#Gareth doesn't sing often
fvcking-panda · 1 year
Corroded Coffin canonically play metal, right? It seems like is trash metal by their musical influences.
HOWEVER in my hcs they do a lot of covers in the Hideout, they also do their own music but only play it whenever their five drunks are almost in the floor so they don't ask for other cover.
But hear me out: the covers? Is not only classic metal music like Metallica or Megadeth, is also the popular songs, they are requested to play ABBA too.
So in order to not kill themselves by those requests, they play it BUT is the metal version, so yeah, Corroded Coffin boys know a lot of popular music and are able to play it but they changed into something more alike to them.
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riality-check · 1 year
daisy jones-adjacent. probably one part left after this, if all goes well. part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in case you missed them. tw substance abuse & alcoholism. yeehaw.
Steve doesn't kick them out, but the band silently makes the decision to crash at his place less often. Eddie didn't tell them what happened; they just knew. It's always been like that with them. Always in sync. Eddie is so glad he hasn't lost that with them.
He is, inexplicably, terrified of losing Steve.
He shouldn't be. He hasn't known him for very long at all. they fight like hell half the time. He smokes more when he's around him because being near Steve means being near the things Eddie swears not to touch again.
It hasn't been very long at all, but Eddie knows him. Knows what he likes and doesn't like, knows how to get under his skin and how to make him laugh that laugh of his. Knows that didn't write or play or sing half as well as he did before Steve.
He knows that he'll keep sharing a mic with him. Even when there are extras. even when there's no reason to. Even when he can start smelling alcohol on Steve's breath.
Eddie is terrified of losing Steve. It's getting harder and harder to be around him.
He wants to say that he only sees himself in Steve, but that would be a lie. Eddie can't ignore the obvious similarities, but part of the reason he did what he did was to get away from himself, from the fear of being inadequate. And sure, Steve is running from something that terrifies him so bad he can't sleep and wakes up screaming other people's names when he does.
But Eddie finds himself running to Steve, and that's dangerous.
They record the album over shared mics and frequent cigarette breaks and laughter and the collaboration of young, talented people with young, smart management making fantastic art.
And then they do the article with Rolling Stone.
It's written by Nancy Wheeler. Eddie loves working with her. She's brilliant and asks unconventional interview questions. She's also, apparently, Steve's friend.
Same with the photographer, Jonathan Byers. He's Nancy's boyfriend, her working partner, and, apparently, also Steve's friend.
Eddie wonders where they've been while Steve has gotten like this before he reminds himself just how unfair of a question that is to ask.
It's clear they're trying. Nancy pulls Steve aside at one point. Eddie watches them argue, hears the name "Robin" get thrown around along with "you need to talk to her" and "I don't want her to come all the way out here."
Eddie, for once, decides to mind his business.
He has to admit that the way Steve can pull himself together for this is amazing. He's almost perfectly coherent in the interview, and he looks almost sober while they're taking the pictures.
Eddie watches him bring his hand to his mouth three times during the whole thing.
He wonders what he's taking. He nearly asks for some.
He sees Nancy watching, too. If she's a good friend, she won't write about that. Or maybe she will.
Eddie doesn't know what a good friend is supposed to do in this situation. He just knows what he has to do, and that's not think about it.
He's smoking more. Chrissy doesn't even comment on it.
He wonders if this is one of those things only he notices because of his personal experience or if it's just an open secret. He doesn't know which would be better.
The article comes out a week later and drums up good press for the album, which is released a week after that.
But what really steals the show is The Picture.
There are a few pictures set within the pages of the article, but only one is The Picture.
All of them are lined up in front of a road, backs to the beach. Steve is in the middle with Jeff on one side of him and Eddie on the other, Gareth and Archie on the ends of their little line.
And it is incredibly obvious that there is something different between Steve and Eddie than there is between anyone else.
People are going to talk, which is good. People are going to talk, which is dangerous.
Eddie wishes he had Chrissy's "all press is good press" mentality.
But by the time he really, truly starts to worry about it, it's been weeks since he's been with Steve outside of any professional setting and time for tour.
Eddie is fucking terrified of tour. The rules make it easier:
Don't go to the after parties.
Don't stay on the bus.
Don't accept anything from fans.
Call someone.
Buy your own damn cigarettes.
The rules should help. Eddie thinks Steve could blow them up like he's already blown up his expectations and creative process.
Tour starts off fine. The bus is like it always is - lively and full of chatter. The fans are like they always are - fiercely supportive and screaming for more. The music is like it's always been - only much, much better this time around.
And Steve is high every time he goes out onstage.
It's fine, really. He's not nearly as bad as Eddie used to be. He isn't forgetting words, and he still sounds good, so it's fine. He's functional.
Eddie doesn't think anyone else notices. Steve covers it up so well that Eddie can only recognize the signs from personal experience.
He makes sure he doesn't spend any time with Steve offstage. It doesn't matter that Steve looks wounded every time Eddie makes an excuse to go somewhere else.
He calls Wayne more often. He walks around the cities they perform in, saying hello to the people who recognize him and politely refusing their offers to buy him drinks.
Anything is better than the possibility of Steve taking something in front of him or offering Eddie a drink. Because if it's Steve offering, Eddie won't say no.
That's terrifying. It's dangerous.
But it's fine. Eddie is doing what he's supposed to do. He's coping. He's dealing with it and not making anyone else walk on eggshells around him.
And then they get to Chicago.
Eddie loves Chicago. It's not his favorite city - that's a tie between St. Louis and Phoenix - but it's definitely up there. It's got good energy and enthusiastic fans and great sights.
After their first night there, Eddie walks around the city until he's tired enough to go to sleep. He gets back to the hotel at 3 AM.
Fifteen minutes later, someone knocks on his door.
And, like an idiot, Eddie answers it in pajamas.
Steve is outside. Swaying back and forth. Smiling. And holding a bottle of vodka.
Eddie wants some.
No the fuck he doesn't.
"This isn't your room," he says, trying to keep quiet. Trying to tear his eyes away from the bottle.
Just a sip.
"Sorry," Steve slurs. "Lost my key. Couldn't remember."
Like a bigger idiot, Eddie sighs and lets him in.
He helps Steve set the bottle down on the dresser. Gets him to his bed without falling over and waking up Jeff. Helps take off his shoes.
Knows from experience that if Steve is this sloshed and still standing, he's probably blacked out.
"Why do you do this to yourself?" Eddie mutters.
Steve Harrington should have everything. He has a fantastic career, ample talent, adoring fans, friends, and a boatload of money. He should be happy.
Instead, he's wasting the cash and his life.
"Figured out if I drink enough, I don't have nightmares," Steve says. "Didn't want to wake anyone else up on tour."
Eddie stops where he's untying Steve's shoe. "What do you have nightmares about?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Try me," he says, standing up.
Steve makes direct eye contact and says, slurred together, "A monster came out of the walls at Jonathan Byers's house. I helped him and Nancy Wheeler kill it. Next year, it came back. Will Byers got possessed, they built tunnels under the town, and I had to kill more monsters to protect some kids after I got the shit beat out of me. That summer, I got kidnapped and tortured with Robin."
Eddie just. Stares.
"I think I just broke all my NDAs," Steve mumbles.
What. The. Fuck.
When Eddie can form words again, he says, "Steve, you're drunk."
"I am. But I'm not a liar."
Eddie doesn't know what to say, and he's sure it's written clear all over his face.
What the hell.
"Told you you wouldn't believe me," Steve says. He takes off his shirt and lays on his side, on top of the covers, facing away from Eddie.
Yeah. Guess that conversation is over.
So, Eddie turns away and immediately spots the bottle of vodka, right where he left it on top of the dresser.
Before he can stop himself, he picks it up.
It's open. He doesn't take a sip, but he can smell it. He stands there and holds it and knows that if he moves his arm, it won't be to put it down.
Eddie hasn't held a bottle in two years.
He can't put it down.
Just a sip.
Like an asshole, he walks a few feet and turns on a lamp to wake up Jeff.
"What the hell?" he mumbles.
Steve, meanwhile, has already started to snore.
Eddie can't find any words.
"Oh, shit," Jeff says, sitting up. "Eddie, you didn't-"
"I didn't," he says. "I promise I didn't. I can't put it down."
Jeff frowns, confused.
"I can't put it down," Eddie whispers desperately.
"Okay," Jeff says.
And without saying anything else, he gets up, takes the bottle, and goes to the bathroom.
Eddie closes his eyes and tries to breathe as he hears it go down the drain.
What a waste.
It's fine. He's sober. He's fine.
Jeff comes back after a few seconds. There wasn't that much left. He looks over at the other bed, the bed that's supposed to be Eddie's, and sighs. "You can share with me."
Eddie shakes his head. "It's fine. I'll make sure he doesn't... I'll make sure he's safe."
"He's not good for you."
"I know. But I'll be okay."
"We want him out," Jeff says.
Jeff rubs his eyes. It's 3:30 AM. "We've been talking. He's hurting you, Eddie."
"We're the best we've ever been."
"At what cost?"
"Where would we be if you did that to me?" Eddie demands. "If you threw me out at my lowest?"
Jeff sighs again.
"End of the tour," Eddie says. "Let's get through this."
"We'll talk about it in the morning."
"I'm tired, Eddie," Jeff says, already getting back in bed. "Morning."
Eddie swallows his words back and nods. This is a morning conversation.
He gets into bed, under the covers next to Steve, and falls asleep quick.
When he wakes up for the first time, Steve's arms are around him. When he wakes up for good, the bed is cold and empty.
He tries not to feel too disappointed.
Everything Eddie has a tendency to love fits one of two criteria:
It hurts him.
It's unattainable.
It's too damn bad that Steve is both.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Listen. Listen. I need more swimmer Steve. I'm not a sports person but I need this. I need more jock Steve. I'm not American so forgive the details but.
One day, Steve, Robin, and Eddie all leave Hawkins together. Nancy's already gone off to take the journalism world by storm. Jon and Argyle are taking it easy, traveling, having a good time. And the kids are still in school.
Robin goes to college studying linguistics, and Steve goes with her on a swimming scholarship. Eddie doesn't know what he wants to do but he wants to be with his friends, and he doesn't want to be in Hawkins anymore. It's a plus that bigger cities have bigger metal scenes. Maybe he can convince Gareth and Jeff to come with him and see if they can really make something of Corroded Coffin.
Steve finds he actually kind of likes college. The swim team. It's different when you decide to go there willingly, with other people who also want to be there. And the swim team. He fucking loves it. He didn't realise how much he missed swimming, being on a team of actually nice fucking dudes who care about the sport. And they're good. But the kicker? So is Steve.
And he didn't really realise it until now. He knew he liked swimming, he knew his coach back in Hawkins likes him, he knew he got made co-captain. But a part of him started to wonder if people complimented him because he was popular and mean. If he got made captain because his dad was rich and influential. But here at college no one knows who King Steve is. No one can see his hair under his swim cap. He's just Steve, a good fucking swimmer.
He comes back from practice to his and Robin's apartment smelling of chlorine and his fruity shampoo, duffelbag slung over his shoulder. His wardrobe is slowly filling with more swim team shirts, hoodies, a professional track suit for meets. And so Robin and Eddie slowly steal his old Hawkins Swim Team shirts, wearing the soft worn cotton as pajamas.
Eddie isn't in college, doesn't want to be, but doesn't mind being dragged to the occasional college party. He got a job at a small hole in the wall music store, and has started up Corroded Coffin in the apartment he shares with Gareth and Jeff. (He stays over with Steve and Robin as often as he can).
Robin is acing her classes, is in Band, and has befriended a small group of other queer women. And you just know on swimming meet or competition days Robin is going to support Steve with Eddie and maybe some of her queer friends - all of them chanting Harrington. And Steve blushes, he's never really had people support him that much before. Tommy and Carol weren't the type ya know?
But now he has Robin, his best friend, love of his platonic life. He spots her wearing his old Hawkins Swim Team Captain sweatshirt with his last name on the back, cheering as loud as she can in the stands.
Next to her is Eddie, still dressed as metal as ever, smiling and laughing and happy to be there. Steve locks eyes with him and smiles when Eddie gives him a little wave, trying to ignore the swooping in his gut. He's bi, he's out, he knows what a crush feels like. He knows he's falling for Eddie but it would ruin him if he confessed to Eddie and got rejected, or they stop being friends or or or. So Steve keeps silent. But maybe he makes sure to stretch and flex his muscles when he knows Eddie's watching.
And Steve's team wins. And they keep winning. He goes to classes and studies with Robin, he goes to Corroded Coffin gigs to watch Eddie (because they're finding their feet in the local metal scene), they go to gay clubs together all 3 of them and walk home at 3am singing at the top of their lungs.
Steve swims laps alone in the dim light of the evening. And Eddie shows up. And they have their first kiss at the side of the pool, reflection of the water reflecting off their faces
Steve and his team make it to the big final competition. And he's nervous as hell. And him and his coach and the whole team agree that they're taking this fucking seriously. So they go for The Big Shave. Going full swimmer and shaving their bodies.
The three of them are all crammed into their tiny bathroom with a trimmer and a pack of razors. Steve shaves his face as normal, a tape playing faintly from the player in the living room. Next is Robin, who teaches Steve how to properly shave his armpits and his legs. Makes a lot of dumb jokes and helps him with the itching. He does a run through with the trimmer, then shaves his legs. Repeats the same with his arms and they help him with the tricky areas. They all agree its fucking weird. Last is the chest hair. The jungle. The one Eddie has been moaning about missing for a solid week. Eddie, who loves to run his fingers through the hair, rest his head on Steve's pecs as they rest in bed together. He gives Steve's chest hair a proper funeral and pretends to cry when Steve is all clean shaven. Robin is so used to Steve walking around the apartment shirtless that she keeps doing double takes whenever she sees him in the corner of her eye.
Competition day arrives, and the kids head up from Hawkins for a weekend in the big city. Chaperoned by Joyce and Hopper? Nancy and Jon and Argyle? idk? And sitting with Robin and Eddie. Steve's never had a crowd that big before. Never had people love and support him like that. He can see El and Will have crafted a sign. Lucas whoops. He knows Dustin's going to be making a joke about his bare chest and how he finally "tamed that jungle" and proceeds to try his hardest to cheer the loudest. And Eddie, his boyfriend, wearing a college swim team shirt underneath his leather jacket, following Steve with his eyes.
Steve and his team win, and he wants nothing more than to run to the stands and kiss Eddie senseless. He's missed him a lot, as Steve's training got more intense. Eddie would stay the night so they could snatch moments of time together but Steve would be awake and showering by 6am to eat and head to the gym. Kissing Eddie as he leaves, smiling fondly at Eddie's sleepy grumbles and mumbles, shuffling into the warmth of where Steve lay. But now he's here and swimming is over for the competitive season and Steve can relax. Take Eddie out on a date. Actually sleep in for once. Wake up with Eddie wrapped in his arms and then stay in bed until Eddie wakes up himself, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and snuggling into Steve's now bare chest.
I have so much to say and no words to say it with. AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Robin and her queer friends carving out a corner to support Steve from! Whenever there’s a home meet everyone knows not to go to ‘those’ seats because Robin and Eddie could just stare with sad hopeless helpless eyes until the intruder leaves
Eddie mourning the chest hair!!! EXACTLY!!!! He writes an ‘in memoriam’ to Steve’s chest hair, frames it and places it next to Steve’s bed. He has another framed picture but its a drawing of Steve’s hairy chest by Eddie with the quote ‘do it for her’ underneath it. Steve doesn’t know if it’s a motivational prompt for himself or for Eddie and her too scared to ask
Robin getting really into checking out the other teams and seeing what dirt she can dig up so that she can make the competition feel a little less daunting for Steve. She always cheers loudly and obnoxiously and Steve adores her for it
Eddie coming to check in on Steve late night, he’s in the pool but he should be resting, should be at home. Eddie arrived to Steve and robins place only for Robin to announce ‘your boyfriend who isn’t your boyfriend isn’t here. Tell him I’ve made pasta when you see him. Oh and that you are in love with him, thanks so much’ Robin ends the sentence with a wide eyed teeth clenching smile and Eddie walks out the door.
Eddie finds Steve, sitting on the side of the pool, goggles tossed by the edge. Steve looks up and has as good as permanent indentations around his eyes and across his nose. His chest is heaving, hair and body wet. He’s a mess, he’s also the most beautiful person eddie has ever seen and it takes all his strength not to blurt it out. Maybe not tonight, maybe not ever, not if it means he might lose Steve. Eddie doesn’t think anything is worth that.
Steve being bullied into the edge of the booth as his hawkins family take him out for dinner. His heart is full knowing the most important people in his life are here to watch him do something he genuinely enjoys. They aren’t ridiculing him, they want to know about him, they want him to know they care.
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bookofmac · 7 months
okay okay okay, thinking thoughts
So I find the concept of Names really interesting in Camlann, reading into the extracanonical stuff put on the tumblr is giving me food for theory crafting. The Catacylsm seems to be some kind of return of magic to the world (possibly heralded by the return of The King of the Britons in their hour of need?) and thus people with significant Names have access to something because of it. they fall into the stories of their namesakes; Perry, Gwaine, and Kay are Knights, Morgan is Morgana Le Fay, and we now have a Gwen in Shújūn.
Based on Kay's dicussion with Perry if more people can fill in the roles of their stories to more 'to plan' the stories will go, Of course this is not good news if you know the general end point of Arthurian legend (Betrayal, muderer, war, most everyone dead, the 'Glory' of camelot gone). It's inherently kind of a doomsday cult if you stay in those stories, you know where parts of this are going (i'll get back to this)
it also seems like there may be some, for lack of a better term, kin drama going on. There are 900 members of the court and Kay mentions that Peredur is a really uncommon name outside of Wales, meaning there are certain knights who are more common, i assume Lancelot's, Kay's, maybe a few Talisin's, a bunch of Gareth's, and like 50 Elaines like in the legends lol
We also dont have the context for how Names work full yet and neither do our characters. I think theres a lot of answers to be had with Shújūn/Gwen with how it works, how you know other than the buzzing in you're head and desire go through the motions and Follow the Story
Now, where does Dai fit in all this?
Dai doesn't have a Name, and I think theres going to be a point where he changes his name in a major way, but not to a Name, but a Bardic name. In welsh poetic and story telling tradtions Welsh poets, THE OG Bards, will take on pseudonyms tell their stories. This practice stems from the medievil era, but goes forth to today, and many modern Welsh and welsh heritage poets have connections to this tradition (Dylan Thomas' middle name was his great uncles bardic name, Sarah Williams published her work under the name Sadie), I believe it's also a requirement to have one if you intend to perform in the major Eisteddfod, (I am Australian so my experiance of Eisteddfods here is very different so if i'm wrong on that let me know)
Why would he do this? I think Dai is going to, at least try, to write him and his friends a way out.
Much ink is spilt over how Arthurian legend doesnt have an 'orginal text', and as such there are lots of stories that are inherently contradictory; Bedwyr is the best knight, but so are Gwaine, Lancelot, and Galahad. Mordred is some random king until his Arthur's son. Arthur has a sister, no he has two, actually he has three and one of them is an Elaine. This could be used to explain any doubles (are you my Gwaine), as well as why we see a few different spelling varients which are, the very welsh Peredur as opposed to Percival or Parzifal, the anglisised and more boarish Kay as opposed to Cei or Caius (this last one might just to keep Dai and Kay distinct tho). These variations are no more or less 'canon' than any other telling of the story, and so often the writer of a given telling of Arthurian legend is going to have their own bias. But things dont HAVE to end the way they always do, and sometime you need to have someone outside the story you're caught in to tell you a new one.
You are not locked into that ever looming cloud of Thomas Mallory and Le Morte d'Arthur.
Other evidence I have for this is that Dai sings at the begining of each episode, and sings in welsh at that. He also is, to a point our narrator, existing both in and out of the current narative. Also his name is an a lyric of Sosban Fach (a song i would be surprised if it wasn't in the show at some point) 'Dai bach y sowldiwr' which is also not from the text the song was based on. Tangential yes, but i think it's worth thinking about.
I think there is also something to be said about choice in what your name is and how it feeds into the overall theme of identiy, and how that plays into other themes at play in the story, like Transness, Imperialism, and Predestination
TL:DR; While he doesnt have a Name, Dai's gonna give himself an epic bard name and save them all by writing a killer hook to get them out of the story
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dontcxckitup · 4 months
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MUSE:  Gareth 'M' Mallory
what does your muse smell like?
Usually his aftershave, which has notes of light sandalwood and citrus. Something light and fresh and not too obtrusive. You smell it, it's in your nose, but it won't linger for long.
what do your muse’s hands feel like?
A bit coarse from the work he has done in his life; slight callouses on his right ring finger due to the writing he does every day (he still needs to sign a hell of a lot of papers).
what does your muse usually eat in a day?
Not much, really. On a working day, he rarely finds the time and muse to make breakfast or get lunch (however, you might occasionally find him at MI6's canteen to get a sandwich); in the evenings, he often frequents restaurants, either in the Trafalgar Square area, or Covent Garden. When he has a day off, he will start it with fresh fruits and curd, toast, sometimes even a Full English. Lunch, he still doesn't know what that is. And for dinner, it varies and depends on his mood; he sees it as useless to cook for one person, so he might just make a quick pan with vegetables and chicken nuggets, or a sandwich. However, he can never say no to a good pot of pasta.
does your muse have a good singing voice?
We wouldn't know, since he never sings. But he generally has a good, smooth voice, so he might as well just have one. Come in and find out.
does your muse have any bad habits or nervous tics?   
Stress is something he lives with on a daily basis. However, if shit really does hit the fan, he will reach for a good bottle of scotch or cognac; he also tends to grab anything to keep his fingers still - aka paperclips, pens, etc.
what does your muse usually look like/wear?
Gareth dresses distinguished and impeccably, but not too fancy. A blue shirt, suit, tie that fits the colour scheme. Braces. Chelsea boots. No hairs or lint on his clothes. He dresses for the occasion, and since he has lots of responsibility in his job... Even outside of work you will most likely find him wearing a shirt, but he will also wear a pair of jeans and coats. At home, when he is relaxed, he often wears sweatpants in the evening. Woollen jumpers. His old t-shirts from the army ('I hate sand' and 'Little Sht' being his favourites).
is your muse affectionate?  how much?  how so?
He can be. But don't expect him to show it in public. Gareth often seems rather cold, but that is just on the outside; when he loves someone, he has a hard time telling them with words. He will gift them books, copy a poem to slip them the note.
what position does your muse sleep in?  
Usually on his right side, facing the bedroom window. It isn't that he doesn't want to cuddle to someone lying in his bed, it is just the position he is used to. He will turn his back on the other person simply because he knows the nightmares he has can get heavy, and he doesn't want to wake the other.
could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Oh, if Bond has fucked up again - yes. Yes, you will hear him down the hallway! He enjoys walking up to someone without them noticing, and suddenly standing behind them, though.
tagged by/stolen: @richardxoliverxmayhew tagging: @tealeavesandthorns @brokenthimbles @doctorveranair @jo-m-portman-rp @xseen2muchx @mr007pennyworth @jamesbloodybond @chiefofstafftanner @agent-scotch @kingofthewebxxx and everyone I forgot!
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beybeys-world · 2 years
Could you please do another Gareth one please! It could be fluff or smut! Thanks :)
Gareth Dating HCS/ scenarios
Hello Anon!! Just a disclaimer to you I dont write smut and the Gareth fiction you saw was a reblog of another wonderful creator! (Full credits to them on the post!)
Warnings: mentions PDA and kissing, slight cursing, fluff, No pronouns mentioned, mentions to It (2017)
Masterlist, Request Guidelines, Request box
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When it comes to liking you I feel like hes one to just keep you as a hallway crush at first. Just embracing your presence from afar. He believes, it wont get any farther than you not knowing he exists, so he just accepts his fate. That is until he is forced by hellfire to stop being a "bitchboy" and make the first move.
His first move would be him slipping cute little "secret admirer" notes in your locker. He waits behind a wall near your locker and likes to see your cute reaction once you read it.
Before you started talking he subtly asked about you through your friends to learn about your interests. When he first sparks up conversation, (which he practiced in the mirror multiple times before doing so) he begins to talk about your favorite albums or compliment something you enjoy! His research shocks you but creates a bond between you both.
I'll leave how you both started dating up to you and your imagination or another fic but, he is a wonderful boyfriend.
Even if you don’t ask, Gareth is big on gift giving. He doesn't expect anything back (just your company) but some gifts might include...
Custom Mix tapes with your favorite songs, and songs that remind him of you, lots of love songs, maybe even drum covers if he has the equipment.
Pins LOTS AND LOTS of them.
Something you eyed in a store or happy ranted about
His necklaces or a matching one
Rings!! (i feel like hes a big ring guy)
More about rings...
He plays with yours if you wear any. Likes to swap rings (sometimes he gets it stuck on his fingers since your ring sizes are different)
He also seems like one to wear your ring on a necklace to show off to the club.
Gareth puts up a resting bitch face, but MELTS into your presence because he can't help himself to smile at you. Your perfect and how can he keep a tight frown when you're in the same radius as him?
I just have a strong feeling Gareth is a big music junkie so, music everywhere ALL the time. Portable music player, loud speaker, car stereo, etc.
He breaks his walk man often by jabbing it, if it isn't working (sometimes it fixes itself other times it breaks)
WILL JUMP SCARE YOU!! He feels guilty about it after and brings into a hug and twirls you around while pecking your cheek.
"I’m sorry babyyy, your reactions are just too cute, I had to"
(like Ben from IT 2017) I firmly believe Gareth is a secret New Kids On The Block fan thanks to his little sister(s). He refuses to tell anyone in hellfire about it and doesn't even tell you! You found out while looking through his tapes. The poor guy is super embarrassed about it and makes you swear not to tell anyone.
Gareth is a big brother and loves his younger siblings to death.
His siblings adore you, and like to make childish jokes about you and Gareth.
Very bubbly and funny with you. He feels most comfortable and most like himself when around you.
The type to sing into a hairbrush and give a dramatic performance in his room with you and you only.
Speaking of hair! He has a unbelievable amount of hair products and has a full routine that he is very proud of!
He adores when you ruffle his hair and will even place your hand on top of his head while cuddling, signaling you to ruffle his hair
May not be THE strongest, but will do his best to gut ANYONE who makes you uncomfortable.
Has little to no clothes that ARENT flannel.
Encourages you to let him teach you how to play drums!
You sit on his lap while his hands are on yours, slowly moving to the rhythm. Gets distracted sometimes and just melts into your touch and kisses your neck.
Would learn your favorite song on drums to impress you.
As much as he loves his drums, you could light them on fire and he wouldn't bat an eye. (he is WHIPPED for you)
Bonus points for you if you play guitar or even drums!! He loves watching you play, no matter how skilled you are,
At Corroded Coffin shows, he gets PUMPED to see you in the crowd and is immediately a static ball of energy. (to which Eddie needs to tell him to chill tf out)
Honestly, he always gets pumped to see you and starts doing happy jumps and smiles ear to ear.
Saves heavy PDA for more private areas but always has physical contact with you. He likes to know your with him!
Very respectful around adults, more importantly your parents/guardians. Ex. “uhm.. hello Ms. L/N, is Y/n available?”
Overall, Gareth is the sweetest boyfriend, like EVER. 
I HOPE THIS WAS ENJOYABLE ANON!! I have SOOOO much more Gareth head canons so feel free to request Gareth! (I am chronically head over heels for him right now) My master list and request box are both open and are linked at the top of this post! Thank you for supporting my writing! Have a wonderful day or night!
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Hellfire's Crew}
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Program: Every ship needs a dedicated crew to keep her afloat in dangerous tides. Every captain needs a loyal crew to rely on. Introducing the phantom crew of Hellfire.
Counselors: Pirate! Eddie Munson
Genre: Fluff, Headcanon
Camp Upside Down Masterlist
Counselor Notes: Just a little continuation of my blurb from last night. Also, I'm naming the "unknown freak" in Eddie's friend group/corroded coffin, Sebastian. I just wanted to think about the four of their roles on the ship. I might add on the younger ST kids in another hc.
Captain Edward Munson, Shepard of Lost Souls
One of the newest captains to navigate the seas, Captain Munson has already begun to make a name for himself. Calm and collected while guiding his misfit crew to lost riches. Strategic during seafaring battles and resourceful when figuring out how to best escape capture. Eddie invites new crew members after scouring the waters for any survivors from wrecks or burning ship remains after battle. He's not necessarily forgiving or ruthless, but he treats his crew with respect and care while trying to keep control of his ship. When not at the wheel of the ship, Eddie slinks back to his quarters and surrounds himself with maps, worn book, a repaired guitar, and tobacco to rest.
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First Mate Jeff
The only person on board the Hellfire to see how the galleon received its name after one fatal night with Captain Munson. Knowledgable of the ins and outs of pirate politics as well as the current turmoil on land. Well versed in the fading lore and feared legends to help prepare and plan their quests. Jeff is the only crew mate who has been with Eddie from the start, and he knows how to read the captain to a tee. Put of the entire galleon, Jeff is the only who would dare go toe to toe with Eddie when the captain gets in one of his shut off moods and is quick with his silver tongue.
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Navigator Gareth
Since he was a child, Gareth has always been described as "his head's in the clouds". And, he's finally found his spot among the stars on Hellfire. His belt is weighed down by all his time pieces and navigation tools. Trusted with all the maps and threatens anyone who dares tries to mess with/take them. The one redcoat who attempted to take the scared paper met a gruesome demise at the shaking hands of Gareth. Doesn't want to get into altercations or fights, but he is willing to lay down his life if it means taking secret information to the grave than giving it up. During days of rest, Gareth's lips are the loosest and most likely to start singing a terrible tune.
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Lead Gunner Sebastian
It's as if this man has been possessed by the spirit of ruthless gunner. On days of rest, Sebastian teetering on a barrel sharing stories of beautiful people and terrifying pirates. During battles, he barks out orders and bites back at the ship who dares attack them. Skilled in almost all firearms, Sebastian is able to defend the ship and crew within whatever means possible. He's often found at his work table covered in new soot trying to prototype a new explosion.
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