thirdeyeala · 2 months
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matthewjopdyke · 5 years
Pathway to the Stars: Part 12, Alpha Andromedae
“Throughout this Universe, we’re all part of the same team. We need each other to succeed as a universal civilization. We need to do due diligence by recognizing the good in others and by doing our part to cause a positive shift in focus to resolutions to issues met with action while seeking the well-being of each of the individuals involved." ~ Vesha Celeste
The time has arrived! The Intergalactic Mission Contingency is awaiting orders from the United Allied States (UAS) President, Eliza Williams, to take off into distant regions beyond our Solar System! With their Q-Drive and a phenomenal lineup of command staff and crew, the journey to explore the Universe has become imminent and real. Each of the Spacecraft Commanders and their Vice Commanders brief all of civilization throughout Sol, going into intriguing detail about where they plan to go in each of their zones and regions.
Will there be parties after their first jump? Or, will the IMC crews look at the Universe in terror facing their impending doom? Read and find out!
LCCN: 2019918961 ISBN: 978-1-951321-13-0 eBook: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B081XNKNRW Paperback: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1951321138
#ScienceFiction #Scifi #SpaceOpera #Fantasy #Author #MatthewJOpdyke #eBook #Paperback #Spacecraft #AI #SpaceExploration #Astronomy #GalacticScience #UnitedAlliedStates #UAS #Wellbeing #ClarityofMind #Physiology #Biology #Nanotech #Longevity
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