#Gay Chaos Control™️
muffyrock · 3 months
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The Gay Chaos Control™️ in question
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the-woomyverse · 13 days
Random thought I had involving Paper Mario TTYD:
Are the Crystal Stars sentient?
Clarification below the cut.
By sentient, I mean in the sense that they may be able to semi directly influence those who have them in their possession.
Imagine the following: Someone with a high amount of untapped potential for destruction and chaos, who either doesn’t realize this potential or doesn’t want to use it, finds a strange crystalline artifact, and “decides” to pick it up and take it with them. As time passes, they end up taking more notice of the things that affect them negatively. Sometimes, others will “randomly” start to actively partake in negative actions against the individual.
The individual begins to “create” plans in their minds as well, originally formed around genuine ways to improve their lives and mentalities for the better. But the helpfulness of these “ideas” shifts towards the worse, eventually reaching the point where it helps the individual exclusively to the detriment of others.
And inevitably, the individual decides: “Enough. I am done waiting.”
They execute their plans, and form themselves a position of authority and power. They are in control now.
Except they’re not.
The Crystal Stars don’t directly possess their holders. They plant ideas and suggestions, not necessarily in the head of the individual, slowly taking hold of their carrier’s mind, all while the vessel thinks they are in control.
Of course, the vessel may gain inklings as to what is truly happening. But… they got what they wanted because of this- no, they got what they deserved, but was unjustly denied. It’s better than before. It can’t be too bad if they do this just a little longer…
And so it goes.
It’s rare for individuals to be naturally immune, but it does happen.
The Punies are immune because they are rarely alone. The Crystal Stars cannot influence a group, and thus has no vessel.
Cortez is immune because he’s cocky as heck. He didn’t have much interest in the Sapphire Star itself, just seeing it as another bauble for the hoard.
Pennington is immune because he doesn’t have any potential to use. He’s not Sherlock. No matter how much he insists otherwise.
The X-Nauts are immune due to their highly technological natures. The Crystal Stars cannot influence machine intelligence. At best, they’d get booted out and blocked as malware.
And Mario is immune because he’s Mario. We need a playable avatar, and Nintendo has put Luigi in the Gay Italian Jail, so we’re stuck with Mario.
@turquoisephoenix (Pinging you because you are a fellow Grubba Enthusiast™️ and I would highly appreciate your opinion on this)
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aceass1n · 4 years
(part three of Ronan’s Gay Panic™️ | part one | part two)
(this one’s long y’all sorry)
Adam: hey do you think Noah had a thing for Gansey, too?
Gansey: I mean, we kissed once
Blue: who else have you kissed???
Gansey: Henry when I was drunk, that’s it, I swear
Gansey: I’m not gay though! Or bi!
Gansey: am I bi?
Ronan, agent of chaos: kiss Parrish and find out
Adam, scandalized: RONAN LYNCH—
Ronan: I just think Gansey boy should complete the collection. Finish off the punch card, ya know? Just get a full bingo
Adam: Ronan what the fuck
Gansey: I’m honestly a little curious. I feel like I could be bi
Ronan: Parrish, I give you permission if you want to
Adam: you are so fucking weird
Ronan: is that a no?
After twenty minutes of Blue and Ronan egging them on (plus a couple drinks), they do actually kiss. Gansey settles back, contemplative.
Gansey: Blue, come over here, I need a comparison
Adam: what the fuck?
Gansey: control variable, c’mon, Jane
Ronan and Blue are laughing uncontrollably. Ronan is like, through laughter, “it’s okay, Parrish, I still love you”
Blue humours Gansey and after a few moments, Gansey’s like, “yeah sorry Parrish, not gay”
Adam, throwing up his hands: am I that bad of a kisser?
Gansey: no, I’m just not into men!
Adam: oh yeah? Then why have you kissed more guys than me?!
Gansey: it’s not about how many, it’s about whether or not you like it
Gansey: it’s ok, you’re still better than Ronan was
Adam: YEAH cuz he was TEN
Adam: blue, c’mon, back me up, I’m a decent kisser
Blue: we never kissed
Adam: right. damn.
Ronan: alright, we gotta figure out is Parrish is a good kisser, pucker up, maggot
Blue is like, fuck it, why the hell not (she’s had a couple drinks, too), and they kiss
Blue: oh yeah Gansey’s just not gay, that was good
Adam: THANK you
Blue: wait why did we never kiss again? that was nice
Adam: you thought you’d kill me if we kissed
Blue: oh right THAT thing
(I’m cutting this off here cuz it’s too long, but I’ll post the rest soon)
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