#Gaon fluff
puppyluvfics · 3 months
A Hard Day's Night | XH OT6 Reaction
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OT6 | non idol!au (kinda? nothing is implied either way) WC: 3.5k (500-600 per member) Genre: FLUFF Summary: OT6 reactions to you coming home crying Warnings: none I think? light angst but nothing bad... lmk if I missed something! partially proofread! A/N: this made me so soft... wahh :<< thank u anonie for the req!
It had been a long day, to put it nicely. You had held it in as much as you could, with small sniffles occasionally leaving you on the drive home, which you could easily pass off as allergies. Still, as you pushed your keys into the knob, you felt your chest tighten with that all-too-familiar feeling. You cleared your throat, trying to push away the feeling, pushing the door open.
“I’m home…” You called out, your voice a bit hoarse and raw. 
“Hey babe!” Gunil called back, his voice coming from the kitchen. You took a deep, shaky breath, shutting the door behind you, taking your shoes off, padding softly into the living room, sitting on the couch, and putting your head in your hands. You heard his footsteps get a bit closer, a small kiss being pressed on the top of your head as he made his way around to sit next to you.
“Woah, hey, you okay?” He asked, sitting down next to you, his hand finding its way to your knee. You nod your head, yes, but that doesn’t stop the tears from falling and the sniffles from leaving your nose.
“You don’t sound very okay... What’s going on?” He said, rubbing your knee softly. 
"Nothing,” you said, trying to push it down, but he could see right through you. 
“Hey, look at me.” He said, tenderly, letting you take your time lifting your head. His heart ached when he saw the tears running down your cheeks, and he reached out, cupping your face with his hands. “Hey, there you are. What’s going on, pretty baby?” He asked, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs, wiping away your tears. His voice was soft, warm, and quiet. You shook your head softly, with more tears falling down your cheeks. 
“Long day?” He asked, letting you go through the motions while still trying to assess the situation. You nodded as he wiped a few more tears from your cheek. “Oh, my poor baby. Come here.” He said, pulling you into his chest, leaning back on the couch, shifting so you were lying between his legs. Your arms wrapped around his waist, and his found their way around your shoulders, letting you get it out, his hands occasionally rubbing your back or toying with your hair. After a while, when your soft sobs subsided and you were left with shaky but steady breaths, he patted your back softly. 
“Better?” His voice was still warm and soft, soothing your internal turmoil. You nodded, meaning it a little more than the first time he asked. He smiled softly, coaxing you to look up at him by putting his fingers under your chin. “How are you still so beautiful?” he asked, a small chuckle filling the otherwise silent room. You rolled your eyes playfully, adjusting your body so you could look at him properly. 
“You’re the beautiful one, you know. Taking care of me like this...” You said, your eyes meeting his with nothing but love and admiration for him.
“Loving you is easier than breathing, sunshine. We can both be beautiful.” He said, his hand petting your hair softly. You smiled at the contact and his words, too exhausted from the day to fight back in your usual playful manner. 
“Come on, let’s go be beautiful together and get you something to eat and get you some water.” He said, before pulling you into a small, tender kiss.
You didn’t mean to slam the door when you got home, honestly. Jungsu was in your shared bedroom, working on something on the computer, and if it hadn’t been for the reverb of the slam against the wall, he wouldn’t have even noticed you were home. Curiously, he took his headphones off and walked out to the living room, where frustrated tears streamed down your cheeks. The last thing you needed after today was the laces of your shoes to be knotted, yet here you were, trying to force them apart.
Without saying anything, he approached you softly, letting you know of his presence with a bit more weight, not wanting to scare you or make anything worse. 
“Do you need help?” He asked softly, squatting next to you, noticing the hot tears streaking down your cheeks. Everything in you wanted to say no; you wanted to be independent and have control of the situation. But even you knew when to give up. And so you nodded softly, letting yourself softly fall onto your butt onto the floor. He followed suit, sitting next to you.
“Can I?” He asked, not wanting to overstep. You nodded with a heavy sigh. He nodded back in acknowledgment, his fingers slowly and easily undoing the knot in your shoelaces, pulling your shoes off and putting them by the door next to his. You let out a small scoff, frustrated that you had let yourself get to this point. 
“Hey, no, none of that.” He said, hearing your scoff, as he helped you up to your feet. “Bad day, huh?” He asked, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“You have no idea.” You said into his chest. His lips found their way to your forehead, leaving a small, loving, lingering kiss. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, not pushing either way. 
“No, not right now.” You admitted, your arms finally wrapping around him. 
“That’s okay. What can I do for you, then, baby? Name it, and I’ll do it.” He said, his voice sincere and full of love. He always offered to do ‘anything’ but he always meant it, good days or bad. You hummed, your fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt. 
“Can we watch that movie I’ve been wanting to see? I saw that they put it on Netflix the other day.” You asked softly.
“Of course we can. Come on.” He said, without hesitating. He interlaced your fingers, dragging you to the bedroom, sitting you on the bed. “Get comfy; I’ll be back soon.” He said. Sure enough, no more than 20 minutes later, he came back with his arms full of sweets, popcorn he had popped in the microwave, water, and your favorite drink, just as a little extra treat. He settled in next to you, arranging the snacks in front of you, wrapping one arm around your shoulder, and pulling you close to him. “I love you; you know that, right?” He asked, planting a small kiss on your temple. 
“I do. I love you too; you know that, right?” You asked, mirroring his words. He laughed softly, kissing your temple again. He did know that, and even on your bad days, he felt it more than anything.
Gaon, ever the energetic one, never passed up an opportunity to greet you at the door whenever you came home; it didn’t matter where you came from. Be it work, out with friends, or just some time alone, he was always there waiting for you, ready to shower you in love and ask about how it went. So when you came home in tears, shoving past him wordlessly, he knew something was wrong—seriously wrong. 
“Wh- hello??” He said, watching you shove past him and walk directly into your shared bedroom, slamming the door behind you. He stood there, bewildered for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. After a moment, he turned on his heels, following in your tracks and knocking on the door. “Babe?” He called through the door, his heart aching as he heard sobs wrack your body.
“Baby? Can I come in?” He asked again after a moment, listening intently. 
“It’s open.” You mumbled flatly into the pillow. He pushed the door open slowly, taking in the scene in front of him. God, did it hurt his heart to see you like this. It was a rare sight. His lips curled into a small frown, and he stepped into the room, slowly walking over to you. 
“What’s going on?” He asked, his tone more worried than accusatory. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it, or rather, not really being able to. Whenever you opened your mouth, another sob fell from your lips into the pillow, which only tugged at his heart strings. He sat next to you on the edge of the bed, not wanting to overwhelm you but still wanting to be near you as much as possible. “Shh, it’s okay; take your time.” He said, his hand slowly coming down to rub your back, his thumb occasionally rubbing smaller circles in its trail.
“I’m just so tired.” You managed as your breath steadied, tears still falling from your eyes. 
“Emotionally or physically?” He asked while nodding his head in acknowledgment. You hadn’t been sleeping well the last few days, and while he took notice, he didn’t want to make you feel like he was controlling you by telling you to go to sleep at a certain time, the same way he didn’t want you doing the same to him.
“Both, I guess.” You mumbled. He nodded again, his hand rubbing up and down your back with a bit more pressure. 
“I get that. Do you wanna talk about it? Or just take a nap, and then we’ll talk about it later?” He offered, giving you the majority of the control in this situation. You didn’t have to answer verbally; your tugs on his arm were more than enough. He chuckled softly, lying next to you, pulling you flush against his body and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. One hand continued to rub up and down your back at a slow pace, the other slowly raking through your hair. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” He whispered as your breathing steadied, his whispers of love and safety lulling you into a much-needed nap.
If there was one person in the world who made you feel the safest, it was Seungmin. You had texted him before you headed home that today was just the worst; your lack of emojis really punctuated the severity. The drive home was silent save for your occasional sniffles and labored breathing, your knuckles turning white from your grip on the steering wheel. You just wanted to get home. 
And home was waiting for you. The second you pushed the door open, there stood Seungmin, arms open, waiting for you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, finally releasing all of the pent-up emotion from the day, clinging to him so hard that you were afraid that if you let go, he would disappear. His chin rested on top of your head, one hand rubbing your back and the other carefully nestled in the nape of your neck, pulling you as close to him as possible. 
“I’ve got you. You’re okay.” He said, walking the two of you over to the couch, taking small steps so you didn’t trip. He laid down carefully, making sure you were comfortable the entire time, his arms cradling you. You were his baby in every sense. He let you go through the motions yourself, laying beneath you as your rock, wiping your tears and whatever snot had come from your nose, his eyes never faltering in their pure adoration of you. 
When you had calmed down enough to talk without hyperventilating, he sat up, sitting you up with him, pulling you into his lap, pressing his chest against your back, and resting his head on your shoulder. “There’s my baby. I’m proud of you.”
“For crying?” You asked, scoffing just a touch.
“For letting me take care of you.” He said, his tone stern but loving. It’s not that you didn’t let him take care of you often—quite the opposite, actually. He was always doting on you, pampering and spoiling you. Still, he loved to remind you that he was thankful for the opportunity, grateful and appreciative that you let him in and let him help you as opposed to shutting him out, which would be much easier to do. 
You nodded at his words, acknowledging them. “Of course, I love you.” You said, your fingers tracing small shapes on his arms that had wrapped themselves around your waist.
“I love you too. So much.” He said into your shoulder, inhaling the lingering smell of your shampoo and conditioner on the ends of your hair. “You smell good.” He said, trying to lighten the mood a touch. You chuckled softly, much to his relief. 
“Thanks,” you said, leaning onto him again and letting out a long, shaky sigh. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, knowing that there were times you did and times you didn’t. He never pushed when you didn’t, but he would always sit attentively when you did.
You nodded. “I think so.” You said, getting comfortable in his lap. He hummed in response, his fingers slowly raking through your hair, parting it, and then mixing it over and over. He knew you liked it but were too shy to ask for it, but the way you relaxed in his touch made him continue, occasionally pulling your hair into a braid or a ponytail before letting it fall again, all the while listening to you talk about what was bothering you and responding when he felt the need to. And so, the night went on like this until the both of you were too sleepy to keep talking but content enough to know that things were going to be okay as long as you had each other.
Junhan was never one to pry, always giving you space when you came home from wherever you were, knowing you needed time to unwind from the world in a quiet place before you were ready to be loved on. But when you came home in near hysterics, he knew that he couldn’t sit there and watch. Still, he didn’t push. He watched carefully, assessing the situation and determining the right time to step in. 
That came when you dropped to your knees by the door a few moments later. He walked over to you quick enough to get to you but not fast enough to overwhelm you, kneeling by your side. 
“Hey, hey, listen to me. Can you do that?” He asked, his voice soft and smooth. Despite your hysterics, you nodded, finding some clarity and light in his presence. “Good, that’s my good baby. I’m here. Just listen. I’m gonna help you stand up, and then we can either sit on the couch, we can go lay down in bed, or we can do whatever works best for you. I’ve got you.” He spoke, his voice still calm and guiding. You nodded, gesturing your head to the couch as best you could. That’s all he needed. 
He stood first, offering both his hands to you and helping you stand up. His thumbs traced over your knuckles gingerly, his lips pressing into your forehead softly. “There you go; you’re doing so well. So so good.” He spoke, his voice quiet but firm. He led you to the couch, his hands never leaving yours. Once you were both sitting comfortably, he placed one hand on your back and one on your chest softly.
“Breathe with me.” He said, his words coming out as more of a gentle command than a question. He exaggerated his own breaths, taking large breaths in through his nose and exhaling them out of his mouth, guiding you to do the same. Once you got a steady rhythm, his breathing returned to normal, but he was still keeping a pace for you to follow if you felt yourself getting lost again. While you breathed, working through sobs and whines, his voice never faltered, the room filling with loving, grounding words. 
“There you go, just like that. You’re doing so good, I’m so proud of you. In and out, there you go. So so good.”
His hands both rubbed in small circular motions, the one on your back going in one direction and the one on your chest going in the other direction, a small way for him to bring you back to the present, grounding you and reminding you that whatever had been bothering you was gone now; all that was left was you and him, and that’s all that mattered in this moment. Once your breathing had returned to a normal, albeit shaky, state, he let his hand fall into your lap, grabbing your hand. 
“Is it a 'talk about it' problem or just a shit day?” He asked, his voice cutting through the silence.
“Shit day.” You replied, your voice hushed, resigned. He hummed in response, his hand moving up to the back of your neck, applying some soft pressure. 
“Do you wanna go to bed and forget about it?” He offered, genuinely. As much as he would love to know what’s going on, knowing wouldn’t make it go away or not happen, and really, all he wanted was to be there for you. You nodded at his question, leaning over and leaving a small kiss on his cheek; it was your wordless way of saying, “I love you.”. 
He helped you to the bedroom, taking special care to help you undress and get into your pajamas, his fingers occasionally rubbing out tense spots on your body in passing. He let you sit on the bed, brushing your hair for you and bringing you whatever you needed from anywhere in the house. His whispers were never silencing, full of praise and love.
It was no secret that Jooyeon was incredibly protective of you. So when you came home with tear stains on your cheeks and fresh tears daring to spill over, his protective side took over immediately. 
When you pushed the door open with a heavy sigh, he immediately hopped up from the couch where he had been relaxing, waiting for you. Without a second thought, he pulled you into his embrace, his arms squeezing your shoulders—admittedly a bit too much, but you didn’t care. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Do I need to do something? Talk to someone?” He said, his voice full of worry and a bit of anger. Not at you, of course; never at you. Still, the fact that someone or something in the world was out there hurting the love of his life was enough for him to be angry. His actions made you chuckle softly—a welcome new feeling from those that had plagued you throughout the day. 
“I’m fine… It’s just been kind of a bad day.” You said, downplaying the situation. Frankly, it was a classic case of Murphy’s Law—everything that could possibly go wrong today did, and then some. 
“You don’t sound fine.” He said, sternly, pressing his chin to the top of your head, trying his best to protect you from everything in the world outside of his embrace. Your arms wrapped around him, and you let your head fall onto his chest. His heartbeat in your ear was a sweet soundtrack of purpose and love. 
“I… I’m not. I will be.” You reassured him. It wasn’t that you didn’t like to be taken care of, but you didn’t like worrying him, and you especially hated feeling pitied by him, despite the fact that he has never done that. He was your person, and you didn’t want to lose that. You wouldn’t, obviously, but the way the day had gone, you were preparing for it. “Just... please don’t leave.” You whispered into the fabric of his shirt. 
He pulled you away softly, keeping his hands on your shoulders. “Why would I ever do that?” He asked, his voice now quiet as well, but serious. There were hints of hurt in his words, but there was a bigger part of him that knew this was just the bad day and anxiety talking, and not that you meant it.
You shook your head softly. “I dunno. I just... everything has gone wrong. It feels like one wrong move, and you’re gone too.” You admitted. His heart ached, and he pulled you into another bone-crushing hug. 
“Oh, my silly baby. You couldn’t get rid of me, even if you tried. I’m here; I’ve got you; I’m not going anywhere.” One of his hands cupped the back of your head, pushing you into him, trapping you in his warmth and safety. 
“Promise?” You asked, your voice small. 
“I promise, with everything in me. The only place I’ll ever go without you is the bathroom.” He joked, trying to lighten the mood. It worked, despite how stupid it was, because you let out a genuine laugh—so much so that you couldn’t even fake a pout about it. 
“I guess I can live with that... Thank you for being here.” You said, your tone turning serious toward the end.
“I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.” He said, kissing the top of your head. “Come on, wanna go lay down and blame all the bad things that happened today on things that have nothing to do with them?” He asked, tilting his head toward the bedroom. You nodded. It was hard to resist his playful way of cheering you up, especially when you knew it was genuine love.
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junhanner · 2 months
Since you asked for requests, I could go for an XH fluff scenario where they realize they have a crush on you☺️ Like, is it something you say or do, or something else what makes them realize it? Thanks in advance 🫶🏻
ask and you shall recieve!!! ଘ(੭´꒳`) my fingers were CROSSED for a xdinary heroes ask omg the prayers worked🤞🤞🤞i had to sit my ass down and WRITE . i love the scenario sm omg😞😞😞
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౨౿ xdinary heroes realising that they have a crush ༘. on you ౨౿
✧ ꒰ঌ gun-il ໒꒱ : he would be so chill about it omg😭😭 when he realized he had a crush on you, he most probably thought “oh it's not going to transform into a bigger crush” like sorry to break it to you gunil it kinda did. And when he would realize it did turn out into a bigger crush this man would be speechless😭. I think he would be the type of person who would try to impress you . From drum covers of your favourite songs to maybe even teaching you the basics of playing drums!! Around the members he would surely say something like “confidence is key” but around you, he would def stumble on his words or embarrass himself omg😭😭😭 when it's about confessing, I think he will 100% either will write a paragraph on his notes app and message it to u or either literally learn it word by word and recite it to you like a poem
✧ ꒰ঌ jungsu ໒꒱ : When he first found out he would be like “oh ok” but as time flies he would realize that he has became down BAD for you😭😭 .. i think he wouldn't really try to impress you as much as the other members.. he would be more of a gift giving / quality time person ^_^ when confessing i am telling u he would most prob SERENADE you😭 would definately sing you a love song or maybe even one he composed for you ….
✧ ꒰ঌ o.de ໒꒱ : CERTIFIED GIFT GIVER. when he realized he has a crush on you, he would def give it a lot of thought before actually confirming he does in fact have a crush on you idk if it makes sense😭 but when he has the chance, he is surely the type that would take you out on movie nights to have fun claiming “this is not a date this is 100% a family friendly hangout between good friends and there's nothing behind it” (he would still call it a date) and when it's about confessing this man is so romantic .. he would literally give his whole salary including his money for food for the perfect confession because if he pulls you who the flip needs food anyway
✧ ꒰ঌ junhan ໒꒱ : shyest boy EVER. when he realizes he has a crush on you he avoids you as much as possible so he won't do anything embarassing in front of you he would be too shy to even look you in the eyes . i think he would be a acts of service or quality time person. like, whenever he would go tk the store he would surely say a quiet “hi im going to the store do you want anything” or when its about quality time i think he would enjoy the most playing videogames with you .his biggest weakness ever would be talking to you😭 he could barely even push out a word out of his mouth when he’s around you so i think confessing would be such a problem to him.. i think one day the members got fed up with this and just messaged you themselves “hey vro junhan likes you” or something they would be so unserious its actually killing me bye💔
✧ ꒰ঌ gaon ໒꒱ : HE WOULD BE SO UNSERIOUS HELP. The second he would realize he likes you, he would 100% google up “cool pickup lines that work and make your crush fall in love with you no clickbait real confirmed “ when he would be around you, he would surely do INSANE things to try to impress you.. mf would pull the fire alarm at the jyp building risking his job just to impress you😭😭🙏 i think when it's about confessing this would be the only scenario where he would actually be serious and not crack a joke after saying i like you this man would crack a joke even at a funeral to try making the people there feel better. (spoiler alert it did not help them)
✧ ꒰ঌ jooyeon ໒꒱ : who is the person in xdinary heroes who would literally make himself look stupid just for you to laugh, and why is it jooyeon. when he would first realize he has a crush on you he would say something to himself along the lines of “u can do this bro” to try talking to you . when i tell u he could actually end up in the hospital but his ass wouldn't give a flying flip as long as he made you laugh or giggle for atleast a second. the type of person who would also search up stuff on google but this time confessions.. he would invite you at literally MCDONALD'S dressed up in a suit and saying the most poetric shit you have ever heard .
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a/n : i’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes english is not my first language😞
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bruh-2004 · 3 months
I need xdh as boyfriends/how they are like as boyfriends!😭🙏🙏
You hit my weak spot with that idea 😭😭😭 spoiler: I wanted them as my boyfriends
Let's go then, I hope you like it!!
JUNGSU: the type of boyfriend who is clingy and romantic without a doubt, Jungsu would love to bring flowers to his beloved simply because he felt like it, would love to go on walks on free days and take pictures of her to keep in his private album. Jungsu would help with household chores, try to teach some choreographies, and would love cuddling movie sessions 😭😭
GAON: he would be the funny and smart boyfriend, they wouldn't have boring or sad days with him!!! Gaon would definitely do everything to make his partner smile and laugh every day, PC or video game sessions would happen frequently!! And he would be very helpful in helping with university lessons, or fixing things that break in the house
JOOYEON: he would be the kind of childish and whiny boyfriend, he would want to play around and keep asking for affection in the most whiny and cute way, pouting and puppy eyes. But Jooyeon would be a great boyfriend, helpful and fun, he would be there all the time!!
JUNHAN: shy and cute boyfriend!!!!! I can only imagine him being the most adorable boyfriend in the world, the type that turns red with compliments and stolen kisses (but deep down he would love all of this), he would also be very helpful and would help his beloved to cook and clean the house. Junhan would offer to teach her to play the guitar with all care and affection... Definitely the relationship would be true and lasting
O.DE: fitness athlete and very affectionate!!!! In fact, I think he would be quite responsible and a little jealous, Seungmin would be there to do the heavy lifting and take care of his partner. He would help her to exercise and take care of her health, taking her with him to the gym. But he would also be fun and funny, making the person laugh many times a day.
GUNIL: ok, we reached my weak point... In my view he would be the perfect boyfriend!!!! He would be extremely affectionate and loving, asking for and giving kisses, hugs, caresses and everything good!! He would also take his partner to the gym and help her with every exercise. He would love to go on walks, watch romance movies and play board games... In short, he would be the most sincere and passionate person 🤧
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xhfics · 5 months
Your camera roll when dating XH
Jiseok (gaon)
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83 notes · View notes
Xdinary Heroes Reaction ✧ Shutting them up with a kiss
✧ Xdinary Heroes all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: fluff, reaction ✧ warnings: none
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he’s been rambling about god knows what for at least half an hour
and as much as you enjoy listening to his endless supply of stories, you’re a bit tired today and it’s starting to get too much 
not wanting to disappoint him, you wonder if you could come up with an excuse to ask him to stop talking
when no words come to mind, you get a different idea
mid sentence you lean in and place a kiss on his lips
he’s stunned for several moments, not having expected a kiss at all
and while he does seem happy about it, there’s no way he’d let anything keep him from finishing his story cjbxnxnx
“Uhm, babe… I was about to make a point here, so…”
simply keeps talking????
so you do the same again and this time he continues his story as soon as your lips leave his kasjlöfksa
you’re gonna have to give him more than a couple of pecks to shut him up for good
he’s scolding you for something minor like you forgetting to put your dishes away
and you get that he’d be mad about it if it was something that happened frequently, but this is the first time you forgot about something like that since you have started dating
so you get a feeling he’s not actually as mad at you as he seems, and instead he must be overall stressed
you do try to apologize but he just keeps complaining, his frustration only growing
and so you decide to kiss him in order to make him stop
he’s surprised when you briefly press your lips against his, and when you can see that he’s still upset, you give him another kiss
kissing him properly this time, you can finally feel him relax against you
you can immediately see regret in his eyes as he opens them to look at you
“I’m better now… sorry for taking it out on you. I shouldn’t have done that.”
he apologizes with his head hanging low, unable to even look at you now
however, you simply offer him a hug, telling him that you understand
you’re having kind of a play fight that’s getting way too competitive
at this point you’re not even sure what you’re arguing about anymore, you just know it was something utterly insignificant
getting kind of tired of it now while Jiseok just gets more and more into it, you decide to put an end to it at once
so you lean in and before he can realize what’s happening, your lips are already pressed against his
blinks a few times and looks at you with raised eyebrows after you pull back, trying to understand what just happened
is definitely blushing and stutters on for a while, before he pulls himself together
then you just see him smiling mischievously as he continues talking, and you just know he’s up to something
just when you sigh and want to walk away, he grabs your hand, suddenly seeming sulky
“I thought you’d keep kissing me if I continued rambling!”
you let out a huge sigh at his logic, but can’t help the smile creeping onto your lips because of his innocence
you attempt to argue back, but now it’s you who doesn’t know what to say
so you simply give in and fulfill his wish, because who are you to say no to an invitation for more kisses from your boyfriend?
you can see that your boyfriend is bothered about something
you figure it would help him if he talked about it to get it all out, so you keep nagging him about it until finally he sits down with you and explains his problem to you
however, once he starts talking he can’t stop, and you can see the exact moment the conversation isn’t helpful to him anymore 
instead, he starts agonizing about it instead
though you try to make him see things from a different perspective, it doesn’t help him much
so you realize you have to do something else if you want to help him
you simply lean in and kiss him softly, trying to convey to him how much you care
he immediately kisses you back, as if he was thankful that you shut him up
after kissing him for a while, he seems to have calmed down a bit and his frown disappears as you pull back
you suggest doing something fun instead, but he’s quick to snake his arms around you, pulling you close
“I think I prefer some more kisses, actually…”
and so you simply smile at him, cupping his face in your hands
and then you kiss him again
is giving you a detailed explanation about something guitar related
you have been curious so you thought you could simply ask your boyfriend about it!
you think the way he’s really getting into it is super adorable, and the happy smile on his face as he talks makes you happy as well
that’s until suddenly, you get an idea
without thinking about the consequences, you lean in, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips mid-sentence
he’s completely stunned when you pull back, taking some time to recollect himself before complaining
“I was talking!! You didn’t have to-” - his voice goes higher and higher until eventually words fail him and his ears are beet red
whines at you now as he can’t handle the embarrassment - and he’s also a tiny bit frustrated that you interrupted him
so you take his silence as an opportunity to simply kiss him again
and he does kiss you back, but once you give him an opening he will just whine again
in the end he makes you assure him that you were just messing with him and didn’t get bored of his explanations
you give him a few more kisses as an apology
it started as a normal conversation that somehow took a detour in his head
and now you have no idea what he’s talking about anymore
you just know he’s excited and trying his best to get his point across
and somehow that’s just very endearing to you
not to say you’re getting a little carried away by his smile and childlike excitement reflecting in his eyes
but you are getting carried away by exactly that jdhdndn
and before you know it, you find yourself leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips, shutting him up in the process
he blinks at you once, and then twice, gaping because he did not see that coming and you have successfully interrupted his train of thought
has no idea what he was talking about anymore and then suddenly gets very quiet
“Sorry, I got a little too carried away there…”
awkwardly scratches the back of his head as you assure him that you don’t mind, he was just too cute and you couldn’t help yourself
he absolutely lights up at you calling him cute and then demands more kisses while pouting
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gingerjunhan · 5 months
dirty little secret (pt.2) - kwak jiseok
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☆彡 Part to is now here!! Sorry it took so long- I had to finish a year of college! Haha!
word count: 1,723 | pronouns used: none | genre: slight angst, then suggestive, then fluffy, college!au | cws: toxic relationship kinda, swearing, drinking, drugs (mentioned), make out session, not proofread, lmk if I missed something!!
part one here!!
Since dumping Jiseok, you’ve come to the unfortunate conclusion that you live on a college campus- thus meaning that you see him everywhere. He was in your organic chemistry class, he was on sports teams, and that stupid band he and his buddies made just had to be good. It made you furious- of course he had to be a campus celebrity. Everybody knew him, and of course, they all thought he was the sweetest guy ever. It was infuriating.
“Come on, (Y/N)!” Your friend urged, “You’ve been hung up on this all week!”
“So?” You rolled your eyes, “Am I not allowed to hate the campus golden boy?” You were strewn across your friend's dorm room bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to forget the events of the week.
“You can be mad all you want,” your friend continued, “but you cannot let it ruin our evening.”
You pulled your head up. “What do you mean?”
Your friend looked back at you, giving you a cheeky smile. “I got invited to a party and I was told I could bring a friend if I wanted.”
“No way,” you shake your head, letting it fall back down again. “You know that isn’t my scene.”
“Come on, (Y/N)...” your friend whined. “So a guy was an asshole to you one time? So what!? There will always be more boys, so why don’t we go out tonight and try to find you someone better?”
Despite your reluctance to spend your evening in a room full of drunken strangers, finding a new man to occupy your thoughts for a while didn’t sound like a bad idea.
You let out a groan of compliance, “Fine… I’ll come along.”
Your friend let out a cheer and pulled you up off the mattress, tearing you from your state of sulking. “Come on! Let’s find you an outfit!”
The party was in full swing by the time you had arrived. “Fashionably late,” as your friend said. Once inside, your friend gave you a smile.
“Do you want a drink?” They asked with a giggle.
You gave it some thought. Did you normally drink? No. Has this week been a normal week? Also no. “Sure,” you reply with a small smile. Your friend beams at you, offering up a quick “I’ll be right back!” before disappearing into the crowd.
You weren’t always the most social, and you can count the number of parties you’ve been to on one hand. So now that you were left to your own devices, you did what many would argue you do best: awkwardly wait around and really say much. You kept to yourself, finding an interest in the wood grain of the floor, trying to decide what sort of alcohol had been spilled a few feet away from you based on its color. However, your trance of trying to decipher the alcohol content of the floor was rudely interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Well I never assumed you’d be a partier.”
Fuck. You turned around to see Jiseok behind you with a smug look on his face and a drink in his hand.
“And I thought I’d never have to talk to you again,” you say sarcastically. “Looks like tonight is full of surprises.” You rolled your eyes and turned around, planning on making your way to the kitchen to find your friend.
Once inside the kitchen, your friend thrusts a drink into your hand and looks at you wide eyed. “Were you just talking with Jiseok?”
“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes. “He cracked some stupid joke about me being here.” You took a sip of your drink. It tasted like lemonade.
“Well what did you say?” Your friend asked.
“Something to get him to shut up, hopefully,” a voice chimed in from a few feet away before you could answer. The two of you turned to see Jungsu leaning on a counter in the kitchen, with Gunil sitting on the counter next to him hoarding a bowl of chips from the rest of the party-goers.
“What do you mean?” You asked them.
“He won’t stop talking about you,” Gunil spoke, his mouth full of chips. Jungsu grimaced at his poor manners.
“Ever since you dumped him he’s done nothing but nope around at rehearsals,” Jungsu added.
“You knew we were dating?”
“Yeah,” he continued. “But not until it was too late. He showed up really upset the one day, so when we asked what was wrong he told us the story. We all told him that it was his fault.” Gunil nodded next to him. You had only spoken to Jungsu once- maybe twice- so you were shocked by his honesty.
“Besides,” Gunil chimed in. “You’re pretty hot, so that’s his loss.” Gunil laughed loudly before eating some more chips. Jungsu rolled his eyes.
“You’ll have to excuse him,” he sighed. “I’m his babysitter for the evening and I accidentally let him have one too many.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle. Between Gunil’s drunken banter, and knowing that Jiseok also wanted you back, you had to admit that you were starting to feel a little better. “You really blamed him?” You asked.
“Oh yeah,” the two boys said in unison.
“I don’t really know why he thought we would care who he dates. It’s not really our business,” Jungsu said simply. “We shouldn’t determine who he dates.”
“Well Jooyeon didn’t seem too fond of me,” you say as you take another sip of your drink. Jungsu laughed dryly.
“Honestly, Jooyeon is high most of the time. He claims it’s to “mellow him out,” but I think it just makes him more of a bitch,” he snorted. “Whatever he said or did to you wasn’t intentional. Promise.”
You turn to your friend (who you now notice has been eyeing Jungsu up the whole time) and shrug, silently asking what your next move should be.
“Don’t look at me,” they add quickly. “This is all up to you- but definitely give it some thought. Would you really want to date a guy who was too embarrassed to tell people you were together?”
You sigh. While, yes, that is a good point, you really can’t help but feel drawn to Jiseok again. Like a moth to a flame, you felt a little too willing to risk getting burnt again. So, despite your better judgment, you left the kitchen to go find Jiseok again.
When you found him, Jiseok was reffing a game of beer pong. Next to him, was Jooyeon who, low and behold, was high as a kite.
“Jiseok,” you called from the doorway. He instinctively looked in your direction, and you waved him over with a stern look on your face. “We need to talk.” Jooyeon gave him an annoyed look, but after some whispered words between them, Jiseok made his way over to you.
“What’s up?” He asked, voice soft compared to the noise of the room.
“I want an apology,” you stated simply. “A real one.”
He paused, looking in your eyes and clearly trying to collect himself. Maybe you were imagining it, but for a split second he looked genuinely upset. “Can we go somewhere more private?”
You shook your head, “Fine.” Jiseok led you through the house and into a bathroom, closing the door behind you and locking it. He took a deep breath before looking you in the eye again.
“(Y/N),” he began, “Listen… I… I’m so sorry,” he said with a twinge of sadness in his voice. “Really, I am. What I did was wrong and unfair to you. I shouldn’t have made you feel that way.”
“Then why did you do it?” You ask. “Why make me feel bad for being myself?”
Your words seem to strike a chord in him, and he’s at a loss for words for a second. “I… I don’t know,” he admits softly. “I’m sorry.” A sigh escapes his lips after you don’t respond. He looks to the floor. “Can I make it up to you? Please?”
“Make it up to me?” You ask. “How?”
The small twinge of sadness that you saw mere moments ago in Jiseok’s eyes was replaced with something else now. Something darker that you weren’t quite sure you’ve ever seen before. He took a step closer to you, placing a hand on your hip.
“Please,” he mumbled as he leaned closer to you, the scent of alcohol lingering in his breath, “Let me fix this.” Against both of your better judgements, Jiseok’s lips land on yours, with one hot kiss slowly transforming into many. His breath mixed with yours as your lips chased each other’s. The lemonade taste that lingered on your tongue soon mixed with whatever was on his. “I wanna take you out again,” he sighed between kisses. “Wanna let everyone know that you’re mine.”
You sighed into his mouth, now grasping at his shoulders. “You mean it this time?”
He pulls away from your mouth, looking you in the eye. He takes a deep breath before speaking, and you choose to ignore the wandering thought in the back of your head that wants to know if he’s just catching his breath or buying time before he answers. He begins to nod slowly. “Yeah,” he says breathlessly, blinking at you. “I’m serious.”
You smile, about to lean in again when the doorknob to the bathroom jiggles.
“We’re busy!” Jiseok calls, leaning in and capturing your lips again.
“C’mon man! I gotta take a piss!”
Jiseok pulled away for you with a sigh at the sound of Gunil’s drunken voice. You, on the other hand, couldn’t help but laugh. Jiseok took his hands off of you, making his way to the door and unlocking it. “Great timing,” he said sarcastically.
“Thanks,” Gunil sneered back. “Now move.” He shoved past him, making his way into the bathroom, which you quickly took as an indication to get out. Once outside, you and Jiseok turned to each other, and laughter bubbles out of your chest once again. Jiseok shook his head, wrapping an arm around your waist and heading back out to the main rooms of the party.
“I’m really surprised you just let me kiss you like that,” Jiseok marveled.
“What did I tell you?” You smiled over at him, “tonight is full of surprises.”
taglist: @mon2sunjinsuver , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , @odesonnets , @weluvjeong , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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slytherinshua · 8 months
genre. smau. oneshot. highschool au. fluff. pining (gaon lmao). meetcute(?). beomgyu mvp. warnings. lots of swearing. reader plays piano. ignore the timestamps pls. pairing. gaon x fem!reader. featuring. yunjin (lsfm). lily (nmixx). jungsu & jooyeon (xdh). beomgyu & (briefly) kai (txt). a/n. will dedicate this to @haecien bcuz he is my favorite gaon enjoyer :D i hope you like this cien ily <33 this is my first smau but honestly it was so fun to make so hopefully i'll be making more in the future 😍
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↳ xdh taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @haecien,, @weird-bookworm
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grunge-innie · 2 years
Hey, hey, hey, hiii. How are you?
I like a lot your hadcanons and the way you write them and I loved it sm.
So, I was going to ask you if you could do some headcanons of how the xh guys would react to his s/o crying in bed trying not to let them know lol.
A/N:Thank you so much for requesting this was such a cute and comforting request so I really enjoyed writing it.
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XDH reacting to their s/o crying
Pairings:OT6 x GN!reader
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⋆。 °✩ Gun-il would act confident but on the inside he wouldn't know what to do.
⋆。 °✩ He would come home after a long day and he didn't find you in the living room where you would usually wait for him so he was a little confused.
⋆。 °✩ He decided to check in your room where he found you laying down in your bed,your back facing the door,so he just assumed you fell asleep.
⋆。 °✩ He decided to leave you to rest,when all of a sudden he heard sniffles coming from the bed.
⋆。 °✩ Gun-il slowly approached the bed and sat next to you.
"You know I'm a great cuddler"He said staring off into the space
You just turned around and looked at him with confusion written all over your face.
"I mean if you want,we could cuddle and if you're comfortable we can talk about what's bothering you"
You just smiled at his attempt at comforting you and cuddled into his chest
"You really don't know how to do this,do you?"
"No,not really"
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⋆。 °✩ He is such a sweetheart.
⋆。 °✩ He would offer to do anything for you,like he would be your personal helper.
⋆。 °✩ You start to cough a little he all of a sudden has water in his hands,you start to sniffle,he has a tissue in his hands.
⋆。 °✩ You can't hide your feelings from him,he can just feel the shift in the air when he comes home and you aren't waiting for him,so he is already prepared.
"Do you need anything else,baby"
"Jungsu,I can do it myself,I swear"
"No,you'll get whatever you want from me until I can see a big wide smile on your face."He said slowly lifting up the corners of your lips to make you smile.
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⋆。 °✩ The protective bf part 1
⋆。 °✩ This man would be ready to throw hands at whoever hurt you.
⋆。 °✩ After seeing you crying his heart broke into million pieces
⋆。 °✩ He would be the one needing more calming down then you would,to the point that you forget what you were upset about
"Calm down Gaon"
"I'm not gonna calm down until I find the person who hurt you"
"Hey,It's alright"You said coming up to him and rubbing his arms in a comforting way.
"Do you wanna cuddle?"
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⋆。 °✩ Protective bf part 2
⋆。 °✩ He would definitely be upset but not as much as Gaon is.
⋆。 °✩ His first priority is to comfort you and then find a person who dared to hurt you.
⋆。 °✩ But even when he is pissed he looks calm on the outside.
⋆。 °✩ Whoever dared to hurt you better run because O.de will find them
"You are so cute,even when you cry"He said wiping your tears off.
"You are worth so much"
"You mean everything to me"
"I love you so much"
"Do you know where my baseball bat is?"
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⋆。 °✩ He doesn't know what he's doing,but he is trying his best.
⋆。 °✩ He is the type of person that would offer you water if you started crying(same tho)
⋆。 °✩ He feels much better if you just throw yourself at him and hug him.
⋆。 °✩ That way he can't mess up or be awkward
⋆。 °✩ He would definitely give you back rubs
"Well personally I think you're amazing"JunHan said as he rubbed your back while your head was burried in his neck
"I'm glad you think so."
"How could I not,I mean you are the best thing that has ever happened to me"He pulled away from you to show you his reassuring smile.Which just made you want to kiss him...so you did ;)
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⋆。 °✩ His one and only priority is to comfort you.
⋆。 °✩ Whatever he is doing he is leaving it to comfort you.
⋆。 °✩ Much like Jungsu,he can just feel when you're feeling sad(he says it's bcs you are soulmates)
⋆。 °✩ Really good at comforting and cuddling,when you put that together you get a perfect bf material
"You are so strong baby and I'm proud of whatever you do,don't you ever forget that." Jooyeon said squeezing you and showering you in his affection.
"I just love you so much"
"Jooyeon you're choking me"
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joobywooby · 2 months
Coming home from tour: Gaon / Jiseok
No warnings, just pure fluff
Gaon x reader <3
Read Jooyeon’s here!
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“Dude, would you be still? We’re about to land you need to stay in your seat until it’s time to get off”, Seungmin warns gently, softly smacking Jiseok’s arm to get him to focus. His mind had been in the clouds since checking out of their hotel in Japan. After their last show, all he could think about was being back in your arms. Now that the time was almost here, it was for sure the forefront thing on his mind.
Getting off the plane, he makes his way towards the luggage pickup, quickly grabbing it without much thought, losing the rest of the group to head to the entrance of the airport. His mind begins to race as he looks around at the sea of people walking around. Had you gotten lost, forgotten about him? That’s impossible, he tells himself. He just wasn’t looking hard enough, he decides.
A few seconds later, he finds you, blissfully unaware of his presence, hands linked together as your heels rock you back and forth as you wait for any sign of your boyfriend’s arrival.
“Y/N!!”, his smile is instant, a big toothy expression on his lips as his feet carry him towards you, and when his voice reaches your ears, your smile mirrors his as you meet him halfway, legs wrapping around his waist as he effortlessly hoists you in the air, holding you securely in his arms.
“My sweet baby. You didn’t miss me too much did you?”, his voice falters, eyes tearing up as he breathes in your scent which hadn’t changed in the weeks the two of you had been apart. You can’t help but let out a watery giggle, softly taking your hands from around his neck to cup his cheeks, meeting his big and sparkly eyes with yours before bending down to place a kiss on his waiting lips.
“I missed you so much”
“I missed you more angel, so so much”
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gunilslaugh · 7 months
Just Joking? Jiseok Ending
Kwak Jiseok
Summary: It’s been days since the hangout, but Jiseok sees that you’re still acting off. It greatly concerns him. (non-idol au)
Read first part here
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Jiseok texted you the day after the hangout to see how you were doing, but you didn’t respond to him. He didn’t pay much mind to it, figuring that you were probably still not feeling well and would get back to him when you were feeling better. 
It was two days later when Jiseok finally heard back from you. He didn’t realize how worried about you he really was until he felt a wave of relief wash over him when he saw your text message appear on his phone. “I’m ok” your message read. Jiseok felt like something was off. Your text was normal, but that’s what made it weird. Usually the text exchanged between Jiseok and you were more animated. Pertaining emojis, typed out faces, caps lock (with and without reason), too many exclamation marks and so on. Your most recent text seems so dull, sad even when compared to the other text before it. It gave Jiseok no reassurance that you were actually doing ok. In fact it made him believe the opposite. You must still be unwell. 
Jiseok sends you a text asking if he could come over, saying that he would bring you your favorite snacks. 
Back in your bedroom you sat crisscross on your bed, looking at Jiseok’s text. A slight smile tugged at your lips as more of his text popped up one by one. “You know you want me too!!!” “You disappeared and made me miss you 😔” “ I’m coming whether you want me to or not ❗”
Your fingers started tapping on your phone’s keyboard. “Hurry up! I want my snacks!!” You sent. 
A bright smile appeared on Jiseok’s face when he received your text. It was much more like you and actually gave Jiseok some reassurance that you were ok. Jiseok went to his cabinets and grabbed some of your favorite snacks that he keeps on hand. If ever asked about why he keeps your favorite snacks in his cabinets he states that your favorite snacks are also his favorite snacks, so there is nothing weird about them being in his cabinets. They may hold true to most of the snacks, but there is this one snack that Jiseok doesn’t particularly care for, however he knows that you like it. So yes he grabs it occasionally when he sees it and keeps it for whenever you come over or he brings snacks to you. 
Jiseok indeed did hurry over to your place cause a mere ten minutes after you told him to hurry over he was at your apartment. The light rapid knocking on your door altered you to his arrival. You made your way to your front door and opened it, revealing a happy Jiseok, holding up the promised snacks. You smiled at him and stepped aside allowing him in. Jiseok took a big step into your apartment. He’s quick to make himself comfortable as he splays the snacks out across the coffee table you have sitting in the middle of your living room. You followed behind him, taking a seat on the floor right in front of the table. 
“You must have been pretty sick? You disappeared for days,” Jiseok states. You felt slightly awkward. Not really knowing what to say. 
“Uhh yeah,” you chuckled. Jiseok immediately picked up on your shift in behavior. 
“Why are you acting off again?” His lips pouted. “Did something serious happen?” Jiseok’s eyes filled with concern. His eyes scanned over your face to try and read how you were feeling.
“Nothing exactly happened. I just…nevermind,” you dismissed, leaning forward to grab some snacks.
“No, tell me. I don’t like seeing you like this,” Jiseok says. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it. Jiseok feels a bit frustrated that you won’t talk to him, but he’s not going to force you to talk when you don’t want to. “Ok, but you can always talk to me. You know that right?” he checks. 
“I know, thank you,” you tell him. You and Jiseok tended to have a bit more of a playful type of friendship, but when things got serious you were always there for eachother too. 
“The aquarium’s new exhibit opens up on Saturday,” Jiseok changed the topic. 
“It does? I forgot all about that,” you say. With your whole crisis about realizing that you had romantic feelings for Jooyeon you had completely forgotten about the new exhibit. 
“Yeah it does. Do you still want to go together?” Jiseok asks. 
“Of course I still want to go.” You playfully nudged Jiseok with your elbow. 
“Ok, it’s a date. I’ll pick you up and we can go together,” Jiseok tells you. It’s a date, these have been harmlessly thrown about between the two of you. However you find that hearing them this time feels a little different. It reminds you of all the times you said those words to Jooyeon or vice versa. Jiseok’s cool hand pressing against your forehead snaps you from your thoughts. “Seriously, what is wrong with you? You’re spacing like you did at the hangout.” He looks over you trying to find any hint of illness. You remove his hand from your forehead. 
“I’m fine, Jiseok. I’ve just been feeling tired lately.” 
“Then stop feeling tired, you're worrying me.” Jiseok took a hold of your shoulders and shook you lightly. His actions make you laugh. 
“Stop worrying. I’m ok really,” you grabbed onto his elbows, making him stop shaking you. 
“I’ll stop worrying when you tell me what’s wrong or start acting like your normal self,” Jiseok states. 
“Who knew you’d be so caring?” you remarked sarcastically. 
“I care about you the most.” Jiseok pulls you towards him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, but then it slides around your neck, putting you in a loose headlock. “Sneak attack!” he shouts and begins to attack your side with tickles using his free hand. 
“Ah! Stop! Stop! Stop!” you heaved out between laughs. You repeatedly tried to smack his hand away. Jiseok’s hand stops attacking your sides. He feels a bit reluctant to let you go though. You’re the one who ends up pulling away. Jiseok stayed over at your place a little while longer before leaving. You find that you felt better after your visit with Jiseok and you looked forward to going to the aquarium with him on Saturday. 
Saturday rolled around and you excitedly got ready. It felt refreshing. It was probably the first time in a week that you felt good. You weren’t thinking about what you were supposed to do with your feelings for Jooyeon. Instead you were looking forward to Jiseok’s arrival and spending the next while at the aquarium. You were double checking your outfit in the mirror when you heard the familiar knock on your door. You left your bedroom and headed to your front door. 
“You look nice,” Jiseok complimented you. 
“Thanks, you too,” you returned. 
“Shall we?” He playfully bent his elbow for you to link yours with. 
“We shall,” you just as playfully linked your elbow with his. The two of you walked out of your apartment, keeping your elbows linked. 
When you arrived at the aquarium your elbows were still linked together. Honestly, you don’t know how they haven’t separated yet, but you somehow found a sense of comfort in them being linked. You liked knowing that Jiseok was right by your side. Jiseok liked having you right by his side. He looks at you beside him, rather than the fish swimming about behind the thick glass.​​ The way the light streaming out of the glass lit up your features in the dimly lit room. 
“Jiseok look! They’ve gotten more sea turtles since the last time we were here,” you pointed out excitedly. Jiseok feels his heart skip a beat. He doesn’t look at the sea turtles, only you. You looked so happy. Jiseok wanted to keep making you happy. He knew something was bothering you lately. As much as he wishes he knew what it was he wishes more that he could keep you happy like this. You pulled Jiseok along with you into the next room. A more well lit room and as Jiseok keeps staring at you he realizes, he’s seeing you in a new light. He said that this was a date as a joke, but now it’s not a joke. He really wants this to be a date with you.
“Jiseok,” you called him, finally noticing his staring. 
“Yeah?” he broke out of his fixated gaze. 
“Why are you staring at me like that?” you questioned. 
“I want this to be an actual date,” he admitted. You take a step back in shock. Resulting in your elbows finally unlinking
“What?” you say. 
“I called this a date as a joke, but I want this real one,” he stated. 
“Jiseok, don’t joke around like this. I really don’t like joking about dates or whatnot right now,” you said. 
“I’m not joking y/n,” he firmly tells you. He is also intrigued by your last sentence. You used to joke about going on dates with Jooyeon all the time, so don’t you like jokes about going on dates now?
“So what? You just realized that you like me all of the sudden?”
“Yes, I just realized that I like you,” he says confidently with a nod of his head. 
“How can you say it so easily? I realized that I liked Jooyeon and have been having a crisis over it for like a week now.” You let your feelings for Jooyeon slip. 
“That’s what got you acting off?” he questioned, not really paying attention to the fact that he told you he liked you and you told him that you liked someone else. 
“I- I… just feel really stupid about it,” you revealed. “Like I liked him the entire time. I was never just joking. How could I not know how I felt?” 
“I just realized that I liked you. It doesn’t make me stupid and it doesn’t make you stupid either. Feelings are weird like that. I guess the main thing would be, are you going to tell Jooyeon how you feel or not?” Jiseok put to question. You didn’t like his question. 
“I don’t know,” you told him honestly. 
“Do you want to?” he rephrased the question. 
“I’d feel weird doing it now when he’s with her,” you tell him. 
“Then don’t tell him right now, or ever,” Jiseok laughed lightly, causing you to give him a weird look. 
“I just told you that I like you. I don’t necessarily want you confessing to someone else,” he explained. It didn’t even really set in until Jiseok said that he confessed to you. You had to take a moment to think about how that made you feel. You never thought about Jiseok like that before. Granted you didn’t think you thought that way about Jooyeon either, not until previously. 
“You like me,” you said as if you were testing it out. Jiseok laughs. 
“Yes, I thought we established that already,” he joked. 
“Why?” you questioned. Again Jiseok laughs. 
“I’m not sure. I just know that I want the one who makes you happy and be someone who you can rely on,” he tells you sincerely. You find that you don’t mind looking at Jiseok in a different light. 
“You already make me happy,” you tell him, taking a step closer.
“Then can this really be a date?” Jiseok questioned with hopeful eyes. He reaches his hand out. 
“My feelings for Jooyeon are still a mess right now, so I think I still need some time, but going on a date later with you sounds nice too.” You take his hand. 
“I wait then.” He squeezed your hand reassuringly. 
Jiseok and you were heading back to your apartment. You didn’t see that a piece of pavement was slightly raised causing you to trip on it. You let out a small yelp and held onto Jiseok’s arm to balance yourself. 
“See you’re falling for me already,” Jiseok remarked as made sure you were ok. His joke makes you laugh, lightly hitting his arm. Jiseok then relinks your arms together “to make sure you don’t fall again”. In reality he just likes the feeling of you right next to him, but you don’t say anything because you like the feeling of being next to him too. 
“Wait a minute. When did this happen?” Gunil gestures to you and Jiseok all cuddled up on the couch. 
“A couple months back when y/n and I went to the aquarium I realized I liked them, so I told them,” Jiseok told. 
“And you just realized you liked him back?” Gunil said. 
“No, I made him wait a while then I agreed to date him,” you said. Your words didn’t make Gunil feel any less confused. 
“We’re in love. You don’t need to understand. Let us be.” Jiseok shoed Gunil off. You can hear Gunil muttering to the others about how the heck did you and Jiseok end up together. It didn’t really matter how you two ended up together. What mattered was that you and Jiseok couldn’t be happier and never want to be with anyone else. 
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails
Wanna read alternate endings?
Just Joking? Seungmin Ending?
Just Joking? Jooyeon Ending?
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kyufessions · 2 years
texts with boyfriend! jiseok
pairings: boyfriend! jiseok (gaon) x g.n. reader
a/n: i normally don’t do posts like this, i prefer writing mainly but i don’t have the time to write it out since i have work in like nine hours and have to get sleep so here this is 🤗
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois
tagged: @jungsusvillain
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junhanner · 2 months
Hello can I request xdh reaction to just wanting to kiss you like having the need to kiss you until you can’t think straight kinda kiss I saw someone request something similar to someone else and wanna know your take on it
Can I be 🍄 anon
haihai!!!! omg this prompt is so cute and yes you can be 🍄 anon !! welcome ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
౨౿ xdinary heroes’ reaction when they really wanna kiss you ౨౿
✧ ꒰ঌ gun-il ໒꒱ : DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN . and i could even add a trademark to it because this man owns these two words and is the most calm about this situation compared to the rest of the members . i think he could actually keep his sanity intact if he really tries but in atleast 4 minutes he would start tweaking and just kisses you orrr if he’s on tour pray for him because he will most probably not make it out alive
✧ ꒰ঌ jungsu ໒꒱ : i think he would just straight up kiss you tbh .. the second most calm member in this scenario because why not just kiss you?? or if he’s on tour the word calm has officially left his vocabulary and dictionary and if he has a good amount of concerts before coming home his funeral date WILL be planned
✧ ꒰ঌ o.de ໒꒱ : he would be the only member that has an actual functional brain in this context because he will most probably kiss you on the spot and before any tour he would 100% NO.DOUBT. shower you in kisses and if it’s not enough he would probably videocall you on tour and ask you for a kiss over the phone <\3
✧ ꒰ঌ junhan ໒꒱ : tbh i think he will either just look at you with a SPECIFIC look on his face until you realise he wants a kiss because if you are together with this man and he bats his eyelashes once you should actually know the meaning behind it/j buuttttt if he is on tour he 100% has a little plushie keychain that one day he saw on another tour and even if it reminded him of you even in the slightest bit mf would just be like “take my money” and if he wants a kiss he just kisses the keychain ( ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )
✧ ꒰ঌ gaon ໒꒱ : insane from head to toes, inside out, from every cell in his body to every strand of hair ™ THIS MAN WOULD BREAK OUT OF JAIL JUST TO GET A KISS FROM YOU OR KISS YOU. and also did i mention insane???? he would actually rob a bank, hire a pilot and buy a plane just to go back home and kiss you if he’s on tour this is how down bad he is . and if he’s in the same room he would just waddle to you and kiss you LMAO no robbing banks needed at this >_<
✧ ꒰ঌ jooyeon ໒꒱ : even more insane than gaon. he would walk by FOOT to your house even if he’s in another continent. a body of water in his way? HE’S WALKING ON THE WATER. his old representative animal was horse for a REASON and i think he would do all of this while the other members are at practice.. when he wants a kiss practice and leg pain does not exist only you exist in his universe. the type of person who would take a selfie at his signature angle and pose while walking on the pacific ocean. BUTT if you two are in the same room he would just frog blink at you two times and just go and kiss you …
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a/n : i had so much fun writing this omg also if u dk what a frog blink is u can google it ^_^ i don’t rly know how to explain😢
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seobseobs · 1 year
you're my pick !
gaon x reader (no prns) • 0.6k
romantic; fluff
[ in which kwak jiseok's full time job is losing his guitar picks , and you're kind of getting annoyed by his face in your shop for the nth time that week . reader is somewhat emotionally contispated , jiseok's rizzzzz yauuurr ]
back to suite
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"wow , you're here."
you greet the black haired boy without sparing a glance , eyes too busy on counting the cash in your money . it's his eigth time this week— yes you count , because he deserves a special label into your main wage category by now . neatly stacking the money back into the register , you don't even have to face him to know he's sporting that cheeky grin of his .
"i lost them again—," his eyes wander around the shop momentarily , "—hehe."
hehe ??!!!!?? honestly you're just amused at this point . how does someone lose what was supposed to be one of the most important thing this many times ? was he purposely throwing it around or what .
nodding , more to yourself , you gesture towards the located part of the shop specified for guitar picks . you find it somewhat funny . he's a regular and knows his way around the shop and yet , he always announces his arrival to you . when you first notice it , you thought it was simply due to his bubbly nature but you found out from your colleagues that jiseok doesn't really act that way around them . a hi , a smile and he straight goes to his usual spot .
"y/n..." , jiseok nudges you out of your thoughts and you realize he's been standing there the whole time , "shit— sorry , my bad . what is it?"
"do you want to choose my guitar pick for me?"
"pretty please?"
his lips frown into a subtle pout and you see a sparkle in his eyes . this guy sure knows how to aegyo his way to your heart . you ignore the skip in your heartbeat when you question , "why me? we're not even that close."
jiseok tilts his head slightly , his gaze straight into your eyes as a hint of mischief dances between his lips , "why do you think?" . dismissing the warmth creeping up your ears , you drag out your answer , "becau..se... i.. put up... with you... a lot?"
you think he's about to give up and just go on with life because even you find it a lame and pathetic attempt of not knowing how to deal with romance other than pushing it away . but he stays . and kwak jiseok's eyes soften as he looks at you again , as if he wasn't staring at you before , as if something so ethereal catch his eyes for the first time ....and it's just you .
"i like you." he confesses. it's something you've witnessed a lot of times ; in the dramas that you watch until midnight and the books that you read when the sun sets ; but it's different . this is different . such simple words , and yet it's the first time all over again . your heart clenches and your mind blanks , it's dizzy and you kind of like it .
without thinking , your feet immediately moves towards the guitar picks' section , leaving jiseok behind with his eyes slowly widening when he sees you taking one off display . approaching him , you build your courage to reply but your words doesn't come out and your thoughts all jumbled up . so you gently pull his hand instead , and you place the item inside his hand .
you observe how he eyes the pick with awe and the corner of his lips twitching into a big smile before he looks at you . he doesn't say anything for a while but then he brings his pick up to his lips , giving it a soft kiss and you swear you would have combust right then and there .
and maybe , just maybe , guitar picks won't be the only thing kwak jiseok shows up for , the next time .
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✒ i am writing again ???? gaspss
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xhfics · 5 months
Lake Pluto ~ Jiseok (Gaon)
Pairing: Merman!Jiseok x human!reader
Genre: fluff, merfolk AU, angst if you squint, strangers to soulmates?
Word count: 3k
Note: it's an older fic I wrote and it's not entirely how I wanted it to be, but I still like it
The merfolk. You had never encountered them, but the people in town had told you all about them. How they look mesmerizing, how they only go out after the sun goes down, how they are perfect in blending in with other people, how rare they are in this day and age. The tales of the merfolk had always intrigued you, and ever since you moved into this town you desperately wanted to meet them. Rumor had it that the townspeople and the merfolk had a truce that had been going on for 300 years now. But no one had told you what the truce was about. No living soul, no written book entries, no media at all was able to tell you the reason. You had asked around if they were dangerous, but no one gave you a concrete answer.
It’s been a year since you got here, settled down and was accepted by the townspeople. It was a very small town, located by a huge lake.
Lake Pluto was the name, and the town was very proud of it. It had very warm waters, during every season of the year. Pleasant to swim in, but it was advised not to do that. It was a dark, almost black looking lake. And every night when the sun went down, there was a small mist surrounding the lake. That was the time it was forbidden to go near it. Contrary to popular belief, merfolk can also inhabit lakes and not just oceans.
The annual music festival was happening in the town tonight, preparations had been going on for a month now and all kinds of people from near and far came to experience the festival.
For you it was the very first time you’d attend it, as you had arrived in town just after it had happened last year. You were absolutely excited for it and had volunteered to help out with decorating the main stage. It looked amazing and you were very proud of it and to be part of this town happening.
The open air venue was quickly filled with music lovers by the time it started to get dark. The volunteers made sure everyone felt safe and taken care of. The town’s mayor started his speech, welcoming everyone to the festival.
The list of groups and soloists that were going to be performing tonight wasn’t that long, but they all got a good amount of performance time and you had heard that they were all meticulously picked out by the townspeople themselves, to ensure a good variety of genres.
Around 3 am it was finally the last gig of the night, and the stage was dimly lit and looked somewhat ominous with the lake mist close to it. When the band members walked on the stage, you furrowed your eyebrows and checked your artist list. This wasn’t the group that was supposed to perform now.
One of the members, who had long hair and was carrying a bass, held up his hand and started talking. “We’re filling in for the original group who got sick. Sorry about that.”
Feeling somewhat anxious, you pushed yourself to the front of the crowd to check in with one of the other volunteers.
“It’s all good.” she said to you with a smile, while looking into the eyes of one of the other band members. “They can be here. They’re cute, right?”
You were about to head back to your previous spot at the back of the crowd, but the band started playing and their music practically froze you. So you turned to look at them and enjoy the music, as it was really good and you couldn’t help but let loose.
To your surprise, you kept looking back at one of the members. He was one of the guitarists and rappers. You were probably just imagining it, but he seemed to look your way a lot of the time. The other members had no influence on you, but this guy? He got a hold of you. As if he had mesmerized you. With the music of the band in your ears and your eyes on dark brown haired member, it felt like you were the only one in the crowd.
Their last song ended way too quickly and when you looked at him one last time, you saw a sliver of sadness and anxiousness in his eyes. He left the stage before you could say or do anything. And while the rest of the crowd seemed to act like their normal selves again, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you had to see him. So you rushed to the artist tent, located at the back of the open air venue and closest to the lake.
When you opened the tent, it was almost completely empty. Except for the mystery band and one volunteer staff member of the town committee. It seemed like they had just had a serious conversation, as the staff member looked very distraught as well as a few of the band members.
“Do you know these guys?” you asked the staff member, as you walked up to her.
She nodded quickly, pushing up her glasses a bit. “Yes. They’re, uhm, friends from out of town. They’re leaving soon, don’t worry.”
She exchanged some looks with two of the members and rushed out of the tent.
You turned to face the band. “Why didn’t anyone tell us about the other band being sick? And how did you guys know?”
One of them shifted his seat awkwardly and the rest all looked at one of the members. He sighed and gave you an awkward smile as he got up and put out his hand. “I think we started off on the wrong foot. I’m Gunil and our band is called Xdinary Heroes. We heard someone in town talk about the closing band being sick. We just wanted to help out.”
You hesitated for a split second, but then shook his hand and introduced yourself to him. The other members got up as well and introduced themselves as well as apologized for the inconvenience.
The one who had taken your interest during their performance was Jiseok, the last one to introduce himself. He seemed as confident in person than he was on stage, but something about him seemed off. Not particularly in a bad way, but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“I hope we can see each other again some time.” Jiseok said to you, as the group got ready to leave in the middle of a pitch black night.
As they left the tent, you tried following their walk to the car. But it was too dark and they had already disappeared in the mist within seconds.
The days went by and you had tried to strike a conversation with the girl from the volunteering committee, but she was hard to find. And when you asked around in town, they told you that she usually worked evening or early morning shifts and she wasn’t around much during the day.
When you had staked out in a cafe in the center of the town to find her, so you could ask her questions, it took you by surprise that you saw Jiseok at the cafe, along with a few of his friends. The girl was nowhere to be found though.
You walked up to them with the intention of asking them about the girl, but the moment you looked into Jiseok’s eyes, you had forgotten everything you wanted to ask them.
Gunil’s chuckle brought you back to reality, and he asked if you wanted to hang with them tonight. You looked at Jiseok and the other two, Jooyeon and Hyeongjun, and nodded. It seemed that the other two, Seungmin and Jungsu, weren’t anywhere close.
“They’re in town, just not here.” Jooyeon said, noticing your slight confusion.
You spend a good portion of the night with the guys, getting to know them more and more. You kept feeling a special pull towards Jiseok, and were secretly hoping that it was mutual. You wouldn’t mind that at all.
It was well after midnight when you decided to head back home after the fun evening. Jiseok came walking next to you as you opened the cafe door. “I’ll walk you home. "If that's okay?”
Nervous to look him in the eyes again, you gave him a smile and a nod. “That’s more than okay.”
You heard him chuckle and felt his hand in yours, which made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The two of you continued your conversations as you walked to your place, and you knew you really started to like him a lot.
“Would you like to meet up again?” Jiseok asked, as the two of you stood awkwardly in front of your door.
You smiled. “I’d love to. Do you want to exchange numbers or something?”
He scratched the back of his head and looked away. “I don’t have a cell phone or anything like that. None of us do. But we always go to that cafe in the evening, you can come whenever it suits you, and I’ll be there.”
You slightly raised an eyebrow and scoffed softly. “That’s interesting. But yeah, I’ll come find you there.”
In the next few weeks, you had met up with Jiseok several times. You hadn’t forgotten your search for the girl, but she wasn’t a priority right now. Every time you met with Jiseok, the same two friends of his were absent. And you weren’t sure if it was okay to ask about it.
The evenings you spend with Jiseok were always lovely. He played some music for you, sang songs, the two of you watched movies and talked about your interests. He didn’t talk much about his own life, but it didn’t bother you. You liked the Jiseok that was with you, and you would get to know the rest of his life eventually. Or at least you were hoping for it. You really liked him a lot, and it seemed that the feeling was mutual.
The two of you had been talking about these feelings, very briefly. But Jiseok always changed the topic, and you didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable asking more about it. But the constant hand holding and brief touches of affection did make you wonder where you stood with him.
“Can I ask why Seungmin and Jungsu are never with you guys?” you asked just before saying goodbye to Jiseok.
He furrowed his brows a little and hesitated for a second. “They’re with a loved one. They don’t see them often, it’s somewhat of a long distance thing. So whenever we’re here, they meet up with them.”
You nodded, and wondered why it felt like there was more than just that. But you didn’t want to pry any further.
“Same time tomorrow?” Jiseok asked you with a smile, pulling you into a hug.
You wrapped your arms around him and hummed. “I’m already looking forward to it.”
In the week that followed, you had been trying to do some more research on the merfolk. But you hadn’t found anything new at all. Until one day.
You were at your new job, managing the front desk of the lake-side motel. The motel barely had any customers, and the ones they had were regulars. People who came here for work, and some even lowkey lived there as it was close to their work place by the lake.
On top of the desk was an envelope with your name on it. You looked around to see if you could see who had placed it there. It was already dusk and there was no one to be found. So you opened the envelope and took out a book page, along with a short note.
You’ll find answers soon was what the note said. You didn’t recognize the handwriting, so you put it aside and looked at the book page.
It was about the merfolk, and it was new information. You read that merfolk had soulmates; and when they kissed their soulmate, their hair would briefly turn into the color that it is when they’re in their natural habitat.
This was valuable information! This was a way to potentially discover any hidden merfolk that were in town. You flipped the page, but it was all blacked out. So far for more new information. Slightly annoyed, you put the note and book page back in the envelope and put it in a drawer in the desk.
“Room 3 please.” you suddenly heard in front of you. Looking up, you saw the girl you were looking for. She had shorter hair than the last time you had seen her, and her glasses had slightly slid down her nose again. But the moment you looked at her, you knew it was her.
“Uh, yes of course.” you said, not knowing if the note was from her or not. You couldn’t just ask, could you?
You handed her the key and the sign-in note. She quickly thanked you and signed in before heading off to the room. It couldn’t be a coincidence that she was here the same time you received the note and bookpage, could it?
It wasn’t an eventful evening at work at all, so you were able to casually keep an eye on her room every now and then. You had only seen someone go into the room just before the lights outside the rooms went on, so you didn’t get a good look at them. But it seemed important that you knew.
Around 5am, when you had just had your nth cup of coffee to keep you awake, you heard some sounds and two people walked out of room 3. You decided to take your break right at that time and carefully placed the ‘back soon’ sign on the desk, before quietly locking the door behind you.
You saw the girl locking fingers with the other person, who you realized was Seungmin, one of Jiseok’s friends. You remembered the note and decided to follow the two of them. Which was harder than it sounded, as it was still somewhat dark and there were little to no lights on the small dirt roads by the lake.
Keeping a decent distance, you followed them down a path that led to the abandoned pier. Which only confirmed more of your suspicions you had about Jiseok and his friends. Fortunately for you, the surroundings weren’t kept well so you could hide behind some trees or bushes every now and then. The mist that surrounded the lake had become thinner as the sky was slowly getting lighter again.
You were close enough that you could hear a bit of their conversation. And it made you curiouser and curiouser by the second.
“We need to be quick, or else the sun comes up.”
“I always hate this time of day. I already miss you.”
The two of them shared a kiss and you saw Seungmin’s hair turn from black to silver gray.
“I knew it.” you said to yourself. “I fucking knew it.”
It was beginning to get slightly brighter and you saw both their faces better, so you were now 100% sure it was Jiseok’s friend who was standing there. And you had to confront him now, or you’d lose your chance.
“Are you all merfolk?” you asked, clumsily getting from behind the bushes and walking up to them.
You saw a calm look on Seungmin’s face and you turned to his girlfriend. “You wrote the note, right? And you gave me the book page?”
“Yes, I did.” she answered. She then nudged Seungmin and said: “Actually, I wrote the note but he had the page. We planned this together. I’m sorry I never talked to you, I couldn't.”
“Yeah, but we promised Jiseok we wouldn’t tell you anything. So we had to try it this way.” he said with a chuckle. He then looked at you and explained everything.
How he and the rest of the guys noticed Jiseok’s liking for you, and how they had told him that he needed to tell you about him being merfolk eventually, or else it wouldn’t be fair to you.
“She knew about your new job and your research on us.” he said, nodding his head at his girlfriend. “Our relationship has been a hassle for us, but we figured it out. We wanted to help Jiseok by telling you our secret, so it would hopefully be easier for him and you, but he wouldn’t let us.”
“So I was hoping you’d follow us and find out.” the girl added. “We wanted you to know, so you could decide for yourself if you wanted to get involved or not.”
“Involved how?” you asked, getting all this information so suddenly had taken you by surprise. “And what do you mean with it being a hassle? Is it because I’m human and he… isn’t? But you two seem to be doing just fine?”
“Jungsu and his soulmate, for example, are both merfolk. They can meet up whenever they want, or do whatever they want. They just have to make sure they’re not seen in their mer-form.” Seungmin explained. “But for us…”
“It’s fucking hard, not gonna lie.” the girlfriend added. “You can’t meet up during the day and as you just saw, you can’t really be that affectionate whenever you want or people will notice it. And don’t get me started on-”
“What’s taking you so long?! You’re usually back already by now?” Jiseok’s voice came from the lake.
You immediately looked his way, seeing mint hair on him and an iridescent blue fishtail. He hadn’t noticed you yet as he was looking at Seungmin, who gave his girlfriend another kiss before diving into the lake, revealing his silver hair and a dark green shimmery tail.
“Jiseok?” you asked carefully, as you walked up to the pier and stood next to Seungmin’s girlfriend.
Several beams of sunlight shone through the trees and made the whole lake glitter beautifully. You saw five more heads of colorful hair pop up from the water, recognizing each of them immediately as the band that you had met for the first time that festival night.
“We’ll let you two talk.” Gunil said, his hair a gorgeous dark blue. Him and the others swam away, and the girl said her goodbye to you as well.
“Why didn’t you say anything, Jiseok?” you asked him, sitting down on the pier. You took off your shoes and dabbled your feet in the warm lake water.
He swam towards you and leaned his arms on the pier, taking one of your hands in his. “Because I love you, and that makes this all way harder for us.”
“But why?” you asked. You took the book page out of your pocket. “Is it because of the soulmate thing? I was wondering why you never wanted to talk about what we are, what we feel for each other. Are you afraid we won’t work?”
“I’m terrified of it actually.” he confessed.
You ruffled his mint hair a bit and smiled. “But it worked for Seungmin and his girlfriend, right? We can make this work as well. Soulmates or not, I love you.”
Jiseok looked at you. You were hoping he’d be happy with your confession, but he looked the opposite.
“How much do you know about the merfolk soulmates?” he asked you, pushing himself up the pier and leaving his tail in the water.
You looked at him and took in all the small features that had changed. He had very small gills on the side of his neck and his eyes were a tad bit lighter. The subtle scales on his arms were transparent but you could see them if you looked closely.
“I only know this.” you said, showing him the one sided page. "Why?" Is there more to know?”
“I won’t dare to ever kiss you.” he mumbled, taking the paper from you and crumbling it.
“Don’t you eventually want to know if we’re soulmates?” you said with a small smile and a sliver of hope.
“No.” Jiseok replied. “Because if we kiss and we're not soulmates, you’ll die.”
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Xdinary Heroes Reaction ✧ When you confess to them first
✧ Xdinary Heroes x gn!reader (implied fem!reader in Gunil’s part) ✧ genre: fluff, reaction ✧ warnings: none
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surprised because he did not see this coming
not because he wasn’t sure you’re falling for him, but because he didn’t think you were at that stage of the relationship yet
suddenly frowns and gets offended???
“No, like! I’m the man here, I should confess first!”
immediately straightens his back and tried to appear as manly as possible and you can practically feel the confidence boost your words just gave him
but at the same he feels very warm inside after hearing your honest words, and he can’t really hide it
might appear a bit awkward for a while after this, because now he knows this is getting serious and he wants to do everything just right so he won’t ever hurt you!
he does know that there’s something going on between you, because there’s no way anyone could not feel the spark between you two
but still he’s taken aback when you suddenly confess that you’re in love with him
so at first he’s just surprised, unsure what to say because he can’t quite believe it yet
but once you get worried that maybe he doesn’t feel the same because he’s not answering, he’s quick to collect himself
“I’m in love with you too… really.”
takes your hands into his, intertwining your fingers
and then he gives you the sweetest smile
will also hug you real tight if you’re comfortable with it
doesn’t know what to do with himself nr 1
just stares at you after the words leave your mouth as if you had just spoken alien language
is in utter disbelief and cannot process
until you call out to him and you tell him that you love him again
snaps out of it and clears his throat, suddenly playing the though guy??
puffs out his chest and tells you that he already knew this and of course you would fall for him, all in a deeper than usual voice (while also stumbling over his words multiple times aksjöfk)
definitely has the nerve to tease you about it too
until you call him an idiot and simply hug him
and well, now he’s not so tough anymore because he’s blushing and can’t do anything except hug you back while hoping his heart won’t actually burst right then and there
genuinely surprised because he would’ve never guessed you had feelings for him too??
thought you’re just a really good friend he’d never have a chance with in a million years
so now he obviously needs to tell you that he feels the same about you!!
he’s just not sure how to go about it
no matter what he says, it WILL come out awkwardly 
he gets so scared you’ll take things the wrong way that he just keeps saying more and more dumb things, rambling on and on jdhxnxbx
until eventually you simply kiss him, telling him that you already know
that’s when his heart will finally feel at ease, and he can focus on the happiness about your confession instead
gets serious and finally manages to tell you that he loves you too
you’ve been friends for a long while and it’s very much clear to you both that you’re in love with each other, just like it’s obvious to everyone else
but just being together has always been enough for the both of you… until it suddenly isn’t anymore
things are getting awkward between you two because now neither of you knows how to act around the other anymore
and so you see no other way than to be completely honest with him and you end up finally confessing your feelings out loud, to which he does the same:
“I love you too… let’s stop pretending.”
the most endearing smile will show up on his face as he carefully takes your hands into his and you simply end up staring at each other for a long while, until one of you finally leans in for a kiss
doesn’t know what to do with himself nr 2
just becomes a giggly, giddy mess for about 5 minutes after hearing you say that you’re in love with him jdbxbxbx
“Really??” - first thing he says after somewhat calming down
yes??? obviously you wouldn’t lie about something like that, especially not after having been on several dates????
he’s actually blushing now and can’t stop smiling
will eventually engulf you in a big (and slightly too tight jdhdndn) hug when the fact that you really just confessed to him overwhelms him again
simply forgets to say it back because he’s just that happy - but it’s not like you can’t tell from his behavior that he feels the same way about you
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itgirlgyu · 11 months
xdinary heroes: barbie or oppenheimer?
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𖡎     𓈒     ot6   🎀    ᰋ      ݁      🍡
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went to watch oppenheimer dressed in his prettiest pink outfit
and a big ass kenergy temporary tattoo on his arms and hi barbie's everyone he found in the theatre
the guard had to do a double look while checking his ticket
went to watch oppenheimer
and then sneaked into the barbie theatres
honestly had more fun at barbie than oppenheimer
went to watch oppenheimer but slept through it
had to search for spoilers in reddit forums to fill his knowledge on the plot because he's scared of telling the snobs that he fell asleep through it
jungsu is that snob
dressed himself as ken and went to the theatres to watch barbie
cried at the movie and used barbie slangs for a week
junhan had to stop him tattooing kenergy on the back of his slutty waist
watched both
gives diplomatic answer and pulls out his typed out note why barbenheimer was such an important phenomena for movies in recent times
it's typed out already because he doesn't do well with impromptu speeches
didn't want to leave the house to watch any
when ushered by his member, got the screening room wrong for barbie
he had, infact, walked into the oppenheimer
was too lazy to walk out so he just watched oppenheimer
called it mid
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COPYRIGHTS RESERVED TO ITGIRLGYU 23'. FEEDBACKS AND REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED! PERM' TAGLIST: @impureperhaps @full-sunnies @ox1-lovesick @jisungsdaydreamer @wonioml @1921choi @forever-in-the-sky2 @beoms-sugar @gyuletters
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