#Gemini Suresh
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bigtvmojify · 22 days ago
Coffee With A Killer Team Interview | RP Patnaik, Ram Prasad, Ramesh, Satish, Gemini Suresh @BIGTVET
Coffee With A Killer Team Interview | RP Patnaik, Ram Prasad, Ramesh, Satish, Gemini Suresh @BIGTVET ​ #CoffeewithAKiller #RPPatnaik #RamPrasad #Ramesh #Satish #GeminiSuresh Watch LIVE Stream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueJsgNKeq8c 🔔 Subscribe to our channel ✅ Stay Connected to Us. 👉 Website: https://ift.tt/37DroJK 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/ul7YWBG 👉 Twitter:…
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vennilave · 5 years ago
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Piravi ezhilum thodarumae Boologam vittu moga logam pogalamae Vaa vaa…
Mouna Mazhiyilae, Nadigaiyar Thilagam
Here’s an Illustration I did inspired by this beautiful song!
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weeguttersnipe · 7 years ago
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Mahanati (Telugu, 2018)
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ideallaedi · 7 years ago
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mredlich21 · 7 years ago
Tuesday Telugu: Mahanati Review (No Spoilers), A Huge Talent Cut Down to Fit in a Love Story
Tuesday Telugu: #Mahanati Review (No Spoilers), A Huge Talent Cut Down to Fit in a Love Story
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Well, I saw it!  And I did NOT like it.  And then I went home to discover that Dog Hazel had gotten lonely and into the trash and eaten a bunch of stuff she shouldn’t.  So all around, a failure of an evening.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years ago
Zodiac Signs As The Inhabitants
Remember, this is only for fun purposes. Hope you like it!
Aries: Sana Hudson
Taurus: Haoyu Chang
Gemini: Attilio Caccini
Cancer: Yuri Brand
Leo: Lucy Wong
Virgo: Iben Bia
Libra: Jose Gallard
Scorpio: Cal Suresh
Sagittarius: Fiona Demetria
Capricorn: Eis Glover
Aquarius: Cass Milligan
Pisces: Bruce Stone
Comment below what your sign is and who you got!
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
i think suresh would be a libra sun, sagittarius moon, and gemini rising
trying to figure out what his venus sign would be 🤨
yes yes I could see this !! and I was struggling coming up with his Venus so I read this entire article and lowkey pisces seems to be the one that resonates the most with Suresh. Which I was kind of shocked by.
Pisces doesn’t go around just handing out access to their inner world to anybody, and that holds true even more so for any given Pisces Venus choosing whether or not to fully surrender to love. If someone with Venus in Pisces lets you in, they let you all the way in. (MC was his first gf...even with Gabi he didnt claim her and called her a brief fling, not giving her full access to his inner world)
If Pisces Venus has ever been hurt before — which they have, they all have because they feel romantic hurt in a way the rest of us can only imagine — they will remain wary of vulnerability. (Remember all of those early chats with MC where he was unapologetic but you could tell he was soooo awkward when he needed to be vulnerable with her!)
Tell me that's not Suresh!!
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lovelyteng · 3 years ago
Haunted Corruption Chapter 13 - Don’t Being Insane!
(Fade to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses walking on the white path while Bruce holds box of VHS Tapes and TV and VHS player on the small metal table as moving and floating by his power.)
Cal: (narrative) Sometimes I remember my old friends has been disappeared in 20 years ago. Chapter 1 Successor wrote around his and friends' laboratory while worried about out of power and forgotten... Until... Now... While I found out.
Hooverton: Hey, Master Bruce. Something wrong with you?
Bruce: Yes... Before I closed the door... I heard someone inside secret laboratory... Sounded like... a crazy lunatic's laughter!
Cal: A crazy lunatic? You means like, an insanely person?
Bruce: Yes. I think probably Quincy.
Cal: Well, yes, probably.
(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses stopped walk as noticed door with Zodiac Buttons as they toward to door.)
Sana: This door was different password after the first one!
Eis: Yeah, this door was Zodiac Buttons on it!
Cal: Of course! Which means... the password was Chapter Order as Inverse Zodiac Order!
Eis: Let's try.
(Cal press in order as light up for correct; Capricorn, Cancer, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Aries, and Virgo, then beeps as everyone pay attention to the door which automatically open itself. Everyone cheering and then look Cal.)
Jose: See! That's why I having fun about Cal know password!
Cal: (nervously laughs and then irritated) Stop it about that, Jose! (Jose laughs while he groans in annoyed; muttered while covering his face in distress) Why he's always fun on me?!
Eis: Seems he's saved his life from cliff in 25 years ago. You had no choice to save him as you're become his friend.
Jose: He's right, Cal!
Inhabitants expect Jose, Cal, and Eis: (shocked while Cal's eyes wise in surprised) What?! (Nega Bosses tile the head in confused.)
Barktholomew: Huh? Farmer Ted, what's going on?
Jose: Cal saved me while he had no choice.
Fortie VI: (surprised) Wow...
Fortstopher IV: That's sounds like Sir Suresh's inner guilty had dried out while he rescue Farmer Ted.
Everyone expect Cal and Fort Brothers: Inner guilty?
Bruce: Oh right! Cal's inner guilty was started since his parents' died and his siblings' disappeared, it's wiped out while he rescued Jose, but it returned for his wife's death and his past haunting him while the voices following him.
Cal: (sighs in sadly) He's right, guys. I'm wiped out of half of my inner guilty for my family was glad on you by Leo and Emma.
Haoyu: Speaking of them, let's go inside the room.
(Everyone enter unknown as close the door itself, cut to inside of it but barely dark and barely messed as they glowing their eyes even Bruce and Hooverton are brighter than their friends while everyone look around in whole location until they heard the voices and then they're hide anywhere, cut to Cal hiding as inside big box as sneaking through the hole was Professor Bolt hold remote and looks to mysterious man hold paper to him as he takes it. Cut to Professor Bolt looking worried to mysterious man.)
Professor Bolt: Look, Dr. Chevin! We're finally caught Balan and Two Visitors while Wilmatiger and Kylemera ran away from us! (Cut to grids of Inhabitants and Nega Bosses gasp in quietly, then cut back to him.) Wait! I heard that... Sounds like someone shout for inside where I locked them. Right behind big safe as they're inside.
Emma: (offscreen from inside the big safe) Hey! Let's us get out on here!
Leo: (offscreen from inside the big safe) She's right, Brainiacs! My friends gonna defeat you!
Professor Bolt: Just be quiet it! (Charges and touches onto the big safe with electric power which Leo and Emma screaming while Inhabitants and Nega Bosses watching in shock.)
Dr. Chevin: (shouts) STOP IT! (Professor Bolt finally stopped electric power) Everyone heard us, Bolt! If everyone heard us, they'll know how to be defeat us!
Professor Bolt: (realized as paused) Oh! Sorry!
Dr. Chevin: Time to Plan B, Bolt.
(Dr. Chevin and Professor Bolt teleport as disappeared, then Inhabitants and Nega Bosses pop out and come out from hiding while they're all surprised, shocked, and worried for after heard.)
Iben: Did you guys seen that?!
Bruce: Yeah! That's who I heard that while I leave as last!
Yuri: You mean, the person who composed of Chapter 12 Costumes?
Bruce: Yup, his name's Professor Bolt.
Cal: And his leader, Dr. Chevin.
Fortie VI: Yup, he looks like composed of Chapter 7 Costumes.
Cal: (realized) Wait a minute. You know what means?
Attilio: Uh... No, we're not, why you know about them?
Cal: They're Lance's minions!
Everyone expect Cal and Nega Bosses: (gasps) They're what?!
Princess Marey: That's what we're tried saying about them!
Worville Wright: They're called in group Obscurity Rivals!
Haoyu: Obscurity what?
Hooverton: Obscurity Rivals are Chapter Costumes Hybrids who filled with negative as created by Lance...
Cass: When they were born?
Purrla: After you all leave the Wonderworld.
Inhabitants: WHAT?!
Fiona: You means...
Anjellica: Lance created them with your negative energy.
Lucy: What? That was...
Inkabelle: Terrible, yes. Your negative energy come off for inside and flow on to them for inside.
Eis: You know what means... (The Hydrac takes whiteboard as writing, then shows of The Hydrac's saying.) "They're planning to take out Timeville!"?! Oh no!
Iben: Oh dear, we're heard about Balan, Leo, and Emma was trapped, right?
The Grim Creeper: Yeah, I thinks Professor said right behind the big safe as inside.
Leo: (offscreen) Guys? Guys! Is that you?
(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run towards to the big safe from behind.)
Sana: Yes, it's us! You listened about the plans? (Cuckoo nods and cawing.)
Emma: (offscreen) Well, it... it... Sorry... I can't because...
Yuri: Professor Bolt shocked you? Yeah, we're saw him.
Wormsworth: (screeching while doing language signs) Well, that's not quite right about the safe's password.
Yuri: What you means?
Cal: Which means... (Walks to switch as turn on the light which everyone gasps to the big safe's password revealed was 12 keyholes with clocks with two different color heart like half but black-and-white for two pieces as while no outline.) That's what looked like.
Jose: Wow! That's lot of keyholes!
Barktholomew: Yup.
Cal: My old friends built this to lock it as hiding the secret items from Wonderworld while nobody seen it.
Fortstopher IV: Uh, yeah, there's one missing.
Cal: What is it?
Fortie VI: (Points at outside of heart on the safe) That outside of heart was already turned off when Zodiac Keys was powered out.
Inhabitants: Zodiac Keys?
Hooverton: Zodiac Keys. It's keys has power of balance as Inhabitants whose born in Zodiac Signs which cause of them has a powers of balance!
Inhabitants: (awe) Wow...
Princess Marey: Even it's fix the Balance Heart!
Cal: (awes as feeling barely worry) Yup, as Obscurity Rivals broke Balance Heart into twelve pieces of it.
Everyone expect Cal: What?!
Leo: (offscreen) Wait! Cal, how'd figured out?!
Cal: I used Past Vision earlier.
Everyone expect Leo, Emma, and Cal: Oh...! Right!
Emma: (offscreen) Wait... You know Cal's Past Vision?
Lucy: Yup, he glowing indigo eyes while using Past Vision.
Inkabelle: And she has Future Vision.
Leo and Emma: (offscreen; surprised) What?! Woah!
Cal: (awe as fear) Yup, my friends listened Lucy while she used Future Vision.
Inhabitants expect Cal: (shocked) Wow!
Haoyu: He always watching us while use Past Vision!
Bruce: Yup, exactly he is.
Cal: My old friend, Atticus Factious, he was a curator of Timeville Natural History Museum who getting worry about not finding something new in the world as he went to Wonderworld.
Jose: Wow...
Cal: He was mild-mannered, methodical, kindness, shyness, and... frenzied.
Jose: (confused shocking as his eyes wided) What...?
Cal: Yup, like he was quiet mischievously while playing any games. Also, he was melodramatic about reason while don't like it.
Jose: (still confused shocking as his eyes still wided) Wow! That's quietly hidden side of his personality!
Cal: Yup.
(Cut to Bruce pull out box of VHS Tapes and TV and VHS player on the small metal table as he and Hooverton ready charge their electricity power as plugs TV and VHS Player and then turned on as TV statics while 11 Inhabitants and Nega Bosses walk to join him as watch while he looks box of VHS Tapes as takes a tape as it floats with his power while the tape says "Atticus Factious (Chapter 1)" as it insert as cuts to TV statics to 27 years-old man with blue hair and purple eyes with green glasses who nervous to screen named Atticus Factious.)
Atticus: (quietly as nervously) Uh... Hello, my name is Atticus Factious, Curator of Timeville Natural History Museum! Sorry, I feels nervously about... Err... I can't find new discoveries in the world!
(Cuts to Jose and Barktholomew.)
Barktholomew: (whispering) He was worried about no new discoveries, right?
Jose: (nods, whispering) Yup, but I thinks losing as start getting insanity.
Barktholomew: (shocks) What?!
(Cut back to screen of TV as Atticus in onscreen who hold his journal and pen as he writing in rapidly while he feeling panic.)
Atticus: Well, I keep writing my journal about my problems while I was right!
Offscreen Voice #1: (in male Irish accent and American voice tone in 53 years-old) Atticus! Are you okay?
Atticus: (stopped writing and holds his journal) Oh... I'm fine...
Offscreen Voice #1: You seem not okay about you saying.
Atticus: (tried hiding worried as his voice sounded nervously) Look! I'm fine, okay?! Just... leave me alone...
Offscreen Voice #2: (in female mezzo-soprano voice tone in 14 years-old) Atticus, he taking serious about you as you telling about problem.
Atticus: (irritated) No! Don't tell me about... (breaths in panicking) problem! (Runs away as moving camera while he holds it.)
Offscreen Voice #1: (worried) Atticus! Wait! What are you going?!
(Camera moving to door of Former Inhabitant Scientists' Laboratory, Atticus open the door, he enter and then closed it which locked it in the dark as he breathing while camera moving as he walks and then he sit down as front of camera while he looks worried as he turned night mode on camera as he holding Devon's invisible colored pens.)
Atticus: (laughing in nervously while saying) Sorry. I been overwhelmed about my friends started taking serious about me. Doesn't matter. I'm being surrounded by serious people! (Laughing into manically laughing as run away as sounding of squeak from Devon's invisible colored pens as he writing offscreen while still manically laughing.) Nothing wrong about me! Just fine! (He pop out camera as his face covered blue ink while manically laughing. TV completely static as the tape ejects and fall into box of VHS Tapes.)
(Cut to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses shocked surprising and speechless.)
Bruce: (blank shocked) Wow! That's when Atticus goes crazy in the laboratory.
Cal: Yes, he is. He want doesn't taking serious about himself while his friends taking him.
Jose: When Atticus been balanced?
Cal: He telling his problem while his friends helping him as he found new discovery! Always telling the problems as won't serious as help.
Jose: Nice!
Cal: I seen something's... bad...
(Everyone looking at Cal in him while Bruce holding old pen.)
Cass: What is it, Cal?
Cal: It's... Lance.
Everyone expect Cal: (shocked) WHAT?!
(While everyone saying as Bruce holding it in hard which it break and come out the ink, then it drops on floor which he noticed on the ground.)
Bruce: Huh? Guys, look down!
(Everyone join Bruce who swipes the ink on floor as revealed was 2-1-12-1-14-3-5 in rainbow color text while everyone surprised.)
Bruce: It look like, the ink has a place to visible the write! Cool!
Fiona: Wow. There's a code!
Anjellica: You're right!
Fortie VI: I think password of this. (Holds up a small device.) Because I read about it. (Show it was a big button.)
Cal: That's it! (Takes a small device, presses it as show up a keypad.) Okay... Let's see... (Looks down at the code as press 2-1-12-1-14-3-5 which a small device start shaking.) Woah! Stay back, everyone!
(Cal drops it while everyone walk back from device which it turn into hologram map of Timeville which everyone amusing to it.)
Haoyu: Wow! It's Hologram Map of Timeville!
Worville Wright: And looking Timeville!
Eis: Which means... We're finding Zodiac Keys!
Cal: Former Inhabitants and Pieces of Balance Heart!
Cass: Wait, you means Zodiac Keys along Former Inhabitants and Pieces of Balance Heart?
Cal: Yup.
Lucy: Use the map to find them as show it for locations.
(While everyone talk, Bruce walks unknown object which covered dusty sheet, he pulled out with dust as he coughs and dust off while closed his eyes, then he opened his eyes and then shocked surprising to it.)
Bruce: Uh... Guys...?
Iben: What is it, Bruce?
Bruce: Just looking this.
(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses walk and join Bruce while Yuri turn on the light which everyone but Bruce shocked surprising to it as revealed was Old Theory Board which old pictures on it in pinned along ink while everyone still surprising.)
Haoyu: Wow... That guy still insane.
Worville Wright: As he went theories while he getting uncomfortable.
Cal: Oh no, Atticus getting more insane than last one!
Princess Marey: Yikes!
Lucy: Cal? It's that you?
Cal: Where?
Lucy: (Points at it) This picture.
(Cuts to old picture was one teal eye with magnifying glass as it come out within tear along blue ink onto picture, board, and pin while everyone surprising to it.)
Cal: I can't remember taken picture to my eye with magnifying glass while I'm crying when I saw it for I was young.
Hooverton: Wow, it seem Atticus had Chrono Vision about his theories.
Inhabitants and Nega Bosses: (hit realized as surprised) WHAT?! He had Chrono Vision?!
Haoyu: Okay, that's why Atticus getting scared to insane while doing his tasks!
Worville Wright: Before drained his powers in 20 years ago.
Iben: (offscreen) Speaking of him...
(Cut to Iben look Hologram Map of Timeville as display three blue dots on Timeville Science Museum while Inhabitants and Nega Bosses join her.)
Iben: Something's in the Timeville Science Museum!
Cal: Perfect!
Fortstopher IV: But three blue dots on Science Museum was...
Fortie VI: ... Zodiac Key, Former Inhabitant, and Piece of Balance Heart!
Cal: That's right! (realized, gasps) Oh no! Which means... Atticus in the Science Museum!
Everyone expect Cal: What?
Jose: What was that mean, Cal?
Cal: Jose, what's your Zodiac Sign at your birthday?
Jose: Capricorn, why?
Cal: Which means... Atticus along Capricorn Key and Piece of Balance Heart in Science Museum!
Everyone expect Cal: (gasp) What?
Eis: Well... There's many enemies in Timeville.
Sana: Oh, come on, Eis! There's nothing in here.
(Eis presses red button in deadpan as many red dots appears in any location of Timeville while Inhabitants and Nega Bosses surprising, not even Eis still deadpans to Sana.)
Eis: (deadpans) As you said it, Sana.
Sana: Oh... Sorry.
Eis: That's why I was going Cal while you said about it as irresponsible.
Cal: And that's why you're getting sometime annoyed by being irresponsible in no reason.
Eis: (nods in deadpans) Yup, that's right, buddy.
Bruce: Okay then...? But there's security in any location. We're starting at enter of security in the path of location.
Cal: (realized as pause, to Fiona) Fiona, you can teleport us at location?
Fiona: What are you talking about, Cal? You thinks I have Teleportation?
(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses notice Fiona who started confusion. Cal clear throats, then Fiona hit realized.)
Fiona: Oh right! I have Teleportation! Cal, how'd you figured out?
Cal: Well, all of you guys has powers of same to Costumes. I'm same powers of my Chapter Costumes as super speed like Speedy Cheetah!
The Grim Creeper: Oh right! You has powers as same to Nega Bosses and Costumes in any forms!
Cal: That's right, Creeper! (To Leo and Emma as he looking the safe) Don't worry, Leo and Emma! We're gonna help you for unlock the safe!
Emma: (offscreen) Oh goodness! Thank you, guys!
Leo: (offscreen) And you find Kylemera and Wilmatiger in Timeville as any location!
Cal: Got it, Leo!
Fiona: (picks Hologram Map of Timeville as taps it with blue energy as presses it to turns it off and Cal takes device) Okay, everyone! Hold the hands! (She and Inhabitants joint the hands along Nega Bosses.) On three! One, two... Three!
(Fiona started Teleportation as everyone flows blue energy from her, then disappeared in thin blue air, cuts to inside the safe, Leo and Emma sitting on the floor as Leo holding the device as it turned on as display of hologram to Balan while he and Emma watching him.)
Leo: Balan, they'll recuse you even our friends!
Emma: We're so happy about them even Cal!
Balan: (onscreen as hologram onto device) I'm so glad, kids! They're save Timeville! Even our other friends.
Leo: One question, Balan. Atticus Factious was Chapter 1 Successor?
Balan: (onscreen) Yup, he was Cal's old closest friend.
Emma: His codename...?
Balan: (onscreen) Dimension Hopper.
(Cut to Leo and Emma feeling worried. Cuts to pitched black screen as fade to Atticus, 47 years-old for now while his glasses barely crack as right side of glasses was red, and wake up as groans and rubbing his head as his right eye turned glowing neon yellow iris, big pupil, and black sclera.)
Atticus: Where am I?
Unknown Figure: (in male Southern accent and British voice tone) Oh, hello, Dimension Hopper!
Atticus: (shocked) Huh? Who's there?! (Looks around as revealed while camera zooms out was he inside Negative Bubble.) And why I'm inside the big bubble?!
Unknown Figure: One question, I am... (Walks as revealed was the figure who composed of Chapter 1 Costume as he holding his guitar in grins evilly.) Cactar! Biology Guitarist! (Playing guitar solo, and then jump up as show rock and roll sign.) Oh yeah!
Atticus: Okay, Cactar. Why am I inside the big bubble?
Cactar: I'm gladly to you asked for it! Well, you and your friends trapped in any location of Timeville! I'm guarding you, Capricorn Key, and Piece of Balance Heart! (Hold up unpowered Capricorn Key and Piece of Balance Heart.)
Atticus: (gasps) Oh no! That's impossible!
Cactar: Dimension Hopper, what's happened to your right eye?
Atticus: After drained my power, I tried away from Nega Boss as it got changed by unknown chemical as it got permanent which I getting overwhelmed about it while I always thinks it was a side effect.
Cactar: (sarcastically) Oh wow! Very nice! (claps in sarcasm)
Atticus: Hey! Don't be sarcasm about that!
Cactar: So be it! Your old friend gonna save you with HIS new friends.
Atticus: His new friends?
Cactar: You know, the one who saved you from negativity.
Atticus: (realized) Oh no...! Calvin!
Cactar: That's right, Dimension Hopper! He's gonna recuse you again! Even your old friend!
Atticus: Oh no... (Whispering) Help me, Cal!
(Cactar laughing manically in echo while walk away as Atticus holds up the picture of him and Cal in 20 years ago. Fade out as pitched black screen.)
To be continued.
List of Chapters
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mymoviemusings · 4 years ago
Yet another movie over the weekend again. This time it’s Mahanati movie based on the life of legendary Telugu film actress Savithri garu. Savithri garu was a household name back in golden Telugu film era of 50’s. She acted in many of the iconic roles and she is the textbook definition of a super star. Her acting in Maayabazar is top notch and unparalleled. She has not just entertained people but inspired generations to come with her acting and magnanimity. 
Biopics are extremely hard to narrate in my opinion because you have to stay true to truth and keep the audience interest piqued. Nag Ashwin, the director of the movie has taken a very clever approach to telling the story where he opens the movie with a question. The same question is occasionally brought back thereby keeping the audience glued to the story. A friend of mine used to say every movie needs elevation scenes for heroes and the director has conceived one of the best elevation scenes for the lead role if I may say so. The opening scene for the lead role where she has to cry on cue without glycerin is simply superb and the director established why Savithri garu is called Mahanati and it has opened the movie with a great promise. Other technique used by director is to narrate the story from perspective of a journalist. I believe he wanted to show how Savithri garu  has touched lives beyond movies and he achieved that by showing how the journalist has transformed her life by taking inspiration from Savithri garu’s story as she gathered more details for her article. I tried visualizing the movie without the thread of the journalist and from story perspective it would not have made any difference but the thread amplified the impact exponentially and brought a certain feel. Another technique to switch between color and black & white to differentiate a normal shot and shooting of the movie is just superb.
Keerthi Suresh has portrayed the role with great dedication and she excelled in her performance. Keerthi enacted the iconic dance sequence from Maayabazar with much ease and it really showed how much effort she put into the role. Duluquer as Gemini Ganesan has done a good job in showcasing the different shades in his role. Gemini Ganesan’s role is the one I take exception to and feel his role has been given more than required positive vibe but again I trust the director has a good reason to do that. I am a FAN of Samantha from YMC and she played the journalist role and she was splendid and as always a treat to watch. Be it her portrayal of stammer or her struggle in professional and personal life it’s top notch and proves again why she is THE star of Telugu film industry. Samantha’s acting in the climax where she has to emote happiness and sadness at same time made me wonder how she would have been in the title role, no offense Keerthi :-). Vijay & Samnatha’s track has been so well conceived and well enacted and by the end of the movie Vijay was in the list of people I hate.
The movie took one daemon thread in my brain and has been running continuously trying to analyze the reason why Savithri garu might have fallen for Ganesan and the conflict between them. The latter has been bugging me and I just kept wondering if it is really difficult for men to handle the success of women in their life. I seriously contemplated what would have been the life of Savithri garu had Ganesan taken a more rational approach. I also could not stop wondering will I be this rationale if my future life partner is more successful than me. I sincerely hope this movie serves as a stark reminder to me and the men out there that we should be able to enjoy the success of our life partners as much as our own success. I am very lucky to have known quite a few strong and successful women and I am really happy for them and hope they are not bogged down by the societal pressure that they will always be less successful than their partners.
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aadhiskanmani · 6 years ago
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I am back with Part 2 as promised earlier also because it was bugging me that i have left it incomplete the other day. The formatting is going to remain exactly the same way.. am just saving myself some extra text clutter , time and  typing/copy paste this time round LOL. 
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS COMPLETELY MY OPINION ABOUT THE FOLLOWING FEATURES.  I feel the need to say this again because last time too i got a message but x,y,z film has x,y,z issues . I've said it before and i will say it again  It is all a mixed Bag, Mixed Genres, Mixed reasons to suggest them right from the quality to acting to cinematography to story to critical acclaim to some just for PURE ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.  I makes these lists because I feel these features deserve love and appreciation and because some made me feel Proud and some just for pure entertainment factor . Sidenote.. all titles are actual links where you can watch the features with subs and most of these are On prime video or netflix as well
K.G.F: Chapter 1 |Kannada| *Yash | alt Link  A young man's promise to his dying mother leads him on a dangerous quest for power and wealth.  If I may say so this One pretty much did the same thing in terms of opening doors to kannada film industry like Baahubali did to tollywood. This one  followed the formula and dubbed it in multiple languages and gave it a wide release worldwide which raised eyeballs and got me curious too esp caz this one has a similar plot with the rise of a hero and the hunger for power just set in a completely different world and era. Now the Strength here is the screenplay  and the non-linear pattern which keeps you engaged, with the growth of Rocky being shown steadily. The film is set between 1951 to 2018 and maintains a sense of curiosity as each character is unveiled. Yash is Phenomenal in it as rocky. I said it back then when i watched it and i will say it again He exuded the same kind of charisma say like a 70′s 80′s hero e.g Mr Bachchan from his blockbuster hits where he Played similar roles or salman khan in his typical masala characters basically Larger than life even if he has this arc of being a nobody to Rocky Bhai to Rocky the messiah. One word of Caution... This one gets a lil confusing in Kannada  and with subs as there are too many characters and each one has his/her own agenda. i was confused at many parts but then i watched the hindi dubbed version and it made a world of difference. this one is fairly well dubbed too just like baahubali and what i mean is the voices didn’t sound robotic. Also i personally felt they went a little too far with the dukhi  junta in prison in 2nd half and the violence as in it got very tedious but thank God that got over soon with the rise of this hero but it is worth watching and rest of it is really good, esp the last 15 mins WOWWWWW I cannot wait for part 2. Also my only sandalwood entry.
p.s all dubbed versions are available on prime including Hindi but i have linked the kannada originals  
Fidaa | tel |*Varun Tej, Sai Pallavi  (on Prime as well) Two young people embark on a winding and rocky path to love after meeting at a wedding. First of all supercute romantic, comedy/ family drama but what is refreshing about it is that it is Mainly from the Heroine’s POV and we have a VERY STRONG heroine who has her opinions, her say ,her own thought process and who is just so real. On the surface it looks like just another tollywood rom com but it’s Not. the music is really Good too and Sai Pallavi is A bundle of joy as Bhanu who calls the shots  mostly here. Needless to say it is one of my Feel good films when  i want to see something that makes me smile and gives me that comfort vibe i  go to this one mostly.
Tumbbad|hin|*soham shah . A man and his son encounter a legendary demon while searching for hidden treasure in 19th-century India. 
This one will come as a surprise to many as it is a hindi title but This one a rare gem that is Underrated af and i haven’t seen a finer hindi film in the last year because of how rich it’s content is and how thought provoking it is. The makers have invested years in getting to final result and it shows. this one gave me goosebumps, sacred me, left me mesmerized and make me go WHAT too. This is also on this list because you may not have heard about it at all just like myself who had no idea and jumped into it out of supreme boredom and was left in complete awwwwww and then did my reading and research. This one is a well thought out psychological horror film with strong visuals and metaphors and makes you question as it plays with your mind. Tumbbad is a perfect example of a film that creates a surreal illusion.
Imaikkaa Nodigal| Tam| Nayanthara,Atharvaa, Anurag kashyap: alt link  A suave CBI officer (Nayanthara), is in search of a serial killer who kidnaps and kills the children of important people. The killer, however, is targeting his nemesis next. a revenge thriller with a strong Plot unpredictable and amazing twists.Each character has an important role and Nayan As a Bad ass cop who freaking sets the bar too high for female officers in desi films. THis one is one of the finest Thrillers in recent years which actually gives you thrills and Shocks and most of them one can’t guess. Let me be honest i gave upon this seeing anurag kasyap as the antagonist as i was unable to bear rudra and just his Ottness on top of that atharvaa’s lovestory as the parallel track mad me go ehhh as i initially clicked on it for nayan and there was so little of her in the beginning but then i gave it another try and couldn’t stop & was WOWEDDD by the Film and Nayan as anjali and yeah she is the MAIN CHARACTER so we get a lot of her later. She is at her FINEST as anjali. this is the film one wants to watch to get a high of sorts. WATCH IT FOR NAYAAAN FOR A STRONG FEMALE ACTOR/CHARACTER Taking the center stage and BEING FANTASTIC. This one is so just so entertaining in so many ways and the film one can watch on any given day despite knowing the plot twist. Beware Nayan and Vijay’s little arc is heartbreaking and i cried a lot tooooooooo... i was shattered at that part..... it is so hauntingly shot too. TW: Graphic violence  In that scene 
Mahanati|Tel|* Dulquer Salmaan, keerthy suresh, samantha, vijay D |alt link  Biopic based on  The life story of South Indian actress Savitri, who took the film industry by storm in the late '50s and '60s Mahanati is a film about the rise of the first female south Indian superstar – Savitri. Her story one of the most heart wrenching romantic tragedies of our times.This film tells a story of the Mahanati; her life, her journey to fame, and the dramatic downfall. Keerthy Suresh, elegantly brought Savitri to life, and Gemini Ganesan, played by Dulquer Salman, makes this film a true pleasure to watch. I had no idea who Savitri was i went into it because DQ and Again was BLOWN AWAY by How well made this film is and how it is made with so much sensitivity and rawness. it keeps the real journey part intact as in doesn’t sugarcoats or overly glamorizes things to show Savitri as some mahaan hasti. They make this film the Grand celebration of her life with all her struggles and tragedies  and makes you connect with her in a very real  manner and All this Makes this film so much more than a film. this one becomes that Larger than life Grand,SHE IS A HERO More because she truly is rather than OH because she had this sob story IYKWIM  like hindi Biopics do. They have made savitri Grand By her resilience by her courage by her will power and invested in the character and plot rather than all taam jhaam. This one is By far the best Biopic i’ve seen from desi industries and Not One and i mean it NOT one Hindi biopic even comes close to this one in terms of presentation. Keerthy suresh is a joy to watch as savitri. i am not gonna lie i broke down at few points and that is because of her acting and laughed too i connected so strongly to an actress’s story (who i had no idea about as in savitri i had 0 knowledge about savitri or in general about south industries retro eras ) only because of keerthy’s presentation.Also dulquer is a Joy as gemini ganeshan. he really slipped into it with ease and lived upto the part. they have achieved finesse in  showcasing a life story and recreating old songs from black & white era. If nothing else on this list watch this and imaikaa nodigal and you won’t regret it 
Rangasthalam |tel| *Ramcharan, Samantha :  Chitti Babu, a hearing impaired boat skipper, becomes caught in the middle of a political feud in the village of Rangasthalam. Watch this one for Ram charan’s performance  He is a delight to watch as chitti babua and this easily is his Best WORK till date this character have so much to play with and He ACES IT . The strong and intriguing story line is also a Plus . The film is not just set in the 80s; it also picks a story template from that era and narrates the tale in a refreshingly raw manner but the characters are so well fleshed out they don’t look caricatures by any means. the songs are grand and super fun to watch too. 
Maari 2 |tam|* dhanush, sai pallavi :  Maari, a gangster with a heart of gold, tangles with a new nemesis who is determined to bring about his downfall. First things first this one is mileas ahead of the previous version in everything. A much stronger film in every way. Otherwise it is a pure masala entertainer with all the masala elements and  dhanush and sai make a BOMB pair and their lil story is ahh sooo full of feelz. 
Sudani from Nigeria |Mal|* soubin shahir:  When a soccer club manager brings one of his injured foreign players home to recuperate, they form an unlikely bond despite their cultural differences.. A refreshing sports drama that touches your heart. explores the cultural differences so beautifully. the characters stay with you much longer after the film is over. The film effortlessly explores iissues in the neighborhood and much bigger political issues too. overall SImply an underrated film and one should watch it for it’s warmth and sincerity.
Koode|Mal|*prithviraj,nazriya nazim, paravthy  A family tragedy causes a young man to reflect on his childhood and reassess his future.Anjali Menon and that brilliant cast should eb your reason to watch. i don’t think i need to say another word to convince you but still anyway. it takes you on and emotional roller coaster ride. it is a flawless film with an extraordinary cast. also Naz is as charming as ever in her comeback film. there are very few films who actually jump into exploring the bond between a brother and sister and this one aces it with reflecting upon various issues and things they had to go throughasa family  as well as their individual struggles. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. Also Paro and prithvi yeah. .. simply OUTSTANDING film
Varathan |mal|* fahadh faasil,Aishwariya lekshmi:  After losing his job, Abin and his wife, Priya, move from Dubai to Priya's family estate in Kerala, but peace eludes the couple. It takes it’s time in the first half but in second it comes all guns blazing and turns into a worth watching survival thriller. it does makes one uneasy at times with the contsant stalker guys lurking around but it is all worth the wait at the end. trust me..
Chekka Chivantha Vaanam |tam| *vijay sethupathi,arinswami,jyothika,simbu;  An attempt is made on the life of a reigning don, and it sets in motion a succession battle between his three sons. In other words Godfather with Mani ratnam  twists A delicious film to devour it si an out and out maniratnam film with massy fan moments and smart filmmaking techniques. watch it for performances esp. i wish jyo had more to do but she is good at what she does in her supporting role. . this one is a true blue  multi starrer ,family drama.
Merku Thodarchi Malai |tam| Antony, Gayatri Krishnan, Abu Valayamkulam :  it  revolves around the life and times of a group of people living along the foothills of the Western Ghats. basically we travel along with Rangu ( teh pratagonist) who is a daily wage worker and his struggles in bringing that load upto the city  and his one dream to own a piece of land someday. this oen is almost like a documentary. this makes you thank and count your blessings. feel every bit of pain and effort and struggle that these daily wage workers have to go through in their daily lives. i broke down at so many points and i just wanted to do something to help makes lives a bit easier. IDK it hit me so hard at places and made me thankful for all the things i have. 
Mayanaadhi |Mal|*tovino thomas,aishwariya lekshmi : A mule driver in a gang and an aspiring actress try to navigate their way through an unexpected romance. Mayaanadhi is a beautiful tale of love. The emotions it conveys needs to be experienced and the movie gives us a taste of life. Aashiq Abu really knocked it out of the park once again with this one. this one. It is a simple enough tale with a plot that is real to life and familiar.It is perhaps the most Soulful Romantic film i’ve seen in last year or so. 
Takeoff|Mal|*parvathy,fahadh :  A young Muslim woman (Parvathy) struggles to find love and happiness in midst of the ongoing civil war in Iraq. It  an ode to the Indian spirit. This is a riveting survival saga, made by a team gifted with acute political and social awareness. It is, in one word, stunning. Paro Simply have slayed. A bit like airlift as in the basic setting and premise is similar but poles apart. it is one hell of a film( in a good way) PARO,PARO,PARO. this is all i have to say to explain the brilliance of it. 
and with that this comes to an end.. again please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions with me i would love to see you guys actually taking the use of this list and sharing your thoughts. Bye and Have a Wonderful Summer binge watching these hehe. i hope you love them as much as i do. looking forward to your thoughts 
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weeguttersnipe · 7 years ago
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Dulquer and Keerthy in Mahanati (Telugu, 2018)
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sequexofficial · 6 years ago
Where is The Venkatalakshmi (2019) 2019 (Bharat) Synopsis Where Is The Venkatalakshmi (2019) is Telugu Horror Thriller film directed by Kishore and produced by Sreedhar Reddy, Anand Reddy and RK Reddy.
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koradanews · 8 years ago
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Gemini Suresh Receives Tantex Award North Texas Telugu Association has organised Sankranthi festival celebrations at Dallas on 28th of January. Lakshmi Paleti, Uppalapati Krihna Reddy, Sameera Illandhula, Madhu Mahitha Maddukuri, Abhimatha Madhukuri have participated in the event.
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unetherealfeelings · 6 years ago
Mahanati: Savitri Garu/Amma
 Where do I start with this one? I don't have many words to describe this film, this remarkable biopic of a woman whose story baffled, awed and tore up audiences across states? A woman whose skills and personality was light years ahead of her time, a woman whose talent seemed boundless? A woman regarded so highly among the likes of famous actors ANR and NTR? A woman whose natural ability to perform turned out to be her greatest downfall? How does one begin to talk about the greatest actress of South India; Savitri Garu? 
 She may have died three decades ago, but her life is recreated this decade, where her story and love of acting is brought alive by Director Nag Ashwin, his talented crew and the brilliant star cast of Mahanati/ Nadigaiyar Thilagam.
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Mahanati truly pays homage and is a delightful yet nostalgic tribute to the legendary actress Savitri. The film focuses on the tiniest details of her life, bringing forth her most endearing moments and unpleasant habits, it focuses on the hardships that shaped Savitri’s life; from her childhood to her last breathing moments. Her long-lived quest for the truth about her father, the need to put a face to the memories that she lent from the imaginations of her mother’s stories. Having no choice but to finally find a match to that description, first in the statue of the god (vighraham) near the temple, then in her uncle who accepts her as his daughter many years later.  Then. finally in  Gemini Ganesan when he takes her in and shows her the bond between a  father and child and how fathers build a child’s perception of the world around them. Perhaps that was what she liked most in him, the comfort and shelter a father provides his child from the evil in the world and the insightful wisdom that he imparts his child with. Mahanati leaves you with a sense of despair that such a tragedy could befall such a lovely human being, yet deep admiration for the way she lived her life; honour, love and humility till her last moments.
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The direction and cinematography of Mahanati are phenomenal, the vision of Nag Ashwin’s story has bled into each and every frame and scene, each scene was handled with such delicacy and care. Since the story was set in the 1940s-1980s the appropriate camera filters were used, every time a flashback to Savitri’s childhood there would be a light orange/yellow hue, the camera styles used were also a nod to the golden era. With blurred out focus or vintage frames, they shaded the visuals in pastels hues. The scenery and the backdrop of the village Savitri called her home in her formative years were exceptionally beautiful, the sunset, the greenery and the still water all looked so flawless like as if they hadn't been touched by modern civilisation and its careless tendency to destroy nature. 
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Moving on to the cast that makes up this beautiful film, Keerthy Suresh plays the titular character Savitri and oh boy does she pull it off. Her look, feel, the presence that she filled the frame with was awe-inspiring. I truly had no idea that she would be so lifelike and pronounced. After a while, you can even imagine her as Savitri alive and smiling in front of your eyes. Her Telugu accent is almost perfect and you can almost believe her talking like a native Telugu ammayi (girl). The grace that she oozes playing this character is so uncanny to the actress she portrays, even when you see her unravelling and falling from her prime,  she does it with grace. Although, I mean I still have some hesitation to completely fall in love with this film, due to the fact that an actual Native Telugu speaking actress could have done as good a job. Since this film does focus on Savitri"s life and the impression she had left on the Telugu states rather than Tamil Nadu.
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And then there is Dulquer Salmaan, I honestly haven't expressed this enough, but Dulquer is trying a phenomenal actor and he really truly is not living under his father's shadow. I usually believe that actors that are introduced to the industry via their famous parents turn out either having no talent in acting or having shitty attitudes. Dulquer is neither o and you can clearly see from the effort he puts in each and every screen. He even went the extra mile to learn Telugu and that makes my heart so full. I'll be the first one to admit though his Telugu is not completely fluent and proficient, it does not need to be since Gemini Ganesan was a native Tamilian and so it is very natural for his speech to have a rough edge and be leaning slightly more towards a Tamil accent. However, even then Dulquer did a fantastic job, all of the walk, the arrogance that Gemini had, the smirk. The charming part he had it down pat. Even towards the end as his negative streak is laid bear you can clearly see the love and affection he had for Savitri who he perhaps shared the greatest love story with. The affectionate way he calls his beau "Ammadi", I'm pretty sure many in the audience swooned over. 
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Coming to the rest of the cast and the crew, I genuinely believed everyone was truly natural and authentic. Samantha Akkineni and Vijay Devarakonda both are skilled and refined actors who agreed to take on smaller roles because they believed it was too great a story to not bring to the masses. Though their roles were small, they portrayed a curious and dedicated journalist and shy yet talented photographer Madhuravani and Vijay Antony smoothly.  Through the process of finding out the truth of Savitri find the strength to love and stand by each other. 
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Not forgetting Rajendra Prasad who plays K.V Chowdary, Savitri's paternal uncle, he is so good in his role. it is where he really shines, playing a poor and frustrated yet ambitious uncle, forced to take in his wife's widowed sister and daughter. Unable to afford a living for all of them, he has to look for creative ways to earn a living and that is where his niece comes into play. He forces Savitri to learn dance which later evolves into performing theatre where Savitri hones her acting and where she first gets her big break. All of the cameos by the actors were really good, natural and lived in, like Naga Chaitanya as ANR, Shalini's Susheela, Prakash Raj as Aluri Chakrapani, Malavika Nair ad Alamelu, Mohan Babu as S.V Ranga Rao, Manobala as P. Pullaiah and so many more.
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Encompassing this masterpiece are the incredible and soothing soundtracks by Mickey J. Meyer that showcase what may be Savitri’s most memorable and outstanding moments in her life. My personal favourites are Sada Nannu and Chivaraku Migiledi, the former for the beautiful and hopeful promises and made by one’s lover and the happy time spent with them. Chivaraku Migiledi because of the haunting way, the lyrics portray the end. Chivaraku Migeledi; “Whatever is left at the end” all that was and had been, reduced to tears and the lonely solace of addiction. It is here that we see and truly believe that the end is coming near, where the happiness and success that she once tasted are ripped away from her once again, at this point the audience truly see her at her worst, a shell of a woman she was, a girl yet again wrecked by the thunderous waves of her mistakes and her unfortunate fate. 
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The truth really is that this film was a mere visual adaptation of what was one of our most famous actress’s life. Yes, there were some exaggerations and cinematic misrepresentations and maybe it may have defended Savitri’s actions a few times but at its core, it did a splendid job of narrating Savitri’s life. Her fans and audience may have known of her as a superstar and those who disliked may have seen her as a bad role model, a self-destructive human being or a homewrecker. This film, for the most part, showed her as a human being someone who was just like us, someone was only as flawed as we are human. Someone who tried her best to achieve better with the circumstances life gave her, she made multiple mistakes, took some decisions that ended up costing her career and later her life but it showed how vulnerable she was. A human being, someone who may have been considered as indestructible, incapable of empathy or emotions because she was famous and an actor. The film recounted how she lived her life, the way she wanted to and she lived it fully and loved with her whole being. She was a presence that demanded attention and though it has been more than 40 years since she passed, she's still known and acknowledged not just in industry but in the regions that she captivated with her eyes and voice. Life may have moved on normally since she left this world, but thanks to the talented minds behind Mahanati, there will be a remembrance of an enchanting and extraordinary woman who shook the South Indian Film Industries with her acting. May she live forever in the hearts of the people she etched her unique mark on. Rest in peace, Ma’am you can finally breathe now. 
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allwikibiography · 2 years ago
Soniya Suresh Biography: Checkout South Indian Television Actress Soniya Suresh (Gemini TV Uppena Serial Janani) Age, Husband, Father, Family, Serials List & More
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
So y’all had me pulling up my birth chart from a while ago to confirm my compatibility with Suresh. 😂 I never took the time to figure out what it meant until now. Let’s just say I too have a moon in Sagittarius so you already know what that means! Well I guess I know that’s good but don’t really know what that means…Anyway if Finn is a Gemini, I’m done. That’s all the confirmation I needed that he is not the route for me. Can you do Alfie? I don’t want him either, but I’m wondering if it’s because it’s not really in the stars or because the pixel God is just fine as hell 😜
YES I CAN DO ALFIE!!! (I'm having so much fun doing these) OK...that man is a CANCER...hear me out...
All of our early convos with Alfie were how he's been in love so many times, remember in excess baggage how he had an elaborate date with a girl and he said he was in love with her, and he couldn't even remember her name?!?! Who doesn't remember someone's name they've been in LOVE with?! I was also reading this article and it's Alfie to a T!! Here's some highlights:
He’s sweet, romantic, and a total softie. 
He takes trust and commitment very seriously, needing a lot of reassurance and open communication. (He talks to MC about cheating SO MANY TIMES and constantly kept asking her if she wanted to take their relationship to the next level and commit for the summer)
Hookups aren’t really his thing, because he knows that if he’s physically intimate with someone, he catches feels quick. (If you go skinny dipping with him, you have an option to try to do more and Alfie will stop you from getting more intimate and says he doesn't want to rush things sexually)
Old-school charm and chivalry lives on through Cancer men. (hate her. but didn't Meera literally describe him this way?!)
He’s a traditionalist and passionate, so a Cancer man in love will have marriage and family on his mind before all else. (Alfie talks about family life SOOOO MUCH, with MC and Meera later too)
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