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francepittoresque · 3 months ago
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10 décembre 1879 : record de -23,9°C à Paris, à l’image d’un mois de décembre glacial Après un mois de novembre plus froid que de coutume, la neige tombe sur une grande partie de l’Europe dans la nuit du 3 au 4 décembre 1879, la France demeurant recouverte tout le mois. Avec bientôt 35 centimètres à Paris et des gelées se succédant sans interruption jusqu’au 29, figeant eau et vin, les cours d’eau, Seine comprise, se font patinoires et font le bonheur des promeneurs et commerçants ➽ http://bit.ly/Froid-Decembre-1879
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epic-arc · 4 months ago
Jaune interview: Fusions!
Jaune would be in his room arranging a scroll on a table and he would turn it on and wave at the camera.
Jaune: Oh well, I'm making these recordings to show my girlfriends what they are like during fusions and their personalities because whenever they break up the fusion they become curious about what they are like or how they act.
Jaune would smile at the camera and press a button changing the video to one where he and Nyrha would be sitting on the same bed.
Jaune: So who has more dominance in the fusion? I always had this doubt.
Nyrha would let out a light giggle and pull Jaune to sit on her lap, making him blush because of the difference in size and the ease she had in pulling him onto her lap.
Nyrha: Well jaune-jaune in terms of my shape I say that pyrrha is more dominant in my personality and a combination of the two my cute leader!
Jaune would blush slightly at Nyrha's comment and take a paper from his pocket that had other questions on it.
Jaune: Well you are a fusion of pyrrha and nora, So you are attracted to both me and ren so you like both of us equally?
Nyrha: Hmm I would say I like you both equally! Well, it varies when it's just the two of us alone~.
Jaune would be slightly confused by Nyrha's response until he felt her giving his thigh a light squeeze, which he would do and he blushed slightly.
Jaune: W-Well l-let me turn off the cam-
Jaune was cut off because Nyrha would pull him to the bed and you could hear kissing noises and some moans. The video cut to a few hours later and Jaune would have messy hair and some kiss marks on his face.
Jaune: W-well Pyrrha and Nora this w-was the fusion of you two n-now I'm going to lie down for a bit just to breathe.
Jaune would press the button on the scroll showing another video where he and Burgundy would now be in the room but she would be on the floor on her knees, Jaune would see that and be a little confused.
Jaune: Ah Burgundy, don't you think it's more comfortable for you to sit next to me so we can continue interviewing?
Burgundy would hear that and would have a sadistic smile on her face and she would continue on her knees looking at Jaune as if he were some kind of god.
Burgundy: Don't worry about my well-being, my master, the important thing is that I'm here with you and I will answer anything you ask me or make any order from you~
Jaune heard that and would be confused and slightly uncomfortable but he let it go and took the paper from his pocket that contained some questions.
Jaune: Ok.. Ah Burgundy, I hear that many of the other students don't like it when you're around even though you're a very strong fusion but can you tell me why?
Burgundy listened to Jaune's praise and felt her body having a rush of dopamine making her face blush slightly with hearts in her eyes.
Burgundy: Simple, my master, others cannot understand your greatness as I see it! Your strength, beauty and intelligence, you are a god among mortals!
Jaune would be confused by what he was hearing and would try to say something but Burgundy would jump on him and the video would cut to a few hours in the future with Jaune with very messy hair and some nail marks on his chest.
Jaune: O-Ok look, she is really strong, but we have to pay attention to this issue of the obsession she has on me because this is very worrying.
Jaune would press the button on his scroll and change the video and he would now be sitting on the bed next to a new fusion being made by Ruby and Weiss (Rosaria)
Jaune: Wow, you two formed a really cool fusion! Could you tell me more about yourself?
Rosaria would blush slightly and let out a few giggles of joy but then she would look at Jaune smiling.
Rosaria: Well I can use semblance and ruby ​​and weiss but I can combine them! Like I can create grimms made from rose petals, they're not very strong but they're great for distraction!
Jaune: Ohh how wonderful Rosaria! This is an incredible ability I must say and I must comment on the idea of ​​your scythe being able to change the type of dust on the blade is incredible and quite creative!
Rosaria heard that and would blush more and then she hugged Jaune which would make him blush and hug her back. Jaune pressed the button showing him with some kiss marks on his face and a big smile on his face.
Jaune: Hehe I must say this new fusion is very creative and I must admit very cute heh.
(Nyrha e Burgundy made from @evenmorefatallyobsessed )
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sweetoothgirl · 2 years ago
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Rosé Gelée
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brokentrafficknight · 8 months ago
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Robyn and her Robber Baron along with their daughter Belka Gelé
A small tryst during their election year held consequences
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thingsdavidlikes · 1 month ago
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Sunrise over frozen lake by dono heneman
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Tu peux le faire hein ???
Viens chez moi
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jossambird · 14 days ago
Hello wifey! I hope you're not too buried under the snow where you are! Take care ❤️😘
WOOOOOH wifey!! 💖
Omg how did you know! (I say, knowing that we’re both buried under snow right now.) For real, there’s so much snow here that I had to shovel my car OUT like I was an archeologist. I cant even imagine how it is for you! 😭
YOU take care, ily! 💖😤
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fetefindannee · 1 month ago
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ritualvirtuality · 8 months ago
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somewhere in the swiss alps
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jasdiary · 2 years ago
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“This really doesn’t seem like a good idea….Okay well wait for me!”
Full Name : Sinan Aspen Keene
Nicknames : S.K, Sinner, Princey (Meryl @rosietrace ), Lord Sinan/Mr. Sinan (Gwen @starry-night-rose ), Sinny/Sinnamon/Princley (Ellis), Nana (Gemma), Si (Nyla)
Jp Va : Kengo Kawanishi
En Va : Howard Wang / John Cusack
Age : 17-18
Height : 177 cm (5’9)
Homeland : Gale Empire
Birthday : 11/25 November 25th
Zodiac sign : Sagittarius
Species : Ice Fae/quarter Wind Fae
Hair Color : Navy Blue
Eye Color : Caramel Brown
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Sexuality : Demiromantic Pansexual
Family : Boreas Keene, Gale Keene(Mother)†, Nevin Keene (Older brother)
Occupation : Student at Scepter Hall Institute, Prince of the Gale Empire
Twisted From : Spike from Tinkerbell
!Neka.cc is just a placeholder until i have the time to draw him!
School Information
Dorm : Forêt Gelée
School Year : 2nd (Sophomore)
Class : 2-B
Best Subject : Incantations / Wing Study (Wingology)
Worst Class : Physical Education
Club : Ice Skating
Dominant Hand : Right
Favorite Food : Summer Salad Bowls
Least Favorite Food : Corn
Likes : Relaxing, Not doing anything, Teasing people, Naps, Babysitting Meryl, Spending time with his father and brother, Talking about his mother, Daydreaming, Decently done work, Skincare, Windy weather, hand holding
Dislikes : Extremely hot temperatures, Not being taken seriously, Being bored, His sleeping habits, Dry skin, Getting a low grade, Being unnecessarily provoked, Large Crowds, Not having physical interaction
Hobbies : Ice Skating, Sledding, Sleeping, Slight of Hand tricks, Coin tricks, Playing with snowflakes, Messing with Nyla, Fashion
Personality : Sinan comes off as lazy, blunt and a little sly. Which is 100% correct! No one knows if his half-lidded, smirking stare intimidates or attracts them. Sinan’s very straightforward with his words, but is still playful nonetheless. He’s an unintentional flirt. The way he speaks and presents himself gives others the impression of the bad boy(which he really isn’t ☠��) you can’t resist. Despite all of that, Sinan is very well liked for his cool, go with the flow attitude.
Unique Magic : ‘Secret Of The Wings’
“Why don’t you try a little harder? Y’never know, you MAY succeed. Emphasis on the may~ Secret Of The Wings!”
Sinan summons a flutter of butterflies formed from sparkling ice that surrounds him as an impenetrable shield. The shield protects Sinan from both physical and magic attacks. Coming into contact with the shield will freeze or frost whatever it touches. Despite being mostly winter fae, using Secret Of The Wings too much will cause his wings to crack ever so slightly. It may not be noticeable, but it is definitely felt.
Backstory :
Sinan Keene is the youngest son of the late Queen Gale Keene, who was a beloved ruler of the small fae dominated empire that bore her name. Sinan's mother was known for her kindness and compassion, and she instilled those same values in her children. The small prince grew up surrounded by love and support, and he always knew that he wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and become a leader in his own right.
Despite his royal status and the expectations that came with it, Sinan was always a laid-back and chill individual. He had a tendency to be lazy and procrastinate, but he was also a natural jokester and had a way of making those around him feel at ease. Sinan was approachable and easy to talk to, and he made friends easily.
Sinan’s attitude comes from his heart that cracked from a young age when his mother passed away. He was very much a mama’s boy, always clinging to her. His mother was his best friend. Gale Keene wasn’t violently taken from this world, she was just ill. It didn’t hurt the Keene family any less however. The energetic, hard working boy that Sinan Aspen Keene once was had vanished. For a while, not even his older brother he looked up to so much could motivate him. It took Sinan months before he decided to just…let things happen. He’ll let life take the wheel for now. He’ll take control again one day. He just doesn’t know when.
For now, Sinan hides those sad and dark parts of himself deep inside and shows only what he wants others to see. There are certain people who get to see these sides of Sinan, but you wouldn’t believe them if they told you.
Random Trivia!
His first friend at SHI was Gemma Phaedra. It wasn’t that Sinan couldn’t approach people, Gemma just beat him to it! From then on, they became attached at the hip.
Sinan knows Nyla is scared of ice-skating, even if she denies it.
Sinan makes Mercury want to murder him whenever he makes a snarky comment ; it's a bloodbath when it comes to them.
Admittedly, Sinan became Meryl's new crush after Porter got expelled! She's always so flustered whenever he speaks to her, and she's practically clinging to him like a koala.
Sinan is.... Apprehensive about Eclair and how she treats Meryl. He can tell that Eclair adores her daughter, but with the way she essentially locked her up in SHI for all of her life is.... Disturbing to Sinan.
Sinan takes after his mother the most. When she passed away, it was hard for Sinan’s father to look at him for too long because he looked *too* much like her.
Sinan’s mother was half ice fae and half wind fae, making Sinan a quarter wind fae.
Sinan wants to be a professional ice skater.
Sinan may be on the sillier side, but he’s smarter than he lets on. He’s always one of the top students in his classes.
Sinan tends to twirl his hair. He usually does it when he’s nervous.
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francepittoresque · 1 year ago
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10 décembre 1879 : record de -23,9°C à Paris, à l’image d’un mois de décembre glacial ➽ http://bit.ly/Froid-Decembre-1879 Après un mois de novembre plus froid que de coutume, la neige tombe sur une grande partie de l’Europe dans la nuit du 3 au 4 décembre 1879, la France demeurant recouverte tout le mois. Avec bientôt 35 centimètres à Paris et des gelées se succédant sans interruption jusqu’au 29, figeant eau et vin, les cours d’eau, Seine comprise, se font patinoires et font le bonheur des promeneurs et commerçants
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
Forêt Gelée
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Name Meaning
Forêt: Meaning "Forest" in French
Gelée: Derived from the word "Gelé", meaning "Frozen"
"We now welcome you to Forêt Geleé!... Eh? What happened to the founder? Uh- Don't ask. Just don't."
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱❆⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤† Basic Info
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The dormitory is twisted from Periwinkle
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The dormitory was originally founded under the hidden mysteries of the fairies of winter
   ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The original founder was said to be the husband of the headmistress, and although there isn't much information on him, most of the staff knew him as a pleasant person to be around
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The dormitory colors are White, Silver(if you aren't a fae/fairy), light shades of Blue and Turquoise
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Students in this dormitory tend to excel in incantations, literature, and magic history. Most of the students also have the tendency to wander around academy grounds to make some form of discovery
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Due to their vulnerability to the heat, winter fairies are given enchanted pieces of jewelry (usually an earring, a ring, or a bracelet) that allows them to wander around the campus without their wings melting off
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Students from this dormitory are encouraged to make incredible discoveries and change the world for the better, alongside their allies and maybe even their adversaries as well
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱❆⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤† Dorm Transportation
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Situated in the academy's hall of portals, lies the portal to Forêt Geleé's dormitory building
The archway is seemingly created out of pure ice crystals, and a single touch could freeze a fraction of one's hand. Diamonds, owl feathers, and periwinkles also adorn the archway.
Walking through the archway will have you encounter a border that seemingly leads you to the dormitory. However it is actually a portal that will transport you to it, in the form of a border.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Entering the border will allow you to enter the dormitory building of Forêt Geleé
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱❆⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤† Dorm Building/Aesthetic
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˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The building is of a palace-like structure. Not too similar to the castles of the other dormitories, especially with the abundance of snow surrounding it
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Much like the rest of the dormitories, the bedrooms are as customizable as can be, and each student has their own miniature library in their rooms; however the largest library in the academy is near the dorm's common room
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ The dormitory uniforms are customizable, and students are encouraged to wear winter coats and/or having their clothing replicate ice crystals
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Dormitory Playlist: TBA
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angebleue2 · 1 year ago
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phonoix · 1 year ago
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thebananwithaplan · 1 year ago
I prefer my peanut butter and jam the long way and with banana. I think they add more flavour.
I think cutting a baguette in half, putting the condiments one one side (half and half!) AND THEN putting how many bananas can fit on the other slice, is the right way to go for a perfect meal! Heuhauhuahaha!
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. "Oh, the drawing does help explain what you meant. Does it make it any less weird, though?
...No, it doesn't. But you do you, alright?"
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bearbench-img · 2 months ago
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