Mirror shenanigans
Dire Crowley x Oc
omg i been working on this one for the past 3 days
when sam shows miu a new mirror he acquired she finds all kinds of ways to mess with crowley.
miu stood next to sam as he showed her his newest addition to the mysteryshop. it was a mirror, a plain mirror, save for the pretty vintage feather decoration along its border. it was silver in color and weighed a good 2 or 3 pounds and at least the size of a serving tray. on the very top of the mirror was the head of a bird, it looked sweet, like a dove.
"its beautiful sam, but, whats so special about it?" the round woman questioned.
the eccentric man smiled wide and lifted the mirror from mius hands, holding it up beside him like he was going to sell it at an amazing price. which for miu- he generally did.
"this -my little imp- is no ordinary mirror! why my friends tell me it was quite the useful tool back in its hay-day!" sam spoke energetically.
miu blinked and looked back at the mirror. all she could really see was her own reflection, that and how much of a mess her hair became from the strong winds outside. she grumbled to herself as she ran her fingers through to fix it, only to have sam rip the reflection away from her.
"a demonstration is in order i see!" he excitedly said. sam motioned for miu to follow him as he walked over to a wall covered in colorful fabrics. sam stood in place in front of the wall, his appearance clashing with the bright vivid colors behind him. "this mirror once came in all sizes! from as small as a pocket mirror to as tall as a person! this mirror here can transport you or any times anywhere in the world!"
"a magical mirror that can transport? like the black mirror?" miu questioned with a raised brow.
sam tisk'ed her with a long gloved finger. "the black mirrors of today are far more advanced my little imp! consider this mirror a form of 'prototype'" he waved his hand across the surface. the once clear mirror suddenly became clouded, like it hadnt been clean in years and was sitting up in some old grandmothers attic.
"this mirror here can transport you- or item- to any destination of your choosing! however once passing through the mirror, you or your item, are now stuck in said destination!" sams smile grew as he watched the short round womans puzzling face. the shop owner then grabbed a coin from his pocket. it was small and gold with a design miu couldnt place.
with one flick if sams hand the coin flew from his long fingers towards the mirror. miu watched as the coin hit the surface of the clouded mirror, it moved in waves much like water once the surface was broke. then suddenly the colorful fabric behind sam moved, a gold coin shooting out of the textile surface and landing on the hard wood floor with a 'ping'. miu stood in awe, ocean blue eyes watching the coin from the beginning of its journey till its end on the floor. she bent down and picked up the gold coin- examining it.
"it shot through the fabric?"
"indeed it did!" sam exclaimed. "these mirrors were useful for transportations to ANYWHERE in the world! if you wished to join your mother for dinner but she was three hours away- simply have a spot in your head and the mirror took care of the rest!"
"so, you imagined teleporting through the fabric, and the coin just- popped out of it?"
"precisely! these were common forms of quick conveyance many years ago! however after the invention of the black mirror they became rare and scarce for their inferrer ability to go both ways."
sam then stuck his hand through the mirror, pulling a startled yelp from miu as his hand popped through the colorful fabric behind him. "it was also a good form of entertainment! so long as your entire body didnt pass through the mirror you could play the best of pranks on friends or family!"
sams hand then held itself out to miu through the fabric, its white gloved fingers beckoning. miu glanced at the coin still in her hand and quickly placed it in the center of the palm. the hand coiled around the small gold item and retreated back through the fabric. miu observed sams hand returned from within the mirror, the gold coin dancing between his fingers before inserting it back into his pocket like he preformed the worlds greatest magic trick. "quite useful- no?"
the woman gave him a small smile and nodded. "and it can all be yours my little imp! for the low price of 3,000 thumarks!"
"3!?" the round woman gaped. "you just said its rare and scarce! shouldnt it be like, waaay more than that?" she said bewildered. the mirror shined pristine like it was just unpackaged, fresh off the assembly line. an item such as this would clearly go for a high price, especially coming from sam.
"tis true i said that. but giving that its obsolete, its value has dropped significantly. i would normally charge people a much higher price. but your not normal people- ms crowley! you are one of my most loyal customers! so for you- 3,000 thumarks" sam finished with a wave of his hand over the mirror, its surface no longer clouded and now crystal clear as before. miu still stood there gawking. it is an exquisite mirror, but giving what all it could do, tho limited compaired to todays black mirrors, was still a rather low price. the woman looked over the mirror quickly. its beautiful, and she could use the mirror simply for viewing purposes rather than its actual use. miu was thinking to herself just this morning how she needed a new mirror, maybe this was the universe telling her to get one.
miu snapped out of her gawking and straighten up. "ok ok, you know what- ill take it."
sam gave a cheerful laugh and nodded excitedly. "very good my dear imp! allow me to wrap it up for you!" with quick movements sam had it wrapped in a blink of an eye. miu gently handed the thumarks over to sam and left with her new mirror in arms.
miu stood in crowley's office, looking over the shiny clear mirror. now that she looked at it more, it was indeed a doves head that adorned the top of the mirror. the woman couldnt help but laugh to herself. "it is a dove, just like what crowley calls me. oh he'll get a kick out of that" she playfully rolled her eyes. the other decorations around it were large and small feathers that gently framed the outside before meeting at the bottom in an elegant curls. miu hummed to herself, this was probably the first magical item shes ever owned. giving that she herself is magicless, it allowed a bubble of excitment within her.
miu wiggled her wingers excitedly as they hovered over the crystal surface of the mirror.
now how to use this again?
think of a destination in mind and touch the surface?
miu looked over at the couch that sat off to the far wall of the office. it was generally used for when parents or other important figures came up into the office. or when crowley wanted a quick nap. the woman simply imagened one of the coushions, the middle coushin. before her eyes the mirror again became cloudy, all imagies in it previously fading away.
miu hovered a hand over the mirrors surface, a nawing feeling of concern in the back of her mind stilling her movments. this was her first time using a magical item without crowley present. what if something bad happened? her thoughts told her. if something bad WAS to happen, surely sam would had warned her. he was always very truthful to her, she felt the feeling of concern slowly fade away. nah, this was safe, afterall she watched sam use it.
miu slowly inserted her hand through the dove addorned mirror. a coldness touched her hand, akin to sticking ones hand in a bucketof ice water. a small shiver ran up her spine but soon faded away and replaced with excitment. miu watched as her hand slowly appeared in the middle of the cushion on the couch. she wiggled her fingers and even waved at herself. a childish giggle broke from mius lips.
"ooooh thats so cool!!!" she happily shouted. she removed her hand quickly to grabbed a pen out of her purple cardigan. with a toss at the mirror, the pen was quickly swallowed up. miu watched with even more excitment as the pen shot up out of the couch cushion. the pen hovered for a short time before falling to the cushion with a small hollow thud. miu once again got giddy, her feet dancing in place.
she was using a magical item! and without crowley's guidence! this was more exciting than that time she stole his cane and hide it in plain sight. just the look on his face and him squawking for it was priceless.
miu then reached back through the mirror, her hand grabing the pen off the couch and disappearing back through the fabric. this was truly a fascinating item! or at least it was to miu. the magical items that the people of twisted wonderland used daily always found a way to excite miu. considering her world had no magic, this was very thrilling.
miu hung the silver mirror on the office wall, adjusting it till it hung straightly. slowly over time the mirrors surface became clear one again. miu blinked and chalked it up to her no longer having a visual in mind. the woman gazed into the mirror as she tried fixing her hair again, thoughts as to how else she could use the mirror flashing in her mind.
it was 12 o'clock and crowley made his usual afternoon rounds. checking in on the housewardens and teachers while also attending to businesses with the ghost around campus. so far all was well, it was almost lunchtime and he was definitely feeling famished. with all the hard work he has done thus far- he believes a good lunch was in order! the headmaster smiled and hummed to himself as he made a beeline for the cafeteria. he passed by many students, waving and saying hello to them- tho he was mostly ignored. this never bothered him, the students were well on their way to becoming adults and as such were just adopting the adult mentality.
as crowley waved at passing students he felt a tickle on top of his head. the headmaster stopped walking and paused, a gloved hand reaching up and removing his hat. his other hand gently grazes its gold claws over his scalp while he peered into his hat.
crowley saw nothing inside it, and surely didnt feel anything on top of his head. the crow man wondered if he didnt simply imagine it and merely shrugged, he ran his fingers through his hair before placing his hat back on top. crowley continued on his way to the cafeteria- the sweet aroma of food hitting his nostrils. he sniffed at it happily, oh he did wonder what was on todays menu. so long as it wasnt anything spicy he would gladly eat whatever they served.
like the students, crowley also waited his turn in line- loading his tray with that days food. it looked delicious! a pasta dish with sweet rolls and steamed vegetables. the scents of all those foods attacked his nose at once, making him even more hungry than he already was. the headmaster quickly found an empty table and sat down. with a lick at his lips he picked up his silver-wear and was ready to dig in.
"thank you for this delicious food!" he spoke out. before his fork even pierce his food a light tap was giving to his right shoulder. crowleys head raised up and quickly looked over his shoulder, fully expecting a student to be standing behind him. "yes, may i he-" but to the crow mans shock, no one was there. crowley blinked in confusion. left, right, left again. he saw no one standing next to him. crowley even went as far as to looked bellow the table. still no one. hell there wasnt even any students on his side of the cafeteria.
"...am i imagining things now? surely not. oh, i must be so hungry that my brain is playing tricks on me. its so tough to be a hard working principle such as myself, im practically working myself to death." he sighed out. he picked his fork back up and finally dug into his awaiting food. it tasted every bit as wonderful as he had hopped. the pasta was soft and sauce thick and flavorful. far better than the last time he ate their pasta. it was so spicy it made his eyeballs sweat. crowley looked down at his tray as he went back in for another bite- then stopped mid chew. there was a noticeable empty spot on his tray! right where he delicious sweet roll was last resting!
crowley slammed his fist down with a growl and looked around for the culprit. but was quickly reminded that he was alone at his table, in his area. crowley quickly became confused. he did grab a sweet roll did he not?
yes yes of course he did! he remembered vividly of him having a bit of chatter with one of the ghost chefs. they even gave him a fresh baked sweet roll that had just come out of the oven. crowley sat with a pout, something was up, he could feel it but was unable to place it. the sulking headmage quickly ate his food before carrying on his merry way.
for the rest of the evening crowley was on high alert.
not only did his sweet roll go missing, but so did his cane! one moment is was in his hand and the next- gone?? he searched for five minutes before it suddenly reappeared out from under his coat. he pride himself on having an excellent memory, so suddenly having his food and cane missing had him very much on edge. he was old yes, but no where near the age for his memory to be giving out on him.
clearly- there was a prankster on campus today.
they took his personal items, stealing them away just to have them reappear elsewhere. this was not crowleys first time dealing with such a prankster, oh no- but something was odd about these pranks. it felt as if they were pranks that have happened to him before. many times actually. once he acquired his cane again he stopped in deep thought. his mind went adrift to one particular person. this felt a lot of what his wife would do.
his magicless wife.
crowley had no potions laying around in his office- those were kept locked tight in his cabinets. he had no magical items in his home or office that would allow this type of pranking. the fact that he couldnt even feel her presence near told him she wasnt physically here with him. so invisibility potions were out of the question. not only that but she had a tendency to give herself away. there was no possible way for her to pull these pranks off and remain quiet while doing so.
he was sure, absolutely positive it was miu. but the HOW was clawing at the back of his head. the only way crowley was going to get answers was to meet her in person. the headmage let out a heavy sigh, he was far too busy to be playing these games with her. far far too busy. crowley turned on his heels with the full intent to go back to his office to confront his wife.
the crow man stopped as soon as he took his first step, almost colliding with one of his elderly staff members. he heard a rather displeased meowing and took a step back. it was professor trein and his cat, lucius. the cat growled again at the crow man, only to have trein hush him gently and pet his head.
"crowley, where do you think your heading off too?" asked the senior. trein always had this air of seriousness around him wherever he went. crowley did like this about the professor, its what made him an excellent teacher, toward his students- not so much toward him. the amount of times hes been fussed and ranted at was enough to make any teacher avoid him for the better part of the year. the headmages shoulders tensed up as he held his hand up in apology.
"please do excuse me trein! im afraid i have a matter of great importance to attend to in my office." crowley began, he attempted to walk past the elderly teacher but watched as trein stepped into his path.
"more important than the pop quiz your suppose to be giving my class right now? or did you forget, again?" the teacher said sternly.
crowley emitted a loud gasp, "you truly believe i would neglect my duties as headmage to ensure that my students are well prepared for future lessons!? why trien you offend me!" he squawked.
trein merely rolled his eyes. "this wouldnt be a first, nor a last. i dont doubt your busyness, but surely its not so important that you wouldnt skip out on your surprise lessons?"
crowley frowned under his mask. confronting his wife about her pranks wasnt truly more important than his students education. he needed to address this pranking- but it would have to wait. he took a deep breath and nodded. reassuring trein that he was well on his way to his classroom. with that the elderly teacher nod and turned to leave with cat in tow. crowley once again let out a heavy sigh, but quickly strutted down the hall towards the history class.
"and what exactly do you think the hyenas did once their beloved-" crowleys words trailed off in the ears of his students. he could tell this class was well prepared for the up coming test at the end of the week. they answered all his questions correctly and some very creatively. he went down his list of that chapters major topics. crowley walked around the room as he spoke, going over some facts and asking random students questions. crowley stepped up to the chalk board and enchanted a stick of chalk. the chalk floated up to the board and wrote down words as crowley spoke them. the headmages gaze drift back down to his notes and read over them.
he then felt a pair of hands pressed onto the back of his vest.
crowley continued to speak to his students- his voice never wavered. he was well aware of the hands. they were small, well smaller than his- but this only proved his theory from earlier.
miu is pranking him.
he felt those small hands play across the back of his shoulders. the hair on crowley stood up as a shiver ran through him. a twinge of emotion was rising within. was she really doing this right now? while he was in class? crowley tried to suppress his emotions- to continue on with his quiz.
bit by bit a dust of pink appeared over his cheeks. he felt his face heating, the hands resuming their movements.
small hands glide over his shoulder blades, fingers dancing past the place his wings would usually sit. the touch feels soft yet teasing, dragging over the back of his vest to met in the middle. the movement was steady. slowly making their way below, like water down a river.
beneath his shoulder blades.
down his spine.
crowleys face continued to heat up, his words coming out in random spurts. the slow pace at which the hands were moving sent a pleasurable shiver up the back of his head. the headmage began to fumble. his fist gripped the paper he held onto. desperately trying to keep his composer. hands pushed at the middle of his back, still ever so slow, going further down. the lower they went- the more aroused crowley got.
his body trembled under mius touch. she knew exactly how to touch him, where to touch. his back was by far his most sensitive spot. was it because he had wings? he never truly understood. but it drove him wild whenever miu would touch him like this. and she knew it.
the headmage did his best to keep his cool in front of his students. his eyes darting around the classroom, looking at every student. they didnt seem none the wiser. not suspecting a thing, even if he was tripping over his words. he was starting to sweat. his body was tensing up. his arousal growing. if crowley didnt put a stop to this soon it would spell an end to his career.
crowley arched his back- if only to get away from the hands, but they followed. his pulse was racing now. his heart hammering in his chest, the hands traveled lower, nearly hovering over his belt. he could feel those small fingers snaking their way around his slim waist. crowleys face turned a deeper shade of red, he was about to loose his mind.
the students in class listened attentively to their headmage. like all students- they took notes and some were eger to answer crowleys questions. all went well till a shout rang out. students heads shot up from their papers- looking around franticly.
their headmage jumped and threw his jacket to the floor before running from it. the students looked up confused, watching the enchanted chalk fall to the floor not to far away from crowleys jacket.
crowley stood on the other end of the teachers desk, panting heavily as his heart raced. thankfully none of the students could see the massive red blush he sported, but that didnt stop them from staring all the same.
"aah- s-sorry about that. it must have been a rat. hehe..." he tried to play it off as best he could, his body still trembling. with a cough he grabbed his notes and got back on topic.
miu sat in the headmages chair at his desk as she chewed. fingers scrolling down her magicam feed on her phone, seeing pics of cute kittys and puppies.
her peace was short lived. the door to the office flung open with a powerful wind, then slammed shut just as quick.
miu looked up startled and panicked. there, on the other side of the desk, stood a heavily panting and very flustered crowley. the crow mans shoulders heaved as he took deep breaths. the headmage ripped his mask off and slammed it onto the hard wood desk, giving miu the full view of his flustered and angry face.
"my goodness crowley! whats got you all riled up?" she asked mouth full with an innocent air about her.
crowley took a few deep breaths, willing his nerves back down. he stood up straight and pointed a rather shaky finger at his round wife.
"me?" she asked confused.
"yes you! you are whats got my feathers ruffled up!"
crowley removed his hat and threw his jacket back down to the floor.
"how" he took another breath, his red face steadily calming down. "how did you manage to do that?" he asked.
miu only tilt her head up in confusion. trying her best to play naive and clueless to her husbands plight. the headmage sighed in aggravation, leaning on his hands over his desk. his face wasnt terribly close to hers but it was enough for her to see that he was still very flustered. a small smile crept its way onto her lips.
"do what?" she questioned. crowleys brow twitched, usually he was all in for the 'innocent game' but only when HE is the one playing the part. his golden eyes happened glanced down at his desk and his face quickly morphed into one of shock.
"MY SWEET ROLL!" crowley snatched the half eaten bun off the table faster than his wife could reach for it. he looked at the poor sweet roll like it was a poor defenseless animal that had been malled to death. "how could you!" he started, fake tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "you know how much i was looking forward to eating this!"
"well theres still some left, eat it!"
"no! now its cold and hard!" crowley cried out and pouted. miu just rolled her eyes as crowley went on, throwing up his usual dramatics. he always did this when she stole his food, even it was just a bite of something still hot. crowley turned away from miu in his childish tantrum. a glimpse of something on the far wall caught his eye. a slither of silver peeked out from behind the curtain that hung in his office. crowley squinted his eyes and walked closer to the curtain. mius eyes widen- she immediately knew what was happening and quickly jumped up.
as the headmage finally made it to the curtain he noticed something shining hidden behind it. he pulled the curtain gently to the side, revealing a beautifully decorated silver mirror. crowley hummed, eyes examining the new mirror. it has been a long time since hes seen one of these mirrors. he knows that wasnt here this morning when he left for work
miu rushed over to crowley, only for him to put a hand up and grab her by the head. stopping her from getting any closer. "D-DONT TOUCH IT!!"
"oh? that makes me want to touch it even more now~" the crow smiled, his hand lifted up to touch the mirror. its surface clouded. miu watched in surprised as crowleys hand disappeared into the mirror and pop out in the empty space beside it.
"you... you know what it does?" she asked.
"but of course! i may not have seen one of these mirrors in quite some time. but im fully aware of its capabilities!" crowley removed his hand from the mirror, its surface unclouded.
his gold claws traced over the little dove on top of the mirror- a small smile forming on his lips. miu removed crowleys hand from her head, watching as he picked the mirror off the wall and looked it over. "seems like you and this mirror have somethings in common" he said gently.
"oh?" miu spoke, raising a brow at him.
"this mirror can only transport things one way. much like how your travels brought you here." he said. "and it has the cutest dove on it!" he beamed happily. miu laughed, she knew he would have gotten a kick out of that.
crowley turned to miu, mirror still in hand. "where did you acquire this mirror? i know for certain this mirror was not on school campus before." crowley asked.
"oh, no sam gave it to me. well not gave- he sold it to me."
a loud crash caused the round woman to flinch and stare at the floor. the mirror, once in crowleys hands, now laid shattered on the floor beside them. miu stared stunned. the beautiful mirror now laid shattered in pieces on the floor. she looked up at crowley, rage starting to form as he merely stared at her. his face took on a more serious expression.
"your very lucky to not have lost your hands, miu." he spoke. the anger miu had building suddenly poofed away just like that. a gold claw pointed itself very close to her face. she tried to look up at crowleys golden eyes but found it hard to keep her eyes on his. the headmages eyes stared at her like hot daggers waiting to strike.
"though useful, these mirrors were known to be highly dangerous. many people lost their limbs simply by losing focus of their desired destination. it was because of this that the black mirrors were created and mirrors such as these were banned from use." anger etched its way into every word crowley spoke. the round woman peered up at crowley hesitantly. there was a reason why crowley made it a rule to be with her when she used magical items. giving she was magicless and not of this world, she knew nothing of the dangers they possessed.
the gold claw that hovered in her face moved upward to pat her gently on the head. "i am however, very thankful nothing so gruesome happened to you, my dove." he finished with a smile.
miu only continued to look hurt up at him, her gaze floating down to the floor at the shattered mirror. the headmage seemed to pick up on her mood and quickly switched into his cheerful mode.
"worry not, my dove! i can always get you a new mirror! ill even get one with the exact same dove decorated frame. that was a very popular frame style back in its day and i do feel like it fits you so well! arent i such a kind an generous husband!" he boasted loud enough for the birds outside the windows to hear.
miu tried to stifle a laugh but it was hard to do. crowley heard the faintest hint of a giggle coming from his little wife and his smile grew even bigger.
quickly in one fluid motion- crowley picked miu up into his arms, bridal style. the round woman let out a loud yelp and struggled in his hold.
"C-CROWLEY! put me down!! im too heavy for you to be picking up!!" she loudly protested, but the mischievous glimmer in crowleys eyes quickly silenced her.
"my dove~" he began.
a cold chill ran down mius spine. oh no, not that voice.
"dont think iv forgotten what you did to me during my lesson today. you know how i get when you caress my back like that~" he gently spoke, a rather evil chuckle emitted from his throat.
miu gulped as her face started to heat up. before she could protest again crowley already summoned the door to their shared living space. with one last evil chuckle, crowley stepped into the room, the door shutting behind them and fading away.
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Subway Pole Dancing
in where ingo and emmet catch their s/o pole dancing on the subway cameras.
listen its late and this poor man has the night shift
running on like three cups of coffee and is working on his fourth
the depot agent that usually takes over for the subway bosses at night called in. so being the understanding boss he is ingo took over
it was only him and maybe a handful of depot agents. most of who were absent from the monitoring room
now im not going to say s/o was a little upset that ingo took the night shift to leave her all alone….
but she was upset that ingo took the night shift and left her alone
sipping from his freshly poured fourth cup of coffee, ingo checked over the paper work from that nights train maintenance. for the most part the night was normal and ran slow, as usual
all it took was one glance up at a random monitor for ingo to spit out the mouthful he just took from his mug to see his s/o spinning around on a pole with her legs wrapped around it.
she switched poses, walked around the pole before climbing to the top to do a mid-air split. spun around on that bitch. it was mesmerizing
he stared as she worked that pole as if she had done this her whole life
wait she can pole dance??? since when??
ingo immediately slammed his clipboard and coffee onto the console [bby be careful those aint cheap] and staring bugged eyed at the monitor as his face slowly grew hotter.
he quickly fumbled with the buttons on the consol to turn on the pa system for that particular train car.
did i say the pa system for THAT train car? i meant the whole station.
depot agents everywhere were confused and looking around, some in a short panic cause ingo used his conductor voice that could wake the dead in kanto.
once the train came to a stop, s/o was greeted by a very flustered and red faced subway boss who stuttered every other word.
“b-beloved…” he was beyond flustered, mark him down as deceased.
needless to say, he never took another night shift again.
this poor man has had a long day. too many back to back battles.
tho he isnt complaining too much cause he won the majority of them.
but someone was going to get a stern talking to about over scheduling battles in one day.
to top it all off he had to do overtime cause the trains automated system needed to be updated. the depot agent in charge of that got hurt trying to separate some rowdy passengers. thus, emmet was working late.
now this wasnt unusual for the man cause he was as much of a workaholic as his brother. so his s/o was use to these late night shifts.
tho she wasnt mad she sure was lonely.
like, really lonely.
like, “let me go see my husband in the dead of night and tease him” lonely.
so while emmet sat in his chair and made sure all the systems got updated, he played around with a stress toy of a jigglypuff someone left behind.
it was cute cause if ya squeeze it its eyes bugged out.
emmet did that several times while laid back in a chair, occasionally looking up at the laptop to check the progress of the updates.
while doing so, lo and behold~ something on the monitor has piqued his interest.
and on his battle line subway train no less.
it was his lovely s/o~ the light of his life~ his beautiful-wait what is she doing with that pole????
the grip he had on that jiggilypuff was so strong not only did its eyes bugg out they exploded
emmets smile grew ten time that night.
his s/o worked that pole as if life itself depended on it!
no way in hell was he going to watch this from a monitor! by arceus he was going to get front row seats!!!
emmet raced out of that office faster than a pikachu could recharge a battery.
he beelined past depot agents and late night passengers alike. the only thing that could stop him now was if a horde of joltiks busted out of the ground and dragged him in!
needless to say, the show was so much better upfront. and there was a possibility you needed assistance getting back to the car.
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