#Ghetis pokémon
gamedrawin · 2 years
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I'm always impressed, that in the anime, almost no one reacts that Meowth can talk! Or they're just like "Oh weird.".
Seriously! Imagine your cat start to talk!
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teamplasmaofficial · 11 months
Honestly, you are probably one of the dumbest people I've had the misfortune of seeing come across my dash.
You say that pokemon are unhappy to be ''stuck'' with humans and that they shouldn't live together at all, yet you purposefully ignore the fact that just about everyone has a pokemon who they care about more than anything and vice versa.
You could watch a wild pokemon let itself be caught by a pokeball with your own two eyes and you would find a way to twist and manipulate it so that the trainer forced the pokemon to do it.
The people here aren't that stupid, we all know that you're up to no good, and I highly doubt anyone here is gonna fall for your sad attempts at manipulation.
(@youraveragefoongustrainer )
(OOC, I just wanna add that I'm actually excited to see a Ghetis blog on here and that I hope you have fun with running it)
Having an emotional connection with a pokémon does not devalue the fact that the concept of the modern relationship between people and pokémon is inherently abusive.
Wild pokémon never used to allow themselves to be caught by humans. Hundreds of years of this mistreatment has warped the minds of these powerful beasts.
Oh and please, know that I mean no harm. You antagonize me because you fear admitting that you abuse pokémon! Do not worry, you'll come around.
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kate66s · 2 years
How did Adrien get his hands on a Houndoonite, a mega stone, and key ring when mega evolution is extinct after the apocalypse?
Is Grandmother who lived in Kalos and helped professors Sycamore with his studies on Pokémon mega evolution. She then handed them down to her son which then after having their own kid gave Adrien the mega stone, houndoonite and key ring.
A few people still have mega stones in the cannon to Pokémon Neo Ghetis. Miss Stone has a mega key stone in her hair pin/tiara. The dragon trainer that gives Aburn cordinats to a dragons den also has a mega key stone as well.
And there's one more of my Characters that also has a key stone which is Viha. Which is interesting sense she lives in what is considered the slums. She acquired her mega stone by actual digging into the walls of the underground. It's how she found her Sableye who has a Sablenite in it's skin cuz they ate it. There's actually a black market down in the slums where people can buy either mined mega stones or ones that were stolen. Viha also has Banettite for their Banette which both the Pokémon and the mega stone were discarded by some rich persons who didn't want them anymore.
I hope this answers your question and more😊
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askbohemiancompany · 2 years
Aight Sol we saw ur pokemon chart a while ago, now I wanna hear any hot takes you have on the Pokémon villain teams. And which ones did you feel was most/ least effective (in any regard)?
So this is a topic I have some mixed feelings on and I have ✨takes✨
So for me there are two types of villain teams; criminal teams and nuisance teams. Nuisance teams are what teams have been for the last 3 gens and I don’t think they are terrible. I think, in a way they actually do fit because you can only save the world so many times in these games before it feels old. Plus, it allows for other things to be the threat.
I would say gen 7 and 9 have both done this well in different ways. Team Yell are aesthetically cool and have a funny explanation but are the weakest
As for the criminal teams; the only one I would consider good/compelling is Team Plasma. As pee brain as the question is presented, they least presented well. Plus N and Ghetis are both fantastic. Plus the idea of a team having a civil war over their direction is fascinating.
Here are short and pithy insults towards the other teams not mentioned above
Team Rocket- listen it’s everyone’s first, I’ve even cosplay as a grunt. They’re the vanilla of the teams.  There is an actual flavor to it, and there are little subtle intricacies with it(HGSS adding names to the admins and everything with Silver) but nothing great.
Team Aqua/Magma- stupid until salvaged by the remake. The remake at least made some of their goals, at least understandable, in terms of their aims and how they are two sides of the same coin.
Team Galactic- worst criminal team. Utter dog shit.
Team Flare- good idea for a team and could actually be the most vile if not for the aesthetics of the team and mishandling of Lysandre.
Final thing I would say is that, I have an ideas for a GEN six GEN seven mash up and Team Flare does have a role in it, but they are drastically different in terms of how they are run and the type of villain they are, while keeping what made them villainous.
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Right, I think we need to get things straight. So I’m going to tell a story. When I was ten years old, a group call Team Plasma had formed. After they masqueraded as a Pokémon advocate organization, they have up the act and destroyed our victory road. The strongest trainers in our region couldn’t fight them off. I lived in Opelucid. I heard stories while it happened of the evil Ghetis, who killed Pokémon for fun. Until they were defeated, the whole north of the region lived in fear of the future. Over the next to year, parents used stories of the violent Plasma and Ghetis to discipline their kids. It was horrific, everyone was afraid they would come back. And then they did. When Opelucid froze, it was hell. I was only 12 and I had to watch people and Pokémon I knew die of frostbite. I was lucky, and we packed up to move to Asperia City. I have never been move afraid in my life. This stuff is real. Those teams that cause chaos are real. People die to their hands. We should NOT be joking about these things, especially those you are too young to remember the terror. Respect those we lost.
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pkmnnzlckrowen · 2 years
Première journée du Nuzlocke
J’avais laissé le choix à mes abonnés Twitter pour savoir sur quel jeu je ferais mon Nuzlocke et, avec la moitié des votes, c’est Pokémon Noir qui a été choisi!
J’ai donc récupéré la rom, j’ai de la chance car l’horloge interne fonctionne et confiirme que je suis bien en automne et je commence donc le jeu.
J’ouvre donc les yeux dans ma chambre. Tcheren (que je hais, ici on est un #TcherenHateAccount) crache sur le retard de Bianca (ici on aime Bianca) alors je l’ignore, ce gros con. Finalement, la plus belle, la plus douce, arrive enfin et mes deux amis m’invitent à choisir mon pokémon en premier. J’imagine que pour un Nuzlocke, il faudrait que je réfléchisse à prendre un starter en particulier, afin de m’assurer le plus de chances possibles mais je m’en fous de ça (je devrais pas, je sais), et je choisis Moustillon! Fidèle à mon choix quand j’ai ouvert le jeu pour la première fois, il est mon starter préféré avec sa petite bouille adorable et je n’ai donc pas hésité. Ainsi, Bianca a pris Gruikui (qui lui va si bien) et Tcheren s’est retrouvé avec Vipélierre.
Parce que c’est un crétin qui aime pas s’amuser, Tcheren a tenté de nous empêcher, Bianca et moi, de faire un combat pokémon mais ça n’a servi à rien et on s’est bien battus. Je dois être honnête, ayant un souvenir d’avoir perdu lors de mon premier combat contre Tcheren la toute première fois, je n’étais pas serein mais tout s’est très bien passé. Ma chambre est à feu et à sang mais ça, ce sera un souci pour ma mère qui refuse qu’on l’aide. Soit.
Après ces premiers combats chaotiques (surprenant que Tcheren n’ait pas voulu affronter Bianca, il devait savoir qu’il perdrait, ce gros nul), nous nous sommes séparés en nous promettant d’aller au laboratoire de la professeure Keteleeria. Je suis allé chercher Bianca chez elle, elle a envoyé chier son père (elle a grave raison), puis je suis allé au laboratoire.
En tapotant sur B trop vite, un drame qui m’arrive trop souvent, j’ai raté la possibilité de donner un nom à mon moustillon. Le cœur brisé et la flemme immense de recommencer tout cela, j’ai accepté que je le nommerai plus tard auprès du maître des noms, mais sachez que je sais déjà comment il va s’appeler: Greg (c’est inspiré du docteur Maison à cause de la moustache blanche saillante mais le prénom rappelle aussi Greg de Steven Universe, ce qui est un chouette combo). J’ai accepté la quête de remplir le Pokédex, complètement conscient que je ne l’accomplirai jamais.
Ensuite, main dans la main avec Bianca (et Tcheren qui nous lâche pas), je me suis rendu à la route 1. Ma merveilleuse amie nous a proposé de voir lequel de nous trois pourrait attraper le plus de pokémon sur cette route mais ne pouvant pas attraper d’autres pokémons que le premier que je rencontrerais, je savais que je ne gagnerais pas. Ainsi, en faisant mes premiers pas dans les hautes herbes, j’ai rencontré un ponchiot au niveau 3. Sans grande difficulté, je l’ai attrapé et j’ai décidé de le nommer Pastille! Au début, je voulais lui donner le même nom que mon vieux chien, mais je ne tenais pas à porter la poisse à l’un comme à l’autre.
Au lieu de directement rejoindre mes amis, me rappelant que quelqu’un me ferait regretter mon choix d’aventure très prochainement, j’ai fait monter mes pokémons jusqu’au niveau 10 pour Greg et 9 pour Pastille. Ce n’est qu’à ce moment-là que j’ai fait face aux deux autres et il s’est avéré qu’on a une égalité parfaite tous les trois (Tcheren aurait pu mieux faire, lui qui se croit tellement meilleur que tout le monde).
Une fois à Arabelle, je suis allé au centre pokémon, choppé au passage par la professeure qui nous a expliqué, à Bianca et à moi, comment tout cela fonctionnait. J’ai ensuite laissé ma meilleure amie réfléchir à ce qu’elle voulait s’acheter, remplissant mon propre sac de pokéballs et de potions, et je suis allé à l’extérieur où Tcheren m’a attrapé par la gorge et obligé à rester tandis que Ghetis nous faisait son long discours sur la liberté des pokémons. J’avais la flemme de me retaper le discours alors je ne l’ai pas écouté, c’est un con de toute façon.
Une fois la team Plasma disparue, un jeune garçon du nom de N est venu nous voir en nous disant pouvoir parler avec nos pokémons. Il nous a un peu mal parlé mais vu que Tcheren a fait pareil en premier, je suppose qu’on est quittes. Team N ici hein. D’ailleurs, il a tenu à m’affronter ensuite, pour prouver que j’aimais mes pokémons mais vu que je m’étais préparé à l’affronter, ça s’est bien passé. Il nous a donc quitté en étant impressionné par la personne incroyable que je suis, bien sûr.
Avant de quitter la ville, j’ai récupéré la pokéball dans l’un des appartements et à mon arrivée sur la route 2, ma mère m’a fait ses adieux en me donnant une paire de pompes que je n’avais jamais porté avant. Elle n’a pas à s’en faire, j’appuierai sur le bouton B pendant encore un long moment.
À présent que je me trouvais sur une nouvelle route, je me suis avancé dans l’herbe, prêt à rencontrer celui qui serait peut-être mon troisième compagnon et un ponchiot s’est alors jeté sous mon pied. Oui, un autre ponchiot. À ce moment-là, j’ai hésité. Je sais qu’il y a une règle qui dit que si on a déjà eu un pokémon de cette famille, on peut esquiver les autres pokémons de cette même famille s’ils sont notre première rencontre sur une route, cependant ce n’est pas une règle obligatoire et je ne l’ai pas ajoutée à ma liste de règles alors... J’ai attrapé ce deuxième ponchiot de niveau 4 et je l’ai nommée Odile (oui, comme dans Barbie et le Lac du cygne). Je galère toujours avec le prénom Pastille de son grand frère alors je l’appelle parois Odille mais l’intention est là.
Il m’a donc fallu entraîner Odile pour qu’elle soit au niveau de ses frères aînés et c’est là que je me suis rendu compte d’un drame: tous les autres pokémons de la route ont un niveau supérieur, je ne pouvais donc pas la faire combattre au début, obligé de laisser la place à ses frères à chaque début de combat. Enfin, tout s’est bien fini car elle a pu atteindre leur niveau, mais à deux reprises, elle est passée du vert au rouge avec des attaques qui n’étaient même pas super efficaces et ce contre des pokémons plus bas niveau à chaque fois alors je m’inquiète pour Odile.
Je suis resté sur la route 2 un peu plus longtemps pour faire monter tous mes pokémons au niveau 11, vue que le Vestige des Rêves à l’est de la ville me fera gagner quelques niveaux supplémentaires (enfin, les dresseurs), puis je me suis décidé à rejoindre Ogoesse, me disant que soigner mes pokémons ne serait pas une mauvaise idée, quand Bianca m’a attrapé par la manche et m’a provoqué en duel, contre mon gré. Heureusement, elle n’est pas encore très forte (je sais qu’elle le deviendra plus tard), alors tout s’est, une fois encore, bien passé.
Fatigué par toute cette aventure qui m’a pris un petit moment quand même (1h24 selon le jeu mais je crois que ça bug, je suis resté plus longtemps que ça), je me suis ensuite précipité au centre pokémon d’Ogoesse, j’ai soigné mes pokémons, pris une potion et une pokéball et j’ai sauvegardé ma partie. Je reprendrai donc demain, avec pour objectif de vaincre la première arène pokémon et de rejoindre Maillard.
Je finis ainsi cette première soirée dans mon Nuzlocke avec trois pokémons:
Greg, le moustillon (mâle) de niveau 11
Pastille, le ponchiot (mâle) de niveau 11
Odile, le ponchiot (femelle) de niveau 11
Voyons si j’arriverai à survivre demain! Je ferai de mon mieux en tout cas!
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soldier-nation · 5 years
Giovanni: Well, what do you want for Christmas ? Archie: More ocean ! Maxie: More Earth ! Lysander: A pure world. Ghetis: A castle. Giovanni: Well and you Cyrus ? Cyrus: ..... to die ... Others: ... Giovanni: Well, anti-depressants are noted.
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waywardstation · 2 years
The Ghetis wins AU is funny to me in the same way that every dystopian novel that takes place exclusively in the US does. In that the entire time I'm reading it, I imagine the rest of the world being very much business as normal and just side-eying the country (region) like "what are they even DOING over there."
I imagine it becomes considerably scarier when the despot in charge controls a giant dragon that can freeze over entire regions. Every other region, if not publicly and officially acting against Ghetis, is for sure planning what to do once he decides that Unova isn't enough for him.
RIGHT ANON HAHA of course the place Ghetsis tries to freeze over is Pokémon New York, one of the two most stereotypical places for apocalypse stories (it seems to be both that and the California Los Angeles area honestly)
I’m sure Ghetsis will be working his way through things methodically, trying to take areas once at a time. Once he gets rid of all the Pokémon in an area, he can move on, he doesn’t care what people do after.
Because Ghetsis’ plans were always to try and take away everyone’s Pokémon, so he’d be the only one in the world with them, giving him power over everyone else.
Quite the dream there Ghetsis, seems a little impossible to achieve, (do you KNOW how many Pokémon are in the world? I’m sure a more mature rating would call for Pokémon extermination rather than capture) but the man was going through with it in the games, so he seems quite determined to try haha
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eldragon-x · 3 years
Yeah, Ghetsis is basically the Irredeemable Pokémon Villain. I's be mad if they did him any other way. (That said, Ghetis is apparently good at keeping a lid on his awfulness, as he had a lot of Plasma grunts fooled for YEARS. So if he is downplayed at all in Masters, it's almost certainly him just acting the part in order to accomplish one of his goals. That how I'd choose to interpret it, anyway.)
No yeah we all know he's a manipulative asshole, I wouldn't put that past him. Just as long as other characters don't downplay his doings I'll be fine with what happens. 
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pikanepgamer · 4 years
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Hey everyone, Pikafan09 here, and today, I drew and digitalized this fan art featuring a very sad event that involves with my new least faveorite character: Lillie.
That night, in the woods in Mele Mele Island, Lillie was sobbing after Elio saying: “I’m sorry Lillie. The truth is….. I’m in love with Selene.” And every single flashback invooling her stealing Elio from Selene just to make Miette kill her causing Elio to go berserk and kill Lillie on that one day, prior of getting revived from Gladion with the help of Celebi, and all the events that had Elio breaking up with Lillie, saying that dating with Lillie, would spell only trouble for Selene,and Elio. If Selene cries, then Elio would only beat Lillie to death.
As Lillie began to cry, Hau showed up as Lillie explains her problems with Hau. Then Hau says that even if Elio ended the relationship with Lillie, Hau will always be there for Lillie, and to protect her, and together, Hau can solve the mystery of stopping Miette’s monster form, and freeing Lillie from her crused past when Team Plasma kidnapped her, as Gladion ran away from the scene two days, after Mohn was sucked into the Ultra Wormhole, under the command given to Faba, by Ghetis Harmonia.
Shortly after, Lillie smiled and gives Hau a big hug.
If you liked this fan art, then please consider leaving a like/reblog(If desired), and a nice comment as appreciated!
Pokémon © Satoshi Tajiri, Game Freak, Creatures.Inc, Nintendo, Viz Media, TV Tokyo, ShoPro, JRkikaku, and TPCi (The Pokémon Company International).
Art made by: Pikafan09 (Me)
Art made by using: Clip Studio Paint Pro
@pokemon @nintendo @nintendocafe @shadic4566 @dracoknight545 @purimpopoie @alola-propaganda @alolamydude
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calebwittebane · 4 years
pokémon B/W confession: i thought there was only one S in ghetsis' name so for 9 years i called him ghetis until my friend pointed out to me that i was saying it wrong
tbf i think his name in french is ghetis. but also his name being ghetsis means that when he does something unhinged and evil in the game i can just be like. sis.........
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shari-berri · 4 years
N x reader
(Natural Harmonia Gropius)
Your POV
I had met N a while back. I defeated him and things went from there. He needed a place to stay after Ghetis' defeat so I allowed him to live with me.
I know he now understands that Pokémon are happy with their partners, but today I hope to really show that to him.
"N! Could you come out to the backyard with me? I have something I would like to do with you." I say softly, voice barely above a whisper.
He nods and follows me towards the door, holding it open for me like a gentleman.
Once outside I call out all of my Pokémon.
Furfrou came out along with Marill and Vikavolt. Combusken popped out and immediately went to my side, holding onto my leg. Emolga flew around N's head in circles, buzzing about excitedly. My last pokemon came out, revealing Roselia.
N just looked at me, curious about what I had planned.
"N, as you now know, Pokémon are happy with their trainers. But I wanted to demonstrate that even more to you." I explain, giving him an idea of what I am about to do.
Pulling N towards the woods along with my Pokémon following behind, I look for a wild Pokémon.
An angry Beedrill pops out and starts to fly at me.
Wanting to demonstrate my team's love for me, I stand there bracing for the attack.
When Beedrill got about 4 feet away, Combusken jumped in front of me and used fire spin, stopping the angry Pokémon in its tracks.
Combusken then got in a defensive position around me, the rest of my team soon following.
Roselia released a petal dance to distract the Beedrill when Vikavolt finished it off with zap cannon.
After the Beedrill fainted, all my Pokémon came rushing at me, huddling around me, pushing to see if I was okay.
I just laughed and grabbed them all, holding them close to my chest and thanking them for saving me.
Turning to N, I said, "See? This proves how much they love me. They were not going to stand around and let me be harmed. I have complete and utter trust that they will save me any way they can. That is what a bond between a Pokémon and it's trainer should look like. Most relationships look like this, but some don't, That is what you should look out for." I state, softly rubbing his hand with my thumb.
N nods and smiles a gentle smile.
"I see now thanks to you, Y/N. Thanks you for showing me your bond between you and your friends. I would love to continue to learn more about your connection with your pokemon if you would let me." He responds, smile still present on his face.
That is how I showed N the love and trust bond between trainer and Pokémon.
But...I still needed to teach him about the bond between humans with other humans...how will I do that?
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waywardstation · 2 years
In the Ghetis wins verse, I coudl definitely see that being interesting/horrifying. Its especially worrying how Emmet might be holding up. (*i doubt he willingly would release his pokemon and his pokemon would have willingly stayed with him. So they were likely taken in that verse. )
It is quite a fun (but sad) concept!
I’m sure Emmet would never willingly release his Pokémon either. They’d be taken, but it would be a task that Team Plasma would severely underestimate.
Can you imagine trying to find and take every single Joltik? It would be an infestation down in the subway systems that they would never properly be able to completely take care of, and Emmet would somehow always have at least one with him.
He’s smug about it. He told his Joltik to make it as taxing as possible, they can’t ever catch them all.
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