#Gaudeamus igitur
latin-phrases-showdown · 11 months
Round 1 Poll 30
Gaudeamus igitur
"Let's rejoice, then / So let us rejoice"
Originally a drinking song, Gaudeamus igitur is a song (and its first line) still sung today in (at least European) academic circles. Where I'm from, it is traditionally sung at upper secondary school and university graduation ceremonies. And also sometimes at drinking parties centered around singing. It goes kinda hard when sung in the latter context.
Amicus curiae
"Friend of the court"
Legal brief submitted by a person not a party to the case
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Do you think they sing Gaudeamus at yumenosaki graduations?
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itsaskingquestions · 2 years
Ubi sunt, qui ante nos / In mundo fuere?
“Where are those who, before us, existed in the world?”
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Gaudeamus Igitur! "#Joy is the serious business of Heaven." - C.S. Lewis
#GaudeteSunday #ThirdSundayOfAdvent #AdventWeek3 #TheSeasonOfJoy
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Switzerland, dated 1906
Ceramic, inscribed "JUVENES DUM SUMUS GAUDEAMUS IGITUR. The pewter lid engraved with student name and date.
Koller Auctions
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francisbacon-3 · 3 months
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gaudeamus igitur
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porosenoksposts · 3 months
emmrich romance playlist should include gaudeamus igitur. that's just how it is. this man is a nerd.
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propalahramota · 2 years
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gaudeamus Igitur
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Koji Tsuruta and Shin Saburi in The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice (Yasujiro Ozu, 1952)
Cast: Shin Saburi, Michiyo Kogure, Koji Tsuruta, Keiko Tsushima, Chikage Awashima, Chishu Ryu, Kuniko Miyake, Eijiro Yanagi, Hisao Toake. Screenplay: Kogo Noda, Yasujiro Ozu. Cinematography: Yuharu Atsuta. Art direction: Tatsuo Hamada. Music: Ichiro Saito.
Yasujiro Ozu's The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice begins like a 1950s American TV sitcom in which Lucy and Ethel try to pull a fast one over Ricky. In this case, Lucy is Taeko Satake (Michiyo Kogure), who wants to get away for a day with Ethel, or Aya Amamiya (Chikage Awashima), at a resort spa without letting Ricky, or Mokichi Satake (Shin Saburi), know what she's up to. So Taeko decides to tell Mokichi that her niece has fallen ill at a class reunion and she needs to go tend to her. But just as she's about to depart, the niece, Setsuko (Keiko Tsushima), drops by the Satake home, so Taeko has to swiftly come up with a Plan B. What we are in for, obviously, is a comedy of marital errors. The Satakes have no children and their marriage has grown stale, which provides an object lesson for Setsuko, whose parents are pressuring her into an arranged marriage and have set up a meeting with the potential groom. Seeing that not only do Taeko and Mokichi have no passion in their lives but Aya is also insouciant about the extramarital affairs of her husband, Toichiro (Hisao Toake), Setsuko is determined not to fall into their trap. Where Ozu excels is in the presentation of the texture of his characters' lives -- Taeko with her gossipy friends, Mokichi with his daily office grind followed by visits to bars and pachinko parlors, sometimes with his young friend Noboru (Koji Tsuruta), whom Mokichi is helping get a start in life after Noboru graduates from college. (There's a wonderful little moment when a slightly inebriated Noboru sings "Gaudeamus Igitur.") At one pachinko parlor, Mokichi discovers that the owner is an old army buddy, Sadao, played by Ozu regular Chishu Ryu, whose chief role in the film is to provide a note of nostalgia for the more adventurous days during the war. Escaping from the meeting with her prospective groom, Setsuko joins Mokichi at the parlor, where she also meets Noboru, and we see a potential relationship spark between the two young people. But when Taeko learns that Mokichi has met with Setsuko when she should have been at the matchmaking session, she's furious and refuses to speak to her husband. Eventually, the crisis is resolved in a lovely scene in which Taeko and Mokichi begin to resolve their marital problems while raiding the larder after the maid has gone to bed, though the film ends with Setsuko and Noboru having what looks like their first fight. Ozu's bittersweet little comedy is sometimes dismissed as a minor work by a master director, but the mastery is very much in evidence.
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theleakypen · 2 years
For the writing asks: 3, 20 an 25 :D
3. What order do you write in? Uhhh usually chronological because for the most part I can't fathom what happens next until I know what comes first, but sometimes I will jump around if I am really struggling with a scene.
20. Do you write in long sit-down sessions or little spurts? Very much the latter these days. I will sometimes sustain a long session if the muse has a hold of me, but that's rare these days.
25. Copy/paste a few sentences that you're particularly proud of. (I'm willing to entertain this one multiple times, because I'm pretty happy with much of my writing.)
I really like this exchange from my pre-canon Viktor fic Gaudeamus Igitur:
"But your friends," Viktor says. "They have gone to another bar." "They'll be at it all night," Rind agrees. "Walking you home will be much more salutary." Home. Rind's arm is still around Viktor's waist. If this were home, he'd expect a knife in his ribs or a hand in his pocket about now, separating him from his meager purse.
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kivikunnas · 4 months
Tapiolan lukion YO-juhla 2018: Gaudeamus Igitur
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latin-phrases-showdown · 11 months
Round 2 Poll 15
Ad infinitum
"To infinity"
Can mean enduring forever, repeating infinitely, forevermore
the fact we have a phrase to speak for the endless continuation of something..... when it is used to describe endlessly continuing affection or grief.... it hits so different
Gaudeamus igitur
"Let's rejoice, then / So let us rejoice"
Originally a drinking song, Gaudeamus igitur is a song (and its first line) still sung today in (at least European) academic circles. Where I'm from, it is traditionally sung at upper secondary school and university graduation ceremonies. And also sometimes at drinking parties centered around singing. It goes kinda hard when sung in the latter context.
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prose2passion · 6 months
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pasanchezmatas · 9 months
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La #Universidad busca desinteresadamente la #Verdad y se la da a todo aquel que la quiera disfrutar.
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Inaugurato il 783° anno accademico dell’Università di Siena
Inaugurato il 783° anno accademico dell’Università di Siena Elogio del futuro “Le Università sono costruttrici di futuro. Il meglio deve ancora venire” Per studentesse e studenti una citazione di Italo Calvino: “Alle volte uno si sente incompleto ed è soltanto giovane”. Si è tenuta oggi, 24 novembre, l’inaugurazione del 783° anno accademico dell’Università di Siena. La cerimonia è stata aperta, nell’Aula Magna del palazzo del Rettorato, dal corteo accademico e il saluto dei Goliardi senesi. Il Rettore Roberto Di Pietra ha quindi preso posto insieme ai direttori dei 14 dipartimenti, ad alcuni dei docenti Delegati e al Direttore Generale Emanuele Fidora. Il Professor Di Pietra ha salutato e ringraziato il Ministro dell’Università e Ricerca Sen. Prof.ssa Anna Maria Bernini, intervenuta alla cerimonia, per la stretta vicinanza e collaborazione con il sistema delle Università italiane che ha saputo imprimere durante questo primo anno di governo. In occasione dell'inaugurazione dell'anno accademico dell'Università di Siena, il ministro dell'Università e della Ricerca, Anna Maria Bernini, ha detto: “L’Università è il luogo universale del confronto. Ma occorre esprimere la propria posizione in maniera pacifica tenendo naturalmente conto anche delle posizioni altrui. Il proprio punto di vista raccontato da solo senza la capacità di ascoltare quello degli altri è troppo unilaterale per essere definito democratico. Io apprezzo molto la libera manifestazione del pensiero e anche in questo senso l'Università è universitas, un luogo dove esiste la capacità di confrontarsi in maniera equanime, avendo la stessa possibilità di esprimere le proprie opposte opinioni. Questa è democrazia. Per me è importante confrontarmi con tutta la comunità universitaria”. Un discorso proiettato al futuro quello del Rettore Di Pietra: “Le Università per propria missione sono “costruttrici di futuro” La costruzione del nostro futuro riguarda la ridefinizione della nostra offerta formativa, attività che deve essere costante, ma che in questa fase assume un connotato strategico. L’offerta formativa deve essere rivista, in primo luogo, per garantire i caratteri che la connotano ovvero il suo essere multi-vocale e sempre più rivolta ad una prospettiva internazionale. Questi due caratteri sono ormai elementi fondanti del nostro Ateneo”. Al termine della sua relazione il Rettore Roberto Di Pietra ha dichiarato aperto il 783° anno accademico dell’Università di Siena. Dopo la relazione del Rettore si sono tenuti gli interventi del rappresentante delle Studentesse e degli Studenti, Samuele Picchianti e della rappresentante del Personale tecnico amministrativo e bibliotecario, Paola Barbi. Ha concluso la cerimonia il Coro di Ateneo, diretto dalla professoressa Elisabetta Miraldi, che ha intonato il Gaudeamus Igitur e altre armonie dal loro repertorio. Nell’occasione è stato pubblicato dai Goliardi senesi uno studio che ricostruisce i 130 anni di storia del labaro dell’Università di Siena.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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iarabego-blog · 1 year
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"gaudeamus igitur, gallaecus sumus"
Lasst uns also fröhlich sein!
Gallegos somos
Celtic tribe
province in northwestern Spain
wir sind wir existieren
from Gallaecia‎
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