#Gale is an angsty dork
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keldae · 11 months ago
Gale couldn't remember the last time he had slept with someone – spending his time asleep wrapped in a lover's arms had been before Mystra. He hadn't ever needed to sleep when he was with his goddess in her realm, and she would never have come to the mortal planes to spend an entire night with him. So sharing his bedroll now was… unusual.
Not a bad type of unusual, he admitted to himself. But still unusual. And it was even more unusual that he hadn't had relations with his bed partner yet – that hadn't ever been a situation he'd found himself in, during the years before Mystra.
But then, with the orb in his chest… having sex was out of the question.
Unable to shut his mind off, he propped his head up on his pillow, looking down at the half-Elf who had stolen his blankets, and was trying to steal his heart. Devi was dead to the world, squished tightly against Gale's side, coppery hair loose around her head. Gale smiled fondly down at the little half-Elf, watching as a few strands of her hair moved with every slow breath past her parted lips. 
What are you seeing in your dreams tonight, Devi? he thought, gazing down at the thief. Hopefully her dreams were pleasant tonight. He didn't think she'd had a bad nightmare since they'd started sleeping together in the Underdark – he definitely had had pleasant dreams while sharing his tent and bedroll with her. Are you in Baldur's Gate, thriving as a little thief? Or are you thinking of the halfling and the dwarves from the book we read tonight? She had seemed to enjoy the story he had read to her.
Devi shifted slightly, rolling onto her side, facing Gale. Before he was quite aware of it, he was reaching to gently brush the loose strands of hair out of her face, tucking the locks behind one delicately pointed ear. His thumb touched her lips, slowly tracing the outline of her mouth. For a moment, he felt an unspeakable yearning for the woman sleeping beside him. If her thoughts during their lesson in the Weave were any indication, she wanted to kiss Gale, despite his affliction – and gods knew he desperately wanted to give her that kiss. He wanted to know what it would feel like to press his lips against hers, to let his tongue meet her own, to taste her mouth and breathe in her exhales as he fulfilled the vision she had shared with him of a kiss…
He closed his eyes, trying to force his mind away from the dangerous thoughts of kissing the woman with him. He'd spent the last year struggling to stabilise the orb – he couldn't risk his mental discipline failing him now. If he killed them all because of letting himself think too much, too enthusiastically, of kissing a beautiful girl… He wanted to groan in frustration.
Except that would have woken Devi up. He settled for silently scolding himself instead. Get a grip, Dekarios!
Besides, Devi wouldn't – couldn't – truly love a broken man like Gale was. He was older than she was, by quite a few years – and in trying to keep up with her youthful half-Elven exuberance, he definitely felt every tenday of his age in comparison to her. And he was irreparably broken, only a shadow of the man and wizard he had been a year and a half ago. He was the reject of a goddess, damned by his own foolishness, and doomed to meet an explosive end alone. 
In comparison, Devi was young, and full of life and fire and optimism. She had had a poor start in life – any child born poor in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate had a disadvantage. But she was smart, and stubborn, and if she was given the correct support, she could exceed any expectations for a girl born as a poor urchin. Maybe, Gale thought, he could leave a note leaving his wealth to her after he met his unavoidable end? Or he could just give her the key to his tower in Waterdeep before he inevitably had to leave the party to die somewhere safer. If she could cure her tadpole, maybe she could live on, somewhere safer than Baldur's Gate. And it would be a good use for the money and wealth he had, rather than leaving it all to rot. It wasn’t like Tara would really be able to use it, after all.
But he digressed. Devi was too young for him to pursue romantically, too vibrant, too lively to tie herself to a damned man. In another life, if they had ever even crossed paths, they would never have given each other a second thought (unless Devi had identified him as a pickpocketing target… which, Gale knew she would have targeted him in a heartbeat.). Even if he hadn't been damned, they were in entirely different social circles. Imagine the scandal, if he were to return to Waterdeep with an uneducated, uncouth, younger Baldurian thief, and one who could swear like a well-educated mercenary at that, as his lover! 
Gale grinned for a moment, imagining the reactions of some of his more class-conscious peers. His amusement faded with a sigh as he looked back down at Devi. You don't deserve as grim a fate as tying yourself to me would give you, he thought. You're too alive and hopeful to bind yourself to a broken, damned man. In another life, one where he wasn't a walking explosive, he might have still taken her to bed, trying to perhaps prove that being this much older than her just meant he was more experienced with pleasing a lover. And he was pretty certain he had pleased Mystra when he was the goddess’s lover – he could have wowed Devi with his command of the Weave in bed. He had already impressed her with their magic lesson after the tiefling party, and that had been tame! What he could have done behind a sound dampening ward to blow her away and make her cry out his name in bliss, over and over again…
Speaking of blowing away, he firmly turned his thoughts away from the idea of bedding Devi, thinking about spell incantations instead. The orb rumbled in his chest, but remained calm for the moment as his heart settled back down.
With another sigh, he stroked Devi's hair back from her face again. Where will your mind take you tonight? Will you dream of me? You really shouldn't – I'm a dead man walking. You deserve better than a broken heart. Although, wasn't he bold, to think that Devi might care for him the way he did her? What could he possibly offer her besides his knowledge of the arcane? He was doomed twice over – once from the illithid tadpole, and once from his own idiocy. She at least still had a chance at a normal life once she was cured of the tadpole. 
Tomorrow, he decided, he would start trying to distance himself from her. It would hurt her in the short term, and it would be agony for him, but it was for the best. She deserved better than to develop affections for a man who had nothing before him but an explosive death. Maybe he could subtly point her in the direction of Wyll – the warlock, despite his devilish appearance, was a good man. He was certainly a better man than the wizard who had tried to advance himself beyond mortal limitations to impress a goddess – and even with Wyll’s pact to a devil, he had a hope for a future beyond a destructive death alone. And he was younger, and handsome, and full of life and vigour, and could crack a joke to make even Devi groan while she was laughing…
Gods, this was already breaking Gale's heart.
But Devi would be happy with Wyll. Or maybe Shadowheart, if Wyll didn’t strike her fancy – the two half-Elves seemed to have a close connection already. Even if Shadowheart was a Sharran, Devi didn't seem to think less of her for it. Or Karlach, as boisterous and friendly as she was, would be a good match for the feisty little thief.
None of them were a depressed middle-aged wizard who had already exceeded his potential and his usefulness to Faerûn. 
Gale sighed yet again and started to roll away from Devi onto his side, trying to get some sleep. In the morning he would talk to Devi, and see if the thief would be receptive to the idea of spending her nights apart from him. Certainly, she would be upset at first – Gale fully expected to get slapped. But she had to see the logic eventually, right? She was more than smart enough, even if she was uneducated –
At his side, Devi softly moaned in protest of his movements. Her hand reached up, grabbing his shirt and pulling him down on his back again. Before Gale could do anything, the little half-Elf wrapped her arm around his stomach and settled her head on his chest, squirming until she was comfortable. Once she was satisfied with her human pillow, she sighed and draped her leg over his before she fell fully back to sleep, peacefully lost in her dreams.
Shit. This was not doing a damn thing to help Gale reconcile himself to letting go of her. She felt so damn good beside him, warm and snuggly, tucked under his arm where she belonged. How in the Nine Hells was he supposed to separate himself from her when she did things like this to him? His heart twisted in his chest at how serenely innocent she looked. She trusted him enough to sleep with him, even with the orb in his chest that could kill them all in an instant. Hells, she was sleeping on him now, only inches from the ugly markings he bore!
And she didn't seem to be bothered by that in the slightest.
“Why do you do this to me?” Gale whispered to the woman at his side. Giving up, he wrapped his arm around her, holding her closer to him. Was it his imagination, or did a little smile flicker over her lips as she felt him embrace her? He inwardly groaned – there was no way he could force himself to let go of her, or make her let go of him, when she so effortlessly held his heart in her hands. He was dooming her, every night that he slept with her, every time he read a book for her, every time he gave her a kind word or a smile or a gentle touch.
She would never let go of him in the way she needed to, in order to save herself from him and his grim fate. And Gale knew she would only call him a “self-destructive hopeless idiot”, or something similar, and cling tighter to him if he tried to talk to her about this and make her see sense.
Was she wrong, though?
Frustrated, Gale closed his eyes again and tried to will himself to sleep. Perhaps in the morning, he could think of a way to gently turn Devi from him and to a partner who actually had a future. It would break his heart, but it was better than dragging her down with him.
But maybe he could allow himself one more night of holding Devi against his heart and wishing he could safely confess his love for her. He sighed, forcing himself to resist the urge to kiss her hair, or her forehead, or those perfect lips. If he started kissing her even innocently right now, he knew he wouldn't be able to stop, not until the orb ended him. But gods, he wished he could… He could have died happy while kissing her, but it wasn't worth the risk he posed to everyone else in a ten-mile radius. Nobody else deserved to die while he indulged himself in kissing the woman he wanted – especially not the woman in question.
He sighed, shifting as much as he dared until he was comfortable under Devi. His other hand came up to slowly card his fingers through her loose hair, a soothing motion that made her contentedly hum in her sleep. Dammit, Devi, he thought, you make it too easy for me to love you.
That thought made him blink his eyes open again. Was this…? He thought for a moment, then sighed. Yes – this was love he felt for the woman in his arms. This was adoration, and devotion, and more than a bit of strongly-denied lust. He wanted her in every way possible – emotionally, and in spirit, and yes, physically too. 
But he wanted her safe and happy, even more than he wanted her with him. If you really love her, then you have to let her go, he tried to tell himself. Doesn't she deserve better than to be with you? Wyll would make her happy.
But what if she doesn't want Wyll? What if–
He firmly shut down the little voice in his mind before it could make the suggestion that maybe the woman in his arms wanted him. Nobody with any sense would want the older, broken, damned man that he was.
Then again, just that day, Astarion had been very enthusiastic in telling Devi that she had no sense, or self-preservation instincts, whatsoever…
Shut up. He scowled, then tugged the blankets up a little higher over himself and Devi. Just go to sleep. With any luck, Devi will see the truth herself without any prodding. And if she doesn't… it will hurt, but it will save her in the long term to break from her.
He sighed, then settled in to sleep, savouring what he was determined would be his last night holding the woman he loved.
Only a couple of hours later, Gale awoke to the sound of a whimper. He opened his eyes, frowning into the darkness of his tent until he heard a stifled sob from the half-Elf in his arms. He mumbled the incantation for a light cantrip, looking at Devi with anxiety spiking in his chest.
She didn't appear to be hurt. But her brow was furrowed as if she was in pain, and she was shaking. “Stop…” she whispered, flinching from something only she could see. “Please…”
Worried, Gale gently shook her shoulder. “Devi,” he lowly said, softly calling her name. “You're dreaming. You need to wake up.”
Devi didn't seem to hear him. She flinched again as though she'd been struck. “No,” she begged whoever was tormenting her. “You're hurting me!”
Gale shook her again, fear making the motion a little harder. “Devi,” he spoke her name again, a little louder. “Wake up, darling. I have you – you're safe. Wake up.”
His words didn't seem to be getting through. Devi whimpered again, her fingers tightening in Gale's shirt. “Please… help me… stop!” Her next words made Gale's heart twist in his chest. “No! Not Gale! Please!”
“Shhhh.” Gale shook her again and pressed his lips to her hair. “It's all right, darling. You're safe. Wake up now.” He lowered his lips to her ear as she whimpered again. “Wake up, Devi. You're safe… you're safe. I promise. Wake up. Wake up!”
Devi's twitching and flinching finally slowed, then stopped as Gale kept kissing her hair and whispering soothing reassurances to her. He finally felt her clutch his shirt a little tighter as she turned her head up to him. “Gale?” she whispered, her voice tiny and broken.
“I'm here,” Gale murmured, relief washing through his veins. “I have you. You're safe – it was just a dream, dear one. You're perfectly safe.”
“Oh, gods.” Still shaking, Devi buried her face in the crook of Gale's neck, clinging to him. “You were… you were…”
“Shhh,” Gale whispered. “I'm here.” He took her hand, guiding it to rest over his beating heart so she could feel his pulse. “I’m here. You’re all right – and so am I. Just breathe.” He heard a little sob from the woman he was holding, and felt his heart break for her. “Shhh. Breathe with me, Devi. Can you feel me breathing?” He waited until she nodded into his neck. “That’s my girl. Breathe with me, darling.” He focused on taking slow, calming breaths to make his chest move enough for her to easily feel him. For the first few breaths, Devi couldn’t quite match his slow breathing – stifled sobs made her body jerk unevenly under his arm. But as the minutes passed, she seemed to find his rhythm with breathing, her inhales slowly coming to match his as she calmed down from her nightmare. 
“Thank you,” she finally mumbled, slowly pulling her face out of his neck. There was a suspicious wetness on her cheeks that told Gale she’d been crying into his skin; indeed, he could feel her tears on him. “I’m sorry–”
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for,” Gale murmured, stroking his thumb over her cheekbone. He offered her a small, reassuring smile. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Devi started to shake her head, then hesitated, fidgeting with the hem of the blanket. “I… told you how my father’s a gods-damned bastard that not even the hells want?” she asked, her voice low and quiet. 
Gale nodded. “You’ve told me he’s a terrible person and you plan on dancing on his grave when he dies,” he softly answered. “Or using his grave for a latrine. Perhaps both.”
Devi made a little sound that Gale thought was trying to be a laugh, a laugh mingled with a sob. “He deserves it. He and his friends, they…” She took a shaky breath, not looking at Gale’s face. “They were hurting me, and then they… they decided to hurt you when you appeared in the dream — I think you were trying to save me? But they… gods, the things they did…” 
“Shhh.” Gale pulled Devi’s face back into the crook of his neck; she went to him willingly, clinging to him. “We’re both all right – there’s nothing to be afraid of in this tent.” Except the orb, and the tadpoles, and the threat of the Absolute, and the small-but-still-present risk that Mystra would simply spontaneously detonate the orb in Gale’s chest to kill him and everyone around him – Gale shook his head. “We’re safe here. Nobody can hurt you when I’m here to protect you.” 
“They hurt you,” Devi mumbled. “They were hurting you, and they were going to kill you, and–”
“Shhh. It was just a bad dream, darling. I’m entirely unhurt, and so are you.” Gale hesitated for a moment, then chuckled. “And you can tell your subconscious that I don’t fear a thief and his henchmen. I might be outnumbered, but I would make them regret facing me before falling.”
Devi trembled again in his arms. “You couldn’t fight,” she whispered, quiet enough that Gale almost couldn’t hear her. “You… you were trying to save me. If you had fought them… they would have hurt me more.”
Apparently Devi’s subconscious knew Gale well enough to know that this was a truth about him. If that nightmare had been reality… Gale knew he would have stopped fighting the instant it became clear that his resistance would have endangered the woman he loved. “Shhh,” he murmured, stroking her hair. “It was just a dream. Your father can’t hurt either of us here.” 
He felt Devi slowly nod, but she still clung to him, shaking like a leaf. He suspected that she was probably too scared to easily go back to sleep. With a grunt, he reached out for the book they had been reading earlier that evening – or rather, that he had been reading to her. Nudging the lights to where he could more easily see the pages, he opened the book back where they had left off. “Shall I try to get your mind back onto a more soothing subject?” he asked. At her hesitant nod, he kissed her hair again, then started quietly reading the next chapter. The halfling and dwarves had been caught by ogres, and were being argued over by said ogres who couldn’t decide how to cook them properly. It was one of Gale’s favourite scenes in the book, and Devi seemed to be entranced by the story normally. Indeed, she seemed to calm down as he read to her, shifting from having her face buried in his neck, to resting her cheek on his shoulder. 
As Gale came to the end of the chapter, he looked down to see Devi’s eyes closed and her lips slightly parted again, her breathing soft and slow. He wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep again, but he was grateful that she had found rest. Careful to not disturb her, he replaced the bookmark in the pages, then set the book back down and extinguished the lights over their heads. Devi grunted as he slowly rested on the pillow again, then snuggled up as closely as she could to him.
Gale sighed softly, running his hand over her hair soothingly. Apparently this was the gods’ way of foiling his plan to break apart from Devi before anything could begin with them. Who else was going to cuddle the little half-Elf after her nightmares? Who else would read to her to get her mind off her fear again? Try as Gale might, he couldn’t imagine Devi snuggling up so closely to Wyll, or Shadowheart, or Karlach, or any of their other friends in the party. For some reason, she had chosen Gale, doomed and damned as he was.
Guilt and hope surged in equal amounts in his heart – guilt because he was dragging Devi down with him, and hope because maybe he wasn’t quite as broken and useless as he believed himself to be. Maybe Devi saw something in him that he couldn’t see or acknowledge himself.
It would have been easier if she didn’t see anything in him, he thought. 
He yawned and let himself cuddle Devi closely, doing his best to make sure she felt protected and safe in his arms. “No harm will come to you if I can help it,” he promised her in a whisper. “You are safe with me.” Closing his eyes, he rested his cheek on her hair and let himself fall back asleep, praying that Devi’s dreams for the rest of the night (and his, he supposed) would be peaceful.
If you dream of me again, dear one… dream of the happiness that I can’t give you in reality. Please don’t dream of either of us suffering for the other, he thought before sleep reclaimed him.
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kittenintheden · 5 months ago
Not Your Sweetheart Ch 46 - Complicated
Not Your Sweetheart Chapter 46 - Complicated
The one where I absolutely delight in reminding everyone that Astarion has a dead average 10 charisma and an 18 CHA Tav gives him a run for his goddamn money in all the best and most angsty ways.
AKA "gets away with it bc hottie w/a body" meets "wins every social interaction and is also troubled and hot."
AKA the seducer gets seduced and he's mad about it, until he isn't.
But also it's a whole campaign? You know. Do not enter unless you're expecting true-to-life D&D -- everyone hot as hell but stupid as fuck. Get your top-shelf found family and hotties battling for flirt dominance tropes here. 
A bit of banter and lightness amidst the horrors before they catch up with the party again. Also they loot the Counting House and a wild Minsc appears. Read on AO3.
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Commissioned piece of the dorks by the fantastically talented @/hamrikaa (see the full thing in Ch 10).
The druid folds her arms and sighs. She arches her eyebrow and says, “So, I suppose I’m asking if anyone would be willing to accompany me to see which idiot is impersonating my dear old friend.”
Gale’s head immediately pokes above the back of the chair nearest the fire. “Sorry, did you say Minsc? As in, Minsc of Rashemen?” The wizard moves so quickly around the chair that it nearly topples. He approaches Jaheira with wide eyes. “But he should be long dead.”
“Ah, well,” Jaheira says with a wave of her hand. “Sometimes the dead do not stay dead. Or die in the first place, in this case. Turns out the Stone Lord really was made of stone the whole time. A freak wild magic surge released him. The markets were certainly a scene that day.”
Gale opens his mouth to ask another question, but he’s interrupted by Karlach’s hand shoving his face to one side.
“Out of the way, magic man,” she says. Her eyes are literally aflame as they meet Jaheira’s. “Are you telling me that the big-arse ranger statue of Minsc in the Wide was… that was him? Him-him?”
Jaheira frowns. “I am indeed saying it was… him-him. The dispelling happened a few years back.”
“Oh my gods,” Karlach whispers. She puts her hands to either side of her face.
“Excuse me,” Gale says, ducking around Karlach’s hand. “I’d meant to say that I’d be happy to accompany-”
“No, fuck off,” Karlach says, grabbing her smaller companion by the back of his robes and pulling him around behind her, holding out an arm so he can’t immediately get to the front. “I’m going. Oh my gods, Minsc. The Minsc!”
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wild-moony-joonie · 5 years ago
Gym Classes
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Author: Laura(me)
Warnings: None this is pure fluff. 
Pairing(s): Gaara/Lee(Galee), Kakashi/Obito(kakaobi), Sasuke/Naruto(Sasunaru).
Synopsis: It turns out, Gaara is just as gay as he is angsty.
Gaara wasn’t exactly sure what drew him to the bull-cut green sweatsuit wearing dork, but it was obviously enough to make him sign up for the same gym class at the end of their Sophomore year. Which, two weeks into his Junior year, he began to regret. And whenever mentioned by Ten-ten or Neji, he adamantly refused that he did in fact regret it. Lee’s schedule mainly revolved around the three gym classes he took. His zero period was strength and conditioning, his first period was “runner’s club” as Gaara and Naruto liked to joke. His second third and fourth were core based required classes, like geometry, basic chemistry and U.S. History. Gaara has agreed to take Lee’s fifth period gym glass, because it was his only open period. Lo-and-behold, it’s mixed martial arts conditioning. And it’s complete hell.
Itachi Uchiha is in that class. He’s spoken to Gaara maybe twice, but he practically made Gaara go into cardiac arrest with his rumbling baritone that somehow comes out of that lean weasel’s chest. Itachi and Lee are actually good friends and Lee is always talking about how great he is. Which makes Gaara slightly envious of the older boy. Gaara has spent hours of silence in the Uchiha’s presence which is greatly preferable than his whiny(and horny) younger brother Sasuke, or his older “cousin” Shisui. Ten-ten’s nickname for the Uchiha trio is: Pretty deadly, Deadly Pretty, and C(all of the above). Shisui is pretty deadly, at least when he’s drunk, Sasuke is deadly pretty and Itachi is C(all of the above). When Gaara first told her and Temari(his older sister) that he thought Lee was better looking than Itachi, at least in the body department, Temari became instantly concerned that he had a fever and Ten-ten asked him what he’d been smoking, to which he avidly responded nothing because if Lee found out he would have been devastated.
Lee being unpopular among their peers was an understatement, he had friends mainly because Itachi, Sasuke and Naruto were all popular and for whatever reason Itachi and Naruto had both taken a strong liking to the unconventional jock, while Sasuke was obligated to like him because he was his brother’s and his boyfriend’s friend. It’s not that Lee wasn’t smart, he was, he really was. He was just so dyslexic he had, on multiple occasions, asked Gaara and Itachi both how to spell the word chair. Lee was just an over-enthusiastic geek who knew the words to more Twenty One Pilots songs than even Gaara himself. Lee received tutoring on the daily from both Gaara and Itachi, who both participated in the Advanced program at their high school. While ironically enough, Lee is top of their year in their schools athletic program, and he is third best in the entire school. Beat only by Kakashi Hatake, and Kakashi’s boyfriend Obito Uchiha.
It’s because Gaara has an incredibly secret, and long-harbored crush on his dear friend that he sits patiently waiting for him outside the weight room, with earbuds in, listening to a playlist Lee made for him and looking over his Calculus homework from the night before. A large warm calloused hand rests on his shoulder and the body it belongs to follows to sit beside the small ginger.
“How was conditioning?” He asks, closing his notebook, and taking one earbud out to show his friend that he has his full attention.
“Good! As always. Gai-sensei has a new technique for gaining muscle mass that we’re going to try!” The over-excited 6’2” boy is practically bouncing with excitement and clapping his hands at the mere thought of this. Gaara merely raises an eyebrow, he’s seen Lee shirtless once, and he’s pretty sure that any sixteen year old with a full eight-pack, complete with arms as toned as Captain America’s, doesn’t need to work on gaining more muscle mass.
“Doesn’t that seem a little excessive? You’re already the third strongest person in the School. Behind those two freaks,” Gaara jabs a thumb at the said couple walking by.
“Hey!” The tall dark haired Uchiha exclaims, wrapping two long arms around his slender boyfriend, faking hurt at Gaara’s words, “My boyfriend’s not a freak!”
“You would know, wouldn’t you Uncle?” a deep voice, like gravel and whiskey comes from behind the Hatake and Uchiha. Gaara jumps about a foot in the air, as he finally notices the tall long haired weasel standing in the doorway to the weight-room. He’s shirtless, and appears to have zero shame about this fact. Sweat drips down neck, and slides over his collarbone and the dark metal necklace he always wears.
“Ahhh, Itachi. If you keep that up, Kakashi’s gonna leave me for you.” Obito, is clinging to a perpetually bored Kakashi, who looks at Gaara pleading for help. In response, all Gaara can do is shrug. Itachi simply pats Obito condescendingly on the head as he passes by, which somehow isn’t ruined by the fact that Itachi has to reach up a solid seven inches to reach the top of his relative’s head. To add insult to injury he remarks,
“Obito, if I had wanted to date Kakashi. I would have already done so,” Itachi then gave them each a smile, and a casual wave. Kakashi wrapped his arms around his now clingy boyfriend scowling at Itachi’s back, and absentmindedly kissed the mop of raven black hair.
“Come on, let’s go shower,” Kakashi smiled underneath his mask, and nodded goodbye to the two boys sitting by the door. Gaara noticed as he turned back to Lee, that he had put the ginger’s other earbud in and was now scrolling through Gaara’s phone that only the two of them knew the passcode to. Gaara froze at the familiarity of the moment, how relaxed and complete he felt with Lee. How he didn’t feel this way with anyone else. Lee looked up from Gaara’s phone to find himself staring into seafoam eyes, lined with dark eyeliner and dark circles to match. Lee smiled at him, not his usual ones that were full of teeth with his eyes squeezed shut, but a soft one that rolled over his lips in the most natural way.
Gaara smiled back, a rare real smile, pale lips curling in response to his friends. Lee reached out instinctively to push a lock of hair behind Gaara’s ear, and then leaned in. Looking very seriously into Gaara’s eyes.
“Gaara?” Lee was hesitant, and careful. Trying to find the best way to phrase his next words.
“Yeah?” Gaara swallowed thickly, doing his best not to show his anxiety at the larger boy’s close proximity.
“I just thought you should know… I’ve had the biggest crush on you for a while now. You’re so youthful, and such a beautiful soul that I’ve fallen victim to your wicked tricks.” Lee smiled as he said this, a deep blush settling into Gaara’s face.
“I-i like you too Lee,” Gaara blushed even harder, and to avoid eye contact he buried his face into his crush’s neck. Lee simply hummed contentedly, and threaded his fingers in curly red hair.
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zznne · 7 years ago
My Favorite Anime Ships!
Nalu(Fairy Tail)
Of course this ship is Always present,The Anime may be a bit Mess but this ship is my goddamn Heaven
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Aaaaah The Feeeeeels.Do i even need to explain why i ship this (*0*)
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GaLe(Fairy Tail)
Another Ship From the Fairy Tail Animeeee.Seriously,That anime got some daaamn ships.Also i have a Fetish for tough as nail character being paired with a sunshine dork.
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EriSoma(Shokugeki No Soma)
Boi if this didn't get canon by the end of the series,I'll wreck my neighbour's house.I mean,Who doesn't love Tsundere and Troublemaker dork Ships.
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Ayato X Hinami(Tokyo Ghoul)
Again,Another Sunshine dork and Angsty emo dork.I can't wait for their scenes in The manga to Be animated
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Royai(Fullmetal Alchemist)
I mean,Who doesn't ship them? ~(^π^)~
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Todomomo(My Hero Academia)
I know what everyone's thinking,nO it's Tododekuuu-Please,Stahp i dont ship tododeku and thats final.
Also they remind me of Royai soooo much,Idk why
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Ichigoro(Darling In The Franxx)
I ship it with Every Atom in my body.only reason i watch Darifra
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frankenfrady-blog · 8 years ago
Angsty/Suggestive One-Liners and Who Says Them; Anti-OUAT Style
“why do you always have to be such an asshole? Emma Swan To Killian Jones, laying down some truth finally.
“if you’re going to keep running your mouth like that, i can think of a few ways to make you shut up.” Killian Jones to Emma Swan, and it isn’t received well. Like it merits a punch to the face.
“is there any reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a tuesday afternoon?” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, because alcoholism is HILARIOUS, kids.
“i just don’t want to think for a while.” Sheriff Grahm to Emma Swan, before mindless makeout.
“say it again.” Mr. Gold to Belle French, when she tells him she loves him...or in the sack. Fluff or Smut.
“don’t lie to me.” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, because he is a lying son-ov-a sandwich.
“i’m sick of being treated like this.” Emma Swan to Regina Mills, about Killian. Speaks for itself.
“i didn’t mean it like that, and you know it!” Killian Jones to Emma Swan, because blaming her for his foot-in-mouth moment seems like something he would do.
“so this is it?” Killian Jones to Emma Swan, unable to say anything else intelligent.
“i don’t want to go to bed angry.” Mr. Gold to Belle French, angry sex is the most powerful magic of all.
“don’t touch me.” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, because he keeps grabbing her with that murder hook for an appendage and it’s NOT COOL.
“i’m pretty good at providing distractions.” Emma Swan to Neal Cassidy, before they rob a gas station for burritos, donuts, and gummy bears.
“i’m not saying i want a threesome- but i wouldn’t be opposed to it.” Ruby Lucas to Dorothy Gale, about Ruby/Dorothy/Victor threesome... and then Victor wakes up from this sexy sexy dream...
“just sit down and let me take care of you.” Neal Cassidy to Emma Swan, when she comes back from a battle hurt.
“is that- blood?” Neal Cassidy to Emma Swan, when the reality of her savior status settles in. He gets light headed when he sees her blood.
“i just want to help you relax.” Prince David to Snow White, who is brooding (as ever) over Regina’s next attack on the kingdom.
“does that feel good?” Emma Swan to Neal Cassidy, their first time.
“i don’t love you anymore.” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, trying to free herself of his draining presence in her life.
“i loved you. past tense.” Killian Jones to Emma Swan, because he has literally said this to her. Dark Swan Saga.
“stop lying!” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, because he lies like a rug.
“jealousy isn’t cute on you.” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, when he wants to murder August for just saying hi to Emma.
“don’t call me ‘princess,’ asshole.” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, because it’s too late to score points with her now..
“i deserve better.” Emma Swan to Regina Mills, about Killian.
“you deserve better.” Regina Mills to Emma Swan, about Killian...because she has straight up told Emma this.
“you make me nervous and happy and horny all at the same time and it’s confusing as fuck sometimes.” Emma Swan to Regina Mills, in a moment of bi-curiousity.
“you left your underwear back at my place.” Neal Cassidy to Emma Swan, so thankful that Henry was too preoccupied to hear him.
“you just broke the last bit of trust i had in you.” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, because he tried to send her whole family and town to Hell.
“i hope you’re happy.” Neal Cassidy to Emma Swan, because its the kind of self-sacrificing thing that Bae does ALL THE FREAKING TIME.
“does that line ever work?” Emma Swan to Neal Cassidy, and yes... the line IS working. Because he’s a dork.
“you’re the best i’ve ever had.” Killian Jones to Milah, which is as close to a loving compliment he can give.
“is that all you’ve got?” Milah to Killian Jones, because she’s his equal.
“hit me!” Milah to Killian Jones, because we’ve seen her dark side...it be pitch af.
“tell me this is a dream.” Snow White to Prince David, when they are finally married and experiencing marital bliss. Fluffikins.
“let’s keep this between the two of us.” Prince David to Snow White, when he finds out she’s not as vanilla as expected.
“is that my shirt?” Emma Swan to Neal Cassidy, because he wasn’t paying attention when he scrambled to grab clothing off the floor.
“why do you even care?” Emma Swan to Regina Mills, because she loves you... dummy.
“i’m sick of being ‘the other girl/guy.’” Neal Cassidy to Emma Swan, when he finally gives her the ultimatum.
“you love her/him.” Regina Mills/Neal Cassidy to Emma Swan, because she/he is good for Emma.
“can you take it?” Mr. Gold to Belle French... just use your imaginations.
“i’m not going to break.” Emma Swan to Neal Cassidy, because he’s worried for her.
“we’re not just friends. you know that.” Regina Mills/Neal Cassidy to Killian Jones, because it’s time that the man-child got over himself.
“friends don’t get each other off.” Killian Jones to Emma Swan, because he’s a jealous mother trucker.
“it’s over- and it’s for real this time.” Emma Swan to Killian Jones, after some shameful backsliding and then betrayal.
“i’m not that flexible!” Belle French to Mr. Gold, because YES.
“you don’t scare me.” Emma Swan to Dark Killian Jones, because that much leather and eyeliner is just hilarious.
“it’s okay, i’m here.” Neal Cassidy to Emma Swan, cause she just needs someone to hold her. Without agenda. Without a thought to themselves.
“you’re not alone. you never were.” Regina Mills to Emma Swan, because she was right in front of you the WHOLE TIME.
“i’m in love with you but i don’t want you to hurt me.” Emma Swan to Neal Cassidy, because what he did was hurtful and forgiveness takes time.
“it’s complicated.” Neal Cassidy about Emma Swan, because he has literally said this to Mulan.
“you’re the only one.” Snow White to Prince David. Fluffikins.
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kittenintheden · 4 months ago
Not Your Sweetheart Ch 47 - Song of Sorrow
Not Your Sweetheart Chapter 47 - Song of Sorrow
The one where I absolutely delight in reminding everyone that Astarion has a dead average 10 charisma and an 18 CHA Tav gives him a run for his goddamn money in all the best and most angsty ways.
AKA "gets away with it bc hottie w/a body" meets "wins every social interaction and is also troubled and hot."
AKA the seducer gets seduced and he's mad about it, until he isn't.
But also it's a whole campaign? You know. Do not enter unless you're expecting true-to-life D&D -- everyone hot as hell but stupid as fuck. Get your top-shelf found family and hotties battling for flirt dominance tropes here. 
Hi I updated. The squad takes a detour to Sorcerous Sundries, Rolan makes a cameo, Lorroakan sucks, and then shit hits the fan. Read on AO3.
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Commissioned piece of the dorks by the fantastically talented @/hamrikaa (see the full thing in Ch 10).
When they find what they need, they head to the counter where Astarion’s already waiting, tapping his foot impatiently while he rolls a set of elemental arrows between his palms. He nods at them and gestures toward the counter with the bundle.
“Can you talk some sense into this useless projection?” Astarion drawls.
Behind the counter, the pale visage of a wizard with long ginger hair inclines its head with a smile. “The great Lorroakan is unable to greet customers in person at this time. If you would like to request a meeting, please ascend the stairs behind me and review the instructions near the portals.”
“Ask it about discounts,” Astarion says with a flick of his hand.
“Sorcerous Sundries does not offer discounts,” the projection replies.
Astarion crosses his arms and leans forward at the waist. “I don’t believe you. Gale, talk to the ridiculous thing.”
Just then, there’s movement across the way as a tiefling rushes over to the counter and begins setting down the piles of parchment and books in his hands. Astarion narrows his eyes. He recognizes this one. The wizard who lost his siblings back in the Shadowlands.
“Sorry, sorry,” the tiefling murmurs as he finishes putting away his things and dusting off his hands. He speaks a command word and the projection vanishes. Then he faces the group and says, “How can I assist- oh. Oh, hello again.”
“Rolan!” Ori says with a grin. “I’m glad you made it, how are…” she trails off and her smile fades as she gets a good look at him. “What happened?”
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kittenintheden · 1 year ago
Not Your Sweetheart Ch 30 - Jumper
Not Your Sweetheart Chapter 30 - Jumper
The one where I absolutely delight in reminding everyone that Astarion has a dead average 10 charisma and an 18 CHA Tav gives him a run for his goddamn money in all the best and most angsty ways.
AKA "gets away with it bc hottie w/a body" meets "wins every social interaction and is also troubled and hot."
AKA the seducer gets seduced and he's mad about it, until he isn't.
But also it's a whole campaign? You know. Do not enter unless you're expecting true-to-life D&D -- everyone hot as hell but stupid as fuck. Get your top-shelf found family and hotties battling for flirt dominance tropes here. 
It's goth girl final exam time (Gauntlet of Shar finale). Gale is snarky. Astarion gets spicy with Ori and Realizes Things About Himself (TM). Read on AO3.
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Commissioned piece of the dorks by the fantastically talented @hamrikaa (see the full thing in Ch 10).
Ori gets to Gale and reaches for his belt. He jerks and asks what in the hells she’s doing, but before he can get his staff between them, Ori holds up a pouch.
“Hey, that’s a spell component, give that back.” Gale attempts to snatch it and Ori holds it out of reach.
“Settle down, I’m not keeping it,” she says. She approaches Shadowheart and says, “The thing is, it is my concern, because I actually care about whether you live or die. See, I prefer live.”
Ori walks close to the edge, reaches into the component pouch and tosses a handful of sand out into the air. It scatters on top of the invisible surface. Then she turns, hands the pouch to Shadowheart, and returns to the others. Behind Shadowheart’s back, she throws up a rude gesture into the air at the general idea of Shar.
Astarion wraps around her from behind, laughing quietly into her ear.
Beside them, Gale grumbles, “There goes my Sleep spell. You’re going to replace that.”
“I think I’ll be able to find you a new bag of sand somewhere,” Ori says. “But I apologize for taking it without permission. I’ll use my own sand on the next invisible bridge.”
“I detect your sarcasm and I choose to ignore it,” Gale says.
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kittenintheden · 11 months ago
Not Your Sweetheart Ch 32 - Ashes
Not Your Sweetheart Chapter 32 - Ashes
The one where I absolutely delight in reminding everyone that Astarion has a dead average 10 charisma and an 18 CHA Tav gives him a run for his goddamn money in all the best and most angsty ways.
AKA "gets away with it bc hottie w/a body" meets "wins every social interaction and is also troubled and hot."
AKA the seducer gets seduced and he's mad about it, until he isn't.
But also it's a whole campaign? You know. Do not enter unless you're expecting true-to-life D&D -- everyone hot as hell but stupid as fuck. Get your top-shelf found family and hotties battling for flirt dominance tropes here. 
The dorks are gross and in love but won't admit it, again. The assault on Moonrise Towers begins. Gale and Astarion are The Odd Couple. Read on AO3.
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Commissioned piece of the dorks by the fantastically talented @hamrikaa (see the full thing in Ch 10).
“You may want to check your undead lover over beforehand,” she says in a playful tone. “He appears to be falling ill.”
“He has allergies,” Ori says.
“He has self-preservation instincts,” he mutters. Ori kicks at him again.
“We aren’t heroes,” she says. “But we do have a vested interest in ensuring Ketheric’s end. So, I suppose the answer to your question is yes. We’ll go.”
Dame Aylin nods. “It pleases me to hear. Your intentions matter not to me so long as we have our eyes on the same goal.” She lowers her head, regarding Ori carefully. “Though there is one thing I’d like to discuss privately.”
She cuts her eyes at Astarion and he raises his chin to her, refusing to be cowed.
“I hold no ill will to those who do not invite it,” the Dame says. “But I do insist on privacy.”
Ori looks at Astarion. “You don’t have to go anywhere.”
Astairon clicks his tongue. “It’s fine. Let her have her say. I’ll be outside.” He’s sure to give her an extra pointed glare before he goes.
As Ori watches him go, she says to Aylin, “Sending him away was uncalled for. He’s done nothing to you.”
“He is not my concern.” Dame Aylin takes a wide stance, arms folded. “You are.”
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kittenintheden · 1 year ago
Not Your Sweetheart Ch 25 - Dark Red
Not Your Sweetheart Chapter 25- Dark Red
The one where I absolutely delight in reminding everyone that Astarion has a dead average 10 charisma and an 18 CHA Tav gives him a run for his goddamn money in all the best and most angsty ways.
AKA "gets away with it bc hottie w/a body" meets "wins every social interaction and is also troubled and hot."
AKA the seducer gets seduced and he's mad about it, until he isn't.
But also it's a whole campaign? You know. Do not enter unless you're expecting true-to-life D&D -- everyone hot as hell but stupid as fuck. Get your top-shelf found family and hotties battling for flirt dominance tropes here. 
This chapter starts out real "lol aw" and ends real OMG WTF so go in prepared lol. You've been forewarned. (CW: the babies have their first real big trauma-fueled fight and there's a lot of yelling) Read on AO3.
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Commissioned piece of the dorks by the fantastically talented @hamrikaa (see the full thing in Ch 10).
It's all rather drab, if he's honest. Even the meager offerings left near the graves are tarnished, broken, rusted over. There's some coin here and there, but hardly enough to make it worth it.
The light from Gale's staff does catch something at the base of a tree, however. Astarion tilts his head, eyes scanning over the curled skeletal corpse that found its final rest at its roots. He kneels down and reaches for the prize, rolling the shiny thing between his fingers. A ring.
He looks closer. A marriage band.
Astarion furrows his brow, the dark and oppressive world around him going momentarily brighter. There's the ghostly memory that flickers across the surface of his mind, seeking purchase and not quite finding it. It's not something that ever really happened. He doesn't think, anyway. It's like a memory of a fantasy, fuzzy and twice-removed. A story he told himself, once upon a time.
Youthful. Hopeful. Blushing. Shy.
Scent of petals, warmth of sunshine, rings exchanged.
The world goes gray again as he hears his name called from a distance.
"Hm?" He blinks, looking around to see Ori standing some yards away.
"What're you doing?" she says.
"Nothing important," he responds, standing. He slips the ring into his pocket out of habit, barely giving it another thought.
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