#Gavin Darklighter
Corran Horn: Gavin? Gavin Darklighter: Yes.  Corran Horn: Don't ever stick your dick in crazy.  Gavin Darklighter: I have no idea what that means.  Corran Horn: I know. 
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magnetarbeam · 10 months
I've fallen so deep into Legends that I just read a post that mentioned the name Darklighter, and the first association that came to mind was Gavin, not Biggs.
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bluntblade · 5 months
I have been trying and failing for two hours now to winch my jaw back into place after the otterfuckeni- I mean, the scene in Wedge's Gamble in which Gavin Darklighter (played by Marc Thompson as a 13-year-old with his balls mid-drop) asks for and gets Corran Horn's considered opinion on whether dating outside your species (in Star Wars) can ever be OK.
I really thought if I talked about a book this week it would be Ashes of the Sun, how it pulls a Watchmen or The Boys with SW by taking place in its own setting where "what if the Jedi Order was ethically seriously dubious?" can be posited without awkwardly bumping up against prior canon, and how Hakens are the coolest not-lightsabers I've seen (also how this book is horny in ways not even Claudia Gray has brought to Star Wars), but no. My brain is entirely taken up with this... passage.
I've even got a little ditty out of it:
🎶 Otterfucker Horn, Otterfucker Horn, E-i-ally-o it's Otterfucker Horn oi!
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Panel Announcement
New Jedi Order: Take a look back at one of the most ambitious joint storytelling projects of the Expanded Universe in a nineteen book series by a dozen authors and many more contributors of creative talents! Authors Matthew Stover (NJO: Traitor) and Michael Stackpole (NJO: Dark Tide) are joined by comics guru Randy Stradley and artist Shea Standefer to discuss how the Yuuzhan Vong rocked the galaxy. This panel will take place on Sunday, September 10th.
Join us for a celebration of all things Expanded Universe at the Marriott Convention Center in Burbank, California on September 9th and 10th! Our growing guest list includes Randy Stradley, Matthew Stover, Michael Stackpole, Jason Fry, Corinna Bechko, Sean Stewart, Barbara Hambly, Abel Peña, Craig Miller, Joe Bongiorno and Shea Standefer.
Buy tickets by August 29th at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/legends-consortium-2023-tickets-541786186067
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elli-incarnate · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Snippet of an interrogation in forthcoming "Black King," in which Dark!Luke is being a jerk to his childhood best friend's kid cousin.
Parts I and II of my Dark Empire but make it Luke/Mara rewrite, "Black Pawn" and "Black Knight," respectively, are currently playing at an AO3 near you.
Don't trust him, Gavin's mind pleaded.
Gavin knew him. The name was just on the tip of his tongue. His cousin Biggs' friend, the one that flew the T-16 -
"Darth Wormie," Gavin concluded triumphantly, and frowned. Where had that Darth come from? he wondered.
Wormie laughed, surprised. "I didn't know you remembered that nickname. Not very many people do."
Gavin shook his head, then stopped abruptly, the motion sending his already swimming senses spiraling too far into confusion. "You're Biggs' friend. Skysomething. You babysat me once. You were supposed to just watch me at home but you took me down Beggar's Canyon instead, and my mom got so mad."
"That's right," Skysomething agreed, and grinned. There was something off about that smile.
"I fly an X-Wing now," Gavin told him proudly. "In Rogue Squadron. That's the one Luke and Wedge founded, after Yavin." He shook his head again, hoping to clear it.
"That's great," Wormie said. "We've both come a long way since Beggar's Canyon, haven't we?"
Gavin shook his head again - and this time for the barest moment, everything shivered into sudden, terrifying solidity. "Lieutenant Gavin Darklighter. Affiliation: Rogue Squadron of the New Rep- "
Skywalker backhanded him, and Gavin's head snapped to the side, interrupting his recitation and sending the world shattering once again into disarray. "No need for that. We're all friends here, Gavin."
I meant to finish "Black King" and start posting by the end of 2022, but the story's spiraling quickly away from me.
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sandsu03 · 1 year
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Darklighter brother🫶🏻
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forcesung · 2 years
“Yes, thank you.” Caedus started to close the channel, then decided he couldn’t afford to alienate Darklighter. “And, Gavin?”
“Yes, Colonel?”
“I apologize for any, um, pressure you may have felt regarding your decision.”
“Don’t worry about it, Colonel,” Darklighter said. “You’re still young. You’ll learn.”
He closed the channel and was gone before Caedus could react to the condescension. Clearly, Darklighter—and probably many of the other senior officers who had fought alongside the legendary Han and Leia Solo against the Empire—disapproved of what Caedus was doing to save the Galactic Alliance. Eventually, the officers’ feelings would become known outside military circles, and then his mother—or some other traitor—would reach out to them in an attempt to arrange a countercoup.
Caedus made a note to add all senior military officers to GAG’s watch-list. It would not do to grow lax now that he was in charge.
—Legacy of the Force: Inferno, Troy Denning
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I found my favorite entry ever on the Riordan Wiki
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yubsie · 3 months
Embarrassing mom moment...
I go through the alphabet naming a Star Wars character for each letter to get back to sleep in the middle of the night. This isn't the embarassing part, because it works and I've never made it to Zeb.
No the embarassing part is that the other night I got stuck on G.
Oh, you might think it weird that I forgot about Greedo of the shooting first debate but it's worse than that.
My baby is named after GAVIN DARKLIGHTER.
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from-a-legends-pov · 4 months
Star Wars Legends Spotlight: The Wedding of Luke and Mara
In this last week of writer signups for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event, we’ll be celebrating Legends by spotlighting some key events, characters, and moments from the Legends continuity.
Writers: Help us add to the story! Sign up to write for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event now through June 2. Together, we’ll build a collection of Star Wars Legends fanfiction set during the time of the Original Trilogy. Use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines available here) and please encourage your favorite writers to participate!
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Our first spotlight is the wedding of the galaxy’s most eligible Jedi bachelor, Luke Skywalker, with former Emperor’s Hand and current Jedi Master Mara Jade in 19 ABY on Coruscant.
Why is this important?
Luke and Mara are in many ways the power couple of Star Wars Legends (along with Leia Organa and Han Solo). While Leia and Han were shown as a committed couple by the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker spent a fair amount of the Legends continuity in various ultimately doomed love affairs. Mara Jade, one of the most prominent characters to originate in Legends, was introduced in the Thrawn trilogy and clearly had some chemistry with Luke from the start, as well as going on her own journey from Emperor’s Hand to smuggler to Jedi knight to Jedi master before ending up with Luke.
How does it happen?
The engagement takes place toward the end of Timothy Zahn’s novel Vision of the Future, appropriately happening in the middle of a life-or-death situation. The room they are in is filling up with water, and Luke asks Mara to marry him. She says, “You mean, if we get out of this alive?” and he says, “I mean regardless.”
The wedding and the leadup take place in Star Wars: Union, a four-unit comic series written by X-Wing series writer Michael Stackpole. Most of the series deals with the more mundane events leading up to any wedding— choosing a dress, the bachelor / bachelorette parties, the wedding itself, and moments from the reception— but the happy couple being who they are, of course there is danger, intrigue, and shenanigans. There are actually two weddings: a Jedi wedding only attended by members of the Jedi Order early in the series, and a formal wedding that serves as a major event for the New Republic.
The Jedi portion of the wedding largely goes off without a hitch, but the New Republic ceremony is where the shenanigans come in.
We see Mara attempt to “say yes to the dress” only to be confronted with some of the worst fashion crimes imaginable, then find her dream designer out in the alley, having been originally prevented from preventing her designs by her evil boss.
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Luke’s bachelor party at the Red Rancor (attended by Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, Gavin Darklighter, Talon Karrde, Wes Janson, Derek “Hobbie” Klivian, Tycho Celchu, Kam Solusar, Corran Horn, Booster Terrik, and Lando Calrissian) ends in a bar fight instigated by a Moff who is trying to kill Luke / prevent the wedding.
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Meanwhile, the women (Mara, Leia, Tionne Solusar, Winter Celchu, Mirax Terrik Horn, and Iella Wessiri Antilles) have a spa day and then kick some ass in a slingball game.
The day of the ceremony is a major New Republic event, with people like Mon Mothma in attendance and Admiral Ackbar presiding. A Moff is determined to interrupt the ceremony and violently prevent the festivities, but Chewie, the Jedi, and the Rogues take care of that while those with parts in the ceremony carry on. Meanwhile, Booster Terrik has been tasked with keeping the children quiet during the ceremony, including his grandson Valin Horn as well as Myri and Syal Antilles and Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo.
Finally, we see the happy couple wed:
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…And various other couples at the ceremony get nostalgic about their own weddings as they enjoy the reception.
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Gavin Darklighter: How to "punish" my sons? Gavin Darklighter: My sons are biting hair! I'm a single father so I don't have the "maternal instinct." Calling all moms: What is the best way to tell them this is not okay without being too harsh? Mirax Terrik: Feed them a stew that makes them go blind. Sera Faleur: Feed them a stew that makes them go blind for *1 day*. Iella Wessiri: Stew that blinds them for a day. Winter Celchu: Feed them a type of stew that makes them blind for 1 day. Leia Organa: 1 Day Blinding Stew
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eclipsedrawsthings · 4 months
Pros of reading the Rogue Squadron books: Wedge and Tycho being gay and in love, Gavin Darklighter, Nawara Ven: Ace Attorney, that one scene where Wedge pretends to be Gavin’s dad, an insight into X-wing pilot slang
Cons of reading the Rogue Squadron books: copious amounts of Men Writing Women, Corran Horn.
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magnetarbeam · 9 months
Most of Gavin's appearances after NJO kind of feel like Denning just needed another name to drop in the GA military brass.
I'd have really liked to see more of his side of the politics in FotJ. As, like, an actual point of view for the support the Jedi have from the military. I'm just picturing Gavin taking a lesson or ten from Wedge in how he maneuvers around the increasingly fucked decisions of Daala, who's insane, and the other branch heads, most or all of whom are in on the Lecersen Conspiracy (depending on the exact point in time), to help the Jedi out somehow.
How, I'm not sure, but it seems possible to have him get in touch with people who had recently resigned their military ranks because of what Daala's doing, and get them to organize and point that sympathy for the Jedi and resentment of Daala in a productive direction. I also have the headcanon that Syal, who until this point had been leading the Rogues she inherited at the end of the SGCW, was one of those people. Maybe she could be given a role here.
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theology101 · 6 months
Who’s the Best Pilot?
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In general, I tried to take someone's Force Talent into account and have that be somewhat weighed against them - Luke is probably equal to Wedge, Tycho and Sootnir (Which really should be the S Row, Vader alone in S+ cause the man was dogfighting at near lightspeed and everyone shifted down) but they're just humans were as he's a Jedi. Other times though, like the Force Users we do have at the top, they're just so overwhelmingly better then the people around them that they deserve to be that high up.
S+ —> Vader/Anakin, Wedge Antilles, Soontir Fel, Tycho Celchu
S —> Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Jaina Solo, Jagged Fel, Saesee Tiin, Corran Horn
A —> Hera Syndulla, Rey Skwaylker, Jacen Solo, Kylo Ren, Plo Koon, Poe Dameron, Kyp Durron, Pash Cracken, Ooryl Qyrgg
B —> Maarek Stele, Shea Hublin, Ventress, Ahsoka Tano, Gavin Darklighter, Bror Jace, Lowbacca, Din Djarin
C —> Tri-Fighters, Bo-Katan Kryze, Obi-Wan, Chirdaki, Che’ri, Biggs Darklighter, Shara Bey, Biggs Darklighter, Garven Dreis, Nien Nunb
D —> Clone Troopers, Ello Asty, Porkins, Jessika Pava, Varko Grey,  Inyri Forge, Aril Nunb, Rella Sol, Jake Farrel
F —> Vulture Droids, Cade Skywalker, Lujayne Forge, Eresi Delerit, Havina Vonreg
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elzarirl · 7 months
Gavin darklighters reaction to lujaynes death will never not fail to make me cry “Gavin raised a fist as if he wanted to smash it down again, but let it slowly drift back to his side. "This is the first time anyone ive known has died.”
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ao3feed-wedgeluke · 2 years
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