#Ghoulish Hooligans
knizuu · 10 months
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My god, that’s a lot of Fangs! Sadly not gonna tag everyone but I’m super happy with this!!!
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purplehoover · 1 year
Yeah WIP
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hi you get to see my tabs
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fallout76rp · 5 years
Synchromystica Roleplay on Fallout 76 has just evolved a new layer of storytelling for our sprawling, ongoing narrative.
Text-based roleplay, Wasteland RP, has now activate on our Fallout 76 Roleplay Discord server! We’re communicating through prose paragraphs!
Click her to read or join in!
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At the bloody horror that is Bolton Greens, a teen rises from beneath a pile of dead bodies…
In small and festive town of Helvetia, a strangely dressed robot realizes it has new dreams…
And in a place that we shall not yet name, Clarissa Kubrick draws her gun…
Meanwhile, back at Whitespring…
Voice of Robot Carla from Cheers: “Wasteland RP is filmed before a live studio audience.”
A roll of thunder in the distance became the echoing footsteps of the Enclave officers, in service of Empress Von Killchild. A circus of hooligans strode beside them, gathered by Von Killchild to fight alongside the Enclave as she spread her influence across the wasteland.
Tannin watched through freshly polished lenses as Officer Shoshana Pai strode at the lead, tightly uniformed. Von Killchild’s empire had see impossible victories as it spread across the lands, but with every victory came madness, and even from this distance, Tanen could see the madness spreading behind Shoshana’s face.
Shoshauna Pai has tried growing her hair in the atom bomb style of her Empress and Queen, but Von Killchild had taken offense, and burned Shoshana’s mushroom cloud off, right there on the spot.
The two uniformed officers just behind her were clearly feeling the intensity as well. One was older, smiling over gritting teeth. The other was younger, and appeared to be on a constant state of shock and terror.
But the slender man in the top hat, wearing red, was feeling none of that stress at all. He grinned a dark grin, as he reassured the lead officer about a situation Tanen could not hear the details of.
A man with a suit made American flags walked behind them, hands deep in his pockets. From the patriotic collar of that suit rose, snake-like, a head covered in black metal-threaded fabric, a marine tactical mask. His face had no mouth, and was featureless, but for the dark, reflective eyes, black-mirrored like crude oil.
The Patriot was whispering to a clown walking alongside them. As threatening and insane as this clown clearly was, he too was radiating calm, undisturbed by whatever situation was bothering the uniformed.
None of them bothered turning to even glance at Tannin as they strode past. None save the last, the one lurking furthest behind…
Dario Morton, alias Dario The Ghoulish…
The Ghoulish One’s mask was a massive twist of iron, beset with round, blood-red glass eyes that glared at Tannin like hot stars. His words arose from within the mask’s gaping grimace like a dead man rising from the grave.
Dario stared at the robot, stared into him… and then finally spoke.
“I have often wondered at the depths of the robot mind,” said Dario, “and I am wondering now at the depths of yours…” Dario’s arms hung limply at his side. “I feel that you might be hiding something from us, Tannin. Some secret… Do you hide it from Empress Von Killchild as well?”
Tannin spoke. “Security is our top priority.”
And Dario replied. “…indeed. Indeed… Perhaps I should drink with you sometime, Tannin. Perhaps I should drink with you at your bar, instead of alone, as I so often do. The things you and I have both seen over the years.... You and I have much to discuss, I imagine.”
Dario stared for long moment more... then turned as if on an axis, and continued after the rest of the Von Killchild’s servants, who were already descending the stairs ahead.
Tannin returned to his default position, removed a bottle of bourbon from below the bar, and started to pour.
A woman in a trench coat burst up beside him, like a molerat bursting from it’s hole.
Her eyes were bright, her mustache was fake, her sleeves went well past her hands, and she was ready to drink.
Her name was Jamie Spano.
“Holy crap, that was close,”
Tannin handed Jamie her glass, and a sudden confused scream rang out as a man she had just met that morning came tumbling from above the bar. He crashed hard into the ground, like he was his own Three Stooges movie.
“Balls!” the man shouted as he flailed about on the ground, struggling to regain his feet.
And once those feet were regained, so was his dignity, as he radiated that style of impossible charm that only the heavy set middle aged alcoholic can radiate, and asked Tannin for another pour.
“So we were just introducing ourselves when the dark side stormed by,” said Jamie.
“Yes, indeed Ms Spano.” He shot out his hand to shake hers. “Phoenix McGillicuddy, the Whitespring’s most outstanding and long-lasting human customer. I was here when the bombs went off and kind of faded into the background when the bots started kicking people off the property. Security is constantly trying to kill me, but the wait staff is beyond compare. Tannin and Bubbles are delightful. They mix a mean drink, and they haven’t ratted me out yet, so here I am, living in the walls like, well, like a rat, sort of. But a charming rat, like the kinds who sing, and drink bourbon.”
“All rats drink bourbon, Mister McGillicuddy, but we enjoy you anyways,” called Bubbles, the sassy and spherical, French-accented, lady Nuka-Cola bot running the soda fountain around the corner.
Tannin turned to Jamie. “Welcome to the Whitespring.”
“Thank you very much, Tannin,” Jamie said as she raised her glass, but suddenly they heard another door open, down the hall.
“Who’s that!?” Jamie and Phoenix exclaimed in unison.
To be continued...
We plan on adding a second text-based roleplay setting in the coming weeks - Vault 76 RP. This will be dedicated to our time in Vault 76, and the mysterious events which took place there. 
“Did you ever go all the way down in Vault 76? Down into the darkness?
“Do you remember?”
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dailykanechronicles · 7 years
Thought it might help, A cited quote on Sarah Jacobi for the wikia?*
‘The oil rippled. I saw a different face-Sarah Jacobi, leader of the rebels. She had milky skin, spiky black hair, and dark, permanently startled eyes lined with too much kohl. In her pure white robes she looked like a Halloween ghoul.’ ‘She stood in a room lined with marble columns. Behind her glowered half a dozen magicians-Jacobi’s elite killers. I recognized the blue robes and shaven head of Kwai, who’d been exiled from the North Korean Nome for murdering a fellow Magician. Next to him stood Petrovich, a scar-faced Ukranian who’d once worked as an assassin for our old enemy Vlad Menshikov.’ 'The others I couldn’t identify, but I doubted that any of them were as bad as Sarah Jacobi herself. Until Menshikov had released her, she’d been exiled in Antarctica for causing an Indian Ocean Tsunami that killed more than a quarter of a million people.’ ’“Carter Kane!!!” she shouted’ 'Because this was a broadcast, I knew it was just a magical recording, but her voice made me jump.’ ’ “The House of Life demands your surrender,” she said. “Your crimes are unforgivable. You must pay with your life!” ’(edited)
'My stomach barely had time to drop before a series of violent images flashed across the oil. I saw the Rosetta Stone exploding in the British Museum-The Incident that unleashed Set and killed my father last Christmas. How had Jacobi gotten a visual of that? I saw the fight at Brooklyn House last spring, when Sadie and I had arrived in Ra’s sun boat to drive out Jacobi’s hit squad. The images she showed made it look like we were the aggressors- A bunch of hooligans with godly powers beating up on poor Jacobi and her friends.’ ’ “You released Set and his brethren,” Jacobi narrated.“You broke the most sacred rule of Magic and cooperated with the gods. In doing so, you unbalanced Ma'at, causing the rise of Apophis!” “THAT’S A LIE!!!!” I said. “Apophis was rising anyway!” Then I remembered I was yelling at a video. 'The scenes kept shifting. I saw a high-rise building on fire in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, headquarters of the 234th Nome. A flying demon with the head of a Samurai sword crashed through a window and carried off a screaming magician. I saw the home of the old Chief Lector, Michel Desjardins- A beautiful Paris townhouse on the rue des Pyramides-now in ruins. The roof had collapsed. The windows were broken. Ripped scrolls and soggy books littered the dead garden, and the hieroglyph for Chaos smoldered on the front door like a cattle brand. “All this, you have caused,” Jacobi said. “You have given the Chief Lector’s mantle to a servant of evil. You have corrupted young magicians by teaching the path of the Gods. You’ve weakened the House of Life and left us at the mercy of Apophis. We will not stand for this. Any who follow you will be punished!’”
'The vision changed to Sphinx House in London, headquarters for the British Nome. Sadie and I had visited there over the summer and managed to make peace with them after hours of negotiations. I saw Kwai storming through the library, smashing statues of the Gods and raking books off the shelves. A dozen British magicians stood in chains before their conqueror, Sarah Jacobi, who held a gleaming black knife. The leader of the nome, a harmless old guy named Sir Leicester, was forced to his knees. Sarah Jacobi raised her knife. The blade fell, and the scene shifted. Jacobi’s ghoulish face stared up at me from the surface of the oil. Her eyes were as dark as the sockets of a skull.’ ’ “The Kanes are a plague,” she said. “You must be destroyed. Surrender yourself and your family for execution. We will spare your other followers as long as they renounce the path of the Gods. I do not seek the office of Chief Lector, but I must take it for the good of Egypt. When the Kanes are dead, we will be strong and united again. We will undo the damage you’ve caused and send the Gods and Apophis back to the Duat. Justice comes swiftly, Carter Kane. This will be your only warning.” Sarah Jacobi’s image dissolved in the oil, and I was alone again with Zia’s reflection. “Yeah,” I said shakily. “For a mass murderer, she’s pretty convincing.” Zia nodded. “Jacobi has already turned or defeated most of our allies in Europe and Asia. A lot of the recent attacks-Against Paris, Tokyo, Madrid- Those were Jacobi’s work, but she’s blaming them on Apophis- Or Brooklyn House!” ( The Serpent’s Shadow Chapter 04: I consult the Pigeon of War Pg. 55-58)
For the wikia, how helpful is this?
I'd say pretty helpful depending on what you want to find out about Sarah Jacobi.
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duckiescookie · 7 years
Care Home Hooligan - Part 2
Care Home Hooligan Halloween Special!
Halloween at a Care Home is a unique experience! We have ghoulish snacks, concocted up by our wonderful chef! We have devilishly good music which gets all our residents singing and dancing in their chairs! Songs from their youth and musical all preformed by a slightly off key and very Halloween singer. But mostly, we have a laugh, we get everything decorated and doll out little hats and ears and…
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knizuu · 11 months
Day 31: Trick or Meat! (Fangtober)
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doing this now because I have school tomorrow (lmao wish me luck)
A FANG PARTY!! Including  @lunastars21’s Fang, @lady-nuggetz’s Fang, @spikedpunkz ‘s Ghost town au Fang, @im-just-a-dumb-gay’s No Zone Fang/Cheebaverse Fang/Odyssey Fang, @barsikscorner’s Fang, @purplehoover’s Zombie Fang, @fanglozx’s Fang, @iamapoopmuffin’s Pony Fang, @danger-warfare’s Fang, @f4nggzz/hmmmzin‘s Fangs!!!
*Mine are my main and Prophet au :>
This is straight up a big thanks for ya’ll for interacting with me and being Fang fans together!
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knizuu · 11 months
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*+*Speekle Spokle Speekle *+*
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purplehoover · 11 months
Ghoulish Hooligans! Bark
As the trio returns to life, Bark takes form...
Spoilers for slight horror! (Hi, I like making horror drawings)
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