#Gaz is delulu
Cherish You Yandere! Gaz x Female Reader. Chapter Three.
Authors Notes- Here I am back again with Chapter Three Of Cherish You. As you know by now I like to point out the trigger warnings in the Authors Notes so this chapter will feature violence, stalking, non-con drugging, Rape. and one very delulu Gaz. If none of this is your cuppa tea then this is where we part ways but I'll remember our time fondly.
Now that we got that out of the way here is Chapter Three. I hope you enjoy.
"You okay. lad?" Price asked, staring at Gaz from where he sat beside his Captain.
Gaz glanced at Price, a glass of whiskey sitting untouched in front of him as he chewed on his bottom lip, it had been days since he had broken into James' home and saw how he had treated you, images of the tears shining in your eyes burned into his mind.
"I'm...fine..." Gaz murmured.
However, a look from Price told Gaz that there was no way the old man was buying that as he inched closer to Gaz. "No you're not." Price told him. "What's really going on?"
Gaz heaved a tired sounding breath. "Y/N..."
"Ah, the girl you've been obsessed with. According to Soap." Price piped up.
Gaz nodded, biting down on his bottom lip.
"She's okay?" Price asked, concern shining in the older mans eyes as he moved closer.
Gaz looked to Price, wondering if should really be getting his captain involved, but Gaz was at a loss. He didn't know what he should do, looking at his captain once more, taking a deep breath he told Price everything that has happened since he came home, about you, about James, a small part of him felt silly telling him all this, but when he was done he felt better.
"So," Price asked, leaning back in his seat. "What do you need from me?"
Gaz was exhausted, he had talked with Price well into the night about a plan the two of them had cooked up over drinks. A plan to get James out of the way and for Gaz to finally win you over. He would leave getting rid of James to Price, and once he was gone Gaz would work on winning you over. But for now, right at this moment he chooses to watch you as you walk down the street, unaware that he was watching you. Watching as you stopped at various stores and peered in the windows before moving on.
As he watched you he couldn't help but notice the bruises on your wrists no doubt from James. Gaz scowled at the thought of the man who had hurt you, he hoped that Price would hurt him him as much as he hurt you. Pushing himself off the wall he had been leaning against, hood pulled up over his head, hands in his pockets, as he continued to follow you. Chewing on his bottom lip as he thought of a way this would all work out in the end. How he would win you over once you realized that James was no longer in the picture.
He had always dreamed of the two of you finally being together but he could never really think of a way to actually have it come true. Until now, now he was just going to come out and say it, no more being a coward he was going to tell you how he felt. He hoped you'd come to realize that you felt the same. Gaz watched as you peered down at your phone, a confused look on your pretty face. Obviously you were waiting to hear from James.
Gaz growled, eyes narrowing as he recalled the night. Hearing the fear in your voice. "Hey. Y/N! Fancy meeting you out here." Gaz greeted, as he placed a hand on your shoulder, making you jump.
"Oh, Kyle. Hi." You greeted, stuffing your phone back in your pocket as you smiled at him. "What are you doing here?"
Gaz shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, nothing just out for a little stroll. And you?"
"I was supposed to meet with James for dinner but he's not responding to me. He and I had a little fight the other day. Nothing big." You told him.
If Gaz had to guess he would guess that the nothing big thing you were talking about was your argument he had listened in on when he broke into James apartment. It would seem the boyfriend you so adored has trust issues, did you not see that?
Gaz seethed as he recalled that day, how it took all his strength not to barge in there and rip him apart before your very eyes. "Kyle?" you spoke, jerking him from his dark thoughts, realizing that he had zoned out he flushed slightly.
"Sorry, did you say something?" he asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"I was asking what you were up to? James isn't responding and I'm hungry would you like to join me? We haven't really had time to spend together since you came home."
"I'd love to." Gaz said, holding out his arm to you, his poor heart skipping a beat when you rested your head on his shoulder, the two of you walking down the street arm and arm.
They had spent hours at the restaurant, eating, laughing, drinking the night away. And not once had Y/N heard from James, then again not once did he see you take out your phone during the entire evening as you talked about your jobs, the stories you were working on, your coworkers. And not one mention of James, that was how it should be. You and him, always.
However, time always seemed to fly when having fun and before long it was time to go, and Gaz noted that you were far too tipsy to walk home alone so he offered to accompany you. You leaning a little too heavily on his arm as the two of you walked away. While in the darkened alley of the restaurant the two of you had walked out of lay the broken and bloody body of James. Blood stained the ground around him, as did many of his teeth, now unfortunately poor James wasn't dead, not for a lack of trying on Price's part as the older man loomed over the body, blood covering his hands, splattered on his face. But Price decided to be merciful...sorta. He doubted the boy on the ground would ever truly recover.
Moving away from the body he leaned against the wall, chest heaving as he pulled out a cigar and lit it before pulling out his phone, moving towards the body again he crouched down and took a picture of the body. Before sending it to Gaz.
Gaz perked up as he heard his phone chime, glancing down at you he saw that you were off in your own little world, before pulling out the phone, and opening the message from Price.
"It's done." It read. Followed by a picture of a bloody and battered James. Gaz smirked as he tucked his phone away. Good. Now there was nothing in his way now. Nothing to keep you from him as he walked up the steps to your apartment.
But now poor Gaz had another problem, confessing his feelings for you. He always had trouble like this but he told himself tonight would be the night as the two of you reached your apartment door, and you turned to him, cheeks flushed, eyes bleary. "Well, goodnight." You said, as you pulled him into a hug, one Gaz returned eagerly.
"Good night, well Y/N wait." He called out, as you opened your door, and moved to step in.
"Something wrong?" You asked.
Gaz chewed on his bottom lip, cheeks flushing once more. "I-I know this is sudden but I've been meaning to tell you something."
You turned to face him once more. "Is everything okay?" you asked.
"Yeah, it's just. Well, for the longest time I've...had feelings for you..." God this was bad, why was this so hard?!
"Feelings?" You weren't going to lie. You had suspected that Gaz might have feelings for you. But in all the years you knew him he never acted on them.
"I...I love you, Y/N." Finally, god that was brutal. Gaz heaved a sigh, glad to have that weight off his chest. Looking up he looked to you, hoping to see that beautiful smile, to hear you say that you felt the same. But...
"I'm sorry, Kyle..." you sighed, dread formed in his chest. No, this wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. "You're a great friend, wonderful even but I just don't feel the same way."
You offered him a sympathetic smile as you placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him another apology you stepped into your apartment and locked the door, leaving Gaz out in the cold.
He loved you. And you...you so callously reject him?! Anger swelled in his chest as hot tears spilled down his cheeks, his fists clenched at his side. You never gave him a chance, why couldn't you just give him a chance?! What did James have that he didn't?! Swiping his hand under his nose he turned away from the door, and stalked down the hallway. He wasn't going to give up, you would be his.
Days had passed since you had rejected him and Gaz had finally cooked up a plan to get you. He hated himself for it sure but you weren't really giving him much of a choice now were you? So, here he was at your apartment door once again he had texted you not too long ago saying that he wanted to apologize so here he was. But apologize was far from what he was planning.
Knocking on your door he waited as you opened up the door you smiled at him. But Gaz could tell that it was strained, obviously his love confession was still haunting you.
"How are you?" you asked, as you lead him further into your apartment.
"I'm good, look I wanted to say I'm sorry-"
"No, I'm sorry." You cut him off. "I shouldn't have been so cold when you...yeah..."
Gaz blinked, well now this was different perhaps now that you had time to sober up and had time to think on it maybe you had come to term with your feelings for him? Hopefully?!
"Look, Kyle you're a great guy. A wonderful guy, in fact but all you and I will ever be is friends. Is that okay?"
Gaz was silent, anger swelling in his chest. "No," he growled, glaring at you. "It's not okay, Y/N. How can you say that?!"
You blinked as you turned to look at him, shocked at his outburst.
Gaz stomped towards you, stopping when the two of your were mere inches apart. "What does James or any other guy have that I don't?!"
"W-well..." Something was wrong. In all the years you knew Gaz you never seen him like this, It scared you.
"Nothing, That's it. He has nothing. He's nothing! I saw how he treated you in his apartment. How can you stand for that?! The mistrust, the mistreatment, I'd never do that to you, Y/N. So why can you just see it?!"
You took a couple steps back terrified. "I love him-"
"Don't. Don't you dare say that." Gaz snarled. "He didn't love you, he never loved you he saw you as an object. I see you as more. I always have." He moved closer to you, fingers brushing against your cheek, only to have you swat him away.
"Get out." You growled. "Get out of my apartment. And don't you dare come back. You don't get to tell me what I should and shouldn't feel. And you most certainly don't get to tell me who to love. Leave Kyle. I'm done with you." And with that you turned your back on him.
A big mistake as the moment you did Gaz wrapped a arm around your neck, and pressed a cloth to your face. Your eyes widened as you struggled in Gaz's iron grip, but he was bigger and far stronger than you and before long darkness swallowed you up, and then there was nothing.
He didn't want to do this. He didn't want things to end up like this. But you pushed him. Holding you close he whispered an apology to you as he placed a tender kiss on your cheek . You would see it would all work out in the end one way or another...
Hours had pass and soon your began to rouse, blinking a few times you found yourself not in your room at home. Instead you found yourself in a unfamiliar room. But that was not the worst of it, for on the walls were pictures, pictures of you. Pictures showing you with your friends laughing and smiling. Others showed you at work on the phone and at your computer. And others were obviously taken from outside your apartment as it showed you in your living room reading a book or watching TV.
What was going on? Grunting you moved to sit up, only to find that you couldn't, looking up you saw that your hands were cuffed to the bedframe. Okay, now you were terrified. Tears welled in your eyes as you struggled to break free of your restraints. What was happening?!
"You're going to fuck up your wrists if you keep that up, love." A familiar voice spoke. Looking towards the door you saw Gaz standing there, a glass of water in his hands.
"You're finally awake, good." He said, moving to stand beside your bed. Placing the water down on the nightstand before looking down at you.
It was then you noticed that you were without clothes. Letting out a startled squeak as you tried to hide your nakedness from Gaz. Who only chuckled at your shyness.
Oh, you don't need to hide from my, my love." He said, fingers trailing down your shoulder, making you shiver. This was wrong, this wasn't your Kyle. This was a stranger that looked like your long time friend.
"Kyle...please, this is wrong." You pleaded.
"No this is right, this is the only way you'll see how much I love you." He said, cupping your chin he forced you to look at him.
"You don't love me, if you did then you wouldn't do this. Please Kyle come to your senses." You pleaded once more.
Gaz scowled at your words. Did you think he was delusional? No, Gaz hadn't been more certain of something in all his life. This was right, you would come to see it eventually. But, perhaps you needed convincing.
Pinning you on your back he crawled over you, pressing his lips to yours, only to have to jerk away from him. Always so stubborn. He chuckled, his hands sliding down your shoulders, down your arms as he peppered kisses down your chest until he reached your small breasts. Glancing up at you he took your right nipple in his mouth, while teasing the other with his fingers.
You whimpered as you tried to buck him off, your voice wavering as you tried to tell him to stop just stop. But Gaz wasn't listening, wouldn't listen. To lost in you to listen, his cock twitching in his boxers as he pulled off your nipple before biting down hard on other the other one, hard enough to leave a mark afterwards. You were his, and he would let anyone who tried to take you away that you were his.
Straightening he pulled off his shirt off, and tossed it to the floor. He moved off you briefly to tug down his boxers, revealing his cock to you. Fear gripped your heart as you looked to him, realizing what was about to happen. He couldn't, could he, you trusted him, he was your friend. Someone who had vowed to never hurt you. And now...how could you be so careless, so blind?
More tears spilled down your cheeks as he positioned himself over you once more. "P-please, Kyle, no..." you sobbed, hoping to get through to him, but he only shushed you as he placed a tender kiss on your trembling lips and tearstained cheeks.
"It's okay." He reassured you as he pushed himself inside you with no preparation for you, making you cry out as his thick cock stretched your ill prepared pussy, not stopping until he was completely sheathed inside of you.
A low groan spilled past his lips as he felt you clench around him, you felt far better than he had ever imagined. He bet you felt even better if you were willing. But Gaz was a patient man. Biting back another groan he began to move, pulling out until the tip was inside you before thrusting back in completely, Gaz buried his face in your neck as he fucked you, whispering sweet words against your soft skin.
As if sugared words would somehow make this better, make getting violated by someone you considered friend okay. Your sightless gaze remained fixed on the ceiling as he fucked you, your mind anywhere but here, where had you gone wrong with Gaz? Was it when he told you he loved you? Or had he always intended on this? You didn't know the answer, but you wished this was but a nightmare, to wake up safe in your bed beside James and to forget all of this.
But it wasn't a dream was it? This was real life. This was your life now. You were brought back to reality when Gaz groaned in your ear, breath hot against your neck, his thrusts becoming sporadic, dread forming in your gut when you knew what was going to happen, and despite yourself you felt yourself close too, Gaz slipped a finger between your bodies, finding you clit and circling it, making your hips buck, and you cry out. You wanted this to end, you wanted this to be over.
Your back arched as you came, your cunt squeezing around Gaz's cock as you came as he continued to pound into you at a bruising pace. "Good girl," he whispered to you. "So good for me." Then with a low growl of his own as sheathed himself in you one more time, teeth sinking into your neck as he painted your insides white. A fresh wave of tears spilled down your cheeks as he rolled his hips a few more times before finally, and somewhat reluctantly pulling out of you. His cum spilling out of you as he did so.
Rolling off of you and onto his side beside you he smiled sweetly down at you, fingers brushing against your cheeks lovingly. "I love you, Y/N. I always have." And with that he kissed you once more, as your eyes slid shut.
This was your life now. With Gaz, and there was nothing you could do about it. You were finally his. And always would be.
Authors Notes- Wooo *wipes sweat off of her forehead* this chapter was a doozy. I actually got most of it written in one sitting. Also safe to say that poor Gaz might have snapped wouldn't you say. But never less I hope you enjoyed it. Have a good day and I'll see you soon.
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starrydean · 11 months
it’s so nice that soap retired from task force 141 & is happily living his best life in the mountains of scotland after modern warefare 3 😌
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no-one-fights-alone · 5 months
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“Who dares wins. Sleep easy, soldier.”
“See you down range, brother. We’ll take it from here.”
“Rest in peace, Johnny.”
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asexualbuthorny · 6 months
i honestly don't think the fannon versions of the cod men are any kind of relationship material.... neither are their cannon versions tbh
soldiers in general are a red flag for me
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Alex keller idea, maybe alex/farah implied(situationally(?)) Or alex/gaz/farah implied (situationally(?)) If you want. They're there but nothing really happens between them, this is all just me hurting alex (...sorry :[)
ANYWAYS! You know alex's missing leg? *throws alex (pre amputation), farah, and gaz into a jar along with a vaguely Saw-horror-esq situation au* *shakes the jar*
Cw: uh... gore(?), I'm stealing alex's leg, amputation via (literal) crushing injury, i threw canon out the window and watched it fall to it's death
I almost feel bad for this, I accidentally wrote this instead of doing actual work, I'm beginning to put things under the cut bc it makes it easier for me to find things on my blog 😁👍, use of cubic measurements when it should probably be metric, also I keep saying "weight" just know that I mean just a giant metal square that weighs like 1k lbs or something idk
well... things were not looking good. he can't wait to get drunk enough to make regrettable decisions if when they get out of this.
Gaz had offered to help Farah and Alex investigate a big crime lord in the area. normally this wouldn't be a them problem, they'd leave this kind of work to the local police, but not this time. Interpol says that after they started getting the videos they had to start calling in higher and higher level authorities.
after meeting with Interpol they learn that they'd been getting public videos for a while, at least a few weeks before they were contacted.
they got right to work as soon as they could.
they'd already been through a number of crazy traps, only surviving by the skin of their teeth, but this one was somehow both the worst and they best that they'd been put through so far.
the giant weight above each them begins sliding down the walls above them, making a horrifyingly bad screeching-scraping sounds. it'll only get faster and faster the further it falls as the walls open up, until it's in complete freefall. they start running for the marked safe zone as fast as they can.
they had been working on a lead for this guy for almost a week. had traced him back to an old warehouse district by the waterfront. well, they thought they had. it turns out that they were just being led on, to be trapped in his sadistic game. they had split up to cover more ground when they'd gotten trapped.
Gaz makes it out first, he watches on the screen as Farah makes it out of her own falling death trap, and breathes out a sigh of relief. the screen enlarges onto Alex's feed with anticipation. the world watches as they see alex's foot get caught on an imperfection in the floor. they see him go down, just before the safe zone, they watch as the weight falls faster and faster. they watch as Alex frantically scrambles back, fear in his eyes.
there's a silent sigh of relief as alex makes it to the safe zone, and not a moment too soon as the weight SLAMS down into place.
and then an indescribable guttural sound of absolute shock and agony RIPS through the still air, tearing the silence to shreds. it's horrifying, just the sound of terror and agony personified. the feed on the monitor goes black with a spray of blood.
Gaz's stomach drops... as does his body when the floor literally disappears from under his feet. his body slams onto the concrete ground. he looks up and 20 feet away alex is laying prone on the ground; panicking; and Farah, 20 feet away on his opposite side. 60 feet away there's an open door at the end of the seemingly empty room.
"ALEX!" they scream at the same time, and scramble to get to the man.
his leg is a mangled, bloody mess up to the knee. his foot is... no more... presumably nothing more than a bloody, pulpy liquid underneath the weight. the rest of his leg is bleeding profusely and just looks... wrong. it was twisted and bent at odd angles, and looked nauseatingly... deflated, if that's the right word.
~~~ time skip because im lazy ~~~
x-rays show that aside from the obvious foot... lacking situation, that his tibia and fibula are completely and utterly unsavable. closest to his knee the bones are spiderwebbing with fractures, and furthest from it might be closer described as liquified. his kneecap is dislocated (not that it really has a place anymore), and the cartilage; due to the pressure; shot from his flesh; he's need replacement surgery for that. even his femur has signs of stress fractures from the impact. the kneecap would be reset after they did surgery to remove what was left of the tibia and fibula.
setting up and getting the surgeries took months, the recovery; even longer, physical therapy; nearly 2 years, and another year until he could join combat once again, and even that was at a reduced rate for at least 4 years.
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replaytech · 7 months
I fall in love with any fictional or celebrity man as soon as I see an edit of them I fear
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cordeliawhohung · 1 year
turns out writing 1.5k words of angst makes you a little emo 🙃
if anyone wanted to send me ideas for hc's/drabbles/whatever for any of our precious cod boys i would greatly appreciate it 😭
smut, fluff, whatever, i don't care, i'm just wanting to take a break from hurting our boy for a bit a;lkdfj
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gothzlovez · 10 months
★¸.•☆•.¸★ 🄱🄻🄾🄾🄳🅈 🄿🅁🄰🄳🄰 ★⡀.•☆•.★
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Its about damn time i made an intro lol , this isnt that interesting or cute tbh
Call me peirce or prada
INTP / native American and Mexican / neuro divergent
19 mdni on sexual stuff
Any and all pronouns
Im obsessed w COD and chuckle sandwich atm
Pinterest ♡
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stuff im uncomfy with
^ bullying!
^ anything that involves ED's and or SH
^ racism , homophobia , xenophobia , ableism ect.
^ minors interacting w my nsfw stuff , its for your own safety, like idc if you see it bc i cant stop you , but if you interact w my stuff and i find out , its a block
tbh im rlly chill abt stuff , if i need to add stuff i will , but yeah, just use common sense :)
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Now that you know a little a bit abt me , im just putting this here bc i can , but this is a safe space for everyone, no matter your race , gender , sexuality, religion, pronouns , i dont care , as long as you're respectful and you are not hurting anyone , i support you , im currently dealing w mental health issues and addiction, there is no judgement here , you are not alone , i hope to make people feel seen and heard and even if that means running a tumblr account that maybe two people care about, so be it
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Pls feel free to ask or say anything in my DM's and or asks ! If i dont answer soon please dont think i didnt see it ! I probably did but im just busy at the moment :)
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Cod BF/GF Scenario
Bringing your boyfriend/girlfriend to Sephora (or a cosmetics store because of course my third world country doesn't have Sephora)
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Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Reader is described to be shorter than all Characters.
And yes I'm aware that some of these scenarios have the same characters because I thought they fit more than one.
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A/n: Hii! Lia here, these past few weeks have been so freaking brutal on me lovelies but I wanted to write this to feed you guys <3 (Also, this is a 2.5k like special since I just reached it AHHHH)
My rules for requests and characters I can write for
Disclaimers/Warnings: None, OOC???, pure fluff haters be warned.
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His arm is just perfect for swatches, lots of space, he lets out a deep chuckle whenever you take his muscular arm and compare the swatch side by side to your face to see if the color would match you. He fakes being annoyed but definitely doesn't mind that you drag him around, adorable dynamic between you being tiny dragging a big burly man around, in the lip product isle no less.
Characters: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Alejandro Vargas, König.
Is the sweet boyfriend who saw your eyes light up the moment you saw the store and offered you to go in, again doesn't mind if you use his arm for swatches. Looks at the products that they think will look good on you and sometimes picks up a thing or two for you to try and will definitely do that fist thing that guys do whispering a silent "yes!" of accomplishment (this thing), they're so proud of themselves when you like the item they picked out.
Characters: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Gary "Roach" Sanderson.
Goes with you because they like seeing you all dolled up, will pay attention and know when you're using a product that you bought with them during the shopping trip even if that was a few weeks back. So pretty for them that it triggers their possessiveness just a bit.
Characters: John Price, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Would tease you about liking these kinds of things but would silently admire you from your shared bed while you put skincare or makeup on, sometimes they use the skincare on themselves secretly and you'd just wonder why your skincare products are getting empty a lot quicker.
Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, Alejandro Vargas, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves.
Doesn't want to be there but seeing you liking those things amuses them, will secretly buy something behind your back that they think would look so pretty on you and leave it on your vanity for you to find and will smirk if they find you using in a few days later.
Characters: Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, Keegan P. Russ, Makarov. (For my delulu Makarov lovers ( it's so OOC though ahaha)
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boowritess · 8 months
gaz is my favourite to do the whole friends to lovers trope because imagine:
ya'll were childhood best friends, somehow managed to stick side by side despite having different interests and set of friends. knowing the other had their back when needed.
but it was nothing more than friendship.
atleast that's what the both of you delulued yourselves to think...
anyways, gaz joins the military, somehow ya both still managed to stay in contact. gaz messaging or calling at any free opportunity.
shower, bathroom, on a run, cleaning, as soon as he wakes up.
and it's crazy cause the 141 are like, "so when we gonna meet your little girlfriend?"
and gaz is like !?!?!??! "what girlfriend?"
in return 141 are just !?!?!?!!?!?!? "da fuq you mean what girlfriend, gaz? the girl you've been talking to every 5 minutes!"
and gaz, just- blushes. he doesn't know why but he does. like haha, you as his girlfriend- that's weird! could you imagine!? could you imagine...
gaz starts to fucking hyperfixate on imagining you as his girlfriend than bestfriend.
and like you and gaz have always heard people say that before but for some reason being thousands of miles away from you made him really fucking start to fixtate on that scenario. the 141 boys did not help. at all. always asking how gaz's girl is- making gaz roll his eyes and hide the blush as he talks to you on the phone.
then idk he gets to go home. gets to see you. and he forgets about the whole girlfriend conversation and is just happy to be with you. his best friend. his confidenant. his ride or die. his girl.
but then he realizes that he'd have you in whichever form you'd give him. and that's why- that's why he shoves away the thoughts about you being his girlfriend- UNTIL-
he's pissed. some lad you're seeing isn't treating you right (ofc it's some guy you met while gaz was away) and you're defending the guy. but every defence you bring up, he's got a rebuttal right back.
"he's not always so mean..." "bird, i've never talked to you like he did tonight, that ain’t an excuse."
"he's just having a shit time at work." "love, seriously? i get shot at on a constant basis and have fallen out of a helicopter twice."
"okay well- it's just a bad day today for him- that's all." "doll, when i've had the shittest day, any message, call, gift from you, anything that reminds me of you, makes me feel millions and millions more better. my 'bad day' is when we haven't talked."
...so things get pretty intense, and idk, maybe your stubborn and just like sarcastically say, "well not every guy feels the same as you gaz."
"damn right they don't because how i feel for you, none of those assholes could ever comprehend how much i lo-"
and he stops himself. clenches his jaw and swallows down the 'i love you'. he looks away from you when you look at him confused.
becauae you both have said those three little words before. throughout your whole friendship. what's different now???
ahhhhhhhhhh i just wowwww gaz w/ friends to lovers trope yes pleasee
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Oh by the way Price is delulu about his team being an extension of him, so he does not understand what you are whining about when he has called Gaz in to handle you while he is doing paperwork.
Like you are gobsmacked while Gaz is eating you out and Price is asking why you are bitching, he's giving you what you want, he's right between your thighs isn't he? You cum on another man's tongue but with Price dirty talking you like it's him doing it.
It escalates from there, people you have never met show up for dates with you as Price. They are using Price's pet name for you. Keegan let's himself into your apartment with Price's spare key to enjoy the romantic dinner you've made and then bends you over the counter to fuck you. You are getting fucked by people you do not know and you don't even know their name so it's Price's name you are crying out.
Full credit to Noel for adding that they probably have an earpiece on so Price can not only hear everything but can give instruction :)
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cielosafeplace · 23 days
Get me out of my writer's block, I need to write or read Poly! 141 x reader
I need to read Poly! 141 with the adopted daughter of Nikolai and Laswell, who adopted her after breaking the back of the Red Room, her daughter who works for the CIA, the American Army and The British, so that they don't put her in prison, imagines 141 drooling over this rough but sensitive girl, who has a tough past like Simón, the same humor as soap, the same (or more) sensitivity What a gaz, Price's leadership (to a lesser extent) These men see her as perfect, and only want to make her their wife and add her to their polyamorous relationship after seeing her shoot and fight. Or how they melt away from her when they see her cry over the silliest thing.Of the world, or getting excited like a little girl (which she was never allowed to be, you know the red room) or watching her dance ballet in Nikolai's garage when Laswell explains the mission
I know it's very cliché, but I don't care love 💅🏼, someone is going to be delulu like me (God willing)
You can leave thoughts, headcanons , Whatever, whatever you want 💌
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shadow4-1 · 4 months
(This is going to be a completely self-indulgent delulu af imagine but hear me out.)
I'm imagining having just been on an undercover mission with the boys that's going to take hours by car to get back to base. All of you are crammed tight together in an unassuming, older model sedan. Despite driving, Gaz realizes there's an outlet for an aux cord underneath the dashboard.
On a usual return to base, Price would gripe at you from the passenger seat. He'd tell you to find some other way to entertain yourselves. But, this time around he seems to humor you and Soap's nagging request to play some of your own music. Soap squashes you into Ghost as he reaches between the front seats to fumble with the aux cord. It takes a minute for him to pull up his music app and test the sound system by cranking up the volume as loud as it'll go. Price huffs at him, tugs the phone out of his hand, then places it in yours instead.
You think really hard about the first song you decide to play...
- - - - - - - -
(If the 141 asked me to play music over the aux, well, this is the song I'd play. There's so many lines to this song that I just adore and are so 141 coded. My favorite lines are:
"I'm running for my life and I ain't know where else to be I got no kids no wife and I ain't got no mouth to feed I love it when I get to break into my character But hate it when you try to break down all my barriers"
Hopefully you see my vision! But if there's another song you'd play for them I'd love for you to tell me!)
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welldonekhushi · 11 months
Okay guys, I'm back and.. I needed a short break after what happened in the MWIII campaign. Words can't express how shocked I was when I reached the end of the campaign and.. it left me in confusion, denial, depression and anger.
I'm putting a "read more" below because, if there are people who still haven't played MWIII, I'll keep ya guys safe.
Our theories before were constantly revolving that who's gonna die and what worse is going to happen.. it first pointed towards the fate of Price or Gaz. But, turns out we were jinxed. JINXED.
The campaign was.. okay but at the same time I felt it was small. Quite rushed. I did have a light of concern over their release date when MWII was currently trending. I was reading others reviews of how they felt about the game and yes, I agree with the same. But I wanna talk about Soap's fate this time..
Soap, who JUST started his journey, like, the one who only appeared in MWII and hoped we would see him more develop in the further games to be just.. killed off? When were they moments away from achieving victory?
So only because it's called MW3 ✌🏻 and you wanted to give us all a nostalgic experience you'll.. give them the original plot treatment? Both Soaps in the Modern Warfare universes.. died under the hands of Vladimir Makarov but in different circumstances.
This is where I got a bit angry at Price because, why didn't you kill Makarov instead of taking him in custody in Verdansk?! That guy is a walking grim reaper, and if Price took that action before, not just Soap but MANY more lives would have been saved. Soap was a man who was ready to take immediate action but always got backed off because of being bound to orders.
The end scene when they took out his ashes.. it broke me. Like, how unexpected this can be? Well, though I know Makarov already gave a warning that he was going to kill him off in the heli scene, but.. it's just not it? Like, honestly, I was hopeful Soap would survive.. it's disappointing for me, as someone who loves him so much, like anything.
So ScarSoap's now an angsty ship? Because let it be for both universes — OG and Reboot, Scarlet's going to be left behind? Welp, I'm more sad now, lol.
Otherwise, the expectations I had for the campaign were somehow, not met to the fullest but let's talk about the good things.
Price killing off Shepherd. YES, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. I freaking knew that he was going to die and my prediction called itself right. But, now that Price killed a 4-star General, he's gonna go rogue. You mean, batshit, crazy and unhinged Price on the move?!
Julian Kostov. The man. Bro, like, when he was featured in the reveal trailer, I was just hoping that he'd play the role of Makarov well and guess what? He did! I absolutely loved how he portrayed the man and he looked intimidating and twisted like a true psychopath. Truly, he could compete with the OG!Makarov and it's proven! Hats off to the actor, really <3
Price DOESN'T die. Neither in my beliefs, Farah and Alex. A relief. A pure relief, for real. The trailers showed him passing out but glad he's good in one piece. But, did that happen for the cost of killing Soap? :')
Graves and Shepherd betray each other in the conference, LMFAO! Who knew they were going to turn their backs on each other. Graves really had nothing to do with this, he was just a man following orders.. the problem lies with Shepherd, and always has.
Now, these guys said we're gonna release the "full campaign" on November 10. You mean.. the early access didn't show much of the story? So there's hope? OR NOT? Sigh, I don't want to think about it.. I just don't. I've been delulu, haha
Anyways, these are my thoughts for Modern Warfare III! What do you feel about it, let me know in the comments!
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Gonna be a little delulu for a minute because of this post
Ghost is actually really good at self care. He lived theough TOO MUCH to bite it because he for got to drink some water or something. He was murdered for fucks sake and he still lived. If he's gonna die it's him against the world not him against him, and if the world is gonna murder him then it will do it properly. None of this "I lived bitch" bullshit. Either he dies or he thrives, he decided that the moment he threw his father out of the house.
If the world wants him dead, it's gonna have to do it itself. None of this turn him against himself shit. And he'll be damned if he lets that happen for the rest of the 141. They're the one good thing to happen to him since his family burned, the 141 is his, and he will beat up anyone who tries to take them away. Even themselves. Especially johnny, and if johnny isn't happy with that then he's gonna have to suck it up and accept it because he's the one who weasled his way into ghost's heart in the first place.
Sometimes this means forcing gaz to drink water, or bringing price food when he fails to come out for lunch, or snuggling with johnny at night because he could sense that he had was having nightmares (yes yes that's the reason).
I bet he got each of the 141 (and himself) personalized stuffed animals and told them to "treat yourself how you would treat it. Be nice to them."
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itsscromp · 9 months
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Hello everyone 👋🏻😄 my name is Jeff, or otherwise known as scromp. I see you have stumbled to my blog, Welcome. I am a writer dedicated to bringing exciting and thrilling call of duty stories. I am male and identify as aroace. Requests are open
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I do have a few rules that I want to pass on when it comes to this blog.
1. Have fun 😄😄
2. I will write platonic stories, including some angst and original ideas too. I only write male and gender neutral y/n.
3. I will not write smut stories so please refrain from requesting them.
4. I will only write call of duty content, while yes I do have older work on this page, I will only write call of duty content. I’ll keep all my older stories here for everyone to enjoy.
5. While yes I will accept MWIII stories I will remain delulu then accept it as canon
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Characters I write for: Simon ghost Riley, Johnny soap mactavish, captain John price, Kyle gaz Garrick, könig, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, Gary roach Sanderson, Kate laswell, Alex Keller, Riley, Farah Karim and zombie ghost.
Characters I hope to write for: Phillip graves (but only as a villain) and Valeria Garza
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Here you will find my master list for stories I have done 😄😄
Being best friends with Simon ghost Riley headcanons
Video games the 141 + König would play headcanons
Confidence (Simon ghost Riley)
Games night (Kyle gaz Garrick)
Furtastic friendship (Simon ghost Riley and Riley)
Dark times (task force 141)
Pec pop extravaganza (task force 141)
Comfort in need (Simon ghost Riley)
The almighty teacher (Simon ghost Riley headcanon)
Unexpected friendship (Alex Keller)
Home for Christmas (Alex Keller)
A close friend (Johnny soap mactavish)
More than just muscle (Simon ghost Riley)
New Year’s resolutions (Alex Keller)
If I lose you… (zombie ghost)
Seen and heard (Rodolfo Parra headcanon)
Home, a place where I can go (John price what if??)
I got you Kumpel (Buddy) (könig)
Sunshine (Johnny soap Mactavish)
You could use a hug (Simon ghost Riley headcanons)
Freedom fighter (Farah Karim headcanons)
Brothers in arms (task force 141)
Ink me up (Simon ghost Riley)
Drabble collection (Alex Keller and Rodolfo parra)
Being best friends with Logan walker headcanons
Your time will come (Farah Karim)
Teenagers scare the living s**t outta me (John price headcanons)
Happy birthday !!! (John soap mactavish)
Just the way you are (Kyle gaz Garrick headcanons)
What captain John price and Alex Keller are like around kids headcanons
Bond broken beyond repair (Alejandro Vargas/Valeria Garza)
5 stages of grief (Farah karim)
They were the best of us (Farah karim/task force 141)
Matchmaker (Kyle gaz Garrick)
5 months (Simon ghost Riley)
141’s favourite food headcanons
You’re such a tease (John soap mactavish PG-13)
Hola, señorita Bonita (Alejandro Vargas PG-13)
Loyalty to the cause (Farah karim headcanons)
My family (Kate laswell headcanons)
Beach day (141)
DJ ghost (Simon ghost Riley headcanons)
Movie time (John soap mactavish)
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