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lamamasjamas · 10 months ago
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Love at First Sight: A Complication (3/9)
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A/n: LOL LOL LOL, continuation of the first pregnancy. Again, if you read this before uhm... no ☺. I changed some minor things. I already liked this part so it was fun to reread and revise.
Warning: Dark!Din, Dub-con smut, breeding/pregnancy kink, very heavy with the kinks in this one, Stockholm Syndrome, dark fic!!!
Love at First Sight Masterlist
You watched Din from the kitchen, washing dishes as you were softly reclined against a rocking chair. He gathered enough credits for it after a few bounties off world, he said it was to help you relax, to help you feel better.
You glare from where he stood, drying his hands on a towel at the side of the sink and turning to you slowly with a warm smile. You couldn’t help but think he looked smug.
His eyes roam over your form that you kept hidden with a blanket. His gaze stays on your belly.
You wince as you shift, trying to find a method to have the least amount of pressure on your back. The pain has been building up for months. It was hard to find relief now so late in your pregnancy.
You were slightly overdue. He wasn’t as worried as you and you were practically trying to get him to do something about it since the first few days the complication occurred.
You’ve been begging him to see a doctor for the past month before your due date, but he denied, stating that he knew a lot about pregnancy and birth and that he was practically prepared for anything. You were a bit frightened when he came to you with a vial of pills and tablets one day, claiming they were vitamins.
He said he asked a physician for them but you had a feeling the barrel of his blaster did most of the persuasion. Especially since you only went to the doctor once to confirm your pregnancy and Din refused whatever they wanted to prescribe you, even denying them the chance to talk to you in private and to schedule another appointment.
You didn’t think it was healthy being cooped up in a ship for most of your pregnancy. Ever since he took you, you’ve been idly waiting for him to return each and every day from his missions. You had nothing to do, nothing to think about except him, him, him.
And the child. But taking care of the green baby was more effort than it was before. It used to be a reprieve. A solace. But he stays the same age. He was fifty and he still toddled like a three year old.
He constantly needed attention and care. He’d wander and get himself hurt if you weren’t vigilant. You often wonder if the mandalorian knew he subjected you to constantly be a mother. If you were stuck with him for the rest of your life that is…
That may have been his plan after all.
Din stays longer because of your restrictions in mobility as the child inside of you grew. It makes you feel suffocated. Although everything does at this point.
He moves towards you and you think you would have liked it if he had his armor on. It made him seem less human. As if his depravity was justified.
Your hands shake when he pulls you up from your seat carefully. You’ve been on the verge of crying lately, one because you physically were exhausted and two because he refuses to take you to a doctor or even a midwife often causing you to shun his advances tries for conversation.
He guides you to the bedroom and you pass by the nursery, slightly peeking inside to hear the soft snores of Grogu bundled up in his blankets. Your hand goes to your stomach as you stop for a moment watching the rise and fall of his breaths.
To think soon there would be two little noises of gurgles and giggles in the house. You almost laugh at the predicament. You would have never thought you would be here months ago.
A part of you believed that you would have travelled the galaxy before settling down. You glance at the mad beside you. Maybe in another life, one where he was normal, where he was sane… you would have travelled the universe together, willingly had a family together.
Dins hand puts pressure on your back and you groan. The bedroom seemed like a good idea now, you wanted to lay down. Dins heavy steps creak against the wood as you shuffle to bed, reaching out for the blankets and attempting to crawl to your side of the bed.
He chuckles as you struggle to get comfortable, rearranging and moving things around and then sighing again when it didn’t look or work right. He stops and his face falls when he could see the tears drop against the pillows below you, making the covers darken.
His hands roam frantically over you, finding nothing physically wrong. He frowns and smooths a hand over your head and face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks panicked, his words short and quiet. You sniffle. You couldn’t help but start to ramble.
“I’m so tired and I feel heavy and I need to see someone, something might be wrong with the baby, with me, I just-“
He stops you, holding your hands gently.
“Hey, hey, we’ll go tomorrow, yeah?” His voice was shaky. He was desperate to placate you.
Your tears stop and you calm instantly. He narrows his eyes suspiciously.
“Okay,” you respond and lay on your side. You really were worried, and scared. You also wanted to go outside. It was a chance to see the world again before you inevitably had to hide in your wooden spacious cottage.
He wrapped you up tightly in winter clothes. He said it was cold when you started to complain, and he was right, but he didn’t have to know that as you stepped out into the snow your teeth clacked slightly before you willed them to stop.
The planet was covered in a soft blanket of white. The homes expelling fumes from their heaters and fire places. You’ve never experienced snow in your home world.
You stared at the open door suddenly feeling nervous to get to know this new village.
The 'trip' was going to be to Grogu's school, since you've never seen it, and straight to the local midwife's home.
Grogu was wearing his mittens and his boots, and you gushed over him when he huffed and puffed from Din putting a hood over his head, protecting his sensitive ears.
You couldn't bend down to pick him up, but Din brought him to your arms and he stopped his whines considerably. Your mobility was further restricted from the fur lined coat placed on top of your shawls.
The sheer amount of clothes you were enveloped in made you look hearty, rather than expectant.
As you shed your layers once entering Grogu's classroom, you still felt as big as before, especially as everyone started to crowd and lean over to watch as the mandalorian carried your coats for you. You sigh, watching as Grogu twaddles off to his friends, giggling and happy.
Everyone was surprised by your presence. They’ve never seen you before, except for the time you arrived a few months back, your stomach was still small, at least smaller, and only a select few were able to catch a glimpse of you if ever when you were out of the house to get some air.
Still, your cottage was located further away from the others. It was bigger as well, with plenty of land around it. Din cared for privacy and only the neighbors were able to keep up with your outdoor appearances.
Rumors spread quickly of the Mandalorian and his “wife”. They thought he was very protective of his family by the way he scoped everyone out the first few days he brought his son to school, almost cold in his demeanor when he asked about the classrooms and their policies.
Din had gone momentarily to speak to a teacher assistant. A droid. You’ve learned of his distaste for droids early on. He keeps you far from them if he can.
He leads the assistant to the side as they try to greet you. Your mouth opens in a polite greeting but Din’s sharp tone cuts the droid off midway.
For a moment you stood there, suddenly feeling your heart beat rapidly in a mix of embarrassment and anxiety.
Many of the parents approached you, asking which child was yours. You pointed towards Grogu, and they gawked, looking to the Mandalorian and wondering what he looked like under the helmet.
They initially thought you were the green one. Now they were wondering if it was him.
As many of the parents chuckled softly and began to pull you into a group of gossipers, your nerves died down.
You appreciated being talked to, maker knows how long it had been since you’ve interacted with anyone.
You gasp when they ask to touch your stomach and you’re suddenly pulled back into a cold and hard chest. Some swooned at the protectiveness and some looked at you in pity, especially when he stared down at the parents talking to you.
You rolled your eyes. They took it as you showing your annoyed fondness towards his actions.
The walk to the midwife was short, and you didn't have to wait long to be admitted into her makeshift office.
You appreciated the padded chairs and the homey feeling inside. The warm brown walls and the vibrant plants inside made you feel safe. But the midwife, not much older than you, watches in amusement.
Din complains when she orders you to undress quickly after shaking your hand, not yet being told the problem but looking smug as she puts on her gloves.
Your eyes blink up at him pleadingly as you start to shrug your many layers off and she pats on a medical table located further into her cottage. Her warm smile invites you onto the table easily. He sighs loudly, passing over his blaster at his waist pointedly before leaning against the wall next to the doorframe outside.
She rolls her eyes before closing the door softly.
"Very protective, hm?" she mutters cheekily. You nod, your cheeks burning in embarrassment.
"When was your last check up?"
She sits in front of you, a rolling chair whose creaking wheels make your eyes shift.
"Eight months ago."
Her brows furrow slightly before relaxing again.
"You're really far along, sweetheart," she scolds softly.
You wanted to cry. You felt guilt build up in your stomach, even if it wasn't entirely your fault. Her eyes glance from her notepad to you and she pauses at your anxious state. Your hands shake as you place them over your stomach.
"I think I'm o-overdue..." you stutter worriedly. Her brows shoot up and you start to panic, your eyes start to water, and your breathing picks up. She shushes you gently, her eyes glancing towards the door.
"I'm going to do a checkup for you, okay?"
You breathe in deeply and exhale. Nodding along to the instruction to calm.
The checkup took about an hour, Din was practically pacing outside of the door by the time you came out, smiling tightly and fully dressed again.
The midwife sat you both in her office, which seemed almost comically small for Din's bulking form.
"The baby is fine," you both sigh in relief and she smiles at you, she turns to Din, "I performed a membrane sweep on your wife-"
"I'm not his wife," you interrupt quickly, fiddling with your fingers over your bump. He turns to you in slow silence, obviously irked by your comment. She stares between you both, clearing her throat and continuing.
"Like I was saying, I performed a membrane sweep on her and-"
"What is that?" he demands.
She sighs deeply, maintaining her smile with a strain.
"It's a technique where we take the amniotic membrane off by sweeping over the cervix. Helps her body know that she’s ready."
He nods as if he understood. You sigh.
"The success of the procedure isn’t certain. I suggest other methods of inducing labor as well."
She smiles cheekily as she leans her elbows on her desk, Pressing her hands over her chin and grinning fully at your confusion.
"Of course, the most enjoyable method is to have sex, but there are other methods."
You tense, Din shifts in his seat, watching as she writes down on her notepad and rips the sheet off loudly.
Before she pushed you both out of her door she winked.
He was relatively silent on the walk home and you were buzzing, practically bouncing on your feet as he started opening the door.
He was expecting you to jump him the moment he took off his helmet and you started shedding your coats to the floor. But he was shocked at the way you practically ran, more like waddled, to the kitchen, taking out ingredients for spicy stew.
You didn't even notice him walk out the door to pick up the kid from school, too busy pacing around the house and eating fruit.
During dinner you breathed in and out your mouth wide open, pouring water down your throat from the excess amount of spice you put in your own serving. He shook his head gently at your antics, especially when you went to sleep without even looking in his direction.
It's been two days; the membrane sweep did not work, and you were getting antsy. You've checked off every single thing off the list, except for the ones that needed a certain partner.
You were getting antsy, your hands were constantly on your belly, almost pushing down as if that would make the baby come out.
The house was warm, Grogu was playing in the common area, gurgling half mumbled numbers as he pushed building blocks and toy ships one by one.
For a brief moment you imagine a baby next to him, a human baby. Brown hair, brown eyes. Playing along.
You brush the window curtains open, the slight chill of the glass migrating to your cheeks. You shiver as you see the image in front of you.
You watch Din's deft fingers work over the panels of his ship, hyper focused on the way they flexed against the metal and the way they gripped tools.
Sparks flew, illuminating his armor and helmet. He grunts in irritation when a weld didn’t come out as well as he’d liked.
He turns. His hands making their way to his hips as he watches you back.
You retreat further into the house when he quirks his head in question of your stare. The moment he entered the household he was met with you waiting at the table for him, food ready at the table and steaming.
Dinner was relatively silent; you were unfocused, and you ate mechanically. You hurried to the bedroom the moment you finished and placed your plate in the sink.
You take a yawning Grogu from his seat and hurriedly strode to the nursery.
He sighs, getting up to wash.
He stood in the hallway, dishes done and left to dry in the rack, watching his son sleep peacefully. The crib next to his empty and half of the room vacant. He sighs, wishing the baby would come soon.
There were two separate bedrooms apart from the main bedroom, each big enough to accommodate two or three children. Grogu had chosen his little siblings toys. The color of the walls.
He was just as excited.
"Din, I need your help," you shout from your bedroom. He comes in immediately.
"What happened?" he shouts back, looking frantically throughout the room.
You were in the bathroom; he ran towards you only to see you in your underwear twisting and turning in front of a mirror.
"Why did you take me?" you ask, tracing over the trimming of lace lining your panties. Your ass looks incredible as you pulled up the waistband over your hips, it bounces as you poke at it, wincing when the cellulite emphasizes over the lighting.
You sigh, looking towards him in a heady stare. He walks over to you, envelopes you in his arms and sighs as you turn your face away from his chest.
"I love you."
"Do you? I don't think you can fall in love so quickly-"
"Well, I did," he says shortly.
You sigh, his hands smooth over your abdomen and you stop his hand, watching him through the mirror intently.
Something was wrong with him, he knew. You drove him to do things he wouldn't do otherwise. It was as if the moment he saw you, something was triggered in his brain. He couldn't function without you now, he would get angry, depressed, demoralized.
You were a necessity now.
"Would you fuck me, Din?" you ask innocently. He shivers at the way your eyes lift lazily up to meet his in the mirror.
You lead his hands under your underwear grinding against his palm as he cups your mound.
His fingers get sucked into your cunt and you sigh. You rest your head against his shoulder.
"Please..." you beg. A quiet okay was said behind your ear and your feet shuffle in anticipation.
His hand quickens and his fingers work you over slowly and firmly. It was as if you were being rocked by a wave, back and forth his palm connects with your clit, rubbing it firmly and then sliding across it, letting it go and doing it over and over again.
You gnaw on your lip, you could feel heat build within you ever so slowly, so gently that you sigh in content. The pain and throbbing of your body was soon forgotten as he led you to the bed, his fingers gliding over your folds and moving to your opening mouth languidly.
You suck his fingers as he laid on the mattress pulling you on top of him. He imagines your sucking motions to be akin to your lips around him, you look into his eyes deeply as your tongue swirls over his digits. He groans, slowly pulling away from your lips and trailing his fingers over your neck and towards your breasts, cupping underneath them and making your eyes roll up.
His chest was firm underneath your hands as you closed your eyes and moved your hips to an invisible rhythm.
The next morning, he would finally notice the red marks marring his skin, as he glances towards you, watching him as you pull the sheets up to your breasts, covering them in an innocence he knew was a farce.
His cock bumps against your cervix repeatedly, and you speed up, feeling him open you up each time your hips met.
You whine when your thighs start to cramp from your desperate movements.
"I-I can't -"
He flips you making sure you bounced and landed carefully on top of the sheets and pillows.
"You want it hard or soft."
You moan.
“Hard. Please.”
He has you with your back against his chest, your legs spread wide as he spears his cock into you quickly. You gasp with each thrust, arching your back against him as he sucks bruises against the tender skin of your neck.
His hips plop against your ass loudly, you had to cover your mouth from the feeling of your slick running down towards his thighs and making you slide easier against him.
You feel pure pleasure, almost as if your body is renewed and numbed down to a form in which pain doesn’t exist. You cum harder than you ever had before in your life and as you fall limply against the sheets, your belly atop a comfy pillow placed under you by Din, you sleep instantly.
He was convinced he made you pass out and for a second he worries, almost sliding his cock out of you before you whined, gripping his hand and pulling him so that his arm would wrap around you, effectively forcing him to stay put.
You shivered when you felt him shove himself deeper inside of you because of the proximity. Eventually when you were deep in sleep, which hasn’t happened in a long time, he pulled out, his seed and your slick rushing out of you.
You woke up that day feeling better than ever, albeit a little sore, but you don’t think you’ve felt that much relief in a while.
As you sit up you groan, the weight of your bump finally getting to you. You look to your side seeing the outline of his half erect cock through the sheets and hold your breath.
He woke up with his cock in your mouth, already hard as you climbed on top of him and started grinding.
He was elated at the fact that you were initiating this. It made him feel as if he was wanted, as if he had a purpose.
You couldn’t agree more as his thick cock stretched you that morning, making you see stars and replacing the aches in your body with pangs of intense pleasure.
It felt good to be fucked. It felt good for him to tire you out and to sleep from satisfied exhaustion. So, you did it each and every night until you would inevitably go into labor.
It had gotten to the point where you didn’t even worry about how overdue you were, you just wanted the excuse to have him inside of you all of the time.
He was feral for it. He loved your body; it was so plush and swollen and his. The fact that anyone from the outside, when you make him take you out for walks to aid in your predicament, could see that you were carrying his baby made him want to ravish you then and there.
You would often have mothers come up to you now, saying that you were going to have a big baby, and that they would probably be as strong as their father. It made him keen.
The whole village knew you belonged to him, especially as you stuck to his side and huddled for warmth from the heavy winds and the freezing air and especially as you hold his son as if your own, close against your chest as if you haven’t seen him for years even though he was just a walk down a path the whole day.
Everyone thought you were a happy family. They thought that when you wrapped your arm around his you were cherishing your time together, you were, in a way, it was just that you only wanted his cock. He usually took that as a signal to hurry up home, especially when your hands started to wander over his chest plate, supposedly wiping off dust or snow from his armor.
A big and happy family is all he wanted. He was just missing a member at the moment.
“Fuck, Din, h-harder.”
It's been three days so far. The midwife said you were dilated 1 centimeter. It only made you more desperate for his cum.
Sperm softens the cervix, and a soft cervix prompts dilation.
"I can't-" he groans, holding your hips still and leaning away.
"Please-" You press your ass against his crotch, pressing him deeper into you and making yourself gasp out against the pillows, your drool accumulates and spreads against the pillowcase, prompting you to lick your lips.
"We're so close..." you say pleadingly.
He squeezes your waist, stilling you from bouncing your hips against him.
"Close to what?"
"Our baby," you whine.
You knew him well. You knew what made him tick, and how well you could manipulate your way for something you wanted. That being, getting plowed into the mattress, with the bonus of speeding up the process of labor.
Your voice echoes in his head. Our. You usually referred to them as yours, because you're carrying them and you're going to be the one taking care of them. So you thought.
Also, because you didn't want him, at all and in any form, out of sexual pleasure.
He twitches and you swear you hear him growl. A shiver runs down your spine and you push him further.
"I want to give you a baby. Don't you want me to?" you murmur moaning and whiny, mimicking the women in holos usually seen in your same position.
Your hand moves under the swell of your belly, making you wince from the uncomfortable position and connect with your clit. You circle your hips, feeling him start to thrust lightly against you.
"You can put another in me after..."
His fingers meet yours and rub with you. You almost scoff against the pillow from his sudden eagerness, but your breath catches from a particularly hard thrust.
"I'll give you as many children as you want," you blurt out as you feel your body heat up quickly. You didn't have a filter anymore, your mind was shrouded in the feeling he was giving you, in the need to reach completion.
"Please- I want to expand- mph, our clan-"
He hushes you, thrusting into you with precision and pushing you into the sheets below careful to not put pressure on your stomach. You didn't even notice that he turned you over, your back hit the mattress, his hands pinning you beneath him. His mouth glides along the valley of your tits.
His tongue slides over to your swollen and dark nipple, helping him engulf your fatty tissue into his mouth. He sucks in pulses.
He lifts your ass in the air, pressing himself as deep as he could go before pulling out and thrusting in again. His pelvis slides against your clit each time his cock meets your cervix.
You come apart with a tremble and a high-pitched whine. He groans into your breast, sucking until your milk coats the inside of his mouth. Your back slowly lowers back into the soft blankets and he holds himself up, his head buried in your breasts.
You sigh, pressing your hands against his hair as the pressure on your chest was being relieved. His cock was pulsing in time with his suckles.
Your nails were scratching behind his head, caressing his brown locks and smoothing a thumb over his cheekbone.
He came with a long groan, still inside of you, when you tug on his locks after he bit you lightly.
He lifts his head, his eyes search your own blissed out ones, half lowered and drowsy. When he kisses you, you respond back sensually, slowly and as if you meant it.
It stung him.
The only way he could get you to show him affection was if you were in a state of euphoria and not your complete self. You grumble as his lips start to part yours.
"I'm tired," you mumble. He chuckles, nodding his head, helping you shrug some pillows under yourself and placing his body behind you. You hum as you press your head against the pillow.
His lips meet your earlobe and you smile lightly, still in a daze. You pause when he speaks, lowly.
"I will get you swollen again. I know you; you seem to forget that. I know your using me to get off, but any words said to me are a promise."
Despite yourself and despite everything else you clench around him, a quiet moan escaping you as he presses himself against your back and slid back into you slowly.
The very next day the contractions hit, he carried you to the midwife across town and you met a very beautiful, yet slimy, chubby baby.
Your eyes softened when he first handled her with gentle care, as if she were made of glass. He smiled, almost grinned, when she gurgled and moved her head from side to side, looking for you.
You forced your hands to stop shaking when you gently cradled her to your chest. Staring into her eyes as they opened slowly, you truly started to believe it wasn’t unbelievable he fell in love with you so quickly.
A/n: Reblogs and Comments much appreciated lol. 🥰❤️ mwah! 💋
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butternuggets-blog · 8 months ago
DRACULA: A Modern Adaptation
My script for a modern tv adaptation of Dracula, based on the novel by Bram Stoker Also on AO3
An aerial shot of train tracks winding through mountainous terrain. A train winding its way towards its destination; old, either early 1990s or even late 80s.
Camera zooms in; long swooping shot.
A figure idly watches the landscape rolling past the window. The glass is streaky; the carriage is clean but shabby and well-worn, clearly old and very used. JONATHAN HARKER rummages inside a pant pocket and pulls out a mobile phone. Samsung Galaxy; he can’t afford an Iphone or has chosen not to purchase one. Not a trend-follower.
Camera static; shows phone screen. Static zoom cut showing the internet and cell reception bars abruptly cut out. He is on his own out here.
Train shudders to a stop; Jonathan pulls his suitcase out from under his seat and follows the crowd outside onto the platform. Open-air station; very old ticket office with one window, a single bench for waiting passengers. No electronic ticket machine, no modern ads scrolling up. This station is ancient.
Jonathan spots a sign (very hard to miss) for the Golden Krone Hotel which is directly in front of him, opposite the station. He walks across the platform, looks both ways down the street before crossing – people walking by, a stray dog, a genuine horse-drawn carriage – and goes inside.
Open plan hotel lobby; the dining/seating area is to the left, already packed with a modest amount of locals and travellers. The staircase to the upper floors is ahead. The small reception desk is on the right; an OLD WOMAN, one half of the establishment’s proprietors, is already lifting up a flap in the desktop and walking through, reaching Jonathan as he stops in the doorway to admire the interior of the hotel lobby (very traditional; lots of hand-carved wood and painted wallpaper).
Are you the Englishman?
She is speaking German with a stilted fluency. It is not her first language but she knows it passably well. She is Székelys.
Yes. I am Jonathan Harker.
He speaks German like a tourist. He is enunciating firmly, with an English accent. Jonathan bows suddenly, awkwardly; the woman reciprocates the gesture. She is smiling; it is an old custom to bow to women in greeting, nowadays most people shake hands. She thinks it is sweet that he has learnt the gesture.
Room seven has been prepared for you.
Jonathan follows the woman over to the desk. She grabs a key – iron, old-fashioned, heavy – from a hook and places it in his hand as her husband appears from a door leading into a back room beside the desk.
Dinner can be served but it is extra, my apologies.
Thank you. That’s not a problem.
The woman turns to her husband. Jonathan cannot see her expression but the audience can. She is tense, but pretending that nothing is wrong.
[in Romanian] Fetch the letter before I change my mind.
[in Romanian] It’s for the best.
Jonathan has no clue what is being said. He is wearing the polite smile of a man completely out of his depth.
[in Romanian] Just fetch it.
The man wants to speak, but it is an old argument and he closes his mouth, lets it die. He goes back into the office while Jonathan and the woman stand in awkward silence.
The man returns, handing an envelope to his wife. It is made of thick parchment, sealed with a genuine wax seal, and addressed to Jonathan. The woman slides it across the countertop, fingers pressing down on it.
She is smiling. It is clearly forced.
This was left for you.
Oh, thank you.
Jonathan tries to take the envelope but there is resistance. The woman does not want to hand the letter over. He tries to snatch it again; this time he is successful.
Jonathan is eating a dinner of “robber steak…bacon, onion, and beef, seasoned with red pepper, and strung on sticks and roasted over the fire” with several glasses of “Golden Mediasch wine”.
He reads the opened letter as he eats; the envelope is tucked into his journal, also on the table, which is propping up the letter.
We now hear Dracula’s voice for the first time as he narrates the letter.
My friend, welcome to the Carpathians. I am anxiously expecting you. Sleep well tonight. At three tomorrow the coach will start for Bukovina; a place on it has been reserved for you. At the Borgo Pass my carriage will pick you up and bring you to me.
The dining room scene fades into Jonathan packing his bag in his room the next day and tidying up his bed.
I trust that your journey from London has been a happy one, and that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.
There is a knock on Jonathan’s hotel room. He zips up his suitcase and answers the door; the OLD WOMAN is standing there, fidgeting nervously.
Yes? What’s wrong?
Jonathan lets her into the room.
Do you have to go? On today of all days?
Yes, I have business-
The woman starts weeping.
Oh! Oh-oh-shh, shh, shh, shh-
He moves to comfort her
I’m sorry
[in Romanian] I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! It should be us and not you but I can’t-
What’s the matter? What’s wrong? What did you mean, “today of all days”?
The woman takes a moment to get herself under control.
It is the eve of St George’s day. When it strikes midnight tonight, all the evil in the world will hold sway.
Jonathan is confused.
What has that got to do with my business trip?
The woman silently shakes her head. She’s said enough; to talk more would be suicide. She takes a rosary from around her neck and places it on Jonathan. He is very confused.
For your mother’s sake.
She leaves.
Picturesque shot of a stagecoach travelling through various landscapes: forest, fruit trees, snow-covered mountains, and valleys.
As the passengers realise that they have reached the Borgo Pass, they begin to ply Jonathan with gifts; one clasps his hands and says a short prayer, while others press dried rose and garlic into his hands.
Oh, er, thank you. Thank you.
He is just as confused as he was at the inn. Perhaps this is a normal Romanian farewell?
The coach approaches the stretch of road where Dracula’s coach should be. Everyone looks for it expectantly; Jonathan is disappointed by its absence, the others breathe a sigh of relief.
The driver opens a sliding window set in the front of the coach so he can talk to his passengers.
[in Romanian] We are an hour early.
One of the passengers make the sign of the cross. Another nods.
The driver turns to Jonathan.
Your coach has not arrived yet. It is late; we will take you on to Bukovina and put you up there for the night.
Could you wait maybe five minutes? Please?
No. There are wolves.
Suddenly Dracula’s carriage appears behind them. The passengers scream; the driver swears and struggles to get his horses under control as the carriage overtakes and stops in front of them.
[in Romanian] The dead travel fast.
DRACULA – I mean, the “COACHMAN” – alights from his coach and approaches them.
[in Romanian] You are early tonight.
The driver flinches, says nothing. The passengers are frozen in their seats, hardly daring to breath. Their bravery has fled.
The “coachman” pulls Jonathan’s suitcase from the luggage rack. Jonathan climbs out and hesitantly approaches the other vehicle.
Come, come! Let me help you.
He grabs Jonathan’s arm and heaves him into the carriage. He uses a little too much force; Jonathan bounces against the seat. The “coachman” puts a cloak over Jonathan’s shoulders.
You can keep it for yourself if you want; I’m wearing enough protective layers.
Keep it. And there is a flask of slivovitz in the seat pocket if you would like a nightcap.
The “coachman” flicks the reins and the carriage starts moving. The driver, white-knuckling the reins, watches Jonathan leave. The passengers watch as well, pressed up against the windows but not daring to poke their heads outside.
The carriage rides through the night. Jonathan is cold, despite the layers; he pulls the cloak around himself like a blanket and enjoys the night time view.
Jonathan gets curious. By the light of the moon he looks at his watch; it is about to strike midnight.
Camera static; static zoom shot of the watch face as the hands strike midnight.
Howls pierce the air. They are far away and oh so close. Jonathan shivers, shrinking down and trying to hide as best he can in the carriage. They keep moving.
Aerial shot of the carriage rolling along the road. Jonathan, feeling brave, is sitting up properly again. He spots blue flames flickering among the trees to the left.
A will o’ the wisp! I didn’t know you had them here! We have them back home in England, in the marshes.
They are not wisps, only blue flames. Wisps have a mind.
Supposedly wisps lead people astray. Some people have died after following them.
The coachman grins. He enjoys the thought of people dying.
The flames always appear on St George’s Eve. They mark hidden treasure.
Eyes around them, glowing white. The horses buck and whinny, but there’s nowhere for them to go. The cloud cover lifts and
Standing in a ring around the now stopped carriage, silently observing the men. Suddenly they throw back their heads and howl.
The coachman stands up, throwing his arms wide.
[in Romanian] Begone!
The wolves leave.
The children of the night. What music they make!
Jonathan is shaken. What the hell was that? He presses a hand to his chest, pressing the rosary tucked under his shirt against his skin. It is a comfort.
The carriage comes down the final stretch of road before pulling up in the courtyard of “a vast ruined castle”. Jonathan is slumped in the backseat; fear and exhaustion has been too much for him and he nodded off.
The sudden lurch of the carriage coming to a halt wakes him up and he looks about him in awe, hopping from the carriage with the help of the coachman who proceeds to deposit his suitcase beside him before driving off.
Jonathan approaches the front door. It is massive and weathered, with iron nails embedded in it.
Carved along the stone doorframe, in English, is an inscription. The words are clearly new, although the stone it is carved onto is very old.
[in English] Enter freely, go safely, and leave a little of the happiness you bring.
There is a loud clank of bolts – and gears? - and the door slides open, seemingly on its own.
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briarpatch-kids · 11 months ago
hi briar!! the disability program im working with got donated a self propelled chair, and i got to get it!!! ive never felt so much freedom (and less sick when going out) before and its almost overwhelming! here i decorated it :)
i hope youre enjoying the spring weather! your soda looks super yummy :)
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[image id: self propelled quickie nitrum wheelchair in the trunk of an SUV. the wheelchair spokes are decorated with rainbow spoke covers and 5 clip on hearts. a pair of crumpled up galaxy printed wheelchair gloves are sitting in the seat. end id]
That's awesome!! I'm glad you've gotten to be more mobile!
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yridenergyridenergy · 8 months ago
Can you explain how the lottery ticket system in a knot only live work?
Well there's a lottery system for all of the shows, whether they are a-knot-only or open to all.
Usually, the rounds resemble:
1st - a knot fan club
2nd - a knot fan club (second chance)
3rd - Dir en grey Online/mobile fan club
4th - Galaxy Broad Shop card holders (Japanese residents only)
5th - applications directly through Dir en grey's official website
6th - e+ (general ticket platform, only availale for Japanese residents)
Until it reaches the e+ platform, the other rounds take place on TicketTown, which is friendly to overseas fans.
Each round exists to give priority and exclusive access to tickets/seats to fan club members, while also ensuring that those same fan club members do not hog all the tickets to themselves. Once the sixth round is reached, unless it was literally a fan-club-exclusive show, then there should be tickets left for the general public.
If that does not answer all of the questions you had in mind, feel free to send me another message!
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silentspacenstuff · 4 months ago
Anticipating Parenthood
Buzz and Mira await the birth of twins; follow-up to Focus On The Future
Mira groaned as she seated herself on the couch in her and Buzz's living room, incomplete paperwork in hand. She wasn't sure how many more boring days at home she could take. Though she was looking forward to the adventure of being a mother, she was also eager to get back into the action she'd been missing out on since being put on maternity leave. Commander Nebula would occasionally give Mira some paperwork to do so she'd feel she was at least doing something useful for Star Command, and the boys always kept her up to date on the team's latest escapades across the galaxy, but it wasn't the same as actually being on the mission on person.
"Sort, fold, send," the Tangean mumbled to herself as she leafed through the paperwork. "Sort, fold, send ..."
Since Tangean pregnancies didn't last as long as human ones, and the twins were part human (as well as part Morphian on their father's side), the doctors couldn't provide a proper due date. All they could do was give Buzz and Mira an estimated time period during which the babies could possibly be born. Mira thought of all the weekends Buzz had spent setting up the nursery. At first the space ranger insisted that he could handle most of the work by himself; but after accidentally spilling an entire can of paint all over the north wall of the nursery, as well as on some of the furniture, he agreed to let Booster and XR help - which they were more than happy to do, of course.
In a corner of the room was a pile of gifts Buzz and Mira had been sent by their friends. So far there were those nice hand-woven blankets Booster's parents had sent; the space-themed musical mobile and baby monitors from Rocket and Melanie; the cute little outfits from Fop and Bonnie; those darling animal onesies made from ethically-sourced Altairian Lamapaca wool from Ty and Ozma; the teething rings, stuffed animals and other toys from Ian and Teresa. For his gift, XR tried to set up a security system of sorts in the nursery ("You know, in case of kidnappers," he said), but unfortunately Buzz had to take it down due to safety concerns.
Poor XR, Mira thought. He was just trying to be helpful. Even when things didn't work out.
Now, with the soonest possible due date having already passed, and the latest possible due date only two weeks away, the nursery was finished and ready for the arrival of the little Lightyear-Nova twins.
Wanting a break from the boredom, Mira placed the papers on the coffee table in front of her and turned her attention to the photographs adorning the walls. There was one of Buzz as a small boy sitting on his Nana's lap, along with some of other moments in Buzz's life. His first Junior Space Ranger meeting; at Cosmo's with Warp, Ty, and Rocket during their Academy days; his graduation from the Space Ranger Academy; the day he received his first award; the day he, Mira, XR, and Booster officially became Team Lightyear ...
Was it really almost six years ago?  Mira thought. It feels like it was only yesterday I was a rebellious rookie fresh out of the Academy, teaming up with an annoying talking tin can, a clumsy but kind-hearted janitor, and the pride of Star Command himself to free the Unimind and the galaxy from the clutches of evil ...
A sudden kick in the ribs from one of her unborn twins jolted Mira out of her thoughts. Craters! Not again! the mother-to-be thought, clenching her teeth as she clapped a hand to her side in an attempt to ease the pain, then started to take deep steady breaths until the pain subsided.
"Whichever one of you did that, you are grounded for a week as soon as you are born! Do you hear me, young man or lady?"
The babies remained still for a minute, as if in shame. Then one of them started to wiggle, and its sibling soon joined in.
Of course, Mira could never stay mad at her twins for long, no matter how hard they kicked her. Smiling, the mother-to-be leaned into the back of the couch, placed a hand on her swollen belly, and started to hum softly while the little ones within her womb continued to kick and squirm. As she started to relax, her mind began to drift back to almost eight months ago, when Buzz first brought up the idea of parenthood.
Read the rest here:
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bikorarey · 1 year ago
It gets really old seeing the hatred for the smallest things directed at human squadmates in Mass Effect in comparison to the grace Aliens get. Entire bits of world building get ignored and flaws get glorified simply cuz they're coming from not a human.
Ashley is considered "the xenophobic" squadmate while Garrus straight up tells Tali that her people should be contrite about the Geth attacks and that the Genophage was correct in the same banter.
Garrus comes from one of the most privileged and powerful species in the galaxy, meanwhile Ashley is a WOC from a second class species that just received a token spectre to cover up an embarrassing controversy but has to bear the burden of her in universe opinions being viewed through our real life lense.
Even as a council species, Sparatus will say that a "few dozen human colonies" going missing isn't a council concern. A few dozen. Like over 24. Humanity, even with a seat at the height of power in council space can't get the same respect as the other 3 species. If Illium had gone dormant and empty via collector attack the council would've mobilized the fleet, but Horizon had to be saved by CERBERUS and A Rogue Commander Shepard.
The funny part is, this isn't even deep lore, this all happens to Shepard's face,but it just goes blissfully by the way side for one "reason" or another.
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walkawaytall · 10 months ago
If you’re up for it, tips/faves from your Disney visit?
Okay, so I'm not expert, but here are some observations from my Walt Disney World trip in no particular order:
First off, I can't speak to other food sensitivities, but I can't eat even a little bit of gluten without becoming ill in such a way that half of my trip would have been ruined, and I was able to eat pretty easily. Ordering quick service meals through the My Disney Experience app, it was usually pretty easy to tell what I could and couldn't have, and for the table service meals that we had, the staff was incredibly knowledgeable about what either was already gluten-free or could be made gluten-free. For anyone who doesn't have food sensitivities, I don't know how to explain how much of a relief this was. Food is always such a cumbersome thing for me in general, and it's even worse when traveling, so having people who clearly knew what they were talking about go over menus with me was really reassuring, and I didn't get sick at all! Foodwise, highlights include: the churros at the Nomad Lounge in Animal Kingdom, which are GF, the GF beignets at Scat Cat's Cafe in the Port Orleans - French Quarter resort, and the Citrus Swirl at Sunshine Tree Terrace in Magic Kingdom. Also, we ponied up the cash for the Be Our Guest dining experience at Magic Kingdom, where you get to eat in Beast's castle from Beauty and the Beast, and the food was excellent. It's not a cheap meal, but, honestly, I think a similar-quality meal outside of WDW would cost about the same. And, whoever our host was is truly living his best life, acting like he's a straight-up cartoon character and clearly enjoying every second of it.
We had someone with some mobility issues who needed to sit or stop walking frequently, and some lessons learned from that: first off, if you're looking at the parks in terms of the amount of public seating with shade, Magic Kingdom is the best for that, followed by Animal Kingdom, and EPCOT and Hollywood Studios are tied for the worst. EPCOT is just...so dang hot with all the cement, and HS...okay, Galaxy's Edge does at least have some shade, but they didn't install as many places to sit as they really could have, and Toy Story Land is almost entirely roasting in the sun. If either of those areas had had a bit more seating/shade, we probably would have spent longer in the park, but as it was, it was sort of a half-day park for us.
If you're staying at a resort on-site, staying at one of the ones that the skyliner hits is super convenient, and way less crowded than the buses. The skyliner only goes to two parks, but still...that's two fewer bus rides.
Because of the way Disney has set things up, if you have any interest in the more popular rides, it is almost imperative to pay for Genie+ and occasionally Individual Lightning Lane passes. It's stupid, and I hate it, but if you're trying to maximize your time there, it's necessary to avoid standing in line half the day.
On that note, though, don't be afraid to ride the "lame" rides. Two of my favorite rides were the PeopleMover and the Carousel of Progress -- both of which I never would have checked out had I not seen Jenny Nicholson's "Top 10 Lame Things To Do At Disney World" video, which I also highly suggest (I actually love all of Jenny's videos, and she has several good ones on theme park stuff. This is one of the shortest ones).
Also, because of the way Genie+ and the Lightning Lane passes work, sometimes it's really easy to get caught up in the game of scheduling the day, and just hopping from one ride to the next without lingering in the parks and checking out the different areas. This is, in my opinion, a huge downside to this system. The parks are all highly themed in various ways, and there are cool things to look at and be around nearly everywhere. If you're constantly rushing from attraction to attraction, you miss some of that. So, try to take some time to linger. It really is worth it to do so.
If you're going to all four parks over the course of several days, I highly suggest having a rest day in the middle of the trip where you don't go to a park if you can. We had originally planned our not-park day for the end of the week, but ended up swapping it around with the last park day because we were just exhausted.
Unless something seems in danger of selling out throughout the day, save buying souvenirs til the end of the day. Spending a bunch of mental energy trying to make sure you don't spill something on your cool new bag or lose your cute Chewbacca plush is silly when you can probably just run through whatever stores on your way out. Ask me how I know this.
Don't be afraid to really examine whether the juice is worth the squeeze. I had been told we had to ride this one ride at Hollywood Studios, and even though I seriously grabbed a Lightning Lane pass four minutes after they were released, our time wasn't until like 7pm. By like...4:30, we had more than exhausted what we wanted to do at the park, were grumpy, and dreading waiting around for another 2.5 hours just to ride a roller coaster...so we didn't. We probably could have gone to the hotel and then gone back to the park, but we were just tired and kind of over it at that point, so we left for the day. And, honestly, I do not think any roller coaster would have been worth getting increasingly grumpy and sunburned over the course of a couple hours. Maybe if it had been a ride we were really looking forward to, but this was one we didn't even know existed until someone told us we had to ride it. So...examine what's actually worth the time/energy to you and base your decisions around that instead of on what other people say is a must-ride, must-do thing.
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generalpierrotdameron · 2 years ago
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Iskat Akaris has spent much of her time as a Padawan traveling the galaxy with her Master Sember Vey, collecting artifacts and lost knowledge for the Jedi Archives. But after being recalled to the Jedi Temple, Iskat and her master are sent on a rescue mission. One that will change the futures of the Jedi Order, the Republic, and Iskat herself.
As the shuttle thundered through the atmosphere of the arid planet Geonosis, Iskat struggled to shut out the staggering cacophony of sensory input and focus on finding her center amid the chaos. This wasn’t just a rescue mission — it was a military operation. The Jedi were soldiers now, but they weren’t fighting alone. Thousands of clone troopers had appeared, seemingly overnight, to join them in supporting the Republic; there was even a clone flying their ship. After years of relative peace throughout the galaxy, the Jedi had swiftly mobilized to do their part as protectors of democracy, justice, and freedom.
Iskat was thrilled . . . and also overwhelmed.
She steadied her breathing and closed her eyes, one hand wrapped around her amulet, and the rest of the Jedi around her faded away to stillness.
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
Master Klefan had urged her to turn to this mantra in the early days after the accident, and Master Sember had repeated it with her many times. The words were stamped on her brain, on her hearts. They transported her to the quiet within, made her feel as if she were the Jedi she was meant to be: calm, cool, collected, peaceful.
Reflecting on the Jedi Code almost made her forget Tika, but did she want to forget—?
No. She couldn’t think about that now.
That was years ago.
It hadn’t happened again.
Her teachers had seen to that, as had Iskat.
She’d studied. She’d practiced. She’d gained the control demanded of her. And now she was on a rescue mission, surrounded by Jedi Masters, Knights, and Padawans. She’d never drawn her lightsaber in real combat before, but it wasn’t her courage or proficiency that worried her, that made her two hearts beat so loud she was certain Tualon could hear them from beside her. She risked a glance at her fellow Padawan, with his glossy black lekku and look of determination.
“You ready?” he asked with an encouraging smile.
“As ready as anyone,” she answered.
Which wasn’t entirely honest. She felt more than ready. But Jedi were supposed to be humble and modest, and she knew that Tualon was a stickler for that sort of thing and didn’t want to appear too cocky. She admired him for his humility — as well as for his outgoing nature and genuine altruism. Tualon was the sort of Jedi she wished to be, the sort of Jedi she admired.
If she was truly honest with herself, Iskat had to admit that while she had no doubts about her dexterity, skill, or bravery, after yesterday’s duels with Charlin and Onielle, she had new doubts about her ability to handle herself when the stakes were high and a weapon was in her hand. She’d expected better of herself. And although no one had mentioned the incident with Onielle, she could feel the stares of her fellow Padawans as they sat beside their masters, buckled into place while they hurtled toward the desert sands of Geonosis. She could feel their eyes on her, sense their uncertainty.
Seated across the ship, Master Klefan Opus caught her eye and offered a nod and an encouraging smile. Iskat returned it, grateful to know that one master, at least, had faith in her.
She hoped that faith would not prove misplaced.
“Have you seen combat before?” she asked Tualon quietly. “On missions, I mean?”
He turned toward her to whisper. “A little. Master Ansho usually handles that sort of thing himself, but I helped fight off some bandits when we were escorting a senator on a diplomatic mission. Thankfully all our training — it just falls into place. I didn’t want to hurt anyone, but we had to protect the senator. How about you?”
“We’ve never even drawn our lightsabers,” she admitted. “Usually, Master Vey and I either stand over a counter to haggle like normal customers, or some old adventurer invites us into his tent for tea. It’s all been very peaceful.”
She looked around the ship, which juddered and shook as it plummeted toward the planet’s surface. The air was thick and still, reeking of fuel and sweat. There were nearly twenty Jedi altogether. She wondered what sorts of adventures the other Padawans had experienced, if it was unusual for a Jedi of her age to be this inexperienced with actual combat.
“Do you think—” she began.
“That’s enough chatter,” Master Vey murmured from her other side. “It’s almost time. Remember your mantra. Concentrate on your breathing exercises, my Padawan. Don’t let the chaos in again.”
Iskat’s skin didn’t show a blush, but she felt the heat of shame at being reprimanded in front of Tualon and the others. Considering what they were about to face on the planet below, a rousing speech would’ve been more appropriate than public censure, or even some whispered reassurance. Tualon went silent and looked politely away so as not to entice her with further conversation.
Iskat’s long, red fingers wrapped around the cold metal bench as she closed her eyes and silently recited the Jedi Code again.
There is no emotion, there is peace . . .
The words became a comforting rhythm in counterpoint to the ship’s engines, a focal point that brought her consciousness into a state of calm where she was beyond shame, beyond worry, beyond fear.
“Landing in T minus three minutes,” the clone pilot announced.
Although she knew there were thousands of clones just like him headed to Geonosis, the pilot was the first of the Republic’s new troopers that Iskat had encountered. She had no idea what he looked like under his armor. How old he was, what color his eyes were, if he was more prone to smiling or frowning. All she knew was that his voice was sharp, his skills as a pilot were immaculate, and they would soon fight side-by-side.
The Jedi had surprisingly little intel regarding the mission; they only knew that Obi-Wan Kenobi had been ambushed by the massing Separatist army. Every available Jedi in fighting form was on a ship right now, just like Iskat. Unlike her missions with Master Vey, she had no way to know what role she would play, but she was excited to be among her fellow Jedi and pleased that the masters had deemed her skilled enough to take part in such an important undertaking.
She would prove worthy of their trust. She would follow their orders and embody their teachings. She would be part of the team that saved the day.
And yet, there was this persistent thought that kept breaking past her barriers, a pesky unwanted whisper wondering what might happen if instead of calming herself and quelling her emotions, Iskat relinquished the control for which she’d fought so hard and allowed the Force to fully flow through her. What strength might she find in that surrender? What power might she find beneath layers of repression? What might she accomplish now that she was facing actual adversaries instead of other children on a training field?
She clutched her amulet and banished the thought with the same energy she’d used to silence the cloying voice of the Sith artifact. This was a dangerous way of thinking. The Jedi Code existed for a reason, and history taught that those who stepped off the path often found tragedy. True greatness came from peace. From knowledge, serenity, and harmony. Iskat wanted to be great, and she wanted to do honor to the Jedi. In addition to Sember, other masters would be watching her closely during this mission. Her performance here might influence her future within the Order.
The shuttle whined and shook as it slowed, gravity pulling at Iskat’s bones. The metal under her boots trembled, and as if she could already feel the hot sun outside, sweat beaded on her lip. They were close to the surface now, and she imagined that if she could see through the viewport, she would look upon a world of sand and spires, bright orange striped with harsh black shadows.
It was almost time.
They were almost there.
It felt as if she were about to cross some important line, like this rescue — now seeming very much like it would become a battle — would change things forever, both for the Jedi and for Iskat herself.
She could not forget how close she’d come to washing out in the Jedi Tournament, how horrible she’d felt waiting for a master to claim her as a Padawan until Sember Vey had, to Iskat’s great surprise, stepped up in what felt like the last possible moment. She sometimes worried that between the distracted teachings of her master and the mistakes she made in the past that she required more observation and guidance than other Padawans, that everyone was all too aware that Iskat was lacking as a Jedi and might ultimately wash out for good.
There was no way she would let that happen.
The shuttle’s thrusters went to work as they landed, and Iskat’s stomach swooped with excitement. If only she could see out the shuttle’s viewports and begin to take stock of the battle to come. They’d been briefed on Geonosis, on how the hive mind worked, but they wouldn’t know what they would face here until they were on the ground and received more specific orders.
After a bouncing thump, the ship went still. The door slid open, harsh light burning into a space packed with nervous bodies clad in brown robes. Iskat struggled to release her chest harness but managed it before Sember had to unbuckle her. Her feet were numb as they hit the metal floor, but her fingers were already wrapped around her lightsaber.
As the Jedi all stood, Master Klefan Opus blocked the open door. He was an Askajian, and he usually kept himself overhydrated so that his epidermal sacs would swell, making him seem jolly and giving his eyes kind wrinkles in the corners. Today he had chosen a more slender and agile form, and Iskat was fascinated by the change in his demeanor. Usually a mild-mannered center of calm, he now clasped his lightsaber at his side and gave off a determined air. He held out a holoprojector, and an image of Mace Windu appeared, lightsaber ready in his other hand.
“Klefan Opus here,” the master said. “We’re on the ground, to the northwest.”
“Welcome to Geonosis. We need your detachment to help secure the arena where Count Dooku is preparing to execute Obi-Wan, along with Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala.”
There were gasps and whispers around the shuttle. Why was Skywalker here? And how had a senator become involved?
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mint-moon25 · 5 months ago
THURS - 03 OCT 2024 - 4:27P EDT
TURN - L - 3 ST
SALE - $2.99
BACK - 2 - $0.49 - SPRING - WATER
REGULAR - JUST - $7.99
WAIT - 2 - TRY - $8 - DARK BLUE
SO - LOVE - THE - GO - 2 YES
WENT - 2 - ROSS - 9A - 10P
EXCEPT - FRI - SAT - 8:30A
$39.99 - A - THURSDAY
DON'T - GO - 4 - TSA YES
3:50P - AT - DOLPHIN
YOU - TAKE - 3:50P - BUS 836
2 B - 2 - EAT - AND - IF - THE
OUR - CHAIRS - CAN - B - 2 - OUR
HOTEL - BUSES - 2 - 24/7 YES
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atplblog · 3 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Optimal mounting solution: the mount fits most 2-post headrest configurations and can be mounted to either the driver's or passenger's side seat. And also effortless installation and easily secure to headrest without use of tools Adjustable grip with 360 degree rotation freedom: simply adjust and secure your tablet or smartphone to any angle and position that suits your preference and enjoy the comfort of your ride. Perfect in car companion Compatible with all mobile phones and also tablets upto 20 cm width (Not diagonal). Hence this holder is compatible with even large size phones such as Galaxy Note 9, Iphone 8 Plus. It’s also compatible with large screen tablets such as ipad air 9.7 inchs, ipad pro 10.5 Inch, Samsung Galaxy Tab etc. However this is not compatible with ipad pro 12.9 Inches Safe and secure: designed to keep tablets steady during car rides. The mount attaches firmly to the headrest posts of your vehicle and is the safest location for mounting rear seat entertainment devices Portable and travel friendly: folds up compactly for easy stowing in your vehicle when not in use - car mount carries easily in a travel bag or purse for use in rental vehicles or a friend / relative's car. Flying soon, headrest mount can be fitted to seat back tray table turning your tablet pc into an inflight personal video system [ad_2]
0 notes
minban · 11 months ago
his fool, his fool / @cryroh
it has been weeks since he has last seen his fool. there are no communications, no sightings, no indications as to where his fool has gone, and it has been slowly fraying away the edges of his mind. it is unlike the previous time where he had believed his fool had left him for good, watching from his seat of divine foresight as his fool takes off. at that time he had been resigned. he had savored every moment spent with his fool, because he knew all too well that his fool would leave him, because that is what the masked fools do. and there is no dimming their joy, there is no stopping the chaos and laughter and joy that follows them in their wake. jing yuan knows, because it is what he has grown to love.
isn't that a pity. that he has grown to love his fool.
against his better judgement, unbearably, he loves his fool. and his fool is gone. last time, he had heard whispers in the wind, his fool's schemes spreading far and wide, and that had brought a smile to his face, knowing that his fool was out there and living life as he wants to. now, there is nothing. jing yuan tries to trace him, tries to find his whereabouts, tries to pry for even the littlest rumors about his fool, that he is well and alive and filled with life. there is nothing. there is nothing and something within his mind shifts.
jing yuan stands. there is much to do, much to get done. he will make sure it gets done, for he is the general of the cloud knights, an arbiter of the luofu, and there are not many who will stand in his way. no, they would rather stand at his side, they will heed his every command, his every order, his every plead. they are his people who he has protected so dearly, and jing yuan will use them to obtain his fool.
he is not of the mind to stay and explain himself to his attendants and knights and workers as he does a steady stroll out of the seat of divine foresight. he is not of the mind to delegate his tasks, not when he makes way for the divination commision. there, he will find his answers. they will answer him, they will give him a clue, a hint at what he must do. they are no prophets, but their wisdom will do. he has their trust, and they, his. they give him just enough for him to be taken back to hundreds of years ago, when he hunted down every abomination of the abundance that threatened the worldly order. there was no hiding from jing yuan then, and there will be no hiding from him now.
it takes days to get everything in order. days to delegate his work amongst dozens of people, far too much to leave to one person. it takes hours for the master diviner to take temporary command of the cloud knights. just the knights who remain on the luofu. the rest remain with jing yuan. and he mobilizes them, he has them board starships and has them take off into the universe. there are squadrons split across the cosmos, each communicating on the whereabouts of a certain masked fool.
and at the forefront of it all is jing yuan, desperately searching for the masked fool who has stolen his heart. the fool has taken a piece of jing yuan when he left without a trace, leaving him feeling empty, leaving a void in his chest. it's because of this cruel and agonizing pit where his heart should be that that jing yuan soars the galaxies, traveling from planet to planet in search of his cherished one. each land weaves their own tale of the masked ones, and it's through these stories that jing yuan catches wind of his fool's trail.
sampo, the name feels like honey on his ears, told to him by the keep of a dreary little tavern on the edge of an unnamed planet. jing yuan gives his thanks and takes off with haste. his army has a direction, and information on his fool begins to come in steadily.
with each new location he traverses to, he catches more and more tales of his fool. the rumors grow and grow, until he is seeing glimpses of purple and reds and familiar green eyes. until he is stumbling upon hints and trinkets left by his fool. until he is realizing that his fool has made a game of it all. it is a realization that should have come sooner. for all that he is heralded amongst his people, he has still fallen for his fool's scheme. and he is so very endeared, he is so very in love.
jing yuan gives chase, and he grows to adore it. his fool is nearly in his grasp, and he has shown him the stars. so long has it been, since he has had the stars at his fingertips, surrounded by the sight of lights millions of lightyears away. so long has he gotten to sit amongst the stars, traversing the lands, meeting new people, learning of new cultures. so long has it been since jing yuan experienced the wonders of the universe, not rushed nor consumed by the shackles of an arbiter. he has missed this, he has yearned for this. it is a wonderful feeling, to be in the vast expanse of the universe.
and so jing yuan gives chase, hot on the heels of his fool. he hunts his fool down, corners him and leaves him no path to flee. it is on a vast and snowy planet that they surround the fool, ships orbiting the planet and lying in wait for their general's command.
but there is no commands to give when jing yuan steps off of his starship, for there is his fool. his fool is here, standing with windswept clothes, hair in disarray, and breathing so heavily. here is his fool, standing with his head held high. though he is surrounded, though there is nowhere left to go, here is his fool smiling from ear to ear as if he were up to the greatest scheme in the universe. here is his fool, looking only at him. and right there on his fools neck lays the collar jing yuan had gifted him, sitting nice and pretty, no blemishes in sight.
what is a man to do, when the person who holds his heart is staring at him so. what is jing yuan to do, but to walk up to his fool and grab him by that same collar, to hold him steady by the neck and kiss him with the fire igniting deep in his veins. he is burning, entranced by this fool when he gasps so prettily for him. jing yuan cannot take his eyes off of his fool, watching as his fool's eye's shutter closes, feeling him melt into his embrace. he is burning, lighting up with emotions that have long been dormant. he is burning, holding his fool so close to his heart once more, a feeling that he has missed so dearly.
"i do hope you've had your fun," he mummers breathlessly, moving to rest temple to temple. his fool's eyes are so bright and lively, he wants to kiss him until those eyes shining with tears, until they are fluttering shut. he wants to leave his mark on his fool. it is what he is owed, and he will take his dues.
his fool, after all, has a lot of making up to do.
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govindhtech · 11 months ago
Galaxy AI’s Most Recent Update Now Supports More Languages
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Samsung Galaxy AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) characteristics seen in Samsung Galaxy smartphones, primarily in the S24 series, are referred to as “Galaxy AI.” In 2024, these functions may be extended to previous models. The following is a summary of what Galaxy AI provides:
Galaxy AI features
Improved camera features
It automatically enhances images by implementing enhanced zoom, improved low-light capabilities, and object removal editing tools.
Real-time language translation is possible with Galaxy AI, including real-time phone and message translation.
Usage in general
It can be integrated with a number of applications to provide capabilities like keyboard translation and enhance the user experience in general.
Samsung intends to provide some of the functions of Galaxy AI, which is now exclusive to the S24 series, to older smartphones and tablets later this year.
Three additional languages, Arabic, Indonesian, and Russian, together with three new dialects, Australian English, Cantonese, and Canadian French, will soon be added to Galaxy AI, according to a statement released by Samsung Electronics today. Apart from the current 13 languages, Samsung enables a greater number of Galaxy users globally to use mobile artificial intelligence. Samsung intends to introduce four additional languages later this year, including the traditional Chinese and European Portuguese, in addition to these new languages and dialects. These languages are Romanian, Turkish, Dutch, and Swedish.
TM Roh, President and Head of Mobile eXperience Business at Samsung Electronics, said, “We are dedicated to democratising mobile AI for everyone. Galaxy AI‘s language expansion this year will enable more Galaxy users to converse across languages on a scale never before seen by Samsung.” “We’re going to keep pushing the boundaries of mobile AI experiences and technological innovation to give even more users the tools they need to reach their full potential.”
Samsung Galaxy AI assistant
Descriptions of Galaxy AI Features
Booking reservations while travelling or having a conversation in your grandparents’ original tongue is now simpler than ever thanks to Live Translate, which provides two-way, real-time audio and text translations of phone conversations.
Through an intuitive split-screen interface, Interpreter can interpret live conversations quickly, enabling persons seated across from one another to see a text translation of the other’s words.
Whether you’re sending a courteous message to a colleague or a quick, attention-grabbing statement for a social media caption, Chat Assist can help you master conversational tones by producing context-aware recommendations to guarantee communication sounds as it was meant.
Note Assist can provide cover pages, pre-formatted templates, and summaries created by AI to increase your daily productivity.
Transcript Assist summarises, translates, and even transcribes audio recordings using artificial intelligence (AI) and speech-to-text technologies.
Browsing Assist creates brief summaries of news stories and online pages so you may keep informed about current events while saving time.
The newly supported Galaxy AI languages and dialects will be made available for download as language packs via the Settings app, with the release of these packs scheduled for April and subsequent months.
Samsung Galaxy S24 AI
Bixby voice assistant
With its voice assistant Bixby, Samsung is enabling simple and smooth AI use in the daily lives of Galaxy users, a world where artificial intelligence is becoming more and more prevalent.
Samsung introduced the Galaxy S24 and Galaxy AI earlier this year, ushering in a new age of mobile experiences. With the help of Galaxy AI’s integration with Bixby’s voice activation features, users can now quickly and easily activate these functionalities by just speaking, empowering their daily lives. By using Bixby, customers may instantly access and utilize Galaxy AI features without having to physically browse through their smartphone for the function they want.
Bixby: Hands-Free AI Empowerment
Utilising Galaxy’s user-friendly voice-activated functions, like as Live Translate, is made simpler with Bixby. Even more smoothly, users may experiment with features like automatic note covers, real-time translation, typo correction, and site summaries.
Consider the role of an interpreter. Next time you’re talking to a non-native speaker, say, “Hey Bixby, turn on Interpreter,” and you’re fine. You won’t spend time finding and utilising Interpreter.
You won’t have to slow down to get the function you need. Even more accessible than at your fingertips is Galaxy AI. With just a single voice command, you may take advantage of these new opportunities, which include increased productivity and barrier-free communication.
Global Accessible AI
Samsung is committed to provide all of its customers, wherever they may be, with amazing daily experiences. All supported languages—Chinese, English (US, UK, and India), French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Spain), and Spanish (Latin America) will have Bixby activation of Galaxy AI applied to it.
How to use Galaxy AI
Use of Galaxy AI capabilities requires a Samsung Galaxy phone running the most recent software version; these phones are usually from the S24 series or upwards. Here’s a summary of how to use some of the main functions:
Circle Lookup:
This enables you to look up anything on the internet using your screen.
To search for a word or picture, draw a circle around it while holding down the home (or centre) button.
After that, Galaxy AI will use Google Search to provide details on that particular piece of material.
Improved Capabilities of Camera:
Photos on the camera app are automatically optimised by Galaxy AI.
No special settings need to be enabled for this.
AI supports the following features:
Zoom: Sharper distant images thanks to improved zoom quality.
Low-light performance: Boosts picture brightness and minimises noise in low light.
Object rubber: Enables you to take pictures after they are taken and eliminate undesired items from them.
Real-time Interpretation:
Real-time translation of conversations, including phone calls and SMS, is possible with this capability.
Assume that you have internet connectivity before using live translation during a call.
Press the “AI” symbol when on the phone and choose “Call assist.”
Selecting which languages to translate between is important.
The chat app you’re using may have live translation built into it. For translation choices, go through the app’s settings.
Additional Features
In order to provide features like smart answers and keyboard translation, Galaxy AI can also interface with other applications.
The particular features you use will vary based on the app.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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parksaversnews · 1 year ago
Disneyland Rainy Day Guide
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A rainy day visit to the Happiest Place on Earth may seem dreadful, but with the right attitude and preparation, you can have a magical experience at Disneyland even when storm clouds roll in. Lower crowds paired with proper rain attire like ponchos and waterproof shoes opens the door for lower wait times, fun splashy photos, and unexpected moments of joy. Follow the tips across four key areas in this guide – rides and attractions, food and dining, entertainment, and general strategies – to make the most of your Disneyland rainy day.
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Rides and Attractions When rain falls at Disneyland, outdoor rides like Alice in Wonderland and Mad Tea Party may temporarily close. But many popular, indoor rides stay open with very short lines. Focus your efforts on these rides with indoor queues during rainstorms: Disneyland - Haunted Mansion - Pirates of the Caribbean - Space Mountain - Star Tours California Adventure - Soarin' Around the World - Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission Breakout - Toy Story Midway Mania If an outdoor ride is still operating, hop on and enjoy the extra splash! Rollercoasters like Incredicoaster, Matterhorn Bobsleds, and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad can be a blast in the rain if you don’t mind getting wet. Check the Disneyland app for closures before making ride plans.
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Food and Dining Stay dry while grabbing a bite at covered quick service and table service restaurants. Top rainy day dining picks include: Disneyland - Plaza Inn - Alien Pizza Planet - Rancho del Zocalo California Adventure - Award Wieners - Smokejumpers Grill - Carthay Circle Restaurant Or pick up a hot coffee to warm up with while waiting out showers. Mobile order food when possible to minimize wait times outdoors. Entertainment While rain may cancel fireworks and parades, you can still catch shows like Mickey and the Magical Map at the Fantasyland Theatre or head to the Golden Horseshoe for laughs at the comedy and magic show. Character meet and greets also often move indoors. Check the Disneyland app for updates.
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Tips and Strategies Come equipped with ponchos, umbrellas, waterproof shoes, extra socks, plastic bags for wet items, and small towels. Use indoor attractions and dining as a chance to dry off and warm up before heading back out into the rain. Make dining reservations in advance to guarantee covered seating. Check for ride closures and entertainment changes in the Disneyland app before finalizing plans. And most of all, embrace the rain - splash in puddles, capture colorful photos, and make the most of short lines and small crowds.
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FAQ Will I get a refund if it rains? Disneyland tickets are non-refundable, even for rain. You can cancel unused date-specific tickets up to the day before for a partial refund, but no refunds are given for weather on the date of visit. What rides close in the rain? Outdoor rollercoasters and rides may temporarily close due to rain, especially with lightning present. Indoor dark rides and attractions with covered queues usually stay open. Check the Disneyland app upon arrival for the most up-to-date list of closures. What rain gear should I bring? Bring compact umbrellas, waterproof ponchos, jackets or raincoats, waterproof shoes, plastic bags, extra socks, and small towels. Wear lightweight, quick-dry clothing as an extra base layer. Pack extra clothes to change into if needed after getting wet.
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Conclusion With the right mindset and preparation, rain doesn't have to dampen the magic at Disneyland. Embrace splashy fun on open rides, take advantage of low crowds and short lines, and seek shelter in covered attractions, dining, and entertainment. Follow the tips in this guide to make the most of your Disneyland rainy day visit. A little rain never hurt anyone - now grab those ponchos and umbrellas and get ready to splash the day away at The Happiest Place on Earth! Read the full article
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technothinksupsolutions · 1 year ago
Navigating the Digital Seas: Digital Marketing Marvels at Technothinksup Solutions
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Dive into the vibrant world of digital marketing at Technothinksup Solutions, where we turn online chaos into a symphony of success.
Sailing Smooth: The Art of Strategy in Digital Waters
In the vast ocean of digital possibilities, navigating without a strategy is like setting sail without a compass. At Technothinksup, we're not just marketers; we're strategic navigators. Before diving into the digital sea, we plot a course, understanding your brand, goals, and audience.
From social media waves to the SEO currents, we create a roadmap tailored to your unique needs. It's not about casting a wide net; it's about casting the right one. Our digital marketing strategies are the winds that propel your brand to new horizons.
Mobile App Spotlight: A Beacon in the Digital Night
In a world where everyone's eyes are glued to their screens, mobile apps take center stage. At Technothinksup, we ensure your app is the shining star in this digital galaxy. Through targeted marketing, we elevate your app above the noise, making it the go-to solution for your audience.
Our strategies are like lighthouses, guiding users to your app in the vastness of app stores. From eye-catching visuals to compelling copy, we make sure your app stands out, beckoning users to click that coveted 'download' button.
Engagement Ahoy: Captivating Audiences in a Digital Circus
Attention is the currency of the digital age, and at Technothinksup, we're in the business of stealing hearts, not just clicks. Our digital marketing campaigns are the ringmasters of engagement, creating a circus of content that keeps your audience on the edge of their virtual seats.
From witty social media posts to captivating email campaigns, we infuse a sense of playfulness into our strategies. After all, in a world where content is king, entertainment is the crown. Your brand isn't just a product; it's an experience, and we make sure it's the most entertaining show in town.
Conversion Magic: Turning Clicks into Cheers
Clicks are great, but cheers are better. At Technothinksup, we don't stop at bringing users to your doorstep; we invite them in for a memorable experience. Our conversion strategies are like hospitality wizards, turning casual visitors into loyal customers.
Through personalized landing pages, persuasive copy, and a sprinkle of digital magic, we guide users from the 'interested' stage to the 'converted' stage. It's not just about making a sale; it's about creating brand advocates who cheer for your brand from the digital rooftops.
Conclusion: Anchors Away, Sail into Digital Success
In conclusion, digital marketing at Technothinksup Solutions is not just about sailing in the digital sea; it's about conquering it. From strategic navigation to putting your mobile app in the spotlight, captivating audiences in the digital circus to the magic of conversion – we're your partners in navigating the waves of online success.
Stay tuned for more glimpses into the exciting world of Technothinksup Solutions, where every click is a step closer to digital triumph!
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Wuling Resmi Tampilkan Eksterior dan Interior dari BinguoEV Kepada Publik
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, TANGERANG - Wuling Motors (Wuling) resmi memasuki fase pre-launch dari kendaraan listrik terbarunya dengan menampilkan eksterior dan interior BinguoEV (dibaca: Bing-go EV) di Atrium Circle, Summarecon Mall Serpong, Kabupaten Tangerang, Kamis (16/11/2023) lalu. Dalam pameran yang berlangsung sampai 19 November mendatang ini, para pengunjung dapat melihat langsung tampilan eksterior dan interior dari BinguoEV dan melakukan pre-book untuk mobil listrik Wuling kedua ini. “Wuling memulai pengembangan EV sejak tahun 2014 di Tiongkok dan seiring berjalannya waktu, Wuling telah mencatatkan pencapaian signifikan sebagai produsen kendaraan listrik global yang berpengalaman dan terpercaya di dunia. Hingga saat ini, sebanyak 1,6 juta unit produk mobil listrik Wuling telah dinikmati oleh konsumen di berbagai negara. Di Indonesia, Wuling memulai inovasinya dalam memproduksi kendaraan listrik sejak Agustus 2022 lalu melalui peluncuran Air ev sebagai mobil listrik pertama kami di Tanah Air. Produk ini sukses mendapatkan sambutan yang hangat dari masyarakat dan terbukti menjadi mobil ev terlaris saat ini dengan penjualan lebih dari 12.000 unit dari peluncurannya hingga Oktober 2023. Pencapaian tersebut membuat Air ev mendominasi segmen kendaraan listrik di Indonesia,” ungkap Arif Pramadana, Vice President Wuling Motors. Menyandang tagline ‘Drive Electric, Be The Icon’, BinguoEV memungkinkan setiap penggunanya untuk menjadi ikon dalam perubahan menuju mobilitas berkelanjutan. Dengan memilih BinguoEV, pengguna tak hanya memiliki kendaraan listrik yang ramah lingkungan, tetapi juga mampu menginspirasi perubahan positif bagi orang lain untuk mengadopsi gaya hidup yang lebih hijau seiring dengan semangat ‘Drive For A Green Life’. BinguoEV juga menghadirkan pengalaman berkendara yang berkesan bersama kendaraan listrik dengan desain ikonik. Dengan kabin yang luas dan nyaman, BinguoEV pun bisa menjadi teman yang sempurna untuk mendukung mobilitas para penggunanya. Pada sisi eksterior, BinguoEV tampil dengan desain yang ikonik, menggabungkan estetika retro klasik dan sentuhan modern yang memukau. Secara keseluruhan, BinguoEV mengadopsi gaya desain yang timeless dan dipadukan dengan elemen-elemen modern yang menambah unsur futuristik di kendaraan listrik ini seperti lampu LED berbentuk ‘X’ dan velg yang unik. BinguoEV mengaplikasikan dual-tone body color yang memadukan warna Starry Black pada bagian atas dengan tiga pilihan warna, yakni Milk Tea, Mousse Green, and Galaxy Blue. Beralih ke sisi interior, BinguoEV menawarkan kabin yang luas dengan jok perforated synthetic leather yang menyajikan kenyamanan ekstra bagi penumpang dan pengemudi. Selain itu, BinguoEV juga dilengkapi dengan 15 kompartemen dan bagasi dengan luas yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menyimpan barang bawaan. Selain itu, beragam fitur penunjang kenyamanan berkendara lainnya juga turut hadir dalam BinguoEV. Pengemudi dapat melakukan pengaturan posisi duduk dengan lebih mudah melalui fitur Electric Seat Adjustment. Pada bagian dashboard, terdapat Multifunction Steering Wheel yang dilengkapi tombol pengoperasian audio dan pengaturan menu. Rotary Gear Selector juga kembali dihadirkan di BinguoEV sebagai pengoperasi transmisi dengan knop putar futuristik. Selain itu, konsol tengah kendaraan ini juga turut dilengkapi dengan tombol Electric Parking Brake dan Auto-Vehicle Holding. Perjalanan pun semakin menyenangkan berkat sistem hiburan yang terintegrasi di 10.25 inchi head unit. Sebagai tambahan informasi, BinguoEV sendiri telah diluncurkan di Tiongkok pada Maret 2023 lalu dengan nama BingoEV. Setelah enam bulan diluncurkan, mobil listrik ini mencatatkan angka penjualan lebih dari 120.000 unit dan menjadikannya sebagai salah satu produk yang sukses diluncurkan oleh Wuling untuk segmen kendaraan listrik di negara asalnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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doeroneforall · 1 year ago
30 Million Strong Gaming Evolution, Witzeal's 2023 Roadmap Unveiled
Witzeal's 2023 Gaming Roadmap: Skill-Based Thrills for 30 Million Users 
In the fast-paced world of mobile gaming, one company is setting the stage for an exhilarating journey in 2023 and beyond. Witzeal, the trailblazing game developer, is ready to unleash an array of skill-based thrills that will captivate, challenge, and entertain its ever-growing community of 30 million users. 
A Legacy of Innovation 
Witzeal's journey began with a vision to redefine mobile gaming. Their track record of innovation and commitment to delivering top-notch gaming experiences has garnered a loyal following of gamers worldwide. In 2023, they're gearing up to take their offerings to a whole new level. 
The Gaming Revolution Begins 
As the calendar flips to 2023, Witzeal is all set to embark on a gaming revolution. With a diverse portfolio that spans genres from action-packed adventures to mind-bending puzzles, they're poised to cater to the gaming appetites of players from all walks of life. 
Immersive Gameplay 
Witzeal's 2023 lineup promises immersive gameplay that blurs the lines between reality and the virtual world. Get ready to step into breathtakingly realistic landscapes, confront formidable foes, and engage in epic battles that will leave your heart pounding. 
Esports Extravaganza 
For the competitive souls, Witzeal is unleashing an esports extravaganza like never before. Brace yourself for adrenaline-pumping tournaments, where you can showcase your skills and battle it out with the best. Witzeal's commitment to esports is a testament to their dedication to fostering a global gaming community. 
Unveiling New Worlds 
Witzeal's roadmap for 2023 includes the unveiling of entirely new gaming universes. Prepare to be transported to realms teeming with mystery, wonder, and challenges. Whether you're exploring ancient civilizations or conquering uncharted galaxies, there's a world waiting for you. 
Community-Centric Approach 
Witzeal knows that the gaming community is at the heart of their success. In 2023, they're doubling down on their commitment to listen to player feedback, engage with their community, and create experiences tailored to the desires of their dedicated fans. 
Pushing Technological Boundaries 
Witzeal's games have always been at the forefront of technology. In 2023, they're pushing boundaries further, utilizing cutting-edge graphics, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to bring you gaming experiences that are not just fun but truly transformative. 
A Year of Surprises 
While some game developers play their cards close to the chest, Witzeal is known for its surprises. Throughout 2023, expect unexpected updates, events, and releases that will keep you on the edge of your seat. There's always something exciting on the horizon. 
Join the Witzeal Experience 
As the gaming world evolves, Witzeal is your trusted companion on this thrilling journey. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just beginning, there's a world of adventure, competition, and entertainment waiting for you in 2023. 
Get Ready to Game On! 
Witzeal's 2023 gaming roadmap is a promise of excitement, challenge, and endless fun. So, gear up, charge your devices, and get ready to dive into a year filled with skill-based thrills like never before. 
Join Witzeal and be a part of the gaming revolution! Your adventure begins now.
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