#Gamak Motor
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imakreduktorleri · 2 years ago
Gamak Motor
Dünya genelinde sayılı şekilde bulunan fabrikalarda üretilen Gamak motor modelleri, orta ve alçak gerilim özelliklerine sahiptir. Alüminyum ve pik gövdeli, 56-630 tip ve 0,06-3.000 kW güç aralığına sahip model seçenekleri bulunur. Geniş bir model yelpazesine sahip olarak uyguların kaliteli hale gelmesi sağlanır.
Gamak Motor Yüksek Performans
Gamak motor modellerinde bulunan performans ve dayanıklılık benzersiz motor tanımını fiziksel olarak ortaya koyar. Özel tasarımlara sahip olan motorlar güvenilir şekilde tercih edilirken uygulama alanı seçimi oldukça esnek tutulabilir. Uygulama için en iyi tasarımların sonucunda ortaya çıkan motor modelleri, geliştirilmiş teknik özelliklere sahiptir. Endüstride kullanım ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik şekilde tasarlanan motorlar özellikle verimlilik konusunda sık tercih edilmesine neden olur.
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guncelyenisiteler · 3 years ago
gamak motor izmir sektörünün en iyilerinden biri üstün redüktör sizi bekliyor.
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erayonline · 5 years ago
Elektrik Motorları https://www.erayonline.com #erayonline #elektrikmotoru #asenkron #motor #ac #acmotor #asenkronmotor #karakoy #bayrampasa #gamak #wat #abana #siemens #miksanmotor #gamakmotor #bobinaj #bobinajci #bobinajmalzemeleri #sishane #motoryedekparca #yedekparca (Perşembe Pazarı arap camii) https://www.instagram.com/p/BekuUyMnv2E/?igshid=1sxip9oqnp43k
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haberlerextra · 3 years ago
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https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor)
https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor İzmir)
https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor fiyatları)
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haberalo · 3 years ago
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https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor)
https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor İzmir)
https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor fiyatları)
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alohaberciniz · 3 years ago
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https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor)
https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor İzmir)
https://www.ustunreduktor.com/ (gamak motor fiyatları)
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carguytimes · 5 years ago
(2020-2026) High Voltage Motors Market Analysts Expect Robust Growth in 2026| SIEMENS, ABB, TECO, GE, WEG, Mitsubshi, Emerson, Toshiba, Hitachi, Yaskawa, Orsatti, Hyosung, Gamak, Shanghai Electric, Jiamusi Electric Machine etc. - 3rd Watch News
(2020-2026) High Voltage Motors Market Analysts Expect Robust Growth in 2026| SIEMENS, ABB, TECO, GE, WEG, Mitsubshi, Emerson, Toshiba, Hitachi, Yaskawa, Orsatti, Hyosung, Gamak, Shanghai Electric, Jiamusi Electric Machine etc.  3rd Watch News http://dlvr.it/RRwn0h
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cindy893 · 5 years ago
High Voltage Motors Market Outline and Pipeline Review from 2019-2025 | SIEMENS, ABB, TECO
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The 'High Voltage Motors Market' report 2019 deeply analyses important options in major developing markets. The analysis includes size, latest trends, drivers, threats, opportunities, still as key segments. The reveals High Voltage Motors market dynamics in many geographic segments for this business landscape and future state of affairs over the forecast amount. The High Voltage Motors report conjointly contains a comprehensive market and seller landscape additionally to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors.
Global High Voltage Motors market segments shed happen upon within the report are examined for future growth. The High Voltage Motors report conjointly shows their current growth within the order that players might make the most on the accessible opportunities. The report supplies with producing High Voltage Motors analysis of producing method, worth, and different studies vital to closely perceive. Our analysts have used High Voltage Motors industry-best primary and secondary analysis methodologies to compile this meticulous and complete analysis.
Free Sample of this Report at: http://www.marketresearchglobe.com/request-sample/1102616
Global Key Players Analysis:
SIEMENS, ABB, TECO, GE, WEG, Mitsubshi, Emerson, Toshiba, Hitachi, Yaskawa, Orsatti, Hyosung, Gamak, Shanghai Electric, Jiamusi Electric Machine
Market Analysis by Types:
High Voltage Synchronous Motors
High Voltage Asynchronous Motors
Market Analysis by Applications:
HVAC Equipment
Industrial Machinery
Aerospace & Transportation
Leading Geographical Regions in High Voltage Motors Market:
North America, Asia-Pacific, UK, Europe, Central & South America, Middle East & Africa
Get Exclusive Discount at: http://www.marketresearchglobe.com/check-discount/1102616
Objectives of the Study:
To analyze and forecast the scale of the High Voltage Motors market, in terms valuable and volume.
To provide High Voltage Motors data concerning the key factors influencing the expansion of the market (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges).
To strategically analyze markets with relevance High Voltage Motors growth trends, prospects, and their contribution to the market.
To define, describe, and forecast the High Voltage Motors market by kind and application.
To analyze High Voltage Motors opportunities within the stakeholders and supply a competitive landscape for leaders.
To strategically profile key players and comprehensively analyze their global High Voltage Motors market share and core competencies.
Along with, High Voltage Motors fundamental data, the report sheds light-weight on the assembly. Production plants, their capacities, international production, and revenue ar studied. Also, the High Voltage Motors sales growth in numerous regions and R&D standing are coated.
Enquiry More about the report: http://www.marketresearchglobe.com/send-an-enquiry/1102616
Customization of this Report: This High Voltage Motors report could be customized to the customer's requirements. Please contact our sales professional ([email protected]), we will ensure you obtain the report which works for your needs.
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laguanalog · 8 years ago
Tasikmalaya, 13 April 2017 dude, it’s gonna be a looooong story ~
UN terakhir ini akhirnya berakhir juga, dengan di hari terkahir dan sesi pertama, membuat kita menjadi orang pertama yang nyalse dengan sangat pada hari ini. Gw ngejalanin UNBK terakhir ini seperti biasanya, nyalse dengan diisi ngobrol ngalor ngidul yang kadang dimarahin temen sebelah yang lagi fokus-fokusnya. Namun UN hari ini gw enggak lagi jadi server kayak hari kemaren, kalo hari kemaren tuh berasa banget bergunannya diri ini bagi nusa dan bangsa. 
Singkat cerita, UNBK pun selesai. Pas selesainya ituuu, biasa aja. Seriusan, there’s no hype at all ...  Soalnya UNBK nya macem simulasi aja sih, begitu begitu, kayak gaada tensi yang bikin tegang, panik, dan sebagainya. Tetep datar, nyalse, dan masih dalam kategori biasa sajah. Selesai dari lab komputer, gw masih ada satu tugas lagi. Yaitu nyelesein urusan buku kenangan. Karena udah siap apa yang mau diomongin dan mau gimana ngomonginnya, gw pun bergegas ke ruangan itu. Ditemani dengan orang atas juga. Daan, ekspektasi berbanding terbalik dengan realita. Udah emang kodratnya kali ya, dulu kakak gw dibikin rudet dan gw juga sekarang dibikin rudet orang yang sama, hahaha
Okay, mari kepinggirkan hal yang sudah dipinggir itu. Setelah “urusan” itu saya anggap selesai, saya ngademin diri di mesjid, dan terdapat kabar. Mau ngejenguk temen yang full ga ikut unbk. Feeling sih, gegara kecapean mikirin buken juga, hahahaha. Gw ngikut-ngikut aja dengan plan itu, karena sebelum gw pulang ke ciamis gitu maksudnya. Gw kira rumahnya terhitung dekat, padahal tydack. Dan, gw gamake gear apapun selain helm yang nempel dikepala, untung aja berangkat ke sekolah tadi pagi pake sepatu juga. Sama bawa jas hujan juga, jadi atleasttt nyalse lah ya. Meskipun tangan pegal ketika berangkat, kan di sarung tangan tuh ada gel buat ngeganjelnya tuh, jadi meredam getaran begitchuu.
Shit, i’m writing this thing with half of my consciousness. What a day!
Pas nyampe disanaa, wahh asa gimanaa gitu. Soalnya jalannya ituu duh, membuat semua anggota tubuh bergetar. ahahaha, kalo pake sarung tangan kan atleast ada peredam getaran gituu. Nyampe disana langsung menggoler di lantai, adem banget. Wilayahnya juga masih asri bangeet, nyaman kayaknya kalo cuma diem diatas motor doang juga. Cuma yaa sayangnya jalannya itu kurang bersahabat. Lantainya juga adem terus kalo disana, masih enak intinya itu tempat. Dan kita makan baso ditambah ngobrol gajelas (lagi) disana. I don’t even know why, kalo momentnya bener-bener pas dan gak dipaksain tuh, obrolan obrolan yang penting sampe gapenting tuh suka keluar aja dengan mulus dari mulut kita. It’s like, there’s no hesitation theree.
Lanjut dari situ, kita trauma melewati jalan yang ancurnya naudzubillah. Untungnya ditemukanlah jalan yang sedikit lebih friendly. Dijalan itu, gw liat ada rumah yang super duper bagus. Halamannya luas, dan imaji pun langsung bekerja dengan sempurna “ Wah ini rumah bagus nih, cakep. Entar kalo punya rumah kayak gini bareng doi kayaknya perfect life banget ya?” Sampe gw gasadar gw ngambil jalur orang dan diteriakin. Gw cuma ngakak disitu, sekaligus minta maaf dalam hati.
Dan ternyata habis bakso, terbitlah makanan lainnya. Ditraktir yang tiba-tiba. Perut gw masih meronta meski gwnya udah enggan. Serta diakhiri dengan korban 3 potong dada, dari ayam yang berbeda-beda. Entah sih ayamnya sama ato engga, tapi masih ada kemungkinan ayam yang berbeda. Perut gw mengeras dan membesar, sulit gerak, sulit ngapa-ngapain. Shit what have i done? Padahal itu gw masih jauh dari rumah loh ahahaha, dan barang-barang dikosan juga belom packing. 
Pulanglah gw dengan lamban, pake banget. Dari singaparna ke tasik berasa jauuuhhh banget. Kena lobang dikit aja berasa pengen muntah gw ahahaha. 
Nyampelah gw dikosan, packing yang terburu-buru karena udah sore. Akhirnya gw pun selesai dan otw ke rumah, sebelumnya karena anak-anak motor lagi pada ngumpul di cafe gw niatin mau mampir kesana, eh udah pada pulang. Jadilah gw mampir ke tempat biasa mereka pada ngumpul, sekedar say hi doang dan langsung cuss kerumah. Dilanjutkan dengan gw yang ngetik ini cerita, kepotong sama mandi, ngopi, dan ngebenerin tipi. Well akhirnya i semua 
Dengan berakhirnya UNBK, kayaknya tamat secara unofficial gitu ya masa putih abu gw? Meski masih ada agenda TOEFL sih entar hari minggu, tapi berasa gimana gitu. 
Terimakasih temen-temen kelas yang ngewarnain lembar-lembar terakhir ini dengan warna spektakuler. Terimakasih untukmu juga, ehe. Entah, kelas terakhir di putih abu ini memorable banget, kayak emang designed to be remembered. Dan gw baper lagi nulis ini. Mengingat yaa, selesai gitu aja. Entar mah ngumpul total kayak gini kan susah ya, pasti susah banget sih. Ada yang disini, disana, disitu. Ada yang di ibukota, kota pelajar, kota kembang, kota beda pulau. Mudahan salah satu dari kita enggak ada yang tetiba hilang gitu ya? Biar tar kalo ngumpul juga asik. 
Ah baper lagi, baper lagi. Lagi dirumah nihhh.
KacamataRemaja//Kopimata XII MIPA 4 // SMA Swasta di Tasikmalaya 
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steve-daniel · 6 years ago
High Voltage Motors Market Sales, Segments, Capacity Outlook, Growth, Potential Applications and Analysis by 2025
“The High Voltage Motors market report is a complete research on the current state of the High Voltage Motors market with a focus on the regional market. This report presents the global High Voltage Motors market size (value, production, and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2013-2018 and forecast to ‘2025’), by manufacturers, region, type, and application. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis.
This research is helpful for all the players operating in the market, including the well-established players and the new entrants. This intelligent study provides the definition, description, and the overall forecasts of the global market, considering the market segments and sub-segments, which includes the product types, technologies, end-users, industry verticals, and the key geographies. Moreover, the report also provides an in-depth analysis of some of the significant factors such as driving forces, challenges, and threats that will shape the future of the market. In addition, the report also includes the lucrative opportunities in the micro markets for all the participants to invest in the global High Voltage Motors market. Besides, the report describes the product offerings and the competitive analysis of the major players operating in the market.
Get a FREE Sample PDF Report: https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/sample/14195
The report also presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.
The key players covered in this report: 
The major manufacturers covered in this report SIEMENS ABB TECO GE WEG Mitsubshi Emerson Toshiba Hitachi Yaskawa Orsatti Hyosung Gamak Shanghai Electric Jiamusi Electric Machine
Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia India
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into High Voltage Synchronous Motors High Voltage Asynchronous Motors
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including Automotive HVAC Equipment Industrial Machinery Aerospace & Transportation Others
High voltage motor refers to motor with rated voltage above 1000V. The Asia-Pacific region High Voltage Motors market is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
This report studies the global High Voltage Motors market status and forecast, categorizes the global High Voltage Motors market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions (India, Southeast Asia).
Get Discount on this Report: https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/discount/14195
The prime objective of this High Voltage Motors research report is to define the size of the different segments and the geographies as well as to forecast the trends that are likely to gain traction in the following couple of years. This market research report has been designed to incorporate both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions.
The scope of this report centers on key market analyses, market drivers & challenges, and competitive analysis & trends. Research report examines each market and its applications, regulatory scenario, technological innovations, High Voltage Motors market projections, market sizes, and shares. Moreover, the High Voltage Motors market report examines the most recent trends, pipeline products and developments in the High Voltage Motors market. Complete profiles of leading organizations in the market are also mentioned in this report.
High Voltage Motors market report highlights: 1. The High Voltage Motors research report provides a detailed survey of the current and future industry trends so as to identify the investment analysis. 2. The industry forecasts, using estimated market values have been mentioned, till ‘2025’. 3. The High Voltage Motors Market dynamics such as the drivers, restraints, threats, opportunities, and industry-specific challenges 4. Key industry trends across all the market segments and sub-segments, geographies, and nations. 5. Key developments and strategies determined in the market. 6. Detailed profiling of the leading competitors and the entrant market players. 7. Growth prospects among the emerging nations throughout the forecast period. 8. The High Voltage Motors Market opportunities and recommendations for new investments.
In the end, It includes the methodical description of the various factors such as the market growth and a detailed information about the different company’s revenue, growth, technological developments, production, and the various other strategic developments.
Purchase High Voltage Motors Market Research Report: https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/checkout/14195
Thus, the High Voltage Motors Market Report serves as a valuable material for all industry competitors and individuals having a keen interest in High Voltage Motors Market study.
About us : Market Growth Insight, is a one stop solution for market research reports in various business categories. We are serving 100+ clients with 10000+ diverse industry reports and our reports are developed to simplify strategic decision making, on the basis of comprehensive and in-depth significant information, established through wide ranging analysis and latest industry trends. Contact us : 502, Sai Radhe, Kenedy Road, Behind Hotel Sheraton Grand, Near Pune Station, Pune-411001, [email protected] + 91 8956 049 020
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qomurola · 7 years ago
One day,aku pergi ke Lippo Mall Kemang jakpus,aku kesana naik krl,turun di st.sudirman,dilanjut naik grabike ke tempat tujuan.Oiya tujuan aku kesana itu… Gaada sih wkwkwkwk,iya beneran gaada,jadi aku cuma pengen tau aja karna kebetulan belum pernah kesana dan mau nyoba lipmatte by Lizzie Parra,kebetulan dia ada both di Museum and Market selama 3 hari.Tadinya aku mau ngajak salah satu temen sekolahku tapi gajadi,karna aku pikir It will be better if I do by myself without anyone knows,ya itu ng itung berpetualang.Oke Lanjut.Nyampe sana,gw bingung,sumpah bingung banget,baru turun dari motor udah bingung,karna jalur masuk ke mall nya itu ga sedekat/semudah mall yang lain.Kalo gapercaya kalian bisa search di Google.
TERUTAMA UNTUK PEDESTRIAN KALIAN HARUS SIAP JALAN KAKI SEJAUH 1 KM CUMA BUAT MASUK MALL (Via jalur depan).Sumpah itu gw nyaris gila dipinggir jalan karna jakarta panas parah dan gw jalan sekitar jam set 1.Jadit kamu siapapun yang baca tulisan ini,If you don’t bring any transportation,my tips is ask an uber or taxi, please do not use motorcycle whatever it is even grabike or gojek,dan jika kamu keberatan karna ongkos taxi lebih mahal,kamu bisa mesen kalo udah disekitar jalan tb.simatupang atau deket deket jl.Pangeran Antasari,karna kalau kamu naik motor,parkiran motor dan mall itu jauhnya sama,dan kalian tetep harus jalan kaki karna gojek gabisa drop off di dalam mall.
Itu baru berangkatnya.Yha benar.
Mall nya luas. Lho seluas apa? Hmm,untuk di Bandung sih aku belum pernah nemu yang seluas ini tapi of course di Jakarta banyak ya.Mungkin seluas Grand Indo? Atau Taman anggrek,Ya kira kira seluas itu.Aku cuma muter 1 lantai karna niat aku kesana cuma buat ketemu Lizzie Parra but unfortunately I’m not jadi aku langsung pulang.Tapi itu mengahabiskan waktu 1 setengah jam omaigat.
Oke,pulang.I’m little bit confused.
Kita gabisa mesen uber/sejenisnya karna lobby utama itu cuma buat drop off atau naikin penumpang dan gabisa lama lama,persis kaya di Bandara.Sebenernya bisa,tapi pas aku check dari tkp ke stasiun sudirman itu sekitar 57rb.gajadi.Uang aku buat pulang ngepas dan aku terlalu sayang buat ngambil lagi ke atm.Jadi,rencana ku buat pulang adalah naik taksi bluebird dan minta turunin di alfamart terdekat.Okey dapetlah taksi.Aku minta dianter ke stasiun,tapi sesuai rencana tadi,ditengah jalan aku bakal minta turun di atm atau alfa.But,I forgot that this way is The protocol way which is no minimarket.Damn.Aku bener bener lupa kalau jl.Pangeran Antasari itu salahsatu jalur protokol dan jaaaarang banget ada minimarket di jalan protokol
Sepanjang jalan aku bengong,bingung harus turun dimana,dan akhirnya aku ngeliatin jendela terus.Tapi karna gaenak hening banget drivernya mulai percakapan sama aku.
D: Mbak mau kemana,ko ke stasiun? A: Oh,iya pak,ehehe.Kebetulan saya rumah di jaktim,tapi ada event disini jadi saya dateng deh D: Kerja? Atau belanja aja? A: hmmm apa ya,saya cuma ngejagain stan temen sih,tapi shift saya sudah selesai D: ohhh kirain kerja A: Eheheh,saya aja belum lulus pak D: Kuliah dimana? A: Di UI pak,Hub International. (Sumpah demi tuhan gw ngarang saking pengen masuk sana,yha,doain aja ya gaes) D: ohh HI toh,Saya S1 sastra Inggris di UGM,tapi sempet ambil hukum juga S1 sama,Di UGM A: WAHHH BAPAK HEBAT D: lho,sama saja kan sama UI? A: heheheh iyasih 11/12. (Gw kaget karna sebelumnya gw cuma boong dan ternyata bapak ini lebih wow dan gamake boong) D: saya pensiunan (nyebut salahsatu perusahaan swasta) jadi (nyebut jabatan,gw lupa karna panjang banget jabatanya). A: (soksokan tau) ohhh iya iya pak,bapak punya anak? D: ada,satu A: Perempuan ya pak? (Iseng Nebak aja) D: kok tau? Iya,sekarang sudah kuliah di Singapore dapat Beasiswa A: WOAAAAAAW KEREN PAK (ya lo pikir ae, bapaknya di ugm,wajar anaknya dapet beasiswa di spore) D: Yakalau biaya sendiri saya ga mampu, A: pulangnya jarang ya pak? D: Kalau pulangnya hanya saat natal,biasanya saya yang ke spore,itu semua akomodasi ditanggung beasiswa A: Berarti dirumah sepi dong Pak? D: ya… Hanya berdua sama istri.Teman saya juga ada yg sastra inggris tapi S2 nya ambil HI,sekarang jadi Konsulat di Russia,namanya siapa ya… Oh iya wahid,dulu sekelas sama saya,sampai sekrang masi contact,kalau gapercaya bisa di googling (Gw langsung ngesearch tuh,dan ternyata benar)
Fyi,suara bapak David ini,suara laki laki paling lembut yang pernah aku denger,lembut dan pelan,empuk gitu.asli.Entah karna dia sudah tua atau karna gaya bicaranya yang seperti itu,atau karna dia sedang bebicara dengan perempuan,aku gatau.Dan dia seorang chinese,tapi beliau sangaaat sopan dan menghargai aku yang muslim.Aku percaya dia lulusan sastra Inggris UGM karna cara ngomong nya itu beneran British,kaya di film film. Dan akhirnya aku betah ngobrol sama pak David dan sampai di stasiun dengan selamat.Walaupun bayar 60rb tapi aku seneng karna bisa denger pengalaman pa David yang luar biasa.Sebenarnya masi banyak percakapan aku sama beliau,tapi ya kira kira intinya si gitu ehehehe,Jangan pernah anggap rendah siapapun orang yang didepan kamu,apapun profesinya,apapun penampilanya,karna siapa tau dia lebih dari kita.
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bimabagaskara7-blog · 8 years ago
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Servis motor gamake antri ?? ... Cuma di @getmontir Download aplikasi getMontir: http://goo.gl/HmdsGX getMontir: Alamat: Jl. Rajawali Raya No. 30 A, Cirebon Info: 082333398842 / 0231-8802755 #cirebon #kotacirebon #infocirebon
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