#Galatea Merrythought
what I want to know is how tf Slughorn even knew how to make a horcrux or why he knew anything about them in the first place. Methinks he has a darker past than he lets on :P
To be fair anon, I wouldn't say Slughorn actually knew how to make a Horcrux. He didn't. Virtually no one did.
All he knew was that the process required one to commit a murder. Which is likely one of the most significant steps, but according to Rowling, there was actually a multi-step process behind creating a Horcrux that was ultimately deemed too gruesome to actually describe in the books. Oh, how the mind wanders as to what that could mean. Either way, I think she also stated that for this reason, Harry isn't actually a Horcrux, even if he's referred to as one for simplicity. Because, by definition, a Horcrux can't really be created by accident, and Harry wasn't actually "contaminated" by the Soul Fragment inside him. (Which...makes one wonder what became of Nagini, what went on inside her mind...either way.) Aside from anything else, Slughorn explicitly stated that there was a "spell" involved, and that he didn't know it.
If I'm remembering correctly, Horcrux creation was an extremely unknown and elusive form of magic that was almost impossible to study without going onto the shadiest parts of the black market, the wizarding version of the "dark web" as it were. Or at least, that was the case by the time Harry arrived at Hogwarts. Dumbledore had removed all the books from the Library that discussed Horcruxes, and it was confirmed from Hermione that at least one of them went into detail for how to actually create them. Harry speculated that Voldemort already learned everything he needed to know from these books, that he only approached Slughorn to find out what might happen if he tried to make more than one. He just needed to act like he didn't know anything about Horcruxes to better portray himself as an innocent, curious student.
Which raises an interesting question. Voldemort was the first person that we know of who ever attempted to create multiple Horcruxes. I'm not sure why he decided to approach Slughorn about this subject. Slughorn, the Potions Master. Because you'd think that, if anyone would have the answers he sought, it would be Professor Merrythought. You know, the actual Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher? It's possible that he just expected Slughorn to trust him more than Merrythought would, but that doesn't explain why he believed Slughorn would know anything about Horcruxes in the first place (or why Slughorn actually did) It was also established that virtually all of the Professors at the time (sans Dumbledore) adored Tom Riddle and would have given him the benefit of the doubt. Hell, talking to Dippet would have made more sense. Especially since this was (likely) in Tom's seventh year, after he had already "caught" the Heir of Slytherin. Who could have doubted his moral character then?
What I keep coming back to is how Slughorn even knew what Horcruxes were. Again, they make a point of showing us that almost no one in this world has even heard of them before. Not even Hermione has heard of them, which is telling. I guess the answer is that the subject wasn't quite as taboo in Tom Riddle's time at Hogwarts as it was during Harry's time? And that is likely at least in part because of Tom Riddle, and his efforts. But. Dumbledore didn't even know about this conversation for years. He didn't know Voldemort was creating Horcruxes, not initially. So why remove the books from the library when he did?
Oh, I have an idea.
Hermione says that Dumbledore removed the books, but that's just her presuming it was him. For all we know, Dippet was the one to remove the books before he retired...perhaps after Slughorn, disgruntled and concerned following his conversation with Tom Riddle, approached Dippet and made a case that such a subject was unsuitable for Hogwarts students? He wouldn't have elaborated or admitted that the conversation happened, he would have realized after the fact that he fucked up and should not have discussed such things with a student - especially if Voldemort was already beginning to make the rounds - but he would strongly advise Dippet to remove the books. Perhaps even citing Voldemort's rise to power as a reason, though without the full context. For his part, Dippet was always portrayed as reasonable. He'd probably listen to Slughorn's argument, and come to agree with it.
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jessicamarianasocs · 2 years
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jupiterpp · 4 months
CHAPTER THREE: CHARISMA | 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞. -𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
important note; This is the first time I'm posting my stories on Tumblr. My mother tongue is not English so expect grammatical errors ahead.
word count: 2.8k words
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"Slug club?" I remarked, my interest piqued at the peculiar name. I turned my gaze towards Slughorn, who calmly set down his mug on the polished desk, and then settled into his chair with an air of satisfaction. "You named the club after yourself? Quite classy."
"Don't even start, my dear," He sighed, shaking his head. "Your Father was a part of my club not so long ago.  And might I add, he was quite the charming fellow, if memory serves me right."
I couldn't help but smirk playfully at Slughorn's remark. "Oh, so if I join your club, you'll finally have a charming member again?"
Slughorn chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, yes," he admitted, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I suppose you could say that," Slughorn replied with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But of course, it's not-"
"No thanks," I cut in, rising from my seat and snatching the new schedule from the table. I pointed it playfully at Slughorn, a smirk tugging at my lips. "If you'll excuse me, I need to get to my..." I glanced down at the schedule in my hand, then back up at him. "Defense Against the Dark Arts class." With a casual wave, I turned on my heel and headed for the door, leaving Slughorn chuckling behind me.
As I strolled down the bustling corridors, a mix of excitement and nerves bubbled inside me. It was only the second day of classes, but it already felt like I had been here for ages. I turned a corner and found myself in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The door was already open, and a few students were trickling in.
Scanning the room, I spotted a familiar face—Elara Hartwell, my newfound friend. She was already seated, her curly auburn hair framing her face as she scribbled diligently in her notebook. I made my way over and slid into the chair next to her.
"Merlin, where have you been?" she exclaimed in a hushed voice, glancing up from her notes to shoot me a playful yet concerned look. "Class is about to start in a few minutes!"
I flashed her a quick grin. "Got held up by Slughorn," I replied, my voice trailing off as I noticed the figure seated beside me.
Tom Riddle sat there, his dark, piercing eyes meeting mine with a cold, calculating look. His presence was unsettling, sending a shiver down my spine. I narrowed my eyes at him before averting my gaze when the professor walked in. Reinhard Lestrange was sitting right beside him and stayed silent once the professor walked in.
Professor Galatea Merrythought entered the room with her usual commanding presence, her eyes scanning the class as she set her things on the desk. The room fell silent.
"Good morning, everyone," she said in a voice that was cool but not unkind. "Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I am Professor Merrythought, and my goal is to prepare you to face any dark force you might encounter, both inside and outside these walls."
She flicked her wand, and the blackboard behind her filled with intricate diagrams of defensive spells and counter-curses. "We'll start with the basics today, but don't get too comfortable. Things will get challenging quickly."
Merlin. Already?
I propped my right arm on the desk, leaning in with a small smile on my face as the class continued, Professor Merrythought moved on to a particularly serious topic: the three Unforgivable Curses. She paced the room, her eyes scanning each of us with a piercing intensity.
"Now, students," she began, her voice taking on a grave tone, "I trust you're all aware of the three Unforgivable Curses. Can anyone tell me what they are?"
I glanced around the class, observing their raised hands, and hesitantly raised mine as well. Beside me, Tom Riddle's hand shot up with swift confidence. Professor Merrythought's gaze swept over the sea of students, pausing momentarily on Tom before settling on me.
"Ah, you there," she said, pointing directly at me. "You're the new student, aren't you? What's your name?"
"Yes, Professor," I responded promptly, pushing my chair back and standing up. I straightened my posture, clasping my hands behind my back as I looked at her with a calm smile. "I'm [Name] Delacroix, Professor."
"Very well, Miss Delacroix," Professor Merrythought acknowledged before continuing. "Name one of the Unforgivable Curses."
"The Imperius Curse," I replied confidently, maintaining eye contact with her. She nodded slightly, urging me to elaborate. I cleared my throat softly, my voice steady as I continued. "The Imperius Curse is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. It allows the caster to control the actions of the victim, essentially enslaving them to their will," I explained, feeling the eyes of my classmates on me.
"Well done, Miss Delacroix. Five points to Slytherin," Professor Merrythought nodded approvingly, a serious expression on her face. "Next!"
A sense of pride swelled within me as I sank back into my seat with a small sigh, looking at Elara who gave me a smile and patted my shoulders for gaining a point at our house. 
"Mister Riddle," Professor pointed at Riddle who immediately stood up.
Tom's expression remained neutral as he elaborated. "The Cruciatus Curse is used to inflict excruciating pain on the victim. It is a form of torture and leaves no physical marks, making it a particularly cruel form of punishment."
"Excellent, Riddle. Ten points to Slytherin," Professor Merrythought announced, sounding all pleased. I couldn't help but raise a brow, nudging Elara beside me.
"How come he gets ten points and I got five?" I whispered low.
Professor Merrythought seemed satisfied with his answer and turned her attention to the rest of the class. "And the last one? Mister Avery?"
"Favoritism," Elara replied, leaning closer to me. I nodded in agreement, my gaze shifting to Riddle, who appeared focused on the class. "Almost all the professors have a soft spot for him. I don't know why, maybe because he's charming."
"Five points to Slytherin," Professor Merrythought announced before circling around her desk, her eyes scanning the class.
"See what I mean?" Elara nudged me again, her elbow gently poking my sides.
I glanced at her, rolling my eyes slightly. "Charming or not, it's still not fair," I murmured back, feeling a flicker of irritation. 
When the class finally ended, Elara and I made our way to the Great Hall for lunch. The grandeur of the hall never failed to awe me, with its enchanted ceiling reflecting the sky outside and the long tables adorned with delicious dishes.
I couldn't help but notice Riddle sitting with a group of friends, engaged in conversation. Among them were Lestrange and Avery, a name I had heard mentioned earlier in class. They seemed deep in discussion together.
We found an empty spot at the Slytherin table and sat down, filling our plates with a variety of food. Despite my earlier frustration, the lively chatter and delicious aroma of the food lifted my spirits.
"So, what do you think of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Elara asked between bites of her meal.
"It's definitely interesting," I replied, taking a sip of pumpkin juice. "Though I could do without the blatant favoritism."
Elara chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yes, it does seem rather obvious, doesn't it?"
I glanced at Elara, who followed my gaze with a curious expression. "That's Lestrange, right?" she whispered, leaning in closer, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied him.
"Mhm," She hummed as Silvius Tiberius, another Slytherin that I had met yesterday came to sit with us across the table followed by Augustus Montague and Marcellus Langley. "Wait, you know Lestrange?" Elara paused eating, her fork hovering in mid-air as she looked at me with raised brows, her curiosity piqued.
"Yes," I replied. "He was my partner at potions class yesterday."
"Seriously?" Elara's eyes widened in disbelief. She glanced at Silvius, who seemed to tense up under her scrutinizing gaze. She then turned back to me, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Haven't I told you about... Riddle's friends?"
Now it was my turn to raise a brow at her, my curiosity matching hers. "No? Why? Have they done something wrong?"
Elara sighed softly, her expression grave. "They're not exactly known for their good behavior," she explained quietly. "Riddle and his friends—Lestrange included—have a reputation for causing trouble and doing nasty things around Hogwarts. Rumors say they've got a knack for getting away with it, too."
"It's not just harmless pranks. Some of the stuff they do is really nasty. At least that's what the rumors said. Not sure about Riddle though. He seems to be more focused on class than doing stupid things." Said Marcellus, glancing at me with a smirk.
Marcellus leaned in, lowering his voice. "Another saying I heard is they have a way of making people's lives miserable if they want to. They've been known to... manipulate situations to their advantage."
"It's best to keep your head down and avoid crossing paths with them," Silvius said with a shrug. "They're always up to something." 
'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ೃ⁀➷-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-˚. ೃ⁀➷'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
Sitting in the library, I engrossed myself with a book related to Charms. The quiet atmosphere and the scent of aged parchment provided a welcome refuge from the complexities and intrigues of Slytherin House. Flipping through the pages, I found myself absorbed in a section on advanced wand movements, trying to commit each precise flick and swish to memory.
I paused when I heard heavy breathing not far from me. I side-glance to my left and caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of my eye. Eventually, They ended up behind the bookshelf in front of me, causing me to narrow my eyes at the heavy breathing this person was making.
This person thinks I haven't noticed him watching me since I arrived at Hogwarts. This person, I see him everywhere. He's following me. With a flick of my fingers, the books covering the person's face shifted aside, revealing a young boy who gasped and trembled when our eyes met.
Realization hit me when I met his familiar gaze. "What the hell—Dennis—"
He stammered a few words before he ran out of the library, causing a few glares to follow his hasty exit.
"Bishop! Get back here!" the librarian yelled after him, her face reddening with irritation. I sank back into my chair, trying to ignore the curious looks from the other students. Great, now I was on the librarian's radar as well.
My eyes instinctively followed the doors of the library, tracking Dennis's hurried departure. What on earth was that about? Dennis at Hogwarts? The thought seemed inconceivable. He was from a world completely unaware of magic.
Elara, who had been quietly absorbed in her studies nearby, approached with a quizzical expression. She slid into the seat next to me, her curiosity evident. "What was all that commotion about?"
I sighed, shaking my head in bewilderment. "I wish I knew," I admitted, furrowing my brows.
Elara looked thoughtful for a moment, her gaze flicking towards the library entrance where Dennis had run away. "Why did he seem so startled?"
"I don't know," I replied with a hint of frustration, shrugging my shoulders. "You tell me. That guy's been acting strange since the moment I arrived."
Silvius and Augustus had now joined us, their curiosity piqued. Silvius, leaning casually against the table, raised an eyebrow. "Weird how?"
I glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. "He's been following me everywhere. Watching me. It seems like he's got something to say but can't find the nerve."
"Bishop's always been a bit of an odd duck," Mulciber joined the conversation, placing a stack of books on the table. Elara shot Mulciber a warning look, but he continued unabated. "What? It's true. No denying it. The bloke's a shadow, always lurking about. Gives me the creeps."
Elara frowned at Mulciber. "That's not helping, Mulciber."
He shrugged dismissively. "Just stating the obvious."
I shook my head and sighed, feeling a mixture of concern and confusion. My fingers idly traced the gilt lettering on the book's spine before I closed it, meeting my friends' eyes earnestly. "Let's change the subject," I suggested.
Elara and Silvius exchanged a knowing glance, silently agreeing to drop the matter for now. Augustus, ever perceptive, nodded in understanding. "Right," he said, picking up on my subtle cue. "Any plans for the weekend?"
'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ೃ⁀➷-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-˚. ೃ⁀➷'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
It has been over two weeks since I arrived at Hogwarts.
Day by day, I've noticed the closeness between Professor Slughorn and Riddle. Their familiarity makes me wonder how long they've known each other. I've seen them together in the corridors, engaged in what seems like deep conversation. Sometimes, when I pass by Slughorn's office, I hear Riddle's voice, always calm and measured.
 Riddle was not fond of communicating with me. If I ask a question related to potions, he would give me a short answer clearly showing me that he does not want to interact.
I felt like I was being replaced.
Slughorn was occupied with Riddle and his club, leaving little time to spare for me. As a result, I found solace in spending my days in Dumbledore's office, immersed in books and studying. Dumbledore was fond of me from the very beginning, openly expressing that I was his favorite student—a fact that filled me with pride and a sense of belonging.
Slughorn took notice of how little we've been spending time together so he brought me to the Black Lake with Mr. Tibbers.
I walked alongside Slughorn at the Black Lake with Mr. Tibbers following us behind. "Professor," I called, peering over my shoulder, motioning for my cat to follow me. "I wanted to discuss something with you."
Slughorn turned his attention towards me, his brow slightly raised in curiosity. "What is it, my dear?"
"Well, I've noticed that you and Riddle seem quite close," I ventured, clasping my hands behind my back. "I actually knew him briefly when we were eleven. We met at an orphanage where my mother used to work."
"Oh, yes, I'm aware," He replied in a calm tone, a smile etching his face. That caught me off guard. He knows? how? No one knows about this even Dumbledore.
I blinked, surprised. "You know?"
"If my memory suits me right, Tom told me like five days ago." Slughorn nodded, his smile still present. "He brought it up in one of our conversations." Slughorn's gaze turned thoughtful, his brows knitting together slightly. "I've noticed you haven't interacted much with Tom since you've been here. Is there a reason for that?"
Caught off guard, I struggled to articulate my thoughts. "I... Well, I mean, why would you expect me to interact with him?"
"Well," Slughorn shrugged casually, his demeanor relaxed as we approached the heavy oak door leading back into the castle hallway. The bustle of students passing by provided a comforting backdrop to our conversation. "He is your friend, isn't he?"
I let out a frustrated huff, feeling the weight of my words as I spoke. "I highly doubt he considers me as one of his friends," I replied, my voice carrying a hint of bitterness, before resuming my stride alongside Slughorn. "He doesn't even want to talk to me."
Slughorn merely shrugged, his expression placid. "Maybe you should be the one initiating the conversation."
That's literally what I meant.
"Speaking of talking to people," I began, my tone serious, "have you noticed anything peculiar about a student named Dennis Bishop? He's been acting rather oddly since I arrived."
Slughorn furrowed his brow, pausing for a moment as he considered my question. "Dennis Bishop? Can't say I've noticed anything out of the ordinary. But then again, I don't always catch everything. Why, what's going on?"
I paused, glancing around before leaning in closer to him with a serious tone. "He's been following me around."
Slughorn's expression shifted, his brow furrowing further as he processed my words. "Following you around, you say? Like-"
"Stalking," I nodded, feeling a sense of unease settling over me. "Exactly like that. It's starting to unsettle me, to be honest."
Before Slughorn could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps drew my attention. I turned slightly and saw Riddle and his companions nearing us. A chill swept through me as Riddle's intense gaze fixed momentarily on me before smoothly shifting to Slughorn.
"Professor," Riddle greeted with a polite nod, his voice smooth as silk. "Good evening."
"Oh right," Slughorn, seemingly distracted, shook his head lightly before turning to me and placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. His touch pulled my gaze away from Riddle's piercing stare. "I've invited them for dinner. Care to join us?"
Caught off guard by the invitation, I hesitated briefly. The idea of dining with Riddle and his companions didn't sit well with me. Despite Slughorn's friendly demeanor, I knew that this gathering was likely another one of his Slug Clubs or whatever they were talking about inside Slughorn's office.
"Thank you, Professor, but I think I'll pass," I replied, forcing a polite smile. "I have some studying to catch up on."
Slughorn's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of disappointment passing through his eyes before he swiftly recovered. "Of course, my dear. Another time, then," he said warmly. "Don't overexert yourself with your studies."
"Thank you, Professor. I'll see you later," I said, nodding in farewell.
With Mr. Tibbers in my arms, I made my way out of there, determined to put as much distance between myself and the awkward situation as possible. As I glanced back, I caught Riddle's gaze, his expression inscrutable as Slughorn ushered them into his office. Ignoring him, I turned my back and continued on my way, my mind buzzing with thoughts and questions.
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dinoplantsghost · 4 months
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pairing: Tom Riddle x fem! original character
warning(s): body horror, death, tom is a warning in itself, 1940s: time accurate misogyny (???), (a singular) violent thought, i actually don't know how to tag this im sorry 😭😭
word count: ~3064
Disclaimer: I have a huge google doc that holds all of my drafts and I'm quite literally just copypasting everything, so if there are any typos/errors, no there isn't!! :)
Edit: I just realized Saoirse may or may not be a Celtic name and Google is not giving very concise answers so I've changed it to Irish instead 😭
Chapter List
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Murder in the Building [1]
She didn’t mean to kill that girl. She had gotten in the way of Saoirse's experiment that was clearly expressed minutes before that it was dangerous and a risk. But people usually don’t listen; they never listen. When the body was found, it was unrecognizable. Hanging from the wrists, the body was displayed on the wall of the shared room of the two girls, its entrails scattered from the opening to the stomach, to the floor, all the way to the table that had bloody parchments and numerous tools. 
There’s never been an incident like this before at Mahoutokoro, the only wizarding school in east Asia, situated on the southernmost island of Iwo Jima, Japan. Students were always obedient, curious little things; always ready to learn and always ready to face the consequences when incorrect. Maybe she was too curious, but Saoirse didn’t mean for this mishap to come about. If it weren’t for the change of color in her robes or the stench from her room, she would have gotten away with harmless Dark practices. The scrolls and books and memoirs she read stated that the sacrifices wouldn’t feel pain, so why is everyone looking at her like she was a lunatic? 
There are more wizarding schools that allow the practices of Dark Magic than ones that ban it altogether—ones to the point where they will completely replace it with a class on how to defend oneself against it. 
‘But how can you defend yourself from something you know nothing about,’ Saoirse thought as she eyed the bookcase behind the High Priestess’ headpiece. Dark Magic functions perfectly fine when used for good intentions—like blood magic, for example; blood magic has been around since the dawn of wizarding time, protecting precious manors and homes from outsiders and potential dangers, with some seals still going strong after centuries of being active. 
“You are extremely lucky to only be transferring,” the High Priestess yelled in Japanese, her voice reverberating in the chamber lined with gold and jade. “If it weren’t for that Merrythought lady, you would be executed on the spot if it were left up to me.” 
Saoirse sighed. “I apologize, my High Priestess, but I am sure that lady Merrythought and the rest of the staff at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will do their best to keep an eye on me.” 
Truly, if she could, Saoirse would kiss Merrythought. Mahoutokoro has always been too “uptight and pompous” for the girl with cerulean hair. The robes were absolutely horrid in her opinion. The pink and gold looked sickly on her. 
Saoirse had met Galatea Merrythought, professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts, at a training camp to perfect her dueling skills. She had been the only adult figure in her life to support her decision to research Dark Magic, stating that there were plenty of jobs for the girl within the British Wizarding Community that are within that line of work. 
High paying jobs were difficult to obtain for the few girls attending Mahoutokoro. It wasn’t common to see any females working for the Japanese Ministry of Magic or anything of the like. True to the average east Asian lifestyle, the ladies were expected to care for the children while the men went to work for countless hours in a day. The girls that do get into Mahoutokoro, though, often attend in order to aid their future children in their studies once they are ready to go to school at the age of seven.
Saoirse was finally able to drag herself away from the High Priestess only after a ceramic piece resembling the Chinese Ming Dynasty shattered from the old lady’s magic, going haywire and out of control. As the young girl wandered down the halls aimlessly, waiting for her escort to show up, many of the other students peered around the corners to see the murderer in the building. To become a murderer at only fifteen years old..It was simply unheard of. Whispers of rumors enveloped the island in what seemed like a matter of minutes. 
‘There are more victims than just that poor girl.’
‘She must be a cannibal; some body parts were missing at the scene.’
‘It must have been some sick love story, she was jealous and finally went crazy.’
‘She was cursed the moment she was born, the gods must have punished her.’
‘She gets off to the blood and dismembered bodies.’
Of course, none of this was true, but there’s no use in trying to convince them otherwise, especially when she was leaving for Scotland anytime now. The onlookers disappeared down the hallways as a boat appeared in the distance, a figure holding a ball of light from what Saoirse assumed to be their wand. 
Soon, she hopped onto the boat, excited to continue her experiments elsewhere.
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Saoirse craned her neck as she whipped it back and forth to see every intricate detail of the castle, its ancient history oozing from every crack and crevice. While she knew Mahoutokoro was also old, it was built with precious stones and metal in mind, taking away the aesthetic of a worn look. With Hogwarts, though, things were shaky and uneven. Despite the asymmetry, it was warm. 
Following the instructions of the staff that escorted her off the island, the girl was met with a stone figure poking her nose as she twirled her way to the Headmaster’s office in the middle of the night. 
‘Oh,’ she thought. ‘What did they say about the password?’
As if hearing her internal struggles the statue moved on its own, scaring the bespectacled girl into jabbing her Walnut wand towards its general direction, only for it to roll its firm eyes and walk off to the side, expecting her to walk into the office of Armando Dippet, the Headmaster of Saoirse’s new school. 
Coughing, Saoirse returned her wand back into its holster wrapped around her right forearm, and took her first step on the spiral staircase. As her eyes reached the new floor level, her breath was taken away by the amount of eyes staring into her soul from mere canvases. Looking around, she found a red clad man with gray hairs hunched over the desk in the middle of the round office, little trinkets catching the light from the room and refracting into her gaze. 
“Ah, yes, Saoirse! I hope your travels went well?”  
“Yes, everything went as planned, sir,” She said politely. 
She watched as the elderly man struggled to walk over to a shelf encasing many curious objects. A sword made of pure silver shimmering in the light, many golden objects beckoning her closer as she followed Dippet to the shelf. With a tap of his wand the glass covering disappeared, allowing him to grab the one object that was out of place—an old and wrinkly hat with dark patches here and there, fraying at the edges. Sagging in Dippet’s hands, Saoirse raised her eyebrows in amusement as she watched the hat become animated, with eyes and a mouth forming. 
“Why have you awoken me, you dusty old fart,” the hat yelled, glaring at the smiling old man. “I already sorted all of the students.” 
The lively piece of leather continued to mumble complaints and obscenities until it was placed down on a stool that appeared out of nowhere, the holes where its eyes should be now falling on the girl that stood awkwardly in near a corner of the room. On que, Saoirse walked over to the stool, and stopped in front of the hat. 
“New student, eh?” The hat whined. The cerulean haired girl crossed her arms in discomfort, sure that if the magical item was human, it would have a deranged look in its eyes. “Well hurry up, girl,” it yelled. “The Sorting Hat doesn’t have all day!” 
Once Saoirse sat on the stool, Dippet placed the Sorting Hat on her head. Expecting the sorting to be over as soon as it started, she blinked as she was met with a moment of silence. ‘Does the Headmaster know you brutally killed a girl?’ A voice boomed in her head, making her jump in the stool. 
‘It’s not like she felt any pain; I did the procedure perfectly fine,’ she retaliated. ‘Honestly, what kind of school just has tomes filled to the brim with the Dark Arts? If anything, it’s the school's fault, not mine.’ 
‘Usually students don’t take it this far, to the point that they practice what was once a theory just to make a statement. Are you usually like this; wanting to know everything and anything?’ 
Saoirse tapped a beat on her lap, waiting for the Sorting Hat to say something. Looking to the side, she fumbled a light smile as she caught the Headmaster staring at her, nodding to the old man and quickly turning her gaze away. 
The Hat caught her attention once more as it shifted slightly on her head. ‘You are a very inquisitive young lady. A bit nosey if you ask me.’ 
‘What is the point of this?’
‘To see which house you will be sorted into, of course. Merlin, did no one teach you about the sorting process here at Hogwarts?’
‘No, I did not have the time to learn, but I fully intend to know more after this.’ Saoirse rolled her tense shoulders in exhaustion. Again she was met with silence, until the Hat moved to open its mouth. 
“I know exactly which house you fit in. With a keen brain like yours, it should be…Ravenclaw!”
The sound of clapping hands brought Saoirse out of her trance. She watched as Dippet picked up the Sorting Hat once more, to place it back in its original resting spot. But before the Hat was completely off her head, its final message sent shivers down her spine. 
‘Do not get lost in the pursuit of knowledge. The consequences are deadly. Do not go looking where you are not wanted.’ 
Confusion was left in her mind as the Headmaster rambled on about how proud Ravenclaw will be when they find out they have a new eagle in their midst.
┌────── ⋆☆⋆ ──────┐
Soft footsteps clacked upon the stone floor as a boy made his way to the Headmaster's office at 2:00 in the morning. He had only recently finished his Astrology class, as a typical lesson finished at 1:00, so to stay up and dressed for an unknown reason due to Dippet’s wishes displeased him extremely. The Slytherin boy, Tom Riddle, halted in front of the statue protecting the office and sighed, his low voice echoing throughout the long halls as he muttered the password to Dippet’s domain. 
“Ah, Mr. Riddle! There you are,” Dippet exclaimed, making Tom wince in the very slightest. 
He never liked his name. It made him sound ordinary. He hated it immensely. Quickly recovering, he faked a smile. “What is it that you need of me, Sir?” 
Dippet clasped his hands as he stood up from his seat. “We have a new student joining us, Tom; all the way from Mahoutokoro—the only magical school in east Asia!” Dippet gestured to the figure to his right and Tom let his gaze follow. There, a girl standing at 5 feet and 6 inches, owlish jade eyes behind her round frames. Her face; soft and pouty, with her bobbed, cerulean hair encasing her head ever so lovely. Her eyes; despite their light color, held a darkness in them. Her posture; an indication of annoyance was her crossed arms. Her lips; they formed a slight frown as she looked anywhere but at the two men in front of her, clearly not used to the attention. The Headmaster laughed at her sheepishness. “Now, come on, girl—don’t be a stranger!” He lightly pushed the foreigner closer to the two, causing her to stumble slightly at the abrupt action. 
“I would have gotten a Ravenclaw prefect to do this, but I figured Miss Saoirse here needs a good influence from someone her own age,” Dippet continued. “And I thought you would be the perfect example for her! Introduce yourself, Saoirse!” 
Tom mentally sighed at this new information. He had to cancel tonight’s meeting for this? It irked him to know that a senile man like Dippet was the Headmaster; one weak Ventus and he would die on the spot. Still, he kept up his clean and perfect image, no matter how strong his urge was to bash his head into the desk and burn this girl to a crisp jump the elder like a madman.
A mezzo-soprano voice hit Tom’s ears. “Hello,” she said, her accent becoming clear as day. “I’m Saoirse, but you already knew that.” The boy watched as her hand disappeared behind her neck as she coughed awkwardly. 
He sighed for the umpteenth time today and decided to play along. “Good evening, my name is Tom Riddle,” his stomach squeezed dejectedly as he outwardly stated his normal given name. “Your name, Saoirse; that's an Irish name, is it not?” Tom asked as he feigned innocence in front of the Headmaster and the new student. 
“Yes, it is.” she said, finally meeting his eyes for the first time. A shocking pair of jade sent chills down his spine. 
“Looks like the two of you are getting along just fine,” Dippet cheered lightly. To Tom, the man’s adenoidal and wheezy tone sounded like nails on a chalkboard. A quick Crucio would not do him too much harm, right? “Well, Tom, would you be so kind as to give our new student a tour of Hogwarts?”
“It would be my pleasure, Headmaster.” 
“Hogwarts was built around the 10th century by Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, and Salazar Slytherin.” Tom said, his voice echoing through the extensive hall made of old stone. Saoirse gazed upon the beauty that is She; Hogwarts was something to truly marvel at. With Her high arches, wondrously intricate details, the girl could feel the presence of Hogwarts Herself—She is alive and She is a powerhouse to reckon with. 
Mahoutokoro, on the other hand, is not alive whatsoever, not in the way that Hogwarts is. With every step she took Saoirse would feel Her magic swell, as if She were breathing. Compared to this, the Asian school was nothing but a laughing stock in the girl’s opinion. The gold and jade that decorated Mahoutokoro always looked so…dull. But here She was, nothing but bare stone and some wood, and She was the most ethereal piece of architecture Saoirse had ever seen. Nothing could ever compare. A flash of green came into Saoirse’s view as the boy in front of her took a right turn, his robes swishing in the moonlight.
 “This is where you will be attending your Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons, taught by Professor Merrythought.” 
Tom turned to stare at the girl he was painfully giving a tour to. He scoffed inwardly as she continued to look hard at the door to Professor Merrythought’s classroom. Soon, his ears caught a question, one that he would have missed if Saoirse wasn’t talking so quietly. 
“Why does she teach defense?” 
“Why would Merrythought teach defense against the Dark Arts?” She stressed, her voice having more clarity than it did before as it bounced off the nearby walls. “She was the one who encouraged me to learn about the Dark Arts, not how to defend myself from it; it makes no sense.” 
Saoirse watched as the tall boy stared at her. She could practically hear the cogs turning in his head as he carefully bit the inside of his cheek in thought, thinking of a response. Growing impatient, she sighed, “If you do not know the answer, it’s fine. I will just ask her whenever I can.” 
“Why would Merrythought ever encourage the practice of Dark Arts? Out of all of the staff here, she opposes the use of it the most.” 
“She says I excel at it.” 
“You've dabbled in Dark Magic before?” Tom asked, a slight interest manifesting itself as the topic of conversation became familiar to him. It was almost welcoming. 
“I have,” she said lightly, an airy tone present as she let her eyes wander around the striking features that Hogwarts held. “It’s why I’m here, after all.” 
A painting that stood out from the rest hung high above the wall down the hallway. It was bright, unlike most of the art that were almost all portraits of notable people within the English Wizarding Community. Saoirse was quick to leave Tom to his lonesome, irking him to no end as she strided down the hallway, entranced by the slight movements in the painting that she could see. As she got closer, Saoirse saw that the painting was moving more violently than she originally thought. It was a painting of a fire; it danced and twirled around in the engulfing darkness. 
Tom clenched his hands into fists as he followed the imprudent girl down the hall. “Do not wander off aimlessly,” he sighed. “You could get lost.” 
Not taking her eyes off of the painting, Saoirse replied, “Sure thing, Mr. Wiggle.” 
“My name is Tom Riddle,” He corrected. 
“That’s what I said, didn’t I?”
“I don’t think you know what you are talking about, Mr. Tinkle.” 
“Will you stop being so childish, the tour is almost over and classes start in only a couple of hours; this should have not taken us this long if it weren’t for your foolish attempts to wander off.” With a quick Tempus Saoirse hummed as the numbers 4:58 appeared in front of her. “Breakfast starts at seven-thirty on the weekdays, and eight o’clock on the weekends. Your Head of House will hand you your schedule during that time; be quick to memorize it.” 
And with pivoting his feet, Tom walked down the left wing, not caring if the girl decided to follow him as she wasted his time doing absolutely nothing. 
As Saoirse turned to run for the boy, a figure caught her eyes. She turned her head, staring at the painting once more. Within the abyss of black on the canvas, the flickering fire lit up the atmosphere, causing the girl to see the countless mangled bodies hanging and thrown across the thin birch trees that hid in the background.
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Credit(s): Dividing banner (^^^) by Chen Lu (1436-1449) - "Plum Blossoms in Moonlight" scroll painting; sourced through Pinterest
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theturnerfamily · 4 months
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Name: Azurra Merrythought-Turner
Alter: 25 Jahre
Wesen: Hexe & Dämon
Geburtsort: Palermo 🇮🇹
Tochter von: Tyler Turner & Galatea Merrythought
Zwillingsschwester von: Ryan Merrythought-Turner
Schwester von:
Lucâs & Francesco Black-Turner, Kieran & Kyle Bones-Turner, Nora & Henry Miller-Turner, Liam & Mason Arjona-Turner
Enkelin von:
Jackson & Sarah Turner, Archibald & Chrystal Merrythought
Nichte von: Andrew, Holly, Vincent & Rose Turner
Cousine von:
Haven-Marie Black, Nathan Petrelli, Leander Beson-Turner, Phoebe Jenkins-Turner, Emily Dearing-Turner, Cassian & Yara Sanchez-Turner
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limetameta · 2 months
Another rewrite idea of RP that I think is hilarious
Merrythought during the conference is like: First of all, I saw that you made a horcrux and I reported it to Dippet.
Tom, so taken aback that he is going through the 5 stages of grief at once: I mean. I understand. But still. That hurts badly coming from you. I saw you like a mother.
Merrythought: Aww. *drops the aww voice* Well, I wasn't going to just let a murderer roam about in the school.
Tom: Understandable... why was I not investigated then?
Merrythought: I think Slughorn covered it up.
Cut to
Slughorn during the Albania stint: Firstly, thank you for saving me from becoming vampire food. Means a lot to me, my boy.
Tom: :) Always, professor. You mean a lot to me. You taught me a lot of things (nod to horcruxes)
Slughorn, deeply uncomfortable: Yes, well, you're an adult now and I just escaped death’s door so I'll come clean: I actually reported you to Dippet about poor Myrtle Warren. Clearly it was your doing. You were practically half dead from that botched ritual and the signs pointed to your connection to the crime scene.
Tom, clearly exhausted: Understandable. If I was a professor, I would report such a thing, too.
Slughorn, nodding, having a rather Brit^TM, civilised chat: Well, yes. Glad you agree. I reported you to Dippet, but I think that Galatea Merrythought blocked me.
Tom, sensing a gordian knot of a Mystery afoot: Why wasn't I investigated? Merrythought said she, too, reported me.
Slughorn: I wouldn't know. I know Albus spoke often about this to Dippet. Even Filius did!
Cut to
Years down the line
Flitwick, during the epilogues: So, yes! Heinous things you've done. Knew you were meant for Azkaban since you did that terrible thing to poor Miss Warren. I reported you, you know! Straight to Dippet!
Tom Riddle: I am beginning to think... that there's not a faculty member that hasn't...
Cut to
Tom Riddle looking at Dumbledore’s portrait: Did you report me, you wretched man? The entire Hogwarts faculty at the time apparently saw through me and reported me to Headmaster Dippet.
Dumbledore: Oh, yes. I did report you. Armand said that he'd look into it *first thing*
Tom Riddle: ???? And????
Dumbledore, sighing: Armand was over three hundred years old. His idea of time is so skewed that what he deems important is probably something that he will get around to doing in a couple of years.
Tom Riddle, hand over his heart: Fucking christ, I refuse to believe I'm here because Headmaster Dippet couldn't be arsed to investigate me.
Albus: When you brought Hagrid to him he just said that all was well. I think he forgot about you completely.
Tom Riddle: How are you, Headmaster under which there were the most Staircase related student deaths in Hogwarts history, still the more vigilant headmaster?
Albus, shrugging: Armando was just deeply unbothered by the going ons in his school. Unless there was a siege, he didn't want to hear of it.
Tom Riddle: Were sieges a frequent thing back then?
Albus: No, not at all. Armando just liked a good siege.
Tom Riddle: How is Hogwarts still standing?
0 notes
can't you see, life is but a dream
can't you see, life is but a dream
by khayleen
A boy lost in time and his own mind, and the man all too willing to help him.
“Don’t leave me, please. You’re the only one I have.” Harry sobbed against Orion, “My darling, I’ll fix this, fix you–only me.” Orion whispered against the boy's hair, hiding his smile in his black curls.
Words: 1168, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Orion Black, Harry Potter, Galatea Merrythought, Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Relationships: Orion Black/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, male omegas have pussies and female alphas have dicks, dont shoot the messenger, Omega Harry Potter, Alpha Orion Black, Time Travel, grammarly is my beta lol, Possessive Orion Black, Obsession, manipluation, the tomarry is onesided so sorry, Smut, harry is 13 in this, Period-Typical Sexism, but like omega sexism hehehe
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48612238
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aro-in-danyl · 3 years
TMR Fic Idea
Galatea Merrythought was the dark arts professor during Tom Riddle’s school years, retiring when he graduated. 
In this fic, Merrythought becomes Riddle’s mentor and was the one to introduce him to the many creatures (vampires, werewolves, giants, etc) who would’ve made up Voldemort’s ranks. Instilling in him a sense of adventure and treasure hunting that gave him the knowledge to find the lost Diadem in the first place. 
Merrythought takes him on wild adventures that are only possible because she has an illegal time turner. 
Tom accidentally becomes friends and fellow adventurers with Muggleborn Hufflepuffs Nobby Leach and Margot Doope, and Ravenclaw underclassman Myrtle Warren.  
Nobby being a blunt, angry little gremlin who says what he thinks no matter what others may say about him. He has no patience for his bloodpurity spouting Pureblood classmates and will throwdown for his fellow Puffs anytime, anywhere. Despite his rude, brash personality, his fellow Muggleborns still find him a compelling leader. Now, Tom and Leach together...they’re practically unstoppable. 
Margot is a cold, logical upperclassman who would likely fit in with the Ravenclaw’s if not for her dedication to her work. She refuses to believe magic and muggle technological advances can’t be combined and experiments with both. They often explode in her face, but she refuses to give up. 
Myrtle is always popping up where you least expect her, and annoying the hell out of Tom. She’s far sharper than her boy-crazy tendencies would have you believe, but she usually arrives at the wrong conclusion and still somehow manages to be right. (Much to Tom’s frustration.) 
Basically the Muggleborn friend squad you never knew you wanted. This time with an extra helping of the ignored and overlooked Hogwarts Houses, aka the not-Gryffindors. :D  
A group of friends working together to figure out wixen culture, their identities, and their place in the world. 
Also they’re all LGBT+ of some kind. You’re Welcome. 
Tom Riddle Hogwarts AU where he gets a supportive professor and muggleborn friends who go on wacky adventures together and figure out how to be human. 
And yes Tom is still messed up, but so are they. It’s not gonna be all sun shine and roses. See my other tom riddle posts for reference. I’ll likely be addressing most if not all of them. 
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Athena Marjani Merrythought
Professionally known as A.M. Merrythought she is a duelist, historian, and author.
The great- granddaughter of renowned Defense Against the Dart Arts professor Dame Galatea Merrythought.
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meeraria · 6 years
Questions I need answered
1 - If Leta was the last Lestrange how can Bellatrix marry one 50 years later?
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2 - Are we really not going to ADDRESS Newt DISARMING Grindelwald in the first film therefore changing Elder Wand’s allegiance?
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3 - How is Mcgonagall in Hogwarts wasn’t she born in 1935?
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4 - WHERE IS GALATEA MERRYTHOUGHT you know the actual defence against the dark arts teacher? because Dumbledore taught Transfiguration?
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textpost-trash · 6 years
A strange growling sound is heard.
Tom: What the-?
Hagrid: What the hell is that?
Professor Kettleburn: Ugh, my stupid hippogriff.
Hagrid, leaving excitedly: I've never seen a hippogriff!
Tom: Um, Professor, I don't know how to put this, but-
Hagrid: You guys, look at its little spots!
Tom: You know these are-
Hagrid: Look at its shiny beak!
Tom: Dangerous?
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dontgettooclose · 2 years
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Happy Birthday an meine TerrorZwillinge.
Wo auch immer ihr grade seid - Ich liebe Euch!
gez. Dad!
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jessicamarianasocs · 2 years
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„She wore a troubled past like wings— she had been through hell, and though no one could see her demons, they could see the face that conquered them.“
Azurra Merrythought-Turner
Daughter of Tyler Turner and Galatea Merrythought
witch& demon mixed
25 years old
Sister of Lucâs, Francesco, Ryan, Kieran, Kyle, Nora, Liv and Henry 🔒❤️
owner of an Modelabel called "Royal Diamond"
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dinoplantsghost · 4 months
Saoirse Watanabe - Character Sheet
Affiliation(s): (Formally) Mahoutokoro, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Knights of Walpurgis
Gender: Female (she/her)
D.O.B.: Dec 8, 1926
Health: Poor eyesight; requires glasses
Height: 5'6" (167.64cm)
Ethnicity: East Asian; Japanese
Skin Tone: Olive
Eye color: Jade green
Distinguishing Features: Beauty mark under the right side of lip, beauty mark under the right eye
Hairstyle: Cerulean blue; bob cut, long strands framing face - crazy ass block cut fr (idfk how haircuts work tbh)
Accessories: Thin wire frames (glasses)
Wand Attributes: 13-1/2", ebony wood, tanuki (raccoon dog) hairs core, inflexible
Likes (susceptible to changes)
Architecture, fruits, incense sticks, friends, the funny English words Eloise says, the way Patrick speaks German, Professor Merrythought, Tom's cheekbones
Dislikes (susceptible to changes)
Humidity, the High Priestess, the Itohata Clan, Tom's ego, Tracy's tangents, Eugene
Introduction Notes:
In 1941, Saoirse went to a dueling training camp where she met Galatea Merrythought, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
In 1942, Saoirse murdered Himiko Itohata on October 5th through a consensual sacrifice. Due to the tome Saoirse used, The Soul and Its Properties, having wear and tear, the ritual failed---somewhat. Saoirse noticed a flicker in the light before the dorm went completely black. Himiko's soul was left somewhere in the air. The day after (Oct. 6), Saoirse locked herself in the room and discarded her robes in fear of being caught. By then, she had 72 hours to get rid of the body. By October 8th, with Himiko's body still nailed to the wall, her body began to swell with gas through the putrefaction process (stage 3). By 12:32, Saoirse was caught with the dead body hanging on the wall. Saoirse's robes had changed to the common white color that is seen when a student uses Dark Magic, though her robes were drenched in red at the sleeves. On Sunday, October 12, Saoirse left Mahoutokoro the night before upon being expelled by the High Priestess. Himiko would have turned 16 years old.
Additional Images:
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Picrew(s) used: kureihii, あられメーカー
Every other picture is sourced from Pinterest
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theturnerfamily · 6 months
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Name: Ryan Merrythought-Turner
Wesen: Dämon/Hexer Alter: 25 Geburtsort: Palermo 🇮🇹
Sohn von: Tyler Turner & Galatea Merrythought
Zieh-Sohn von: Freya Miller
Zwilling von: Azurra Merrythought-Turner
Bruder von:
Lucâs & Francesco Black-Turner, Kieran & Kyle Bones-Turner, Henry & Nora Miller-Turner
Enkel von:
Jackson & Sarah Turner, Archibald & Chrystal Merrythought
Neffe von:
Andrew, Holly, Vincent & Rose Turner, Cedric Merrythought
Cousin von:
Leander Benson-Turner, Phoebe Jenkins-Turner, Emily Dearing-Turner, Nathan Petrelli, Haven-Marie Black, Cassian & Yara Sanchéz
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