#Garrick DemonPriest Au
avidgreengoblin ยท 11 months
I am very curious if there will be other adult characters that will show up in the demon Rick au. Wondering what the roles for them could be ๐Ÿค”
I have a lot planned for the AU and I am open to all questions from anyone at anytime
I DO PLAN ON MAKING AN ACTUAL POST ABOUT IT (characters, story, etc.) But it's a long process for me so it will take a while (a very long time)
I will be explaining some things that I haven't talked about here if needed so it's not too confusing. Not many photos will be provided since every character will look like what they are in the show besides one.
A handful amount of adults have roles in the AU so I will be explaining the big and small ones
I want to give it an actual name to the AU once I think of a really good one but for now it's just "South Park Garrick DemonPriest Au" ๐Ÿ’€
First major character that you will most likely see a good amount of time besides Rick and Garrison is Father Maxi!
Maxi is the one that GIVES Garrison a "job" as a priest. His job is to just help him out until he can either get his job as a teacher back or find somewhere else to work at. He has him help around when he has events at the church and even lets him teach anything he thinks he can do as a beginner. Garrison actually takes this job seriously when he's teaching the kids about stuff (usually).
He gets to meet Rick but only in his human form (literally just what he looks like in the actual show)
Garrison and Maxi interact a lot in the beginning. They get decently close as friends and Maxi just helps him out get through his day. He doesn't find out about Garrison making a demon summon ritual or that he summoned demon (Rick). I'm not sure if I will ever make Maxi meet Rick as a demon but who knows I might change that.
Second major character in this AU is Marcus aka Garrison's ex boyfriend! He's technically the villain in the Au and probably the only one for now.
I plan on making a ref for him so stay tuned for that! You'll just have to see my doodles that I made during my class LMAO ๐Ÿ’€
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Marcus and Garrison do break up but Rick isn't in the picture yet. They break up behind the scenes and Garrison moves on from him. Rick is summoned and after about a month of Rick being in the mortal world (Earth), Marcus comes back to try and get back with Garrison. He doesn't know about Rick until Rick meets him trying to force Garrison to get back with him. Rick kills Marcus by ripping his arms off and letting him bleed to death on the floor. Marcus goes to hell (obviously) and he eventually gets a job and is turned to a demon (jobs in Hell and Hell in general will be explained in a different post :])
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He's never seen again until 2 months after his death. He comes back and surprise attacks Rick to try and kill him. The two of them fight. Marcus wants him dead and Rick just wants him to leave him alone. A romantic picnic RUINED by Marcus.
Marcus's arms are able to change and transform, it's kinda like goo. He can make one arm bigger than the other. His left can be double in size but his right will barely have anything (See the 3rd photo as an example). He can make his hands/arms into sharp objects like a sword or a spear. He can make his arms transform to anything he wants.
Rick defeats him and Rick being soooo nice just throws his almost dead body into Hell. He recovers and plans on coming back a 3rd time. That is all I have for him right now but I do plan on adding a bit more about him!
Last major character or an important station in the AU is Channel 4 News!
When Rick is summoned for the first time, he makes a big mess at the church (half of it is burnt down). Someone else also manages to catch some, very blurry, photos of him before he gets back into Hell. These photos are sent to Channel 4 News and it's now everywhere. Literal breaking news in South Park. Maxi and Garrison are imterviewed by one of the news reporters. With the news covering about a Demon sighting, a lot of people freak out.
Even after all that dies down, the news likes to report random stuff that has been caused by Rick or is caused by others. Missing people, fire in very random places, sightings of Rick at night, and more whenever I can think of more.
Now for the characters with some important roles but they don't do much afterwards (sorry D: ).
First minor character in this AU is Ms. Nelson!
Ms. Nelson in the show dies from catching COVID. In the AU though, she actually gets her vaccine on time and lives! This causes PC Principal not having to hire Garrison back. Ms. Nelson just stays as the teacher and does her usual thing.
Second minor character(s) in this AU is Satan and his demons in Hell!
Satan won't really appear in the AU BUT the stuff he has done for Hell are somewhat important.
After Satan's death, he has put his demon henchmen to keep Hell in check. God still lets Satan to go down into Hell to check on everyone.
Hell is a much better place(surprisingly). People can get jobs to help out in Hell. There is a demon shortage so they need all the workers they can get. People who apply for a job and get hired are made into half demons. Very different than actual demons.
Half demons are weaker and are usually made to do the jobs most actual demons don't want to do. Even with that, they have a good amount of benefits. I'll go more into Hell in another post :]
These guys will mostly be talked about when Garrison asks Rick how Hell is.
And that's all I really have so far for some adult characters. The AU is more focused on Rick and Garrison because they're so in loooovvee. Even with that, you'l be seeing different characters interacting with them both in some way
Thank you for reading if you read all that and I really do appreciate the ask ๐Ÿฅฐ Sorry if I made any typos, I started typing all this as soon as I woke up ๐Ÿ’€
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avidgreengoblin ยท 1 year
Runet stuff!!
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Also expect some drawings of Marcus and more art in general of the Garrick DemonPriest AU soon
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