#Genki Racing Project
zeether · 1 month
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Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2 gameplay 4 (1080p, 4:3, 60fps, PS2)
Contains battle with Absolute emperor and end credits.
Captured using Avermedia Live gamer portable 2 plus with the RetroTink 5x.
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2, Genki, 2006
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spectrav10 · 1 year
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The number 13 Genki Carol Racing Peugeot 106!
The car that Genki Racing Project had which was used as a racing car, and it is still racing as of today, where it raced in the Idlers 12 Hours race.
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sakekangame · 1 month
「Genki Racing Project」カウントダウンサイトの正体は、なんと!あの!首都高でバトルするあのレースゲームだった?【首都高バトル...
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ashesandhackles · 4 years
I love it when writers subvert your expectations from a scene
I am going to put my extensive shoujo reading teenage years to good use and talk about elements and writing choices I like.
So, today I talk about Marmalade Boy and a couple from the series that honestly deserves more love - Ginta and Arimi. (As usual, I wasn't invested in the main couple, but they are alright in the manga. I heard they are intolerable in the anime ).
Scene begins here: Ginta and Arimi have been growing closer throughout the manga and they have been hanging out. Ginta contemplates telling Arimi his feelings.
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He makes up his mind and being the genki boy he is... It comes out this way.
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And the mangaka takes the scene in a HILARIOUS direction.
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Oh, Arimi. More self assured and confident girls in media pls. Most shoujo mangas (and let's face it, the YA market as well) have girls with little to no self esteem as leads. Teenage is a very heightened time where there is confusion about so many things - identity, place in world, sexuality, world that your parents shape vs what your friends shape. It is possibly easier to project yourself onto a more "I can't believe they like me" kind of leads. A sentiment that is captured in that One Direction song "you don't know you are beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful" (lol wtf).
Anyway, moving on. Arimi not only saying that she knows Ginta likes her, but cheerfully tells him that it shows in his behaviour.
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And this funny scene moves into a very sweet, tender place.
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Arimi has come off from a very intense, unrequited first love. And she talks about what she feels around Ginta is not "heart racing" like she did with her first love. But there is also no "anxiety, despair and tears". "I feel safe, cherished. The feeling that I can be a gentle girl. "
Manga: Marmalade Boy by Wataru Yoshizumi.
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soultronica · 3 years
On the other hand I really enjoyed Sk8! Sorry going to have to go in on the Kyoani comparisons again because when it comes to the director's other works this is definitely more Free than Banana Fish and I still do love Free so yeah. It was the perfect mix of self-aware cookie-cutter tropes & fanservice for women with the Kyoani slice of life quietness and feelings, and while Sk8 didn't have the latter it's a perfect example of the former, and I'm into this stuff and even more when it's actually well-written and I don't have to feel bad for liking it lol.
I feel vindicated about thinking Utsumi is an amazing dynamic storyboarder because the pacing was perfect with no down or dragging moments even during the filler episode, a fully condensed always fun story that follows all the steps and manages to involve both leads in turn in a natural way, and now I'm sure it's part of her touch. I did also like the dynamic between the leads, wholesome teenage boy friendship > the usual tsundere/genki dynamic you expect from those types tbh. The surprise was that the humour was the usual anime humour, yeah, but with an additional dose of the outlandish wtf type of anime humour that I looove, I mean it wasn't Utapri levels but by the time they started using their skates to fucking pummel each other with to win their races I was absolutely howling lmao. Also Joker and the villain with the camp turned up to 100% (also don't let me see the discourse about that one). Just lots of fun all throughout.
Only part I wish wasn't so cookie-cutter is the character design, it's... not really Utsumi's strength tbh, I wish she hadn't done it herself. And creativity is one thing but when it comes to faces her trait just isn't pretty which could've made the difference. Especially when you've got a lead with such an obvious popular inspiration lmao you're left with the impression you just got the budget version.
Anyway it's a relief that her next offering in this style didn't disappoint me and that she seems fairly strongly established, I hope she keeps getting these projects tbh.
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
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[Translation] Myojo 2018-11 Autumn Fashion (original scan: yoshiko-mama@LJ)
Understanding Their Fashion Situation | Autumn Styling BATTLE!!
Sakuma Ryuto’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 45% Black, 45% White, 10% Other. “I don’t have a lot brightly colored items. The most colorful one I have is a blue green top, but it’s dark toned.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Inoue Mizuki. “When it’s the two of us, we end up checking out a lot of places. We go to the stores Mizuki-kun wants to go.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Watanabe Shota. “I’ve only received something from Shota-kun. I still remember it, it’s a t-shirt with an image of sunglasses hanging off of it.” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] Matching colors. “Rather than have matching items, I think having matching colors is better. If hat’s the case, matching from head to toe is OK too!”
Hashimoto Ryo’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 60% Black, 30% White, 10% Other. “I have one pale pink top.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Matsuo Tatsuru, Kanno Taiki. “These two invite me to come along. If it were just me, I have no desire to go shopping.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Shimekake Ryuya. “I have a lot of them, but Shime-chan recently gave me a black tote bag. I told him I wanted it, and he gave me it to me right there♪ I’m using it today, too!” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] Parka. “But, there aren’t any that aren’t just a plain black or white, huh.”
Inoue Mizuki’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 60% Black, 30% White, 10% Other. “The ‘Other’ is grey (lol). The brightest thing I own is one (1) yellow piece.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Iwasaki Taisho. “We both work fast. Whenever we want to go shopping, we’re the friends who ask each other.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Morita Myuto. “I bugged him about it for two years, and I got a racing jacket and a bag! I’m so grateful, I have received a lot from many others.” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] Wristwatches. “I think it’s too much to go out and be in an Obvious Couples Outfit so I’d rather go with the casual accessory (lol).”
Takahashi Yuto’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] 30% Black, 50% White, 10% Other. “100% Patterned (lol). I don’t own a single solid item. When I wear something plain or solid, it’s borrowed from my little brother.” [Regular Shopping Buddy] Suetake Yukihiro. “I’ve been going shopping on my own recently, but I do go with Suetake a lot. The shop I’ve been frequenting lately is the shop Suetake took me to before. [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Yasui Kentaro, Jesse. “It wasn’t recent, but Ken-chan has gifted me things, but I remember the bracelet the most. I was bugging him about it as a symbol of how close we got through doing Rajira together… and he gave it to me! Jesse-kun gave me a t-shirt when we did the Shonentachi stage show together.” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] With accessories. “How about a ring? Of course, it would be a present from me♥”
Igari Soya’s Fashion Situation [Closet By Color] >50% Black, 30% White, 10% Blue, 5% Red, 5% Other. [Regular Shopping Buddy] Sakuma Ryuto, Matsui Minato, Inoue Mizuki. “I’m usually alone, but since I hang out with Saku-chan and Matsui a lot, we end up going shopping, too. With Mizuki-kun, we’re often synced up on when we want to go.” [Senpai Who Recently Gifted You Something] Hirano Sho. “I got a black fur coat. It’s really warm and stylish—I wear it regularly! (Iwahashi) Genki-kun, Shimekake (Ryuya)-kun, Jesse-kun… I can’t list them all, there are so many generous senpai!” [Ideal Couples’ Match With Your Girlfriend] T-shirt. “But, only when wearing an outwear piece. Looks best if the matching t-shirt just peeks out.”
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M I Z U K I > In a photoshoot for MYOJO last year, there were these glen plaid underpants, and I saw them again at another location afterwards. I thought they were fated so I decided to buy them from the stylist (lol). Last year, I was really into wearing shorts and vests for a school uniform-ish look. This autumn, I want to try challenge myself with coordinating with monotone tops.  > I’m the type of person who immediately decides to buy something the moment I see it—with the price being the only thing potentially holding me back. The other day, I was strolling through Takeshita Street in Harajuku with Sakuma and Hashimocchan. I bought a Coach jacket from a store we passed by. It’s black, and I like the design with the word “STREET” written in white all over the sleeve. It was cheap so the decision was easy! Now if I can find aa white chesterfield coat I’ve been looking for since last year, then it’ll be perfect.
S O Y A > It’s part of my routine to pick out the outfit I’ll wear that day the moment I wake up. But, since I’m indecisive af, I’d have second thoughts while I”m eating breakfast and change my outfit completely. I’d leave the house, change my mind again, and turn back around. Because of all the changes, my parents ask tell me to decide the moment I wake up, but they don’t get it. Picking out my outfits is fun, even the indecisive part♪ > Last autumn, I bought a knit sweater that looked similar to a happi. Since it wasn’t an item available in Japan, I ordered it based on the model’s pictures they had online, but when it came, it was way too big on me (lol). It looked so good online… When I got it last year, autumn was over, and it was too thin of an item to wear in the winter. I had to wear a knitted turtleneck underneath. I’ll wear it at the start of autumn this year—the lead role this time!
R Y U T O > I love wearing t-shirts with funny illustrations like the one I’m wearing today. Even in my personal wardrobe, I have many similar shirts. My favorite is an illustration of a tonkatsu set meal. It’s so cute, the tonkatsu was drawn with a face. It was love at first sight the moment I saw it! Unfortunately, I currently don’t have the courage to wear that t-shirt when I’m out. But, after today, I might be able to do it if I pair it with a long coat like this (lol). > I have a problem with styling myself the same way! Or rather, it’s frustrating that I can only style myself one way… black skinny jeans with a t-shirt… is my go-to. I also came here today like that. I have four pairs of black skinny jeans. Not to mention, they’re all the same brand and style. I’ve also gotten interested in ripped jeans… but when I start thinking the level of ripped looks good, I have no clue (lol).
Y U T O > For a show project, I saw Sakurai (Sho)-kun wear this super flashy outfit and i wanted to try and replicate that outfit! For me, I think it’s a pretty good replication. I’m wearing it, but that necklace is super heavy! And of course the fanny pack. It’s looks shiny, but it’s actually a clear material and you can see inside it. It looks to be in style, but I have no idea what to put in it. And most importantly, the hat. First time I wore a taller one, I kept hitting everything (lol). The white top I’m wearing underneath is close to my personal style … is what I would like to say, but I I have no confidence in wearing solids. I like patterns so I would buy the leopard print shirt (lol). > Lately, I’ve been understanding fashion less and less. I feel like I should be able to wear whatever. To be honest, I want to wear the sweats I wear during lessons out in the streets~ Is that bad!?
R Y O > I’m awful at the layered look. On cold days, I can’t stand just the layers; only warm days, I can’t take it off right away… so that’s why, I only wear a jacket. It’s not something I would pick out myself, but I like this look so I wanted to try it. My wardrobe is all black and white so this navy is a fresh look♪ > Most of my shopping has been done online as of late. It’s not that I don’t have time to go shopping, it’s just simply easier. But, I had a big fail when I bought these harem pants that looked really cool on the Internet… They were just different from what I had in mind. In the end, I haven’t worn them once… But, I really like the sweats I bought recently! It’s a set with a top and bottom in light blue that stands out from everyone else♪ I wear them lots during stage show lessons. 
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thevincentlaw · 6 years
Character bios!
YC: (tag, Spotify) YC has green eyes, green hair with messy bangs and longer bangs on the side of her face. She is of the elvish race, so natrually has elf ears. She also has a scar on her mouth from fighting. She generally wears her hair up in a low ponytail. She tends to get into fights often. She doesn't have patience for a lot of things and is quick to anger. She does have a suave side to her, though. Generally, she can either be found in ouji-type clothes or buttons ups OR absolute terrible clothing since her normal clothes are based on a string of loving bad fashion. She preferes to dress androgynously. Her favorite things are booze and fighting. She is a long time friend of Syvis. They often get drunk together and try to fight each other, resulting in the scar on her lip. She also loves meat and can sometimes be persuaded to do things if there is an offer of any kind of meat. She has a little brother, Rayth She's bi Her character color is green Rayth: (tag, Spotify) Rayth has short, messy green hair and bright green eyes. He's of the elvish race and has long ears. He's usually scraped up from roughhousing with his friends. He's pretty plucky and is always outdoors playing as much as he can. His personality is the exact oposite of his sister's, but they get along quite well. He usually bothers her to help take him places. He loves playing different sports with his friends. His favorite is soccer, but will play anything. He almost always tries to convince his parents to let him stay out late to play longer. He has an older sister, YC He's ??? His character color is mint Yumi: (tag, Spotify) Yumi has blonde wavy hair and longer bangs. She parts them differently depending on her mood. She has green eyes and sometimes wears different color contacts. She’s basically a genki girl. She comes from a family of royalty and embraces it. She loves going to any events that her family hosts. Even though her sister gets annoyed with her easily, she loves her. She does her best to make sure that Shoku is always alright. Originally from a family of vampires. She doesn't need blood to survive, so she tries to avoid drinking blood. She loves dressing up in typically girls clothes. Mostly dresses, skirts and cute blouses, but she'll also dress up in some lolita fashion-type clothes. She also loves to cosplay and mostly cosplays from shojo anime, like magical girls or idols. Her sister is Shoku Her girlfriend is Eden Her character color is pink She's a lesbian Shoku: (tag, Spotify) Shoku has long straight darker blonde hair and long side swept bangs, usually covering one of her eyes. She has brown eyes. Originally from a family of vampires. She tends to drink blood from time to time, even if she doesn't really need to. Though coming from a family of royalty, he hates having anything to do with it. She tries to avoid most function her family throws if she can. She’s always super annoyed because of her sister, but generally not all that agressive. Her and her sister's personalities tend to clash a bit since she's pretty serious, but she does care for her sister. She generally likes dressing in comfy things, like hoodies and loose clothing, but comes off as emo-ish. Only cosplays because her sister makes her, so she usually picks the villainous characters. Her sister is Yumi Her character color is brown She is straight Eden: (tag, Spotify) Eden has short brown hair and blue eyes with freckles all over her face. She had longer hair but decided to cut it short for a new look. She always appears to be smug, but is fairly nice in general. She's always openly flirting with Yumi whenever the change arises. She usualy dresses in J-fashion or lolita fashion-type clothing, but will dress to match Yumi sometimes. She usually goes out on Fridays to play table top games with some of her friends. She always humble brags about Yumi while she's out with them. They also go out to cosplay events and conventions together. She has a small figure collection. Her girlfriend is Yumi She's a lesbian Her character color is lavender Lon: (tag, Spotify) Lon has darker brown hair and brown eyes and has very dark bags under his eyes. He was originally possesed by a demon (Lanko) when he was younger and has had demons and other creatures chasing after him ever since. He's always super stressed and doesn't get a lot of sleep due to it. He tends to wear comfy clothing and mostly wears darker colors. Tries to wear things that are easy to run in. He likes playing video games and board games and the like to keep his mind off of things. His character color is grey He is ???? Zeke: (tag, Spotify) Zeke has messy short black hair and orange-y eyes. He always wears punk-type clothes (so many safety pins everywhere) and has a lot of peircings. He comes off as an absolute edgelord, but is pretty chill. He is the one who is the quickest to cry in any given situation, be it due to happiness or sadness or anger. He tries to counterbalance that with his clothing style so no one makes fun of him for it. He loves to make friends and regularly keeps in touch with everyone. He acts as the group mom in most situations. His character color is blue He is straight Gar: (tag, Spotify) Gar is a well built muscular man with a buzzcut and a little facial hair. He is an ex-military guy and is a part time body guard. He usually wears suits due to his job as well as sunglasses. When not in suits, he just wears plan colored t-shirts. He looks more serious than he is, but isn't a pushover in any sense. He likes to do some mechanic work on the side and also really likes baking and cooking. He'll often invite friends and family over just so he has an excuse to make something. His character color is orange He is married to the job Ritsu-kon/Ritsu: (tag, Spotify) Ritsu is an athletic teen with an average height. His hair is dark brown and kinda scraggly with darker blue eyes. He loves sports and will jump at the chance to play. He especially loves soccer and baseball. He usually wears jerseys or sports related clothes. His sister jabs at him for his competitive nature in sports and how much he loves them. Due to his participation in sports, it's made him very popular in school While not as competitive, he also plays some video games. He'll usually play co-op games with his sister. He has a soft spot for MMOs and uses any spare money that he gets for his subscriptions. His twin sister is Chiziru. His character color is gold He is straight Chiziru: (tag, Spotify) Chiziru is a faily tall teen. She has bobbed dark brown hair with lighter blue eyes. She isn't as popular as her brother, but doesn't mind. She usually just likes a smaller group of friends to hang out with. She doesn't really participate in any after school extracuricular activities outside of art club as she has a part time job. As opposed to her brother, she's not as athetic. She focuses on several art projects at home after she finishes her part time job and school work. When she's not focusing on her art, she'll play video games together with her brother. She prefers fighting games and RPGs. Her twin brother is Ritsu. Her character color is silver She is straight Hatsumi: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 08/10 Gender: Female Race: Human Hair: Black Eyes: Hazel Height: 5'4" Weight: 128 lbs Appears in: FtT Element: Water Family: Haru Dating: Hiroshi Theme song: N/A Description: N/A Her boyfriend is Hiroshi She is bi Her character color is Cotton Candy Subaru: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 08/21 Gender: Female Race: Human Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Height: 5'4" Weight: 130 lbs Appears in: FtT Element: Light Theme song: N/A Description: N/A Hiroshi: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 04/17 Gender: Male Race: Human Hair: Black Eyes: Dark green Height: 5'7" Weight: 152 lbs Appears in: FtT Element: Earth Dating: Hatsumi Theme song: N/A Description: N/A His girlfriend is Hatsumi He is bi His character color is Mano: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 11/15 Gender: Male Race: Human Hair: Dyed orange Eyes: Hazel Height: 5'6" Weight: 140 lbs Appears in: FtT Element: Darkness Theme song: N/A Description: N/A Mike: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 02/22 Gender: Male Race: Human Hair: Dyed red Eyes: Blue Height: 5'5" Weight: 144 lbs Appears in: FtT Element: Metal Theme song: N/A Description: Classmate of Ritsu-kon, Zeke, and Shoku. He is a very dependable person and Ritsu-kon’s best friend. The confide everything between each other. He is a popular kid in the class. Everyone in school likes him as a friend and a lot of the girls think that he’s cute. Haru: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 05/02 Gender: Male Race: Human Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Height: 4'2" Weight: 90 lbs Appears in: FtT Family: Hatsumi Theme Song: N/A Description: Hatsumi’s little brother. He is the typical little brother: annoying. He is an anime freak and loves comic books and manga. He also plays a lot of video games, especially if they’re from an anime series. Ky-non/Ky: (tag,Spotify) DoB: 03/28 Gender: Male Race: Human Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 3'5" Weight: 75 lbs Appears in: FtT Element: Electricity Family: Rin Theme song: N/A Description: Live next door to Chiziru and Ritsu-kon. He is a nice, but tough little boy. He tries and sticks up for himself and his sister, even if he gets hurt. He likes to protect the people he loves. Rin: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 12/31 Gender: Female Race: Human Hair: Light brown Eyes: Hazel Height: 3'4" Weight: 70 lbs Appears in: FtT Element: Wind Family: Ky-non Theme song: N/A Description: Lives next door to Chiziru and Ritsu-kon. She is a sweet and innocent girl. She is a tomboy because of playing with her brother all of the time. She is capable of taking care of herself, despite what her brother says or does. Mido Takahashi: (tag, Spotify) DoB: 02/10 Hair: Eyes: Height: Weight: Appears in: RoaP, FtT Theme song: N/A Description: N/A Lilah: (tag, Spotify) Lilah has shoulder length blue hair and golden yellow eyes. She is a witch's apprentice and is studying fire and light magic. She has a staff to help with her fire magic and carries around a broom for the witchy aesthetic, though it serves no purpose. She occassionally wears a witch's hat while out and about. Usually, she dressed in loose clothing. When she isn't training, she liks to go to second hand/thrift shops to buy weird trinkets. He character color is goldenrod She is bi Mira: (tag, Spotify) Mira is a mermaid. Her skin and tail are purple and her hair consists or blue tentacles. She has finned ears and gills on her neck and green eyes with black sclera. Her hands are also webbed. She has an octopus tattoo on her right shoulder. She can grow legs and go out to land for brief periods of time. When she is on land, she likes to go to parks and sit in the grass. He favorite time to be on land is when it's raining out. She also loves the contrast in animals compared to what she's used to in the ocean. She is ace Her character color is teal Purpureus: (tag, Spotify) Her character color is mauve She is ace Anlith: (tag, Spotify) Her character color is capri She is a lesbian Lars (tag, Spotify) His character color is khaki He is bi Syvis (tag, Spotify) She's an elf with periwinkle-colored skin. Her burgundy eyes are flowerlike and have no pupils. Her hair is light green-dark green ombre and is tied up in two thin, long braids. She has a corset piercing on her chest and a few bridge piercings. She's usually dressed up in wildly different things, from punk-style clothing to short skirts/dresses that show off her figure. She claims that her skimpier outfits help with her magic as they don't get in the way as much. She's a long time friend of YC's. The two of them are often seen drinking together. They generally get too drink and try to fight each other, resulting in the scars over her right eye from a previous fight. Her character color is periwinkle She is pan Lanko (tag, Spotify) They often take the form of a sickly human in order to blend in. They have short hair and very pale skin and can sometimes be found bleeding out of their mouth. While in their monsterous form, the primary appearance they take is of a bipedal creature with smoke coming from their neck. The have numerous eyes where the smoke sits as a makeshift head. The smoke can be used as extra hands. They have very elongated arms. The can also grow numerous arms from their back and various appendages from their hips. They can change their appearance at will, though. They used to inhabit Lon's body when he was a child. DoB: unknown Gender: ? Race: unknown Planet: ? Hair: Depends on the form it takes Eyes: Depends on the form it takes; normally it has 5 eyes- brown, red, blue, silver, and black Height: Depends on what form it takes Weight: Depends on what form it takes; it can change it’s mass Element: All Appears in: RoaP Theme song: N/A Description: A very odd character, it’s of a different planet and galaxy. It can take the form of what ever it wants. It’s normal from has five eyes, and looks like jelly with tentacles for arms and legs.. It can use any power and element that it wants to. Each eye represents each element that the characters have. Spencer: (tag, Spotify) Spencer is the singer of The Unnamed Band. He is the shortest member of the band. He has long side bangs and looks feminine enough that people mistake him for a girl. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He is the nicest member of the band. He usually is the first to help out, even before the roadies. He can be nice to a fault, but knows when to push back against people who take advantage of his kindness. When not hanging with the band, he's usually found together with his girlfriend as she's usually on tour with the band. He is straight His character color is navy Rick: (tag, Spotify) Rick is the guitarist of The Unnamed Band. He usually sports a mohawk, When dying his hair, he tends to stick to darker colors. He has his septum pierced. He has a few tattoos on his arms and chest. He is the only one who smokes from the group. He's usually dressed up in a tank top and jeans to show off his muscles. The other band members usually give him shit for it and joke about it. Sometimes he'll bring his dog along on tour. He looks tougher than he is. He hangs out with the band outside of touring and they have marathons watching nerdy stuff like comic book movies and anime. He is bi His character color is butterscotch Kevin: (tag, Spotify) Kevin is the bassist of The Unnamed Band. He has shoulder length shaggy hair that's usually slicked back. He has black eyes and black hair. He is tanned due to his latino heritage. He's generally very competitive, so no one likes to play against him while playing any sort of games. Knowing this, he tries to pick games that have a co-op function or where the goal is to work together. Though he doesn't like sports, so he'll sit out if the band is playing something like basketball or football. He helps out with the band artwork and other projects. He uses his art to help spread the word about things that he's passionate about, like human rights violations, animal rights, climate change, and various other things. He believes in humanitarianism and is a vegan. He is gay His character color is wisteria Paul: (tag, Spotify) Paul is the drummer for The Unnamed Band. He has dyed pink hair, a piercings on the bridge of his nose and all over his ears, and some facial hair. He is a pretty happy-go-lucky kinda guy. He is a fan of the band Shadow Dragon and owns a bunch of merch from them. He tries to convince the band to tour with TUB often and is good friends with the lead singer. His hobbies include playing video games and card games. He also really enjoys table top games, especially ones with minitures. He owns two cats and talk about them constantly, much to the annoyance of the rest of the band. His character color is dark pink He is bi and trans Scott: (tag, Spotify) Band position: Roadie Stats: 5'6"; 140 lbs; pretty chill about everything; a little wary of the other roadies; fears spiders; fights with the guitarist Sammy: (tag, Spotify) Band position: Roadie Stats: 5'5"; 135 lbs; loves animals; loves getting pierced; has two tattoos, a star on her left arm and a pumpkin on her chest; has a plushies/stuffed animal collection; loves cute things; big fan of RPGs and Pokemon; excellent at cartoon trivia Reily: (tag, Spotify) Band position: Roadie Stats: 5'7"; 163 lbs; head of the roadies; friends with the singer since he was young; loves to draw; substitutes bass; 1 ½ inch gauges in his ears; loves tattoos Tim: (tag, Spotify) Band position: Manager Stats: 5'6"; 140 lbs; married; stressed because of T.U.B.; hates to dress up for work (prefers casual); has two dogs, Bill and Cherry; has a child, Chrissy (Kris) The Unnamed Band: (tag) Spencer and Kevin started The Unnamed Band with a few other friends back in their high school days. Shadow Dragon: Sister band to The Unnamed Band. Holly: (tag, Spotify) Slender blog: Garden of Madness Email: [email protected] Basics: Age: 20 Birthdate: October 19, 1992 Hair: Light brown Eyes: Hazel Height: 5'5 Weight: 126 Occupation: Full time bank teller Live: Gordon. Nebraska Personality: Spend most of the few posts talking about your life, daily going ons The first one that was stalked by Slenders, she has nightmares about it. There is one photo of her and Kimmy with Slenders in the background. She tried to grin and bear it but fails toward the end. Dies second, has the most brutal and violent death. Death is dragged out for hours. Possibly being pulled apart. It ends with her head being ripped off of her body. Siblings with Skelter Skelter: (tag, Spotify) Slender blog: You are the Loser Email: [email protected] Basics: Age: 15 Birthdate: April 23, 1997 Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Height: 5'3 Weight: 120 Occupation: Student Live: Gordon. Nebraska Personality: Spend most of the few posts talking about your life, daily going ons finds out about Slenders from his sister inadvertently by looking through their pictures and finding the one with Holly, Kimmy, and Slenders. He asks Holly and she freaks out and takes the picture away from him. Dies last Siblings with Holly, witnesses her brutal death and is traumatized by it, unable to do anything. Carries her decapitated head with him in a bag of some sort. Kimmy: (tag, Spotify) Slender blog: Reaper’s Requiem Email: [email protected] Basics: Age: 18 Birthdate: July 5, 1994 Hair: Originally chestnut, dyed mahogany Eyes: Heterochromia; one eye’s blue, the other amber Height: 5'3 Weight: 117 Occupation: Student; works part time at the local restaurant Lives: Bonesteel, South Dakota Personality: Spend most of the few posts talking about your life, daily going ons Stalked second by Slenders, she has reoccurring dreams and nightmares with Slenders in them on a fairly regular basis but never tells anyone about it. She has a copy of the picture of her and Holly with Slenders in the background. She winds up leaving clues on her blog and there are a few posts after her death (2 or 3) Dies first, disappears and her body is reported found on the news torn up a bit (not as bad as Holly’s) New Character introduced in the blog has angleman syndrome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelman_syndrome Unnamed OCs
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The 15th Yowamushi Pedal Stage Play to Return with New Cast Members in March 2021
    The official website for the stage play adaptation project based on Wataru Watanabe's road bicycle racing-themed manga Yowamushi Pedal announced today that its next 15th show Stage Play Yowamushi Pedal: SPARE BIKE Chapter -Heroes!!- is set to be performed at Sankei Hall Breeze in Osaka from March 19 to 21, 2021, then at Nihon Seinenkan Hall in Tokyo from March 26 to 28.
  The play inspired by the manga's spin-off series Yowamushi Pedal: Spare Bike was originally planned to be performed in Tokyo and Osaka in July 2020 but all performances were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  Six months have passed since that unfortunate decision, it is finally decided to return with new cast members, including 23-year-old actor/fashion model Ryosuke Sota, who is newly cast as the protagonist Sakamichi Onoda. Shatner Nishida, who has been working on the stage play project since its launch in 2012, serves as the writer/director once again.
  In response to the declaration of a state of emergency issued on January 7, 2021, the start of ticket sales has been postponed. The revised ticket sales schedule will be announced on the play's official website at a later date.
    Key visual:
      Sakamichi Onoda: Ryosuke Sota
    Yusuke Makishima: Rui Tabuchi / Shingo Kinjo: Kohei Hayashida
    Juichi Fukutomi: Yuuhi / Yasutomo Arakita: Tokito
    Jinpachi Todo: Ryotaro / Hayato Shinkai: Shu
    Eikichi Maemiya: Ryotaro Maeda / Ryo Ibitani: Tokihiro Tauchi
    Kotaro Ishigaki: Shotaro Okada / Sho Koseki: Yuuki Kimisawa
    Shusaku Itokawa: Genki Ito (Puzzle Rider) / Touji Kanzaki: Wataru Murakimi (Puzzle Rider)
 - "Puzzle Rider" is An actor who moves the stage equipment and supports the production. 
    Kenta Tagami (Puzzle Rider) / Genki Yamaguchi (Puzzle Rider)
    【お知らせ】 去年中止となった舞台『弱虫ペダル』が、新キャストを迎え2021年3月に上演決定!! 公演タイトルは、舞台『弱虫ペダル』SPARE BIKE篇~Heroes!!(ヒーローズ)~に決定!! 詳しくはこちら↓https://t.co/grc4H3qVxO#ペダステ #弱虫ペダル pic.twitter.com/980qiIGHJD
— 舞台『弱虫ペダル』 (@y_pedalstage) January 12, 2021
    Illustration key visual drawn by the manga author:
    Source: Marvelous press release
  © WATARU WATANABE (Akitashoten)2008
© WATARU WATANABE (Akitashoten)2008/Yowamushi Pedal Stage Project
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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zeether · 1 month
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Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2 gameplay 3 (1080p, 4:3, 60fps, PS2)
Now with full intro.
Captured using Avermedia Live gamer portable 2 plus with the RetroTink 5x.
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2, Genki, 2006
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anime-ace · 7 years
Summer 2017 (part 3/8)
Saiyuki Reload Blast
Other Titles: 最遊記RELOAD BLAST
Source: manga
Studio: Platinum Vision
Genre: action, adventure, comedy, supernatural, drama, josei
At last, the Sanzou Party has arrived in India. In this foreign land, where the anomaly's influence runs rampant, their battles only heighten in their violence. And also awaiting them is their tragic fate from 500 years ago—What will they find at the end of their long and treacherous journey?
The latest in the Saiyuki franchise. I used to love this manga in middle school. It had cool art and cool characters and an incomprehensible but edgy plot. The backstories were suitably tragic. It was great. I reread it a couple of years ago remembering it was good and was delivered a story that makes no sense. It still fills me with nostalgia so maybe I’ll go watch all the anime. -Ace
Shoukoku no Altair
Other Titles: 将国のアルタイル, Project Altair, Altair: A Record of Battles
Source: manga
Studio: MAPPA
Genre: adventure, historical, drama, fantasy, shounen
Tughril Mahmut is a young pasha serving on the Divan of the Türkiye Stratocracy. The clouds of war are gathering over his country due to the threat of an aggressive Empire. With the Divan split between warmongers and the pacifists, Mahmut begins his quest to keep the peace at any cost. As he finds himself deeper and deeper in the politics of the ancient world, new enemies and allies surface. Who will prevail? What will Mahmut do if war proves to be inevitable?
I’m so excited for this! One of my favorite manga, it’s a gem of a story with fabulous art, deep characters, fascinating intrigue, and a beautiful setting. 10/10 would recommend. -Ace
Aho Girl
Other Titles: アホガール
Source: manga
Studio: Diomedea
Genre: comedy, romance, school
This anime features Yoshiko, a genuinely stupid girl (she can even manage to get all 0's on multiple choice tests). She hangs out at school with her childhood friend, who she claims to like, and he has to put up with all her ridiculous behavior!
A blast from the past, the original genki girl. This is a cute little manga about an idiot and her friends. It’s not overly moe. Yoshiko is a total pervert though. The anime might turn ecchi. I wonder... -Ace
Made in Abyss
Other Titles: メイドインアビス
Source: manga
Studio: Kinena Citrus
Genre: sci-fi, adventure, drama, fantasy
The enormous cave system, known as the Abyss, is the only unexplored place in the world. Nobody knows how deep down goes this titanic pit, inhabited by strange and wondrous creatures and full of mysterious ancient relics which purpose in unknown to modern man. Generations of bold adventurers have been drawn by the cryptic depths of the Abyss. In course of time those bold enough to explore the dangerous pit came to be known as "Cave Raiders." In Oosu, the town at the edge of the Abyss, there lives a little orphan named Rico, who dreams of becoming as great a cave raider as her mother was and solving the great mystery of the pit. One day exploring the murky depths she stumbles upon a little boy, who turns out to be a robot...
The art style is a little too cutesy for my tastes but the setting is cool and I love good friendships. -Ace
Isekai Shokudou
Other Titles: 異世界食堂, Restaurant to Another World
Source: novel
Studio: Silver Link
Genre: mystery, comedy, fantasy
At the bottom floor of the building with a dog signboard, in the shopping district near the office street, there lies a cafeteria called "Youshoku no Nekoya," that has an illustration of a cat on the door. It's been open for fifty years and has satisfied various salarymen from nearby offices. Despite it being called a Western cuisine cafeteria, it also provides other varieties of menus. For the people of this certain world, it's their one-and-only special cafeteria. There is, however, one secret to "Nekoya." The cafeteria is closed to the public every Saturday in order to make way for special guests. When a bell rings, customers from different places of birth and races appear who ask for mysterious and delicious dishes. They are actually the same dishes served to the salarymen, but these special guests find them to be more exotic than to what they are used to. As the cafeteria aims to serve masterpieces, it is usually referred as "Isekai Shokudou." And so, the bell rings again this week.
Ah, isekai my weakness. Well this one reminds me of Isekai Izakaya Nobu which I enjoy. It doesn’t seem to be overly ecchi either. It’ll probably be a nice slice-of-life fantasy cooking show. -Ace
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aatsra-dev · 6 years
Week 11
The final practical assessment of the module is to create and program a ‘walking simulator’ game build from Unity. The game is similar to the previous assessment as it takes place in a 3D Unity project, however the assessment requirements demand a character controller, whereas the previous assignment used mouse point-to-click player navigation. This assessment also benefits game design students by assessing the game’s narrative, as it’s a major interest motivator for players exposed to walking simulators. Aiding the assessment plan is the suggestion of incorporating a minor puzzle element (such as finding keys to unlock doors) to strengthen the assessment deliverables.
Initially the first concept for the final assessment is to create a game that is based on a unique mechanic found from a series of racing video games developed by Genki. The games core design is to defeat rivals of teams in specific routes, summoning the team leader into a boss battle once all members are defeated. Asides from team bosses as well as area bosses, a ‘wanderer’ rival; special bosses that are unaffiliated to any current team, can be summoned by meeting specific requirements. These requirements are special in that its instructions are only discovered in the rival list bios that are written with vague implication of the wanderer’s habits. It’s concept was similar to solving riddles and the bios can demand the player to execute it in intuitive ways. A wanderer who is stated to be visibly annoyed by ‘loud music playing in people’s cars’ will spawn if the player sets their BGM volume to maximum in the game settings. Rivals who are known to appear at only specific times of the day due to work shift limitations will only appear on specific times of the day depending on the player’s internal clock settings. The mechanic helps flesh out a subtle narrative to the player’s motivation to unlock wanderers.
Writing a script that takes into account the user’s specific information would take too much time and afterthought in the development of this assessment. The concept has been scaled down to become a ‘detective search’ game. The visualisation of this game is having the player identify a target NPC with little information available at the start of the game. Players will approach other NPCs on the map that can provide hints and strategies to uncover the target NPC by exploring an open-world map.
Development Progress
A brief world level was created, featuring a single building to first test the character controller and the character model’s collisions. The world is still under concept and construction, and is the pre-requirement that is needed to be completed before NPCs can be installed.
A free-use character model Unity-chan was installed, prioritising the time needed to program the character controller and animations. The physics have been tuned to provide a comfortable pace for the player to navigate the world level.
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amberreedca · 8 years
Shutoko Battle Xtreme debut trailer
Genki has released the debut trailer for Shutoko Battle Xtreme, its upcoming smartphone revival of its Genki Racing Project series. The studio also revealed the game’s control scheme: tap to hold the accelerator, swipe for handling, and flick for cornering. Additionally you can make use of the slipstream behind … from International Live News http://internationalnewslive.com/shutoko-battle-xtreme-debut-trailer/
from International News Live http://intlnewslive.tumblr.com/post/156070188797
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marykramer1 · 8 years
Shutoko Battle Xtreme debut trailer
Genki has released the debut trailer for Shutoko Battle Xtreme, its upcoming smartphone revival of its Genki Racing Project series. The studio also revealed the game’s control scheme: tap to hold the accelerator, swipe for handling, and flick for cornering. Additionally you can make use of the slipstream behind … from International Live News http://internationalnewslive.com/shutoko-battle-xtreme-debut-trailer/
from International News Live http://internationalnewslive1.tumblr.com/post/156070231404
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Shutoko Battle Xtreme debut trailer
Genki has released the debut trailer for Shutoko Battle Xtreme, its upcoming smartphone revival of its Genki Racing Project series. The studio also revealed the game’s control scheme: tap to hold the accelerator, swipe for handling, and flick for cornering. Additionally you can make use of the slipstream behind ... from International Live News http://internationalnewslive.com/shutoko-battle-xtreme-debut-trailer/
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