#Gan Haragin
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HEY LOOK. It’s amazing art of ya gurl GAN. SHARK WAIF OOH HA HA.
Honestly though I am blown away by the quality of the artwork in this piece.
HHHHH. I love my little shark. T_T
(Artwork done by @nobutatan)
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Some enjoy pranks on such a day, but i rather enjoy adoring company with a gentle (and smol!) lady~
Thank for holding still and trying to melt into me @ganshands, @veloxaraptor XD
Hope the pictures turned out well!
#haurchefant#greystone#fortemps#ffxiv#screenshot#FFXIV Screenshots#screenshots#FFXIV screenshot#final#fantasy#xiv#gan#haragin#balmung#server#thorcatte
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LFRP - Toragana Arulaq (Balmung)
Age: 27
Birthday: 20th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (4/19)
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Relationship Status: Single
Server: Balmung (Crystal)
Hair: Long, jet black hair with gentle waves that hovers between armpit and waist length; obsidian both in color and in sheen.
Eyes: Medium blue with bright white limbal rings
Height: 4′8″
Build: Soft, thin, and petite
Distinguishing Marks:
She has fewer scales than most Au Ra, primarily found in places she keeps covered. Her face, hands, and legs are free of scales unlike many of her brothers and sisters.
She has unique horns decorated with gold chains and gold caps on the tips.
Common Accessories:
A long black cloak with a large hood, almost always pulled over her head to hide the top half of her face.
In battle, she also wears a black cloth to hide the entirety of her face as is customary for her clan.
Profession: Mercenary
Hobbies: Drawing, collecting sea shells, people watching
Languages: Eorzea Common, Xaelan
Residence: Wanderer
Birthplace: A secluded valley in the Tail Mountains
Patron Deity: None
Fears: Losing loved ones, other Xaela
Significant Other: None
Children: None
♀ Alaqa Arulaq (Deceased)
♂ Bataar Haragin (Deceased)
♀ Gan Haragin ( @ganshands ): Tora’s older half-sister
Other: None
Pets: None
TRAITS ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: None
Drugs: None
Alcohol: None
RP HOOKS ––– –
Mercenary: Tora is currently living inn to inn and has very little, so she’s trying to support herself with odd jobs. If you need something done, she will gladly help out for some coin.
Lost & Confused: While she tends to keep to herself and out of sight and mind as much as possible, it’s not too difficult to tell that she’s a little lost. She’s new to Eorzea and knows little about the customs or where she’s going.
Crime: If your character is a Xaela (especially an Arulaq), she may be familiar. Perhaps they grew up with each other, or perhaps her name is familiar when it was spread throughout the valley that she was wanted for murder.
Dark Magic: If your character is aether sensitive, they may feel unusual or very dark energy around Tora. An attempt to aether heal her may also turn out quite poorly.
Open: I’m open to plotting! If you want to RP but don’t feel like these hooks would work for you, let me know. I’m happy to hear your suggestions or to work with you to come up with something, whether it’s a new plot or a pre-established relationship. It’s not difficult to run into her, I’m just bad with hooks.
ABOUT ME ––– –
Hi, I’m Sierra. I’m a full-time college student and full-time employee located in MST. I love to plot and share inspirations, I prefer to be friends OOCly with my writing buddies so it’s more comfortable, and I’m totally fine with Discord RP if our schedules don’t match up well or a scene gets cut short in-game. :)
Discord: Sierra#7284
Tumblr: DM me here!
In-game: Feel free to approach / add / whisper me in-game. I’d love to meet you! (If you want to RP, please /tell first. <3)
( Tagging for visibility: @mooglemeet @balmungrp @crystal-rp-ffxiv )
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Here you go! A second treat for the day! Yosei vs Hammersmith at Mujihigi, this was one of my favorite fights to date. Thank you to @flamesonhammersmith
Echoing Thunder: "With the field bloodied by our combatants, are you not entertained? Are your spirits not enlightened?! MORE IS TO COME! For next to enter the ring is a man who has much to prove. A man who must prove that his heart is not as gold as his scale... but as solid as steel."
Echoing Thunder: "YOSEI! Step into the ring!" Echoing Thunder: "... He makes good ramen, as well. But his foe is one who does not shape noodles, but steel. One who bends bones as if they were tin. Who crushes skulls, as if they were rough-shod ore. We welcome a newcomer to the ring: The ijin, FLAMESON HAMMERSMITH! STEP FORWARD!" Echoing Thunder: "Combatants. Respect your foe - and your observers. Speak your peace... and prepare to bloody each other." Flameson Hammersmith: "FUCK ALL YEZ JUSS HERE FIGHT." Flameson Hammersmith: went in shoulder low, sand kicking up behind the enormous bulldozer of a roe as the mountain of meat made to trample the golden skink under his feet.
Yosei Ittetsu: || Yosei didn't quite seem to have shaken the sleep off, not yet at least. His reflexes taking a small hit at least, enough to shake him awake. As the giant of a man rushed in, the raen pulled those brand new, ornate daggers he got, fresh off the anvil today. With a graceful spin to the left out of the man's path, the blade's silver edge was brought across the Roegadyn's right side of his face. He came out of the evade behind Hammersmith, both blades drawn as his eyes were locked on the man as he kept himself low.
Youjo Enjou: "Fight. Scratch. Bite, Yosei." The Dragoness' voice breathes out; "...Show him." Echoing Thunder: "For if you do not, -he- will." Tyalo Moro: [Hammersmith strikes back! 1-1 TIE] Flameson Hammersmith: Hammer's cheek split open, a wide, ugly gash revealing roes of filed sharp teeth inside the roe's mouth, and the foul liquid inside. Yosei passed to the right and Hammer planted his feet into the sand deep and hard, pivoting in a surge of earth as the gasoline quality moonshine he'd mouthed spewed out over his light cigar in a flesh searing plume of fire over the Golden Au Ra. Tyalo Moro: [Yosei hits! 2-1 Yosei!]
Echoing Thunder: "A spectacular showing from the ijin! Spitting fire like some Yanxian drunken master. Yet can Yosei - the man who invented the Meteor Challenge - endure such a flame?"
Youjo Enjou: "I would expect him to endure flame." Enjou stays matter-of-factly, chin held high. Yosei Ittetsu: || He wasn't expecting the tactic used, he only had heard rumors of the Roe's preliminary fight. The liquid splashed across his right shoulder. The pain was only felt for a moment, but thanks to his prep, or a curse, the pain that would have been felt wasn't there. He looked down at the location it hit, the leather of his armor had taken noteable damage. That hateful glare turning back to the Roeagdyn, but there was a moment of hesitation. Was that fear in the Raen's eyes. It was only a moment, the hatred coming back in an instant. He rushed into the man with his blades ready to go for the side, finding a nice gap in the armor to wedge one of those ornate blades into the armor.
Tyalo Moro: [Hammersmith hits! 2-2 TIE!] Flameson Hammersmith: Hammer stepped IN, into the daggers. Into the rush. There was a clanking crash of metal hitting leather and hidden plates in the roe's armor as the Fuck Mountain rolled a hand behind the now All Too Close Au-Ra, clamped a hand into his hair, and rolled back into a meteoric right strait into Yosei's mask to try and feed him the mask over his face. Tyalo Moro: [Bracket defense! COUNTERSTRIKE! 3-2 Hammersmith!] Yosei Ittetsu: || That strike to his mask caused to make the au'ra cough. He took an extra big breath in order to try to compose himself. He was held fast, the best way to go! He placed his closed fists on Hammersmith's shoulders as his foot was placed between the large man's legs. He knew he was in the danger zone, he had to make space /somehow/. He swept his foot to the right, attempting to use the man's weight against him. Flameson Hammersmith: Hammer had planted his legs in a wide, even stance. There was another hard, flat sound of flesh smashing against metal as the kick landed and....completely failed to move Hammer's leg out of where the tree trunk limb had planted itself. The hand in Yosei's hair didn't release. Held Yosei Close. The next hit was punching -through- the mask and made the air shudder.
Tyalo Moro: [Yosei misses! 3-2 Hammersmith!]
Yosei Ittetsu: || That punch shattered the mask, and the au'ra's nose with it. The device he used to hide his pain fell by the wayside. His heart now pounding, his eyes shifting to that of almost a feral animal. Even blood pouring from his face didn't seem to stop him at this moment. With a surge of rage he brought his head back in attempts to slam it forward into that monster he fought.
Tyalo Moro: [Bracket defense!! COUNTER! 3-3 TIE! NEXT POINT TAKES IT!]
Youjo Enjou: "Anger, Yosei. Show him your anger."
Evening Fist: "Maintain that discipline, damn it!" Kayis Asader: "Finish this Yosei! I want to see you across from me in this ring!"
Flameson Hammersmith: Rolled his head back and met the headbutt blow for blow with a sharp crack similar to someone smacking stones together. Then the roe THREW Yosei. Off. Away, As the roe took a moment to poke a tongue through his ripped cheek.
Echoing Thunder: "Let your spirit be laid bare. Let your hearts SING in the chaos!" Gan Haragin: "YOSEI! Win this! Show the crowd what you've been working for!"
Evening Fist: "Keep control! Anger means NOTHING without CONTROL!"
Professor Ozerov: "HAMMER! KICK HIM IN THE BALLS!"
Yosei Ittetsu: || The Roegadyn tossed him back, but it was the detriment of the opponent. Giving the man the distance was usually a bad idea. As the adrenaline rose he didn't hear anything around him, he didn't see anyone. Just him and the man that stood before him. "You never fucking learn!" He rushed down again, this time he used the speed he could gather to sweep low on the mountain, this time not to actually injure him, but to flip him off his feet, face first in the sand. He at least learned his lesson from last time, turning to face the man as he maintained that readied position. Tyalo Moro: [Hammersmith misses! 3-3 TIE!] Flameson Hammersmith: Hammer hit the sand and ROLLED as Yosei came in and swept. There was the briefest of pauses as the Roe was buried in sand....then a leg rocketed out of the sand towards Yosei's Sternum with the same force of a hidden rocket silo.
Tyalo Moro: [Yosei misses! 3-3!!]
Echoing Thunder: "Are you all not entertained? Witnessing these two giants of the ring fighting for YOU! For your enjoyment - for your honour!"
Yosei Ittetsu: || The pounding of his heart started to drown out even his own thoughts. He was able to jump back to miss the rocket of a leg coming at him. He threw down his blades, reaching into the back of his coat to launch a variety of kunai at the Roegadyn attempting to use the motion to put more space between the two of them.
Kayis Asader: "Fucking kill him Yosei!" Kayis roared in dual tone.
Tyalo Moro: [FLAMESON HITS!!! 4-3 HAMMER!]
Tyalo Moro: [Flameson Hammersmith is the victor!]
Tyalo Moro: [Flameson Hammersmith is the victor!]
Flameson Hammersmith: Several daggers sprouted out of the giant roe's armor, some of the joints, blood dripping down over his back. There was a ripping sound as the roe moved, a clanking of chain and metal. A crunching echo of flesh and bone, and then there was a CRACK as a goat-headed weight buried itself into the wall beyond Yosei. Yosei had been in the path of the goat. Hammer sat in the sand, pulling knives out of his flesh.
Echoing Thunder: "Ladies and gentlemen... THE GOAT!"
Tyalo Moro: "Mmm. The sands favor this sacrifice.
Yosei Ittetsu: || By this point the au'ra had been consumed by whatever was coursing through him. That rage was all he could see, the hatred for the opponent that he saw. He was ready to spring for the next action, only to be caught by the goat. He slammed into the cliff wall, coughing up a decent amount of blood. By this point, it was hard to tell if it was blood from his mouth or his nose. He shoved the mace off of him. Battered, Bloody, and Beaten, he rest his hand on the sands to rise to his feet. He took a moment to gather his breath, hand to his chest. He glanced toward Hammersmith, "About time." He drew in another deep breath with a wince before walking off of the sands without another word to anyone.
Tyalo Moro: "Mmm. The sands favor this sacrifice.." There was a hesitation within that statement. "Congratulations to the victor, may that favor follow you this night."
Echoing Thunder: "Yosei. ... Your mother wishes to speak with you."
Evening Fist: "Don't just WALK OFF!"
Echoing Thunder: "Honour to you both. Hammersmith, you may return to the cave - congratulations upon your victory."
Echoing Thunder: "... and get yourself mended."
Tyalo Moro: "Mm. We might as well move on, Aye, Zenjiro?"
Echoing Thunder: "Ahem-... Yes. YES! We must continue!"
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Gan Haragin
I need inspiration to draw more in order to get back into the groove. I have a lot of ideas but they all feel too complex for me to tackle at the moment…
SO, HELP ME OUT BY SPREADING YOUR GORGEOUS OCs? I’d like anyone to reblog this and add a pic (artwork or screenshot) of their OC! Anything goes, be it vidya game characters, D&D characters or such. You can also tell me what you like about your character the most about! ( Please do note though that this is not a free art request post, I might end up sketching some characters if I find something about them really spark my inspiration ;u; I just want to see different kinds of cool characters with different shapes and styles and colours~♥ )
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Prompt 7-- Forgiven
Part of the 30 Day writing challenge hosted by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
(Master post here)
This was perhaps the hardest thing Amaud had ever done. He’d faced dragons and heretics, placed his life on the line for a suicide mission and yet… this was the most daunting task he’d yet to face. Steeling his nerves, Amaud took a breath and approached the figure before him.
“Gan…” He called out in a quiet tone.The Miqo’te turned her gaze onto him, her expression flat and lifeless.
“What, Amaud?”
“I’d… well. I’d like to speak with you for a moment, if you would be so kind as to offer me a moment.” Giving her an imploring look, after a moment Gan relented and stood, gesturing for him to lead on.
With a momentary flash of relief crossing his face, Amaud moved on towards the shore of the river and sat down. If there was one thing he remembered about his--well, his ex-wife he supposed now-- that she loved the water. They used to visit the rivers in Coerthas whenever they were off duty. Gan trailed a few steps behind and settled on the riverbank beside him, still quiet, though she seemed to relax a little at the sight of water.
“What did you want to speak with me about?” She asked quietly.
“About that.” Amaud took a deep breath in and fixed those sky blue eyes on her. “I wanted to apologize.”
“Apologize?” Gan’s eyes narrowed a bit.
“Yes.” He let out a soft sigh. “For leaving you, like I did. It can’t have been easy--”
“It wasn’t.” She cut him off. “You have… no idea.” Gan’s voice broke a little.
“I’m sorry.” The weak apology was all Amaud could offer.
“And you’re not forgiven.” Gan stared at him, eyes narrowed to slits. “I can’t even begin to describe to you, just how lost and empty I’ve felt all these years. I thought I finally had a HOME. A place to belong to with someone who loved me. And then in the blink of an eye… gone. All of it.”
“You could have stayed--”
“With your family? The parents who saw me as little more than some… prized piece to brag about to their social circles? ‘Look at the exotic eastern wife my son brought home’. Yes. How comforting when the man I loved more than anything lay dead in a stone fortress.” Gan let out a derisive snort. “I have never FELT more alone in my life. So broken and barren of hope. Years. YEARS of wandering, taking whatever risky jobs I could take. Hoping that somehow, I’d find myself right beside you in Halone’s cold embrace.”
Amaud stared at her with wide eyes. He’d known she would have suffered, but not the extent of it.
“And for years I had shut myself OFF to others. To the possibility of love. And now, now when I’m finally about to put down roots and start again, you just WALTZ back into my life asking for forgiveness?”
“Gan, I--”
“I can’t give it to you Amaud.” Gan shifted her gaze away from him and stared down into the river as the water rushed by. “I understand you felt it necessary to do what you did. I understand that. But I… I can never forgive you. For rushing off to that place, knowing it would likely be your end. For placing your ‘duty’ as a Knight over the people you love. Over me.”Gan’s voice petered out into little more than a whisper as she finished.
Dumbstruck and unsure of how to respond, Amaud shifted his gaze to the river as well. “I’d have been branded a deserter or traitor.”
“You know that’s not true.” Gan answered quickly. “Your family has clout. You were their heir. The Clergy would have understood. So would the Knight Commander.”
“And what kind of example would that set?”
“One that said it wasn’t worth dying for a pointless cause.” Gan stood, refusing to make eye contact. “The war is over. Turns out the Bishop and clergy all lied. All of it was a lie. Go home and learn the truth for yourself. I’m sure Quin will be happy to see you again.”
Turning on her heel, she began to walk away. “You’re forgiven for doing what you thought you had to do. But I will never forgive you for putting a stupid war above your family, or for leaving me a broken shell of a person, yearning for death. I will never forgive you for choosing death over me.” And with that, silent footsteps carried her away.
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Prompt 4-- Shifting Blame
Part of the FFXIV Writing Challenge hosted by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
Another fight lost, another wound to her ego. Ever since coming to the East, life had been dealing her nothing but one defeat after another. Open her heart to someone after years only to have it crushed. Again, and again, and again. It was tiring. She was growing sick of it real fast.
And what was the cause of it all? Everyone kept telling her it was her temper. Her temper was clouding her judgement, her temper was blinding her, she was too busy living in the past. That was the problem, though. The past. It wasn’t her fault that things all played out the way they did.
She never asked for Odard to shoot her in the back. She never asked for Amaud to run off and ignore the pleas of his family to run head first into a suicide mission. All of this was their doing. She hadn’t done anything to cause it. She’d always tried to do her best to prevent things going sour.
No. If anything, all these losses, all these failures in her life were their fault. For making her bitter, for making her cold, and angry, and volatile. It wasn’t her fault that everything always came crashing down around her. It was theirs. She was trying her damndest, so why couldn’t they?! Why couldn’t they understand!?
A fist flew in rage, cracking one of the pillars of the beachside cabana. Another. Then another. It was them. It was everyone in her past to this point who were to blame for the way she was now. It wasn’t her fault. How could it be? She was simply a victim in all of this. She never asked for this.
Sinking to her knees in the sand, Gan let out a defeated cry. The truth was, it was her fault. At least insofar as her current situation mattered. No amount of cursing or blaming Amaud or anyone else would ever change that fact. But it made her feel better at least. If only for a little while.
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Prompt 9- Hesitate
Part of the 30 Day writing challenge hosted by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
Master Post
Gan stood in front of a door that lead to a room containing one of the worst chapters of her past. Her heart beat wildly as she stared at the wooden divider, the only thing that separated her from one of her many nightmares.
Just a few sun earlier Gan, Noise, Yosei, and Teo had managed to locate and capture the pirate Odard Stormsea. The man who had once shot Gan in the back and left her for dead on a remote island. And then sailed away with the ship she had poured her heart into saving up for.
Now he sat on the other side of that door, broken and bloodied, restrained to a chair without the use of his limbs. He was for all intents and purposes, useless. A harmless, broken man, but still he held enough fear over Gan that she stood outside that door, hesitating. It’d been an hour. Still just staring at that door, afraid to open it and face what was inside.
“Gunna keep hesitatin’ out there all day?” Came the faint, muffled sound of a gravelly, sadistic voice. “Or ye gunna c’min here an’ finally face me? Know ye been standin’ out there fer some time now.”
The voice made Gan squeeze her eyes tight. It shouldn’t be this hard. No. She’d already managed to take him down. He was nothing now. Hardly the Highlander she had spent years with. Hand on the door knob, Gan pushed the door open and took her first few steps inside. No more hesitation...
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Finally got around to making one of these for Gan. Has all current and updated information.
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Prompt 6- First Steps
Part of the FFXIV Writing Challenge hosted by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast

It had been a while since Gan had given birth to the twins. A boy and a girl. Time seemed to have flown and now, they were a few moons shy of a full turn. There had been so many firsts for them in the few months that they’d been alive. Rolling over, crawling, babble, and smiles. Gan’s heart had been full to near bursting.
Off to the side, her first child watched her siblings with veiled interest. A book settled in her lap, her attention wavered between the two, occasionally jumping to the twins when she thought they might be in trouble.
Suddenly, the boy twin Westerly pulled himself to his feet, using the cloth of Gan’s haori. Eyes wide, Gan turned her head to shout. “Noise! Noise come quick!”
Within moments, the dusky blonde Miqo’te came rushing around the corner looking for who it was he needed to stab. “What’s wrong?”
“What?” Gan stared at him for a moment. “Oh! Nothing. But look! Look at your son!”
As the pair shifted their gaze down to the chubby Miqo’te cub, he steadied himself on tiny legs. Then, with much concentration, moved one foot in front of the other, taking several clumsy and wobbly steps towards his father. After scooting himself forward a bit, Westerly finally stumbled and tottered forward, only to be caught by Noise who hoisted him up and hugged him tenderly.
“I didn’t want you to miss it…” Gan smiles up at him.
“Thank you love. Our son’s first steps.” Noise’s eyes grew a little glassy. Westerly wasn’t their first child, and it wasn’t the first time a child had taken their first steps in that home. But still, it never grew old. Watching your child’s first steps.
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Prompt 12-- Fingers Crossed
Part of the Writing Challenge hosted by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
Master Post
Ningyo: A Yokai whose flesh is rumored to have the ability to grant the consumer eternal life and youth. They often curse anyone who attempts to harm or capture them in any way.
Gan sat in the small fisherman’s boat, opposite side of a man she never thought she’d share breathing space with again. Odard stared out at the sea with a grim look on his face, worsened by the still healing bruises and cuts. At the moment, his hands and feet were bound, so should he have tried to escape, he’d likely just drown in the attempt. But Gan had made it absolutely known that should he try to escape once they reached their destination, she would end him without hesitation. There would be no escape from her.
“Th’ feck we even fishin’ for anyways?” Odard grumbled at her.
“Called a Ningyo. More’n that ain’t your business.” The Xaela answered bitterly.
Odard let out a bark of a laugh. “Mus’ be important if yer willin’ t’ deal wit me t’ get it. Wot’s it worth? Summat special ‘bout it?”
“Said it ain’t your business. We’re almost there.” Gan growled.
“Ye los’ yer accent. Can barely tell ye were a pirate once.” Odard muttered. When Gan didn’t answer, he went another route to try and rile her up. “So wot? Ye doin’ this fer yer new boy toys? That it? Ye think they really love ye or summat? They’ll jus’ do the same t’ ye that I did. Use ye up and then leave ye to rot ‘mongst th’ fishes.”
That of course drew a reaction from the small Xaela woman. With a snarl she lashed out at him with her tail, the barbs leaving gashes in the flesh of his back. “You shut yer mouth.” She hissed with venom.
Of course, the reaction only drew raucous laughter from the Highlander. “Guess they ain’t completely like me.” He sneered. “Woulda had to’ve loved ye in th’ firs’ place.” Another ugly chuckle and Gan stopped rowing. “Wossat?”
“We’re here.” She answered flatly, lowering the anchor. Spending time with the man who betrayed her was NOT something she was enjoying and wanted to put an end to quickly. The informant she’d had, had given her coordinates to this particular spot in the Ruby Sea. Now it was a matter of timing and luck.
Crossing her fingers, Gan chanted a silent prayer to Halone. She hoped this would work. That she’d find what she was looking for and be done with Odard once and for all after this. The whole time they waited, she kept those fingers crossed. One could never discount the power of superstition.
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Prompt 5- Vault
Part of the FFXIV Write challenge hosted by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
Vault: to jump or leap over an obstacle.
Yosei had come back to her. After days of not knowing. And days after still, where he was a mindless beast, he had finally come back to her. That dorky, gentle man that she loved. But now what?
Where did they go from here? For so long, up until his ‘death’ he had pushed her away. Pushed her towards other people. Even though the pining and feelings had been mutual, still, they pushed one another away. Did she even trust that things would be any different this time around?
What would Kayis think. He’d already given her his blessing but still. Even if she had a chance with the golden Raen, what said that they’d even be able to make things work. Then there was Noise to think about. That night they had spent in the forest… maybe she had been imagining it, but it almost felt like there had been something there. She’d never felt so close to him before.
What was she doing? After so many hurts, after being left high and dry so many times by other people, why was she even contemplating this? It was foolish. Crazy. It wouldn’t work and he’d likely never stop pushing her away.
Gan ran a hand through her violet locks and let out a frustrated sigh. What should she do? What could she do? Fuck it. If… if either of them offered… she’d take that plunge. She knew she wouldn’t be able to resist. So for them… should the opportunity ever present itself, she’d take that leap of faith.
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#gan haragin#ffxiv#haurchefant greystone#haurchefant#in another timeline#they got hitched#and he didn't die
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Badass sketch commission of Gan done by @badasserywomen !!
I'm in love. She looks every bit as fierce as she's supposed to! Thank you so much!!!
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LFRP - Gan Haragin (Balmung) UPDATED!!!!!
Gan Haragin
Age: 34ish?
Birthday: 19th sun of the 4th Astral moon
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral? I guess?
Marital Status: Widowe
Hair: Dark purple, with tints of deep red.
Eyes: Heterochromatic Orange and Green, black sclera, white limbal ring
Height: 4’ 9”
Build: Small and solid, like a brick shithouse
Distinguishing Marks:
Always looks haggard, no matter how much sleep or how clean she is
Plenty of visible scars along her body where there are no scales
Dresses consistently in black, purple, and sometimes gold. Usually a combination of the first two.
Common Appearance: Gan usually wears her hair pulled back somehow with multiple braids running through it. Always with some sort of jacket and thigh high boots. Though she never carries a weapon on her, she always has a flask or two on hand. And there’s also a good chance that in one of her random packs, she’s carrying homemade Buuz.
Profession: Privateer, Mercenary, Pit Fighter
Hobbies: Drinking, Fighting, Writing
Languages: Eorzean, Xaela
Residence: Limsa Lominsa
Birthplace: Azim Steppes
Religion: None
Losing loved ones
Squids and Octopi
Spouse: Amaud Vallot (Husband, deceased), Vehn Kha (Boyfriend)
Children: None
Bataar Haragin (Father, deceased)
Erhi Haragin (Mother, deceased)
Toragana Arulaq
Probably a dozen others she doesn’t know about
Other Relations:
Ex boyfriend whom she refuses to name. Dated before her late husband, betrayed her for unknown reasons and whose current whereabouts are unknown. As is whether he is alive or dead.
The Eight Winds, a Mercenary Group whom she works for
The members of SEEK, her roomates and-- one might even say… Friends?!
The House of Oki and Tyalo Moro, her place of residence in Doma and her Geomancy teacher respectively.
No specific enemies. Only anyone trying to harm her, or the few friends she has. Or anyone trying to arrest her whilst performing her job.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
The Betrayer
Gan’s first love betrayed her and left her broken hearted. His motives are wrapped in mystery, as are his current whereabouts. Even whether he is alive or dead is unknown to Gan. The only thing known about this man is that Gan refuses to say anything about him other than that she was betrayed. She won’t even speak his name.
Yo ho, feedle di dee
You are a pirate! Or rather, a privateer. Gan’s been on deck since she can remember, traveling across Eorzea. When not at sea, she finds mercenary work on land. It’s been nearly 20 years that she’s been at work and so, anyone in Limsa Lominsa, or who regularly deals with Privateers/Mercenaries are likely to have runa cross her or know her.
Odd Pairing
Gan’s late husband was an Elezen. Talk about a mismatched pair. That being said, she’s spent plenty of time in Coerthas before the Calamity, so anyone that actively lived/traded there may have noticed her, or heard of her since a midget in a sea of giants is conspicuous. Or anyone who may have known her late husband, including members of his family.
O’ Brother, Where art Thou?
Gan's daddy was a bit of a player before leaving the Steppes with her and her mother. It's possible that Gan has a bunch of half siblings she knows nothing about.
Teach Me
Since finally taking the step to return to the East for the first time in nearly three decades, Gan has found the desire to learn about her people and their customs. So any Xaela based RP would be welcome!
So you like to read
Gan writes books in her free time. The public serial that has her name to it is called the “Pirates and Rebels” series. It’s a mystery series with a--you guessed it--nautical swashbuckling theme. There are 10 books in the series. On the quiet side, she writes smutty romance novels under the Nom De Plum, “Ped Xing”. There are about a dozen of these books all with various plots.
Hello! Gan is a bitter privateer with a crunchy exterior but a heart of gold! She’s constantly trying to throw hands, but that’s just a diversionary tactic to keep people from getting too close. I’ve recently come back to FFXIV after a hiatus of… a couple years…. So I’d love to make some new RP acquaintances. Feel free to message me on tumblr or discord, but if you’re going to hit me up on discord, please let me know who you are. Ciao!
Pretty much anything. Though be forewarned, if you’re making a romantic move on her with the hopes of initiating something, you’re going to be sorry. Gan’s as loyal as they come when it comes to partners.
Be your Punching bag IC or OOC
Partake in anything that includes harming children
Harm a character or let my character be harmed without permission
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