#Getway Dogs
ratatoast · 1 year
You're either a Getaway Car type of skk shipper, or a Partners In Crime one, and i will not be accepting any criticism on this one.
(I will, however elaborate in the tags, bcuz god gave me fingers so that I can rant about soukoku online.)
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alwek · 10 months
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I would have expected Getway Car to be above Dogs and Beta Club but y'all really should listen to all these songs/bands.
Metric and Kings of Leon are two of the best bands I've ever heard, with possibly the most impressive discographies I've ever had the privilege of listening to. Each album by each band is no lower than a strong 7, they each have just incredibly consistent grooves and tones, always finding ways to add more, or rework the sounds they usually stick with.
Metric has always loved their synths, and with every album they release you can just hear them come into themselves more and more as they experiment with the noises and lyrics they make. An absolutely amazing and beautiful and stunning blend of pop and rock. The cybernetic sounds they blast always catch me in their electrifying nets, getting me stuck in all the subtle little additions they add, all the little details that bring the songs up to new levels. And the sheer lyricism of Emily Hanes, MMMMPPH! She's a huge inspiration to my own music, and Art Of Doubt is possibly my favourite album ever
Kings Of Leon have been a favourite for probably just as long as metric. I just can never get enough of the twang they seem to have absolute mastery over. Each project of theirs being so lovingly crafted and pieced together, as if they live through the music they make. I get lost in their albums so often, especially the album Mechanical Bull. It's just so easy to get lost in the largness of the sound they always seem to perfectly get out
Jarv has more passion in his music than almost any other rapper I've listend to in recent memories. His flows are just peak, his song Escargot is a perfect example of his ability to put words together and a wonderful display of how fucking fast that boys tongue can move. He's got groove, he's got heavy hittings, he's got lyricism up the wazoo, seriously, some of the most cleaver and pleasing rhyme schemes I've ever heard, Eminem WISHES he had the immaculate flow that Jarv possess.
Linkin Park. Do they even need a description? One of the most iconic rock bands, just, ever! They always put their whole pussies into what they made. Every word, every note, it was so intrinsicly THEM. Unabashedly unashamed of the "cringness" of they lyrics, just letting themselves be as they are and saying to the world "this is me. Now watch." In Pieces is one of my favourite songs of all time, and while I'm less a fan of the newer stuff, Linkin Park will always be top dog. Rest In Wonderful Noise, Chester Bennington
Mosie is phenomenal. This guy understands pop in ways that nobody in recent years has been able to get. He beautifully blends pop bases with some more hip hop feels and motifs, blending the two genras together in a fasion I just, quite frankly, haven't heard a single group or person pull off since Taylor Swift sold the fuck out. He bops, he hops, his voice is so clearly full of passion for the craft that it makes it so easy to get into the mood of each song. He's perfectly able to engross the listener, hooking them with the immaculate beats and passionate lyrics.
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rachelrai604 · 1 year
20 Objects + Meaning:
My passport is an important object to me because it holds my identity, nationality and ethnicity. It represents my journey of migrating to a different country at such a young age and allowing me to have two passports, showcasing different countries and destinations. 
My bible is an important piece to me because it connects me to my spiritual beliefs, morals and values. Religion is a big factor in my day to day life and reading the bibe is something I consider doing everyday. A lot of my opinions and decisions are based of my religion. 
Wearing my airpods allows me to unwind from my busy surroundings and express myself through the music I listen to. It is like a getway from a bad day or bad moment too.
Copper Jug:
This copper jug is an important and a significant object to me and my family because it has been passed down through three generations. My great grandmother, my grandma, my mum and now me. It is said in our culture that drinking water from copper jugs or dishes is good for the body and has very positive effects.
Crown of Midnight Book:
The Throne of Glass book series was the first ever series I read when I was younger. I finished all the series in a month and was so addicted. To this day, Sarah J. Maas is my favourite author and her Throne of Glass series, is my absolute favourite too.
Picture of Nana and Mum:
This picture is framed in my house. It is important to me because pictures hold a lot of memories, whether it be good or bad. I am always able to look back at these pictures and think about what times must have been back then.
Teddy Bear:
My teddy bear is important to me because I've had it for almost ten years. Even though I am much older now, it provides an external source of comfort and a sense of security. 
Paintings or this particular piece of art is important to me because as a designer I am always finding new ways to expand my creativity and how I can express that through objects in my environment. 
As a designer this is a very important object to me because I am constantly looking at my laptop screen, designing and working for hours and hours. The glasses help keep my eyes healthy by blocking harmful blue light through the screens.
The coaster is an important object to me because when I lived in India, my grandma would often make them from hand. It was like a family activity / work that we would do and I would often make drawings on them when I was little and they'd turn into beautiful cute coasters.
Punjabi Shoes:
Punjabi shoes are an important piece to me because I wear them with my cultural dresses and suits. A lot of punjabi shoes have different patterns on them with different beads and gems.
The Wheel of the Law (dharmachakra) is Buddhism's most prominent emblem, representing the Buddha's First Sermon in the forest of Sarnath, when he established Buddhist Law (dharma). We keep it in our house because it also ties in with our Indian flag.
Tufting Mat:
The tufting mat is an important object to me because I enjoy tufting as a hobby. I find it quite theraputic. 
I am a big fan of candles and often use scents that are good for the body or even essential oils.
Straw Stool:
My mum made this when we freshly moved to New Zealand from India with my aunty. Its in quite bad condition now but we would often sit on the straw stools when I was little.
My bag is an important object to me because I carry it around everyday with all my things in it which includes my wallet, lip balms, hand santizers and work tags. As a woman, I find that it is an essential nessecitity for me to have. 
Younger Me:
I treasure this photo of me when I was younger because I started kindgarden around that time while recently setting into a new country. I remember that day very clearly because I was able to hold a puppy for the first time - in India the kids were told not to touch stray dogs because of sickness and diseases. 
The Dhol is a musical instrument that I treasure a lot. It is almost 20 years old and was brought from India to New Zealand. My mum would often play the dhol while singing to us and dance around to folkfore music. 
The journal is an important object to me because I believe it is a healthy way to let out your emotions at the end of the day and a way to express your feelings or write down things you wouldn't say out loud. Journaling is a important task of my everyday life and it helps me therapeutically. 
As a designer, I always need to have a pencil, pen or highlighter with me. I am often sketching, drawing or writing down a lot of my ideas before I create them digitally. 
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welovelofi · 5 years
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Loves Me / Loves Me Not
Another bout’ another sunday full of love.
Birdbath - How to Run Away Forever
This recording and mix sounds like it broke your speakers and it’s a great reason to give them to a friend and just get cheaper ones yourself. Don’t sweat it, this will sound even better on smaller speakers. It’s one of the most diy tracks we have featured.. the more diy the bigger the chance it actually just sounds terrible and the diy term is just an easy way to try and get away with having a lower budget and thinking it’s cool to call it diy. Those days are over pals - everyone has a fucking smartphone and laptop to record everything fine. It’s was a think because there were no other options. So atleast have some courtesy to write a good song and make it sound good if you’re going for the diy vibe - because it DOES sound amazing, if you can nail it. Birdbath has courtesy, although the intro speak will make you think of slightly inmature gents, they’re still nailin’ the sound - dicks or no dicks.
Margot - Taken By Age
Slowmoving and brooding track with off-guitars pushing it lovely down the road. Soothing vocals. Nothing’s going anywhere fast. It’s one of those pleasantries, where you shouldn’t plan too much ahead when listening to this - also it’s great for forgetting to plan ahead, so it’s the cure in itself. Just kick back, on the couch, in the grass, at the beach, bring your best friend or lover and plan nothing <3
Floral Couches - Hold On
Uh, I wish this is what would have been the shit in the 80s, maybe there would have been less Wall Street coke-heads running about in this instance and more peace loving people trying to help their neighbours. I’m pretty sure Flora Couches are wonderful neighbours. They’ll invite you in for a cup of tea, nice herbal tea too, we’ll sit down in their wonderfully decorate floral couches and eat off of their home-made floral-pressed table. I bet we’re going to have a vegetarIan barbecue later in the evening too, someone will make Mai Tais and we’ll talk about love and garden flora all night long <3 Come join, just play this tune.
The Belafontes - Big Man
We’ve had a lot of love for the people of Australia lately - and with good reason. This track here is somewhat of an oddity - it severely reminds me of something you would have heard on the radio in the 80s in some parallel universe where the sound was less creamy and bit you more- Maybe if some of the Bladerunner dystopia had really come true this is what the radio would have sounded like. Fucking awesome, I would have gone out clubbing for sure instead of hating it! Do yourself the favor and check this out for some somewhat surreal nostalgia.
Peter the Human Boy - When We’re Old
Peter is a lovely man from Austria that I’ve wanted to put on here for some time, and now’s the time. He’s got a Mac Demarco vibe that is something which is very hard to lay any hate on. This one is nothing but smooth sailing, I fucking hate guitar solos, but I love the one in this! It’s like diving into a big big pool of soft butter. I can see myself standing there on the 3meter plank, butter all filled up beneath, put your heaphones on (butter resistant surely) and just take the plunge with Peter by your side - he’ll bring you back up to the surface safe and sound.
Getaway Dogs - Sawtooth (I’ve Been Wrong Before)
This is a bit on the soft and easy listening side for us, but it’s sunday and it’s just so damn soothing and well performed that it surely deserves a place on the lovers list. The instrumental side of this is wonderful and really makes you slow down and pay attention. It’s a great track for wine with a loved one or chillin’ in front of the fireplace if you’re currently residing in colder climates.
Parker Longbough - Avalanche Beacon
I can’t say anything else but just listen to this track! Sure it starts odd with the early synth - but it will make sense 10 seconds down the line. If you’re just remotely a fan of anything put out in the “indie” sphere from the 2000s-2010s you will truly appreciate this. It might be rough and rugged, but it has just the right vocals and I’m 99% certain this track just sounds as it does because that’s how it’s made - not fucked to death by repeated noodling to get it somewhere special. This is just what it is and most likely for all the right reasons <3
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smmahamazing · 3 years
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There's been a pep in my step today because......
It's MirSan day!!!!!
I'm so excited to finally share with you guys a fic that I've been working on since last October. It's gone through some big changes, but I'm proud of it. And EVEN BETTER is that I've teamed up with @eliza-faust-diary, who has created an amazing piece of art to go with it! I'm itching for y'all to see it! So I'll get off my soapbox LOL. Make sure you guys check out the MirSan Collection on AO3 and everything posted from @dayofmirsan​! 
Thanks to the mods for setting this up!
Summary: Miroku Kibe has been irrevocably in love with Sango Tanaka for years. His fear of rejection has always kept him from attempting to get to know her, but when he finds her all by herself at an engagement party, will Miroku take the chance he's given and talk to her?
Read on AO3 and FFN
"So anyways, we didn't find our way back home until the next morning, and we still never found her shoes again!"
Miroku attempted a heartfelt chuckle. Apparently, the last bit of her story was supposed to be some big finale, or a play on words, or an inside joke that he wasn't part of? To be honest, he hadn't been paying all that much attention. He had been trying to find a way out of the conversation for quite a while, but the girl in question ('Is her name Yuki? No….Yuca…..or is that the vegetable?') seemed to talk a mile a minute. And there had been no shortage of stories to tell, much to his disappointment.
"Well…" Miroku stuttered, trying to spit out a sentence that didn't involve trying to figure out her name. "I think I see….I'm just gonna….head over there."
It was probably the flimsiest getway he had ever used on a girl, but his brain felt like mush after sitting through too many of her idiotic stories, and Miroku desperately needed to isolate himself. There was only so much socializing he could do in one night and he didn't want to use up all the energy he could spare for some random girl he cared nothing for.
Miroku walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a fresh beer from the fridge. After taking a generous first sip, he lightly leaned back on the countertop and looked out into the living room. The kitchen was designed with an open room concept, with only a small bar separating it from the living room. From his spot, Miroku could oversee the rest of the party guests mingling throughout the apartment.
He recognized a couple of faces that he might have seen around campus over the years, but for the most part found himself amongst a crowd of people of which he didn't have an inkling of who they were. It didn't bother him much though, not when he could hear Kagome's boisterous laugh from across the living room. He let a small smirk don his face as he once again raised his drink to his lips for another sip.
Today was Inuyasha and Kagome's engagement party.
Miroku normally didn't go to shindigs like this, but over the past couple of years, Kagome had grown to be a very good friend of Miroku's, and he wanted to support her in any way he knew how. That, and Inuyasha practically begged him to come.
Engagement parties were not Inuyasha's thing. Parties in general would tend to put him in a foul mood, and Inuyasha did whatever he could to worm his way out of attending one. But all Kagome needed to do was give Inuyasha those big, soulful, puppy dog eyes of hers, and the next thing you know, he was front and center for the biggest event of the year - until the wedding that is.
Inuyasha didn't have many friends, at least not friends that he could proudly call his own. Most of the partygoers were mutual friends of both Inuyasha and Kagome, but Miroku knew that they only came to be on friendly terms with the surly hanyou because of his bubbly, outgoing fianceé.
Miroku's friendship with Inuyasha also fell under that category. He met Kagome during his  internship at her family's shrine a few years ago - even though they all went to high school together - where they became fast friends due to Kagome's friendly personality, which of course led him to also becoming friends with her boyfriend-now-fiance - but Miroku could say with confidence that his friendship with Inuyasha had grown to something bigger than just being acquainted through Kagome.
Which was still a wild concept for Miroku to grasp. Miroku wouldn't say he was introverted, but he mostly liked to keep to himself. He was an only child to a set of parents who died when he was young, putting him under the guardianship of an old family friend - Mushin. Mushin did his best to raise Miroku, but he didn't really have a great idea about what it was like to raise a child, and Miroku learned early on it was better to grow up than just acting like the child he was.
In the end, Miroku had a hard time relating to most kids his age. He didn't watch the same type of television shows, play games, or collect action figures like the boys he grew up around. Others found him...intimidating, which led to a lonely childhood. But as the years went by, Miroku found that he began to care less and less about the whispered gossip that followed him as he grew up.
Miroku knew Inuyasha also had a rough childhood; perhaps that was the reason they gravitated to each other so easily. Not that they talked about it all that much. That was the great thing about their friendship, it didn't require a lot of talking.
His friendship with Kagome gave him enough of that. That girl really knew how to talk.
Miroku was shaken from his thoughts as Inuyasha sidled up to him, jabbing his fist into his shoulder lightly before leaning up against the countertop beside Miroku, his own drink in hand. "So, have you grown the balls to go talk to her yet, or are you gonna hide in my kitchen all night?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, my friend," Miroku answered, keeping his eye contact on anything but the hanyou beside him.
Because it was a lie. Miroku knew exactly who Inuyasha was talking about.
Sango Tanaka.
Miroku had been in love with her for years. Practically all his life if he was dramatic about it.
Miroku first met Sango when they were in high school. She was a "rough and tough" type of girl, known to play a variety of sports, depending on the season, and trained in a number of martial arts. Her family came from a long line of tajiya, and that was a title she wore proudly. Sango was loud, and opinionated, and didn't take anyone's shit. She never failed to go after what she wanted, and she gave it her all every time.
She was everything Miroku wasn't, and funnily enough, she was everything Miroku ever could have wanted.
He still remembered the first time he had ever laid eyes on Sango. It was the first day of high school, and Miroku had just walked into his history classroom. There had still been ten minutes before the bell was scheduled to ring, signaling everyone to start making their way to their first class of the day. Miroku always liked getting to his classes as early as possible so he could get the best seat.
When he was in middle school, he would always be the first one to enter the classroom, but not this day. Sitting in the front row was a girl, enraptured in a small paperback book. Long, velvet brown hair that went halfway down her back. She wore a faded pink long sleeved shirt that accentuated the natural muscle of her arms, and when she turned around to stare him down with those hazel eyes, Miroku was sure he stopped breathing. 
She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Miroku didn’t know how long he had been standing there staring at her. It wasn't until she gave him a simple greeting that Miroku snapped himself back to reality. He responded with a small greeting of his own, choosing the seat right behind her. At that moment, Miroku knew she'd be the only girl for him.
They spent the rest of the time together in companionable silence. Soon enough, the bell rang and slowly students started trickling into the classroom. She didn't seem to have any friends in this class, which was all the better for Miroku. It felt like he could have a part of her without having to share with anyone else.
She didn't speak to him again after that first day. Several times, Miroku had attempted to work up the courage to talk to her - about anything - but he chickened out every time, and his fear of her reaction to him only grew worse as the years went by. The more he looked on at her life from the background, the more intimidated he was of her. Yet, it only made his fondness for her grow.
She was spunky. By the time they ended their first year, it was known throughout the school that Sango was not a girl to be trifled with. The biggest factor in that perception of her was the fight that year between Sango and another girl - Aki was her name? The girl in question was a real piece of work; generally thought of as "popular", but really, that was just a code word for the term "bitch". Miroku hadn't been there to personally see it, but the rumor was that Aki had been bullying another girl - a transfer from a religious school in the next city over - and ended up in a fist fight with Sango. Aki threw the first punch, but Sango made sure she'd throw the last, while simultaneously making sure everybody understood that bullies at Hiro High wouldn't be tolerated. 
She was given a week's suspension for her part in the fight, but she ended up making a life-long friend in the girl she had defended, Kagome Higurashi. They were inseparable ever since.
Sango's sense of loyalty was both something that Miroku had a hard time grasping, yet something he desperately wanted from her. Despite his sometimes asocial mannerisms, Miroku hadn't been a loner in high school; he had his own small group of friends he would sit with at lunch, or work with on group projects. The term 'friends', though, seemed a little much to define the relationships he held with those people. 'Acquaintance' was a better term. They might all shoot the shit together every now and then, but he never let his guard down around any of them.
The Miroku Kibe that they knew was a fake, hidden by a well tailored mask. His friends were nice enough people, and it wasn't lost to Miroku that they trusted him enough with some of their deeper thoughts. But no matter how much he wanted to let them into his own heart, he always managed to pull back at the last second, placing another wall between himself and the world.
Miroku fantasized about letting Sango be the person to break all his walls. He was certain if anyone could do it, she could.
But there had never been a chance for them, Miroku's own cowardice made sure of that. Instead, he sat on the sidelines, watching Sango and Kagome grow into close friends. Eventually their group of two turned into three when Kagome introduced Sango to Inuyasha. He was the "new kid" their second year of high school, and Kagome had been tasked with showing him around and making sure he felt "welcomed".
Of course 'welcomed' meant showing the new kid where the lunchroom was and where the best junk food machines were, not getting caught making out in the janitors closet, but to each his own, you know?
And yet, here he was, almost eight years since their sophomore year, attending Kagome and Inuyasha's engagement party. Honestly, it had been of no surprise to Miroku to hear about their engagement. Inuyasha and Kagome were your textbook definition of "high school sweethearts". If Miroku believed in the whole "soulmate thing",  he’d describe them as just that. They were polar opposites, like fire and ice. Inuyasha, the grumpy hanyou, and Kagome, the sweet girl next door.
Sometimes, Miroku could just gag from the cuteness of it all.
The couple that had been conversing with Kagome in the living room finally moved away, giving both Miroku and Inuyasha a clear view of the sliding glass doors that led out to the patio. Standing by herself, gazing out at the city below, was Sango. She was wearing a striped magenta shirt, the same color she wore on the day they met, with a pair of forest green pants. Even without all glittery jewelry or immaculate dresses, Sango was still the most beautiful woman at the party.
It was the perfect opportunity for Miroku to finally talk to her. All he had to do was walk up to her and start a conversation; nothing flashy or flirty, just small talk. He'd been doing it all night with random girls who felt the need to invade his personal space, so this should be easy.
The golf ball lodged in Miroku's throat said otherwise, as Miroku nearly choked on the beer he was drinking at the mere thought of trying to talk to her.
"Dude, you're being pathetic," Inuyasha said. Miroku finally turned his way to glare at him, but Inuyasha merely scoffed at him. "Don't give me that look, you haven't heard a single word I've said, too busy in la la land thinking about Sango."
"And how long did it take for you to propose to Kagome?" Miroku tried to circumvent the conversation away from himself, but Inuyasha was far too stubborn to let Miroku off the hook.
"Nuh uh, don't even try and compare us, it's not the same thing and you know it."
"Inuyasha - "
"Look, we both know that Sango is going to end up being Kagome's maid of honor, and if I'm being honest, you're the only person I would trust to be my best man."
Miroku was taken aback by Inuyasha's statement. Being a best man….It was a role he didn't think he'd ever really get to play. He never let anyone in deep enough for their first thought of the person who would play a pivotal role in something as important as a wedding to be Miroku. Inuyasha refused to look at him now, obviously embarrassed at such a display of emotion.
"I...would be honored to be your best man, Inuyasha," Miroku said slowly, almost in a hushed whisper. This felt like such an intimate moment for them, and Miroku did not wish to share it with anyone who could easily eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Keh, whatever." Miroku wanted to chuckle at his abrupt change in demeanor. Perhaps this is why they could work so well as friends; while others might be put off by Inuyasha's rough temperament, Miroku was always able to let his constant mood swings slide right off his shoulders.
"Anyways, with that being said, you and Sango will have to see a lot of each other to help out with this damn wedding, and I need you with your best foot forward," Inuyasha stepped around him to grab two unopened beers from the fridge. He took the half empty drink currently in Miroku's hand and replaced them with the unopened beers.
"Don't fuck this up," was the last thing Inuyasha told him as he turned away from him to walk back towards Kagome, leaving Miroku to stand by himself in the kitchen holding two cold beer cans. The cans began to sweat from the change in temperature, causing Miroku to grip them tighter so that they wouldn't slide right out of his hands.
Miroku could feel his body start to perspire. He could only hope that the purple t-shirt he donned for tonight would be dark enough to hide the sweat stains that he was sure would start to show up under his arms. Miroku swallowed the lump in his throat, and after a deep inhale and exhale, started making his way across the apartment.
'Hello, my name is Miroku? And you are?' No, that's too forthcoming, he could be more suave then that. 'Ahh Sango. It's such a beautiful night out, would you care for a beverage?' Ugh, somehow that almost sounded worse than the first one. 'I love you, please bear my children!'
Miroku stopped just before the sliding glass doors and mentally slapped himself. He needed to keep his wits about him! Miroku was a handsome, cool guy; talking to a beautiful woman like Sango should be as normal as breathing. He could strike up a simple conversation with her, right?
For Inuyasha. And Kagome.
And for himself.
Miroku could feel and see the slight trembling of his hand as he used the two pointer fingers of his right hand to slide the door open. It was a cool night, and Miroku was greeted with a crisp breeze. He greedily inhaled the clean breeze that carried wafts of patchouli to his nose. Gods, she was his favourite scent.
Sango didn't seem to hear him enter the balcony, or at least if she did she had yet to make a move to see who was disturbing her peace.
'Oh god, what if she wants to be alone and I'm just here to annoy her?' 
Miroku shoved his negative thoughts aside, determined to give her a good impression of himself. He stretched his neck from one side to the other, cracking it a little to release some tension as he took that one last step towards her, his back straightened but not locked up, his head held high in an attempt to look calm and aloof.
And then he fell.
He fell. 
A weirdly high pitched yelp erupted from his throat as his feet twitched and scuffed across the cement floor of the balcony, pushing his body too far forward for his feet to catch. What sort of loser trips over his own feet? All he had to do was take one small step and he would have been golden. Instead, he was slowly tripping over his own two fucking feet, still keeping hold of the two beer cans, as if their presence was actually important in the grand scheme of things. The only thing that could have been worse would be to face plant right on her bountiful breasts.
Which he fucking did.
Miroku was sure he had never been so embarrassed in his entire life. It wasn't as if Miroku hadn't dreamt of this moment - nuzzling his nose in the warmth of her soft skin, peppering her bare chest with tiny butterfly kisses. But this wasn't a dream, it was reality, and Miroku's reality included him basically motorboating a woman who he didn't know personally and didn't know him on a very public apartment balcony.
'Just fucking kill me now…'
Miroku tried to lift himself up as quickly as he could. He really did, but for some reason he just couldn't let go of those damn beer cans. He clutched them as if they were his lifelines, putting more and more of his full weight on the woman under him. Luckily, due to all her training, Sango could probably lift two of Miroku, and was able to help steady him.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" She exclaimed, unfazed by where his head had been and more concerned about his own wellbeing. She had taken his face in both hands, trying to assess if he had taken any injuries.
"Uhhh…" Say something you fool! Miroku's head felt fuzzy with her face so close to his. He tried to tell her he was okay, perhaps impart a most fervent apology on landed directly on her chest, but he couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence no matter how hard he thought about it. He had never been so close to her to take in the gold flecks that made her cinnamon eyes sparkle, and he was quickly becoming lost in them. 
Instead, he belted out a cracked, "Beer?", still holding on to those damn cans.
Miroku hoped the ground would open up a portal to hell and drag him into it at this point. There was no way she'd want anything to do with him after this fiasco of a first encounter. Well, technically their second encounter. Either way, Miroku was fucked.
He thought that anyways, until he heard her chuckle, her lips turned up in a soft smile. She acted like he said something funny, not in a 'I'm laughing at you' way, but a 'wow you're funny' kind of way.
It was like music to his ears.
"A beer sounds good right now, thank you," she said, taking one of the beer cans out of his hands once he was steady on his feet. Miroku couldn't believe it, he was doing it! He was actually having a conversation with her! She wasn't rejecting him and accepted his offering of having a drink together! Even though he made a total fool of himself, nearly launching himself and the drinks off the balcony…..launching the drinks….The drinks….
"Wait, Sango don't - "
It was too late. Miroku had been too far in his own thoughts to think about the fact that he had shaken up the carbonated alcoholic beverages quite a bit during his tumble, and Sango had already flipped the tab into the aluminum can. The next few seconds felt like forever, played in slow motion. The can let out a faint hiss before a small geyser of beer exploded upward, the can continuing to overflow with foam. Sango let out a small shriek, covering her face as best she could as she became drenched in beer.
Miroku stood there, still as a statue, as he watched streams of beer slowly trickle down her face. Their movements had a soft quality to it, as if they were caressing the soft lines of her cheek, gliding down the line of her nose and outlining her plump lips.
It was downright cruel how turned on he could get in a situation that was probably embarrassing for Sango. He should be doing something, like running inside to grab her a towel or asking her if she was okay. Instead, he was staring - no, leering - at her like some kind of pervert.
The thought was enough to break Miroku from his thoughts. He had a reputation for being a lecher amongst the ladies, but that was a persona he didn't want associated with Sango. After all, she wasn't just any woman; she was someone he could see spending his life with. Which he actively did.
He lurched forward slightly, still unsure of exactly what he should be doing for her, but unwilling to just stand there. There was a small table with a couple of chairs pushed to the right side of the balcony. Miroku threw the arm that held his own beer in that direction, intending on setting it down to cover all his attention on her. Unfortunately, he wasn't paying enough attention to the can to make sure it was set on the table properly. 
The can slipped from his hands, slowly making its descent, past the edge of the table, and straight for the ground. 
Miroku barely heard the plonk of the can hitting the ground, nor the hissing that came right before the can exploded, twirling along the ground at their feet, covering them both with the sticky liquid.
In a feat that would have made the soccer team at their high school proud, Miroku used the side of his foot to kick the can straight through a gap in the bars of the balcony. The can continued to spew beer through the air as it made its descent onto an unsuspecting car parked on the opposite side of the street, the sickening crunch of the can cracking the windshield echoing off the walls of the buildings on either side of the road.
He didn't know what would have been worse, letting the can continue to douse them with beer or vandalize an automobile. Either way, he only hoped some God would have pity on him and allow the Earth to swallow him whole. 
Of course, he could never be so lucky.
"Oh my...I am so sorry, let me get you a towel!" He said, spinning in place and practically barrelling through the sliding glass door.
It seemed like no one else in the apartment had any clue what transpired outside, too busy with the jovial nature of celebrating the engagement of two young people in love. It gave Miroku a small bit of relief, knowing that Sango was free from the embarrassment that came with the snickers and stares of being laughed at. 
It wasn't enough to steady his shaking hands as he began rummaging through Kagome's kitchen cupboards, trying to find something big and deep enough to fill with water. Three cupboards in, Miroku found a large mixing bowl and began filling it with water, searching through more drawers to find the kitchen towels, practically grabbing the whole stack once he found them. Once he had everything, he carefully made his way through the crowd of people. By now, he started to receive a few weird looks from anyone who bothered to look towards him as he passed by, but no one tried to stop him or ask about what he was doing.
He ignored it all in favor of the woman standing outside. She was fiddling with the ends of her blouse that now clung to her form from the stickiness of the beer. He awkwardly pinched his knuckle before reaching for the door in an attempt to keep his eyes looking anywhere but her body. This was absolutely not the time for his philandering ways to make this woman hate him more than she probably does already. He could see the small movements of her shoulders as she shivered when a quick breeze hit her, and any lecherous thoughts he might have had drifted away as guilt began to constrict his chest.
This was obviously a sign that they were never meant to be. How could a sophisticated and beautiful woman like Sango be interested in a schmuck like Miroku? The man couldn't even do something as simple as handing her a can of beer, how was he supposed to take care of her?
Not that she'd want him to take care of her, or needed anyone to do so. She was strong, and smart, and so fucking talented; she could do anything she set her mind to. Miroku could only hope to be even half the person she was, and a woman like Sango didn't mingle with people as lame as Miroku.
He carefully made his way through the back door, immediately set the bowl of water and towels onto the small table sitting off to the side and pulled the chair out for Sango to sit in.
"I-I brought a bowl of warm water and some towels to wipe the beer off with. Here, you can sit here. If you want to anyways, or you can stand if that makes you feel more comfortable or…." Miroku turned his body away from hers, grimacing as his tongue continued to word vomit in front of her. He couldn't believe he was still finding new ways to completely embarrass himself in front of her.
But instead of a stern glare or a heated comment about him, he was greeted with a small but warm chuckle.
"Thank you," she smiled at him, taking the offered seat and one of the dry towels, submerging it into the water and wringing it out.
He couldn't stop from staring at her, watching the way the muscles in her hands grew taut as she squeezed the towel, or the way a few errant droplets of water would cascade down her arms as she rubbed the towel into her skin.
She was truly gorgeous. The setting sun made her positively glow, her freshly cleaned skin gleaming when the light hit it just right. She sighed contentedly as she continued to wash away the sticky substance, paying extra attention to her face and chest. Miroku pulled up the other chair and fumbled with one of the dry towels, keeping himself too busy to notice the way she ran the damp towel over her collarbones. The towel wasn't squeezed out as much this time around, and it was almost painful for Miroku to watch as several small rivulets of water ran down her shirt, molding around the tops of her breasts.
The sound of the water splashing as she dunked the towel back in acted like a slap to the face, reminding him he needed to keep his eyes to himself. Instead, he submerged his own dry towel halfway so that he could wipe off his own beer soaked skin.
"You seem familiar,"
Miroku paused. Despite the fact they were both sitting together, he hasn't expected her to want to talk with him. It was a question disguised as a statement, one that he wasn't quite sure how to answer. Not in a way that wouldn't make him seem like a stalker, anyways.
"I believe we went to the same high school,"
"You went to Hiro High, too? What a small world," she chuckled as she continued to stare at him. Her eyes widened slightly as a thought seemed to pass by the forefront on her mind. "Wait...didn't we have a class together?"
'Several,' was the first response to come to mind, but he didn't want to make it seem like he was keeping any sort of tabs on her over the years.
"Yes, I believe so. That's where I recognized Kagome when we first met,"
Miroku could feel himself beginning to sweat under her vigilant gaze. 
A confused look sprawled across his face. "Come again?"
"That's where I recognize you from. Freshman year. You were the kid that got to class almost as early as me,"
Miroku was stunned. They had shared a small handful of classes together over their high school years, but the one that stuck out the most for her was first period history during their freshman year? That was nearly ten years ago!
"Uhh….y-yes. With Mr. Myoga,"
"Sometimes, I don't know how we made it through that class," she laughed, remembering the long mornings of boring anecdotes and not enough energy to spare between the class.
"Well, someone as….aged, as Mr. Myoga had many stories to tell about the vibrant history of Japan," Miroku's lips curved up slightly. One of the benefits of being a flea youkai was living through each monumental event that made up the history of Japan. Although his method of teaching it was...lacking.
"He made the topic so boring! He preferred listening to the sound of his own voice more than actually teaching us about the subject. Honestly, it should be illegal to hold such a boring class that early in the morning."
"Fewer words could be truer," Miroku grinned, delighting in the easy smile that steadily grew on her face. She was so beautiful when she smiled. The edges of her lips almost seemed to touch the wrinkles around her eyes as she smiled, small dimples becoming noticeable on her cheeks as she talked.
It was obvious that Sango lived a very happy and joyous life.
"So, what's the story with you and Kagome? How'd you meet?"
Miroku never expected for Sango to take control of the conversation like she did. He expected that he would be the one to ask her a litany of dumb, intrusive questions about their friends engagement, the weather, or how her day had gone. And she would smile politely at him as he rambled, giving him simple, flat answers in an attempt to humor him.
Instead, she barrelled through, asking him a variety of simple 'get to know you' questions - What did you major in? Where do you work? What's your favorite color? Pepsi or Coke? - with the perfect opportunity for Miroku to turn the question back on her as soon as he answered. Perhaps she could sense how nervous he was around her. It was definitely easier than Miroku doing it all on his own, that's for sure.
It wasn't long before the both of them were laughing and joking around with each other. Part of him couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to Sango, although it wasn't a huge surprise. Miroku found practically every aspect of her life interesting and would gladly sit and converse with her for hours - eternity if she'd let him.
There was one thing he had to know; was she dating someone? It would be a devastating blow if she was, but after getting to know her for just a little bit, Miroku knew he needed her in his life. Even if he couldn't have her the way he truly wanted her.
Now all he needed to do was come up with a way to ask her that wasn't creepy or weird. Or intrusive.
'Just act….natural…'
"So, how have you and your date enjoyed the party so far?"
Nice. Smooth and natural.
"Oh, I didn't come here with anyone," she responded hesitantly.
"My apologies! I didn't mean to assume,"
"It's okay, I understand," Sango smiled, although it didn't shine through her eyes like before. She turned her attention to something off in the distance, wringing her hands together in her lap. Miroku suddenly felt a little selfish bringing the subject up at all.
"I hope I didn't upset you somehow. I swear on my father's grave that was never my intention,"
"What? Oh, no!" Sango turned back to him with wide eyes. "I didn't think that at all! It's just…" She looked away again, staring intently at her hands folded in her lap. "It's just...sort of a touchy subject for me right now. I've not had the best luck in the dating circuit,"
"Forgive me Sango, I have a hard time believing a woman as beautiful as you has a hard time getting anything she wants,"
Miroku's statement caused a pink blush to cover her cheeks.
"Yeah, well, that's just the problem, isn't it?" Sango mumbled. Miroku kept silent, watching the indecision flash across Sango's face, either caused by her deliberating her next words or whether or not she wanted to say something at all.
She looked up at him next, face still a little pink from embarrassment, yet she looked up at him with an air of determination. Her eyes were hard and resolute, but Miroku could see the tenderness behind it all.
"Most of the guys I've dated think I'm too assertive."
Miroku was unsurprised by this, but a part of him still had a hard time believing such a thing could be said about Sango. Her assertiveness was something to be cherished, not looked down upon.
"Sounds like most guys are just too insecure to handle you,"
Sango let out a small breath of laughter. "I'm sure they would all balk at the insinuation that they have crippling male egos. Much easier to dump me and go about their lives,"
"Well, that's just their loss, isn't it?"
Sango couldn't help but lock eyes with the mysterious man sitting next to her. She had heard that phrase before from a variety of people. It was always someone else's loss when she was kicked to the curb, and it always made her so angry whenever she heard it. It certainly never seemed like it was a loss to them; if anything, they acted better off. People usually said that to her in a veiled attempt to comfort her, knowing it was because of her own temperament that they left.  
Sango always had quite the mouth on her, and unless she could learn to tame it, no man would give her any time of day.
Yet, she didn't get the same vibes from Miroku. He seemed truly genuine when he said it was their loss. As if it was better for her to be her rude, straight to the point, brash self instead of the meek, silent woman in the background most men wanted her to be.
Sango was truly intrigued by this man.
She wasn't lying when she said she remembered him from their shared history class. Although, he had been more of a background character in the story of her life. She could recall them sharing a few classes over the years, and she had heard through the grapevine that he was sort of a ladies man, but they effectively went different ways after high school, and Sango pushed back any thoughts of him to the back of her mind.
Then one day, he was suddenly thrust back into her life via her best friend since forever, Kagome.
It was nice to know that Kagome had a friend she could talk to about her work. Sango was the dutiful best friend, always giving Kagome the time and attention she deserved as she talked about her day, but oftentimes Kagome would get caught up in the history of an artefact or a traditional dance, which was likely to go right over Sango's head. Miroku became a sort of conduit for Kagome's ramblings, saving Sango from having to pretend to be as knowledgeable about the subject as Kagome, or ask a million questions.
It was a friendship that blossomed over the years, as they do when Kagome is involved. Kagome's stories started to involve more of Miroku and less of work, eventually even adding Inuyasha to the mix. Yet, despite all the talk, Sango had yet to meet the famed 'Miroku'.
Kagome always said good things about him. He was quiet with an old soul. He had far more wisdom than most people his age and he never backed down at lending out a helping hand. A real gentleman.
Inuyasha's only helpful comments on the subject were that he was a 'lecherous monk'.
Which led to some confusing ideas about the man.
She still wasn't sure what to think about him. She could tell he was nervous; it was cute, the way he stuttered and rambled. And despite the rumors of him being a ladies man, he never seemed to ogle her or make her feel uncomfortable - despite literally landing his face in her chest. Their conversations so far had been easy and fun, something she really hadn't felt with another person in quite a long time.
Miroku was in heaven. He didn't think he could ever tire of talking to her, or listening to her talk about anything. She was funny, able to pull a joke out of the most basic of topics. And opinionated. Miroku was always up for a good debate, and he was sure Sango could give him a run for his money.
He didn't know how much time had passed as they stared at one another, probably only minutes yet it felt like hours. There was a heat developing between the two - not a smouldering heat, like the sun, that enveloped your whole body, but a soft warmth, like a candle, that started in the tips of the fingers, working its way slowly up the arms to take root in the chest. She just...looked him up and down with those wide cinnamon eyes, not in a lewd way, but with a sense that he was something new, something she had never seen before.
Once again, Miroku was stunned by her beauty. She truly was a goddess among mortals. Was it considered excessive the amount of times he obsessed over her looks? Possibly, but Miroku didn't care. Sango was a woman deserving of unbridled attention.
This was it. This was his in. He was gonna be confident and suave and somehow convince her to go on a date with him. He was going to use everything he learned from all the women he's been with and use it for good. For Sango.
"Sango, I - "
"Hey you two!" The raucous sounds of the party inside became louder as someone Miroku didn't recognize leaned their head outside. "It's time to toast the newly engaged couple!" And without another look back, they disappeared back inside, leaving the door wide open for them to follow.
Miroku could have screamed.
Why couldn't anything go right when it came to Sango? Their whole ambiance was ruined now. She was distracted by the party inside, and now there was even more of a chance someone will try and come outside.
"Well, I guess we should be getting back inside," Sango sighed, slowly pushing her chair back to stand up.
"Sango, wait!" Miroku leapt to his feet. He just needed one more minute with her! He didn't want this opportunity to go to waste. "I-I'd really like to see you again. Can..I..can I get your number? You know, we can...make plans or...something."
Well, it wasn't his best bit of courting, but it was better than being a coward and not talking to her, he supposed. And if she said no? At least he would have a definite answer.
She looked at him for another moment before giving him a soft smile. "I'd like that," she said, holding her hand out for his phone. 
Miroku scrambled for the device sitting in his front pocket, unlocking it and bringing up a 'New Contact' screen before holding it out to her with shaky hands. She tapped away, keeping the screen close to her face. She kept the phone to her face for a good amount of time, longer than she needed to if she was just putting her contact information. She pulled out her own phone from her pocket and waited for it to vibrate with a notification before closing out his own phone and handing it back to him.
"I'll see you around, Miroku?" Sango asked, so innocently yet Miroku we sure there was a layer of seduction there.
In a last ditch attempt to be anything but the loser he felt he had been all night, Miroku responded with confidence. "I look forward to it, my dear Sango,"
Sango departed after that, not before giving him a once over with her eyes and sporting what Miroku would describe as a 'devilish' grin.
That one look would carry Miroku into the next year, he was sure of it.
Miroku became deaf and blind when it came to the party inside, opening his phone back up and going straight to his messaging app. There would be time later for him to memorize her number - you know, just in case he accidentally lost it before they could set up a date - but he was curious to see what she texted to herself.
He expected to see 'Sango Tanaka' as the subject line, but was surprised to see a different name under the most recent message:
[Sent @ 6:15 PM] Next Friday, 7PM, Tanaka Dojo 📿
There was….much for Miroku to unpack here. The first of which was the nickname she gave herself. It was well known that the peach emoji was frequently used to represent one's derriere. Was her choice to use that particular emoji a coincidence, or was she privy to the fact that Miroku was indeed an ass man?
Especially when it came to Sango's gloriously toned and plump backside.
Miroku could have written an entire dissertation on why Sango chose that nickname if he had the time. Instead, he gravitated towards the message she sent herself. Normally people sent little one word messages, just enough to bridge the gap between cellular devices. Instead, it looked like Sango set up the details for their first date.
Their first date.
Just thinking those three little words left him feeling giddy, his heart pumping so heavily in his chest, Miroku could practically see the organ trying to rip itself from its fleshy prison. 
Miroku finally looked up from his phone and gazed inside at the party. Just like earlier, the crowd of guests inside parted in just the right way so that he had a perfect view of Sango. She was leaning backwards against the kitchen counter, cradling a slender glass of something bubbly - probably champagne. She was standing by herself, a gentle smile on her face as she watched everyone gather around the Kagome and a slightly nervous looking Inuyasha.
It was like looking at a freshly finished puzzle. Every piece meticulously placed in just the right way, resulting in a release of endorphins just by looking at the fruits of one's hard work.
Sango was his puzzle.
There were still a few pieces to put together here and there, but the hard part was over with. Now was the time for Miroku to take those few random puzzle pieces and finish his work of art.
A life with Sango.
Perhaps he was a tad crazy for having such strong emotions for this woman, but who was he to argue with the pounding of his heart whenever he saw her picture or the butterflies in his stomach whenever she spoke. If his feelings for her were wrong, then he didn't want to be right. He would show them all that Miroku Kibe and Sango Tanaka were meant to be together.
Miroku closed his phone and shoved it into his pocket, resolute in the path he was about to take. Despite the loud, raucous energy of the crowd inside, Miroku could feel several pairs of eyes on him as he made his way inside. Not too long ago, Miroku might have been put off by the interfering actions of his friends, but now he could only feel thankful for them. Thankful that they would let him share even a smidgen of their spotlight, even just between the three of them.
The sounds of the crowd, the eyes of his curious friends, he ignored them all in favor of the woman standing by herself in the kitchen as he walked towards the bar to grab his own glass of already poured champagne. Sango looked up in his direction as he approached and offered him a warm smile. Miroku simply smiled back, leaning back against the kitchen counter beside her. 
Sango deserved to have someone to stand by her - whether it be at the store or waiting for the bus, through bad times and good times, even at your best friends engagement party. And Miroku was going to be the one to do just that.
Because she was just the girl he had been looking for.
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