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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 months ago
The way Huntress is both on Batgirl's friend list and enemy list on Giantbomb.com. Lore accurate.
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nomorepixels · 1 year ago
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Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
©️ Animation Magic Inc. 1993
Image sourced from giantbomb.com Some manual repaints here and there.
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fabioperes · 5 months ago
Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter (SNES/1994) - Juri Akasaka [Playthrough/LongPlay] You can become a member if you'd like to support my channel and get access to perks, Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxpMGDjWkZVQxhhHOCwOO2w/join #loadinggeek #loadinggeeksnes #fightinggame #fightinggames *Platform:* SNES/Super Nintendo Entertainment System *Developer:* Genki *Publisher:* Imagineer *Year:* 1994 Information from (giantbomb.com): *Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter* is a comedic 2D fighting game developed by Genki and published by Imagineer for the Super Famicom exclusively in Japan on December 2, 1994. One of the earliest fighting games with an all-female roster, Pretty Fighter is unique for having each of the eight fighters wear a specific cosplay-style uniform while fighting (including a sailor fuku, a kimono, and a nurse's outfit). It later received a sequel for the Sega Saturn in 1995, titled Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter X, which updates the roster while redrawing all characters in a hand-drawn anime art style and adding anime-style cutscenes. It also received a 3D-focused spin-off for the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1996, titled FIST. *Juri Akasaka (Jyuri) ( 赤坂 樹里 ) [SNES] [Playthrough/LongPlay]* 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:06 Title 00:00:23 Character Select 00:00:33 vs Keiko Konno (Kei) ( 紺野 警子 ) 00:02:46 vs Yawara Yamabuki ( 山吹 柔 ) 00:04:56 vs Ryouko Kiori (Oryou) ( 黃織 涼子 「おりょう」 ) 00:06:55 vs Kris Shiratori ( 白鳥 クリス ) 00:09:04 vs Ai Momoyama ( 桃山 愛 ) 00:12:28 vs Minami Midorikawa ( 綠川 みなみ ) 00:14:03 vs Marin Aoki ( 青木 真琳 ) 00:16:16 Ending 00:16:58 Credits 00:19:28 Thank You For Watching! via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG4e-9PHruQ
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news247planet · 9 months ago
#Giant #Presents #AEW Large Bomb Presents: Energy Bombcast: Lengthy Boiz https://news247planet.com/?p=846392
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starrwulfe · 11 months ago
Revisiting this game since Diablo V is out …
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Revisiting this game since Diablo V is out on Game Pass and I'll be messing with that next weekend maybe. I'm not good at these kind of games but love the artwork and the storylines so I play despite myself 😅
Diablo IV (giantbomb.com)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🗣️💬👍🚀♻️ ➡️
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xmothx · 7 years ago
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simseez · 7 years ago
Video Thing: 2Human
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never-obsolete · 4 years ago
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giantbomb.com - September 2008
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beingallelitemedia · 3 years ago
giantbomb- Announcing Ranking of Evil, a new show on Giant Bomb, starring @eviluno! Stay tuned for more!
If you're not Premium, you can always try a free trial! giantbomb.com/upgrade
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nomchonks · 4 years ago
i havent listened to every single thing the folks of giantbomb.com have said about cp77 but i have listened to quite a bit and it really stands out to me that they will mention in passing “oh it has trans issues” but nobody brought up anything to do with race until they had a black guest on who was like “yeah the writing for black characters was what i expected” and the white guys just nod their heads and then they talk about something else
they have trans friends and fellow game sites have published articles about the trans stuff so of course they have to pay the barest of lip service to that but like... don’t they have any nonwhite friends... 
i havent heard a single one of them mention anything about misogyny either but that will NEVER happen
it’s not like i expect anything out of them but it would be nice if nonwhite noncis nonhet perspectives would be taken into account when discussing a game’s quality. really sick of the myopic white male view being the standard.
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nomorepixels · 1 year ago
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Arebou Princess
©️ MARS Corporation 2001
Image sourced from giantbomb.com Image upscaled using only the realesrgan-x4plus-anime model.
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c-is-for-circinate · 5 years ago
Sooo what persona let’s play me would you recommend?
Okay yes this has been in my drafts for two weeks let’s find some links!
Note: I’ve tried so hard to find female-fronted LP’s for these games.  So hard, and for literal years.  Unfortunately, I’m weirdly picky about LP’s according to factors even I can’t particularly define, and I’ve never managed to find a complete LP by a woman that I could stand watching or listening to for more than a couple of episodes, so all of these are by guys.  There is a certain amount of, ‘yup, this human is going to talk about getting the MC to hook up with every female character in the game, there we go’ that feels…far from ideal, but somewhat inescapable?  I noped out of most of the worst ones, but sadly @naderegen and I still have no executive function between the two of us and have not yet set up our own RPG LP youtube channel, so this is what we’ve got.
(Also, if any of these LP’ers are actually Terrible People On The Internet etc and I did not know, please assume I didn’t know, the youtube/gaming corners of the internet scare me and I usually avoid every comments section like the plague.)
Persona 3
This is the hardest of the three main games to find LP’s for, IMO, partially because the game is so grindy.  I have given up on so many mid-game.
This LP, by TheTwitGamer, plays through the female main character route for Persona 3 Portable.  You miss out on the cool animations from FES, and I wouldn’t recommend it as your very first time through a Persona game, but I liked it pretty well from what I recall.
There was another one I watched a while back that was not blind, but did a very good job with a full completion run while also still having plenty of appropriate emotional reactions to things, and I cannot for the life of me remember who made it or what it was called.  I think it may have been this one by The Musical Gamer?  Their P5 LP was pretty good, so whether this is the one I remember or not, I think I can stand behind it as a very solid watching choice.
I’ve recently been watching through this one by a gamer named Chronos, and it’s pretty solid–I really like blind LP’s, and this guy actually pays attention enough to have reactions when important things happen!  Have not finished it, but so far it’s quite watchable, and seems like it’ll get you where you need to go.
Persona 4
So many people loved this game.  There are so many LPs of this game.  I have tried so many of them and also not even tried so many of them.
As far as I’m aware, the classic of P4 LP’s is in fact the Persona 4 Endurance Run, by Jeff and Vinny of GiantBomb.com.  Strongly benefits from the ‘two people playing the game who can bounce commentary off of each other’ thing.  They do get spoiled for the endgame pretty early on, but the pretend to be surprised, at least, and they’re good at video games in a fun-to-watch way.
This LP by Obiwan362 is pretty solid if you want something different.  He loves Nanako, which is of course the most important part of Persona 4, so there you go.
Sadly, most Persona 4 blind LPs are from original-flavor Persona 4, not Golden (the remake with all the bonus content that came out on Vita a couple of years later).  There exists one by Chronos, the same guy from the P3 LP on the last list, that I’ve watched at least a reasonable chunk of and didn’t dislike, so give it a try?  (If there’s a blind Golden LP that any of y’all like better, please let me know.)
Persona 5
Honestly, the P5 LP scene is so good.  There are so many good Persona 5 LPs!  (There are also, of course, so many terrible ones, but that’s to be expected and not really pertinent anyway.)
The Bittersweet Gamers’ Persona 5 Let’s Play is really, really good, guys.  These dudes are so smart, and so thinky, and so analytical, and if you like my constant meta bullshit there is a very good chance you’ll like theirs.  They take apart themes and character arcs and game design as they’re playing.  Sometimes they get a little more critical than I like!  Sometimes I fundamentally disagree with their opinions or conclusions!  But they’re always extremely thoughtful about their analysis and their choices, and I respect what they have to say.  (God I wish they weren’t a pair of straight white guys from the US.  They are so smart and analytical, and they do not have the life context to understand some of the things in this game, and I legit regret that.  But from what they’ve got they do a really good job.)
The first Persona 5 LP I ever watched through was this one, by the Musical Gamer (see above for his P3 LP!), and it’s really solid.  Bonus, sometimes his girlfriend is present and has opinions and that’s great!  (Look there are so few female LP’ers I’ve been able to find and enjoy on these games, okay, I take what I can get.)
Honestly I’m sure there are other good ones out there, but look–even on 1.25-1.5 speed, there’s easily 500 hours of content on this list so far.  I only have so much time.  Practically anybody who’s done any sort of P3 or P4 LP has done a P5 one, so check out anybody you like from the above lists and see what’s what.  
Hopefully this helps!  There’s something like 500 hours worth of content linked above, which should at least be enough to keep you busy for a while.  Good luck!  Enjoy!
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blazehedgehog · 5 years ago
SO about that guy who asked you about bravely default you mentioned how you don't take very well to how square enix tends to give everything names that are hard to remember to very specific in game concepts, but i think this is something with a lot of japanese games in general, not just rpgs. now that i think about it, do you enjoy games traditionally made for the japanese market? i think you're onto something blaze
Well, let’s go back to a list I made on Giantbomb.com back in the day of my favorite games of all time.
Out of 63 games on the list, 43 were made in Japan. So, yeah, I like Japanese games. I was kind of a small Japan-o-phile when I was in high school, too. I could speak enough improvisational Japanese that when Sonic X was airing on TV Tokyo, I would kind of transcribe episodes for my friends to help them fill in the blanks as to what was going on. I love the Shenmue and Yakuza games, I have a whole huge 30 minute video scripted out describing the context in which I think Shenmue makes more sense to the Japanese market than to the Western one.
I just don’t really like the modern anime market, is all. I don’t want to say that it got to be too weird, because being weird is what got me in to anime to begin with, but it feels… spoiled, somehow. Anime became too anime, if that makes any sense. All anime is so obsessed with being anime that it forgets to be, like… at least somewhat palatable to people who might not already be genre diehards, I guess.
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news247planet · 2 years ago
#Giant #Presents #WWE Big Bomb Presents: Energy Bombcast Goes Hollywood https://news247planet.com/?p=272012
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starrwulfe · 1 year ago
I kinda wish this was mini metro/bus/tram/HSR. But …
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I kinda wish this was mini metro/bus/tram/HSR.
But hey, I’m a transit geek so…
Mini Metro (giantbomb.com)
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captblakhelm · 5 years ago
My response to MetalJesusRock’s video to other ways to catalog your game collection was worthy of a lengthy blog post..... so here it is.
I often forget smartphones apps exists, as I only really use my phone as a phone, or something to kill time when I'm at work or otherwise at home.
Here are some I have used:
Backloggery: A website to catalogue what games you have completed. Keeps track of your completion level and ownership level. Displays games you're currently playing Trend list shows comparison between games you've beat and haven't beat. Has a bit of a social network vibe as you can add friends, post on each other profiles, compare recent changes, and has some Twitch integration. There seems to be no database, so every entry is hand made by each user - so expect typos and other incorrections thanks to human error 
HowLongToBeat: More used to compare completion times between gamers, but has a  huge database of games, thus can be used to catalog game libraries.  I haven't used it extensively though. 
Steam: Obviously, Steam will show you all your Steam  games, but it has been improved recently to allow you to sort your library more easily and use Dynamic Collections which can grow automatically as you get more games, based on parameters like Genre, features, players and more. Steam allows you to list your non-Steam games as well, allowing you to list your DRM free games and games from other launchers. The interface is pretty visual, so you can use a custom image as "Box art" and there is a budding community of people making custom box art to use on Steam
GoG Galaxy: GoG made a big effort to make a unifying PC game launcher made to scan games from all major game store fronts, including consoles. Also tracks recently added games,  achievments, and hours plays. Feels a bit like a spirtual sucessor to Raptr, albeit not as robust. It's based on libraries from game stores, so "executable games" you may have on your PC won't be detected. You can add games manually, but I think they only work on games already on connected platforms, not loose entries from users. Anarchy Arcade : I'm possibly cheating here, but this is actually a free game on Steam. It is a digital world/sandbox where you can create your own virtual arcade by importing your Steam games. You can add various arcade machines, PCs, and TV setup that display and launches a Steam game with in the game. I'm pretty sure you can also have in world game boxes so you can make bookshelves or stacks of loose games with your actual game library
GiantBomb.com: This is bit of a misnomer, as GiantBomb is a game coverage site, mixed with a forum, social network, games wiki, and lists. You can use lists along with the game database/wiki to list your games. It's a bit cumbersome to use as a game catalog compared to other options, but many regulars have used it as such. 
Raptr: This was an AWESOME program that would scan your games libraries and also display achievements, ratings, and show which of your friends from which platform were online and playing. If I remember correctly, you could use it for chat as well and I'm pretty sure there some community/forum/social aspect to it as well. The best thing about Raptr is that it tracked what games you played and for how long. At the end of the year, you could generate a "This year in gaming" report that would show every game you played, how much you spent on it, which genre's you played in pie charts, and a bunch of other neat information. You could compare your report to friends reports as well. 
Favslist: This was used as a social network/tool to list your favorite lists of game related stuff, and non-related stuff. Since games was it focus, it had a huge community-created games database. Truly, you probably couldn't catalog a huge collection of games somebody like MJR, AVGN, or The Last Gamer would had, but it was awesome to make lists of "Your favorite fighting games" or "Favorite games of 1997" or "Favorite Characters". Unfortunately, the primary creator/owner, Pape Badiane died tragically and with it, the funding for the site, making the site spiral out of maintenance, updates, and eventually existence. Fans/former members of the site are apparently working on things in the background, and one of them on Discord mention there is plans to get the site back up, as the data/lists on there are still backed up somewhere. 
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