#GORT! Klaatu Barada Nikto
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on box art for GORT Metal Collectible Figure (made by Rocket USA Inc., c. 2000). Straight out of the classic sci-fi film "The Day The Earth Stood Still" (1951), the alien robot Gort is ready to cause mayhem! Figure measures approximately 5" tall. 
"...On a distant planet, in another galaxy, it was conceived. Designed by the people of that planet as a keeper of the law. A galactic policeman.
As our exploration of space and technology advanced, we became a threat to the law. It was sent from that far planet to our Earth as a warning. We were told the law is to co-exist in peace on our own planet and with others in our universe. Obey our law or suffer the consequences.
With enough power to destroy a planet, it is ready to enforce the law! It is called... GORT."
-- ROCKET USA INC. (American tin toys & die cast figures manufacturer)
Sources: www.flickr.com/photos/djmtm/8046744240 & www.lulu-berlu.com/the-day-the-earth-stood-still-wind-up-tine-toy-robot-gort-rocket-usa-a19144-en.html.
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pointandshooter · 2 years
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Seven Years.
My tumblr blog is seven years old this month. Seven years is a long time in a person’s life and an eternity on social media. The photography community has changed quite a bit here since 2016 . Many photographers have left Tumblr for other platforms with more potential views, worries about work being stolen, censorship, or just the fear of missing out. Others have just moved on from photography or social media in general. I can understand that. It might actually be healthy to reevaluate and change what one is doing in life every seven years. I used to be passionate about music, hoping to make a living playing guitar in my band. And then, for about 14 years I was an avid cyclist, riding over 150 miles every week. Nowadays, I don’t ride my bike anymore, although it would be very beneficial to both my physical and mental health; and I haven’t touched my guitar in several years. I sometimes miss playing and still have dreams at night where I am back on stage with my band. During all of those years I never thought about taking up photography. When I visited art galleries, I never bothered looking at photo exhibits. One day, in the Autumn of 2015, something clicked in my brain, and here I am today - just as passionate about photography as I once was about the guitar and cycling. Maybe in the coming years my interest and passion will change again, but for now I am happy to keep taking photos and post them on Tumblr.
Every year, on this blog’s anniversary, I like to give thanks. 
First, I give thanks to Tumblr for still being here. It is still free, but I pay the subscription fee to give back something, and to avoid the manscaping ads. Tumblr has made some positive changes in the past year and I have seen a few photographers return to the platform. I hope the platform can afford to keep going for a few more years.
I would then like to thank all of my followers, real and bot. For the real followers, I appreciate every like, reblog, tag, and comment. I find it encouraging and it helps lift my spirits. Some of you have been following me for years. I appreciate your endurance. As for the bots - who knows? With the advancements in AI maybe the bots will some day become sentient beings, creating their own AI generated text, images, and memes. 
I want to thank all of the wonderful photographers who share their work here. You are an inspiration. Something I love about Tumblr is the variety of photos I find here and the willingness of photographers to experiment. There doesn’t seem to be the drive to be popular here, and the photos are not as homogenous as might be found on other platforms. 
Praise be and blessed are all of the hard-working curators who tirelessly reblog our photos. You help put our photos on so many dashboards that would not normallly find us. I am also grateful for those curators who find classic and contemporary fine art photos from other sources and post them on their blogs. As I have said in the past, I feel these blogs are providing me with a free education in photography appreciation. My home library expands every month with photo books of photographers that I first discovered on Tumblr.
Lastly, I want to thank my team members on ISU: Nur and Lina, who are also my team members on Lensblr, along with Tom. You have become good friends over the years. Although we have never met, and may not ever, it is good know you. I hope we can continue as team members for a while yet.
I hope everyone has a good creative year, and find stimulating challenges along the way.
Love you all,
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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GORT and VAMPIRELLA (Barbara Leigh). 1975
Photo uncredited.
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silveragelovechild · 5 months
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The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
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astercontrol · 1 year
Thinking about Alan's cubicle and how he has "Gort Klaatu barada nikto" prominently displayed there
as a NERD, Alan knows that it is a movie reference (from The Day the Earth Stood Still) and as a programmer he knows that this reference (a command to an AI to do no harm) is highly relevant to his work
We don't see much of the "sci-fi fan" side of Alan's nerdiness in Tron 82, mostly just the serious programmer side, but there are hints of it, like this, and I wanna explore them
like: right now I'm imagining that movie quote played a role in naming the Tron program. Imagining a thought process like:
could call it Gort…
no, too on-the-nose, maybe spell it backwards?
Ew no. "Trog" sounds more caveman than computer
maybe change a letter?
ok YEAH make that last letter an N and it sounds totally… elecTRONic. Let's go with that!
(aaaand now I imagine steps 1, 4, and 5 being involved in naming Gorn from Uprising.)
(dunno if she was named by a User, canonically… but if so that User was nerdy enough to know about Gort but somehow unaware of the rubber lizardmask alien Gorn from Star Trek TOS… or MAYBE aware of it and more fond of it than usual)
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awidevastdominion · 2 years
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wilsonneate · 1 year
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“Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!” Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul September 2023.
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bells12 · 5 months
I googled famous robots and
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I would pay to see Gir to replace Gort.
Person: "Klaatu barada nikto"
Gir: Tacos!
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madame-mortician · 7 months
Klaatu barada nikto in the Evil Dead franchise
Okay, so for context, Ash has to recite a mysterious phrase in Army of Darkness to acquire the Necronomicon safely. It's not Latin and it's not gibberish like the majority of the mysterious passages from Evil Dead. It references the film "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Now the film itself doesn't have many connections to the Evil Dead at all, it's a 1950s sci-fi flick about an alien who comes to Earth to peacefully warn humanity to not bring their violence and corruption to the regions of space, or they will wipe them out instantly. Not very relevant to Evil Dead as it's not a sci-fi film about aliens. The phrase itself is something the alien character (named Klaatu) tells the main humans, explaining that if anything happens to him they must tell the phrase to his robot partner. They do end up saying the words as the Government kills Klaatu and the robot (Gort) revives him, however again, the words are essentially gibberish in their own film.
The main assumption with the phrase is that it's a simple fail-safe the aliens have for diplomatic missions such as this, and the words translation does not matter because its only purpose is to revive or heal the alien. In a 1978 article titled "The Language of Klaatu" it's speculated that the words roughly translate to "I die, repair me, don't retaliate." Out of all interpretations, this one I think suits the best. It's short and it works for the characters, as it is Klaatu telling Gort to have mercy, which considering the ending of the story is Klaatu reveals that humanity should not bother messing with aliens less they want the world to end. Klaatu is a peaceful character, so is his species it can be assumed, so the line being this would make the most sense, considering again that the robots like Gort, are the ones who would be destroying Earth if humans tried to be violent with them.
Now back to Evil Dead. The thing with the line Klaatu barada nikto, is that it's usually only referenced in sci-fi things, with aliens and robots. It's referenced in Star Wars, Sonic and The Twilight Zone. Now it could be argued that Army of Darkness is a sci-fi film if you really want to stretch it. Yes, there's time travel and mind control and other genre staples, but I wouldn't really call it sci-fi. Moving on.
In the context of Evil Dead, it was said by Ash (wrong), to safely grab the Necronomicon. Without saying the words, or saying them incorrectly, his taking the book would cause the demons and deadites to be released again, which dooms the kingdom. Of course, Ash being Ash, he says the phrase wrong and this exact thing happens. Of course, if he'd said it right, he would've easily been able to take the book, as even when he said it wrong the book itself didn't do anything to him, but what does the phrase mean in this context?
Well looking back at The Day the Earth Stood Still and its many interpretations, what do they all have in common? Well, peace basically. Almost all of the original translations and interpretations could be applied to Ash's situation seamlessly, but how? Well, the original idea, that it's a failsafe phrase works since it would act as a failsafe here too. Ash can't just grab the Book of the Dead, he needs to say the failsafe so that it... well... fails safe. The translation of "I die, repair me, don't retaliate" doesn't work that well admittedly, since Ash isn't dead, and isn't robotic and thus doesn't need fixing. At a stretch, it could be interpreted as simply "repair me, don't retaliate" since at this point, Ash is stuck in the wrong period and the "repair" he needs is to go back to the future. The "don't retaliate" would be him telling the book not to attack him or fight back when he grabs it, which does work but again, you need to do a lot of cherrypicking to interpret it this way. Another interpretation of the quote is that it simply means "Save Earth" which again, doesn't work quite as well here but can still be applied, since the Necronomicon, in the right hands (the Wise Man's) would help save Earth from deadites. It would also be saving Ash, who is the Chosen One, which also saves Earth in a way.
Basically, every interpretation of the quote is something about saving Earth or a failsafe, which obviously doesn't apply very well to Evil Dead as it was made specifically for this sci-fi film and not an 80s slasher series, so it only makes sense a lot of stretching and cherrypicking would be needed to make an actual interpretation work, but still.
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Hey Frank, what’s your favorite AI in fiction? (Like AM from I have No Mouth and I Must Scream, or The Terminator)
My favorite is Gort, from The Day the Earth Stood Still. My brother showed me that when we were little and the UFO and "Klaatu barada nikto" has never left my brain since.
(I am not totally sure that Gort counts as an "AI," as he doesn't seem to have any goals or values of his own, really. But I am pretty sure that the Terminator is not a "AI," and I feel like there's something distinctive about Gort and AM that makes me favor them over other robots who are closer to actual AI.)
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a promotional photograph of Gort and Klaatu from the American science fiction film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951), and the same image repurposed for flyer art to a KYUSS and FU MANCHU show, performing live at the Sea Hag in Palm Springs, CA, New Year’s Eve, 12-31-1992. Flyer art designed by Scott Hill (I think).
The original story ends slightly differently. After helping the robot to revive Klaatu, a newsman asks it to be sure to tell its masters that Klaatu's death was an unfortunate accident. The robot responds, "You are mistaken. I am the master."
Klaatu assures Professor Barnhardt that "such power exists" to eliminate the Earth if necessary. What is not mentioned in the script is that mass invasions like "War of the Worlds" or "Invaders from Mars" would not be needed; that Gort by himself could do the job. In fact, in the original story the robots were the rulers.
Klaatu tells Professor Barnhardt that once the Earth brings nuclear weapons into space it becomes a threat to the other planets, as if it was a basic fact that intelligent life lived throughout the solar system. At the time the film was made the first astronaut to enter space was still almost 10 years away, and the idea of intelligent life on the other planets, or even the moon, was still an acceptable concept.
"The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951) was also known as "Farewell to the Master" and "Journey to the World."
Sources: https://m.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100011301047559&story_fbid=685461515173877 & www.monash.edu/muma/public-programs/previous/2018/winterfest-2018-sci-fi-movie-night
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leesargent · 2 years
Robot 3 of 100 - Gort from The Day The Earth Stood Still
A genuine classic science fiction robot.
Klaatu barada nikto
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#4biddenknowledge #anunnaki #christianity #islam #religion I noticed that THE MAN I WORKED FOR  his face scaled over and took on a Reptilian Overlord appearance,’ and he said. “Gort Klaatu barada nikto”! And the man that I noticed for ten seconds was gone Suddenly and in the place where a man once stood was fleeting image of that beast of old a serpent, that’s when I put my hand on my weapon and ran from the room. In New Hampshire, his team of hired Mind Controlled
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silveragelovechild · 5 months
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jedivoodoochile · 5 months
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The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Klaatu Barada Nikto.
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