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tnsfrbc · 3 months ago
Eastern Railway Recruitment 2024 | 334 Executive Posts #jobs | Central Government jobs VISIT:https://obcrights.org/ Official Website:http://www.rrcer.org
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tstapp · 2 years ago
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Don't wait until the last minute to prepare for your upcoming exam! Take our online mock test on Tst App and get a head start on acing your test.Website link : https://tstapp.in/
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inkariasacademyworld · 5 years ago
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adamboden · 6 years ago
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#everybodywantstobeacat #musicaltheatre class thought before our #trinity #groupexam https://www.instagram.com/p/BxKxoVDlrJn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v9v4dmyj4zbk
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teenshipp · 5 years ago
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Haciendo exámenes onnline
A alguien mas le pasa????
Quarentine=montañas y montañas de exámenes y deberes???
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fast-loans-cash · 5 years ago
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“If you think of a success in #bankexams, #Groupexams & #RRBexams,finding a righ…
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classyladybarbarian-blog · 6 years ago
#IBPSPO #onlinetyari  #sbipo #sbiexam #BankingAwareness #IBPSClerk #IBPSRRB
Bsc banking service chronicle
Banking service chronicle is the only one kind of magazine that caters the needs of the aspirants who are seeking their profession in banks SSC CSAT MBA NDA and CDS exams Banking service chronicle is a magazine that is been published by Delhi based publishing groupexams Banking service chronicle is  very low cost as all the aspirants can buy this magazinebsc academy magazine has practice sets for the aspirants.
who are preparing for SSC CGL  bsc magazine buy online can now be subscribed online through usbsc magazine buy online is sent through various modes of delivery such as postal courier and other assured services which are given to reach the aspirant or the subscriber.  If the bsc magazine buy online is not delivered then a call will come from the call center of the subscription company to ensure
whether the aspirant subscriber has changed the address and it is seen that the delivery is made to the right person in the right placebsc academy magazine also has practice sets for aspirants who are preparing for IBPS PO the aspirant who are subscribing for Banking service chronicle can be rest assured that it will be reached to him at the right place in the right time
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tnsfrbc · 4 months ago
Yantra India Limited | Apprentices Training | 3883 Apprentices Posts #jobs | Central Government jobs VISIT:https://obcrights.org/ Official Website:http://recruit-gov.com/
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inkariasacademyworld · 5 years ago
Sebi To Integrate Departments For Efficiency
Rationale behind this decision
SEBI lacks coordination between the two departments. The merged department could take over all investigations, which will reduce overlapping and increase SEBI’s efficiency.
Currently, it takes around three months to check if the matter deserves further probe. Merger will reduce this time frame to 2 weeks.
It will improve coordination and monitoring in a more efficient manner.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
SEBI was established on April 12, 1992 in accordance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.
Role of SEBI
To increase the efficiency of the financial system and securities market so that larger saving could be channelled for productive use in the public sector.
The Preamble of SEBI Act lays down that protection of the interest of investor is its basic and foremost aim which is to be achieved through its functions of regulation.
SEBI as the Capital Market Regulator has twin objectives of regulating as well as developing the market.
It creates discipline in the market and ensure high degree of fairness and market integrity.
It identifies and prohibits certain types of conduct in the markets and provides the Commission with disciplinary powers over regulated entities and persons associated with them.
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adamboden · 6 years ago
Our young #musicaltheatre class working on #aristocats tonight rehearsing for a #groupexam #trinity #performingarts #afterschool #dramaschool www.bodens.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/p/BuWviZkFtd0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ob0nnjsmjjno
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tnsfrbc · 4 months ago
ITAT Recruitment 2024 | Central Government jobs VISIT:https://obcrights.org/ Official Website:https://itat.gov.in
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tnsfrbc · 4 months ago
IOCL Chennai Recruitment 2024 | Central Government jobs VISIT:https://obcrights.org/ Official Website:https://iocl.com/
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tnsfrbc · 4 months ago
UPSC CBI Recruitment 2024 | Central Government jobs VISIT:https://obcrights.org/ Official Website:https://upsc.gov.in
#obcrights #Tamilnadu #TNPSC Groupexam #RRB #Railways #Exam #IOCL #Indian #CoastGuard #Karaikudi #NLC #Pudukkottai #Trichy #IIt #ranipet #madras #NTPC #jobseekers #jobvacancy #jobopportunity #bankjobs
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tnsfrbc · 4 months ago
TNPSC Recruitment 2024 | Tamilnadu Government jobs
VISIT:https://obcrights.org/ Official Website:https://www.tnpsc.gov.in/
#obcrights #Tamilnadu #TNPSC Groupexam #RRB #Railways #Exam #PESL #Indian #CoastGuard #Karaikudi #NLC #Pudukkottai #Trichy #IIt #ranipet #madras #NTPC #jobseekers #jobvacancy #loker #jobopportunity #bankjobs
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inkariasacademyworld · 5 years ago
Hornbill Festival
About the festival  
The Horn bill Festival is one of the largest celebrations of the indigenous warrior tribes of Nagaland. The aim of the festival is to revive and protect the rich culture of Nagaland and display its extravaganza and traditions.
The festival is named after Hornbill, one of the most venerated bird species in the state whose importance is reflected in a number of tribal cultural expressions, songs and dances.
It starts on 1st December which happens to be Nagaland Formation Day and lasts 10 days.
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inkariasacademyworld · 5 years ago
Sri Satguru Ram Singhji
About Sri Satguru Ram Singhji
He was born in 1816 in Ludhiana and was a great spiritual guru, a thinker, a seer, philosopher, social reformer, and a freedom fighter.
He fought against the caste system among Sikhs and encouraged inter-caste marriages.
He preached against killing the girl child in infancy, stood firmly against the Sati Pratha and advocated widow remarriage.
The movement was founded in 1840 by Bhagat Jawaharmal in Western Punjab.
Its basic tenets were abolition of caste and similar discriminations among Sikhs, discouraging the eating of meat and taking of alcohol and drugs, and encouraging women to step out of seclusion.
After the British took the Punjab, the movement transformed from a religious purification campaign to a political one.
During the Mutiny of 1857, Satguru Ram Singhji formally inaugurated the Namdhari movement, with a set of rituals modelled after Guru Gobind Singh’s founding of the Khalsa.
He strongly opposed to the British rule and started an intense non-cooperation movement against them. Led by him, the people boycotted English education, mill made cloths and other imported goods. The Kuka followers actively propagated the civil disobedience.
All followers of satguru are distinguished by the white dress, straight and pressed turban and a woolen rosary. They were required to wear the five symbols of Sikhism, with only exception of the Kirpan (sword). However, they were required to keep a Lathi (a bamboo stave) with them.
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