#General Villegas
sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Ante el dengue y falta de pago a afanadores, el sistema de salud en Puebla está en crisis
Ante el dengue y falta de pago a afanadores, el sistema de salud en Puebla está en crisis #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Sanidad #Puebla #Limpieza @Gob_Puebla @SergioSalomonC #Sopor #ServiciosSopor @SaludGobPue @JLozanoA @SergioSalomonC #Dengue
“Servicios Sopor SA de CV” ha incumplido, también, con uniformes e insumos. Alertan de contagios infecciosos en nosocomios de Puebla. Por Jorge Hernández | Corresponsal                                      Puebla, Puebla.- A unos días de que José Antonio Martínez García fuera nombrado titular de la Secretaría de Salud por el gobernador Sergio Salomón Céspedes Peregrina, el especialista en…
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Maestros piden destitución de directora de primaria
Toman el plantel “Miguel Hidalgo” en Alto Tío Diego Toman la Dirección General de Primarias en Xalapa Carlos Morales Tapia | Xalapa, Ver. – Maestros del Sindicato Renovador Magisterial Veracruzano (SRMAV), se plantaron en la puerta de la Dirección General de Primarias dependiente de la Secretaría de Educación de Veracruz, para exigir la destitución de la directora de la escuela primaria “Miguel…
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
In COVID-19 patients, neurological symptoms last up to three years - Published Aug 15, 2024
Effects include brain fog, fatigue and depression
Scientists from Northwestern Medicine and the School of Medicine at CES University and CES Clinic in Colombia have determined that more than 60% of people who contracted COVID-19 have neurological symptoms that impact their cognitive function and quality of life, even two and three years after COVID-19.
This finding resulted from a study with the longest follow-up time conducted in Latin America and was led by Dr. Igor J. Koralnik, chief of neuro-infectious diseases and global neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and Dr. Carolina Hurtado Montoya, with the School of Medicine at CES University in Medellín.
This study, the first in Colombia and Latin America to analyze persistent neurological symptoms, cognitive function and quality of life in long COVID-19 patients, demonstrates that the neurologic manifestations of long COVID are as frequent in Colombia as they are in the U.S.
The process Between April 2023 and December 2023, researchers evaluated the long-term effects of COVID-19 in a group of 100 Colombian patients, which included a group of 50 people, average age of 51, who presented moderate or severe disease and were hospitalized at the CES Clinic in Medellín. The other group of 50 patients were not hospitalized, had mild COVID-19 and were an average age of 36.
Among the most significant findings, the symptoms of ‘brain fog,’ characterized by cognitive dysfunction, was experienced by 60% of patients and fatigue was experienced by 74%. These two symptoms, along with depression, most affected their quality of life and cognitive function, in both the group of patients who required hospitalization (moderate and severe COVID-19) during the acute infection, and in people who had mild COVID-19.
These results were published August 13 in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. The research group is finalizing details to begin a second phase of the study, focused on cognitive rehabilitation, to improve the functionality and quality of life of these patients. From this new effort, researchers expect to adapt and test a protocol that can later be implemented as a service at the IPS Universidad CES in Sabaneta, Antioquia, Colombia.
The numbers The most common neurological symptoms in patients with long COVID-19 were ‘brain fog’ in 60% of patients, muscle pain in 42% and numbness or tingling in 41%. Non-neurological symptoms were fatigue (74%), sleep problems (46%) and anxiety (44%).
Both patient groups also performed worse on processing speed and attention than the general population, the study reports.
“‘Brain fog’ and fatigue remained persistent regardless of the duration of long COVID, underscoring the need for comprehensive and long-term care for those affected by this condition,” the authors wrote.
Notes This analysis also involved medical students, physicians, neurology residents, neurologists, and researchers from CES University and CES Clinic, Diego Fernando Rojas-Gualdrón, Esteban Villegas Arbeláez, Salvador Ernesto Medina Mantilla, Mariana Campuzano-Sierra, Santiago Ospina-Patiño, Mariana Arroyave-Bustamante, Valeria Uribe-Vizcarra, Daniel Restrepo-Arbeláez, Paul Cardona, Julián Llano-Piedrahita, Santiago Vásquez-Builes, Esteban Agudelo-Quintero, Juliana Vélez-Arroyave, Sebastián Menges, as well as the team from Northwestern University including Gina S. Pérez Giraldo, Millenia Jiménez, Janet Miller and Yina M. Quique.
This collaboration was initiated by Dr. Gina Perez Giraldo who went to Medical School at CES University in Medellin, and was the recipient of a Global Neurology fellowship from the Havey Institute of Global Health at Northwestern.
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chicanoartmovement · 4 months
CHICANO ART MOVEMENT visits: “Rasquachismo” 2024
On Saturday 05/11/24, we visited Huntington Beach Art Center to view “Rasquachismo” in the city of Huntington Beach, California.
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(“Beyond Timeless” by Justin Favela, 2022)
We learned from the mission statement that: “‘Rasquachismo,’ [is] a multi-media exhibition celebrating the aesthetics and transformative power of Lowriders. Featuring work by William Camargo with Alkaid Ramirez, Justin Favela, Stephanie Mercado, Arturo Meza Il, Aaron Moctezuma, Jose Manuel Flores Nava, Alicia Villegas-Rolon, and Cora J. Quiroz.”
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(“Anaheim in Flux” by William Camargo with Alkaid Ramirez, 2024)
“Emerging from the barrios of Southern California, lowriding brought forth a long resistance against the American Dream and dominant idealist norms that attempted to anglicize the young Chicanx individual. Forces of the Anglo-American culture did all it could to disrupt and omit the lowrider. From individual traffic stops to passing county-wide laws, all were attempts to take the lowrider off the streets. Low and slow, their metallic bodies transfigured in response. Now, unapologetically visible, lowriders glisten in candy-colored paint and dance with the aid of hydraulics. The power of lowriding extends beyond the car's aesthetics, however. It has become a rasquachismo expression of Mexican-American, and, eventually, Chicanx identity.”
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(“Highland Park” by Stephanie Mercado, 2023)
A favorite of Robert’s at the “Rasquachismo” exhibit was Stephanie Mercado’s “Highland Park.” Through a little research, we learned that “‘Highland Park’ honors the cultural richness of the area including its history, diversity, and its valuable contributions to the broader arts and culture sector of Los Angeles. Utilizing imagery and icons sourced from the neighborhood, this piece celebrates the enduring local landmarks and showcases the architectural diversity that defines the area. Simultaneously, it pays homage to the artists and art spaces that have played a vital role in making Highland Park a vibrant and lively neighborhood for generations.” 
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(Detailed view of “We Can Dream” by Cora J. Quiroz, 2022)
From the museum ephemera, we learned that this painting entitled “We Can Dream” by Cora J. Quiroz is part of a series called “Not Your Typical Rosie.” 
The artist states: “I paint women in a way that removes them from being acquiescent muses in typical artworks. From action, body language, and clothing, to expression, I ensure the women I paint have active roles of inspiration, movement, and storytelling. Raised by my mother, I learned about my family’s history through oral tradition. Rather than beng inspred by male-dominated stories in media, I became inspired by the Indigenous and Mexican women of my family, taking spaces where they were not expected.
The simplest acts typical for a man to perform, can often be taboo for women, such as working in the car industry. Despite this, for many years there have been women who have gone against the grain to become whoever they pleased to be, going beyond the WWII icon associated with strong women. These are the stories that inspire my work.” 
(“El Cuento de los Panes: A Community Installation Inspired by Dr. Tomás Ybarra-Frausto” organized by the Exhibition Design students at Laguna College of Art and Design, 2024) 
The exhibition statement shares that the term rasquachismo was “coined by Chicano scholar and art critic Tomás Ybarra-Frausto to describe ‘an underdog perspective, a view from los de abajo’ (from below) in working class Chicanx communities which uses elements of ‘hybridization, juxtaposition, and integration’ as a means of empowerment and resistance.”
The Huntington Beach Art Center presents “Rasquachismo” curated by Laura Black until June 1st, 2024 with their last programming event of an artist discussion is set for Saturday May 25th, 2024 from 1pm to 2:30pm.
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armatofu · 6 months
Este es el criollo Juan Vicente Bolívar Ponte-Andrade, padre de Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Ponte y Palacios Blanco, más conocido como Simón Bolívar, uno de los líderes secesionistas.
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El padre de Bolívar fue Teniente Gobernador, Juez, Administrador de la Real Hacienda,Coronel y procurador de Caracas.
Sin embargo, su hijo, tenía el cuajo de decir que la península maltrataba a los criollos...
Evidentemente era una falsedad, una propaganda de guerra para atraer a los criollos al bando insurgente, es decir, una fake news de hoy día...
Simón Bolívar, a diferencia de los otros lideres secesionistas, no tuvo una carrera militar destacada y nunca llegó a entrar en combate en el ejército español. Su máxima graduación fue la de Subteniente, es decir, que ni siquiera llegó a ser Oficial del ejército y cuyo cargo probablemente fuese comprado, tal como hizo su abuelo Juan de Bolívar y Martínez de Villegas, Teniente General, cuando compró el título de Marqués de San Luís por 20 millones de € ( al cambio actual). Título que nunca les fue reconocido y por lo que se cree que Bolívar odió tanto a España...
Simón Bolívar prefirió más centrarse en los placeres terrenales de la vida y disfrutar de su gran fortuna hasta ponerse al servicio de la Corona británica. En la guerra de secesión y posterior emancipación de los nuevos países americanos, Simón Bolívar perdió toda su fortuna y salud.
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No obstante, la mayoría de los lideres secesionistas corrieron la misma suerte que Bolívar, perdiendo sus fortunas y sus vidas...
Pues toda la riqueza que España creó en América a lo largo de 300 años, los lideres secesionistas la destruyeron en 10. Y esta es una de las principales causas del subdesarrollo perpetuo en el que viven hoy día la mayoría de los países hispanoamericanos.
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itd-oficial · 1 year
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Con fundamento en el estatuto de la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES), este tres de octubre se desarrolló en el Instituto Tecnológico de Durango (ITD), del Tecnológico Nacional de México (TecNM), la XII Sesión Ordinaria del Consejo de Institutos Tecnológicos e Instituciones Afines (CITIA).
De manera virtual se conocieron los mensajes del subsecretario de educación superior de la Secretaria de Educación Pública, Luciano Concheiro Bórquez y de Ramón Jiménez López director general del TecNM, quienes coincidieron en la importancia de los temas que se centraron en esta reunión, enfocados en la relevancia para la evolución educativa fomentada en los trabajos centrados hacia el marco general de evaluación y acreditación de la educación superior y la construcción de espacios de paz, para la erradicación de la violencia de género en las instituciones de educación superior.
Fungiendo como anfitrión y presidente en turno de la sesión, el director del Instituto Tecnológico de Durango, Guillermo de Anda Rodríguez, dio la bienvenida a alrededor de cincuenta integrantes de este consejo quienes se dieron cita de manera presencial y virtual para retomar los trabajos previos buscando garantizar el ejercicio de la educación superior generando ambientes para que las y los estudiantes fortalezcan su desarrollo profesional y social.
El secretario general ejecutivo de la ANUIES, Luis Armando González Placencia, puntualizo además un importante tema dando a conocer los resultados de la reunión establecida con homólogos de la educación superior en China, en septiembre pasado, donde se tuvo la oportunidad de iniciar una agenda entre la secretaria de educación de este país y la mexicana pensando en un proyecto de relación entre las instituciones educativas, con el especial interés por el desarrollo y aprovechamiento de la tecnología.
En esta reunión se contó además con la representación del gobernador constitucional del Estado de Durango, Esteban Villegas Villareal, en la persona de Francisco Javier Ibarra Guel, subsecretario de educación media superior y superior del Estado, quien reitero el interés por vincular el trabajo con el nivel federal para homogenizar los procesos que permitan hacer las modificaciones pertinentes en los programas de estudio que garanticen una actualización certera y libre de sesgos que puedan excluir a las personas al derecho a la educación, poniendo como ejemplo los recientes trabajos del Primer Encuentro Estatal de Cuerpos de Académicos, Investigación Educativa y Desarrollo Económico, celebrado también en el campus Durango, donde se trabajó con la participación de expertos en pedagogía, investigación, tecnología y docencia.
Así mismo se entabló la conversación para conocer el marco general del sistema de evaluación y acreditación de la educación superior, el cual fue aprobado el pasado 29 de agosto y en el cual se ha trabajado para adhesión completa de 78 Institutos Tecnológicos. La continuación de estos y otros importantes trabajos se llevará a cabo en la décimo tercera sesión ordinaria, que fue solicitada por el Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya y la cual será efectuada en el primer semestre del año 2024.
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sciencespies · 2 years
Animals are key to restoring the world's forests
Animals are key to restoring the world's forests
As UN climate talks close in Egypt and biodiversity talks begin in Montreal, attention is on forest restoration as a solution to the twin evils roiling our planet. Forests soak up atmospheric carbon dioxide and simultaneously create habitat for organisms. So far, efforts to help forests bounce back from deforestation have typically focused on increasing one thing — trees — over anything else. But a new report uncovers a powerful, yet largely overlooked, driver of forest recovery: animals. The study by an international team from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Yale School of the Environment, the New York Botanical Garden, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute examined a series of regenerating forests in central Panama spanning 20 to 100 years post-abandonment. The unique long-term data set revealed that animals, by carrying a wide variety of seeds into deforested areas, are key to the recovery of tree species richness and abundance to old-growth levels after only 40-70 years of regrowth. The article, published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, is part of a theme issue focused on forest landscape restoration as part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
“Animals are our greatest allies in reforestation,” says Daisy Dent, a tropical ecologist from MPI-AB and the study’s senior author. “Our study prompts a rethink of reforestation efforts to be about more than just establishing plant communities.”
The report also notes that situating regenerating forests near patches of old growth, and reducing hunting, encourages animals to colonize and establish. “We show that considering the wider ecosystem, as well as features of the landscape, improves restoration efforts,” says Sergio Estrada-Villegas, a biologist now at Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia) and the study’s first author.
Seed dispersal by animals is key to forest expansion. In the tropics, over 80% of tree species can be dispersed by animals, which transport seeds throughout the landscape. Despite this, forest restoration efforts continue to focus on increasing tree cover rather than reestablishing the animal-plant interactions that underpin ecosystem function. “Figuring out how animals contribute to reforestation is prohibitively hard because you need detailed information about which animals eat which plants,” says Estrada-Villegas.
The forest at the Barro Colorado Nature Monument (BCNM), in the Panama Canal, offers a unique solution to this problem. In one of the best studied tropical forests in the world, generations of scientists at have documented frugivore interactions to understand which groups of animals disperse which tree species.
In the present study, the team led by Estrada-Villegas and Dent examined this unique long-term dataset to determine the proportion of plants dispersed by four groups of animals — flightless mammals, large birds, small birds, and bats — and how this proportion changed over a century of natural restoration.
Their results offer the most detailed data of animal seed dispersal recovery across the longest timeframe of natural restoration. “Most studies examine the first 30 years of succession, but our data spanning 100 years gives us a rare glimpse into what happens in the late phase of restoration,” says Dent.
The study found that young regenerating forests were made up mostly of trees dispersed by small birds. But as the forest aged, trees dispersed by larger birds increased. Surprisingly, however, the majority of plants were dispersed by terrestrial mammals across all forest ages — from 20 years old to old growth. “This result is quite unusual for post-agricultural regenerating forests,” says Dent. “It is likely that the presence of large tracts of preserved forests near our secondary stands, coupled with low hunting, has allowed the mammal populations to thrive and to bring an influx of seeds from neighboring patches.”
Says Estrada-Villegas: “We hope this information can help practitioners to structure their restoration practices by enabling frugivorous species to help the restoration process and speed up forest recovery.”
Story Source:
Materials provided by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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the-mallorca-files · 2 years
TMF spotify playlists masterlist
I made a lot of these playlists aaages ago, but I just realised I never posted them here, so uh,, here you go!
If you:
have song suggestions
want to be added to any (or all) of the playlists as a collaborator
have a request for a new playlist
then you can lmk by commenting, reblogging, sending an ask, or sending a message in the TMF discord server :)
Playlist links under the cut!
Character playlists:
Carmen Lorenzo
Federico Ramis (currently empty)
Inés Villegas
Joan Lorenzo (currently empty)
Luisa Rosa
Max Winter
Miranda Blake
Niall Taylor
Roberto Herrero
Characters’ playlists:
playlists that the characters themselves would make
Inés’ main playlist
Luisa’s Disney playlist
Luisa’s main playlist
Max’s classical playlist
Max’s main playlist
Miranda’s angsty anger playlist
Miranda’s depression playlist
Miranda’s main playlist
Miranda’s running playlist
Roberto’s main playlist
Platonic playlists:
Max & Christian (currently empty)
Palma police family (Max, Miranda, Inés, Roberto, Luisa ; not for wintake songs!)
Roberto & Luisa (currently empty)
Ship playlists:
Misc playlists:
General aesthetic
Miranda’s violin songs
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Tamaulipas lidera la investigación en enfermería con el 1er Encuentro Nacional
Tamaulipas lidera la investigación en enfermería con el 1er Encuentro Nacional
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.-A nombre del gobernador Américo Villarreal Anaya, el secretario general de Gobierno, Héctor Joel Villegas González, inauguró el 1er Encuentro Nacional de Servicio Social de Enfermería: “La Investigación como Evidencia del Cuidado”, el primero en su tipo del país que consolida a Tamaulipas como un referente en la formación de enfermeras y enfermeros altamente…
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amonerdj · 2 months
Fiscalía General de la Nación
Luego de avalar la imputación de cargos propuesta por la Fiscalía General de la Nación, un juez con función de control de garantías impuso medida de aseguramiento en centro carcelario contra Ramón Steven Osorio Villegas, presuntamente implicado en el delito de porte de armas de fuego de uso privativo de las Fuerzas Armadas. Osorio Villegas fue capturado por uniformados de la Policía Nacional y la…
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Alertan trabajadores de crisis sanitaria en hospitales poblanos
Alertan trabajadores de crisis sanitaria en hospitales poblanos #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Sanidad #Puebla #Limpieza @MBarbosaMX @Gob_Puebla @SergioSalomonC #Sopor #ServiciosSopor
Trabajadores especializados en la limpieza e higiene en los diversos hospitales poblanos alertaron sobre el desabasto de personal e insumos. Por Felix Zetina | Reportero                                      Puebla, Puebla.- Trabajadores especializados en la limpieza e higiene en los diversos hospitales poblanos alertaron sobre el desabasto de personal e insumos para realizar sus funciones…
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xlevelpr · 2 months
Fiscalía General de la Nación
Luego de avalar la imputación de cargos propuesta por la Fiscalía General de la Nación, un juez con función de control de garantías impuso medida de aseguramiento en centro carcelario contra Ramón Steven Osorio Villegas, presuntamente implicado en el delito de porte de armas de fuego de uso privativo de las Fuerzas Armadas. Osorio Villegas fue capturado por uniformados de la Policía Nacional y la…
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schoje · 2 months
Fotos: Divulgação Os comandos das Forças Policiais de Santa Catarina apresentaram em Brasília, na sexta-feira, 12, aos comandantes da Força Nacional e Forças Armadas da República Dominicana, estratégias e técnicas usadas para que Santa Catarina seja considerada a melhor Segurança Pública do país. O encontro atendeu a um pedido do governador Jorginho Mello, sendo organizado pela secretária de Articulação Nacional Vânia Franco. Os palestrantes do encontro foram o comandante-geral da Polícia Militar de Santa Catarina (PMSC), coronel Aurélio José Pelozato da Rosa, a perita-geral da Polícia Científica, Andressa Boer Fronza, o delegado da Polícia Civil, Raphael Giordani, representando o delegado-geral, Ulisses Gabriel, e o tenente-coronel Túlio Tartari Zanin, que representou o comandante do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Santa Catarina (CBMSC) Fabiano Bastos. Pela República Dominicana estiveram presentes o general Juan Guzmán, o diretor do Departamento de Investigações de Crimes de Alta Técnologia, coronel Edgar Volques, o diretor de Cooperação e Relações Internacionais, coronel Roberto García, e o capitão de Mar e Guerra, Abel Romero, que é o adido militar das Forças Armadas da República Dominicana. Participaram também o conselheiro Rafael Trinidad, da Embaixada dominicana. Diferentemente da estrutura brasileira, na República Dominicana não há polícias federal, militar e civil. Lá, as atribuições são todas de uma só polícia, a Polícia Nacional. Durante as palestras, o delegado Raphael Giordani  destacou a história da Polícia Civil e a atual estrutura  hierárquica e física na Instituição. A períta-geral Andressa Fronza mostrou os ganhos do Estado ao adquirir aparelhos que escaneiam projéteis e outros que são capazes de reconhecer digitais e fluídos humanos, sem a necessidade de utilização de produtos químicos. O tenente-coronel dos bombeiros, Túlio Zanin, falou sobre estratégias e parcerias com guarda-vidas civis. Ele mostrou aos dominicanos quais programas foram usados para que Santa Catarina reduzisse drasticamente o número de mortes de banhistas a partir de 1997, até os dias de hoje.  O comandante-geral da Polícia Militar de Santa Catarina apresentou dados que, após pesquisa, mostram que Santa Catarina é o estado mais seguro, com 8,6 mortes por 100 mil habitantes (a média nacional é de 24,9), com a cidade considerada mais segura do Brasil com até 100 mil habitantes, Jaraguá do Sul, além de ter a capital mais segura do país, Florianópolis. “Esse intercâmbio é importante, sempre devemos ajudar um país que quer melhorar ainda mais sua capacidade de Segurança”, disse a secretária de Articulação Nacional, Vânia Franco. Antes do encerramento da reunião, o subdiretor da Polícia Nacional, Juan Guzmán, agradeceu a cooperação, disse que vai repassar as informações obtidas aqui no Brasil ao presidente do país dominicano e parabenizou o governo catarinense. Essa reunião foi uma continuidade da relação entre República Dominicana e Santa Catarina. Na última semana a embaixadora da República Dominica, Patricia Villegas e sua comitiva esteve no Estado e cumpriram agenda construída junto à Secretaria de Articulação Nacional e acompanhada pela secretária adjunta Lourdes Martini e a secretária adjunta de Turismo Catiane Seif. Fonte: Governo SC
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noticlip · 2 months
Saab aclara detalles de la detención de Maickel Villegas asesino de Ronald Ojeda
El fiscal general de Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, aclaró los detalles de la detención en Costa Rica de Maickel Villegas, acusado de asesinar a Ronald Ojeda; resaltando que la investigación chilena sobre los hechos de este crimen ha sido de una pésima calidad procesal, una falsa coartada para eludir su exclusiva responsabilidad en este vil delito. Un plan para enturbiar las relaciones…
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daisyherrera · 2 months
No han comprendido el mensaje   Marco Antonio Vázquez Villanueva Para quienes pensaban que habría pronto cambios en el gabinete estatal se van a quedar con las ganas de ver caer a Héctor Villegas de la Secretaria General de Gobierno o a Lucía Aimé Castillo Pastor de la Secretaria de Educación de Tamaulipas, es cierto, sus puestos no serán eternos, pero no se irán en los próximos meses, quizá ni…
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Entrega Secretaría General de Gobierno donativo para damnificados de la tormenta tropical Alberto
Entrega Secretaría General de Gobierno donativo para damnificados de la tormenta tropical Alberto Carlos Figueroa CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tam., 9 de julio .—  En un gesto de solidaridad y compromiso con las familias afectadas por la reciente tormenta tropical Alberto, el secretario general de Gobierno, Héctor Joel Villegas González, encabezó la entrega de un significativo donativo por un total de…
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