#GX: The Fear Factor
trupie · 1 year
Hey y'all, you come to me for completely unsolicited Yu-Gi-Oh headcanons, right? Of course you do.
So I recently watched the episode of Yu-Gi-Oh GX where Jaden duels against Kaibaman, and there was one line in particular that really stood out to me from Chazz.
"The Kaibaman card was created by Kaiba himself."
That struck me as weird. Kaiba is vain sure, and he's definitely an egotist. But his egotism isn't really wrapped up in his own image, if that makes sense. Usually his vanity is in the Kaiba NAME, or in his demonstrations of his wealth and competence. Not so much "Look at me, aren't I beautiful" as it is "Look at how great everything I own and do is." Kaibaland. Kaiba Corp. The Blue Eyes White Jet. They're all demonstrations of his ego, but they're more about WHAT he is than WHO he is.
And sure, maybe that's what the Kaibaman card is. A card that is an enabler for a creature that only he owns. A demonstration of his inexorable link to the BEWD. "You can't even use the Kaiba card because you aren't worthy" etc.
But I posit that the card is something different. The card was made by Kaiba, but who says it was made by Seto?
What if Mokuba is the one who made the Kaibaman card?
What if Kaibaman was the ultimate tribute to his big brother, depicting him almost as a BeWD themed superhero, because that's how Mokuba saw him?
Especially considering the ending of DSoD, where we don't know Seto's ultimate fate. Maybe the last time Mokuba saw his brother was when he was leaving for the ultimate duel. Maybe Mokuba wanted to immortalize his brother the same way that Priest Seto wanted to immortalize Atem. Seto's legacy would live on in Duel Monsters, forever tied to his beloved Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
I mean my other theory is that Pegasus made the card to take the piss out of Seto, and I 100% believe Pegasus would spread the rumor Kaiba made it to start shit, but this theory is a lot more heartwarming
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Episode 34
Jaden is already having nightmares about losing duel and dooming his friends to the shadow realm. Get this boy some therapy now.
No we are only on episode 34 of this series and the boy already feels so much pressure to be the hero.
Syrus bring up the nightmare and reminding Jaden of it. Chumley glaring at him.
I love the difference between Syrus, Chazz and Chumley having fun and messing around vs Jaden having all these dark thoughts about his current situation. About how dueling is no longer a game.
All the duel spirits leading their partners to the ‘spirit festival’
Why is there a portal to the spirit world in the boys bath???
You know au Jaden nearly lost it when he hear his Oto-san’s voice only to find out it was Kaiba man
I have a strong head cannon that Seto want a card that helped bring Blue eyes out faster, Pegasus made the card (a colab between the two) to Kaiba when Jaden was still young. He made it with Jaden’s love of heroes in mind and to poke fun at Kaiba. Seto hated it when he first saw it and wanted a redesign but then little Jaden squealed and was so pumped that Seto was a super hero!!! And you know it is a good card to get blue eye on to the field so he might as well keep it. Never mind the fact that Jaden loves it, that doesn’t factor in at all….
So when Jaden turns to find Kaiba man there he almost wants to cry. He’s under so much stress. And he really wants his Dads but he doesn’t want to put them in danger and now this duel spirit is here which is a reflection of his Oto-san and it’s just a lot
But then all of those feeling go as he jumps to the conclusion that this is a shadow rider trick. And he’s furious because that’s his Oto-san’s card and now he has to duel it for his life?? How many more of his families cards are going to try and kill him? Joey’s Jinzo and Red Eyes, Seto’s vampire lord, the Ishtar tomb keepers. And now Kiaba man!!!
And it doesn’t help that Kaiba man won’t tell him if he’s a shadow rider. No he just challenges the kid. Jaden of course accepts and then this man stands there and reads Jaden for filth. “I sense fear a deep fear of what losing will cost you and your friends” ratting out Jaden’s fear and insecurities to his friends
And then pulls out Blue eyes on the kid. I know cannon Jaden is just shocked by the card but Au Jaden is about to face his Oto-san’s spiritual protector being wielded by a ‘shadow rider’ who looks and sounds just like his Oto-san he’s not having a great time
I love that cannon Kaiba made Kaiba man that’s hilarious
“I summon myself” got to love Gx
“Witness the beast that will feast upon your souls.” Not the best thing to say to Jaden right now.
Au Jaden knows these cards, he knows these strategies. He grew up watching Oto-san defeat enemy after enemy using them. He’s dueled against them before. But he’s never won against his Oto-san before. And unlike his duel against Yugi’s deck this isn’t some copy cat taking the deck of a soon. No Kaiba man is dueling just like his Oto-san does.
Jaden is giving it all he’s got. He’s got Edgeman out and skyscraper. He’s able to take out one of the blue eye impressing everyone even Chazz.
But he’s full of fake confidence “I am so over my fear” he says while sweating. “The trick is to take what you’re afraid of and not let it happen.” Oh sweet boy no.
Kaiba man is immediately on him. He only beat one blue eyes. “The fate of you and your friends is still in the balance and you have to accept that and face it head on.” “This is how a true duelist lives not afraid of defeat but always ready to accept it this is the nature of dueling.”
Love Chazz being the one to recognize that the deck is the same as Seto Kaiba’s.
Blue eyes ultimate dragon!!! The fact that Jade dreamed of this dragon. Au Jaden has to be going crazy.
“If you won’t except defeat I’ll force it on you.” Defusing ultimate to get out three blue eyes is crazy.
Winged Kuiroh is all worried for his partner. And the first thing Jaden does is cry out for his friends
Oh Jaden was hurt in the duel.
“Defeat is nothing to be scared of Jaden. What matters is if you can get up after.” The whole duel was to comfort Jaden “are you afraid anymore.” “No im not.” “Because you faced it and you’re okay. And so are they.”
Kuriboh the one who brought them there just to help out Jaden.
Syrus why are you saying that these spirits are just cards.
I love Jaden thanking winged kuiboh.
In the au this is going to go crazy. At this point Jaden has faces his Dad’s/Uncle Atem’s deck (had to win it back form a theif) his Uncle Joey’s cards (Jinzo and Red Eyes) in shadow duels. He has to be freaked out. The cards that have always protected him are now being used against him, sometimes with his very soul on the line.
He’s stressed and afraid of what will happen to him and his friends if he doesn’t win. And this all leads to his nightmare about Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon attacking him and killing him and his friends. His Oto-san’s vampire lord was just used against him and it’s the only Ace from the original DM deck he hasn’t faced yet.
(He can’t even imagine facing off against Silent Magician or Gandora)
But he has this horrible nightmare and he just can’t shake it.
Winged Kuriboh reaches out to the other spirits about his partners dream and how to help him. His calls make it all the way to Yugi and Seto’s monsters. They are outraged at the thought of someone using them against Jaden and deeply hurt that Jaden now fears them.
They reach out to their duelist and while Yugi and Seto want to rush to their son and fix his problems for him they know they can’t. So they do the next best thing.
In a very Kaiba move, Seto send Kaiba man. He instructs him to use his deck and to not hold back. Jaden has to face this fear head on. He never wanted Blue eyes to be used against him or his family, so Jaden dream really hurts him to. If there is one card Jaden can trust will never hurt him it’s Blue Eyes. Sending Kaiba man will do two things. Show Jaden it’s okay to lose, and that blue eyes will never actually harm Jaden.
At the end of the duel Jaden is exhausted and his chest hurts from anxiety and his winds from Shadowrider and Camula, but he has no new injuries for Blue Eyes attacks.
Yes Winged Kuriboh set everything up but Kaiba man reports to Kaiba. He knows all about the duel.
Also question why do you think the writers let Jaden beat a copy of Yugi’s deck but lose to Kaiba’s like use different circumstances and lessons but it is interesting to look at.
Episode 35
Chazz if the goal is to go back to obelisk blue why did you go so hard on the room renovation? 
Love that Jaden and Syrus just start jumping on his bed and then very casually “principle Sheppard says he wants to see you.” “What about?” “Oh just the fate of duel academy.” They are still jumping on the bed. I love that the school getting shut down at this point is so unexciting
Au Jaden hearing that someone wants to buy out duel academy. In his head “too-San is not going to like this.”
The. He hears that the person wants to fire all the teachers and shit down the school and he thinks back to all the times Seto angrily said he was going to fire all the teachers and possibly shut down the school “never mind he might be thrilled!” He won’t be. A Kaiba never loses
Love that Kaiba in cannon says “I don’t care about the money. It’s about the cards. Beat one of my students and the school is yours.”
You know au Seto was so excited for his son to whoop them. Jaden’s become the go to kid for duel academy. Seto’s sure that they will pick either Zane, top student, or Jaden as revenge for beating their brother on public television.
He did not expect them to pick their own kid brother. He hates these two with a fiery passion. He’s not worried. Jaden says that Chazz is a good duelist so he will trust the kid.
Seto is wild for saying yes to a duel between and adult and a child where the adult can use any card even super expensive. And the child can only use monster cards with less than 500
All the kids turning on Chazz and Chazz having to walk through the halls and listen to that crap
Jaden standing up for him “duelist don’t come much tougher.”
“That’s the problem.” I love that it’s Zane who catches on that Chazz’s deck is to strong
Dr banner you are a teacher. You have to have a better solution then go to the haunted well that’s full of angry abandoned spirits
Jaden is sing the theme song. You got to love a dub
Jaden goes with him because he’s worried about the duel spirits. Chazz is so chill about spirits. It’s just Jaden it doesn’t matter if he sounds crazy
The Ojama brothers!! All the weak duel spirits want to go. Chazz “anyone who wants to can come with me.” You are such a softy
I know him and Jaden picked up all of those cards together.
The animation of his brother’s fist shaking is a very nice detail.
It’s such a good duel. It’s the first time Chazz uses the Ojama’s and it’s such a great character moment for Chazz.
The boy who only cared about strength is using a weak deck and showing off his ability to strategize. It’s such a good show of Chazz’s growth.
Love that he makes them do his chant. But “you go bye bye” is still not the catchphrase you think it is you need.
Seto “of course he won. You really think I’d give my school to those two? They have a lot to learn about world domination.” Sir. Love the confidence but are you teaching classes on how to dominate the world now?
Chazz’s room in Slifer dorm is full of duel spirits and he’s so over it. His new family.
Episode 36
Bastian wants them all to be ready. But it’s the first time I’ve seen someone summon a monster to wake people up. (As serious as Bastian claims to be he really is just a silly kid like the rest of them.
Ahh the card crush episode. (In the sub isn’t Jaden like super confused by this concept??) Bastian please chose a different card to have a ‘not crush’ on
Tania bribing the students to build her an arena. (Aren’t they in love with her after she beat them?)
Alexis being upset that Tania won’t duel her.
Tania having two decks does make her a nice balance for Bastian and his six decks.
Tania these are children. 1st years 14-15 or is it 15-16? Either way they are babies. Not potential husbands.
Like she’s very fun and I love her energy. She keeps out smarting him and the Narrative makes them a good balance. And I know she comes back in season 3 and she’s a duel spirit. But how old are you???
Amazoness paladin has Mai hair and it’s a nice call back to her since she played the amazoness in DM
I know she’s doing this to distract him but Bastian falling for it. Sigh
Jaden is over this. Asking for barf bags. He’s so un serious.
Bastian losing because he got distracted by someone flirting with his relatable but also feels disrespectful.
She just kicked them all out and kept her man. Like wow.
Episode 37
Bastian and Tania broke up because he can’t win. This is the beginning of the down fall of Bastian. Is this why he goes crazy in season 2? Like he does get pushed to the side by the narrative. But he feels like everyone forgot about him. Did the fear of not being good enough start here?
He’s going through such a ruff break up. Bastian would blast Taylor Swift’s ‘down bad’
Jaden “just duel her again” “‘I’ll be your wingman.” I love the energy but maybe “don’t take no for an answer.” isn’t the best advise to give. No is always an answer.
Jaden is trying to hard to help his friend.
Immediately distracted by a duel. He takes up that duel offer so fast.
They are spiritually fist fighting. Gx is so ridiculous
Bastian is back! Hurray.
Her turning into a tiger is wild.
We will stop here for now. We got two really good episodes for the au and two Bastian episodes. I’ll probably switch somethings up in the Bastian duels or maybe I’ll leave them as is. We shall see when I get to writing this.
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ferrethalltcg · 4 years
Tumblr media
This Day In Yu-Gi-Oh! - February 6, 2006 15 years ago on this day, the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX episode 34 - The Fear Factor debuted in America. Jaden Yuki, unsure of dueling due to the escalating risks, is confronted by Kaibaman. Did you see this duel when the episode first aired? #yugioh #yugiohtcg #yugiohmonsters #yugiohcollection #yugiohcollector #yugiohcard #yugiohcards #yugiohcommunity #banlist #OCG #ferrethalltcg #ferrethallstudios #yugiohocg #yugiohgx #kaibaman #blueeyeswhitedragon #yugiohanime (at The Shadow Realm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLB8PR5AYd-/?igshid=19apcefv7j0i3
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skittymon · 7 years
Okay I made this post before but I’m doing it again.
Why do people keep saying that the Arc-V manga is better than the anime?
Rant below the undercut
First off how can the manga be better when it’s on chapter 20 and being compared to a 148 episode series. And for the love of god even when I wasn’t in the fandom I saw people saying this a year ago. Like how???? 
Maybe the ending will be better than the anime’s but it seems like the end goal is going to be Yuya working at Yu-Show or whatever its fucking called in the manga, and as of right now it seems like the other Yuu boys are going to disappear too so its on the same boat as the anime (but with longer farewells from the Yuu boys probably).
And it might be me but like how is the manga even better???
I do like the manga, it’s fine (about 6/10 for me but this last chapter makes me want to say 4/10) and I LOVE its art style, but like…..its so generic, if it wasn’t Yugioh (or even Arc-V because I stopped reading 5ds’ manga after the first volume and skipped over Zexals) I wouldn’t have read it.
I mean I can see why people like it, you got dimensionshipping up the ass, and ‘badass’ Yuya. But like everything else pisses me off.
First the plot. I can’t say much because obviously it’s still on going and there’s some stuff needed to be discovered like how the Yuu boys became one, what G.O.D is, how Yugo and Yuto recognize Yuzu, and chapter 20 did seem like we’ll be getting more info next chapter. But like Yuya comes back from the future with amnesia to save the world because everything is destroyed because of card games. WOW YOSHIDA WHERE HAVE I HEARD THAT BEFORE???? AND IT DOESN’T HELP THAT FRICKIN REN, EVE, AND OTHER GUY LOOK A LOT LIKE  THE YLIASTER GUYS. 
The characters, OH GOD EVERYONE BUT THE YUU BOYS (and kinda Sawatari and Sora) GOT FUCKED OVER. 
First Reiji. Reiji is okay, and I adored his flashbacks with Leo but like wow way to staple him as the bad guy. In the anime Reiji subverted tropes because while he was Yuya’s rival he never antagonized him, and in fact Yuya was often in the wrong and Reiji would have to set him straight. Here nope. Instead it’s Reiji who’s the idiot/in the wrong despite doing what he think’s is right and Yuya is almighty and right and fucking pities Reiji for not coming around. Like….ugh wtf.
Shun is a weird case. His masochists personality turned me the fuck off and is creepy as hell. I mean I guess Yoshida had to give him a new personality since he doesn’t have his best friend or younger sister or tragic backstory anymore (which sucks for me because seeing Shun overcome his losses was one of my favorite things about his character), but why the fuck did you pick that. Shun is so far is literally the only character, in my opinion, so in the manga to get decent character development so that saves him a bit and he seems to have lost his creepiness a bit (which is still weird for me because you can’t fundamentally change your personality after one fucking duel).
Sora….I’m confused on. It maybe because some of the recent chapter I skimmed but he’s working for Ren and people right??? Why?? Is he from the future too??? His character confuses me because apparently he forgot that he was working with Ren and Eve?? And p sure Sora admitted to using the sister thing as a trick to Yuya but its not?? Like you’re not even same side as Yuya or have any nice feelings about him and are suppose to be chasing after him why are you being nice to him??? I mean I guess he’s acting as a double agent/undercover like in the anime but idk I feel like its sloppy and confusing.
Sawatari is fine, he hasn’t done much and is kinda the butt of stuff like in the anime sorry man you can’t escape that fate lol
I know I said the Yuu boys are fine (Yuto and Yuri I feel like they kinda improved on so good on ya manga) but Yuya and Yugo man. I thought Yugo was fine until this recent chapter where he just shitted on Yuzu like wow I know for a fact the anime Yugo might have done that but it would have went over his head and no way in hell would he be allowed to get away with that. I guess Rin really is a fundamental part of his character….
Then Yuya, who literally might be fucking god because Yoshida was a savior boner / Jesus complex. First off, 20 chapters in and no character development (he might get some in the next chapter finally). I mean he has character but he’s still the same as he was in chapter one: being cocky, 100% with his convictions that he dad is right, doesn’t question why the Yuu boys shaft him sometimes or has regain a single memory. Then I feel like he’s too high on a pedestal. He’s apparently a genius hacker who can get into Leo Corporation without being traced and his narrative portrays him as almighty in duels and in life general. Fine, people like badass superior cocky characters but like they eventually need to be taken off their high horses and knowing Yoshida’s writing….that’s probably not going to happen (see Yusei in 5ds part 2 or Yuma with his convictions that always get stomped on but come back two minutes later no questioned and changes the bad guys heart).
Finally Yuzu…..my daughter I’m so sorry what Yoshida did to you. You’re basically Kotori now but worse because we know you have potential. First, her dad owns a duel school why can’t she duel??? Like fine maybe Konami doesn’t have any Medious cards to see but you can still show she can duel but have Yuya duel instead because ‘its his fight’ or whatever. Second, why is she the butt of all the jokes even more than Sawatari? Again chapter 20 just made her a joke (Yugo: We’ll start when the girl crouches down in fear) and she’s always in the wrong as has to corrected by any other guy in the series. Then her character traits are the she’s smart (but not as smart as the guys of course shown with Shun beating her in a math tournament and yet he never uses those skills and seem like something he wouldn’t even compete in) and she likes money….that’s it. I almost hate manga!Yuzu and I feel like Yoshida was forced to write Yuzu because she’s suppose be a huge force to Yuya but is like….’but is she really compared to the guys tho.’ At this point the only thing I’m hoping for with her is that Yugo and Yuto recognize her because she’s some important figure in the future (probably a scientist and most like Leo or Yusho’s assistant because she can’t be as smart as them) and I get to see older Yuzu who hopefully looks a lot like Ray. ALSO WHY ISN’T SHE THE EVE FACTOR SHE AND YUYA ARE SUPPOSE TO BE SOULMATES KINDA.
And why did you only include the ‘pretty’ characters Yoshida? Reira I understand because Reiji is from the future. But like where are my quirky characters of Gonzengaka, Tsukikage, and Dennis? Why don’t I get Yoko is Yuya’s memories? Where are the three kiddies attending Shunzo’s school? I know that Arc-V has a big cast but so does GX and its manga included nearly fucking everyone at least once.
So basically I have all these problems with the manga, so no to me it’s not better than the anime. But it’s only 20 chapters in, that could change probably not because Yoshida’s writing is meh to me lol but I think the argument of ‘the manga is better than the anime’ is flawed and pointless at this point because the manga has a lot of problems and unanswered questions that needs to be resolved and then once its over we can use the aftermath to compare with the finished anime. 
Basically: can people stop saying that, it pisses me off.
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laptophubonline · 4 years
Best Laptops For Gaming Under $2500
We are a clever technology consequently even the laptops we use must be as clever. Getting a befitting pc can on occasion be bulky especially if your wallet are not tight sufficient. But money isn't constantly the hassle on occasion it isn't always simply understanding your possibilities nicely that impedes you from having what you preference. Don’t fear about anything, in this guide we're going to review the best laptops for gaming under $2500.
There are a whole lot of laptops on the market however getting the nice is not the easiest of factors. Indeed, the saying that not all that glitters is gold can't be overemphasized because maximum laptops are only expensive on the inner and while you dig deeper you find that functions won't be as robust as they have to be.
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But it's far okay in this write up I will reveal to you each the most cheap laptop you could get as a gamer, beneath $2500 and I will even convey to you their features and precisely what makes them what they're.
So now, we're reviewing eight (8) merchandise detail by using element and am very positive that you'll revel in it till the give up.
Acer Helios Predator 500
Asus Zephyrus S Gx701
Msi Gt63 Titan 052
Gigabyte Aero 15x V8
Hp Omen 17
Gigabyte Aero 15 X9 Rt5p
Asus Zephyrus S Gx 531
MSI GS65 Stealth
Top 8 Best Laptops For Gaming Under 2500 Dollars Reviewed
1. Acer Helios Predator 500
This laptop is elegant looking and is robust too and might cope with all your gaming needs with utmost effortlessness. Although it has constrained storage and really average battery life, I can assure you that these are the handiest bad sides of this product.
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It has an fantastic twin-fan cooling system and as you recognize intense gaming can also result in overheating whilst hot as a range, therefore, these fanatics play a crucial function in making sure that the temperatures are maintained regardless and it continues the pc notable cool with is fanatics which have metal aero blade 3-D lovers and extra than  warmth pipes immediately mounted.
Its battery is a 4cell lithium-ion battery and as I cited its battery lifestyles is simply too average it isn't superb in any respect; it’s a complete turn off in particular if you love to travel as its weight is ready eight.82 kilos and that’s an excessive amount of to carry round for your returned, you will must convey your energy % anywhere.
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Hard disk 256 GB, the show is 17.3 FHD IPS, its pix is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Overclockable, battery life is three.5 hours, RAM 16GB.
2. Asus Zephyrus S Gx701
This laptop is superb to your creativity and revolutionary sports as it has the first-rate of qualities in vicinity for you so one can do so. It has been in the sport for some time now and its consistency suggests very well that all its features are in area.
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We searching at gaming laptops and this is the person. It has wonderful features. It has an exceptional layout and exquisite display with its pinnacle lid product of aluminum and it offers you a entire sensation of getting an great excessive-give up gaming system.
It is portable and very slim. Although slim it has a huge display of about 17.3 inches accompanied with the aid of a big display making your gaming enjoy even more interesting and it has the capability to offer you a real feeling while you play, it’s like you are a part of it.
It has a very unique, appearance and a totally effective and high overall performance and also you making an investment in it would now not be a terrible concept in any respect. It has been prepared with the most current working machine Windows 10 which has the potency to offer you clear and easy visuals.
Its 16GB RAM adds to its excessive and fast overall performance and its weight is 5.Seventy three pounds which even makes it very appropriate for you as a gamer. Its picture functions flawlessly guide each massive and high-quit games.
Battery life is 4 hours, RAM 16GB, show is 17.Three FHD, processor Intel center i7-9750h Hexa center, pictures NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, Operating device is home windows 10.
And now its execs and cons!
3. MSI Gt63 Titan 052
This laptop is as cumbersome as it appears and it weighs approximately 6.48 kilos. Surprisingly how it's miles nonetheless capable of offer portability. And its garage is every other feature that can be effortlessly renowned about this pc it has 16GB RAM and a 1TB disk that makes certain that each one your files are in a single accord and are secure.
It has a battery lifestyles of approximately 4 hours now not so bad but it can get better, and what you have to know is that gaming consumes quite a few electricity and this pc may not always be the great laptop in your gaming.
It is a full HD display that has an anti-glare G sync era. And it has a cool NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 pictures to be able to offer you with clean enjoy. It isn't always limited however can run numerous and nearly all amazing huge games.
You need to recognise that overall performance assessments had been completed and it has been verified that this pc is capable of perform distinctive tasks concurrently without having or encountering any hassle.
From the usage of more than one tab windows, downloading music and movies even gaming some thing you can consider. It is a superb multi-tasker and is deemed by way of many as the perfect device to your gaming desires. And with the aid of the manner, it multi-tasks without overheating, it’s as appropriate because it appears at the out of doors.
It built and layout is very good searching and first-class suits gaming. It also has a robust chassis that is fabricated from aluminum and plastic and its top lid, show or even the palm rest are all manufactured from aluminum whilst the relaxation of its entire body is completely plastic.
It isn't always complex but could be very specific and has a display of 15.6 full HD display that gives you a easy demonstration all through. MS1 GT63 TITAN -052 has been built to provide you with evolved technology and energy and it's far clearly an incarnation of a gaming tool. How can I overlook to say that it has a pointy photo display that you could use without being interrupted and has sufficient garage for all of your video games, it even offers you excellent portability and a large FHD show.
Battery existence is four hours, show is 15.6 FHD, Graphics is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, difficult disk is 1TB, RAM is 16 GB, processor is set intel middle i7 8750 H-6 cores.
4. Gigabyte Aero 15x V8
This laptop isn't best fancy however has a totally superb battery existence of approximately eight hours. It is slender and has a extremely good overall performance. It is a light-weight machine and is very easy and has sparkling vivid photos that are there to run all your games each huge and small.
Now see similarly a bit more in element what this pc is made from. Its battery and weight are the most exceptional functions on this computer. It simplest weighs about four.Forty one kilos and its keypad has an RGB function that responds very well but lamentably its webcam has been positioned at the bottom of the display, therefore, it would be simpler in case you used an outside keyboard.
This laptop may be very efficient with its entire intel processor it has the potential to address any game with a lot efficiency and ease. Sadly, its SSD storage may be very low however then in case you are inclined to have it upgraded that may be achieved in step with your wishes.
This laptop will upload taste for your life via providing you with aero 15 VX 8 that is taken into consideration as the maximum eye-catching gaming computer you could ever locate.
It has very elegant appears and gives you a completely expert look because of its black and rectangular chassis that has been product of aluminum, it could be very thin but has a strong overall performance.
It has a 5mm border layout and a slim panel that has the potential to supply easy visuals, it additionally has an extraordinary GeForce GTX 1070 graphics technology that lets in you to experience games to the fullest. This is one of the fine gaming laptops below $2500 you may get your hands on.
It has RAM of approximately 16GB, hard disk is 512, display is FHD IPS, processor intel core i7 8750 H 6 cores photographs NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, battery existence is 8hours.
5. HP Omen 17
This is a very splendid gaming laptop that has been built with very high qualities and an first-rate overall performance that's typically the preference for most of the people of game enthusiasts. It is heavy I must even before you fall in love with it and it's far restrained to its listing of desktop substitute alternatives.
It weighs approximately 8.33 pounds, wow! This is a whole lot and may be very huge. This sincerely shows that it can be very pleasant for computing device alternative and just so that you know it has a garage of about 16GB RAM and a 1TB difficult disk that has also been fitted on this remarkable laptop.
As you've got seen its weight is a little an excessive amount of and isn't always definitely something you ought to convey around sometimes until you are superman.
It has a superb battery lifestyles of about 7 hours you could cross approximately your video games or other sports 7 hours straight without annoying about a aspect. It has very discrete functions and an instance is its processor with an awesome windows 10 operating device.
It also has outstanding cooling fanatics which might be there for you specially in case of overheating. It has a well-balanced layout that is quite simple but stylish. It has a black chassis with a top lid brushed metal design and it additionally has an excellent purple logo that makes it astonishing and competitive on the identical time.
And in the end, it has a 17.3 inches whole HD that is anti-glare and an LED-backlit display that has a feature of 144Hz refresh price. It showcases images which can be smooth and sharp.
Processor intel center i7 8750 h 6 cores, RAM 16GB, difficult disk, show NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, battery 7 hours.
6. Gigabyte Aero 15 X9 RT5P
If you're a expert gamer then you'll genuinely fall in love with this child right here the “GIGABYTE AERO 15 X9 RT5P” is an high-quality select and with this, you may play all your high-end games and different paintings-associated activities with very excessive performance and pace.
It has a very large display. Its sound quality will be higher while better, perhaps attaching or in putting headsets or other gadgets in any other case it still remains an excellent computer. Its design is compact glossy and its construct is elegant and very trustworthy.
It is portable and a light-weight weighing about 4.Forty nine kilos. Its RAM is very candy and can meet all your storage wishes with just you moving one finger.
It isn't best portable but its battery is long-lasting with supercooling device era when your tool heats up and because of its battery life you may play any games you need without going for walks low on battery lifestyles.
This laptop has a complete screen that has a full HD IPS and its snap shots are high-quality superb. It also has a skinny bezel and graphics card hooked up that aids you to play your video games in an wonderful manner.
With all these extraordinary qualities it has. It is very good at multi-tasking too come on, buy it if you want it.
Processor intel middle i7 8750 H, RAM 16GB, difficult disk 1TB, display 15.6 FHD IPS, Graphics NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, Battery lifestyles 8 hours.
7. Asus Zephyrus S GX 531
This massive has very sizeable capabilities that you could need with a purpose to have a memorable enjoy. It appears properly and has effective inner features that make it stand tall within the midst of other gaming laptops.
It is very less expensive too and you can't come up with the money for to not have enough money it. It has a narrow and glossy body and it does now not play it's miles right here to redefine your gaming experience it is ahead placed and has a adorable RGB backlit features.
It is extremely exciting and rapid because of its processor and photos that do an excellent job whenever.
It has been constructed with about 16GB RAM. Unfortunately, it has low hard disk storage of only 512 but it’s now not genuinely terrible as it may be upgraded to suit your options. Its glossy layout has a weight of about four.63 pounds and that is exactly appropriate for gaming.
Moreover, it has dual audio system that provide loud and clean sounds with very high bass, the creator of this additionally did properly by using putting in anti-dirt tunnels that permit green cooling and provide balance to the device.
Battery existence is 4 hours, Graphics is NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, show 15.6 “FHD IPS”, hard disk is 512 RAM, processor intel center i7 8750 H 6 center.
8. MSI GS65 Stealth
And finally, we have our very last product for the day the strong MSI GS65 STEALTH with an tremendous battery existence of 7 hours directly.
It isn't a superb gaming pc because of its pictures, cooling device, and even its processor. It has a low SSD but it is able to be upgraded. Its weight is spot on and very handy and most effective weighs about 4.Nine kilos.
This computer is 15.6 inches, it has a razor-skinny show and its processor may be very high speed. It offers you with clean, sharp, and easy graphics that come up with an awesome experience. These capabilities are exactly what a gamer needs what extra are you able to ask for if all you need is proper earlier than you.
I in advance cited that its weight is spot on that means it's miles travel friendly and may be carried about everywhere. It could be very eye catchy and also you cannot find the money for to set your gaze off it after you just examine it it has a swish body with a fascinating black chassis, it even has gold strains round its lid and a lovely gold logo on pinnacle of its lid. It appears very fierce but cute.
And now let us see its functions proper here under.
Hard disk 51GB, RAM 32 GB, processor intel center i7 8750H 6 cores, show NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, with 7 hours battery lifestyles.
We have checked out gaming laptops all below $2500 but it’s very crucial to know some of the things which you are to don't forget whilst you are getting a gaming laptop.
And some of them are:
Gaming may be very creative and uses a lot of visible performance consequently it is vital that your show is on factor. So, one must ensure the display is good sufficient, and as a minimum a complete HD resolution is what's required something less may additionally come up with complications.
2. GPU
This is nearly the point of interest of the entirety. This is in rate of processing photos and is also in charge of electricity efficiency it's far suggested that you could use and average dedicated GPU or whatever better is k. So, you can move for NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon both do work very well and are capable of render big video games in very excessive element and framerates. But another time if you do no longer have enough cash you could move for GeForce 900 M location to be able to get the required performance.
3. Connectivity
One of the strengths of any computer systems is its ports and flexible connectivity is what is suitable. And as a gamer, your laptop need to at the least have a three USB port that has one the various ports having USB three.Zero and an HDMI port to say but some.
4. RAM
GPU does include VRAM and the required RAM is 8GB some thing much less won't be favorable. Not to mention that this is the handiest size required but it's miles the minimum requirement.
5. Battery Life
Battery existence is yet any other aspect that cannot be ignored. As a gamer one gets to apply strong and electricity-hungry and craving components therefore it is simplest sensible that one gets a pc that has sufficient battery lifestyles to sustain them. So, you can for a one that could ultimate for as a minimum three hours with just a unmarried price.
Go in advance and feature your pick out for pleasant gaming laptops under $2500!
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berenixium · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: "The Fear Factor"
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If there was ever a need to forcibly extract someone from a vehicle it would be a case such as this one. I don't know the back story behind this incident but its clear to say that this was a high-risk situation. After all, there is a frenzied individual behind the wheel of a vehicle weighing in excess of a tonne, in a public place and behaving in an unpredictable manner while surrounded members of the public. There is a point in the video where the driver stalls the engine and a member of public opens the drivers door. Now I would imagine that the guy who opened the door had every intention in pulling the driver out of the vehicle and ending the situation right there. But it appears from the guys momentary freeze and look of discombobulation, that when he opened the door he was faced with a number of inhibiting factors which he needed to tackle and overcome. I would imagine that quite simply he lacked the critical knowledge and training to to act decisively and remove the driver from the vehicle. Now there is no shame in not following through on an action such as this. I would hazard a guess that he simply did not posess a neural pathways that might have been created previously, either through realistic scenario based training or through real hands on experience. There are no hard and fast rules to scenario based simulations, the basic idea is to practice (repeatedly) that which you would not normally encounter. The other thing that causes a 'freeze' in people is the fear of consequences. More specifically the consequences of your actions. This lack of information causes people to hesitate at the wrong times because when they are faced with difficult, challenging or very fluid situations, there may be many factors to consider all at once, causing a mental overload. When it comes to the justification for using force and acting in self-defence, there are many myths and a lot of poor/false information that gets knocked about. The key to this, is to get familiar with the law in relation to self-defence and the use of force and apply those parameters to various training simulations, so that you can start to build a collection of experiences to aid decision making https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOXgt_H-gx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rlqo9ucdb5w4
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