#GOD. the thing about naruto ending right after sasuke stops denying his feelings is that we never get to see sasuke being just as insane
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hopeworth · 1 year ago
naruto being fully convinced that no one will ever love him as much as he loves them
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dilly-oh · 4 years ago
Laundry Day
    It had been building for weeks now. Piling up, bit by bit. Iruka ignored it for as long as he could, shoving it to the back of his mind and going about his daily business, teaching at the Academy and pulling shifts at the Mission Desk like nothing was wrong. But eventually, even he could deny it no longer. When he checked his closet and found that all he had to wear was a single ketchup-or-maybe-blood-stained crop-top, tight yoga shorts, and flip-flops, he knew it was finally time to stop putting it off. There was no other choice left. 
    He had to do laundry.
    “Oh my God, who did you kill?” Anko asked as he dragged the bulging laundry bag down the hallway of his apartment complex.
    “You, if you don't back off,” Iruka snapped at her. “There's just enough room in here for a body.”
    “I sincerely doubt that,” Anko said, cocking an eyebrow at the huge bag. “Seriously, what gives? That thing must be, like, a hundred pounds. Is this some kind of new training craze?”
    “It's laundry day,” Iruka stated. Anko blinked. “I haven't done laundry in two months,” he went on impatiently. “It's kind of hard to find the time between my job teaching, my job at the Mission Desk, and my other job keeping Naruto and Sasuke from killing or kissing each other in public, and since they all count as full-time jobs with none of the benefits, I literally have nothing else to wear.” 
    “Ah. That would explain the booty shorts.”
    “They're called yoga shorts, and they're comfortable.”
    “I don't care what they're called, your ass looks amazing in them.”
    “Stop ogling me!” Iruka barked, his cheeks flaming. Anko's eyes didn't move. “Am I gonna have to go have another talk with HR?” Anko paled.
    “Oh, God, please don't. Last time I had to watch a three-hour film on sexual harassment in the workplace. I had to take notes. There was a quiz after.” 
    “Then stop. STARING.” Iruka gave Anko one last glare, then continued on his way, dragging his laundry bag after him with all the dignity he could muster. Which wasn't alot, considering the bag was heavy as fuck and he'd kinda been neglecting his standard workout routine. Because, you know, three jobs or whatever. 
    There were quite a few laundromats scattered about Konoha, all stocked with specialized, heavy-duty cleaning supplies for shinobi needs (to aid in the removal of blood, guts, and other icky bits picked up from slaughtering enemies and whatnot). The one Iruka usually frequented was located about ten blocks away, which normally wasn't too bad, especially if Iruka went by rooftop. However, that was quite impossible at the moment, considering his giant bag of dirty clothes was hefty and ungainly enough that it would probably squirt right out of his arms and kill an unfortunate pedestrian below. Also, it was the middle of summer and the sun had decided to be an asshole that day, blazing down like some kind of fire Jutsu and scalding every living thing in sight. To make matters worse, the laundry bag seemed to grow heavier with every step until it was like dragging Hokage mountain down the street. So by the time Iruka finally managed to heave the bag halfway across Konoha and up a flight of stairs into the laundromat itself, he was a hot, sweaty mess, his ponytail half-undone and hanging in his face, damp clothing sticking to his skin. 
    Which was exactly why Hatake motherfucking Kakashi was in there, of fucking course. There was no way Iruka's silly little crush wouldn't be in the one place he'd hoped he wouldn't be. 
    Iruka wanted to crawl into the nearest drier and turn it on.
    Maybe he won't see me, he thought as he quietly slipped inside.
    “Hey, Iruka!” Kotetsu shouted from across the entire laundromat. “Nice shorts!” 
    Everyone immediately turned to look.
    Well I know who I'm going to kill now, Iruka thought to himself miserably as he was ogled by every shinobi in the room. He made a mental checklist and vowed to prank each one in retaliation. His body was a temple.
    “You know you could have just stuffed that in a scroll,” Genma said after peeling his gaze off Iruka's thighs, twitching his senbon at the bulging bag. 
    “I'll stuff you in a fucking scroll,” Iruka hissed at him, wiping a sweaty strand of hair out of his face.
    “Ooh, baby, talk dirty to me,” Genma cooed.
    “You're disgusting,” Iruka said flatly. He glanced around, looking for a table with any inch of free space, perfectly willing to fight someone for it. There, in the back, he spotted one last table...right next to Kakashi. Because, you know, this day couldn't get any worse. Iruka debated waiting an extra ten minutes or so to see if the laundromat emptied out a bit, saw Genma wiggle his eyebrows suggestively at him, and decided anything was better than this. Steeling himself with a deep breath, he dragged his bag over to the open table beside Kakashi and started dumping clothes out.
    Kakashi, thankfully, didn't respond to his sudden arrival except for a polite grunt and nod in greeting. Iruka nodded back, then focused for the next several minutes on organizing his dirty clothes, intent on ending this humiliation as quickly as possible. As he worked, he couldn't help but sneak glances at Kakashi while he sorted his lights and darks. The man was busy folding his own laundry, bent over the table, his movements precise and methodical, done with the utmost care. Iruka almost suspected he was using the Sharingan to achieve such perfect folds. He glanced down at the clothes themselves, expecting combat fatigues or maybe a pair of well-worn sweats. 
    Instead, he was surprised to discover Kakashi was folding almost two dozen miniature flak jackets with some kind of funny emblem on the back. 
    “Did...did you accidentally shrink that in the drier or something?” Iruka blurted out before he could stop himself. Kakashi looked over at him, blinking lazily, then chuckled, a husky sound that made Iruka's knees weak. 
    “Of course not,” he said, his voice warm with amusement. “This is my ninken's laundry.” 
    Iruka had to hold in a snort. The famed Copy-Nin of Konoha, scourge of all enemies, feared by missing-nin, doing his ninken's laundry? It was ridiculous! It was absurd! It was...
    Adorable, quite frankly. Iruka's heart melted a little at the sight of him carefully piling up their little vests, careful not to crease them.
    “It's a pain,” Kakashi went on. “They're so picky. I have to use unscented detergent and dryer sheets or they complain.”
    “Too bad they don't sell a fresh cat-shit scent,” Iruka chuckled awkwardly before biting his lip. 
    Kakashi, however, took no offense, throwing his head back and laughing aloud.
    “Ha! They'd like that! Maybe they have a three-day-old steak one, too.” He grinned at Iruka through his mask, one visible eye twinkling. Iruka flushed, and he quickly turned back to his laundry, realized he was holding a pair of underwear, and flung it away, his face flushing darker as he busied himself with sorting again. “You've got quite a load,” Kakashi went on after a moment, nodding at the mountainous pile in front of him.
    “Yeah, I've been putting it off for a while,” Iruka grumbled distractedly, searching for a stray sock's missing partner with no luck. “This is literally the last thing I have to wear, so I either do laundry today or go into work tomorrow naked.”
    “I knew I should have finished that mission report,” Kakashi said under his breath.
    “Very funny,” Iruka scoffed in annoyance, shoving his first few loads into the nearby washing machines.
    “Oh, I'm dead serious.”
    The annoyance turned to anger, and Iruka looked over at the other man to give him a piece of his mind, only to find him staring right back, his warm grin having grown into something much more inviting, bordering on flirtatious. Iruka's sharp comment died in his throat and he cleared it roughly, feeling hot all over. Awkwardly, he reached for change in his pockets, then froze. He looked down and swore. He didn't even fucking have pockets. Stupid booty- YOGA shorts. He'd forgotten the quarters, and he didn't dare leave his clothes unattended for fear someone like Genma would be a creep and steal a pair of underwear or something. Also, Izumo and Kotetsu had a habit of borrowing things and never returning them, and he could see them eyeing several of his favorite shirts from across the laundromat. He'd just have to pack everything up and return home. What a waste, the whole trip had been for nothing-
    The clink of coins snapped him out of his mental cursing, and he looked up in shock to see Kakashi paying for his loads. 
    “Oh no,” he sputtered, “please, Kakashi, you don't have to-”
    “It's fine. You can pay next time,” Kakashi said with a wave. 
    “But I...well...oh, alright, fine.” Iruka sighed, giving in. “Thank you.”
    “So it's a date then,” Kakashi said. “Which cycle do you prefer?” 
    “Cotton cycle, cold water, extra rinse, please,” Iruka said automatically, then blinked. “Wait, I'm sorry, did you say-” 
    “See you next week,” Kakashi was already halfway to the door, his ninken's clothes tucked under his arms and a pile of quarters left on Iruka's table for the rest of his loads. Iruka gaped after him in shock. 
    Had that...really just happened? Had he really exchanged pleasantries with one of the most infamous shinobi of Konoha while folding laundry? Or had it all been merely a dream, a figment of his imagination-
    “You washing those shorts, too?” Genma asked hopefully, leering like a hungry wolf.
    Nope, he was definitely awake. Iruka threw some Tide-pods at Genma to chase him away before turning back to his loads, shaking his head in wonder.
    He'd definitely be doing his laundry more often from now on.
(Written for @kakairu-fest KakaIru Month 2021, Day Ten Prompt: Laundry)
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kishillaa · 4 years ago
SSM21 Day 8: Crossover
Sakura's heart beats inconveniently fast and hard against her chest as they waited for the female tribute to be elected. She turned her gaze to the male tribute, Sasuke Uchiha. She knows him, of course she does. He was famous, with his amazingly handsome look and that he is from the prestigious clan in District 12. But not only that, she remembered once he had gave her those bread, that suspiciously burnt not by accident, by throwing her way. They caught each others eyes that day, and she was forever grateful for what he'd done for her that moment.
She almost couldn't believe his name would be drawn though. From how his family lives, sure he doesn't need to add on his name to be drawn like how she and Naruto had to do.
Quickly, she raises her head up to look at Tsunade Senju on the stage, whose hands are gripping a piece of paper, which could most likely have her name on it knowing full well how much of that are there in turn for bags of food.
But what appear to be stumble out of Tsunade's mouth caught Sakura by surprise. Her eyes widen, before she quickly turn to look at her step sister, "Ino Yamanaka."
It was her first time for the reaping, she couldn't be so bad of a luck, could she?
There she was, hair so long and blond neatly braided and pull to her front over her chest from her shoulder, wearing the dress own by their mother, with her eyes open wide with shocked. Afraid. Ino is afraid. She is so young and so small, and definitely not suit for this sick game.
Sakura quickly avert her horror gaze to Naruto who at the same time turn to face her as well.
She didn't realized when she did, but at the moment she was running, shouting, "I volunteer as tribute!"
Her voice was confident, though the tears gave it away.
Sasuke is cold, and so distant. Kakashi, their coach has a tendency to drink so much, and end up drunk his ass off with out giving much of an advice.
It's only at the beginning, but she already hated it. And Tsunade, god, she hated her. Too bubbly, and colourful, and so loud.
Sakura padded her way towards Sasuke's room, not bother knocking his door as she opens it and welcome her self in.
"You and I need to talk." She said, her voice stern as she eyes him with seriousness.
Sasuke looks her way with a look of indifference, "What's it to talk about?"
Sakura huffs and sit on his bed, "A lot actually."
"First off, you need to stop acting so distant, and arrogant, and so quiet. Kakashi said its best to stick together in the beginning. So we at least need to have some sort of understanding. I'm not planning to die too soon."
Sasuke narrows his eyes at her, arms crossed as he moves closer, "I am not planning to die. Period."
"Good." Sakura nods her head once. "Work with me."
Sasuke snorted, "And what can you do?"
"Not just hang around the bakery and bake stuff apparently." She glares at him as she voiced out her sarcastic remark.
"What are you implying?!" He was in rage, and she feels bad about it. That's a really low blow.
Sakura sighs as she dip her head down, "I'm sorry. There's just so much things in my mind right now. Could we just, work together? Or at least be civil, I can't stand Kakashi and Tsunade alone."
Sasuke snorted, "Kakashi's a fool. Wonder how he won during his time as tribute."
"That's what exactly I was wondering about. You need to help me get it out of him somehow." Sakura said, content that Sasuke dismissed his anger.
"He was avoiding it every time we asked." He pointed out.
"He did. That's why we're doing this together." She beams at him.
Sasuke rolls his eyes at her but didn't say anything in return.
Sakura was delighted to say the least. Sasuke finally agreed to work with her. Or so she thought anyway.
"That was brilliant!" Kiba, Sakura's stylist, exclaimed as he appear beside her with his dog, Akamaru trailing behind him, wide grin adorned his face.
Sakura can't help but smile at him, "This is beautiful, Kiba. Thank you so much."
Sasuke's grasp tighten over hers asking for her attention. When Sakura looks over at him, he nods his head over to look at the other tributes. To say that she was nervous, was an understatement.
They're looking mostly fierce that she feels wary of herself.
Sasuke pulls her closer, "Just relax." He said, and she did.
She was crying, at least that's what she thought she was doing, as she closing the gap and captured Sasuke's lips into hers. It was a soft, lips grazing kiss, but a kiss nonetheless. She hoped it was enough for the cameras, for she has been desperate for herself and Sasuke, a badly injured Sasuke.
It was only a kiss, supposedly innocent meaningless kiss, just to get the attention of their audience, of the sponsor to give them some sort of help in the midst of their current situation.
But, as she pulls away and look into his dark dark eyes, she couldn't deny the intensity it carries. They were staring into each others eyes for how long, she didn't remember. It feels like anything didn't matter at that moment, just he and she and the cave. No prying eyes of the cameras, no audiences to watch their every move, no other tributes who probably on their way to find them, no nothing. Just Sasuke and Sakura, and then the cave.
Almost unconsciously they lean into each other, before their lips–bruised, cracked, probably busted–met, and then they were kissing. His lips are cold, but soft and he kisses really good that it make it up for the first point. Sakura melted into him as she cradle his face and bring him closer as she kisses him with just the same ferocity.
They only parted away from each other when they senses something coming their way.
Her idea has fruited anyways, not the way she intended but close enough.
As she looks over at Sasuke, she shyly look away as pink blush crept up her cheeks when he already is staring at her.
It was the end, everyone had died. It was just the two of them left. They had announced that the previous rules of allowing two victors has been revoked, and Sakura hated it. The capitol people were insane, they're delusional, crazy, idiot.
Just then, an idea struck her.
She pulls out the nightlock berries from her storage and offer them to Sasuke. They didn't say anything as they look into each other's eyes, silently communicating.
Sasuke nods, and Sakura did too, and right after showing the berries off for a better view, in order to threaten them and leave no victor of that year hunger game, they put it into their mouth. Before they could swallow it though, the Capitol took back the change and both were announced as winnner.
Spurting the berries out of her mouth Sakura jump onto Sasuke, latching herself against him. Sasuke–while wincing in pain from his injury that Sakura had contact with–calmly wrap his hands around Sakura's petite body, sniffing into her hair, and just for the sake of themselves, Sakura pull away a little and raises her head to meet with Sasuke's waiting lips. A sweet sweet closure for the dreaded obnoxiously hated game.
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snickiebear · 4 years ago
Hullo!! 💜💜 5 for the banter prompts, please! 💜
OKAY HERE IT IS IM SO SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER i really enjoyed this little thing, i have a soft spot for good NaruSakuSasu friendships and a Sasuke who isn’t a total asshole
“Thanks, I hate it.” Sasuke says, mouth twisting down.
Sakura slaps the back of his head, “Appreciate things in your life for once, you little shit.”
“Yeah!” Naruto yells, pointing at Sasuke with a glare. “You know how hard it was to win these tickets? Sakura-chan and I bought like seventy raffle thingies!”
“You entered a raffle,” Sasuke says slowly, staring at his best friends with thinly veiled disgust. “To win us tickets to some cheap ass water park.”
Sakura links arms with Naruto as they puff up their chests, “Yeah bitch, and what about it?” She glares at him again and well, Sakura has always been the meanest and scariest of the three, one look could traumatize someone to the spot. Shisui still refused to look her in the eye after being on the receiving end of her Disappointed look. 
Naruto suggested they start a club for the victims of Sakura’s Faces because no one truly recovers from them.
Arm in arm with Sakura, Naruto beams, all straight pearly whites and squinting eyes, and Sasuke can feel himself cracking. Naruto has and will always be a soft spot, that will never not be a fact. 
Sasuke’s resolve crumbles under Sakura’s withering glare and Naruto’s bright smile. 
“Fine. Fine, gods just stop looking at me.” He snaps, shoving his hands into both their faces as they both cheer and high five. Fucking assholes. They know his weaknesses and used them against him. See if he ever saves his mother’s rice balls for them again. 
“You won’t regret it.” Naruto promises, hands grasping Sasuke’s and squeezing. Sakura peers from over Naruto’s broad shoulders, a deeply satisfied look on her face— like the cat that caught the canary— and nods decisively in agreement. 
Sasuke regrets it. 
The assholes made sure to tell not only Itachi, but fucking Shisui to wake him up at the ass crack of dawn, force feed him breakfast, and make sure he was packed and standing at the gates to his house by seven in the morning. On a Saturday. 
Then they force him into Naruto’s obnoxiously stupid van because Sakura only drives a motorcycle and its illegal for three people to ride on one. They found this out the hard way. Itachi was not happy but Mikoto and Shisui thought it was hilarious. Sasuke’s pretty sure his mother has all three of their mugshots framed and hung somewhere. 
But now, here he was, standing half naked under the sweltering sun while Sakura lathers him in sunscreen because he is, in fact, Pale and does get burned easily, and Naruto eats his third ice cream of the day.
It wasn’t even noon yet. 
Children are shrieking to his left, everything smells like chlorine and piss. Gods, he regretted it.
“What the fuck are we supposed to do now?” He demands and winces as Sakura pinches the skin behind his ear.  
Naruto gives him a long, long look that should not have twisted Sasuke’s heart the way it did. “We’re here to have fun, Sasuke. You’ve heard of it right? Fun?”
He sputters, throwing his hands in the air, “Why the fuck are you getting on my case about having fun and not little Ms.Works-Twenty-four-Hour-Shifts-Way-Too-Much-To-Be-Healthy over there.”
Sakura pinches the skin behind his ear again and Sasuke will deny well after his death the sound he made. “This isn’t about me, dumbass. It's about you and so help me Kami, I will drown you in that water if you keep complaining!” 
Point taken, Sasuke does not complain the rest of the trip though… He does find himself enjoying it.
Despite, of course, the stupid fucking kids, drunk adults, the smell of chlorine and piss, and lazy life gaurds. 
Watching Naruto and Sakura wrestle in the water until they both turn on him, matching devious smirks on their faces, will forever be a treasured memory. Even if he couldn’t get his hair to stop smelling like piss and chlorine for a month and got severely sunburnt.
send me a prompt! 
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youcanreadit · 5 years ago
I hope you enjoy this UwU
"Btw Naruto did you hear? The new student will be joining our school today."
Naruto simply nodded and continued to stuff ramen into his mouth. Shikamaru shrugged and went back to finish his own meal. Of course, nothing can make him happier than his ramen.
Later that day, you accidentally bumped right into him on the way to your class. He was opening his mouth about to apologize profusely but the words died down on his lips. A surge of inexplicable emotion surged within him, rendering him speechless. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, apart from his mother.
But he couldn't seem to recognize you. That's when it clicked. She is the new student that Shikamaru was talking about at lunch!
While he gazed at your face like an idiot with an obvious blush on his cheeks, you muttered a quick apology and hurried off, leaving him standing there staring at you, awed.
After the day he met you, he was more cheerful and giddy than he usually was. Ever since he lost his parents, he had felt like he lost a part of himself. It was as if you pulled him out of the darkness and brought him back to his old self.
He would always arrive at school earlier- astonishing all his friends and teachers- so that he could see you more.
He was always watching you when you were not looking. He liked that farway look in your eyes, the shyness that radiated from you, the warm smile playing on your lips.
It felt like adrenaline was injected directly into his veins when you both locked eyes. Your voice, your face, your smile were all his brain would dwell on.
At first, he repeatedly tried to deny his feelings for you.
"I am not in love with her! I like Sakura! I like Sakura!!"
And then he would see you enter the class, your cheeks tinted pink and offering him a smile as you pass by. "Man I am so in love with her.."
He finally decided to take Jiraiya's help. Which was of course a bad idea.
*after hearing the whole thing* "I understand.. It's the L word Naruto"
Seeing him struggle with his emotions, Sasuke was the one who made him realize he was in love with you.
" Hey dobe, I think Y/n likes Kiba."
"But you said you love Sakura, so why are you worried?"
"NO I DON'T!!I LOVE Y/N!!" *silence* (thanks Sasuke)
He would always notice if you didn't have the usual sparkle in your eyes. Whenever that happened, he made sure to put cute little notes in your locker and notebooks. He would hide somewhere and watch you read them, and smile like an idiot seeing your face light up at the cheesy lines he had written in his messy handwriting.
As for Valentine's day, he would spend hours in the kitchen making chocolate for you. Then along with Sasuke, he would arrive at school like an hour earlier to get rid of all the piles of gifts in your locker( he sure is competitive)
"Yeah! Mine would be the best chocolate she has ever tasted!!!" Sasuke simply face palms.
Little did he know that he had accidentally added salt instead of sugar. Yikes. Cooking ain't your thing Naruto
At first he was worried that you would go after Sasuke like all the other girls. It was a pleasant surprise when he found out you weren't a fan girl.*breathes out in relief*
Just in case, he decided to warn Sasuke. " you keep your bunch of fangirls, but remember, Y/n is OFF LIMITS" "whatever dobe"
He stopped at nothing to impress you. He pushed himself to get better at studies. Over time, his grades improved.
When he didn't understand a concept he would rush to you with his books. He was glad that you weren't impatient like the others, but explained to him in simple ways you could.
A total sweetheart he is, it was impossible to hate him. But he could be annoying at times too.
Like when he doesn't see you for too long, he would be a whining, blubbering mess.
"Sakura, I want to se-"
Sasuke: *changes seat*
Not to mention that he is really protective over you. If anybody tries to hurt you, well let's say that would be the end for that person. "Fight me!!"
Naruto was known to be the loud, hyperactive, sunshine of the school. But he immediately transforms into a timid puppy when you are near him.
Like Naruto would be talking and laughing with his friends and then he turns around and sees you -
*you lean closer to his face* I need to ask you ab-Naruto?
*Naruto has stopped functioning*
It wasn't hard for his friends to figure out the reason behind his strange behaviour lately.
They teased him about how oblivious you were to his feelings and if he didn't hurry up, someone would steal you from him.
But he didn't want to rush. Some people are worth waiting for. And of course he was worried if someone like you would go for a person like him. Please tell the poor guy otherwise.
Many boys came forward seeking to be your boyfriend, but you turned them down politely. That left Naruto with a bittersweet hope. It could or couldn't be him. But he won't give up on you like that. His life motto itself was- Never give up,no matter what!
In the brief occasions that you spoke to him would be the best part of his day. The whole world would blur and he could see only you, and hear your velvet like voice.
You were the only one who laughed at his stupid jokes. Oh how much he loved that smile you gave him, he would later replay it over and over in his head.
He would imagine taking you to his favourite restaurant, Ichiraku as a date. From his stories about you, Teuchi and Ayame couldn't wait to meet you.
When you touched him casually, his whole body would light up with a warmth that only you could ignite. That made him wonder how it would feel like to run his fingers through your silky hair, kiss your soft lips and then his whole face would turn as red as a tomato.
On his weekly visits to his parent's grave, he eagerly tells them about the beautiful girl that he recently met. He would tearfully tell them about finally meeting a girl as fascinating as his mother.
As the years passed his feelings never dulled. He fell for you more, your smile, your alluring eyes, your easy going personality and everything else about you.
However, he started to worry when the graduation was getting closer. He couldn't bear to lose you.
The thought caused him such pain that he lay awake for nights, and then finally deciding that it was the right time to let you know of his feelings.
After the graduation ceremony, Sasuke held a party at his house for the new graduates. As much as Naruto enjoyed spending time with his friends, his eyes kept darting across the room from time to time, in hopes of seeing you.
When he finally spotted you amidst the chaos and the tightly packed people,his heart skipped a beat. You looked so beautiful in that blue dress you wore, the coloured lights dancing across your skin adding to the effect.
With his eyes on you, he excused himself from his group of friends and all but hurried over to you, ignoring the laughter and cheers that erupted from behind him.
After saying that he needed to speak something important with you,he dragged you through the mass of people- keeping a firm grip on your wrist to prevent you from getting lost in the crowd- to the backyard.
He finally dropped your wrist when you both reached a secluded spot near a cluster of trees. The loud music and noises from the house was now a distant, faint hum to your ears.
He took a step back and stood facing you. It was hard to believe how tall he had become over the past few years. You had to tilt your head back to look at him in the eyes.
"I am sorry I had to drag you away so abruptly." He hoped that you wouldn't notice the faint quiver in his voice. He clenched and unclenched his hands.
You laughed quietly and waved off his queries " It's alright Naruto. I was planning to get away from all that noise anyway" you grinned at him, flashing your teeth. "In fact, you helped me."
Naruto tried his best to smile back hoping you wouldn't notice anything amiss. But when your smile slowly melted away from your lips,he understood that he didn't fool you.
He was looking at you warily, like he was anticipating something bad would happened. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were full of worry and hope and some intense emotion that you couldn't quite pinpoint.
"What's wrong Naruto?" You asked quietly. You raised a hand as if to touch his arm, but then let it drop. "You can tell me"
He ran his trembling fingers through his spiky blond hair-which looked almost silvery in the moonlight-and nervously glanced at you with his blue eyes.
While you stared back at him in confusion, he was having a mental argument with himself.
I can do this! She is waiting for you to say something Naruto!do it!!
"I..." He faltered. He looked at the ground and then up again, at you.
Here it goes..
" Are you dating Kiba?" There was brief pause.
You looked utterly baffled "HUH??!"
Damn what the hell is wrong with me?! He awkwardly shifted his weight from one leg to the other, looking bashful " I mean- you both hang out with each other a lot.."
You laughed " He is a good friend of mine, that's all"
"So you both-"
"Nope" You sounded amused, but not at all annoyed, despite the fact that he basically dragged you away to ask you such stupid questions.
"Okay" he said with fake cheerfulness, turning his back to you. "Thanks for the information, I better get back"
You caught his sleeve, making him go still. He turned to look at you, eyes still wide and cheeks tinted red, but they slowly melted away when he saw you gazing back at him almost sadly.
"Naruto" you said his name so softly that his stomach fluttered in response " that's not what you were meaning to say. We both know that."
He blinked.
You were right. What was he doing?!
It felt as if your voice had brought him back to his senses.
He remembered Jiraiya's advice from the morning. It felt as if the old man sensed what Naruto was planning to do. Instead of giving his usual pervy tips, he had said : "Letting her know of your feelings is the way to get to her heart. If you want to know if she returns your love, tell her."
Determination and hope flared in his eyes. He took a deep breath and stepped closer until you could feel the heat radiating from him. You swallowed and felt your cheeks getting warm.
He reached out and took both your hands gingerly in his and stared intently at you.
" Y/n I love you..I always have..."
He watched your eyes widen and lips part with surprise. He continued before you could say anything.
"I know you probably consider me to be foolish and naive, but I mean it when I say that I love you more than I could love myself. I wish I could explain to you how wonderful you are, how beautiful your eyes or how your voice gives me butterflies every single time. I love who I am with you. I.." He swallowed visibly, but his gaze on you never wavered. " I don't know how to explain love..But when I see you, I imagine the two of us cooking together, fighting together..being together. And I can't imagine anything that would make me happier. I would like to do these things with you. That is'' he smiled shyly, his cheeks turning pink " if you feel the same."
Your vision blurred as you felt tears brimming your eyes. "Naruto ..."
Naruto's smile vanished quickly. Did he upset you?! Oh crap.
He immediately let go of your hands and started to panic. He raked through his brain,thinking back over the words he had just used on you, trying desperately to find where he went wrong. He had never been in a position before where he had to comfort a crying girl. Once he had borrowed Sai's book on human behavior. If only he could remember..
"Y/n I am sorry-"
He stopped abrubtly when he felt your finger on his lips, signaling him to stop. You slowly withdrew them to place your hands on either side of his cheeks, thumb tracing the whisker like markings on his cheeks lightly. His eyes widened.
"Naruto..that was beautiful.." You said wonderingly, as if you had just woken up from a dream. "No one has ever said such lovely things to me." For a long moment you stared into his eyes,those lovely blue eyes that has always reminded you of the blue waves crashing against the shore- a feeling of peace and warmth and comfort. You could feel yourself getting lost in them. Naruto was still dazed. It was as if the roles were suddenly reversed. He was staring at you open mouthed while you smiled back at him adoringly.
"You are such an idiot Naruto" you teased, but the affection in your voice took the sting out of it "my idiot"
Your fingers were still stroking his cheeks, making it difficult for him to concentrate. He swallowed "W-what?"
A giggle escaped your lips "you cannot seriously think that I didn't notice your feelings all these years" your smile spoke of mischief now "and it was not one sided. Why did you wait for so long to come to me?"
Naruto was shell shocked. His heart was pounding so loudly that he thought that it would jump out. Is this a dream?
You finally stopped laughing and gazed at his blue orbs seriously. "Naruto" you said " I have struggled to make friends all throughout my life. When my parents decided to move to Konoha I was absolutely against it. Starting a new life.." You shook your head slowly " I didn't want that. But then you came along, my personal sun. With your bright smile and cheerful personality..who always tried to cheer me up. Who was always by my side..Slowly I felt myself taking a liking to this place.. And I felt myself falling for you.."
You heard his sharp intake of breath and smiled again "Naruto, I can't find the right words to explain how much you mean to me, but I would like to spend the rest of my life with you showing them. "
He felt tears sting the back of his eyes. He wanted to laugh, cry, curse himself for having waited for so long. He was almost mad with joy. But when he looked at you, he knew that you could see the emotion plainly written on his face. Because love required no language.
His lips curled up into a smile that lit up his whole face. You had seen him smile before, plenty of times, and yet this was different from the others. This smile was the most beautiful one you had ever seen, one that spoke of love and happiness and gratitude, a gesture that was too deep to be explained in words.
The uncertainty in his eyes were long gone, replaced with hope and love. He cupped your face in his large hands so gingerly that you shivered sightly.
"It feels like a dream" he said huskily, brushing a strand of hair from your face "being here with you like this."
"Then let me prove it tlo you that it's not"
You pulled him down by the collar of his shirt until your foreheads almost touched. Leaning in, you kissed both his cheeks, his eyelids, the tip of his nose, over and over again. Your other hand was pressed on his chest allowing you to feel his rapid heartbeat.
When your gaze finally fell on his lips, resting on them for a second, made Naruto impatient. He craved for your touch,the warmth that you provided. He had waited to do this for so long, he couldn't bear to waste any second longer.
So he leaned in closer and his lips finally met yours, moving gently against your own.
Warmth and desire exploded within him, and the world slowly disappeared from around the two of you. It was slow and soft and perfectly natural, like breathing and yet so intimate.
His calloused hands were gentle as they caressed your cheeks, his warm breath mingling with yours. His hands went to the nape of your neck and drew you even closer, thus deepening the kiss. Sparks flew within you, and you wrapped your hands around his shoulder in response , to eliminate the space between the two of you as much as possible.
He loved the way your lips fit with his like puzzle pieces, moving in perfect sync with his. His lips tasted like ramen, making you smile into the kiss.
When you both finally broke apart for air, he rested his forehead against yours, his warm breath hitting your cheeks. He was breathing hard like you, but his whole face was lit with joy, a smile so beautiful playing on his lips that you couldn't help but return it.
Your slender hands went around his waist, cheek resting against his sculpted chest, and listened to his hammering heart. Physically, he had changed a lot since the first time you met him. The childish roundness was long gone from his face. You could feel the solid hard muscle as you held him,the sharpness of his cheekbones,the callousness of his hands. And yet he was still the same. The same luminous blue eyes that sparkled even in the darkness,the same exuberant personality and that infectious smile.
For a while you both stood in each other's embrace, basked in the silvery moonlight with a wide grin plastered on both your faces.
"Thank you Naruto " and in those syllables he heard everything. He closed his eyes in content and hummed in response.
This was the love he'd waited for, hoped for. And now finally, he was home.
At last.
Mom, dad are you watching?
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amyrallis · 5 years ago
So I Waged War Against The Skies -The Old Gods Are No More-
Written for my amazing anija, @sleepysenseis (love you uwu) because they are great and they're perfect and so is their art and anija knows exactly how to enable me, dammit. Enabled™ smol otouto me and here is the MASTERPIECE:
“No.” Tobirama breathed, his body a mess from all the times he had been stabbed straight through, the pain barely registering. He sometimes thought it was a good thing he had never finished with the Edo Tensei. This was one of those times.
Madara hummed next to him, his now a greenish white hair drifting in the breeze as he surveyed the broken battlefield in front of him. “No? They already lost. There’s no point in denying it, Tobirama. It’s not like you.” The purple eyed man turned around, a madness that made Tobirama lose his breath settled deep in his eyes.
Tobirama knew Madara was right. The battlefield had gone painfully silent, the symbol of hope that Naruto was having fallen somewhere in the chaos and left them stumbling blindly in the dark. He closed his eyes as another pang went through him. To attack this man so openly without any plan was nothing short of foolish, something that Tobirama had known for a long time but Naruto had somehow missed.  
Sasuke laid on the ground close to them, his blood a pool of red around him as the wind blew over the battlefield –more like massacre, Tobirama couldn’t help but think, a pang of sorrow rushing through his veins- lifting the dust and leaving the painful picture clear for all to see. They had lost and Madara had won.
It was ironic. The way a defeated air hung around the place, the one driving force one side had, lost in grief, ıt reminded him all too clearly of another battlefield. One where Madara had laid on his back and said, me or the village Hashirama. One which Madara had said those things, his sharingan spinning an entirely new shape in his grief and looked straight at Tobirama while doing so.
His breath had hitched lightly, his eyes turning to avoid the cursed red of the sharingan –cursed by gods, cursed for daring to love so very deeply, in a way that no mortal, no god had ever dared to and cursed for caring so much, enough to give everything for fleeting lives. Tobirama knew the feeling very well, in the blood that ran through his veins, in the way that his eyes were the same shade of red as the curse of gods, the beat of his heart as he held pieces of his younger brother in his arms… really, he should’ve known in the beginning- and felt something in him burn. Izuna may have had been an enemy but he was also human. They were at war and Tobirama had his own family to keep safe. He didn’t have to regret protecting his family.
Even if it was at the cost of another’s, for that was how life had dared to work, always so cruel against those who took the chance and thrived in it. 
He already had too many of those very same family’s blood on his hands because Hashirama was brilliant, a sea of hope in the midst of a thunderstorm, burning bright and beautiful and Tobirama could only hope to rest in his shores for some time, before he had to get up and stop the storm from breaching that sacred place, because even though Hashirama was impossible and brilliant and everything, he was only one men. And men were good at one thing above all. Falling.
Tobirama had to stop that, he had to interfere and help his Anija against the fate that was so very determined to stop him and if the cost was his own conscious, nights spent awake, feeling like his very soul would never feel together again and sitting up once more because he could never hope to be enough but that never meant he couldn’t try his best, that was his own problem.
Anija tended to overlook lives, tiny and insignificant as they were to him, for his eyes were burned and blinded by the future he was always marching towards but Tobirama was there to ground him and carry the burdens that grounding would normally lay on Hashirama. He had chosen Izuna for a reason.
Izuna was close to his power, so very close in chakra, maybe even in strength but Tobirama was an inventor and a seal master, he wasn’t known as the greatest suiton master ever seen for nothing. 
Izuna, just, didn’t match up. But Tobirama made it so, allowing the illusion of him being equal to power because if he didn’t, he would have to reach behind him and go full force, after revealing his entire power and skill set, there’d be no stopping for him, he’d be pushed to do it and not even Hashirama could try for his peace when so much of the Uchiha had been slaughtered by his own heir, no one would trust them.
İf the cost came with the Senju that Tobirama hadn’t been fast enough to protect while engaging Izuna, the ones he would’ve been able to had he already gotten rid of the other younger brother, then those were his own demons, hidden behind to be revealed at night, after everyone was asleep and the graveyard in his mind had been awakened once more.
His eyes snapped open as Madara’s hand clasped his chin, forcing his eyes to meet the Rinnegan and the shorter man leaned down slightly with an intense look in his eyes. “What have they done to you? I’m sure you could make the Edo Tensei work so much better than this. All they did was bring back you at  your last second. Truly pitiful like they are. I'm not surprised at all that they had to bring you back to fight me and still managed to mess it up.” Tobirama glared up at him, unable to retort because the Uchiha was right but also unwilling to let the slight against his village go while stubbornly denying the back handed compliment.
“As pitiful as your plan, I suppose? Or are you truly that gone in the head Uchiha? Your plan has so many loopholes in it that Anija could stick his head in it.”
Madara’s eyes twisted with fury even as he slowly caressed Tobirama’s cheek, a wondering look replacing the fury in the next second and making Tobirama question if it had even happened.
“That’s why you’re the one who plans things, Tobirama.” Madara murmured, a slight smile pulling at his lips as he leaned down even more. Tobirama struggled in his kneeling position, the callousness burning at him even as he hid the discomfort from the way Madara looked at him. 
Madara chuckled, his hand coming up to keep Tobirama in place and circled him. “You were always so beautiful when you got angry.” Madara stopped behind him, his fingers sinking into Tobirama’s hair and yanked his head back. Tobirama looked at him, his neck bent at an odd angle as pieces of paper floated in the air. “What are you talking about?” he said, trying to ignore the pressing feeling in his mind.
Madara always acted strange when Tobirama was around, Hashirama had said once. His eyes would focus on Tobirama and all his words would be for him, like he was literally unable to forget that the albino was there and that he existed, even for one moment.  His chakra would seek Tobirama out during the day and his questions would be pointed to Tobirama, something that made Hashirama wonder a lot. Tobirama had tried to ignore his Anija’s foolishness, instead thinking that it was Madara assessing the highest likely threat to himself, because it was so obvious that Hashirama wouldn’t hurt him, the bumbling buffoon.
Hashirama wouldn't hurt him? Like he hadn't killed Madara? Tobirama couldn’t help but question. Just like Madara hadn’t sometimes sought Tobirama out, his chakra exhausted and on the verge of something that Tobirama had never known what? Instead, his mind had been focused on trying to stop what had felt inevitable to him, always, always dangling just over their future and overwhelming. Because even if Madara hadn’t been so beloved by Anija, and hadn’t that always burned so deeply inside him, Tobirama respected the man. For his strength, maybe, for his ability to look past the Senju elders, always trying to manipulate everything, certainly, for his kindness with children , always. 
Tobirama was a man of practicality, he liked solutions and ideas, he liked his science and he liked building things –sometimes, in the midst of the night when everyone was asleep, he dared to think he’d have made a good teacher, a good adventurer, maybe even a good man. In another life. Good for life, maybe or maybe good for humans, perhaps even good as humans had decreed it, he didn’t know. He supposed he’d get used to not doing so. It was one of the first things he had resigned to never knowing, but certainly not the last (the last had been the question, will it ever truly end?)- he always liked kids and helping them. There’d been a certain joy to be found in imparting knowledge to others and knowing that, at least in that way, they’d be safer. Madara had always been that way, something that Tobirama had  known to respect in humans.
Madara was also complicated. Sometimes, they’d tear each other’s throats out and sometimes, it’d be silence in a winter midnight, something that could almost be called amiable between them as the snow rested on their faces and hair. Once, Madara had approached during that time, his hand slowly extending to brush against Tobirama’s cheek and he had muttered, snow is a good look on you, Tobirama. There had been the potential of so many things in that second, and perhaps they had taken that potential and used it, in another life.
Madara had left the other day, gone for a whole week before he returned, one last time, on the back of the Kyuubi and so very desperate. They had come across each other when Madara had waited for Tobirama in his room and there had been an unspoken question before his gaze had sharpened.  Tobirama had looked into the sharingan for the last time and into Madara’s eyes, the first. –the first time he had looked into the sharingan since he had when he was five and there was blood in the air and Anija was gone, gone, gone, missing and the very air was screaming with him and the world had cracked open, the fury of gods falling upon it with his loss, his desperation-
-a bargain was made that day-
“You, Tobirama, I’m always talking about you.” Tobirama’s breath got stuck in his chest, his mind on the cusp of something, a realization so dangerous, too much to even contemplate. Madara gazed towards the skyline, the mural of his victory laid out before him and a self deprecating smile painted on his face. “Always.” 
Tobirama didn’t want to hear it. Tobirama didn’t want to hear anything, he was dead and he was gone, he had done everything he could for this World and he had deserved his happiness, his end, his rest. If Madara wanted him so badly, he could join Tobirama –and Hashirama and everyone he had loved and lost because why was he trying to drag them back up to the very place that had destroyed them, why was he so damn selfish?- in the Pure Lands, saving everyone the pain and exhaustion. Why did he have to be so stubborn, so damn blind? If he loved them, then he could’ve come to them, because his time was over but Madara was always chasing the fleeting wasn’t he? And there was the problem, Tobirama thought bitterly, the man who loved him –he had felt that for a long time, but he would save the breakdown till later- was an Uchiha, the very epitome of loving the fleeting and cursing the ethereal, the endless.
Those eyes weren’t given for naught. 
Amaterasu, seeing their pain  and loss, had blessed the sad, fallen mortals with the chance to always remember their loved ones and in doing so, had also cursed them. There was a reason that Gods didn’t walk the earth anymore, didn’t interfere with their affairs.
-Gods could fall too-
 “Look at me. All the sights of the world, laid out at my feet and I can only look at you.” Madara turned his gaze back down to Tobirama, his hair swaying in the wind as he did so.
Tobirama stopped the imitation of breathing, all his senses focused on Madara. Why was he saying these things? Why now? The war was over, he had won, so why was he still playing this game? Tobirama had seen the way Madara had looked at him as he clashed with Naruto, the other Kage, always, a part of his attention was on Tobirama, he could feel it like the gaze of someone on his back, the feeling of a breath on his nape, with his everything. 
For once during the battle, his chakra had reached out, coaxing and playful and tried to intertwine with Tobirama whose eyes had widened, his attention turning to the Bijuu he was next to. He had departed right after, the idea of pressing the advantage forming in his head. Madara was somehow calm towards Tobirama, something that could’ve been used for their advantage and if Tobirama could give the others an advantage to press forward by making Madara focus on him, then he would. Madara had always been a creature of passion, someone who could easily focus elsewhere if one knew how to play him. It hadn’t worked.
The bright golden of Minato and Anija echoed in his senses as the silence continued, Madara having leant down and sat next to him. His arm raised, grabbing Tobirama’s hair once more and using it to angle his face to stare at Madara. Tobirama's eyes narrowed.
“Close your eyes, if it irks you so.” Madara gave a surprised laugh, the sound escaping with a strange timbre like he honestly hadn’t expected Tobirama to respond that way –and wasn’t that stupid, Madara always knew Tobirama had a sharp tongue, and was logically wary of it. Perhaps he had foolishly thought being in Madara’s hold would stop him from lashing with it, an idea fit for clueless people because Tobirama wasn’t one to bow to pressure.- and he threw his head back for a second before leaning down and crushing their lips together. 
Tobirama froze stiff, his entire being wanting to continue to reject the very idea of the situation yet his mind so very aware as Madara pressed impossibly closer, his eyes wide open and running over Tobirama‘s face reverently, the edge of something insane burning in them.
Madara slowly drew back, a satisfied smile on his face as he gave Tobirama a smug look. “I prefer to continue looking. You’re quite the sight, after all.” 
Tobirama looked back, something sharp in his gaze. He had never wanted any of this. He was tired of his life always being one battle, one challenge after another and just when he thought he was done, he had closure…
“I’d rather not to be looked at actually, especially by a madman who can’t even plan.” He bit back, his words trying and failing to mask his unease. Madara smiled and leant down, leaning his head against Tobirama’s shoulder and raising his lips to his ear.
“Always with the insults, To-bi-ra. Don’t worry, I’ll have enough time to look my fill. Right after I’m done with them.” Madara muttered, his body tensing once more. Tobirama lightly flinched at the touch of his horn against his neck, his instincts overwhelming him as he tried to ignore the words, to leave this world and go back to his tranquil existence of before. “Then we can be together, like we’ve always wanted.”
The chakra receiver through his head warmed lightly as Madara moved his hand over it and melted over his body, binding Tobirama more thoroughly than anything else ever could. The edges of panic peeked from his mind as they did, Tobirama having to fight an uphill battle to push them back
Madara was gone with the blast of a wind, his outrageous claims not seeming so stupid. Tobirama knew, there was no way they’d be able to win and Madara was just gloating his victory over them. Naruto was gone, truly honestly dead in the way that Tobirama could sense his chakra pooling out of his body, leaving an empty husk and he didn’t want to think anymore.
He didn’t want to think about what Madara was implying, didn’t want to think about how he wasn’t able to get free as long as Orochimaru didn’t set him -and he wouldn’t if he was trapped in an endless dream, Tobirama was well and truly stuck in a way he’d never been, had always avoided, even without the seals that had locked over his form and bound him to the mortal plane-  he didn’t want to think about losing once more –because no matter what was said, Konoha had been a loss. One that Tobirama had tried his best to salvage but perhaps, perhaps some things weren't meant to be saved.- about all the people who laid dead for a system that had been made to kill them in the first place, the system that Tobirama himself had failed in creating properly and thus, left them to their fates, sent them to their deaths.
Instead, he closed his eyes and let go, his mind soaring through nebulae and galaxies, starlight and  black holes with a pale moon lighting the way home.
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darquedeath4444 · 6 years ago
The Deity of Spring
Chapter FIVE
From the moment he had been conscious, Naruto knew he had one purpose in life. He hadn't known what exactly this purpose was, but he had always somehow known that the empty feeling within him was a calling towards it. He grew up in an isolated village located near the edge of Land of Fire, yearning for the day he could venture out into the world so that he could fill the void in his chest.
Back then, even though the fighting within the Land of Fire caused by small groups and factions vying for control had been ended by Senju Hashirama uniting the lands, many still suffered from the occasional attack lead by the surviving groups that had mostly been crushed by Hashirama and his men.
Still, his early life was not necessarily bad. Some, in fact, would even call it full of happiness. His parents had been nice and kind, and his fellow villagers all knew each other and were always willing to help. There had been times when food and other resources were a little scarce, but no one was truly unhappy. The tug in his chest grew every day, but he forced himself to ignore it because he would not leave behind his family and friends for a gut feeling.
Then one day, when he was eighteen, a huge earthquake hit his village. Everything was destroyed without a trace and he ended up being the only survivor. The empty feeling within him almost consumed him, and it felt as though the world was punishing him for ignoring it. Left without a choice and nothing left to live for, he had left the lands where his village had once been and listlessly followed the tug.
After days of travel, he found himself at the edge of a forest and almost as though welcoming him, the branches and parted and the sun had shone through the trees, lighting a path for him to follow.
What he found on the other side made him freeze.
There was a small house in the clearing, and in front of the door sat a raven-haired male who looked barely older than him. The teen was breathing heavily and Naruto could see the blood pooling around him. In one hand he gripped a crimson drenched sword and the other was clutching his stomach. He could see blood seeping through his fingers.
A little away lay a long-haired man who looked slightly older. He could see the faint rise and fall of this chest but judging from all his injuries, Naruto knew the man would not make it.
Around the pair lay a countless number of men dressed in similar dark clothing. They were all dead and badly mutilated, and Naruto felt the sudden urge to throw up. The raven teen looked up as he stopped by the trees and his eyes narrowed dangerously. He clutched at the door behind him and slowly dragged himself to his feet. "Another, huh?" He muttered, and his eyes flashed.
Naruto opened his mouth to deny whatever the teen was accusing him of when a quiet voice made them both freeze.
Naruto saw the door behind the teen opening, and it appeared he did too. The raven threw himself backward, slamming the door shut. "Do not come out," he hissed, eyes still fixed on Naruto. "Not until I tell you you can."
Naruto heard quiet footsteps falter before they vanished as the owner of the voice hurried away from the door. "I-"
"Are you here for her too?" The teen snarled. He raised his sword and remained standing despite how blood continued to flow from his wounds.
"Who?" Naruto asked.
"Do not play dumb," the raven snapped. "Why else would you be here?"
Naruto then watched in fascination as something like black smoke seemed to gather behind him, and soon began to take the form of wings. However, he then doubled over and spat out a mouthful of blood, and the smoke disapitated. He took a step forward in worry and the teen instantly had his sword pointed at him.
"Do not come any closer," he snarled. "Do not-"
A soft groan cut off whatever he had been about to say, and both teens turned towards the long-haired young man. "Sasuke, you've got it all wrong," he whispered, and for a moment, the raven looked torn between going to his side and continuing to hold his position of guard in front of the door, before he glared at him one more time and hurried over towards the dying man.
"He's here for me," the man whispered. "Just like you came for Madara years ago."
The raven, Sasuke, froze before slowly looking up and giving Naruto a once over. "So he is…."
The man nodded, then slowly raised a hand and made a 'come here' gesture in his direction. Naruto hesitated but the pull in his chest seemed to intensify, and he slowly made his way towards his side. The man reached out towards him and Naruto warily took his hand.
Instantly he felt a rush, and suddenly he felt alive. He instinctively tried to pull back his hand but the man kept a tight grip on it, not allowing him to. "You protect her," he whispered, pleadingly. "You look after her, and keep her safe."
Before Naruto could ask what was going on, the man turned to dust before his very eyes. He breathed in sharply and, for a second, it felt as though there was something in his throat and he couldn't breathe. Then the moment was gone and something warm appeared in his chest, and soon spread through his entire body.
"What-" Naruto choked out. "What is going on?" If this was how being alive truly felt, he could only describe life until this moment being half dead.
Sasuke slumped backward, breathing heavily. The door once again opened and this time, the raven did not complain. A head full of pink hair and green, green eyes peeked out from the house before the door was completely thrown open and a girl darted out. "Sasuke!" She cried. "Are you okay? Are you-" she cut herself as she caught sight of him and froze. "Hashirama?" She called out hesitantly, but Sasuke chose that moment to collapse forwards and the pinkette rushed to his side, Naruto forgotten for the moment.
"Sasuke?" The girl prodded, eyes wide. "Sasuke, are you dying?"
The raven let out a weak scoff. "No," he said. "I...would not mind some help to bed though."
The girl instantly grabbed his arm, then dropped it when he let out a groan of pain. "Sorry-"
"Um," Naruto called, and the girl turned towards him, eyes wide. "I could help?"
The pinkette's eyes brightened and she nodded. "Yes please," she said softly.
Naruto carried over to Sasuke's side and this time, the raven did not complain. He grunted as he lifted the teen onto his back and turned to the girl, who was hovering beside him. "Where do I take him?" He asked.
The girl led the way into the house and up a set of stairs. "This room," she said, pushing the door open, and Naruto lay the now unconscious raven onto the neatly made bed. The pinkette gestured for him to step out. "That one is yours," she added, pointing to the door to the left.
Naruto froze. "What?"
"Hashirama usually cooked, but since he is gone I am afraid we will not be eating anything too grand for a while," the girl continued. "There is not much here, but it is not inconvenient. We grow things around the back and sometimes we have meat. There is a river close by and we can catch fish there."
"Wait, no, that's not what I meant," Naruto said, and the girl turned to face him. However, instead of answering his question, the girl simply smiled.
"What is your name?" She asked, and before he could stop himself, Naruto was answering.
"Naruto," he said.
The girl nodded. "My name is Sakura," she told him. "Welcome home, Naruto."
Sakura had then vanished into Sasuke's room for the rest of the day and when the raven stepped out with a sleeping pinkette in his arms just as the sun was setting, he looked as good as new.
The other teen nodded in greeting before entering another room. When he came back the girl was nowhere to be seen and Naruto watched as the raven took a seat at the table opposite him. "You must be wondering what is going on," he said, and Naruto slammed his fists the table.
"Damn right I am," he snapped.
Sasuke eyed the table, then the door to Sakura's room, then shrug. "That is expected," he said. "I was like that when I first came here."
"That-that man earlier?" Naruto said. "You guys said Hashirama. Hashirama, as in Senju Hashirama?"
It was only two years before he had been born when Senju Hashirama, the man that united the Land of Fire, had gone missing. Apparently, search parties from the capital had come even to his village looking for any signs of the Hokage. It had been the first time most of the villagers had ever seen people from the capital, a place that lay too far for any of them to hope to ever visit, and so many remembered it well and the tale was often told to the children.
Sasuke nodded once, confirming it. "Where should I start?" He asked.
"The beginning would be nice," Naruto replied blankly.
Sasuke smirked. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Because this tale spans over course of thousands of years and we only have a little time until sundown." Still, he shifted so he was comfortable. "How much do you know about the story of the Creation of the World?"
While briefly, Sasuke told him a tale from Naruto's childhood. How, millennia ago, the Gods created the human world. How Kaguya had given them forms and Sakura had given them life. How Kaguya had years later turned against her own creations and how Sakura, and the rest of the Gods, had stood up to her. How the Gods finally managed to seal Kaguya after a huge war and how they decided that they needed to leave the world in order to allow mankind to live for themselves. How, as a result of the war, Sakura had become unable to return to the realm of the gods and how she decided to remain here to watch over mankind. How Kaguya's two sons had been ridden with guilt for their mother's actions and how they decided to stay with Sakura to take care of her and protect her. How they retreated to the Forest of Death to stay out human attention and how they had passed this role to their descendants...
"Hang on" Naruto said, eyes wide. "Are you saying I'm a descendant of Kaguya?" He asked.
Sasuke nodded. "We all are, in a way, because the Otsutsuki, the first humans, were once Gods, and a part of them are still with us. Still, we are direct descendants, somehow," he explained. "When the replacement Guardian is born, the current Guardian begins to lose their powers. Then, when the two meet and make contact, the last of the Guardian's powers are passed from the predecessor to the next Guardian."
Thoughts ran through Naruto's mind, threatening to overwhelm him. "So what? Naruto asked. "That Hashirama guy looked like he was twenty, maybe twenty-five. Am I going to die in less than ten years? Because some other kid who's going to replace me is born?"
"Believe it or not, Hashirama was forty-six," Sasuke said, then raised a hand when Naruto opened his mouth to deny it. "Really. He left Konoha more than twenty years ago, it makes sense. He was twenty-six when he became a Guardian. Once you take up the role, you do not age, and you cannot die unless you fall in battle."
"Wait, so-" Naruto tried to put his words together. "So Hashirama didn't die because I touched him?"
"No," Sasuke replied. "He was dying, but he couldn't truly die until he passed his powers onto you."
Sasuke shrugged. "Sakura is a Goddess," he reminded him softly. "Everything is so that she always has two Guardians with her. It could be fate, it could be destiny, it could even be some unknown Deity of luck. Whatever it is, everything happens so that when one Guardian falls, the next is already there."
Naruto thought of this reason he had left his village. "My home was destroyed in an earthquake," he whispered, rage slowly filling him. "Did the Gods cause it so that I arrived here at the perfect time? Did Sakura have it so that I would be here to look after her after her previous servant died?" He got to his feet, knocking back his chair as he did so, and he felt a sudden, unknown feeling deep within him.
Sasuke followed suit, his onyx eyes now a bright red with black markings in them. The black smoke was back and Naruto watched, momentarily forgetting his anger, as huge, black wings sprouted from the raven's back. They threateningly fanned out behind him and Naruto felt something within him roaring in response.
"Do you think any of us asked for this?" Sasuke snarled. "Do you think Hashirama wanted to leave the nation he fought so hard to pull together? Or that any of our predecessors asked for the lives they were forced to live, that I asked to be born the way I did?"
Naruto heard shuffling, and Sakura slowly stepped out of her room. "Sasuke?" She called, and the raven seemed to calm down a little.
He raised his hands in her direction and the pinkette hurried over to his side, burying her face into his feathers. "Sorry," he said. "Did I wake you?"
Sakura slowly shook her head, then turned towards Naruto. "Are you angry?" She asked softly. "You must be, and I am sorry about that."
"You have nothing to be sorry about," Sasuke quickly said. "Go back to sleep, okay? You have yet to fully recover."
Sakura sadly glanced up at him, before she ran her fingers gently over his wings. The feathers shivered in reaction to her touch and she nodded. "Okay."
The two of them waited for the pinkette to leave the room before they sat down again. There was a certain tenseness in the air, but Naruto found himself unwilling to wake the Goddess again. He bitterly wondered if his status as her guardian was forcing him to feel things.
"No one asked for this," Sasuke said after a while. "Not even her."
"She seems pretty fine to me," Naruto muttered. "Even when you and Hashirama were fighting. You were half dead and Hashirama died. She looks perfectly clean."
"Sakura is no longer the Goddess she once was. During the war, she gave a part of herself to stop Kaguya. That is why she could not return to the Realm of the Gods with the others."
"And who were those people in black?"
Sasuke shrugged. "I do not know," he said. "There are always people after her. Look hard enough and no matter how well the Gods hide, humans can find them. Sakura cannot protect herself; that is why we are here."
Naruto sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "So, how old are you?" He asked, changing the subject; he needed time to think.
Fortunately, Sasuke seemed to understand and he went along with it. "Twenty one," he said. "Though I was eighteen when I took up the role."
"Where did you come from?"
Sasuke's eyes darkened at that, and Naruto decided not to press. "And-and your wings?" He asked. "I've got to say, those were pretty cool."
The raven smirked. "Guardians are passed down power that once belonged to Hagoromo and Hamura," he explained, "though these powers tend to manifest within every individual in a different way."
"Do you know what mine is?" Naruto asked, glancing down at himself. Nothing seemed to be different, but Sasuke had looked normal until he had sprouted wings, so he guessed it wasn't an obvious change.
Sasuke shrugged again. "You will have plenty of time to find out."
Naruto glanced down at his hands again. His village was gone, and the only people he had ever known had died with it. He had nowhere to go, and nothing to do. "I….guess." He closed his eyes. "Though first thing first, we're going to have to do something about your stiff way of speaking."
Sasuke's eyes flashed dangerously at this. "I will never allow myself to talk in an unsophisticated manner like you."
"Did you just call me unsofisti-you bastard!"
"You are loud, idiot!"
Suddenly, the trees outside seemed to go quiet and Naruto was dragged out of his memories. He could feel the faintest vibrations of footsteps treading carefully through the woods.
These humans had actually managed to navigate through the forest, where everything that existed within the trees were engineered to kill outsiders. He had to admit, he was a little impressed.
"They're here," Sakura said, and he nodded.
"I'll be stepping out for a while and I'll be right back," he said reassuringly. "Don't leave the house and if someone actually manages to get past me, wake up the Teme, okay? The sun might be up, but he'll be able to function for a little bit."
Sakura nodded slowly, eyes wide. "I would like to talk to them, Naruto," she said. "They coming here is inevitable."
Naruto felt something grip his chest. Everyone who had ever ventured into the forest looking for the Goddess always wanted something. They wanted to use her, hurt her, take advantage of her. No many had gotten as far as even catching a glimpse of her, however, and if he had anything to say about it, these 'humans of war' would not be getting anywhere near her either. Sakura had never spoken up for any of the trespassers, though, and he feared that their quiet days in the Forest of Death might just be coming to an end.
"I'll go ahead, then, and make sure they're not evil idiots, then," he told her gently, hoping against hope that Sasuke would be able to say no to her, to keep her here while they killed off the intruders.
Sakura nodded. "Be careful," she said.
Naruto grinned and called upon the power that lay deep within him. He felt a roar echo through his body and when he glanced down, his entire body was surrounded in an aura of bright orange fire. "I will."
Chapter SIX>
<Chapter FOUR
Chapter List
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lazymilkshakecolor · 7 years ago
The first and last time
Here’s the angst fest @kairi-chan
Chapter 1 ( This is a two parter) :The first and last embrace.
Sakura remembers the first time she held her daughter, a tiny bundle of blankets crying her lungs out before calming down and staring at her with big shiny black eyes, it was from that moment that Sakura her daughter will do great things, not just for her and her husband but for the whole world.
It turns out she was right, as her daughter was one of the strongest shinobi in the shinobi world, known for saving it more than once and was chosen to be the eight hokage.
All was great for a while, Sarada was close to her dream, she and Boruto have finally confessed and are in a relationship and Sarada was closer than ever with both of her parents.
But that all faded like an illusion when Sarada puked up blood for the first time one friday evening.
Sakura still remembers her daughter’s strangled shout for help when that happened, up until then, it has been a long time since she has seen her daughter truly helpless, but after that her daughter has been needing her more and more each passing day.
All the tests pointed to one direction, but Sakura has refused to believe it, since the illness she suspected Sarada had only infected less than one percent of shinobi, but all hope was shattered when Sasuke told her his brother exhibited the same symptoms at his final minutes alive as Sarada was exhibiting.
Six months into her illness, Sarada begged her to let her go home and out of the hospital, Sakura couldn’t blame her, she’s been trapped there for four months, the medic and physiatrist in Sakura understood that, but the mother in Sakura objected with every fiber in her being, cause being out of the hospital meant being away from medical equipment and supplies, it meant being away from other medics who would know what to do if she freaked out.
Her first instinct was to say no, but something about her daughter’s teary eyes and the way she was holding her medics coat in a tight grip reminiscent of her six year old self, made her say yes, and the smile Sarada displayed after Sakura agreed to let her come home was absolutely breathtaking, which was why Sakura pulled Sarada into a tight hug and buried her head in her neck in an attempt to hide her tears after a very dark thought from her medic side rang through her head.
‘’She doesn’t have much time.
And she didn’t, which was a fact Sakura stopped denying by the seventh month, when Sarada was using crutches to walk around, when she was barely eating, when her smile and laughter were beginning to seem like a thing from the past.
‘’Boruto asked me if I could go to the founding day festivali two days with him, or if I wanted to stay home so he’ll stay with me.’’ Sarada blurted out suddenly when Sakura was doing the dishes.
‘’Would you like to go?’’ Sasuke asked his daughter, who was playing with the handle of her crutch while covering herself with the blanket Boruto got her for her birthday.
Sarada didn’t answer, she just gave her father a confused look.
Sakura could tell that her daughter was devastated over her relationship with Boruto, she was so happy with him before they discovered she was ill, but after that Sarada withdrew from him and she once confided in her that she felt that she was robbing Boruto of what he fought to get for years.
‘’Would you like another piece of your birthday cake Sara-chan?’’ Sakura asked, fully expecting her daughter to say no, which was why she was surprised when she said yes.
They stayed quiet for a couple of minutes before Sarada spoke.
‘’Do you remember when I was a kid I used to ask for a little brother?’’ Sarada asked, addressing the question to her mother.
‘’I do.’’ Sakura answered while wondering where this will take them.
‘’I was wondering if you wanted to continue the Uchiha line.’’ Sarada said, raising her eyes from her piece of cake to look at her parents.
‘’What?!’’ Sakura exclaimed while Sasuke just stared at his daughter, who suddenly cracked a mischievous smirk.
‘’Yes, I am asking you to have sex.’’ Sarada said bluntly which caused Sasuke to choke on his own spit and Sakura’s cheeks to redden.
‘’Sarada!’’ Sakura yelled, which prompted Sarada to let a sound that Sakura didn’t recognize at first, a sound she hadn’t heard in about six months.
Sarada was laughing, real laughter and a real smile, not the fake one she’d give everybody to calm their worries.
‘’Sorry mama, papa I couldn’t resist,’’ she started while the last trace of her smile faded, ‘’ but seriously, I worked so hard on restoring the might of the Uchiha, with the thought of my kids wearing the crest with pride, but that doesn’t seem possible..’’
Sakura and Sasuke’s earlier joy over hearing Sarada being happy disappeared as their expression changed into a grave setting.
‘’Sarada please don’t think about that.’’ Sasuke said, giving Sarada a pleading look.
‘’What? About my imminent death?’’ Sarada growled, frustrated because of her parents denial of the truth.
‘’Sarada! Don’t you dare say that again!’’ Sakura shouted at her daughter, Sakura knew she shouldn’t shout at her, she knew that she shouldn’t deny what was obviously a very close reality, but she just couldn’t accept the fact that her daughter, the center of her world for the past twenty one years, the person she’d give her body and soul to keep alive and the person that is the product of the love between her and her husband, is going to leave her and the world she worked so hard to make it better.
And judging from the purple coloring of her hands and knees, and her increasingly frequent grimaces of pain, their parting is a lot closer than what she thought, and what made Sakura feel as if a sword was thrust in her heart was the fact that her daughter knew that she didn’t have much time, but instead of thinking about her, she thought of the future of her clan, of Boruto and of her parents.
‘’I’m sorry, this is all my fault.’’ Sarada apologized, gaze returning to the half eaten piece of cake in front of her.
‘’God no, no,’’ Sakura said before springing up and running towards her daughter, grabbing her head and pulling her into a hug, ‘’ I’m the one who’s sorry, don’t you ever think that this is your fault, cause it isn’t,’’ Sakura pulled away while raising Sarada’s head, looking her straight in the eye,’’ this isn’t your fault.’’ sakura asserted.
Sarada only nodded before looking away again and Sakura knew why she looked away, it was evident in the way her eyes teared up and fists clenched.
‘Even when she’s at death’s door, she still thinks about our feelings’’ Sakura thought, her fingers running through Sarada’s hair.
‘’I love you so much.’’ Sakura said for what might have been the millionth time she said it over the course of this past year, and it was at that exact moment that Sasuke’s hand landed on Sarada’s shoulder.
Sarada grabbed both of her parent’s hands before speaking.
‘’I love you too.’’
That night, Sasuke found Sakura reviewing her research papers.
‘’Sakura.’’ he called out gently, as not to startle her.
‘’I’m just checking, maybe there is a cure we could draw from the pill your brother used to take.’’
Itachi used to take pills which extended his life from eight months after the infection to four years, but those pills practically made him a living corpse, which was why Sarada refused to take them.
‘’Sakura.’’ he repeated.
‘’Or maybe we could draw the infection from her chakra or-or…’’ her voice cut off.
‘’Sakura.’’ Sasuke said again, opening his arm and engulfing his wife in his embrace, burying his head in her hair while he let his own tears fall.
They expected anything, it was a consequence of being parents of ninjas, but never, in their worst nightmares, did they imagine that a disease would be the thing that took their daughter from them.
‘’I can’t help her, I can’t, I tried everything…’’
And that’s how they spent their night, in each other’s arms,comforting each other.
The next day, Sarada didn’t move from her bed, she didn’t eat and barely drank a little water.
Both Sasuke and Sakura didn’t dare move from their place in Sarada’s room, in fear that she might need something and they don’t hear her or that she’d draw her final breath while she’s alone.
But mostly they were there as comfort, it was apparent that Sarada was scared, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d be close to death, but it will be the only time she couldn’t fight it.
At night, after a bloody coughing fit from Sarada that woke her up, Sakura layed next to her on the bed.
‘’I know you’re scared.’’ Sakura said, watching as Sarada opened her half lidded eyes fully and adjusted her glasses.
Sarada only nodded, not having the energy to deny anymore, settling into her mother’s embrace instead.
A minute passed without anybody saying a word, but a sob tore through the silence like a blade as Sarada’s shoulders started shaking.
Sarada felt her mother squeeze her shoulders and her father squeeze her hand and sit on the bed behind her.
‘’What are you thinking?’’ Sakura whispered in her daughter’s ear.
‘’That I don’t want to die.’’ she answered, her voice fading into a whimper as her hands clutching at her parents harder before continuing, ‘’ I did all these things and in the end it was for nothing.’’
‘’It wasn’t for nothing and you know that, you know what you did and you know that people are at peace because of you.’’ Sakura said, Sarada was about to say something else when Sakura continued, ‘’ Your father and I, Boruto, Naruto, ChoCho and all the rest of the people who love you and you love them will always love you, will never forget about you and the effect you had on our lives, you’re always going to be you and you will be remembered as who you were up to every quirk and I will make sure of that.’’
‘’And old people will tell stories about me?’’ Sarada asked as Sakura’s hands glowed green on girl’s throat, trying her best to ease her breathing.
‘’Yes and I will too.’’
‘’So old people.’’ Sarada repeated, earning a very light smack on her head.
‘’You are forty.’’ Sasuke said from his place on the bed, still clutching Sarada’s hand tightly.
‘’You’re going to get it later.’’ Sakura threatened, which made Sarada smile a little.
A minute passed in silence before Sarada broke it.
‘’Did you guys think about what I told you earlier, about possible siblings?’’ Sarada asked,her voice still broken.
She and Sasuke talked about this subject yesterday night, and after considering all the circumstances, they agreed to think about it more later.
‘’We still need to think about it Sarada.’’ Sakura answered.
‘’But if we do what do you want their names to be?’’ Sasuke asked, not expecting Sarada to immediately answer.
‘’Saboro if it’s a brother and Satuka if it’s a sister.’’ Sarada answered, and it almost made Sakura break out in sobs that she used brother and sister.
‘’Since when did you think of these names?’’ Sasuke asked,after taking a deep breath, this was getting to him too.
‘’Since about a month ago.’’ she said, gasping between words.
‘’Hmmm.’’ Sakura hummed as she rested her chin on Sarada’s forehead, hearing the sound of her abnormal breathing.
‘’I’m tired.’’ Sarada admitted while Sakura adjusted the blanket Boruto got her around her body to give her more warmth.
Neither Sasuke nor Sakura said a word, as sasuke moved so he was laying on the bed behind Sarada, his head next to hers, and as Sakura moved soher ear was on her daughter’s chest, making the faint beating of her heart hearable.
‘’We’re proud of you Sarada.’’ Sasuke whispered in her ear.
‘’We love you and we’ll always love our Sara-chan.’’ Sakura said in the gentlest tone she ever used while her hands removed Sarada’s glasses, giving Sakura a view of her daughter’s shiny black orbs.
They felt Sarada nod as another gasp tore through her throat.
They stayed quiet after that, Sakura listening to their daughter’s fading heartbeat, while Sasuke listened to her gradually slowing breathing.
Sakura remembers the last time she held her daughter, a fully grown woman taller than her wrapped in a blanket given to her by someone that meant the world to her, big shiny black eyes staring at her in her final moments, eyes that even at death’s door, shined with pride over all the great things their owner had done for the world.
Sarada Uchiha spent her first minute alive and her last minute alive surrounded with the love of her parents.
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lavendersmiles · 7 years ago
Coffee, Books, and You
SasuSaku Month 2018
Day 13: Summer Heat
Author’s Note: I go for AU if my brain's too tired to function 😂 will probably edit this if I can probably never 😑
FFnet link
"Why are we here, dobe?"
Cerulean eyes flashed with annoyance. "Oh come on, Sasuke. I can't bear the heat anymore! We need to cool down 'ttebayo. Especially you."
"Then who was the idiot who made me go to this place huh?"
"Me!" A pause. "Hey! I'm not stupid!"
Sasuke did the breathing exercises that calm him down. He needed to, or else he would reduce Naruto to shreds, and that would cause Kushina-san to chase after him. She's dubbed as the 'Red-Hot Habanero of Konoha' for a reason, and the dark-haired teen doesn't want to have a first-hand experience to know why.
Naruto nudged his side. "It's your fault you lost the bet. Don't be a sore loser, teme."
His reply was a glare. He still couldn't get over the fact that he lost an arm wrestling competition against his best friend, though he won't ever verbalize that. If only he won, he could be lounging at his library right now without a care in the world and no loudmouth to annoy him throughout the summer vacation. Now, he's stuck with the Uzumakis in their villa at the beach a plane ride away from the city. Though the view was great, he was still grumpy over his loss.
"Besides, this café is nice. Not too crowded in the early afternoon, just how you like it you antisocial prince. Remember Gaara's sister, Temari? She actually owns the place. And I know someone who works here. She makes awesome coffee too."
Before he could protest any futher, Sasuke was dragged inside. A chime signalled their entrance and the two were greeted with the cool air from the aircon. The first thing that the Uchiha noticed was a girl wearing the café's uniform with hair the color of cherry blossoms and eyes sparkling like emeralds, smiling at them.
"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed, running towards the counter, his best friend slowly followed.
How fitting, Sasuke thought.
The pinkette gave the blonde a high five. "Hey Naruto! Long time no see! Back for summer vacation?"
"As always. But now I got Sasuke with me," he proclaimed, placing an arm around his brooding best friend.
"Ah," the emeralds turned their attention to onyx who regarded her coolly. "So this is the best friend you keep talking about. I'm Sakura."
She handed out a hand and he shook it. Sasuke then quickly retracted his hand, trying hard not to dwell on the warmth that came over him unexpectedly. He tried to tune out the conversation of the two until he felt Naruto nudge his side again.
"So what do you want, teme?"
"Expresso," Sasuke answered curtly.
Pink eyebrows rose. "In this summer heat? Really?"
He directed a glare at her, but she didn't even flinch. "So?"
To his surprise, she rolled her eyes at him. It was rare for a girl not to fall into his charms and it seems like she's one of the very few who doesn't treat him like some sort of 'heavenly god' – his fangirls' words, not his.
"Well, if it's your thing." Sakura then turned her attention to Naruto. "Caramel macchiato frost with nachos and cheesy fries still?"
"You know me too well, Sakura-chan."
"Puh-lease. It's your go-to order every single time." After writing their orders down, she chimed, "Wait for 15 minutes okay? Make yourselves comfortable."
The two found a place at the corner of the room and immediately Sasuke crossed his arms and laid back on the armchair. "If I don't like the coffee here I'm going home back to Konoha, Naruto."
Said boy shrugged, not thinking he was actually serious. "That's your call, Sasuke. But let me just tell you that Sakura-chan's coffee making skills are the bomb."
The pinkette appeared with their order a while later, placing them on their table.
"Here you go. Enjoy!" She directed a smile at Naruto which immediately turned into a frown when her eyes landed on Sasuke. He didn't mind it and simply took his cup of coffee and took a sip.
He felt warm and alive all of a sudden.
Every day, the duo stopped by for snacks. Sasuke agreed – much to Naruto's teasing – that the coffee was great and it wasn't long until they were treated as regulars. But then two weeks before the summer vacation comes to a close, Naruto caught a cold and the Uchiha didn't want to know why. Not wanting to spend his afternoon beside a sick loudmouth who insists that he's fine, he found his way to the café. A smirk formed on his face when he saw that he was the only customer there. He didn't find the pinkette at the counter, only Temari who upon seeing him raised her eyebrow.
"You're not with the loudmouth brat? Okay then. What would it be this time?"
"The usual," he answered promptly. The teen then sat at the corner which Naruto and him silently marked as theirs and took out one of the books he brought with him.
Finally, some peace and quiet.
"No. Way."
Sasuke sighed, his plan to relax obviously failed. He looked up to see Sakura with his order, eyes wide with bewilderment at him – or rather, at his book. She immediately placed the tray on the table and sat across him, still in awe.
"How come you already have a copy of 'The Shinobi Tales' fifth book?!" she shrieked.
He placed the book down, slightly amused that her eyes followed it. "My cousin owns the publishing house."
If possible, her eyes widened even further. "Wow. That was just released last month. It hasn't even reached here yet."
To her surprise, he handed the said volume to her. "You can borrow it for now, since you're practically drooling for it. I need someone to rant with in a particular scene."
For the first time since they met, Sakura threw her bad first impression of him out of the window. "For real?! Let me guess, it's about Daichi?"
Sasuke nodded, looking grim. He had no one to vent out his frustration about the series and was pleasantly surprise to found someone who could actually relate.
Sakura looked bewildered for a moment before giggling. Emeralds sparkled with something he never saw before. "You know what, you're not that bad after all."
After that, the two found out they were alike in so many ways, balanced with their differences in other fields as well. Friendship bloomed between them, but despite that, there was something bothering the dark-haired teen.
"Expresso again, I assume?" Sakura inquired. He gave a nod at that. Before she could speak again about his order, he cut her off.
"Why won't you call me by my name?"
Jade eyes widened. She started fidgeting with the ballpen in her hand, a telltale sign of her nervousness. "You noticed, huh? Umm… it's because I don't know what suffix I should use for you." He raised an eyebrow at that. "I mean, I know you a bit well not to add a –san but not close enough to just call you by your name."
Sasuke couldn't help but roll his eyes at that. "I actually don't care. Use whatever you like."
He tried to ignore how his heart stopped for a second upon hearing her rather shy voice saying his name with the affectionate suffix.
"Is it okay… if I call you Sasuke-kun?" A faint blush dusted her cheeks, and he tried to calm his heart that was racing a mile a minute and utterly failing. The lad just knew that he would end up a stuttering mess if he ever spoke now, so he just nodded in agreement. She beamed at that, clutching her hands together in happiness.
"Sasuke-kun," Sakura spoke with more confidence. "Well, Sasuke-kun, should I go prepare your expresso and clubhouse sandwich now?"
He couldn't help but smirk. "If it takes more than ten minutes I'm not gonna pay for it."
She heard the teasing tone and just stuck out her tongue to antagonize him. It had the opposite effect, for it amused him instead.
Before, Sasuke wished for the days to pass quickly so that he could go back home, but now all he wanted was for time to slow down instead. He tried to deny it, but he looked forward being with Sakura. She was unlike any other he met and despite the short time they've been together he felt like they've known each other for so long already.
It was rare to find someone that makes you feel like you found something you never knew you needed.
His steps felt heavy when he entered the café… probably for the last time in a while. He already planned on coming back next summer, but those days seem too far away. Sakura smiled upon seeing him, nodding to indicate she already prepared his preferred meal.
He went to his seat and not a while later she came towards him. "You're alone again? Where's your best friend?"
Sasuke sneered. "Kushina-san had company and prepared a big feast. The dobe fell asleep right after, being his pig self. I think he'll come here later though."
She nodded, amused. "Right. It's the last day of vacation after all."
His heart sunk at that. When she laid his order on the table, he lowered his head and sighed heavily, catching her attention.
"It was nice meeting you, Sakura. You're actually the only good thing that happened this summer," he grudgingly admitted.
His heart swelled when he heard her laugh. "Should I be flattered? And why do you sound like it's gonna be the last time we'll see each other?"
Sasuke looked up suddenly and couldn't stop the confusion that appeared on his face. Upon seeing that there was no customer aside from him, she took the seat across his. Her eyes sparkled as she revealed her plans excitedly.
"I'm actually going to Konoha University. I just got the news yesterday that got a scholarship there under Tsunade-sama's tutelage!"
Onyx widened at that. "You're actually that good?" he asked with a teasing tone.
She punched his arm playfully. "Hey! Don't underestimate me! I'm the top of our class for a reason you know. You're not the only one running for high school valedictorian," Sakura answered with a smile.
A silence ensued, but there was no awkwardness in it, only anticipation for the future. "So, see you in spring, Sakura?"
She gave him a radiant smile that makes the summer's sun dull in comparison. "Yeah. See you, Sasuke-kun."
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ombreecha · 7 years ago
The Uchiha’s Wife
FF.NET Fandom: Naruto Pairing: SasuSaku Rating: M Summary: She was an otherworldly being of healing. An absolute nymph of spring. He was an otherworldly being of destruction. An absolute god of war. In a world where war makes him death, and chaos she will be the life, and love his people will talk of for years to come. AU x Warring States Period. 
Chapter 10 The Mother & Father
There was reluctance in letting her pass through his gates without his protection. It had caused words to lump within his throat wishing to remove the approval he had given. He knows he cannot take this from her, and it’s only with the control he has learned to maintain throughout his years upon the earth that he keeps his thoughts from entering the air around them. He cannot allow his selfishness to get in the way. Her viridian had showed her joy at being picked, and who was he to ruin that joy? Who was he to give into the paranoia of her leaving his side?
Days into her leaving he feels his home becoming far too quiet with her no longer consistent presence. The silence has nothing to do with the loss of her chatter—she was loud in an entirely different way. Everything about her drew you to her. She could not be missed. She could not be silenced in presence alone. All of her called out to anyone who stood before her.
There is chiding within his mind that her leaving was no different than her medic relief—except she only had one Uchiha guarding her as she walked outside his walls now.
There is no camp filled with allies, and brothers-in-arms to protect her. He could not give her more with the battles that shook the world outside their home.
He would not allow himself to give into the thoughts that threaten him within. She had left calm and drenched in joy. She did not leave his side thick within disdain. She had not left his side filled with anguish. Their marriage was far from recovered and far from being what it should have been—no, what it could have been—but there would be time to build it to that state. Time would still allow him such things when the moment was right.
Shisui would protect her so that he could have those moments.
The hawk he sends forth from within his garden sends but a simple reply. Madara has called for him, and he is all to certain he knows what matter is to be discussed. He had blatantly disobeyed him in bedding the Uchiha woman—he had reprimanded, he had placed his wife before her, and he had attacked her in his demands for an apology no less. There would be punishment. He would accept it on behalf of himself, and his wife. She had continued forward, and she had swallowed herself for him. He would do so for her just as she had done for him. It would be another apology. It would be silent. It would be unheard. It would be unspoken, but it would be there within himself.
The hours that countdown his leave are barely felt, and the sleep he had managed to succumb to leaves just as fast. His bags are handle by maids and there’s a hint of longing within him as he wraps the bandages on his arms. It seeks to remind him she has left days prior. Careful soft fingers are not there to bring them around his knuckles. There’s no catching the hum that escapes him, and it’s as he heads for the gates that he catches himself noting her missing in wishing him safe travel.
There’s no denying how much she had become a part of his world. All of these things are small, but they're significant no less.
Only one of his best men comes to travel beside him leaving their home behind to attend to Madara’s call. He could only give her one to seek to her safety in travel and he would not grant himself anymore than he had granted her. She is traveling so much further than he is. He is but a day and a half from his destination. There is no doubt she should almost be within the gates of Konohagakure as he stepped foot within Madara’s home.
The sound of their feet hitting upon thick branches sets an even pace. The sun that had barely rose to wish them off only seeks to rise higher and light the way. This shinobi speaks with hope, and with underlying fears. It’s filled with the smallest desires. He is not one to truly join in but shares his own chuckle within the joke that spills out next. These moments are just as with his wife—small but no less significant.
They are a reminder and a sound one at that. This is what he fights for. He fights for their peace and for their clan. Ideology paints it as so much more. It paints it red and caked with dirt. It paints it as power verse love. It paints it into something so much darker and complex than it ever should have been. It was no doubt smaller when you got to its core, and dig through the layers of paint that have built up in these long ten years.
The home of their leader is large, and immaculate beyond conception following the traditional style they all modeled and practiced. The maid who greets them welcomes them with ease as they lower their hoods upon their shoulders. The cold no longer chills their faces, fingers, and bones as they are lead down the hall and into the room that holds Madara and his brother. They conversing only lowering their already hushed voices as they trail in.
Others sit within the room their presence unexpected but not unwelcome. Perhaps this meeting had not been as he believed. Perhaps the punishment he had willingly walked into was not meant to come.
It thickens the air with a touch of uncertainty and a chaste kiss of hesitation follows. Izuna casts a fleeting look his way before welcoming them. There is the idle chatter that comes as they stand within the room before making way to their seats. Sitting at his place among the table of Madara’s high rank makes his companion sit behind him in silence. He starts the meeting as though it is more official than Sasuke had realized. Their eyes fall upon their leader instructing them on matters concerning the peace talks. The update holds no useful information for men like himself, who were only of use in battle. Talks of peace were as misguided as the hope that love could be what brings it. All he needed was the thoughts and feelings of his clansmen and people to push him forward. He would wage war for them and allow others to dabble in such conversations.
“Sasuke-san, your wife is participating in the Lantern festival from what you’ve said?” Madara crosses his arms as he gives into the small detail among the table. His response is but a simple nod forward before Madara continues, “Since it’s Sakura-san it only seems fitting we shall attend after the meeting.”
He cannot stop himself from eyeing his leader with uncertainty. Never had there been genuine interest in the traditions outside of their own. There is a thick swallow to accompany the uncertainty weighing upon his chest, “Do not feel forced to attend.”
“Nonsense. After all, she has been providing medical relief for our men. The least we can do is watch her perform. I hear the ceremony for the coming of spring is one of a kind.” Madara’s voice is questionable as he leans upon the table with knuckles pressed against his chin.
“Senju will be everywhere since it’s held in their territory.” Obito’s voice rings throughout the room speaking of the obvious, and it’s as Sasuke gives a fleeting look upon the fellow Uchiha that he finds his brows pinched at the revelation.
It would be a ceasefire, and no doubt a time when they would hold to their words and walk among each other in celebration of this foreign New Year. If his brother were to appear would he be able to keep his word? The thought brings a bitter and foul taste into his mouth. He would have no choice but to tolerate his existence. The whispers of battle that would echo within his being—requesting and pleading for him to take revenge upon the traitor connected by blood—would be ignored.
Kagami gives forth a snort, “This wife of yours has made quite the name for herself after being just a woman of convenience.”
He does not answer with anything more than a look to the Uchiha boy decorated in a grin upon his lips. It’s as he threads his fingers to hold his chin that the slow desire to defend his wife from claims of convenience find their way into the air. He silences Izuna’s attempt to respond to Kagami, “My wife is not just one of convenience.”
It hushes the room, and it is Madara who lets a low hum fall within the silence, “I look forward to seeing such during the Lantern Festival.” their leader raises his head from his almost lackadaisical lean upon his knuckles. There is a look between him and his leader, and it’s then that he knows there is more for him after the meeting. He had not been wrong. His punishment was, in fact, before him.
He would take it gladly.
“Hiashi-san, and I will be attending to go over details of a possible peace treaty with Hashirama. Those of you who wish to attend the festivities held within Konohagakure are welcome but are to not raise arms or cause disturbance during the ceasefire under any circumstance.” his words hold command within them under the guise of simple conversation that no one dares to join, “Those of you who do not attend spend so with family, and friends. Even with the talk of peace in the air do not forget we are at war, and peace talks never signal the end until decisions and compromise on both sides have been met.”
Izuna leads in behind his brother with ease seeming to be the one who does not find his brothers rule silencing, “Sasuke-san, you especially must follow these commands. Itachi-san will most likely be at the negotiations and events. We cannot have them claiming we broke the ceasefire. Traitor or not.”
He cannot stop himself from gritting his teeth at the name of his traitor of a brother. He cannot stop the tightening of his threaded fingers whiten his knuckles. The clearing of his throat only tenses the air, “I understand.”
The meeting opens to any questions those attending have, and no one dares give way to any ill feelings they hold about the conditions set forth concerning the negotiations. Madara has no need to give them guarantees of what he will bring to the table. Their leader knows exactly what they demand, and knows exactly what they should receive.
It’s after the others have left, and it is just him and his companion that he dismisses him with orders to meet at the gate within the hour. He stands before his leader, and his leader’s brother—the only line still standing within his dominate family tree with the loss of his mother, father, and traitorous brother—ready to defend his choices and decisions to this point.
He stands ready to receive his punishment.
“She was not to your liking?” Madara’s voice gives no true question. He is making a statement more than anything and rhetorical one at that, “Or maybe your wife has something to do with it?”
Swallowing thickly he gives way to an answer, “It was my decision. She holds no control over what I do.”
“Sasuke. We understand there was a fight between the two of them.” Izuna crosses his arms upon his chest as he locks gazes with him choosing to lean upon the paper walls, “From what she’s told us you made her apologize to Sakura-san.”
His jaw tightens at the statement never wavering his ebony from the almost identical pair that looks to him, “I have made it clear since I was forced to marry her that there would be no ill will against her. I cannot have them look down upon her if I need her to lead them within my absence. Any ill will to her shows ill will to my leadership.”
His leader lets out the slightest of hums as if understanding his position. There is a moment of looks between the Uchiha brothers before gazing back upon him, “Tell me then what you choose to do from here.”
Ebony shift from his leader for the briefest of moments before looking back to him cautious of what to say next, “My parents did not live in adultery and I hold no plans—”
“So you hold no interest in having an heir?” Izuna’s voice holds no room for halfhearted explanations. It brings forth the memory of the otherworldly creature that is his wife holding a child of Uchiha blood as she comes to him—it remains an impossibility.
A flick of his tongue behind his teeth does little to restrain the lividity within his tone. It’s harsher than intended to those above him, “I did not choose this political marriage.”
Why do you continue to follow blindly at his call?
There is no backing down from his position. He had done all that he had been asked of at this point with no hesitation. He had done everything to uphold his position as heir in the case of their passing. He had done all that he could for his clan repeatedly—time and time again. To commit adultery where his parents had not would shame not only his wife, but him, and those he lived to avenge. These were not choices he had made. If an heir was their concern they should have picked someone else to marry the ethereal woman that was his wife.
He was who they had chosen and he would follow his role properly. There would be no tolerance in his continued failure to be proper husband.
There is a shake to Madara’s head before he gives way to an exhale, “You cannot bed her, but you can continue as you are. I do this only out of respect for Mikoto. If it was anyone else there would be no choice in this matter. Disobedience would not be tolerated.”
There is anger and disdain for the man before him who continues to rule upon his choices as he sees fit. The claim of allowing him to forgo the adultery in the name of his mother—of his leader’s long since deceased sister—is all he needs to hear before dismissing himself to keep his anger within check. To anger and fight Madara would be to go against his clan, and he would never allow himself to do so. Doing so would be taking his brothers path. His clan and his people were forever the priority, and now even more so was she—he could not have punishment fall upon her for his choices.
Lucky—it’s how he should feel and yet, he does not.
Many who disobeyed Madara could not stand as tall as he does now heading for the gate with the snow that falls softly before him. His mother continues her protection of him. Bitterness rises in his chest at his need to still be protected. Fingers roughened through battle run through his hair as his scowl deepens. He was no longer a mere child of war. He was a man that was feared. He was a man that conquered. He had slaughtered those that would take the lives of his family, clan, and people who followed their beliefs. His strong stride stops before the gate taking in the cold air that seeks to chill his being. That same chilled air burns within his chest as the frosty air enters his lungs.
Ebony cannot stop themselves from looking upon the gray sky above that continues to give way to the winter season. He cannot stop the longing he holds for his mother. He would pray to her again when he returned home thanking her. He would thank her for all the protection she has ever given him, and all that she continues to give him. Even in death she stood there holding his hand. Even in death she would see to her child. Even when he had accepted punishment she would keep him from such harm.
A shudder leaves his mouth as he thinks of her. He could not ask her for advice, and he could not go to her when he had troubles. He could not truly hold her hand down this path. He could, though, continue to pave a way so others would not suffer the same loss he had. He could continue to make sure that young Uchiha children would never have to have their mother’s protection in death. He could give them something better. He could give them the ability to hold their mother’s hand within the world of the living.
He would give them the ability. He would give them the chance. He would win for them.
His fingers squeeze and it’s in that moment that he can truly feel her as if she stands beside him. He can feel her hand in his, and he can feel his chest tighten with her hand in his. Death was giving him this moment—it was giving him this precious moment to stand beside her.
His mother’s name carried the meaning of precious—she was undoubtedly precious.
A mother’s love was unbelievably deep. The spring wife had asked him if it was true that the Uchiha loved deeply. He even now does not know if that remains true, but he does know that his mother had loved him deeper than any ocean, and stronger than any fire. He knows that she would have done anything for him. He knows that she continues to do everything for him.
She had loved him. She had loved him so much. Never would she have willingly left his side. She would have continued to ease his heart, and she would have continued to erase his doubts.
She continues to do those things no matter how far he goes.
He truly had never been luckier.
Excitement does not begin to explain the feeling dancing within her heart as her mother, Shisui, and herself make their way to the gates. Her mother has fallen into bright spirits with the earthbound Uchiha male so unlike the stoic ones they knew far to frequently.
The chatter that overcomes them is easy to follow, and the conversations amusing. There are no disputes. There are no arguments over politics. There are no quarrels over ideals.
It’s peaceful. It’s welcomed. It’s what everyone should have. It’s proof that this could be something within their grasp if not for this war. It’s proof that a world of peace can truly exist in a world that only seemed to know war.
There is curiosity in how Konohagakure will look. Memories of her birthplace nonexistent within her mind. Far too young, and far too innocent she was back then to remember such things. Relatives had always come to them. They had never sought to visit, and as her age increased so did her distance with the place only newly born and newly welcomed into the world viridan had been given the privilege to see.
“Sakura-san, a friend of mine will be meeting us shortly. Do you mind if I take the time to speak with him?”
Her walk does not falter as she turns to look upon him, “Oh? You have company in Konohagakure?”
“We are separated by our ideals, but we still keep in touch.” he responds easily.
“I don’t see why we couldn’t.” she gives way to a smile as her viridian fall upon the gates once more.
Their steps take them closer. It’s impossible to miss her cousin’s wave, or the eye catching green clad male beside her. The smile that stretches upon her lips is large, and gives way to hurried steps wanting to be with them quicker. The scolding her mother speaks is ignored sprinting to wrap her arms around her cousin. There’s giggles and tight hugs. Her cousin’s voice is high as she tells her she missed her. The closeness they once had shared still within its rightful place even with their lives so separated.
It’s as they begin to catch up in hurried voices soaked with excitement that she hears the subtle interruption of her guard. He’s cleared his voice, “Ah, Sakura-san. I’d like you to meet my friend.”
Viridian full of interest turn to look at who it is that Shisui continues to hold close even as war separates them. She wonders if it is a Senju she had met in passing, or an Uzumaki she’s treated. It’s as those viridian turn that she cannot stop her smile from slipping. She cannot stop her eyes from becoming wide, and she cannot stop her heart from halting within its beat.
He’s all the familiar hereditary looks. Endless ebony strands with endless ebony eyes, and pale skin that contrasts almost painfully against her coloring. The lackadaisical look upon his face is all the more familiar, and it’s as her mind is running that she wonders if the Gods have played a cruel joke upon her.
She can only wonder if the Gods found humor in endlessly tormenting her.
“Sakura-san, meet Itachi. Itachi Uchiha.”
Her heart is held so painfully by these Gods intended to turn her world forever upside down and inside out. She cannot stop the twist of her surroundings bringing her back to her father’s body falling to the floor as she had gazes upon the man before her. She would never—could never—erase the look upon his face as her father fell before her. Such little care had been across those hereditary features.
Such little remorse. Such loss of heart. Such nonexistent feeling for those who hurt by his hand.
He no sooner would have discussed the weather with her as blood covered the floor and life fled from her father. This male held no remorse for his acts, and he had held no heart before her in a world filled with fire. He had looked as plainly at her now as he had back then.
The Gods must truly have found endless humor in her anguish.
Fingers curl within her palm as she feels her body set ablaze with a sense of loathing she did not know she could possess. This loathing that dares to possess her is volatile, seething, and unrelenting. Brows pinch, and her jaw tightens as these feelings bloom throughout her being in waves that desire to submerge this male, and herself. The fire that had torn Kusagakure asunder ghosts across her skin, and the wounds she had received as they had destroyed her home burn just as hot with each passing second. There is the hint upon her knuckles from where they had collided with the earth making it cry out. It echoes throughout the air unheard by all who stand with her. It echoes so loud she questions if she’ll go deaf.
“Sakura-chan?” the male clad in green calls out upon seeing her features change.
This man has captured her effortlessly, and it takes all the restraint she has to offer to keep her from lunging for his throat—so cruelly would she love to dig her fingers within his mouth to remove the lackadaisical expression from his features so painfully similar to her husband. There is recognition within those ebony. The recognition of that time comes with each small movement of his eyelids. The contempt she feels is begging for release at the base of her throat as she continues to hold the ebony within her viridian, and then all in a moment she feels the air slammed from her lungs. This man—this man before her—was her husband’s deeply loved sibling. The sibling so adored, and the sibling who had been the role model for her husband. This was the sibling he fought against. This was the traitor within their clan that had hurt her husband to depths that she could only now begin to understand. This sibling had hurt her husband, and slain her father. This man had brought so much pain within her world. He had brought her tears, and her husband’s hatred.
He was undeniably someone her husband had dared to love deeply, and in return he had brought it down without care.
For every moment her husband had dared to love this sibling had taught him betrayal. For every moment she had dared to believe that men of war were not inhumane he had proven it wrong eyes that held no heart.
The myths had done her husband no justice for this man stole all of it.
“Sakura, where are your manners?” her mother’s fingers have gripped her shoulder and it’s the only thing that makes her tear her gaze from him finally released from the chaos that was Kusagakure.
The wild beat of her heart is in full force as she desperately attempts to swallow the hurt, and loathing that threatens to drag her into turmoil. The tug upon her heart is laced with torment, and anguish. It’s far more powerful than what she could have thought possible. It’s far more petulant that she could have ever imagined. It’s far more deadly than she could have ever fathomed. It had come with an absolute vengeance for daring to think she could obtain any semblance of peace within this war. Bitter, and with eyes that dare to sting she feels the air constrict within her throat.
How much more could these people take from her? How much more could they ask of her? How much more? How much?
The desire that coaxes her heart could not be done.
Giving into the hatred, the anguish, and the raw lividity would alleviate such petulant torment, and yet, there is fear just on the other side. There is fear of her husband’s eyes upon her after hearing she had harmed the one he had dared to adore within his blissful innocence as a child. There is fear of her husband having to answer for attacking within Senju territory. There is fear that she will not come back from this raw lividity. There is fear that she will no longer no herself.
There is fear she will be the one without a heart. It is all too much—there is too much at stake.
Shisui shifts to move toward her with concern decorating him, “Sakura-san, are you alright?”
Fingers painfully press harder within her palm, nails digging into her skin as she attempts to speak without choking, “Excuse me, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Sakura. Uchiha Sakura.”
His brow has raised at her name, and there is scrutiny within his ebony as he seems to digest her. Flickering his gaze to Shisui, “I’m sure you heard about Sasuke-san’s marriage. This is his wife.”
The lackadaisical expression has disappeared at her title and in its place startle has taken over his features. There’s no missing the tightening of his jaw, and the shift within his frame. The silence between them is loud, and it echos in her ears just as loud as the memory of her knuckles crashing down upon their earth the first time they had met.
“Sakura-san, you look pale? Are you exhausted from the travel?” fingers find their way upon her arm as obsidian try to obtain her viridian. He is giving her a way out, and she is no fool—she will absolutely take this moment to remove herself from this man.
“Please.” her voice comes out far more pained than she had intended, and it’s Shisui who places a hand upon her head, “I’m so very tired.”
She begs, and pleads to not let the tears fall that burn her eyes. Her mother’s frantic voice is but background noise as they excuse themselves, and head for her cousin’s home. The feel of those ebony upon her back as they leave him at the gate are impossible to ignore. It only seeks to further terrorize her heart. It only seeks to shake her being. It only seeks to allow her to dance within the idea of digging her hand deep within his—No. No, no, no she would not allow herself to soil her heart. She would not allow herself to become him.
Disgust—she feels it radiate within her being.
You never needed a reason to love. You only needed reason to hate, and hatred consumed.
This is what had consumed so many during the war. The sharp ache that had found a home within her heart only seeks to become stronger with such feelings and yet, she cannot bring herself to cast them aside.
What god had she angered to deserve such a thing? What cruelty had she committed to have her husband’s brother be the one who held no hesitation in cutting down her father? What misdeed did she perform to have him give so little care to those he murdered?
It’s within the room that her cousin had prepared that she finally lashes out as fingers come upon her hand, “Let go of me.” the words are bitter and venomous—they seek to hurt.
She wants to hurt. She wants everyone to feel what she has endured.
Who was she to be the only one to shelter pain? It’s not their fault though. They are not the ones who continued to pray upon her so cruelly.
“Sakura-san, what has you so upset?” the obsidian haired male had barely flinched at her vexation.
“Leave me. Go. Get away from me.” her voice is raising as she spouts each word, “All of you.” her viridian glow within her hatred as she looks upon those at the door who are painted in hurt, and shock upon her words.
They cannot understand her behavior. They cannot understand her vexation. They cannot understand her venom. She would never let them understand. She could not let them understand. She will not let them understand. None of them give way to movement, and it’s in that, that she feels the last of her snap with a hiss of her voice, “Go, I said!”
The echo of her cry within the home has washed away the excitement. It has brought with it anxiousness, and hurt that paints itself upon every wall, and every door. It paints the room and it paints their beings. It paints her so violently, and it paints her so unforgiving. The whispers that fill the air beyond those doors cannot be heard outside of muffled hums. The room has lost its warmth, but the chill is numb upon her skin as she sits within her terror. She cannot find a clear answer as she sits upon the floor with her knees pressed within her chest. The tears that had burned have found their way down.
Her mind runs, and even as it tumbles it shifts between thoughts so fast, and so carelessly she finds herself losing herself entirely. Panicked, and lost with such muddled thoughts she cannot stop herself from falling deeper down the rabbit hole that is hatred. She hates so much, and she cannot find the part of her that dared to love, and dared to find the answers so hopeful, and so wishful.
Who was more important in these moments? Her husband, or her father?
Who was to be the one that would decide what she did now? To do nothing would shame her father. To do anything would shame her husband—the title is bitter, and it holds so much disdain. Disdain that she did not know she could feel for him once again. Blaming him is unwarranted, but she cannot stop herself from doing so. Hating him would be easy in these moments. Hating him would make the choice easier. Hating him would bring honor to her fallen father.
Hating him could be so easy.
There is a pull on the hood of her cloak she had never removed. The fingers bring it down from its place in almost a tender motion. Her teeth grind at the touch, and lividity runs through her veins at someone disobeying her, “Itachi-san has angered you.”
Shisui’s voice is soft as he kneels behind her, “Go.”
“Sakura-san, I do not know what he has done to you. He’s hurt you somehow, but I cannot allow you to sit here like this. Sasuke-san—”
“Don’t you dare say that cruel man’s name.” her head has whipped to look at him so close to her. His eyes show he was not prepared for such a hostile reaction upon hearing her husband’s name, and then there is something that she cannot place that follows in its place.
“Sakura-san, who is being cruel right now?” his voice is even as the glow of her viridian gaze upon him with fury.
“All of you are cruel. You only seek to hurt everyone around you with this war. You only seek to destroy. You are mons—”
“Sakura-san!” she has never heard his voice raise in such anger in all the times they have traveled together. She has gone too far—she has bred such a response within her turmoil, “You dare to say we are cruel and yet, here you sit pushing everyone aside. You sit here and you cast your family, and mother within another room as if they are to blame. You take them for granted, and you cast them without care. I ask you again, who is being cruel right now?”
“I have lost everything.” her voice breaks within her withdraw from him, “Who else could be cruel enough to have me marry a man who’s sibling would kill my father?” the words are vulnerable and hit the air before she can stop them.
Fingers find their way within her rose-colored locks, “You know Sasuke-san was not the one who made that choice. You know Madara-sama held no part in Itachi-san killing your father. None of them could have known—just as Itachi-san could not have known that you had married his brother, and he had killed your father.” his voice has come down from the anger that had laced it. It’s pleading with her in a hushed tone, and seeking to console her, “All of us—Uchiha, Senju, and everyone else who fights—have killed someone, and hurt others with our actions. We do not know if those people will become close to us. None of us would ever wish to hurt those close to us. It is all we can do, though, as we put our lives on the line.”
The solemnity rings within the silence. She was the cruel one once more. She sat here blaming. She sat here hating. She sat here loathing. She was cursing them, and slandering them. She was taking her hurt out upon them all. She was the one with such little care. She was being selfish—but how long had she pushed herself to be selfless?
This was the harsh reality of war. War robbed loved ones. It made the light from their eyes vanish. It put hurt within the world around them. It took without remorse. It forced friends to clash, and—
It forced families to fight against each other.
“Has Sasuke-san, truly been cruel to you?” the question quakes her being. It sends anguish throughout her with the gravity of what she has said, and what she has called him.
Overwhelmed. Heart pounding. Heavy hearted.
Nothing can describe the unbelievable sadness that washes over her with that question.
If I could bring all of that pain you hide onto myself I would do so.
She had said that so easily. They had fought. They had disagreed. He had made her cry. He had been cold to her. Yet, never—not once in this marriage—had he ever been cruel. He did not do malicious things to her. He did not do things out of spite. He did not show disdain towards her.
That single statement had been true when she had spoken it. She wished to take his pain from him. This man fought to protect those that followed him. He fought for peace in his own way. He fought with no anchor in the world. He had been a victim of war just as much as she now was. He had truly lost those he loved deeply. This feeling—this moment—this hatred that she had allowed to consume her—this is what had made him who he was today. She had asked him to love her, and here with just a taste of that hatred his world was soaked in she had cursed and spoken harshly of him—of all of them.
How could she possibly ask him to love someone so cruel? How had this man survived to this day with such a feeling?
A shuddered breath. A silent cry. A whispered apology.
All of it is what fills this room as she is gathered within her guards arms. He is warm—all the things she was meant to be. He was calming—all of what she tried to be.
“Sasuke-san would punish me for letting you get hurt.” it’s his laugh that’s low and hinted upon every word that brings a smile to her tear stained face as she continues to battle the slowly dissipating turmoil.
“I’ll be sure to keep such a thing from him.”
Because, Sasuke Uchiha, would no doubt protect her.
It’s long after she has made her way from the room with her hand in his, long after she gives heavyhearted apologies to those she had spat venom at, and long after the warmth has found its way within her cousin’s home once more that she accepts that her pain is still there. There’s no denying it’s grip upon her. This was not something that could be rendered with reasoning. Her husband had traveled far down this path. He had hated, and he had been consumed for such a long time. He had been his brother for many. He had gazed down upon those he killed in the name of war with such a lack of care. He had hurt, and he had been hurt. She had barely walked a mile in his shoes, and she needed to travel so much further.
Compassion, and warmth were nothing without understanding. Understanding could not be found without feeling.
She held the poison that had infected so many firmly within her, and now she truly could understand why he held such little care for talks of peace. This rage. This hurt. This suffering. All of it could not be eased with just words. He sought out vengeance, and he sought to make sure none within his domain felt what he had felt. In his conquest he had cast aside the love he had dared to feel so deeply. He had pushed others aside, and now she, too, had done just the same. He had lashed out upon those who sought to help him, and now she, too, had done just the same. He had no longer sought to reach out for help, and she now, too, had refused to reach for a hand to save her from this poison so lethal.
He had truly gone the distance. She had truly been so blind. She had sought to understand. He had cast his eyes from a world of love long ago.
She understood.
The days that come after do not ease the spread of this poison called hatred, and it’s at night that she gazes upon the ceiling lost and flushed in lividity. Her heart is torn in two. She knows it is not her husband’s fault, but here she sits within the dead of the night blaming him silently. Shisui had never lied in what he had said. Her husband had been many things, but she would have never looked upon him as cruel. She was shifting blame. She was looking for a reason to hate.
That man was the one who had slain her father. Not her husband.
More acceptance comes within the following days. It does not ease her hatred for her husband’s sibling. Her husband’s involuntary reactions when his brother was mentioned are perfectly clear. She understands far more than she would have ever dreamed why he held such hostility when it came to his brother. This man had done so much to her husband.
What would her husband say if she dared to tell him that he had taken her father—his father-in-law—away from them?
Viridian never stop searching, and her mind has yet to stop running. She had sought out an answer for this hatred and these feelings within her anguish when she had fallen within this rabbit hole.
She will continue to search for the answer she had sought within her anguish. She has to keep searching. This is not just for husband. She has to find this answer for herself. This is also for her.
The lesson has been taught, and the feelings understood. There’s pain in knowing that she had unknowingly asked for so much from her husband the night they had fought when she had fallen before him. She had asked him for all of him, and now she truly held more of him than she ever felt possible. She had asked to be his anchor, and she had asked him for love. How could she ask him for love when now she knew how addictive this poison could be?
If she could not cure herself then she could not cure him.
Yet, forgiveness meant to accept her father’s death by a man so uncaring. She could not do such a thing. She would not do such a thing.
She would be selfish. Her husband’s selfishness now just another thing she could understand.
It’s three days deep, and then before she realizes it another two days have passed. Seven days come without warning, and then without even so much as a ‘hello’ it’s on the thirteen day that she unknowingly has come upon her answer.
Practice for the coming of spring has come to an end. Her muddled mind has continued to halt her progress. She is far from ready—she has let Itachi Uchiha continue to take things from her.
She’s letting him take this from her as well.
She expects to be scolded just as she has every day since this had begun. Fingers come upon her shoulder, and it’s what drags her eyes, stinging with unshed frustrated tears, to the male, who continues to be patient with her. Her jaw dips ready to give an apology, “Kakashi-san, I—”
He never once has blamed her for her lack of progress. She had dared to wonder if it was because they had known each other well before now. She had healed him. She had healed him several times. He had come to her when his wife had been harmed in combat. He had come to her when he would be passing through to his next battle.
Here they were now. Standing within this room so large with wooden floors. He’s yet to pry, and she’s yet to explain herself. There’s no mistake that he’s being bias and hoping whatever has her within its grips will work itself out. There’s no mistake that she needs to find her answer. She needs to find the cure.  
The sun that seeks to rest for the night paints the sky outside, and cast it’s dimming light within the room through the window. It provides no warmth outside of these walls. It could not fight off the chill outside that awaits her. Another set of fingers find their way to her shoulder, and there’s a comfort to these two men allowing her to work through her problems even as so much is placed upon her shoulder. Shisui, too, has been patient—she hopes it’s because he understands. Her bottom lip quivers as she seeks to finish what she had intended to say, but she’s rendered silent as the doors open. This person does not knock and his voice is loud.
This voice. It’s undeniably warm. It’s just as she recalls, and it brings her muddled mind to a halt.
She’s captured before she even knows it. Viridian flutter as she takes in the large grin she had only known once before. He’s all the bright blonde, and vibrant azure eyes she recalls deep within the forest. He’s all the warmth that the sun refused to give.
He is so much like the sun in the summer.
“Kakashi-sensei, how much lo—Sakura-chan?” the widening of those eyes so bright, and azure follow his question, and arms once placed behind his head begin their slow descend to his sides.
“Naruto-san?” she feels vulnerable in front of this man—and she cannot begin to understand why he has such a presence.
He’s next to her immediately with brows pinched in concern. She’s not sure if it was her face, or voice that gave away the mess that was her mind, and heart. They are enemies and yet, he comes to her side without thought. He comes to her as if they had known each other forever. He comes to her as if he is her friend.
She’s not sure what continues to make her follow in actions that her husband would scold her for, “I—Shisui, I want to go with him.”
Fingers tighten upon her shoulder as viridian make their way to ebony, “Sakura-san, I cannot leave you with him.”
“It’ll be fine.” there’s a shift in this male as breathes out, “I’ll take full responsibility should anything happen. Keep in mind that even as she wears the Uchiha crest this is neutral territory for now. No one would dare to harm her here. Not with the ceasefire approaching so close. She is, after all, our guest for the festival.”
Hesitation lingers but those fingers once so secure begin to lessen their pressure upon her shoulder, “Shisui. Please.”
Sakura cannot explain herself. She cannot begin to understand why there is so much comfort that comes from this man. She cannot understand why he does not say ‘no’ to her following behind him down these streets he knows so well, and that she’s begun to learn. He’s quiet at first and then he’s chattering away as if they are just as she had felt before—friends.
He doesn’t know her outside of that forest, and he does not know her outside of her last name. Still, he continues forward as if this is second nature to him.
When had she stopped moving forward? When had she—
He’s stopped before her his arms crossed upon his chest, “What’s wrong?”
Viridian flutter once more at this male so bold, and so overwhelming. She feels her eyes sting as all of her hatred, and all of her inner turmoil boil to the surface, “Do you hate?”
The words fall so easily, and the world seems to go quiet within her ears. There are lingering gazes among those that pass by but none seem to have caught what she had asked. His bottom lip falls open, and those azure eyes fall from her as they take in what she has asked. There’s a shame that comes over her drenching her to the core. It makes her want to take back what she has asked him. It makes her wish she had never given in to that presence he has so naturally—it’s so comforting.
Viridian watch as his mouth closes once more with lips pressed tightly together, and then only moments later does he open it again as determination radiates from him as brightly as his warmth.
“I don’t know what happened, and I don’t know who it is that you hate, but what I do know is that hatred hasn’t solved anything.” his fingers make their way to his pockets as he continues to look at her earnestly, “Has hatred solved anything for you?”
“Hatred. The word itself is heavy. It weighs you down and yet, so many people feel that, you know? I fight to give people peace. I fight to bring these warring clans together, and get rid of hatred. If I let myself be weighed down who am I supposed to bring together? You have to believe there is good in people—otherwise, what am I fighting for?” his voice raises with each thought and it’s with each thought that viridian become wider, “Sakura-chan, what is your role? What do you fight for?”
“I fight to provide what others cannot. I want to heal people. I want to provide them with relief so that they can keep moving while so many of you take. I want—I want so much. I’m tired of fighting, and I’m tired of hurting. I’m tired—”
“Everyone’s tired.” azure seize her catching her voice within her throat, “How can you heal, and do what I can’t if your weighed down? Hatred breeds hatred. You can’t provide what you don’t give. This person you hate—has hating them made it easier? Has hating them made you better? Has it made you give up on peace? What peace do you fight for?”
The words fall far faster than she expects, and her voice is far stronger than she thought it could be, “I fight for a peace brought about by love, and yet how can I not hate someone who has taken everything from me? How can I not hate someone who has hurt so many.”
His mouth is left open, and his azure can only widen at her declaration. The silence that hangs within the air is thick and suffocating and yet, it’s as he lets out a huff of air that he cuts through it effortlessly, “It sounds to me like you’re just making excuses. Your husband, I’m assuming, fights in the war. He does exactly what you hate this person for to others. You know, it seems to me like your just looking for reasons to make hatred okay. I can’t stand people who do that. This is war. Don’t forget we don’t do this because we want to. You may have lost someone—who am I kidding we’ve all lost someone. Hating them for it isn’t going to bring them back. How are you honoring that person by hating them? Would they appreciate you taking your love for them and turning it into hate?”
Fingers twist within her clothing as she looks at him. Wide doe eyes cannot leave his face as she hears him louder, and clearer than she had ever thought possible.
This man. What had he lost in the war? Who had he lost in the war?
How had found this conclusion? Who had shown him the way when he was lost?
Her teeth grit, and it’s as she looks down at the ground that the tears dare to fall. Fingers make their way to her hair. There’s no soothing rubs like her husband had given as he washed her hair. The scent he has is so distinctly different from that of her husband. It’s no less comforting.
He wasn’t wrong. Nothing he had said was wrong, and he had made the answer seem so obvious. He had made all of it seem so unnecessary. She had accepted that she had started to shift the blame, and make reasons to hate her husband on behalf of his brother. She had accepted that was wrong. She had accepted it. She had understood it, and now this male so full of sun, and so full of warmth was bringing down the walls she had made deep within the night as she stared at the ceiling.
This answer he had given her. She needed to accept it.
She could not let that man take more from her.
He gives way to a whine, and a humor filled comment that has her letting out the smallest of laughs. He throws his hands behind his head with that large grin plastered back in its place she has come to associate as being entirely him. The walk back to her home, and it’s with Shisui running to her that she feels her mouth curve into a smile she hasn’t worn in days.
There’s hesitance across the Uchiha’s face, but all it takes is a look at her before those features once longed for fall into a sense of calm. Footsteps lead her forward and it’s now and it’s here that she feels herself finally looking down the path instead of back. .
The call of her mother comes just as she enters the entry way, and it’s as she makes her way to the room her mother stays within that she sees her mother holding up something that makes her heart drop. The pendent is unmistakable. It’s floral petals are pale except for one. That one lone petal is of a darker rosier shade. The chain hangs within her mother’s fingers, and it’s as her mother’s viridian look to her own that the widest of smiles breaks out.
There’s tears, and there’s broken laughter between the two. Her mother’s voice is hushed within this moment they share. Never had she mentioned to her in these days that the man who had taken her father was so close. She could not find it in herself to burden her mother so much. Fingers dance across her neck sending the smallest tickles down her.
“I don’t expect you to tell me what has you so upset. Just don’t forget that I am here, and so is your father. We love you, Sakura. Please don’t forget to lean on me, and never think you can’t lean on him. He would hate for you to carry everything on your own.” Her mother fluffs her hair as she says it all so quietly as if it’s a secret meant for them alone.
There’s no denying the tears that have fallen from those viridian her mother had been so kind as to share. Her hands are raising and she cannot stop herself from cupping her mother’s face a moment longer. She presses her forehead against her mothers and it’s as her mother’s fingers wrap around her wrists that they both cry whispering comfort to each other.
For every whispered affection another falls into place. For every affection action another follows right behind. Her heart seeks to apologize for being so selfish as to forget she has a parent right here, and another that truly had never left her.
The last whisper her mother gives before wrapping her within a hug is one she’s sure she’ll never be able to let go off. It brings pride back upon her, and the urgency to make it all true. She could not fail her father, and she could not fail her mother.
—He’s so proud of you, Sakura. He really is. We both are.
It’s as they walk to make their way towards the shinobi with locks with pale lead colored hair meant to assist with her practice that she tells the answer she’s found to Shisui, “I wish to speak with him. I wish to speak with my brother-in-law once more.”
He stops within his taken step to look at her. The Uchiha cannot stop his hesitation from showing—he’s held so much of that recently, “I’ll see what I can do, Sakura-san.”  
“Thank you.” the male of pale lead colored locks can only watch them as she stands before him. She turns to look at Shisui once more before she takes her leave, “When I had let hate fill me I told you I had lost everything.” her lips widen into a smile that she had just the day before relearned, “I was wrong. I have gained far more than I could have ever ask for.” the warmth that she was meant to give had found its way back to her face, and within her viridian.
She is beaming with hope, and she is beaming full of love that she wishes to give.
If there was one thing her father had taught her it was not to live in the past. Her father would not find honor in her staining her hands. Her father would not find happiness in her allowing such hate to fuel her. He would not find peace if she did not find prosperity in life.
Her father had been the kindest of people. He had been one of warmth, and sun—it’s clear now that is why she finds such comfort in the blonde. He had been the one to wipe her tears from her face, and pat her head when she stumbled. He cared so much for her. He had loved her, and in that love he had been the one to teach her the meaning of giving. He had been the one to teach her to love with no requirements.
Kizashi Haruno was unconditional in all that he did. He gave unconditionally. He loved unconditionally.
She, too, would love unconditionally. That is how she would honor him.
“You look troubled.”
She gives a shake of her head, “No. I’m just thankful to have a papa who still continues to love, and teach me even after he has left me.” there is a shudder that overcomes her as she speaks between soft smiles, “I will bring the spring for him. I will bring the spring to everyone—so they can feel the same love, and warmth I received from him. I will repay all of you for leading me back to him, and leading me back to who I am supposed to be.”
Her eyes shift to the male of pale lead hair beside her. They never falter in their walk having left Shisui shortly after her gratitude, “He’s proud of you.” his fingers fall within her hair affectionately.
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fortitude-sakura · 7 years ago
Prompt: Emotional masochism is the only thing she knows. Rating: T
It was no secret in the village that Haruno Sakura’s heart was wholly dedicated to Uchiha Sasuke, much to the chagrin of other male shinobi.
Whispers followed her, a trail left behind as she graced them with her beauty, intelligence and work ethic. 
“He probably has someone else.” giggled the gossipy nurses who apparently didn’t have patients to attend to.
“It’s such a pity she’s not yet married.” sighed the lady at the sweet dango store that Sakura liked to frequent after a long day at the hospital.
“What’s so great about the Uchiha? He’s a traitor in any case.” grumbled the jealous shinobi who harboured secret fantasies about making Sakura their own. 
These whispers, impervious to the winds, somehow made them to Sasuke’s ears. He had noticed an increase in the number of stares and finger pointing and it was coming to a point where he couldn’t just ignore it anymore.
When he came back to Konoha, the village idiot wouldn’t give him the time to confront Sakura. 
“Oi! Teme! Let’s go get ramen!”
He’s unable to refuse him as Naruto rarely accepts ‘no’ as an answer, especially from him. However he also conceded that talking to Naruto might also give him insight into Sakura, who up until now, was someone who he thought he understood. 
Ichiraku had transformed from a rickety little ramen bar to a proper restaurant, complete with booths that afforded them some privacy, much to Sasuke’s relief.
“So, are you going to visit Sakura-chan?” Naruto asked casually through a mouthful of ramen and tonkotsu soup.
He paused, his chopsticks halfway to his mouth. “I’m not sure.” he said carefully, “I don’t want to... give her the wrong idea.”
Naruto peered at his best friend suspiciously. “Whaddaya mean?”
“She deserves to be happy.”
  I just don’t think it can be with me. 
He didn’t have to say it out loud. Naruto knew what was hidden underneath his statement.
He returned his attention back to his ramen (which was deliciously nostalgic, but he won’t ever admit that to anyone). If he wasn’t so focused on eating, he would have heard Naruto mutter something under his breath.
“If only you knew, teme.”
He decided to pay her a visit anyway. He hadn’t meant to lie to the dobe, but he changed his mind as his feet led him away from his own apartment. His dusty, empty, lonely, cold apartment. 
She wasn’t at the hospital according to the nurses, whom he’d suspected had stopped gossiping about the very person he was asking after. As he left, he heard the topic of their gossip change.
“Isn’t that Uchiha Sasuke?”
“He’s a lot more handsome in person!” 
“Why did he want to see Haruno-san?”
He headed over toward the sweet dango shop that the nurses said that Sakura frequents often after work. He poked his head in and scans the place quickly. He can’t see her and was about to leave before a warm voice spoke.
“Are you looking for someone, dear?” the lady at the counter smiled at him, “If you’re looking for the pretty doctor, she went home about 15 minutes ago.”
How she knew who he was looking for, he didn’t bother asking. He gave her a curt nod and left quickly.
“She must have been waiting for him.” hummed the lady at the sweet dango store, happily as she adjusted her displays.
His impatience to reach her resulted in his walking much faster than usual. His weaving and bobbing through the crowd drew the eyes of many. He felt the whispers ghost past him. Distasteful (and somewhat jealous) sounding whispers.
“Why is he in the village? Don’t tell me he’s looking for her.”
“She’s too good for him anyway.”
He ignored them, after all there is only one person he’s interested in hearing the opinion of.
He gave the door a soft rap with his knuckles. A few moments passed and he knocked on the door again, slightly louder. 
When she answered the door, her face was blank with shock.
“Sasuke-kun... when did you come back?”
“A few hours ago.” he said stiffly. “Can I come in?”
“Of course.” she said, opening the door to let him in. “Have a seat."
She busied herself making some tea and preparing snacks for her unexpected guest. He didn’t plan on staying long, but out of politeness he let her pour him a cup of tea.
“What brings you back this time?”
“I’ve heard things.”
“What things?” she asked, not meeting his gaze as she sat down with her own cup of tea.
“That.. you’re still...” he paused, not knowing how to ask her.
Ask her if she’s still in love with me? God, I sound conceited.
“What I do with my feelings shouldn’t be your concern, Sasuke-kun.”
He was further shocked into silence. She knew what he was going to ask. That’s how well she knew him. 
But she shouldn’t. She should be getting to know others. Others more worthy of her.
(But he would never admit there wasn’t a single person out there who he truly felt worthy of her anyway.)
“Why are you torturing yourself, having feelings for someone who might not ever return them?” he asked slowly. His fingers traced the rim of his teacup
A pregnant pause settled between them before he heard a sharp intake of breath.
“Because maybe I’m a masochist.” she said. She looked at him with what he could only describe as the saddest smile he’s ever seen grace her pretty face.  “Maybe I keep doing this to myself because at it’s all I know. Do you think I have a choice in who I have feelings for?”
Tears began to trickle down her face and her chin trembled, trying to contain her true feelings. Her arms were crossed tightly, as if trying to hold herself together physically because it was the only thing she could hold together right now.
“Believe me, if I could choose, I wouldn’t condemn myself to this.” she said quietly as she stood up and turned away from him. “You’re probably tired from travelling, you should go home and rest.” 
He stood up and thanked her for the tea but didn’t make the move to leave. He just stood there. 
This beautiful, ethereal, intelligent, strong woman, reduced to nothing more than heartbreak and tears before his own eyes. He had so believed that leaving her so that she could be happy was the best thing to do. His believed that his feelings had come to fruition far too late, that he was never really deserving of her unwavering affection and love anyway and so it was best to just leave her. In his want to be selfless, he had ended up being selfish by not only denying his own happiness, but hers as well.
Perhaps it was time to forgive himself and allow himself to indulge in her affections? 
He moved behind her, quickly and with a tentativeness he had never felt, his fingers crept slowly to her hips before slowly advancing to her middle and pulling her gently towards him. He felt her stiffen up against him, unsure of what was happening or what to expect to happen next. 
He rested his forehead on her shoulder before mumbling “I’m sorry.”. It was the only thing he knew how to say to her now.
“For what?” was her reply.
“For making you wait so long. For hurting you.”
He felt her turn towards him and look at him. Her inquisitive stare looked like she was scanning him for bullshit. He was never one for pretty words or lies. He was painfully honest. When she was satisfied that he was being genuine, her arms reached out and pulled him in for a hug. 
He felt a burst of joy and warmth in his chest, the kind that makes you warp into a puddle of happiness. It was a foreign sensation but he didn’t hate it. His arm wrapped around her waist to pull her in closer, so that she was flush against him. He turned his head and planted a soft kiss into her cherry blossom hair.
He’d be damned if he let her go again. 
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ryodan · 8 years ago
Since you actually believe you can argue using the manga let’s go back to
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Your words: uHh i doNt seE why anyone would shiP IT
me: invalid argument, it’s one of the most popular ships in history
i dont care who’s more popular dear you’ll notice I called sns an otp, what I keep telling you is to hold both characters to an EQUAL standard..which you clearly fucking don’t like,, what joke.
Anyways, last sns bash of the day, mutuals scroll past
A respectable woman is a woman who knows what she is fighting for, sakura is a respectable woman, a narrative pushed multiple times by the story but AGAIN selective reading. It was made by kishimoto? I am no fucking weeb i am a person fluent in Japanese and I don’t need no subtitles but if you’re so hellbent on it then go listen to it yourself in the anime, episode 109, 19:01. ‘koko ni ite’ Koko= here ni= a japanese particle indicating place or direction, itte= stay, be koko ni itte= be here, stay here. Kissanime has the most accurate translations of part 1, I can say that as a person who owns the triple viz volumes 19 20 21 and most the viz volumes and the panel you’re using is page 395...part of their earlier days where they made translating mistakes like the Ino vs Sakura chapters and the bad job they did to my favourite series Ranma 1/2 as back in the day Viz was smaller and still not held to the standard of accuracy they are held to today. She says IKANAIDE , Ikemasu = go, naide= don’t. Ikanaide = don’t go. But sure, you know better than me a person who’s studied Japanese since age 7 and in fact has Japanese friends and relatives living there. 
馬鹿は馬鹿だ.  仕方が無い
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You really want to go objectively?
Who’s the character praised for selfless love by canon standards?
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But you STILL don’t acknowledge both her and Naruto were doing the EXACT SAME THING. You calling her stupid but canon is here like knock knock 
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I can list 3 other instances but i’m on data so oops
AGAIN with your selective reading and bullshit logic. Yes he protected Naruto for OBVIOUS fucking reasons they were one of the strongest people FIGHTING A WORLD WAR, he protected Kakashi and Sakura too MULTIPLE TIMES I don’t care what kind of point you are trying to prove about sasuke but lmao ok ur such a fan. He was going to kill Naruto right afterwards do you realize what backwards logic you are using right now???? 
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 Had Sakura and kakashi fallen into the genjustu trap it would not have been a huge issue since the 2 people with the sage of six paths power and yin and yang release were what is needed to seal Kaguya. But even SO he saved them, and Naruto pointed out THAT HIS BODY MOVES ON IT’S OWN FOR THE PEOPLE HE CARES ABOUT. Sasuke was trying to come off heartless as he was immersing himself in darkness, this is nothing new to his character but you don’t know it do you
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But okay, sasuke protecting them multiple times, warning them, looking out for them STILL doesn’t matter for your bullshit preception 
I don’t fucking know what point you are trying to argue since you can’t type
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But it does not change the fact that sasuke had in fact made sure they were safe before saving Naruto so idk what point you getting at, you reaching for shit that is so far idk if you are getting it from your anus or uranus. The reasons for battle were stated THROUGH the manga in my post not some badly made sappy edit.
Sasuke attacked to attack he had shit to do with wanting to understand naruto, it was naruto who wanted to understand sasuke what the fuck are you ON
i did use their battles fucker? I also used CONTEXT something you can’t for the life of you understand. 1st battle THEY WERE ABOUT TO KILL EACH OTHER OVER PETTINESS AND GOADING. 2nd he almost BURNED his ass to a crisp for interfering, then fought for the mangekyo..feelings were involved because they are BEST FRIENDS ofc they would be but the reason he stopped was because as he said TWICE to HIMSELF and to naruto was that killing his helpless best friend to obtain power was too much of an Itachi like thing to do, stop reaching it’s PATHETIC admit the faults of your ship before attacking peoples views.
You really REALLY want to have this dick measuring competition of who sasuke cares about? He was willing to give up his revenge for BOTH because sasuke loves BOTH he is not a one dimensional shallow shit like you want him to be
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All sakura got was a soRRY!!! she NEVER realized he was WRONG 
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she HERSELF realizes the DEPTH of the situation and even tho heartbroken decides to kill him? but she could not because despite all she had hope for him?
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Sasuke and Sakura have BOTH attacked each other, she went on to fight him when he STABBED HER TEAM CAPTAIN because she realizes he is wrong..him fighting back is abusive? okay lmao sorry i forgot naruto is a shoujo about fairy princesses, ninjas don’t fight here. If anything I respect that when they met as fighters they MET as FIGHTERS. And these were not her last moments, they were flashbacks that caused her resolve to falter because she had hope for sasuke
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and sasukes last words would have been about him wanting to kill his brother, but he let it go because he would never let a comrade die in front of him, not after sharing memories together lmao reach further
cry me a river over the genjutsu scene that she woke up from the same way she wakes up from sleep, but remember this: while sasukes IMAGINARY hand went through her boob naruto got MUCH worse luck
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But it’s okay because he did not kill him when he was on the floor : ) despite having FULL intentions of doing so
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I take it back. Let the boy speak WITH CONTEXT.
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Nobody is trying to deny sasuke’s lonely ass seeing another lonely kid  reaching out made him feel relieved and happy, that is a GOOD aspect about sns, but there is a bitch ass trying to deny his feelings for all of team 7. ‘thats why’ ‘dakara’ in Japanese, you can’t move that stone.
I own the sasuke shinden novel that ended with him going back once sakura triggered a flashback, and where in the anime the scene he is thinking about naruto is actually him thinking about his ‘friends’ but you know what fucker? That novel, and sakuras shitty novel are NOT canon, they are not written by kishimoto. If you want to start considering this crap canon then you better consider this piece of garbage novel canon too. if you don’t, don’t try and argue with a filler novel. Canon sakura gave sasuke his space in 699 when he asked for it to come to terms with himself.
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You mean sakura blushing? The thing a sane fucker would consider she is embarressed to tell her kid about her intimate relations with her dad? If i asked my mom such a thing her arab ass would slap me, get familiar with it: some cultures are conservative. Kishimoto said seeing naruh*ina kiss made him embarrassed so what you getting at. Sakura: never seen ur dad wear glasses lmao but he aint around so im not sure. Naruto: lol yea he never wore em. 
You: out of context panel saying they are connected by fate
Do you REALLY want to play that card? This card makes your house of cards blow 50 shades of destroyed.
You mean how they were chosen by fate as brothers to end the cycle of hatred started by Indra, Ashura and Kaguyas ninshuu ignoring ass?
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CONTEXT motherfucker ever heard of it
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when kiba asked why he did not take him down and it was revealed why through slight dispositions, best thing about eidetic memories is that you dont forget this shit
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Sasuke felt the need to apologize to her and regain her as part of his life and you are discrediting the scene like it does not have 2 pages in the manga yet hold on to a blurry ass panel of him protecting naruto to save the world
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Anyways lets finish this bullshittery with showing ON PANEL who sasuke cares about
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What? Thought it’d be only Naruto? Lol no I love canon sasuke enough to acknowledge all of his bonds. I am a sinner, guilty as charged shit sasuke cares about more than one person how awful.
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Anways i’d LOVE to see your next reach, use better manga panels next time I like mentally stimulating things not sad scrapes of dead arguments 
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P.S your abuse jokes are STILL fucking bullshit
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never trust a str8 bitch
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