sana-87 · 7 months
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boricuacherry-blog · 4 months
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When Solange curated her own collections for sportswear brand Puma, she brought the Okpo sisters, as well as 2 other brands - Hisham Bharoocha & Gerlan Jeans, on board for the aesthetics.
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Marc Vivien Foé : 20 ans déjà! Comme si c'était hier
Mort subiteLe 26 juin 2003 à 19h36, Marc-Vivien Foé s’écroule à la 72e minute de la demi-finale Cameroun-Colombie de la Coupe des confédérations 2003 sur le terrain du stade de Gerland de Lyon. Il est alors loin de l’action, dans le rond central alors qu’il se replaçait, après une longue chevauchée côté gauche. Marc-Vivien Foé : Hommage au talentueux footballeur camerounais disparu trop…
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moradadabeleza · 5 months
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luiz braga
Gerlane, 2019
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alienoryva · 6 months
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WHAT IF ? Queen Jaehaera Targaryen lived longer and had a daughter named Princess Rhaella Targaryen.
After Queen Jaehaera died and King Aegon III remarried. Princess Rhaella is very close to her stepmother (Queen Daenaera Velaryon) and half-siblings, especially Princess Daena Targaryen.
Princess Rhaella married with Jonnel Stark As a pact of ice and fire made by Prince Jacaerys , Sixth child and heir of Lord Cregan Stark and has two daughters Saena and Mara Stark.
Daemon Blackfyre Love Princess Daenerys and refused to Matchmaking with Rohanne of Tyrosh. But He prefers to marry Lady Saena Stark on the advice of his mother (princess daena) , daughter of Princess Rhaella. The Blackfyre rebellion did not happen but House Blackfyre was legalized and they had 3 sons (Aegon,Baelon,alyx) and 4 daughters (Aera,Daella,Rhaellys,Vaena). Meanwhile, Lady Mara Stark is married to Heir to the Lord of House Tully and has 2 sons (Aegnar,Edmund) and 1 daughter (Shaerra).
1) Lord Aegon Blackfyre,Married to lady Alwyne Manderly, third daughter of Lord Manderly. They have 3 sons and 3 daughters.
2)Ser Baelon Blackfyre,Married to Lady Ellara of Lys and had 1 son and 1 daughter. After his wife died, 2 years later he married Lady Marielle Redwyne the sixth daughter of Lord Redwyne and had Twins (boy) and 1 daughter.
3)Ser Alyx Blackfyre,Married to Lady Alyssa Tarly (Great-granddaughter of Rhaena Targaryen) They have 1 daughter. Their marriage was not happy, therefore Alyx also had an illegitimate child (2 sons and 1 daughter) with lady Ravella greyjoy.
4)Lady Aera Blackfyre,Marry jeor mormont Heir to bear island. They have 4 daughters and 3 sons.
5)Lady Daella Blackfyre,Marry Lord Andrew Tarth, Lord of Evenfall Hall. They have 3 sons and 5 daughters.
6)Lady Rhaellys Blackfyre. She,Lady Ella Vaith and Ser Alyn Estermont Sailing to Essos, specifically Volantis, after that they went to the Yi-ti Empire, there Rhaellys met Jar zen later sun emperor One of ruler the dynasties of the Yi-ti empire and They fell in love. The emperor was married and Rhaellys was made one of the highest ranking concubines because she had 4 sons (One of them is the successor to the empire) and 3 daughters.
7)Lady Vaena Blackfyre,She never married but had many lovers. Especially Lord Gerlan Lannister And had 3 bastard sons.
8)Lord Aegnar Tully,Married to lady Gaela Westerling. They have twin daughters and 2 sons.
9)Ser Edmund Tully,Married to Lady Laena Celtigar and had 1 son.
10) Lady Shaerra Tully,Married to the heir of house blackwood and has 5 sons and 4 daughters.
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antoniodatsch · 4 months
Ku Klux Klan
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gerlanous · 5 months
Flash Fiction
A Story of Gerlan Javier as Transgender Student, She is named as Shang
Shang stood at the threshold of the school auditorium, a symphony of whispers swirling around her. The spotlight beckoned, its glow both inviting and intimidating. Tonight was her moment, the culmination of endless rehearsals and inner battles.
She took a deep breath, her hand tracing the curve of her gown. It wasn't just fabric; it was a declaration, a shimmering armor against doubts and prejudices.
The stage embraced her with warmth as she stepped into the light. Shang's voice, once muted by fear, soared like a phoenix. Each note carried her story, the journey of a transgender student finding her voice and identity.
Eyes that once judged now widened in awe. Applause cascaded like a waterfall, washing away years of insecurity. Aria's performance wasn't just about music; it was a testament to resilience and the beauty of authenticity.
As the final chord echoed, tears of joy glistened in her eyes. The stage wasn't just a platform; it was a sanctuary where she could be unapologetically herself, a beacon of hope for others navigating similar paths.
In that moment, Shang knew she wasn't just surviving; she was thriving, radiating a brilliance that transcended any prejudice or ignorance.
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gazeta24br · 10 months
Primeiro, um concurso para desvendar o dono da voz que iria encantar as crianças com o tradicional “ho ho ho” do Papai Noel. Comunicativo e de cabelos grisalhos, era o assistente técnico José Édson Cardoso. Para o cargo de Mamãe Noel, quatro candidatas e uma eleição acirrada com 250 votantes. Gilsinele Sousa, a Neli, estava orgulhosa. Conquistou 38% da preferência dos colegas da Hemobrás (Empresa Brasileira de Hemoderivados e Biotecnologia). Era o reconhecimento por seu tradicional empenho para a instalação de pisca-pisca e bolas reluzentes todos os anos. Neli fez jus à conquista e caprichou na produção: com a filha, customizou a sua roupa e até brincos de árvore de natal pendurou nas orelhas. Junto ao corpo funcional, a mobilização era para a adoção das cartinhas escritas por 122 crianças da Escola Municipal Nossa Senhora das Maravilhas, de Goiana (PE), vizinha do complexo fabril da Hemobrás. Jeferson, 6 anos, foi específico: queria um ônibus de brinquedo; Elias, um caminhão do corpo de bombeiro; Williana, Mariana e Lays pediram uma boneca. Alice só pensava no desejado urso de pelúcia. “Era meu sonho. Amei meu panda”, disse a menina, agarrada ao urso, pouco depois de receber o pacote embalado com laçarote vermelho. Todos os desejos foram atendidos. Uma garotinha era a exceção. Ela parecia chateada por ter recebido uma roupa. Essa era a sua segunda opção, mas preferia material escolar. O problema foi rapidamente resolvido com uma doação extra. O menino que ganhou um skate parecia incrédulo por seu pedido ter chegado exatamente como imaginava. Radiante, não teve tempo para entrevistas. Os pedidos de cada criança estavam descritos com letrinhas desalinhadas. Quem ainda não sabia escrever, contou com a ajuda dos professores. Os “padrinhos” foram criteriosos nas compras. Alessandra Pereira, recém- empossada no cargo de Analista de Fracionamento Industrial de Plasma, fez questão de escolher uma barbie de vestido amarelo e pele morena, à brasileira. “Na infância, nunca tive papai noel e nem ganhei uma Barbie. Naquela época, eu só tinha duas bonecas, Ana Clara e Ana Escura. Estou realizada demais hoje”, comentava Alessandra minutos antes de participar da ação como voluntária ao lado de outros funcionários de setores diversos da Empresa. Gerlane Magalhães, assessora de Comunicação, Marketing e Eventos, idealizadora e organizadora da mobilização há cinco anos, cuidava da conferência das cartas e separação dos presentes por turmas. Não esquecia dos detalhes; estava empenhada para que o sininho dourado da atração principal chegasse a tempo na caravana Recife-Goiana. Sentadas no batente de cimento queimado no alpendre da escola situada na zona rural, as crianças demonstraram ansiedade. “É ele, é ele”, gritavam apontando para a entrada da escola, enquanto o time de voluntários organizava a saída triunfal de Cardoso e Neli, vestidos de roupas vermelhas, cintos, botas pretas e gorros. Ao descerem do carro, os dois foram ovacionados com músicas e apresentações natalinas. “O nosso objetivo maior é fazer com que essas crianças tenham um dia feliz e renovem as suas esperanças”, disse o Papai Noel da Hemobrás. “São crianças com pouco acesso a bens de consumo. Para cerca de 90% delas, essa é a única festa de Natal que terão”, conta a diretora da escola, Ana Paula Magno, emocionada e agradecida pela parceria - que já é esperada pela comunidade meses antes da chegada de dezembro. No evento, realizado na última sexta-feira (15), fotografias ao lado do “bom velhinho”, sorrisos espontâneos e até lágrimas daqueles que estiveram na pele de uma criança décadas atrás, quando naquele terreno funcionava o Engenho da Usina São Francisco. O prefeito da cidade, Eduardo Honório, prestigiou o Natal da Hemobrás na Escola sem esconder a emoção por lembrar da época em que foi “criado nas ruas”. Eduardo fez questão de agradecer aos funcionários da Hemobrás pela parceria, assim como à própria instituição pela solidariedade em momentos difíceis, como durante a pandemia da Covid 19, que teve seu pico de casos entre 2020 e 2021.
Cardoso e Neli, o Papai e a Mamãe Noel, estavam tomados pela função naquela manhã. Abraçavam, sorriam, recebiam criança a criança e conferiam o nome de cada uma observando a carta colada nos brinquedos. O tilintar do sininho dourado havia chegado e fez toda a diferença para a festa. Na mão de Cardoso, ele ofereceu o som lúdico da magia natalina. Beirando às 12h, quando Cardoso virou as costas, já com o saco de presentes vazio, um garotinho indagava para outro usando uma expressão das mais pernambucanas: “Será que ele vem de novo para o ano?”.
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ofoconoticias · 2 years
Em menos de 24 horas, duas pessoas foram mortas em Itabela
Em menos de 24 horas, duas pessoas foram mortas em Itabela
Duas pessoas foram mortas em Itabela entre domingo (30) e esta segunda-feira (31). A polícia já está investigando os crimes. Gerlane de Almeida Silva, 31, foi encontrada morta na estrada que liga a BR-101 ao distrito de Monte Pascoal por volta das 6h30 de domingo. Ela foi atingida por um objeto pontiagudo, causando um ferimento de 10 cm do pescoço. A polícia suspeita que a mulher tenha sido…
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l8in · 4 years
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amandas-beauty-room · 5 years
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The cutest valentines nails #thegelbottleinc #gelpolish #thegelbottledaisy #thegelbottlebonfire #valentinesnails #valentinesdaynails #valentinesday2020 #geloverlays #supershinynails #strongnails #nailsthatlast #nailsofinstagram #amandasbeautyroom #bethesdanorthwales #tregarth #carneddi #gerlan #ogwenvalley #rachub #bangor #northwales #gwynedd #gelnailswales (at Amanda's Beauty Room) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8OkC71A5Tk/?igshid=1jqgfdfichdx1
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philamuseum · 4 years
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“I’m very, very serious about taking myself less seriously.” –Gerlan Marcel, Gerlan Jeans "Woman's Dress: 'Paloma' Cigarette Dress," Fall/Winter 2013, by Label Gerlan Jeans
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nyc-looks · 5 years
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Gerlan, 43
“I got my outfit a couple of weeks ago in London. I went to see African Head Charge and I was so excited to buy merchandise at the show. But they did not have anything with their name on it, just a guy selling this. The best purchase during my 1.5 months in London. My style philosophy is everything goes with anything like Lori Goldstein says. And don’t leave anything un-printed.”
Sep 6, 2019 ∙ Williamsburg
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lamaisongaga · 6 years
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As promo material for her album “Born This Way”, Lady Gaga and photographer Mariano Vivanco teamed up for one of the singer’s wildest photoshoots, styled by Nicola Formichetti. 
Her amazing hair was done by Bob Recine, makeup by Billy B. and nails by Aya Fukuda, respectively. This shoot comprises 10 looks so let’s delve!
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For the first look, Gagaloo went for a blue latex coat from Mugler’s Fall/Winter 2011 “Anatomy of Change” menswear collection. The coat features a button-down front and an oversized fit. 
Her green trousers are from Francesco Scognamiglio’s Fall/Winter 2010 collection (you might remember her rocking the black version of these in the “Alejandro” music video).
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Custom white leather Noritaka Tahena Lady Vase boots and custom Bob Recine square-shaped hair sculpture completed the look.
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The second look is quite similar. Gaga opted for the black version of the aforementioned Mugler latex coat. 
She teamed it up with black stockings, panties and a shoe headpiece by Bob Recine.
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Custom black leather Unicorn heelless platform ankle boots by Noritaka Tatehana completed the look.
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Next, Gaga wears a top and dress from Irina Shaposhnikova’s Fall/Winter 2009 “Crystallographica” MA Graduate collection, inspired by “the geological forms of crystals and minerals”. 
A collection, that “explores the geometrical and 3-dimensional approach to the female body and results new forms and shapes”.
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Gaga’s filigree frames are by Mercura NYC. “The detailing are lattice work combined with tassels of brass and a gold gilt floral disc. The frames were originally designed and made in 1990 by Mercura NYC at the Hotel Chelsea”.
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Here, Gaga poses fiercely in a clear vinyl jacket and matching suspender dress from the Gerlan Jeans Spring/Summer 2010 collection titled “By Any Jeans Necessary”.
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Her 13″ (33 cm) high Void sandals, fusion of mahogany, vinyl & band saw blades, belong to the Stilett”O” series of sky-high heel sculptures by Houston-based artisan Omar Angel Perez. 
The series explores the interplay between women and their love-hate relationship with the stiletto heel: “As an expression of appreciation, I offer my gratitude to all women who endure the torture of wearing such heels. Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed”.
There are no shortcuts in Omar’s fine woodworking, the sinuous curves and waves found in his work are hand carved using an untouched block of wood, metal grinder and meticulous hand sanding.
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In these gorgeous shots the singer is posing in a pair of custom white silicone baggy trousers based on Mugler’s Fall/Winter 2011 menswear collection.
Gaga also wears a white hat handmade in lapin, with a chiffon veil created by Italian hat designer Federica Moretti.
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Above an outtake from the same photo session. Gaga is wearing a customized white latex tuxedo shirt from the Void of Course Fall/Winter 2011 “Impossibility of Love” collection. Her latex shorts are by the London-based label as well.
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In another outtake, Gagaloo is rocking a custom Alex Noble blue stone-wash trash denim jacket with puffed sleeves, fitted waist and flared peplum detail. Her acid-washed jeans are vintage.
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The shoes are another sick Omar Angel Perez creation. Introducing to you: Cradle, once again made of mahogany, vinyl & band saw blades.
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Love the whole latex theme in these shots! The Italian-American singer is rocking a tan full body catsuit with black zipper embellishments by Atsuko Kudo. This is the sister piece to her “Born This Way” video catsuit.
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Finally, Gaga wore nothing but sexy underwear by famous lingerie label Agent Provocateur. 
The Fifi set in the color “natural” comprises a lace-trimmed bra and briefs with decorative bow.
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In other photos we can see her rocking these Giuseppe Zanotti nude patent Monro peep-toe slingback pumps.
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stylestream · 6 years
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Katy Perry | Gerlan Jeans Spring 2012 ensemble • Prada pumps | Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards | 2012
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wonderstruckforever · 3 years
Everything Has Changed (Featuring Ed Sheeran) (Taylor's Version) (A Collab)
In celebration of RED (Taylor's Version), I asked two of the biggest Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran fans I know to do a cover of Everything Has Changed. Thank you so much Gerlan for playing the guitar and piano and mixing it all together and Kelvin for lending your vocals. Thank you for saying yes and doing this with me! I owe you both! 😂
@taylorswift @taylornation
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