possibly-pasta · 1 year
So last night my partner asked if they could surprise me with a hangout and they took me to a BUTCH vs FEMME OLYMPICS NIGHT!!!!!
We drove an hour to this event space that has a lot of queer nights and it was a DREAM!!!!
there was a relay race that involved putting on a harness and watering a houseplant
the Butch team made me swoon so hard there was an, adam sandler type, a James Dean type, and just every other flavor of butch. The MC was a Very handsome short jewish butch wearing a wifehelper with her hair all slicked back!!! The Judge was the Brooklyn winner of the Twinks vs Dolls competition!!!!
there were so many people saying “i’m butch… Tonight!!” and “i’m for the femmes, Most of the time” and there was a Secret Third Thing category and they were all so beautiful!!!!
I got to see queer people wrestle to eat a piece of candy off of the others ankle where it was tied, i saw a beautiful non-binary person preform burlesque in a challenge to seduce the judge!!!! in the poetry contest this Very handsome Secret Third Thing got up and said “my voice may be dropping, but i still won’t be topping” and the crowd went Wild.
I was invited to smoke weed by a really tall femme in a sick ass goth outfit a mere 15 minutes after i saw her wrestle her butch to the floor. she gave me the gentlest touch on the shoulder and said “we’re going to go have weed, if you’d like to come. you seem lovely”
A Very very handsome butch with her shirt half unbuttoned and her hat slightly askew from the other butches roughhousing gave me the most charming sideways grin as she walked by
there was a small group of millennial gay guys hanging at the bar that just seemed so happy and content to be there and witness the shenanigans in their very normal old navy clothes.
The bartender was in drag and while i was outside smoking, they kicked someone out and used the most Protective and fierce voice to say “Leave this building NOW. DO NOT COME BACK” i tipped them heavily and thanked them for keeping us all safe before i went home.
Not a SINGLE person questioned or looked confused or upset at whoever looking however they wanted stepping up to be on either team.
I got to be with my community and it fucking HEALED me
Thank you to my partner. they know what i needed and brought me to it 💕
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