? But I mentioned him previously. And now, he's now the main plotline. All for Weird Al not noticing him senpai.
And now our movie turns into an action movie. With an amazing diner fight+punchline at the end of the scene. Also a "Predator style jungle knockout to sneak onto the enemy's basecamp" scene. And Madonna is being held hostage during Pablo's 40th birthday party, including a mariachi band playing. But Weird Al shows up and a firefight ensues. He gains the upper hand (cause everyone is a terrible shot+Tarantino style blood squibs go off. It's awesome).
And Weird Al kills Pablo Escobar by throwing a record into his head. And Madonna, being the #girlboss that she is, decides she wants to becoming the head of an international drug cartel, and wants Weird Al to help her. But he decides to go against her. Her BAD INFLUENCE no longer has a hold on his life. AND THE VOICE OVER RETURNS. Cause now "the hero has to return home before his big comeback after the Fall from Grace" needs to happen, because of course that's what you do in a music biopic. So he returns home and starts working at the factory pushing levers and buttons that we, the audience and he, Weird Al, doesn't have a clue what they do (other than maim fellow factory workers, BUT WHATEVER). The "You Don't Understand Me" Dad finds him in the Depths Of Despair. And our hero has his emotional outburst. But our Dad has turned a new leaf. In fact, he like parody songs! He even sings the oldest one we know ("Jingle Bells, Batman Smells"). Also the mom is wearing the EAT IT fat suit.
(Sidebar: I feel mixed on this fat suit, but I won't get into it right now.)
And with this shared parody ancestry, the Dad thinks it's finally time to tell Weird Al why he was against him playing the accordion in the first place.
Amish Paradise—Dad's Tragic Backstory/Footloose Reason Why Society Doesn't Allow Their Kids to Do INSERT BLANK ACTIVITY HERE. Everything that you have read up until this point, an HOUR AND TWENTY FIVE MINUTES OF THE MOVIE, has been leading to this backstory for this song's inclusion in the movie. You're welcome. This Tragic Backstory is also animated, so thanks! Also because this is a rap/motivationally sounding song (I guess???), we see that our hero has Returned to Fight Another Day! This time with a new sound!
(Sidebar: does anyone else wonder if Coolio knew about this cameo before he died? Just asking cause Madonna apparently wasn't consulted about the role Evan Rachel Wood plays in this film according to interviews I watched after the fact).
This song is at the Not Grammy Grammys (he gets the "Perhaps Not Technically the Best at But Arguably the Most Famous Accordion Player" award over Prince. We'll need to move on from there). After being present the award by Diana Ross and Hulk Hogan, our guy wins and goes onstage to accept. Meanwhile, an assassin is seating in the front row. But wait, I thought Pablo Escobar is dead? Who is in charge of this assassin? Why, it's our girl Madonna. BUT I'M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF.
The acceptance speech become a "Suck It Losers!" kinda speech. And here is where the A Star is Born reference with Weird Al pissing himself onstage happens. And Weird Al is assassinated. By a Madonna who is no longer in the audience, dressed in what I think is her American Life outfit.
And we get "What happened after the artist died/peaked" before credits rolls. Then credits with fake photos are mixed with real photos from childhood (I think those are real. If not, great touch). AND WE GET A MID CREDITS SCENE. Madonna brings flowers to Weird Al's grave (that says ATE IT 1985), but as she's leaving a zombie hand of Weird Al grabs her to drag her to hell like the end of Carrie/other horror movies. So Weird Al has been dead this entire time, and we have only been listening to a Zombie Weird Al since 1985!
Now You Know—the "Yep, this 100% happened guys. Totally!" song. Also has some great mentions about how long/repetitive the song is, who worked on the film, explicitly showing the parody songs instead of the originals used in the end credits, mentioning the "studio musician backing vocals" (who sound amazing by the way), and how the song can technically be nominated for an Oscar.
And this is why this movie is the great parody of all time.
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ellabsweet · 1 year
Hii, camz! I'm responding to your game! I wear clear square glasses with a clear frame. I also have a nostril piercing and a septum! I am about 5'6 "and 140 pounds. I have back length 4c hair with dark pink highlights to go with my lightskin, kinda caramel complexion. I also have brown doe eyes with long curly lashes and thick eyebrows. Big, plush full lips and a button nose. My body type is average, thick thighs and a round ass and hip dips with a small waist but not a completely flat stomach. A large chest with a beauty mark that sits on my collarbone. For a woman who is average height, I have long legs. I love to show off, I am someone who is insecure but also incredibly confident to hide the insecurity. I can be very sarcastic and bratty at times, which is mostly just my personality. I have absolutely no filter and will take shit from no one. I have the mouth of a sailor but a soft, high-pitched voice. love aggressively. When I have feelings for someone I'm usually mean to them, it's how I flirt. I'm a hopelessly romantic, and I lobe too much and fall hard and fast. I'm a gift giver, and I love birthdays. I've been a cheerleader, volleyball player, and a softball player. I have naturally long nails, but I love to get them done. My favorite color is pink, and I love stuffed animals. I think that'd about it!
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Abby Anderson always thought you hated her. Every interaction you’ve had has gotten her stoic attitude shaken out of her in a blushing confused manner, it replayed in her head like a hell circle of embarassment purgatory and each time ended in a promise she’d be wittier, smarter, funnier and dissolved the second your eyes met hers. She was the best player in your volleyball team with her tall and muscled structure alongside effortless charm nobody intimidated her, yet there you stood, a throw away from making her stumble and stutter. It took a conversation with friends for her to realize the physical things she described at your presence did seem a whole lot like butterflies in her stomach. The second you displayed an inch of interest in her it was as though you set ablaze a fire barely noticeable before that took form in constant teasing and flirting until she had you pressed against a wall made to beg for a kiss. It is heard the smirk is on her face to this day…
um camz what is this? refer to this post!
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Do You Hear Me?
The second part of 'How You Say It' was posted on the 3rd last year, but I missed it's fic-aversary, and since the 3rd part came out tomorrow last year, I'm posting the 2nd today. Anyway. The story continues with a friendly game of flag football! The team and kids coerce Penelope into playing too, but will Luke be able to clue Penelope in on his feelings for her?  WC: 2,319 of fluffy bonding Ao3
Emily, Luke, and Will were huddled with the kids on the north end of the field, to the south the other team was made up of the remaining parents, along with Spencer and Tara.
Emily cupped her hands, calling out to the team of adults, “We hardly think it’s fair that eight of you are against ten of us!”
Derek, grinning, shouted back from the other side, "What? Trying to draft more players, Princess?"
Distracted, Luke couldn’t stop thinking about what Will had said earlier, "sometimes we say things with words, other times with a look, people say things different…” How did Penelope say things? She said it with gifts, like the sweater and cookies for Roxie, with food, like the treats she greats them with without fail every time they make it home. She says it with exactly what a person needs, she says things with thought and care. Did she know what he needed was her? If she did would she be willing to give it? To give them a chance? And how did he say things? Will was right, he’d never been much of a talker, he was much more of a listener, he was a comforter, secure in his roll as protector and lover, he said things with looks and with touch. If he wanted to be heard, he was going to have to be more forthright.
Luke glanced to the side lines, yelling over, “Nah, we’re gonna kick your butts either way, but it looks like we’re missing someone...”
Following his line of sight, Tara responded impatiently, “We’ve already been over this, Rossi and Krystall are ref-ing, Alvez, use your big, dorky ears and listen.”
“Nice, but I’m talking about Garcia.” he laughed.
Attention suddenly on her, she slowly sunk low into the chair from her place on the patio, pulling the wide brim of her black sunhat down, willing herself invisible. "Come on Chica, everyone else is playing! You can’t lounge in that chair all day.“ How could he tell her anything if she wasn’t near him?
"Yeah! You chose this activity, if anything, I should be the one to sit out…” Reid crossed his arms and pouted.
“Not a chance Pretty Boy, we saw what you could do at the softball game, show us what you got here!”
Penelope sat up a little more, shouting over to her team and their spouses, "I am hardly dressed appropriately!”
JJ, who definitely wanted to see where this was going given Penelope’s reaction to Hank’s question earlier, was not having any of it and yelled back “You’re wearing capri leggings, Garcia! For once, you’re dressed very appropriately! Just play barefoot.”
Luke leaned down whispering to Hank at the same time Will started talking to Henry.
The boys turned with wide grins. "Come on Auntie! Come play with me!” “Yeah Penelope! Come play with us!”
Suddenly the large brood of sweet, sweet babies had turned on her, chanting and calling for her, at which point, all of the adults join in as well, pressuring her to play. A audial mob of “Come on, Penelope!”, "Garcia!”, “It’ll be fun”, “...promise not to mess up that pretty hair”, and “Just for a little bit!” bombarded her, pushing her into reluctant submission.
She glared across the yard, singling out the one face that had started all of this. Trying to be heard over the noise she yelled to him, “No fair using my nephew and godson against me, Alvez!”
He smiled wide and open and full, he’d gained her attention. “Payback, Chica. Now get out here.”
Derek looked from Luke to Penelope. He may not be a profiler anymore, but his ability to read people wasn’t stripped once he quit. He could see Luke’s goal a mile away, wanting that happiness for Penelope, he decided to help push things along. What better way, he thought, than a little friendly rivalry and well placed jealousy…and he could test Luke just a little bit. “Come on, Hot Stuff, you’re with me.” he purred holding out a hand, and beckoned her to join him.
Penelope huffed toeing off her heels and stalked towards the field. “I do not run! I am not a runner!”
He responded in his warm, deep voice,“Oh, Sweetness, I remember. You don’t run for anything.” Penelope teased back, swiping at his arm,”I always run for you, Sugar.” then extending her arm, "Here, help me with my belt?”
Luke watched the pair, Penelope all smiles and giggles, Derek smoldering and winking and wrapping his arms around her to fasten the flags...And for the first time, Luke felt a bitter pang of jealousy seeing her laugh and touch him back. It wasn’t directed at Morgan, not really, he knew what their relationship was, it wasn’t the first time he’d seen them together. No, it was the fact that she would never do that with him. But, then that’s the exact thing he was working on fixing. Getting her to hear him required breaking through that armor...
“Alright, that settled? Then let’s get this game started!” called Rossi.
For all the rule violations, you’d think none of them had ever played flag football, the referees were of no help either, with one wooing the other through song and sweet nothings. JJ ran down the field only to be tackled to the ground by Emily, belt torn off as she fell. Matt’s preferred move was to simply scoop up whatever child had the ball and run with them tucked under his arm as if they were the ball, tickling them until they dropped it behind the goal line. Derek, getting sucked in to the game, tried his best to keep things on track, coaching the team in next moves and directing plays that never worked out, while Spencer tried to block Chloe from passing the ball to Jake or Henry. Tara was fast, keeping up with changing hands, spitting trash talk to the adults on the other team, and giving playful mean looks to approaching children. Luke was all encompassed with getting close to Penelope and Penelope was oblivious as he chased her up and down the field.
He’d caught her in his line of sight, zoning-in he raced forward, the toe of his shoe digging into grass, he lunged. Penelope swung her hips and twirled, flags fluttering against her movements, darting just out of reach, squealing. Luke falling, pitching forward, recovering, chasing again. Penelope quickly found that what she lacked in speed, she made up for in grace and agility, forever just out of reach. “Ha! You call yourself a profiler? Profile this-“ Quickly answered back by, “Oh, I’ll get you, Chica, there is no doubt in my mind.”
You didn’t need training to see what was going on, his single-minded determination was apparent to everyone on the field. Like a dog with a bone, he chased her relentlessly. With or without the ball, Luke stayed on Penelope.
“You think we should say something?” Savannah, standing at the far end turned, asking Spencer.
“Nah, we tend let them think we don’t know, makes things easier.” replied Spencer.
“And we’ve all got our “dawning” moment picked out and want to see who’s right.” added Tara.
Savannah nodded as the pair came rushing back towards her, Emily and children close behind.
A final vault and Luke flew through the air, tackling Penelope to the ground in a protective roll inches from the goal line. He came down hard on his elbows, hands tucked behind her head and neck. Heat flared up from his stomach staring down at her shocked face so close to his. Penelope, held her breath, stunned at being tackled to the ground, at having Luke Alvez on top of her. His eyes caught hers and held them, she could feel him hovering just above her, holding himself ridged, the fine layer of atoms separating them pressing against each other, buzzing between them filling her with electricity. And that felt…oooh...that felt lovely, and scary, and too real. He breathed hard, his voice a whisper, low and quiet, slow and impossibly close, “Got ya, Chica...” he trailed off as a hand snaked its way from under her head down her side, brushing her waist and tugging, flag belt falling loose to the ground below, his eyes never straying. The touch was light and his gaze so heavy she closed her eyes, goosebumps flaring in his wake. She was vaguely aware of everyone else around them, of needing to pull out of this space that had formed. She blinked, snapping back to, her hands pushing up, “Ugh, Newbie! Get off me!” came hurtling into his face. It was sudden and harsh, shattering the moment. He almost thought he’d imagined what had transpired until he caught the quick quirk of her mouth, a sly smirk igniting a grin of his own.
*floof* There went part of the armor.
"They have got to be some of the most oblivious…”
“For a profiler, I’m kind of disappointed in Luke… But, well, we try not to profile each other, at least not when talking to one another. This, this though, this is so obvious it's fair game."
They all lay collapsed on the grass, last flag having been pulled, last touch-down made, laughing and catching their breath. One by one, kids began to squirm and mill around, breaking off to once again play with bubbles, inspect bugs, and do cartwheels.
"Remind me again how you all convinced us to play a tackling game with agents…” panted an exhausted Kristy.
"Actually, according to the official rules, Flag Football is a contact-free sport. Liberties were clearly taken.” Reid supplied helpfully dusting off his pants.
JJ rolled onto her stomach, Will draping an arm across the middle of her back "Seriously, Emily, it’s a game.”
Emily rolled her eyes, "That’s a loser's attitude, JJ, and I won’t have losers on my team, so it’s a good thing I happen to be on the winning team.” she gloated.
"I just can’t believe you chose this, Garcia.” Matt was crawling awkwardly over to his wife, the last of their children having run off to play. “I would think it was a little rough and tumble for you.”
"Penelope likes things a little rough sometimes…”
There was no mistaking who's voice that was. Everyone got quiet, JJ and Emily trading looks with Spenser and Tara. Did he really just say that out loud? In front of everyone? Savannah choked down a laugh and elbowed Derek.
Penelope's mouth dropped open, tongue catching up seconds later. “You wouldn’t know.” she scoffed haughtily.
Rossi, who was sitting on the steps just next to the grass called over "If I had known what it would do to my lawn I wouldn’t have let her. The seed was imported!"
She ducked her head, chancing a glance at Luke sitting up cross-legged tossing the ball shallowly to himself, a stupid satisfied grin plastered across his face. "I honestly thought I’d get away with just watching all you fine physically fit people running around.” her look then settling back on Matt, “And it seemed like it would be fun for the kids.” she finished with a bright smile.
"Indeed, fun for the kids, not so fun for my gardener or wallet.” muttered Rossi surveying the freshly torn turf and gaping dirt pits.
“Sir, I am so sorry! If I had known Alvez was so heavy footed I would have banned him from the game!” Teasing him, not unlike how she would at work, giving him shit, but here the difference was the earlier situation and mixed company. Savannah’s voiced suspicions had almost thrust Penelope out into the light and there was no way she could continue working with him if he knew, if everyone knew, it would just be awkward. Even if he had the same feelings they couldn’t act on them…but she didn’t have feelings for him. No, he just had a pretty face. And perfectly sculpted abs…and hard biceps that she secretly enjoyed watching more than Matt’s, imagining them holding her and ripping her close, his mouth pressing against hers…like a romance cover. No. It was just his pretty face.
Luke stopped mid-ball toss looking over and raised an eyebrow smirking, “If I had known messing up Rossi’s yard would get me sidelined with you, Chica, I would have brought a tractor.” She glowered at him and looked away.
"So…uh.. about dessert...?” Spencer chimed in.
After a few minutes more enjoying the soft squish of Rossi’s admittedly amazing grass, the group slowly began to disperse, parents calling children back, child-less agents shuffling towards the brick patio. “I’ll start the espresso and coffee.” Rossi said, disappearing into the house. Luke walked over, bending low in front of her, offering a hand to Penelope who was brushing strands of vibrant green off her leggings. They were alone, everyone else having already gone. She looked up at him, his shy friendly smile, eyes glittering. She looked to his hand, a small smile instantly appearing at the offer it presented, and took it, slipping her palm against his, fingertips brushing his wrist.
*floof* There it went again...
Luke pulled her up gently, allowing her body to follow his hold. When she was up, his other hand wrapped around her shoulder pulling her in close, his tongue darted out moistening his lips, leaning down next to her ear he murmured, chest rumbling, "Nice playing with you, Chica, but I think we should stop the game…” She felt his lips skim her cheek as he righted himself. Then he let go, turned, and walked away. Message, he felt, delivered. Penelope stood breathless and immobilized, ears burning, cheeks hot, watching his retreating form. The thoughts, what the fuck was that? and we should always play flag football colliding in her head, derailing all other functions.
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teeneoncom · 11 days
Custom Baseball Embroidered Sweatshirt - Personalized Softball Shirt for Baseball Family - Introducing our Custom Baseball Embroidered Sweatshirt, the perfect personalized apparel for baseball enthusiasts and their families! Made from soft, high-quality fabric, this sweatshirt showcases your love for the game and your unique style. Featuring intricate embroidery, our sweatshirt can be customized with your choice of design, name... .. Get it now!! #teeneon #shirts #gifts
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
5-4-3-2 Baseball Math: Engaging Activities for Kids to Learn Through Play
"Baseball Math: 5-4-3-2" is an engaging educational program that combines the excitement of baseball with essential math skills, making learning enjoyable for students. The title references the classic baseball play (5-4-3 double play) while incorporating math concepts like counting, addition, and problem-solving in a fun, relatable context.
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Through interactive lessons and activities, students explore various mathematical principles using baseball scenarios. For instance, they might calculate player statistics, analyze game strategies, or create their own baseball cards, applying their math skills to real-world situations. This hands-on approach fosters critical thinking and encourages teamwork, as students collaborate on challenges and share their ideas.
"Baseball Math: 5-4-3-2" not only reinforces core math concepts but also instills a love for the game, making it an excellent resource for classrooms or after-school programs. By connecting math to a beloved sport, this program helps students see the relevance of math in everyday life, enhancing their learning experience. Whether you're a teacher looking to spice up your curriculum or a parent seeking fun educational activities, "Baseball Math: 5-4-3-2" is a home run for young learners!
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"Double Play Funny Softball Game 5+4+3" is a hilarious twist on the classic sport, designed to bring laughter and fun to players of all ages. This engaging game incorporates the familiar double play concept, using the playful math sequence of 5-4-3 to add a unique challenge.
Participants engage in wacky rules that encourage creativity and teamwork, making each play a source of laughter. Players might find themselves completing silly tasks or performing funny actions while trying to score runs, enhancing the enjoyment of the game.
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Perfect for family gatherings, school events, or community leagues, "Double Play Funny Softball Game" fosters camaraderie and lighthearted competition. With its blend of humor and athleticism, this game is a fantastic way to create lasting memories while promoting physical activity and teamwork. Get ready for a memorable day on the field!
Gifts for game lovers are perfect for celebrating their passion for gaming. Consider options like the latest video games, collectible merchandise, or themed apparel that showcases their favorite franchises. Accessories such as high-quality headsets, gaming mice, or custom controllers enhance their gaming experience.
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Gift cards to popular gaming platforms allow them to choose their own titles, while subscription services deliver new games regularly. Fun board games or puzzles can offer a break from screen time. Thoughtful gifts that cater to their interests show appreciation and make any occasion special for the avid gamer in your life!
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wrapsify · 2 months
10 Best Softball Gifts for Men In 2024
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Finding the perfect gift for the softball enthusiast in your life can be a fun yet challenging task. Whether he’s a seasoned player or just enjoys the sport, the right gift can show your appreciation for his passion. Here’s a list of the 10 best softball gifts for men, guaranteed to hit a home run.
1. Custom Softball Jersey
A personalized softball jersey with his name and favorite number is a fantastic gift. It shows thoughtfulness and allows him to wear something unique during his games or practice sessions.
2. High-Quality Softball Glove
A top-of-the-line softball glove can make a huge difference in performance. Look for brands like Rawlings or Wilson that offer durable and comfortable gloves. This gift is perfect for both infielders and outfielders.
3. Softball Bat
A high-performance softball bat is a gift any player would appreciate. Brands like Easton and Louisville Slugger offer excellent options for different levels of play. Make sure to choose a bat that complies with league regulations.
4. Training Equipment
Help him improve his skills with training equipment like a pitching machine, batting tee, or agility ladder. These tools are great for at-home practice and can significantly enhance his performance on the field.
5. Softball Gear Bag
A spacious and durable gear bag is essential for carrying all his equipment. Look for features like multiple compartments, ventilated pockets, and comfortable straps. Brands like DeMarini and Mizuno offer excellent options.
6. Protective Gear
Safety is crucial in softball, so consider gifting high-quality protective gear like batting helmets, shin guards, and sliding shorts. Ensuring he has the best protection will keep him safe and boost his confidence on the field.
7. Softball Apparel
Comfortable and stylish apparel like moisture-wicking shirts, compression shorts, and performance socks are always appreciated. Brands like Under Armour and Nike offer great options designed specifically for athletes.
8. Customized Softball
A personalized softball with his name, team logo, or a special message is a unique and sentimental gift. It’s a great keepsake and can also be used for casual play.
9. Fitness Tracker
Help him track his performance and stay in shape with a fitness tracker. Look for features like heart rate monitoring, step counting, and activity tracking. Brands like Fitbit and Garmin offer reliable options.
10. Softball Books and DVDs
For the softball enthusiast who loves to learn, consider books or DVDs on softball techniques, strategies, and famous players. These resources can provide valuable insights and inspiration.
Choosing the perfect gift for a softball-loving man doesn’t have to be difficult. With these top 10 softball gifts for men, you’re sure to find something that will make him happy and enhance his love for the game. Whether it’s personalized gear, high-quality equipment, or something to help him improve his skills, these gifts are sure to be a hit.
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giftsforus · 5 months
Softball Personalized Diamond Galaxy Crocs Crocband Shoes
Softball Personalized Diamond Galaxy Crocs Crocband Shoes for men and women are the perfect gift for any softball enthusiast or player. These shoes combine comfort, style, and personalization to create a unique and one-of-a-kind footwear option. The Softball Personalized Diamond Galaxy Crocs Crocband Shoes feature a sleek design with a galaxy-themed diamond pattern. The pattern is eye-catching and adds a touch of personality to the shoes. Whether worn on or off the field, these shoes are sure to turn heads and spark conversations. The shoes are made by Crocs, a brand known for its comfortable and durable footwear. They are constructed with Croslite material, which gives them a lightweight and cushioned feel. This makes them ideal for long hours of playing or for everyday wear. The shoes also have a Crocband design, with a sporty midsole band inspired by classic sneaker styles. This adds a touch of retro charm to the overall look. What sets these Softball Personalized Diamond Galaxy Crocs Crocband Shoes apart is the option for personalization. You can add your name, team name, or any other text you desire to the shoes. This makes them a great gift for softball players, coaches, or fans. Personalization adds a sentimental touch and allows the recipient to feel special and unique. Moreover, these shoes are suitable for both men and women. The versatile design and sizing options ensure a comfortable fit for anyone. This makes them a perfect gift idea for softball-loving couples or as a matching set for teammates. The shoes also have a unisex appeal, allowing them to be appreciated by anyone regardless of gender. In addition to their comfort and style, these personalized softball Crocs are also practical. The shoes are water-friendly and easy to clean. They can be worn on wet grass or even in the shower without fear of damage. The slip-on design and adjustable backstrap also make them easy to put on and take off. These features are especially appreciated by athletes who need to quickly change their footwear during practices or games. Overall, the Softball Personalized Diamond Galaxy Crocs Crocband Shoes are a unique and thoughtful gift choice for softball enthusiasts and players. They combine comfort, style, personalization, and practicality in one package. Whether worn on or off the field, these shoes are sure to be a hit with anyone who loves softball. So why wait? Surprise your loved ones or yourself with a pair of these personalized softball Crocs and let your feet shine on the diamond!
Get it here : Softball Personalized Diamond Galaxy Crocs Crocband Shoes
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://giftsforus.tumblr.com/post/718632739062120448/modelo-especial-beer-crocs-crocband-clog
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bestshirtcanbuy · 5 months
Softball Personalized My Princess Wears Cleats V2 Crocs Crocband Shoes
Softball Personalized My Princess Wears Cleats V2 Crocs Crocband Shoes are a unique and fun gift for everyone who loves softball. These shoes not only provide comfort and functionality, but they also allow individuals to showcase their passion for the sport. The Crocs Crocband Shoes are known for their lightweight and breathable design, making them perfect for any softball player. The shoes feature a durable rubber sole that provides excellent traction on the field, ensuring a secure grip while running or making quick movements. Moreover, the shoes offer ample arch support, reducing the risk of foot fatigue and injury during prolonged periods of play. What sets these Crocband Shoes apart is the "Princess Wears Cleats" customization on the side. This personalized feature allows wearers to proudly display their love for softball in a creative and stylish manner. The phrase serves as a reminder that softball players, regardless of their gender, possess the inner strength and determination of a princess, combined with the toughness and skill required to excel in the sport. These shoes are not limited to softball players alone; they are a versatile gift suitable for anyone who appreciates the game. Softball enthusiasts, coaches, and fans can proudly wear them to showcase their support and admiration for the sport. Moreover, they make an excellent gift for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion. Aside from the customized design, the Softball Personalized My Princess Wears Cleats V2 Crocs Crocband Shoes are available in a variety of colors to suit individual preferences. Whether one prefers the classic black and white combination or wants to opt for a bolder shade, there is a color available for everyone. In addition to the aesthetic appeal, these Crocband Shoes are also highly practical for everyday wear. They can be easily slipped on and off, thanks to the convenient pull tab at the back. The shoes' roomy fit ensures comfort even during long periods of wear, making them suitable for various activities such as walking, running errands, or simply lounging around. Furthermore, the Crocs Crocband Shoes are renowned for their durability, allowing them to withstand regular use without compromising their quality. The shoes are easy to clean, as they can be rinsed off with water or wiped with a wet cloth, ensuring that they remain in pristine condition for a long time. In conclusion, Softball Personalized My Princess Wears Cleats V2 Crocs Crocband Shoes are an excellent gift choice for both softball enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates the sport. Combining comfort, functionality, and personalization, these shoes allow wearers to proudly display their passion for softball while enjoying the benefits of a high-quality and durable footwear option. Whether for oneself or as a gift for a special someone, these Crocband Shoes are sure to bring joy and admiration to any softball lover's life.
Get it here : Softball Personalized My Princess Wears Cleats V2 Crocs Crocband Shoes
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://bestshirtcanbuy.tumblr.com/post/720549947494285312/go-nuggets-2023-nba-finals-champions-bring-it-in
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capbargain · 7 months
Snapback Caps for Spring & Summer Athletes
Outdoor sports are coming back in full swing as Spring closes in. When playing outdoor sports during sweltering spring and summer months, athletes need headwear that provides sun protection and a few other useful features while keeping them cool and comfortable. CapBargain’s blank snapback hats from OTTO Cap got the “comfort” part covered. 
But custom snapback hats are the need of the hour. The snapback hats are ideal warm weather caps for high school teams competing in spring/summer sports like baseball, softball, lacrosse and soccer. 
CapBargain’s Snapbacks
A semi-curved brim to shade the eyes and face from the sun without obstructing vision. A flat, breathable crown that allows heat to escape. Performance sweat bands that keep the head sweat-free. We have caps that have it all, at surprisingly low prices.
Make sure to go for lightweight caps made of moisture-wicking fabric and snapback closure at the back. This helps athletes in your team avoid bulky, sweat-soaked game days. Sweatbands that absorb sweat is a bonus.
Choosing Caps For Your Team
As the mercury rises, lighter colors are crucial for reflecting sunlight rather than absorbing it. Opt for blank white or bright colors like neon green, yellow or orange which won't intensify heat like dark hues. Or choose a sporty mesh snapback like the OTTO 39-165 that lets airflow through. Cooling moisture-wicking performance fabrics are perfect for athletes playing in humid conditions. Buying blank hats in bulk also minimizes your investment with volume discounts.
Designing Wholesale Snapback Hats
Get creative and design custom snapback graphics with inspiring art, team slogans or motivational phrases. Or incorporate cheeky summer graphics that relate to the sport. Amplify your school colors with bright complementary accents like neon snapbacks with contrasting flats or vibrant embroidery.
Consider how headwear colors and designs can strategize position groups. Design bright snapback caps for offensive players who move constantly, while pitchers and basemen handling pop flies may prefer neutral tone-on-tone caps that reduce glare. Give warm weather athletes multiple custom snapbacks to regularly rotate through fresh caps during sweaty sessions.
Let The Team Pitch In
Show athletes you prioritize their wellbeing. Gift cooling neck wraps and moisture-wicking fabrics as coveted prizes for winning streaks and championships. Or create interest by allowing athletes to vote on final snapback designs to keep them engaged in the team branding process.
Be smart about sun safety this spring/summer sports season by customizing cool, breathable blank snapback hats for your athletes. Get creative and fun with custom designs that amplify school spirit while providing protective performance caps for warm-weather games. Players will look, play, and feel their best on hot days. Keep checking in to CapBargain for the best deals on OTTO hats - the finest affordable wholesale hats brand in the USA.
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decade23awards · 8 months
Choosing the Right Softball Awards for Lasting Recognition
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Softball, a thrilling and dynamic sport, demands skill and teamwork and celebrates achievements. Recognizing the efforts and accomplishments of players through awards is an essential aspect of fostering a positive and competitive environment. This comprehensive guide will explore the intricacies of choosing suitable softball awards for lasting recognition.
The Significance of Softball Awards
Softball awards go beyond mere trophies and medals; they symbolize dedication, talent, and sportsmanship. Acknowledging players ' contributions is vital, whether it's a youth league, school tournament, or professional competition. The correct award boosts morale and is a cherished memento of their hard work.
Understanding the Audience
Before delving into the types of softball awards available, it's crucial to understand the audience. English-speaking softball enthusiasts range from parents supporting their children in youth leagues to avid fans following professional teams. Tailoring awards to different age groups, skill levels, and preferences ensures that recognition resonates with the recipients.
Types of Softball Awards
MVP (Most Valuable Player) Awards:
Recognizing the player whose exceptional skills and leadership significantly contributed to the team's success.
Customizable options include plaques, trophies, or personalized keepsakes.
Best Offensive and Defensive Player Awards:
Highlighting outstanding achievements in offensive plays (hitting, scoring) and defensive skills (pitching, fielding).
Trophies featuring a batter and a fielder can add a thematic touch.
Rookie of the Year Awards:
Celebrating newcomers who've made a remarkable impact in their debut season.
Consider age-appropriate designs and encouraging messages.
Team Spirit Awards:
Emphasizing camaraderie, teamwork, and positive attitude within the team.
Plaques with team photos or collaborative artwork are excellent choices.
Coach Recognition Awards:
Acknowledging the dedication and guidance of coaches in player development.
Personalized plaques or engraved coaching tools make thoughtful gifts.
Conclusion: Making Lasting Impressions
Choosing suitable customizable awards is more than a routine task; it's an art that involves understanding the nuances of the sport and the players. You ensure that your recognition efforts make a lasting impression by aligning awards with the audience's preferences, incorporating strategic keywords, and maintaining a reader-friendly structure. As the softball community thrives, let your awards reflect the passion and excellence that define this exciting sport.
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