archaictold · 2 years
[ FEED ] i get the vibe that zhilan is the type to get so caught up reading or smth he'd forget to eat... nicolette is here to bother him help!!
⧼ 🌱 ⧽ ┊        ❛ ACTIONS  MEME.
❝ Lanlaaan... ❞   The name carried like a tune sung from boredom, her body swaying in a fit of impatience. With a resolve of stone, Zhilan’s nose stayed buried in his studies, the fervent glide of his ink brush not giving so much as a single pause as it scrawled notes upon a scroll. Though it certainly appeared otherwise, his intention was not to ignore her. Rather he was so focused that her pleas went entirely unheard—at least until her finger stuck out and dealt him a surly jab to the cheek. Only then did he pause; he sighed, too. ❝ Give it up already! You’ve been workin’ on that damn paper for hours. What kind of host does that make you, huh? ❞ Well, I didn’t exactly anticipate entertaining any visitors... The thought was abandoned with the understanding it would merely fuel her temper. Which... was already pretty fueled, as it stood. ❝ Sorry, I know it’s rude of me... But really, I’m almost done! Just a moment more, and I’ll— ❞ ❝ Oh, really? And I guess the last time you said ‘just a moment more’ was just a figure of speech? ❞ Touché. At last, his writing hand stilled. ❝ Besides, you’re starving. ❞ ❝ I’m not— ❞ ❝ You are! That stomach of yours is the loudest thing in here. It’s practically been crying for help. ❞ Resigned to her argument, the ink brush was laid aside as their debate tapered off into silence. Then, she beckoned his attention once more—almost dotingly this time. ❝ C’mon. Here. Look at me and say ‘ahh’~ ❞ ❝ Wha— ❞ Apparently, that was sufficient enough for her because what Zhilan got was a snack pushed into the rounded shape of his mouth, effectively stifling any counterargument he could have made. Reminiscent of a small rodent with its cheeks stuffed full, the scholar crunched, munched, and chewed, his eyes doe-like and satisfied. Whatever this was... it was pretty good. So good in fact that his stomach sang its praise as a vicious, rumbling growl, cutting through the space between the both of them and raising a subtle blush to his visage. How embarrassing...
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❝ ... Alright. You’ve convinced me. This paper of mine can wait. ❞ ❝ Mm-hm! Thought so. ♥ ❞
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
Workin. But I really really really just wanna go home and take a nap 🌱
Look at you go! Supporting yourself and doing what needs to be done like a boss. You deserve a good old nap! How are you feeling these days?
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