#Gavin brothers orphan theory
alynnl · 1 year
I've had two different ideas about the Gavin brothers' backstory, and it might even be possible to combine them.
First idea: The Gavin family are a mob/mafia type of family in Europe, specifically Austria. Kristoph got himself and Klavier out of that situation when Klavier was young, so he wouldn't get caught up in the turf wars. He pulled strings to move to Germany, where they both lived together for some time before Klavier grew up and got a legal education of his own. Kristoph learned his shady ways from the crime family's go-to lawyer, and never quite broke those bad habits of forgery, blackmail and bribery. Klavier never found out about his brother's dark side until Turnabout Succession.
Second idea: Klavier and Kristoph's parents were killed in a hit and run car accident, leaving them in the care of their uncle, Klaus, who is their only surviving next of kin. Klaus is a prosecutor. He is strict, but fair and he does the best he can to balance his work and the raising of his late sister's children. Klavier goes through a phase of teenage rebellion that causes a rift between him and his uncle. In the meantime, Kristoph sees something on one of his early cases that he keeps bottled up. Something that shows him the darker side of humanity. The brothers move out of their uncle’s house, Klavier feeling like he has something to prove, and Kristoph with a secret he feel he cannot tell anyone.
If combined, perhaps Klaus Gavin is estranged from the Family and had to leave his home country to start a new life. Moving in with him is part of Kristoph’s plan to keep Klavier safe. Rather than dying in a car wreck, maybe the brothers’ birth parents either perish in another turf war, or they’re still sitting in life imprisonment after their home got raided by the Austrian authorities.
Klavier was shielded from a lot of the darkness in his family in this version of events. And maybe he feels regret he could not do the same for his brother.
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jxmieswxnter · 3 years
Ayo, it's me again
Do you think you could just throw in all the Dan x Charlie theories/headcanons you have? I don't care if it takes entire days I just want my boys
hello hello, ask and you shall receive (I will definitely leave stuff out because I have no brain...) also linking other ScottNelson posts here and here and here
Dan x Charlie headcanons
Dan is stationed in Liverpool and Charlie in Exeter and so they have to do long distance for a while until Charlie transfers up to Merseyside and they move in together, with Dan’s rescue cat of course
Charlie gets promoted to DI after three years in Merseyside and gets his own sergeant - Dan’s serg and Charlie’s serg get along well and gossip about them behind their backs
they have a pet bird together and Dan keeps teaching it to curse and Charlie keeps telling Dan off about it
plants, and Charlie names them all
both Harry Potter nerds
Dan is bi, and Charlie is demisexual and gay
lots of forehead kisses
Charlie will let Dan shave him
they keep their relationship on the down low for a while, but that’s just a personal preference
Charlies gets Dan into skincare
both have hayfever and so spring time sucks, but Charlie is a good boy and takes allergy meds while Dan often forgets
Dan is like a human furnace which is great in winter when Charlie gets cold
Charlie will steal Dan’s jackets and hoodies
cinema on the back row, holding hand and feeding each other popcorn
Dan bringing Charlie flowers just because he wants too, and knows his favourites are sunflowers
go to Liverpool Pride together
Lengthier DxC headcanons/moments
Long distance was particularly rough for them because Charlie was undercover for a good chunk of time. Dan’s contact with him was limited to whatever phone calls Charlie was allow to make. It was rough of course, and sometimes they’d fight on the phone, which always cut the calls short and both would feel guilty because they’d waisted their limited time together. Happened more than once, but that’s just how things go sometimes.
Charlie is shot because his cover is blown. Dan finally gets to see him but he wished it wasn’t like that. Dan hightails it down South and lives with Charlie while he recovers. Dan isn’t used to having to look after somebody and Charlie isn’t used to being so useless, but it’s nice that they get to spend some time together after practically a year with minimal contact. Is a lot to handle, but it’s good.
Dan, as an orphan, doesn’t really have any family. He grew up in foster care and never really bonded with any of them. Charlie has a brother and both his parents, and all have been fairly supportive of him. When Charlie takes Dan home - one of only two partners Charlie has ever let his parents meet - Dan is swept up with how welcoming they are of him, how genuinely nice and curious they are able him. And he gains a little family from Charlie’s side.
Also gets a family with the other Sergeants. He’d met Gavin briefly but that was it, so it’s nice when he runs into him again and they get chatting. All five of them get together for lunch, and while Dan is a little nervous - as is Charlie but he hides it better - everything turns out alright. They all get along, have a group chat going too. Jamie keeps them all up to date on the dumb things John’s still doing and cute pictures of Betty too.
Charlie has, at least twice, come into the station in the early morning to release Dan from a cell, having decked someone the night before for something homophobic. Dan’s a lot better than he used to be in terms of anger issues, and if someone’s insulting him, he usually just lets it go, but if he sees young people being the target of abuse, or Charlie, he will intervene. He’ll always try to stop is calmly first, but will deck someone if need be. And Charlie wants to be mad, he doesn’t condone violence, but honestly, he kind of love that Dan will stick up for people if they can’t do it themselves. “Really Dan? Again?” “What? He deserved it. Was picking on this kid.” “You didn’t have to punch him.” “No, but I did, and I don’t regret it.”
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Road to Nowhere: Intros - Crystal Vu’s Orphanage
The Strangetown Orphanage has recently re-opened its doors to children in need, and just in time for a new generation of orphans - a pair of siblings, Erwin and Jessie, and a set of ex-adoptees with G names, the Newsons.
When she isn’t at the local science lab, Crystal Vu is stepping up to be the one to look after these rowdy kids. Although looking after so many children can test her patience from time to time, Crystal maintains a great degree of compassion for them all.
With so many kids under one roof, things are often chaotic and stressful. Will the orphans manage to grow up well under Crystal’s care, or will this cramped environment do more harm to them than good?
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= Crystal Vu = A brilliant inventor with a big heart, Crystal enjoys creating wondrous machines for the betterment of society and looking after those in need. That’s what the newspapers say, at least.
Crystal is a woman of simple pleasures. She loves tinkering, money, baby animals, and the company of others.
She tries to be the role model that she believes the orphans need in their lives. Not all of them seem to like her, unfortunately, but she’s doing her best. Maybe they’ll come around? That’s what she hopes for, at least.
Aside from her community service, she wants to work on her home inventions, but the children demand quite a lot of her attention, and she often struggles to balance her work with her passion.
A nice man, fellow scientist Lazlo Curious, has been making offers to help her out with her latest inventions, but she hasn’t taken him up on any such offers just yet. They’re secret projects, and you can’t be too careful who you share your ideas with.
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= The Newsons = After their mother’s unresolved disappearance, the adopted Newson clan is faced with the reality of separation. With no parents to guide or protect them, the Newsons have to take refuge under the roof of the Strangetown Orphanage and hope that they can stick together.
Adopted siblings Ginger, Gavin, Gabriella, Gallagher, Georgia, and Garrett never thought that they’d have to return to a group home after Gloria graciously brought them all under her wing, most recently bringing a pair of toddler twins into the family, before she vanished without a trace.
The story goes that famed astronaut Gloria Newson was a kind and charitable woman who managed to balance having a large family with defending the nation from interstellar threats. She cared deeply for children, despite the inability to have any of her own, and this led her to adopt the six Newson kids. After she disappeared, the kids couldn’t live by themselves, and they had nowhere to go... except for here.
Troubled teen Ginger now has to step up to keep a close eye on the rest of her siblings and the other orphans, despite the stress it causes her. Gavin is working towards becoming a man, working hard to the point of exhaustion, balancing it out by watching movies about space cowboys and hoping he’ll live that dream one day.
Gabriella and Gallagher put their focus on keeping up on their homework, while hopefully waiting for the call that their mother has come back so that they can return home. She’s coming back, right? She’s got to come back.
Lastly, Crystal is trying to teach Georgia and Garrett their toddler skills, but the time she has until their birthdays is rapidly running out.
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= Erwin Pries = Erwin’s crackpot conspiracy theories net him weird looks, but for him, it’s the only thing keeping his head above water. Maybe one of these days, he’ll turn out to be right.
Erwin strongly believes that the alien invasion never ended, that the zombie apocalypse is coming, and that he ought to prepare special headgear to protect against mind-controlling plants from another dimension. Of course, everyone just thinks he’s ‘crazy’ and ‘weird’ and a total nerd who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but it doesn’t matter to him what other people think.
He knows what’s true, and he knows that when one or all of those scenarios he’s preparing for come to pass, everyone who has ever doubted him will be sorry.  They’ll want in on his apocalypse shelter, and... he will graciously let them in, because he’s not that petty. But he’ll definitely say “I told you so” a few times.
He’s always been interested in this stuff, but after his parents died, the conspiracy theories became less of a hobby and more of a coping mechanism. After all, why face the darkness of daily life when you can imagine the darker possibilities of ‘what’s really going on’ beyond yourself?
Erwin insists that his surname is pronounced like ‘breeze,’ but considering the overly-inquisitive, nosy person he is, it’s not surprising that everyone gets it wrong.
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= Jessie Pries = Jessie’s favorite pastimes include playing dolls and annoying her older brother. She misses her parents and her home, but she’s happy to have so many kids to play with... or she would be, if any of these kids knew what ‘fun’ even was.
Jessie’s young life was turned upside down after her parents died. Ever since, her smile has lost some of its’ luster, but she hasn’t lost her mischievous spirit. She’s definitely one of the more rambunctious kids in the orphanage, usually to the dismay of... just about everyone, it seems.
Her pranks and jokes are all in good fun, even though she keeps getting told off for them. But what else is she supposed to do? It’s so boring around here. There’s only so many games of Don’t Wake The Llama you can stand before it starts to lose its’ spark. It seems like the only game the other kids want to play.
As for Crystal, she’s... nice, but she’s not very fun to play with. It’s always just “do your chores” and “do your homework” and “help me look after the babies” with her. She’s so clinical about it, far from a real mother figure. And let’s not get started on Ginger ‘Killjoy’ Newson, who seems determined to rain on her parade.
Worst of all, Erwin, her own brother, doesn’t seem to want to do anything with her anymore. It’s like he’s living in his own little world. Jessie misses when she was the center of attention...
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orphanbrigade · 7 years
Orphan Brigade [Baby Years]: The story of how an infamous crime lord became the guardian of three children and a teenager.
Michael had been feeling rotten all week. Jack had told him that it was just a cold, but the illness was really wearing Michael down. He had no energy to run around or play with his brothers. All he could do was lie in bed miserably, either playing games or watching TV. Which sounded ideal in theory, but the illness really sucked the joy out of everything. 
Then one day he woke up and went down to breakfast as normal. When he opened his mouth to talk to Geoff, nothing came out but a ragged rasp. 
Michael paused.
He cleared his throat and tried again.
Still nothing. Michael couldn’t form coherent words. 
“...You alright Buddy?” Geoff asked, arching an eyebrow.
Michael squeaked in response.
“Micoo! Are you okay?” Gavin gasped. 
“He’s lost his voice.” Jack explained, patting Michael on the back comfortingly. “I’ll make you some tea and honey. That might help.” 
Michael groaned, already hating his inability to form replies.
“You can talk with charades!” Gavin suggested excitedly. “Say something and I’ll guess what it is.”
Michael showed Gavin his middle finger.
“Micoo!” Gavin chastised, gasping dramatically. 
“This’ll be fun.” Geoff commented, half sarcastically, as he watched the boys attempt a one sided conversation. 
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
New Releases 7/18/17
Happy New Release Day! There’s a lot going on in books, a few things in movies, and a certain beta I’ve been waiting on.
In Books –The Betrayal Knows My Name volume 7 by Hotaru Odagiri Yuki is an orphan with a strange ability to feel others emotions when he touches them. One day a beautiful stranger named Zess appears and saves Yuki before he can be hit by a car. Yuki feels like he knows this stranger from somewhere 
I have been waiting for this for FOUR YEARS. I checked yesterday and volume 6 came out in September of 2013. After volume 6 I would check every now and then like I do for the series I follow monthly but I never heard a word about it. After about a year I just finally came to terms that it had been canceled. Then they announced its return earlier this year. It has been on hiatus for Hotaru Odagiri’s health. I’m just glad it’s finally back. I really enjoyed it the series when it first came out except for the fact that I had trouble telling some of the characters apart. I will soon be rereading the whole series because I can’t remember what happened at the end of volume 6. There should be at least one more volume to go. Not long after they announced it’s return, they also announced that it would be ending soon. There is also a twenty-four episode anime based off the series that was released in sub titles only by Funimation earlier this year.
–Blood Mirror (The Lightbringer #4) by Brent Weeks (in paperback) This will contain spoilers if you have not read book 3 The Broken Eye of the Lightbringer series.  At the end of The Broken Eye Gavin Guile is powerless and is locked in the prison he made for his brother. Kip has fled the Chromeria with the help of his grandfather to try and slow the advance of the White Kings army. Karris is taking over as her duties of The White and will try to keep the empire from falling apart. Teia will go deeper into the spy organization she is infiltrating while also reporting on their actions to Karris. Ironfist has shown his true colors and has also left the Chromeria to continue his work for his true master.
I love this series. I had so many theories destroyed in this book but it also created a lot of new ones. I’m still numb from the realization in The Broken Eye that Andross might actually be the good guy here instead of the villain I’ve always seen him as. And where could I even start about Gavin. Then there’s Kip and what happened in this book. 
It’s a really great series. I love the ocular powers in this series. Just how it is set up, how each color has it’s own properties, and the consequences of using it too much. There are so many twists and turns. I really recommend this series if you haven’t read it yet.
–Dept. H volume 2 by Matt Kindt, water colorist Sharlene Kindt, and letterer Marie Enger Mia is a special investigator sent to research the murder of her father in a deep-sea research station. Everyone in the station is a suspect, including her own brother. 
Mind MGMT was my first experience with Matt Kindt’s work and I was blown away. The story is fantastic (I’m about to start volume 3 out of 6). The illustrations are amazing water colors. I had to read more of his work. And Dept. H did not disappoint. 
After waiting months for another copy of volume 1 to arrive at my work, I finally got to read it last week. It also has a great story with wonderful water colors. There was a moment where my jaw dropped open because chaos happened and it came out of nowhere. Not everything has been revealed yet. For example Mia has talked about her mother a few times and how she died from some kind of infection of which there is no cure. Although not expressly stated, it would appear that those in the station are trying to find a cure but even the fish they are examining might also be infected. Volume 1 was amazing and I can’t wait to read volume 2. 
–Kakegurui Compulsive Gambler volume 1 by Homura Kawamoto Hyakkaou Private Academy is an institution for the sons and daughters of the wealthy. here it’s learning how to read your opponent, the art of the deal that keeps you ahead. To hone those skills Hyakkaou Private Academy has a rigorous curriculum of gambling. Here the winners live like kings and the losers are put through the wringer.
I’m interested in this series because it reminds me of Liar Game by Shinobu Kaitani but with less murder. Maybe. There might be murder. I would like to give it a try because I love mind game series. Watching as L and Light played mind games with each other is a big part of the reason I enjoyed Death Note as much as I did. 
–Liselotte and Witch’s Forest volume 5 by Natsuki Takaya “They say that in a place far, far away; in the east, of the east, of the east…there is a forest where witches dwell. They are said to bestow blessings or inflict curses, brew potions in steaming cauldrons, practice their magic…and fly their brooms into the night sky. This is where Liselotte has decided to live after she was banished from her home by her brother.
The final volume of this cute series by the creator of Fruits Basket. It is still on hiatus while Natsuki Takaya looks after her health.
It is a cute series that follows Liselotte as she and two attendants live in the forest. One day she is saved by a stranger who looks a lot like a boy she was in love with who had died. Volume 4 never came to a bookseller near me and I haven’t had time to order it yet. 
–Monstress volume 2 (B&N exclusive edition) by Marjorie M. Liu, artist Sana Takeda, and letterer/designer Rus Wooton “Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900′s Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam punk, Monstress tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, and who shares a mysterious psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, a connection that will transform them both and make them the target of both human and otherworldly powers.”
The Cumea are a race of sorcerers who experiment and kill a race called Arcanics, magical creatures with human characteristics. Maika; who is suffering from some memory loss, is an Arcanic who’s mother was killed by a Cumea. Desiring answers Maika infiltrates  a sorcerers home and chaos ensues because of the ancient god who is living inside of Maika. 
It’s been a while since I read the first volume and a friend is currently borrowing it so I don’t have much to fall back on for more details. I enjoyed the first volume. It was dark, violent, beautifully illustrated, and has a very rich world building. The series; at least from what I’ve heard cause I haven’t seen many cats (talking cats, what’s not to love about that) in the graphic novels I’ve read lately, has some of the best cats in graphic novels right now. 
I actually saw where the B&N exclusive edition arrived last week to my local B&N but I also wanted to mention it on it’s official street date in case other B&N go it late for some reason.
–Princess Jellyfish volume 5 by Akiko Higashimura In the bustling city of Tokyo there resides a place called Amamizukan, a safe haven for girl geeks (otakus of trains, jellyfish, Japanese dolls, and more) who are terrified of ‘stylish’ people. One such girl is Tsukimi who loves jellyfish. One night she meets a stylish lady who helps her save the life of a jellyfish at a pet shop. This chance encounter will result in an odd friendship (at first anyway) between the two and the rest of the residents at Amamizukan. But this stylish girl is actually a boy.
It’s super cute shojo series that was made into an anime a while back. As well as a live-action film that according to one of my friends is very well done. 
–Twinkle Star volume 3 by Natsuki Takaya Sakuya lives with her cousin Kanade. In times of pain, she looks up at the stars. On her birthday a strange boy shows up at her house with a present and then leaves. At school she finds out his name is Chihiro and he just transferred there. He treats her coldly until an incident at the club information session. Will it bring them closer or will they forever remain in the dark?
Another cute series by Natsuki Takaya. I have the first volume but haven’t finished it yet. It is a completed series. There should be two more volumes after this one.
–Waiting for Spring volume 1 by Anashin Mizuki is a shy girl who is about to enter high school. She vowed to open herself up to new friendships but the four stars of the boys basketball team is not who she had in mind. Soon she’s targeted by jealous girls and forced into the spotlight. 
This just sounds like a really cute shojo series. 
In Video Games –Destiny 2 Beta The beta of Destiny 2 opens to all preordered PS4 versions of the game today. I’m really excited for it. 
In DVD/BLU-RAY –Adventure Time complete season 7 Finn, Jake, and the whole gang return. This season contains the miniseries Stakes starring Marceline and that creepy but good episode where we find out BMO’s imaginary friend Football is real and lives inside that mirror.
–K: Return of Kings The second season of the series K that takes place after the movies K: Missing Kings. It has been a while since I watched K and although I own the movie, I haven’t had time to watch it yet. K was really good and the animation was fantastic. It was gorgeous to watch. Return of Kings follows the events after Missing Kings.
–Record of Lodoss War (DVD/BLU-RAY combo pack) “In a land torn by war, young Parn and a ragtag team of adventurers set out to restore peace to the island of Lodoss. While an evil sorcerer seeks the destructive power of an ancient goddess, the Grey Witch presides over all with a  cold-hearted bent for neutrality. The ensuing battles cost many lives before a brave new generation of heroes rises to face the sinister enemies once and for all.”
This combo pack contains episodes 1-13 of the OVA series Record of Lodoss War and episodes 1-27 of Chronicles of a Heroic Knight. I’ve never seen the series before but I’ve heard of it several different times. I have one friend who loved the series when he first saw it years ago and was excited to hear that it was getting this release by Funimation. I really want to give it a try sometime. I looked up the trailer and it looks pretty good. The dub to it doesn’t sound that great because some of the characters in the trailer didn’t sound like they tried very hard. I’m hoping that it will improve in later episodes. As a general rule if an anime I purchase has a dub, I have to watch the dub first. Unless the dub is really bad then I may switch to subbed. Second watches I watch it subbed.
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