jenfoundabug · 1 month
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Camel cricket in the genus Gammarotettix Sequoia National Park, California, US
These orthopterans are sometimes known as chaparral or arboreal camel crickets. They're nocturnal, flightless, and mainly endemic to California. This one had a splendid view of the Giant Forest in Sequoia National Park. Sitting on a sign, however, is not a good idea for a bug in a tourist-ridden area so I encouraged them to hop away.
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beausbugbiome · 4 months
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Had trouble IDing this little porch visitor, any ideas? (I’m in California)
Hmm, this is a tough one. I’m fairly sure it’s Gammarotettix genus… maybe Gammarotettix genitalis?? I am admittedly lacking in knowledge of crickets so I had to enlist the help if inat. Anyone else have suggestions?
Thank you for the ask, friend! Sorry that I can’t be more helpful. 💚
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