thefruitbros · 1 month
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This was way funnier in my head
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rbbalmung · 4 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Get to know ______
Guys, it’s time for my favourite pokemon ship. Prepare for loads of fluff. 
Get to Know Gloria x Hop (Postwickshipping/Hpyu): 
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other? I headcannon that Gloria really likes pokemon plushies, so Hop is always unconsciously checking the stuffed animal section of stores to see if there’s any she doesn’t have. Gloria tries really hard to get him books that pertain to his research, but she really has no clue what he studies aside from the fact that it’s legendary pokemon (Legendary Pokemon are his focus). 
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap? Gloria! They are the cuddliest couple ever. There’s about a foot size difference between them, so she fits perfectly in his lap. (Hop is def the little spoon, tho). 
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes? TBH, they would both walk around the house half naked. They’re comfort first babies, so you know Gloria’s bra is coming off and Hop is discarding his work clothes the second their door is closed. I think it’s kind of a casual thing for them, though. They’ve known each other long enough that this kind of thing doesn’t bother them. 
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway? Gloria has to drag Hop’s ass to bed pretty much every night. They’re both busy people, but we all know that Hop would lose track of time while working on his thesis. It is a fact that if Gloria doesn’t come to get him, he will fall asleep on his desk. 
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies? They’re actually both pretty good cooks (Gloria’s mama owns a restaurant in Wedgehurst and Hop’s mom is obsessed with cooking), but I think Hop would probably be the one to burn all the food. The only reason why is because he has a harder time focusing solely on cooking instead of trying to multitask. Now, baking is a whole other story. They’re both terrible at it. 
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”? Gloria would be the one to read the prompts and Hop would be the denier (he secretly thinks it’s really cute whenever she does it). 
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes? Gloria. 100% Gloria. She is constantly cold and has a passion for stealing Hop’s hoodies. He thinks its adorable because they’re always really big on her. 
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?” Hop would be the errand runner and Gloria would make sure he remembered everything. It goes back to Hop’s mind being a million places at once and Gloria hyper focusing on one thing at a time. 
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions? Hop would drive and Gloria would give directions for similar reasons to the question above. 
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws? Hop doodles Gloria sometimes to keep his hands busy. It’s kind of an absent minded thing for him to do while reading an article/book. Once Sonia caught him doing it, and when I say she teases him relentlessly, I mean it. Hop absolutely does not let Gloria see these doodles (they’re very cutesy and he’d die of embarrassment). 
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips? Hop would be the backflipper and Gloria would be the follower. Think back to their GPL season: Hop was blazing ahead at all times without a care in the world. Gloria is the slowest traveler in the world because she likes talking to everyone and visiting all the stores.  
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking? Neither of them can hold their alcohol, but Hop at least has more body mass than Gloria. They’re a pair of lightweights and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. (Let’s be real: Bede has to be the one to make sure they get home). 
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own? Gloria. I actually believe that Gloria would keep her last name even after she and Hop get married because it belongs to her mama (after the divorce, they both changed their last names to match her mama’s maiden name). Hop is also a proud Hoffman, so he wouldn’t use the name Park. However, everyone else will mix it up. Gloria gets called “Mrs. Hoffman” all the time if she’s arriving for restaurant reservations or something of the like. Newer reporters/young children call Hop “Mr. Park” because they just assume Park was his last name. 
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside? Neither of them are scared of bug pokemon. 
16: Which one gives the other their jacket? HOP. I mentioned it earlier, but Gloria is always cold. Bede asks why he doesn’t just make Gloria bring her own jacket and Hop replies that he likes it when she wears his jacket (they’re freaking sappy).  
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling? Pft. Leon? Please. By this point, he’s become the big brother of Gloria as well. The League members are a completely different story. They all like Hop, but since Gloria is one of their younger members and the biggest sweetheart, they’re a protective bunch (Especially Melony and Gordie). 
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other? Gloria, but it didn’t go well. It was right before he was leaving to finish up high school studying abroad, and the timing wasn’t right (aka Hop turned her down because he hadn’t yet realised his feelings for her). Gloria tries her best to move on but never truly gets over him. Luckily, his feelings hit him like a bag of bricks to the stomach when they reunite a couple years later.  
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting? The best. They would definitely be the cool parents (I mean, come on. They’re the freaking heroes of Galar!). I think they’d also be super supportive of their child’s choices. 10/10. They’re made to be parents. (Hop would especially want to be a good dad. He’s initially nervous because he never knew his dad and thinks he might mess up, but Gloria reassures him that he’s doing a good job). 
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters? Hop would be Mr. Perfect Grammar. Gloria would use mostly good grammar, but her texts would be littered with emojis. 
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them? Hop is the more confrontational of the two. Gloria tends to believe that people are only mean to others if something bad is happening in their life, but Hop will jump from 0 to 100 if someone even looks at Gloria funny.  
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun? Gloria likes Hop’s bad puns, so everyone else has to cringe in discomfort at the oblivious pair. 
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy? Hop. Gloria likes catching pokemon and sending them on poke jobs, so there’s a new member to their family at least once a week. 
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired? Hop. He’s the only one she would show vulnerability to, and he makes sure not to make her feel ashamed of it. (also, Gloria absolutely could not carry Hop. He’s like, a foot taller than her).  
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering? Both! They’re very supportive of each other to help ease the other’s insecurities. Hop gets really invested in her pokemon matches and Gloria throws him a little celebration every time he finishes a project.  
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder? Gloria. Since Hop never goes to sleep at night, it is very common for him to take 5 minute power naps without even realising it. Gloria definitely takes pictures when it happens as a reflex (They were long distance for the first 4 years of their relationship) because she wants to be able to look back at their memories together.  Like Gloria doesn’t know about Hop’s doodles of her, Hop doesn’t know about her phone album of him. 
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked? Gloria? I think they both grow into their separate styles as the get older, but Gloria would push Hop to wear more colourful things. Sonia once told Hop that a man should never tell a woman what to wear because it’s rude. I don’t think Gloria would mind if he suggested something, but he is way too nervous to do it (Sonia scarred him).   
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of? Hop is very nervous around Urshifu and Calyrex. Urshifu because he’s terrifying, large, and very protective of Gloria. Calyrex because the pokemon will take over his body without warning to tell Gloria something.  
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains? Hop! If Gloria held it, Hop’s head would be in the umbrella. 
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures? Oh my gosh, they’d go everywhere. I think that after Gloria steps down as champion, they travel to all the different regions for at least a couple of years. Gloria would be the one to take pictures and make a little scrapbook when they return home.  
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nypmphetsbastard · 4 years
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Genre: slowburn fanfiction, college!au
Pairing: yelena x fem!reader
Summary: college becomes a whirlpool of new people and emotions once you meet a woman by the name of yelena manages to weasel her way into your once perfect life and tear down everything you ever thought to be true. From religious views to friendship, she builds something new. Now, she introduces you to new world she likes to call Paradis Island.
Warnings: angst, smut, hurt/comfort, struggles with Religion, homophobic comments/people
A/N: this story is posted on ao3 {NYMPHETSBASTARD} as well as wattpad {SUGACODED} because wattpad is acting a fool and I need another place to save this story👍
Leaving home was always a rough time for both parent and child. Anybody who grew up in a loving home tended to stick to that home like glue, not wanting to separate from it and instead choosing to go to schools and jobs closer to home, closer to family. Those without however, preferred their freedom. When the clock struck 12 and everybody went to sleep was the only time they'd have to themselves, the only time they'd ever have to feel safe and relaxed — leaving home wasn't as hard on them.
You...well you were a different story. You didn't like a lot of things, being grabbed, having things snatched out of your hands, people taking your food without permission, somebody talking to you when you're clearly trying to avoid them — the list could go on. But growing up leaving you home never seemed to cross your mind. For whatever reason you felt like things were fine at home, not perfect but not terrible either, nine year old you didn't stop to think that one day you'd have to make the decision to move away from your friends and family. The small town you were in had a lot of older people, ones that never separated from their high school popularity phase and believed that the world revolved around them and them only, the others were newly young adults seeking any way out. You hoped you'd be the ladder.
Your parents had never spoken to you about leaving the house, meaning you grew up only learning what was taught in school. World War One and two, Pearl Harbor, slavery, and other shitty thing America did and or went through throughout the course of centuries on end — all only ever learned or discussed in school. The main focus in your household was religion and religion only. It's what you grew up to be right, nothing else existed in your mind besides that.
There was nothing wrong with that. Well...until around the time high school hit. Senior year was the year stressed to you since you were a freshman, you could barley fathom the fact that you'd have to apply for colleges, work on a bunch of different essays and possibly move away when you were young and you could still barley understand it now. But it was only then, then when they had handed you that slip of paper of which colleges you were going to apply to did you realize something; you didn't want to end up in a boring old relationship with a guy from your sophomore geometry class, get married, have a couple of kids that would send you to a nursing home and never live the life you dreamed of having.
You wanted that Disney channel teenage life, teenage adventures that would give you enough memories to last a lifetime and successfully say you lived your life to the fullest. While your teenage years had been spent in a church every weekday, your nose in school books and your bedtime forever stuck at the time 8:30, you swore your adulthood would be different.
Everything would be different.
"Are you sure you're not missing anything, hun?" Your mother asked nervously watching you pack the trunk up with your suitcase and extra bags. You yawned into your hand due to the more than early hours you guys were beginning the trip in order to make it early to your destination.
"You made a list mom, I don't think there's anything I could miss." She smiled your small joke and got in the passenger seat of the car, "You know, you guys really don't have to come. It's nearly a 4 and half hour drive over there, not including the drive back." You mentioned
"We already told you we're going to stop by my mother in laws and stay for a while." Your father explained, you sighed and got into the backseat of the car.
You brought your favorite stuffy and laid your head on it against the window as you prepared yourself for the 4 hour drive from your old childhood home to a new place where new memories could be made. It felt almost nostalgic watching your entire childhood fly by from behind a window. The blue slide you loved going up and down on till you felt like throwing up. The metal pole that always terrified you trying to go down. The monkey bars you taught yourself to climb because of the lack of friends you had that could teach you. It all seemed to disappear behind flashes of trees and road as the car drifted further and further away from the place you called home.
"Morning sunshine! We're here!" Your father exclaimed, waking you out of your slumber. You groaned quietly and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, taking a moment to look out the window at the large building in front of you. Gawking at the size, you shook your head and stepped out of the car to get a closer look.
"This is much smaller than the one I went to." Mentioned your father, squinting up at the building and helping you pull your suitcase out of the trunk.
"That's because you went to community college, honey." You chuckled at your moms observation and rolled your suitcase up to the sidewalk.
"Well I'll see you guys—" you started until your words were cut off by your mother slapping her hands down on your shoulders and giving you a firm look.
"I better not come visit you in a few months and see you with a purple Mohawk, piercings and a girlfriend, you hear me?" You nodded at her dramatic remarks and felt yourself internally cringe at her words.
"Hopefully we come back to you with a kind little boyfriend and a college degree we can show off to the rest of the family." Your father said, wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders and gave you a tight lipped smile.
"Call us when you get settled and show us your roommate."
"And if they're anything we told you to not look like or if they smoke, drink or are sexually active in public, please change roommates."
They listed off, you internally rolled your eyes but still managed to give them a nod.
"Okay, I get it. Bye." You waved them off and stayed on the sidewalk till their old beat up grey car pulled away from the university.
Sighing, you rolled your shoulders back, grabbed all your things and walked the 10 minutes all the way to your side of the dorms. Personally, you had no clue who your roommate was besides their name but you knew even if you got a wild one you wouldn't change rooms. It didn't matter to you wether or not your roommate had purple hair, while your parents and nearly everyone in life tended to stick their nose in the business of others, you had no care in the world about anybody else.
From the moment you stepped into your new room, your nostrils were immediately being wrapped in by the smell of vanilla and incense. You looked around the room and noticed that only half of it was done up while the other was plain and void of any decoration.
"Hello, who are you?" A soft voice asked politely and there in front of you stood one of the prettiest girls you'd ever seen. She was a short young woman with long, disheveled shoulder-length black hair, a Greek nose and relaxed dark eyes.
"Oh sorry! I'm your new roommate, you're Pieck Finger, right?" You greeted her, shaking her surprisingly soft hands and placing your bags down on the floor next to you.
"Sorry about the smell, I'm lighting some incense to cleanse the new room. I just got here last night."
"Mhm, are you religious?" You asked, pointing to the black leather notebook in her hand. She looked down at it but smiled and shook her head.
"Ah no, I'm Agnostic. Although my childhood friend practices Hinduism and I guess I pick up on some things." She explained, you nodded at her words and made a mental note to ask her what the hell agnostic meant at a later time. Her eyes went down to the bags in your hand and reached out to grab your suitcase.
"Here I got this, I'll put this on your side of the bed and let me know if I can help with setting anything up." She offered kindly, you nodded at her offer and the two of you immediately got to work.
As you folded your clothes into a drawer and hung them up in a closet and Pieck finished wrapping your bed in it's covers and blankets, the two of you talked. Talked as if you'd been friends since birth. Pieck felt like someone you could truly se yourself being friends with in the long run of college, she was also someone your parents would most likely accept and allow you to stay with. The two of you bonded over certain interests, Pieck had a knack for writing — poems, full books, it didn't matter; you were the artistic one. Always doodling on something or recreating famous art paintings in your room, usually religious paintings as your parents always told you that if you were going to have painting as a hobby you might as well paint something useful.
"Finally, we're done." You sighed, exhaustedly throwing yourself onto the newly made bed. Pieck chuckled and stood up, grabbing her belongings and putting them into a small book bag.
"Hey, me and my friends are meeting in the library later, would you like to come?" She asked, you mulled over the idea for a quick second and nodded your head.
The walk from your dorm and the library gave you and Pieck even more time to get to know each other. She explained how most people from her old high school had come to the nearest college, it being this one which is why she never worried about not making any friends. Your eyes nearly popped out of your eye socket as you stepped up to the large library building, it being much bigger than any library your town had to offer. Pieck held the door open for you as you stepped in and took a moment to admire the large area.
"Psst, Pieck!" Whispered a voice, you looked over to see a brown haired woman in big round glasses waving the two of you over with a wide grin on her face. Pieck waved back and walked over the round table with the two other people sitting and you following behind her.
"Hey guys, this is my new roommate. This is—"
"Hange Zoë, nice to meet you!" The glasses wearing woman exclaimed excitedly taking your hand in her and shaking it vigorously. A nearby librarian glared her way and hushed her, she smiled and apologized to the old woman.
"I'm Porco." Replied the blonde boy on the other side of the table dryly.
You waved at him awkwardly and sat down next to Pieck, yet it was only after they began pulling out their books did you realize you had nothing with you. Tapping the dark haired girl on the shoulder, you motioned towards the bookshelf's and stood up to leave once Pieck nodded her head.
You walked around aimlessly with no true destination or book in mind till you came across a bookshelf, this one different than the others and tucked away in a little corner. It was old and basic but it still had integrity. The wood was straight and it hugged the wall. On closer inspection you could see scratches, the wood a little more pale where it had been dinged. You touched the roughness, not minding one bit and looked at the books inside. The fiction section had always been your favorite growing up, your parents believed books like Harry Potter were some sort of books that demonic and plaguing words hidden within them so you only ever grew up reading them in short amounts of time in the library before they could find you.
A small gasp made its way up your throat as your eyes landed across a book titled Alice in Wonderland, one of your top favorites. The ladder that usually came along with each bookshelf was currently being occupied yet this specific bookshelf seemed to take up nearly the entire wall of the library — this might've been one of the first things you couldn't successfully grab with ease. You reached your hand up to grab the book, your fingertips only slightly touching them before the book suddenly disappeared from your grasp and a warm presence creeped up behind you, towering over your frame.
Looking up, your eyes met a pair deep dark eyes staring down at you, the book now forgotten in your mind as it was now clouded with the face of the person in front of you. It was only after a couple seconds that you blinked out of your trance and stepped back, falling straight between the bookshelf and the person. You felt...intimidated. The person in front of you was more than taller than you, a height you thought was nearly impossible. They tilted their head to the side, bent down a bit and held the book out in their hand as your eyes stayed trained on theirs.
"Do you want it?" They asked, you nearly jumped in your skin at the sound of their somewhat deep voice.
"The book." You looked down and finally registered the fact that they'd picked up the book you were grabbing at and now held it out to  you.
"O-oh right, thank you." You stuttered, mentally cursing yourself for acting this way. While your eyes strayed away from theirs, they went downward to the person's appearance.
They wore a dark green turtleneck sweater paired with high waisted black pants, accentuating their long legs and black lace up Oxford shoes — their entire appearance intimidated you. The center of their nose pierced through with silver piece of jewelry.
"I..." you regretted opening your mouth the second the words came out, "gotta go," the words spilled out of your mouth as you immediately walked around them and towards your table, the interaction still replaying in your head on loop. It wasn't until you rapidly sat yourself down next to Pieck that you felt like you could breath.
You weren't the most social person in the world but you also weren't the most nervous, but they...their presence, their height, the look in their eyes, it all seemed to send you into frenzy. Ignoring the slightly worried look you got from Pieck, you open the notebook given to you and tried to let the interaction seep away into your memories. Yet it didn't work. Every word on the paper seemed to fly over your head, your mind never sticking to the sentences given to you. Hell, you could barley read about Alice's shitty life without comparing it to what had just occurred. It was all too fresh. Too new. Too...interesting.
"Mornin' Pieck." Greeted a deep voice from behind you, turning around you were faced with a tall blonde haired man with small circle glasses resting on his nose.
"Good mornin, Zeke." Pieck responded kindly, the man looked around the table greeting everyone till his eyes met yours.
"I don't think I've met you before, and who must you be?" He bowed down respectfully and held out his hand, you looked at it confused for a second before sliding your hand into his and watching as he leaned his head down to plant a kiss at the back of your hand.
Before you could protest, a different hand gripped Zeke's shoulder, he pulled away and turned around to find his female companion standing above him with a blank expression on her face — one he'd gotten used to over the course of their friendship. Meanwhile your breath was caught in your throat at the sight of the intimidating person you'd met only moments before.
"Your book, Zeke." They said plainly, Zeke pulled away from you and took the textbook of their hands, thanking them and skimming through the textbook as both of your eyes never left theirs.
"Good morning, Yelena." Pieck greeted her with a smile, finally, Yelena's eyes drifted away from yours and were now on Pieck, the sides of her lips quirking up into a smirk for a second.
"Good morning, Pieck." Your eyes went back and forth between them in confusion until another person popped up behind Zeke.
"Hey guys, hey hange, Pieck." The dark haired man bun wearing boy said, leaning his arm against Zeke's shoulder despite them being the same height.
"Guess I'm just invisible then" spoke up Porco with an offended look on his face, the dark haired boy simply looked at him and blinked.
"Oh no I knew you were there, I just don't care. Anyways, are you guys coming to my big party tonight?" He asked excitedly, Zeke scoffed and pushed his glasses further up his face.
"Tch, we're not children, Eren. Why would we go to some teenage party?" Eren scoffed at the blonde mans response.
"Yeah obviously not you, old man, you're fucking ancient. I was talking to Pieck and..." he looked at you with a confused expression before shrugging and pointing at you, "and her."
"I'm not even that old—"
"Sorry, Eren but you already know my answer." She apologized, Eren pouted and groaned.
"Oh come on, please, Pieck? The last time you went everybody loved you, please?" He begged Pieck, placing his hands on her arm that was leaned against the wooden chair she sat at.
"Aw sorry, kid. I love them all too but I gotta tutoring session today." She apologized sympathetically, patting the boys head and turning to you, "what about you?"
You jumped at the sudden spotlight on you but shook your head regardless, "If Pieck's not going then neither am I." Eren groaned again and tried puppy dog eyes on the long haired woman in front of him.
"Look Pieck, you're deriving your new friend here with the experience of a fun college party." She smiled at his explanation which apparently told Eren enough that he stopped bugging her and stood up to his full height, slamming his shoulder into Zeke's as he walked away and mumbled something under his breath. Zeke almost turned around to go after him until Yelena outstretched her arm to stop him.
"He's a child." She pointed out
"He's a little shit, is what he is." Zeke complained, you looked over at Hange for information.
"They're brothers." She stated, your mouth made an o shape as you finally came to understand why the two seemed to have so much beef between them.
"Half brothers, Hange. Don't associate me with that brat." Zeke huffed, everyone chuckling at the mans clear discomfort with him and Eren being in the same room let alone sentence. "Anyways, we've gotta go, me and Yelena have business to take care of." Zeke said.
"Jeez, you make it sound like the two of you are hooking up." Porco mentioned with a disgusted look on his face,
"What if we are?" He joked playfully until he looked up to see Yelena towering over him with a straight look on her face, Zeke cleared his throat and shook his head, "Kidding, kidding."
The two of them walked out of the library and the three other people at your table continued on their reading while your mind was racked with a bunch of questions of the new characters you just met. You tried to avoid eye contact with Yelena when she was leaving but could still feel her piercing gaze stay onto you until she couldn't anymore.
"So are they?" You inquired with a whisper, leaning over Pieck's shoulder
"Are they what?"
"Zeke and Yelena. Are they..." you raised your eyebrows as the words clicked in Pieck's mind and the other two at the table began laughing into their books.
"No, sweetie, they're not sleeping together or dating." She denied
"Pfft, the day we see Yelena with a man is the day pigs fly." Chuckled Porco, you looked at them confused at their jokes.
"Yelena's a lesbian, babe." Pieck finished your thought and your eyes slightly widened at her response, not expecting it. Embarrassment silently creeped into your mind as you groaned and tucked your head into your arms.
"Well now I feel stupid." The three of them laughed and Pieck rubbed your back.
For some reason, those words felt like a small weight lifted off your shoulders. You couldn't understand why you felt so...happy that she wasn't with Zeke in that way. Maybe you just wanted to her friend. Yeah....that had to be it....her friend.
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photolover82 · 3 years
Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Group A Returns With a Wildcard (Commentary & Guesses)
Hi guys! Welcome or welcome back to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every single episode of The Masked Singer. Ok, so I'm on time this time I swear (I try to do these the weekend after the show airs or Friday), and now we are starting to get the wildcards which was super exciting and Joel Mchale was guest judging so it was a very fun episode to watch! We’re back onto Group A but this time someone new joins the group, so stay tuned until the end to talk about that someone. Anyways, let’s get into it, starting with the eliminated contestant:
So the eliminated mask was...
The Raccoon 🦝
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Commentary: honestly, I am not even the slightest bit surprised that he got eliminated... he should have gone home earlier but that’s neither here nor there, the Masked Singer likes to do that to us so whatever. But like honestly this is gonna sound mean, and look, not everyone is a singer, and he gave it the good old college try and I respect the hell out of that, but omg all I gotta say about his performance of Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash is yikes. That’s it, that’s all I gotta say about that... anyways, let’s reveal this rodent or mammal, idk man who told you guys I was an animal expert?!
Raccoon was revealed to be (I got this one too yay!)
Danny Trejo
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Yeah, I guessed it baby! I even have proof, just look at my 1st recap of the season and it’s there, I got it! Yayyy! Anyways, I mean I know him, I have seen him around ofc (he has done a lot of acting and he even has a restaurant and everything), but like he can’t sing and that’s ok, he had fun, it’s what matters. Good job Danny Trejo and thank God he’s gone because finally my ears can be in peace.
Having said that, let’s move onto our remaining 4 (yes, 4 because wildcard baby!):
1. Seashell 🐚
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Commentary: Her performance of Confident by Demi Lovato was to me much better than her last performance. It seemed like she was more confident (hehe no pun intended) in this one, kind of came into her own and let out the power in her voice. She was a bit timid and nervous in the first performance and it kind of reminded me of how Jellyfish started out, but this one was a lot more diva and powerful, I enjoyed it a lot. I really love Seashell, she is quickly becoming one of my favorite contestants (except nobody can beat my favorite who you will see in a moment)
I am doubling down on my guess:
Tamera Mowry
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Clues/Reasoning: ok, like this one I feel super confident about and the clues kind of seal the deal for me:
The doodle of “Seashell with the shell mask on”= reference to the intro of Sister Sister
A certain shell man asked her out and the baseball on the screen= she is talking about her husband, Fox News correspondent Adam Housley (which btw is another reason why she is on this show, bc it runs in the Fox family), who used to be a professional baseball player (oh and the required her to do things she was scared of means that he helped her feel more comfortable about being on TV aka when she was on the Real)
2 minute stopwatch= she’s older than her twin sister, Tia, by 2 minutes haha 😂 (this was a very weird thing to be like yeah bro ik that... again I say, Google is a magical thing)
2. Robopine 🦔
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Commentary: He sang All of Me by John Legend and honestly song choice was 👌, like I would have picked that for him too. It was absolutely stunning and I can just close my eyes and enjoy the song, which that’s what some of the best ballad performances tend to do. I absolutely loved it, he is my favorite, if you can’t tell, and this was my favorite performance of the night. I have a prediction that Robopine might make it to the finals honestly because he is just that amazing.
I am changing my guess and I am more confident now with:
Tyrese Gibson
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Reasoning/Clues: alright so I know that he isn’t 60 but I have a feeling he is lying about that and that he’s from Costa Rica (that’s too direct of a clue to be true you know and I feel like he is lying... Ken did say in the beginning that Robopine is the most confusing, so I do think that he is lying)... anyways clue time:
A lot of superhero clues= he will be playing one in Jared Leto’s Morbius film from Marvel
The lying means something = he has an album called Alter Ego, someone in the YouTube comments told me that he did a shoot with GQ called “60 the new 30” so that’s where the age thing might come from
IT SOUNDS A LOT LIKE HIM, OK?! Legit this is the most logic bomb I can give you right here... he’s trying to fool us but the voice is what matters... if you wanna compare voices go ahead, here’s a video that can help (it helped me even though the background singers kinda took over, but you get the point, it was live)
3. Russian Dolls 🪆
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Commentary: THEY DIVIDEDDDDD... omg there’s 3 now! I FREAKING CALLED IT!! Anyways, they sang Wonder by Shawn Mendes and again I say their harmonies are so on point, it’s fantastic! I throughly enjoyed this performance, it was great! Their voices work really great together (ofc duh because they are a band... they have to be) and it was a really great song choice as well.
Again, I am gonna double down here (and them being 3 makes it even more convincing for me):
Hanson (All 3 of them this time)
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Reasoning/Clues: ok, so now that there’s 3 of them, I don’t have to sound dumb and be like ummmmm it’s 2 of the Hanson brothers, which two I am not sure, but two of them. This time I can say it is all of Hanson, all 3 of them! WOOO! This performance really solidified it for me. Anyways, here are the logic bombs aka clues:
He was doing what he loved and rushed to the hospital = Zac, one of the brothers, was involved in a motorcycle accident in which he (get this, it’s really bad like reading it on Google made me go ouch that must have been a terrible accident) broke three ribs, his collarbone, and scapula.
The fire truck= the fire department was involved in the accident, which he spoke about in October 2019
4. Surprise! It’s Wildcard Time: Introducing the Orca (whale) 🐳
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Commentary: ok, so he performed We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister, and it was meh, it was ok. He sounds like a comedian, and his voice is so familiar, it’s killing me. Anyways, he is talk singing the entire time and there are parts where he sounds out of breath, so I don’t think he is a professional singer. The costume though (since I couldn’t really review that beforehand) looks like a pool floatie on top and a blue version of Banana from season 3 from the chest down, which is kind of cool (I would give it a 8/10 if I were to rate it). I really love that top head part, it looks super great, the costume designers killed it.
Ok, this one I am more unsure about but I am gonna say that I am between these 2:
Bill Burr or Adam Sandler
(Burr is the one pictured below, couldn’t put both images because Tumblr doesn’t let me do more than 10 pictures so just pretend you can also see Adam Sandler’s photo)
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Reasoning/Clues: I am gonna have to skip this one... because I am not sure about this one, I am just going off of voice, the clues confuse me, but you have any ideas, feel free to comment them please, I need all the help I can get.
So that’s it, wildcard and all. I hope you guys enjoyed this, I am so sorry for the picture issue, it’s something that bugs me about Tumblr but whatever. I will see you guys in the next one, where we will see Group B sans Phoenix perform and add in a new wildcard, which omg I know who it is I just don’t know what it looks like, but it is the CRAB 🦀! Anyways, I will see you all next weekend, please like, comment, do all the social media things! Bye everyone! 👋🏼
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
how do u feel abt doing smth like a modern au where billy is like , all this punk rock and teen angst and leather nd jean jackets kinda of thing and steve is the exact opposite of him with fluffy skirts and soft polos nd just really soft and they two have seen eachother but dont actually talk to one another until they have a school project and they just. fall in love overtime? basically , femme steve + punk rock billy falling in love.
(pt. 2) also!! happy 21st birthday 💓💕💗💖💕
The university had a strict core curriculum, meaning that Steve was ten minutes late for his Philosophy of the Modern Era class.
He couldn’t find the room, was wandering around in this basement with his schedule written on the back of his hand. He was peering at room numbers and muttering to himself 067 067 067.
“You looking for that philosophy class?” Steve turned around at the voice.
The guy was stomping down the hallway in big leather boots. His jeans were ripped and shredded, and he was wearing a black t-shirt with pink font reading Dog Park Dissidents. His denim jacket was covered in pins and patches and sharpie drawings. He had Silence = Death written on one of the pockets, Being nice IS punk rock was scrawled down one arm.
“Yeah, that modern era one?” The guy smiled and nodded, reaching forward to shake Steve’s hand. His eyes were a startling blue, lined with a thin smudge on black. His hair was wild and curly, shaved on each side into this beachy looking mohawk. He had his nose and his eyebrow pierced, along with several in his ears.
“Billy Hargrove.”
“Steve Harrington.” Steve could feel the tips of his ears go red as Billy looked him up and down. He was wearing something cute for the first day of class, a chunky white cardigan over a soft pink peasant dress. He had gotten up early to do his makeup well, and was late to class anyway because this stupid building was a fucking maze.
They set off down the hall together, looking at each door they passed by.
“Oh shit. Pretty Boy, I think I got it.” Steve flushed slightly at being called pretty, still not used to being able to dress like this in public. Billy wrenched open the door, and stomped in, not a care in the world for being twenty minutes late.
The professor raised his eyebrow.
“And what were you two doing out in the hall?”
“I’m sorry, we couldn’t find the room.” Steve’s cheeks were hot as he was standing at the front of the class.
“That’s okay. you have missed class introductions, to please say your names, pronouns and majors.”
“Billy Hargrove, he/him, double majoring in literature and social work.”
“Steve Harrington, he/they. I’m also a double major in education and early childhood development.” The professor made a note on his role sheet.
“Thank you, you may sit down.” Steve went for the back of the room, flopping into the first empty seat he could find, ducking his head as he quietly got his laptop out. Billy had stomped into the seat next to him, had gotten out a notebook and proceeded to doodle in it for the rest of class.
He sat next to Billy every Monday Wednesday and Friday from 9:20-10:35 and and outside of their ten minute search for the classroom, they had yet to say anything to one another.
It certainly didn’t help that Steve was harboring a little crush on the guy. He would watch him in class, the way he would doodle little sunflowers in the margins of his notes, smiling softly at them.
“So, for the rest of the semester you will be working in pairs. I want you to go through the readings we have completely and work together with the philosophers we have discussed to create your own system for the modern era. How do you believe society exists now?” Billy turned to Steve, grinning at him.
“You wanna be my partner?” Steve gave a sheepish smile, his heart racing.
“I, um. Yes. Yeah, I’ll be your partner.” Steve dug his phone out of the tight pocket of his skirt, trading with Billy. He put his number under Steve Harrington - Modern Era Philosphy.
“You wanna get coffee after class, start working through our beliefs?”
“Um, sure. I don’t have class until, like, 3:30 today.” Billy grinned again and fucking winked at Steve. He needed to calm the fuck down.
“So basically, a lot of my beliefs are based on the punk message.” Billy was sipping at his black coffee, had laughed and said should’ve fucking known when Steve ordered a large mocha with extra chocolate syrup, and whipped cream. “I’m a very live and let live person, but I believe everyone should live and let live. If someone is trying to dictate how others should exist, they’re fucking garbage.”
“Okay, I actually really agree with that.”
“That’s because you’re punk rock.” Steve laughed, but Billy’s eyes were serious. “No seriously, there’s nothing more punk rock than being unapologetically yourself.”
“When did you get into punk philosophy?”
“When I was in high school. My dad was a real prick, and I was angry, and a lot of punk is loud and pissed off and it helped, but then I started going to shows, and talking to people, and it’s not what you’d expect. Everyone at a show is like a weird family for a night. If someone comes in and tries to fuck with someone, the family deals. I can’t tell you how many fights I saw that broke out because someone was perving on a girl, and these other guys started protecting her. And that only grew as I started getting into queercore.”
Steve was listening to Billy, eyes wide as he described stories from shows, how he had jumped in on fights to defend the family, how he would walk girls home or to their cars parked a ways down the street, how he knew everyone would do the same for him.
“God, I wish I had a community like that. I didn’t really have anyone growing up. You know, token queer in a small town kinda vibe.” Billy smiled at him sympathetically.
“That why you came out to San Fransisco?”
“Oh yeah. Wanted to come somewhere where, this, didn’t matter.” He gestured to himself. “I just don’t get why it bothers people. I just do it because it makes me happy. I don’t know why it concerns anyone else.” Billy was nodding vigorously.
“Exactly. That’s the whole truth about being queer. People hate you for something that has nothing to do with them. It’s completely wack. Like if I’m with someone in whatever capacity, we’re both consenting adults. It literally doesn’t matter.”
“Do you think we could expand upon this enough for our project? Talk about how we feel the world should just stop caring about what other people do if it has nothing to do with them.” Billy grinned.
“I think we could make something happen.”
They began getting coffee after each class, taking through their project, finding resources to back up the ideas they had discussed. The more time they spent together, the more Steve liked Billy, liked how sweet he was, how positive. They talked about having terrible parents, how Billy’s dad had kicked him out at sixteen for being gay, how he had lived with friends, saving up to get himself through college. They talked about how Steve’s dad had found his stash of makeup and threw it all away, making sure it was ruined and broken. How disappointed his father was that he was studying to become a teacher.
There was one Friday they had met up and stayed all day in the coffee shop stayed until the 5 pm closing.
“You wanna come over? I have a single room. We can keep working.” Billy grinned at Steve like he always did, showing off all his white teeth. So they walked side by side to Steve’s room.
Steve kept his room neat, a habit left over from overbearing parents who would shame him into cleaning his room.
Steve’s room was exactly how Billy imagined.
He had soft white lights, a full length mirror on one wall. His bed was covered in pillows, duvets, and even a few stuffed animals. The wall above the bed was covered in pictures of Steve back home, several with a group of younger kids, and a lot with a blonde girl.
“This your girlfriend?” Steve snorted.
“No, that’s Robin. She and I are just really close friends.”
“What’s with the kids?” Steve blushed.
“I babysat all through high school, and those kids kinda adopted me as their pseudo parent. It was a lot of driving them all over town.”
“That’s cute. That why you wanna teach?”
“Yeah, I’m good with kids.” Steve had plopped himself on the made bed. He watched as Billy took off his heavy boots, placing them neatly by the door before stepping onto Steve’s plush grey rug. His socks were thick wool and had little cartoon dogs on them. Steve was in love.
Billy sat with Steve on the bed. He was taking a closer look at the photos.
“I could see that for you. You’re a caring type.” Steve looked down as his feet, could feel his face getting hot.
“Why did you pick social work?”
“When I was a kid, CPS would be called to our place like, once every few months. My dad was a real good schmoozer, so I would always just be left with him. I wanna be able to help kids get out of bad situations.”
“God, and you call me a caring type. You’re gonna save the world.” Billy laughed.
“The children are the future. I’ll save ‘em, you teach ‘em.” When Steve looked up, Billy was leaning closer into Steve’s space. He had a soft smile on his face. His eyes were bright and beautiful and so fucking blue. “Can I kiss you?”
“Can you, what?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Why?” Billy still hadn’t leaned back.
“‘Cause I have a big dumb crush on you, and I think you have one on me.” Steve’s face was pink.
“I, uh, yeah. Go, go for it.” Billy laughed, taking Steve’s face in both hands. He leaned in, just gently pressing their lips together.
“So, was I right?”
“Yes. Very much so.” Billy laughed again, loud and sweet, pressing another kiss to Steve’s lips.
“You wanna go on a date? A real one? Not just us getting coffee and pretending we both weren’t totally into each other.” Steve snorted again.
“Yeah, I would really like that.”
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crowrelli · 4 years
go off king! let us hate her with you!!
To preface this, Miss G was not some cranky old lady with years of breaking 'bad students'. She made it very clear this was her second year out of college and out of being a teaching aid. She was suuuper young compared to all the other 6 grade teachers. Okay okay okay so. Ill probably reblog or edit this with more bc the wicked witch literally tormented me but these are just the most memorable- so here we go:
Every day we were assigned a daily learning sheet where we'd come in, work on some problems given to us at the start of the week, and warm up for class. Well, my school had a rewards policy called Snow Bears- in english, if you lost or forgot your sheet, you could buy a new one with a snow bear no questions asked. So, me being a tip top student, had been in the er all night for mental health stuff and forgot my bookbag at home. I came into class and asked her to please deduct a snow bear from me so i could have a sheet. She said no, go sit down and do your DLS. I explained to her again that i didnt have a dls and needed a new one. She said no, sit down and do your dls. I went and sat down, confused. After another minute i went and asked her again. Same response, this time bitchier. This went on for 15 MINUTES. finally she told me i was getting an F that day for refusing to do my dls. I went back to my desk, crying mind you, and snapped (this is crucial) my own mechanical pencil. She saw me dispose of it in the trash, started screaming, got me emergency removed from school with a suspension and a talk from police for... Get this.... "Breaking Of School Property."
She pulled me out of the line for school pictures to deliver me to my equally terrible and mean choir teacher. He told me i would amount to nothing, i was awful, stupid, obnoxious, disgusting, full of excuses, and finally: that i would probably be dead by 30. (All because my adhd adjustments said i was allowed to doodle in his class as long as i participated) I started crying and having a full on panic attack so he sent me back to Miss G and she, upon hearing me through wails, say i was going to be ugly for my school photos said "Oh dont worry. I think you look better like this!" In a cheery voice before shoving me back in line.
She sat me and the biggest bully ive ever faced in the desks right in front of her. I mean like. Barely a foot. His chair would scrape her desk occasionally. But she would just watch as he slammed my head into my desk multiple times. As he continuously called me fat and disgusting and told me to kill myself over and over for months. She literally laughed when he said "theres so many blackheads on your face you could make a life size copy of you. Thats saying something bc youre a lardass."
I saved up and begged my grandmother for months to get a yearbook for the first time ever bc i knew we'd be moving to a different school for 7th grade. I was so so excited the day they came in. I did like everyone else and gave them out to sign on the last day. Miss G went out of her way to give my book to a known bully and handed him a red sharpie. When i got my book back every. Single. Page. Was covered in red scribbles and insults. Every. Single. Page. Ugly, fat, worthless, stupid, etc. It was ruined. And when i went to her crying about it she just chuckled, flipped through the pages, and said "Oh so thats what he used my sharpie for."
She called me a wimp for throwing up when a friend accidentally stapled their hand n got blood on me.
She lived in the apartments right around the block from school, and also on my way home when i walked, and would frequently watch from a distance as i was bullied. One time, when things got really bad; a kid in my class thought id insulted his little sisters bag when i was riding by on my bike n said "nice bag!!" Bc i rlly liked the show it was from. Well him and a bunch of his friends pulled me off my bike as i was riding by and started to beat and kick me on the ground. I was even stabbed in the back by some scissors in my bag during one of the kicks. Instead of interrupting of pulling them off me, she asked them to let her by so she could get into her apartment. A couple minutes after the guys had left and i was still a crying puddle on the ground, a cop showed up, dragged me up by my clothes, and said a lady called in saying id instigated a fight i couldnt handle and needed to be picked off the pavement. My bike was ruined bc one of the dudes hit it with a brick so the cop had to drive me home. Upon my grandmother opening the door and explaining my side of things through tears and blood, she just sighed, motioned me in, and just said "What did you do to make them want to hit you?"
When we were all packing up for our final goodbyes to 6th grade and our elementary life she pulled me aside, hugged me against my verbal and physical wishes, and said "I hope there's no hard feelings between us. Yknow. Despite everything youve done in my class."
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volchonika · 8 years
I was tagged by @stitchcasual!  How exciting.
Always post these rules!
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own. Tag 11 people.
1. Who do you look up to most?
Oh boy.  Carrie Fisher was a big one I discovered only in recent years.  She was an incredible advocate for herself and others, a woman who lived without fear, a beautiful and glittery soul.
Maxine Waters is the hero Gotham deserves, and the one it needs right now.
Amy Tenbrink, who y’all probably don’t know, is one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring people I have ever personally known.  She’s a goddamn superhero.
2. What is your favorite passage of literature?
Virtually all of The Last Unicorn, but especially: “They went down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints.”  I’d like to have that tattooed on me, preferably in Peter S. Beagle’s handwriting.  Another favorite is Mommy Fortuna’s death at the claws of the harpy, capped by the unicorn’s rule for survival: “You must never run from anything immortal.  It attracts their attention.”  Also the ending passages.  And--and everything in that book.
I also really, really love the death of Wen Jian in Under Heaven, by Guy Gavriel Kay:
“I didn’t think of it that way.”
“I know you didn’t,” said Liu.  “If you can, have me buried beside father in the orchard.”  Another thin smile as he glanced back.  “You are skilled at quieting ghosts, are you not?”
And with that, he went down the steps to the sunlit yard, drawing a jewelled court blade from the sleeve of his robe.
Tai saw him approach Jian and bow to her. The dui commander was the only one near them, and now he withdrew, backing away a dozen steps, as if to, belatedly, distance himself from this.
Tai saw his brother say something to Jian, too softly for anyone to hear. But he saw her smile, as if surprised, and pleased, by what she heard. She murmured something to Liu, and he bowed again.
He spoke one more time, and after a motionless instant she nodded her head. She made a dancer’s spinning movement, a last one, the sort that ends a performance and releases the audience’s approval and applause.
She ended it with her back to Liu, to the posting station. She faced south (her people had come from the south), towards the cypress trees lining the road and the summer fields beyond them, bright in the morning light, and Tai’s brother placed his left hand around her waist, to steady the both of them, and he thrust his knife cleanly into her, between ribs, into the heart, from behind.
Liu held her, gently, carefully, as she died.  And then he held her a little longer, and then he laid her down on her back in the dust of the yard, because there was nothing else he could do.
He knelt beside her a moment, arranging her clothing. One of her hairpins had come loose. Tai watched his brother fix it in place again.  Then Liu set down his jewelled blade and stood up and he moved a distance away from her, toward the archers of the Second Army.  He stopped.
“Do it,” he said.  Making it his command.  And was standing very straight as they sent half a dozen arrows into him.
Tai had no way of knowing if his brother’s eyes were open or closed before he died. He did become aware, after a time, that Sima Zian was beside him, saying nothing, but present.
He looked out into the yard. At Liu, face down, and Jian on her back, the blue robe spread about her, and it seemed to him that sunlight was wrong for what the moment was, what it would always be now, even as it receded. This morning brightness, the birds rising and darting, their singing.
He said that, to the poet. “Should there be birdsong?”
Zian said, “No, and yes. We do what we do, and the world continues. Somewhere, a child is being born and the parents are tasting a joy they never imagined.”
“I know that,” said Tai. “But here? Should there be so much light here?”
“No,” said Sima Zian, after a moment. “Not here.”
3. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Oh my fucking god.  Both were a huge part of my upbringing (my parents are huge nerds and I started watching TNG around the same time they showed me the original trilogy).  If I had to choose TODAY, it would be Star Wars because of my evolving love of space opera, but--goddamn it, I need both.
4. What is your favorite thing that makes other people go “whaaat?”
Jousting.  I’d say about 60% of the people I tell think I’m joking, and another 25-30% have to check:  “You mean, like--in Game of Thrones?”
Which--no, not like in Game of Thrones.  Same sport, just... not done like that.  I’m training to compete in light-armor jousting, which is a sport of precision (you have to hit a target the size of a silver dollar with a lance the diameter of... well, a silver dollar.  While running at each other on horses).  No one gets unhorsed (provided everything goes right) or killed or even hurt, usually.  I used to do eventing, and jousting is a *much* safer equestrian sport.  Most injuries in jousting are rider error.
5. What do you bring to a potluck?
Gin and tonic.  I’m such a novelist.
6. What is your favorite food for a dark and stormy night?
Meat cooked over a fire.
7. What is your beverage of choice?
This speakeasy, Social, makes the most amazing cocktail I’ve ever had.  It’s called La Vie en Rose, and it’s mezcal vida, pamplemousse rose, maple-allspice, fresh lime, and rosewater.
That or a gin and tonic.  With a little squeeze of lime.  In a 10oz heavy-bottomed double old fashioned glass.
8. What’s your most ridiculous memory from childhood?
I have so many.  Ridiculous as in, it should be ridiculed?  One time my Sunday school teacher called me a murderer for pulling a leaf off a bush.
9. What Thing that you do/have done are you the most proud of?
I have two, which is sort of cheating.  First, I’m super proud of my writing, because it’s a constant labor of self-improvement and I am the only one who can take responsibility for it.
But I’ve had the chance to encourage some really amazing tiny warrior-girls performing as Gudrun the She-Bear.  I love doing that.  I want a generation of girls who are armed to the teeth by confidence and the childhood memory of a woman bellowing and then tackling a man twice her size to the ground and punching him in the mouth because he acted like a chauvinistic piece of pigfart.
10. What’s your favorite holiday?
Aviator Day.
Because the Sirens Conference is not a widely recognized holiday.
11. If you knew your expiration date was 3/1/2017, what would you do with the rest of your February?
First, I would distribute The Pale Queen.  The pre-publication life of an original fiction author is lonely as fuck.  I’m so excited about these characters, and I have no one to talk to about it.  I’m alone in this fandom.  I’m not deluded enough to think that enthusiasm would spring up in two and a half weeks, but maybe it would outlive me.
Then I would travel.  I’m not sure where.  Southeast Asia?  Russia?  Stick in-continent and do a ghost roadtrip across the American south?  Steal a horse and head for Panama?  I dunno.  But I would take my dog and my cat and the people I love most and go.
My 11 Questions for whosoever wants to answer them:
1. What animal creeps you out the most? 2. What terrible scene ruined a movie you might otherwise have loved? 3. Favorite single episode of a TV show? 4. What is the best thing you’ve ever made with your hands? 5. What’s your favorite way to get rid of something? 6. If you could spend ten minutes unattended with any object, what would it be? 7. What was the last thing you doodled? 8. What book is better if you only read the last 50 pages? 9. Tell me some of the words in your vernacular. 10. What do you lose the most frequently? 11.   What would you do if you woke up in a strange cottage, alone, with a clear set of instructions written for you in a language you couldn’t read?
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tacticalpain · 6 years
Tactical Pain Episode 014 End Endometriosis
This week Jeni Mc interviews Tessa, who was diagnosed with Endometriosis.  Tessa discusses the great pain and difficulties this condition can bring. Over 200,000 cases are diagnosed in the United States each year.  It is a chronic condition that effects can last for years and among other terrible side effects, it can result in infertility. Endometriosis is also highly hereditary and Tessa discusses the health implications for her daughter and the methods they use to keep her healthy. This episode is sponsored by DiPSy Doodle Productions Voice Talent Dave Holly https://www.dazzleshows.com/dipsy   [su_spoiler title="Machine Transcript"] [0:56] What's the matter with nerd herd tactical pay hide cat in your house jenny mac. We are here today to talk about real mean and real strategies for a better life. Today i am going to be hanging with my dad has the about living life with and me three of the. I have to thank you for joining me today for honeymoon were talking about, no because other than the air regulator time there earning in march which and me through the where next month and you how are history of being aware of and for every month, i did not get one month for. What what about your little background on what no is if you would please. Go in israel is. To not be done around the to make it easier to understand doing so i. Take your address on her the scar tissue and adhesions in her, i'm usually on the red on on the ovary is on a cul-de-sac. Can i attach itself to your bottom of your abdominal wall on your bladder number of course goes on and on because it and my great. [2:33] I'm fred. Is affected by the hormones in your body who you really are. I'm not seeing the average woman by tuesday morning hand liters of your period. On me after i was done to like two three days in my home like every other all the other days not. Now they basically it. We are under dash unit at the right level did you can cause your skin to bleed on the card presented to play not. Dr martin are you okay and wherever it detached i'm not your cramping from your your body lying. Let's have a break down a bit to make it easier to understand. [3:37] And is there something that from your very first period you are experiencing or the something that. Increase over time. Well no usually with your first period is not gonna be an issue because you buy and how do i need to check other places. Okay thank. Are you here for college either okay hold does a guy was trying i'm so i didn't really notice anything and how i was about. I have had for at least control of your mind ibuprofen and. You ready for my mama what are the women who are you die. No need to pay something for and she used more colorful language than that i'm. Hello i was just thinking for a dealer for around it was never something that you look deeper until entire nineteen. And that's something we we talked about the idea that women are free programmed to believe this is archer and period and it will be and the bad. That's the one of the bed that is really awful and where were programmed to believe it should be bad. [5:14] Right exactly because. The for our parents you know the answer in fact i'm fourteen and i'm with daniel sixteen whatever the hair the knowledge that yeah that series about the stock is there he informed us that. So your saying. [5:35] And and we always been told to hide it i know were not talking about that you don't talk about that right and. We don't talk about and how to let you know that how that. I have model for an old i have had in the nineteen you need to get that checked out because around me like you have no and. You and i talked about you not wanting to get serious times look like you have the right. There are not educating them how else are we supposed to change it rain even if we. The leader bay i'm on my period and we don't talk about water period is or what it's like even for women with other chronic pain conditions i know that with my fibro. The dealer of god and in depending on the days i'm in with my fibro some period are are much worse and and now i'm lucky enough to know the difference between a mild an average. Normal period birthday to when things are really bad and if we don't talk about it. How does anybody know what the standard for my own use of year is exactly yeah road to the whole period what is available and then back to normal. [7:05] You should be able to function. And what could be able to have a life who should be out of work or school speaker children whatever it case maybe. What color crown seventy one throw up and die. [7:23] And i think there's a lot of times and you gone through that where you even when you probably should have been bed ridden you don't have to put your responsibility you going to work or money did all those thing. [7:39] Yeah you do this part of your life like you said you only had two good days a month you can be a mom just for today i am on. Oh nice lol not that i did a woman learn to live with and how real level of pain that is not normal. Lol alright volume money and exactly there. If you're not hot you're a pain in your friend in your doctor you have roof top. Play comparable hockey your spouse for you know sir friends are fine. Do you have to be local you have to talk about it need to try a doctor degree from nobody else just character. They don't listen to you complain entirely do you find a new doctor. Find me a doctor what about let's talk about how you can hear that i know that you notice in your late teens early twenties the years your period where. Working for margaret then they probably should be holy and not all like this directly. The first thing that means anything goes. Get past theory out that wasn't my mom had a hysterectomy at twenty seven she kinda forgot that part was required to the nearest my first app and nineteen. [9:14] I'm horny dollars because i'm a. I have to have a period of time where i had to lay down if i didn't lay down the minute i saw that i had to change my clothes. And i can work in time to the job and during the period i was really glad to much lol that and the whole job like that way. [9:42] I have forgot you forgot about her period she anything because she didn't see that there are really bad storm so far but the chain you down too often. Hello i placed in a group member control am. Can you deliver with the birth control usually the first line of the first line of medical defense most doctors will that have irregular difficult period regardless of the condition. Yeah hello. Yeah there and give me shouldn't matter calling in birth control doesn't stop our ability to get pregnant if it's a hormone replacement therapy where were dot org asking arm on. Exactly and you know it didn't at first yes help i don't recall having issue is set. Tell me the time of nineteen very twentieth. I'm here if you need my grandma lot about being a lot of pain and. Shoe me that i have not so she of course you know hey calcium magnesium and zinc in thailand was your prescription. And it didn't help him and then get virgil i'm not backing ibuprofen and tylenol that my tried to adjust the person. [11:12] I am in my twenty years i have been and when i wake two am bunny because it hurt so that. Replace that i was emergency room. And this pregnancy has it was live with me i heard on their contact the. I need after your mom in the morning it is morning on it every time my now ex husband was military so i had a few days after first. Alright we now go to your closet in the year date of my neck you can you give me ideas and birth control. I'm. And before and after that can we were home for ninety days and in my general doctor let them in for a great year. And you can not giving dr in the parking lot. And the wonderful colonel back is he wanted to remove my left ovary because it looks. In that time are you had for diagnostic measures was a physical path did they do an ultrasound profit from. [12:43] And i can't be diagnosed from just no sound no no i'm. Something to think hannah and i don't know how that's possible because i see pictures i have my pictures i think it is on line you know i do my research i follow up on that it was a black shirt. Late there is no way you can see the on off around. And always i pictures because the camera and have been and will be removing some scar tissue. [13:22] And the water looks like black shirt is leaking pee office on. [13:30] So dr wanted you take one of your ovaries and your in your mid twenties and have a child yet no. [13:38] I'm in a client that. What could be allowed to when civilians go to the medical doctor and they say i have to have it back nothing in before doing anything like that. Room in back is unity do not present i was a civilian they had to help pay to this terrible terrible man. No my daughters middle name is his last name and not have to pay and. I mean just wanted to set up for one year old girl with the bacterium so he's on it i grandpa. Of course she had in mind that it's a push heating were here shut up and take something and that. Is it a lot but it just made me cry just through there is nothing wrong and that's when i found. [14:41] And after that. Regardless of the physical pain that you had to go through what. What was it like in motion to get an idea like that with where you relieved because finally happening answer where you. Here are all. I don't know what to do after everything freaking me now you now i'm a after paying the diagnosis no idea what they were talking about when it was and. And where were annual little on how to share palate. On the right you know i yesterday research history but you you don't look for answers and. [15:35] And can there answer was one thirty two trillion chemical menopause. On in the home front and me and is it a long way in the last year on fifteen years by. Back then it was shot but i got one from on high thank god for health care for the military because one shot was five hundred dollar. [16:05] And now something in the that occurred to me is that. Even the diagnostic experience if you had not been ensure heard was you gone to the doctor at all or if your insurance is not covered the. Things would you have gone at all because again women are supposed to have a period. Right exactly no absolutely not i mean is insurance for the kind of insurance or the ability to pay that much for coming on so they can tell me what's wrong and i can't fix it. Rain at our lady mean in the year period. Yeah it's me again and the little girl i'm so if you don't have insurance or the right insurance or the insurance absolutely i'm. Personally i do know that right here in washington state medical will cover after the and it says your. Surgery is out. I have a friend to how to had insurance and he was capable of being on the diagnostic so you know there are ways around it but i highly doubt it up for five hundred. Right i'm so i didn't run which was in a coma. [17:37] Which was how i thought my god i hope it doesn't happen again. [17:46] What time is good for the baby is come along way i do research for luke bryan i found out that it could be used as a chemical castration. Your man and dramatic that it is it is how long will. Absolutely it's not pretty hard is not for me that is it is heavy duty. And anybody how you did anybody give you any insight into how that could be before you get. Now not reading any information that you are happy and then say that you know i forget where the numbers were back then dies it work and i was like seventy percent of running. React well to run the fact that they don't have pain after a on and i was enrolled to the fact that and put them in canada enterprise, i made my body hurt after it has been shot, yeah yes i hate when the wind last for the rest of your life because i know you said is expected and i'm on treatment. What's happening monday ten. Hi i'm money penny was sitting three and there was a person is me pain free for the next five to seven years. [19:21] Any where that at all the case hold on now i'm not is freaking leisure nine months. I say green and it back shot which are the nicest flat on. And the two worst one now here in the winter when being in ninety eight with a fan on me. I didn't ask you for anything and it is so bad. No add me any insight on any of that and again your still in your twenty your. Not yet a mom. No the name between prime and and later on you you did get pregnant what were they. Lower the running the tried and and what is the matter talking about your risk of infertility and. And i really want you have to take the test for you unable to conceive. Right i'm not really happy that any of that eventually they did say hey there are you in three days i can't incorrectly but it was hysterectomy. [20:57] Not at the radiator twenty seven. Right on dr pushed in place in history hysterectomy and you have to understand around and like now i refuse to not willing to. And so i you know justin account now so we're talking universal control. Because your friend. And then you know just how it is ibuprofen and tylenol whatever the case maybe i can hear the pain and then just suck it up buttercup. [21:42] How old are you when you did finally become president. Three i lower the longer a woman. [21:55] I don't wanna wait to the twenty seventh baby whenever they want but but there are different as you get older determine your own house arrest the so you had. What the what would happen to the and when you finally do become pregnant. What happened to carry her nolen and i was lucky i'm coming having the entire page is entertaining lol a. And the lucky i have the entire time i was pregnant and how about tells you about nine months old so i had but he month being pain free and it was marvelous. [22:40] Can you have dan dealing with. What year you work twenty days of paying per month for fifteen years at that point right. Hello after that and started to return and read her. Looking back with a vengeance if you like test at me because i got pregnant i only plane. It didn't gradual thing it came back on for one apple on like. Yeah like that yeah it worse before it was hard function. [23:29] And that's how you came to making the decision you made in the last couple years because it was just the pain anymore it with your quality of life, right now i have this the little girl that i have to i mean on the that have helped but the little girl that is the amount of roasted garlic r and you feel trapped and you clean and. Not be why are canadians had enough time right. [24:00] And you did to go for the full hysterectomy yet ready for gym forty. That is what can and at that time they decided that. [24:16] I need a container one more time but it didn't hold because of course means i'm at that point i was thirty seven. Turn it on it hold on we decided that probably having another one wasn't really feasible low on a high breast cancer so for. United we go ahead and how do you correct me to come to improve my quality of life and. [24:52] Garrett very misconception of public bed and hysterectomy is the cure for endo that not go. [25:03] We are not all the hair did you can be totally separate from the years and bread and other parts of body. What are the speeding ticket away evening still be there. Absolutely girl who we chose to remove everything ovaries uterus and cervix. I am a manager not to do so hormone replacement therapy because now in the in the into surgical menopause. Are there any that was not to do the hormone replacement because we want to be be in jail. Because that's exactly what you're doing on your hormones back in and tightly removing everything from the farmers burn that. I'm so it didn't. I mean for me i live in relatively it but if it's not attached to the nearest but cannot attach to. The back side of your bladder am to hear. Can you please turn on backend know that he is working with the police on an employer out at the hormones back in. [26:24] Thirteen that we had a hidden monster. I wanna be taking a vacation that the source away. And there can still be some hidden somewhere navy inadvertently for the growth of it again. Yeah and it still grow in your uniform on and you don't even have to do hormone replacement if you are month i'm out our beef are chicken at four hundred one than. Why why one and when and how it is because our society comes from on an two or three. [27:10] And you tried to go up. Is the surgery the side. Knowing that be you potentially still could have and o-o living in your body you were diagnosed with secondary pain condition. Yeah i'm looking to buy them out and. [27:41] Probably with dealing with that and didn't realize it in addition to the end of the end or very overwhelming. I'm doing so how did you handle. [27:58] How do you handle being told oh by the way here's hoping to be in pain for the rest of your life. [28:06] You know after the paper so i can just take the gran fondo okay well mercury six figure the chocolate one i. [28:17] The quality of life why is it better saying it is definitely. How can you be that i get to learn and have to legacy hacker change because we both know that's not gonna happen to deal with that is just a newbie that i have to learn to fight. [28:44] What is the one piece of advice that you would give to. The one in the back he has and i'll go talk to dr. And the doctor always says you can't manfully do and if they don need to find a doctor. There are good ones out there are resources to help you find one doctors if you have the means or the insurance on i was like enough to stumble upon one. Buy the there are good doctors out there they are compassionate and caring and. Their dad have forums where they actually you know post stuff think he lived there pain about about window and how they're treating that and they do take me. Personal. Take personal care unit they don't just say okay we're here we're going to destin you never talk to me again do you research it means travel to the doctors because it is lower. And your motivation beside your on how is your daughter's house. Yeah there's a there's a very high chance thank you rewind up with in the process. [30:10] What is your plan as a mom when she reaches that age where is time to start talking about the joys of womanhood. How do you do will definitely. Hello is only definitely because i know from my own personal story as well as i have all these friends that painful periods are normal. So since his on after we were looking at acupuncture and you know the right supplement to make sure that you know we are meeting her body hopefully with. This relation really picky eater so i don't think the diet lower my me. We will definitely be looking at you know okay told replica free range chicken rather than monitor pumps her mom let nature that we are looking at a rate that way how. I'm interested in those hormones that make me hurt worse and give her a hand. Yeah you're a chance to have another eighteen three because was no there's a lot of them were not right. Oddly enough her godmother leaving it at that time i had a windows well i am. Hello he has a resources and i forgot mother is forcing. [31:45] Like a healthier food for him so he can you will be a huge help as your helping your mind who is you like that may help reduce some of that information. [31:59] What do you think it is your great support system throughout. [32:07] All of this. You know in the morning there they're probably very little support and you didn't even know what hundred needed belt but now what do you think is your greater support system and how did you come to find it. God bless facebook i'm no my story dan doesn't feel out of in my he is huge for a four wire. He has done history homework she knows enough about not to be intelligent when you speak doing it hamper experience after dealer that he will that i have i done it as well. This is him, friends and facebook there are so many support groups out there the women are caring and compassionate and full of, it is only taking mine off then how to help us at the. [33:11] Yeah i'm good personal friends family are visiting fam was not. A house for six then i'm very well how that problem think we will find that really. We talked about this when our program you'll be at the pilot about her period not talk about that. That the growth that you know. Yeah absolutely i think your brother wanna hang out have fun talk with you absolutely not yo people. He just laughs you know what is in the process like you they think ten google at the door looking for pictures and i cannot help but yeah. I have a sister are here and there's people, i learned that one over time because i tell people and then it would look it up and the other half it because it is disgusting, i'm. No not like blood glory just testing it just when you looking at the entire human being right will never leave and we have there can you call at seven hundred four and. Ab absolutely absolutely send going forward. [34:42] Now you find it does the same support system that you reach out you are there for you with the fibro or is there a little bit of a fifty gal we're where your support system. There's only so much we can do right mom happy always to adapt that part of your life. Yeah again um offices and a homework me when i complain about something you understand what i'm saying i'm. I want the interviewing new director of dollar foreign in is you resource. I never was like it on line and lost my friend. [35:31] Are intelligent enough to look it up before they tell me old you now. Try to log in to their i hate hate on the oh yeah i think that you might. Yeah i'm sure you wanted the data from any you later have and or you don't have to that i need to live my. Not ready for the way. And no way to know the rpm power and nothing changes i'm. Solution pressure we don't know my friends are really gonna lie you know okay passage you really doing that i was in a. [36:19] Well i appreciate you talking with me you have a video of us talking a little bit about the history and on facebook as well i am. Where does it. For all of our listeners ami jamaica your mission if you are woman and you lose that you're going through something like that or you suspect someone in your life is. Don't be afraid to talk about it and if you are a man don't be afraid to talk about it you know what you think your wife or your daughter or your sister your mom. If you think they are going through something like that don't don't be afraid they will what can i do to bring a six pack of cupcakes. And for early one because now living yeah acknowledging that you me even if i don't know what to do you know if there is a huge. I think any painting this and having someone even if they admit that they don't know what to do they don't want to say that the reason there kinda stunned silence is because he was happening to. Absolutely not huge help to know that i'm not in the ball bad that you can hear that i'm in pain and struggling is a huge help. [37:46] Absolutely what i think you and i think i earn this year and. We live it up in the five that how that is their website to report on p three on and remember that over three and as always compassionate i was, go home and do your research go and enroll and and. [/su_spoiler]
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