arakmusic · 7 years
Happy Friday. Make Today Wonderful...and don't get stuck. 😉 #gracious #usedtobemystory #dontletemgetyou #getouttheoffice #punchtheclock #dontgetstuck #live #life #selfmaintenance #enjoyyourweekend #balance #itsfridaybitches #worklate #huh #cmonman #imout #happyhour #smokesessions #fellowship #let #the #shenanigans #begin #disappearingact #disappearingcat #easy #laughs #fortheculture #forthepeople #forthelove
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stampedepressuk · 8 years
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Early 3am rise this morning = an easy journey to Oxford and a stunning view on arrival #getouttheoffice (at Oxford, United Kingdom)
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arakmusic · 7 years
Happy Friday. Make Today Wonderful...and don't get stuck. 😉 #gracious #usedtobemystory #dontletemgetyou #getouttheoffice #punchtheclock #dontgetstuck #selfmaintenance #enjoyyourweekend #balance #itsfridaybitches #worklate #huh #cmonman #imout #happyhour #smokesessions #fellowship #shenanigans #disappearingact #disappearingcat #easy #laughs #fortheculture #forthepeople #forthelove
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stampedepressuk · 8 years
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One sheet or two? #stampedeprmusic #downloadfestival @buckandevans #getouttheoffice
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stampedepressuk · 8 years
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"It's nice to be nice", a good man quoted me recently. And in this business, nice does go a long way in my book. A great example right here. Uber thanks to @krysthla_band - Don't miss 'em @bloodstockopenair #stampedepressuk #getouttheoffice #Bloodstock
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stampedepressuk · 8 years
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Surprise visit from @anticlonehq today to handover their forthcoming debut album, which I have to say looks and sounds awesome. The gift of JD was the icing on the cake. 2nd time in a week one of my clients has surprised me with this positive and thoughtful attitude. Good on ya, it's very appreciated. #stampedepressuk #getouttheoffice
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stampedepressuk · 9 years
A mention as one of the UK’s most impressive underground metal PR campaigns of 2015 surely has to go to Krysthla’s A War Of Souls And Desires. Astounding a release as it may be in musical terms, the breadth of coverage and activity it received was truly impressive to behold as it unfolded throughout the year, and it was due in large part to the sterling work of Stampede Press. Underground In Prydain dragged a chinwag out of head honcho, Rob Town, to see if he’d spill the beans on the much sought after magic formula.
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stampedepressuk · 9 years
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I rarely use the word astonishing but I'm going to in this instance.
We had Bill Oddie sat at our table last night at the Classic Rock Magazine Awards. 'The Goodies'...a staple of my childhood. And he was a true gent, still with that devilish wit in abundance. I don't know who had the bigger grin, Toby Jepson or me.
A big thanks to the lovely folk at Classic Rock Magazine and TeamRock for having me at the awards ceremony, which I have to say were spectacular. So many highlights and great people in attendance.
Inspiring times.
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stampedepressuk · 9 years
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As much as I love what I do; having some time to get back into the studio and inflict ideas on 'El Blanco is priceless #lovemusic #livemusic #getouttheoffice #stampedepressuk
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stampedepressuk · 9 years
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Actually, I think this could be the way forward! #getouttheoffice
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stampedepressuk · 9 years
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Of all the days for this not to be ironed! #BackToTheFutureDay #getouttheoffice #stampedepressuk
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stampedepressuk · 9 years
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“No One Cares More About Your Band Than You (Part One)” - So I read a very interesting article recently regarding a female solo musician who successfully profiled herself on You Tube in the early days of the platform, gathering hundreds of thousands of views and lots of interest, including major labels.  There’s no doubt this lady worked extremely hard to gain this attention, it was certainly no fluke and yes, she was signed to a major record label. Unfortunately things didn’t work out and as far as I know, she’s working extremely hard to pull back the success she achieved previously.  
To cut a long story short, anyone that knows me, REALLY KNOWS ME; know that I love music. Whether it’s performing live, in a studio or simply just discovering music or revisiting the classics that helped shape my life....I love it. But when it comes to being a musician, in all the years I’ve played in bands; ‘backstage’ the workload never stops...even if there are labels involved. From the early days of handing out flyers, passing on demo tape cassettes, to ‘quitting music’ (that lasted in a blink of an eye) and then onto achieving semi success in the ‘noughties’ (I hate that phrase)....I was always part of a machine that was working 24/7. The biggest lesson anyone can learn in the music business...is that it’s just that...it’s a business. People that work in the industry are there to work, they’re there to earn a living, to pay the bills, just like you and me....whether it’s a full time job, part time, semi employed, freelance. 
And that’s where the tricky part comes in for musicians/bands....especially in this day and age.....it all boils down to passion vs business and understanding/coming to terms with the reality of the situation.
My take on it all; if you are serious about performing music and you can come to terms with the business side/hard work/investment and be as realistic as possible whilst retaining the passion (and whether you’re a signed band, hooked up with a distributor or DIY)....you’ve got a chance to have some great times. Even whilst soul destroying events can seemingly beat us down, the ‘highs’ that can be achieved in this world out way the lows and we should always try to savour the great times.
We all make mistakes and as long as we learn from them, then we should move on and be stronger for it . Nothing is want it seems....we’re here for a short space of time on this planet and we should make the most of it. 
Never forget what made you fall in love with music in the first place.
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