#GOD writing fic for WotR is so fun
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skiitter · 3 years ago
OK prompt for wotr, Lann when the commander got collered in the abyss. Since nobody except The Hand said anything in my game either (and I love the gold guy, even tho he keeps talking about iomedae when, as anevia said, I look like desna had her wicked way with me, and Regill, even if my chaotic ass is forever disappointing him)
wait omg Regill said something to you about getting collared??? i'm so jealous. daeran was the only one and omg he was so adorable and bad at pretending he doesn't care. okay anyway, prompt time:
Lann had been a hunter for most of his life. He knew the merits of patience and fully understood how timing is everything, especially in matters of personal relationships. He'd given the Commander space ever since they'd been royally banished to Alushinyrra, accepting without complaint that there would be a time and a place for the two of them to sit down and discuss whatever fragile thing that had blossomed between them. The Worldwound, the hoard of demon armies, and the fate of Mendev had to come first. He could wait. He could be patient.
And then she was taken.
On the road, and in every encounter, Lann took pride in having the Commander's back. He kept his sharp eye out for trouble, especially with the dangers that tended to lurk in the shadows and had often dispatched them to Pharasma without ever alerting her to their existence. At the Battlebliss Arena, though, he faltered and it nearly cost them all something they could never replace.
In total, she was only in Zeklex' clutches for less than two days, but it was the longest two days of Lann's extremely short life. Even Regill, who was as rigid as glass and twice as sharp, was visibly unsettled. Seelah immediately began organizing a party to storm the Arena, while Ember did her best to console Daeran who was, to Lann's utter discomfort, genuinely upset at the Commander's kidnapping.
It was Arue, in the end, that got them back into the Arena. She pulled whatever strings she still had tethered to this wretched plane and got them in, just in time to see the Commander march, proud and fearless, into the ring.
From there it was a blur of violence; the electric charge of her spells licking at his human flesh. Arrow after razer sharp arrow struck true with expert precision and soon, the Commander had claimed the title of champion. There was some nonsense with Zeklex and his employer and who was supposed to succeed who. Lann didn't care. He was one word from the Commander away from burying a quiver-full of arrows into his chest.
She let him go, of course, and Lann was forced to swallow his anger. A lifetime of managing his emotions, continuously striking that balance of easygoing and pragmatic and it all vanished the second the stepped off the arena.
The Commander made straight for the exit, the tremor in her left hand visible only to those who knew to look for it, and fielded off the concern that Arue and Ember sent her way. Lann fell back to the edge of the party, allowing their friends a moment to swarm her. The second that Regill stepped away, his cold yellow eyes a shade softer for her--be it in respect or genuine affection Lann could never tell--the mongrel reached for her.
"Commander," he said, cringing at the slight tremor in his own voice.
"Lann, are you hurt?" She meant it, sincerely, and he was still just as baffled at her capacity for concern as he had been since the beginning.
"Just a little pesky emotion is all. Are you hurt?"
She glanced away, for only a second, but it said all he needed to hear. "I'm free and that's what matters." She laughed in an attempt to lighten the mood. "How was it, while I was gone? No bloodshed among my favorite companions, I hope."
Lann scoffed. "Honestly? Nothing brings a group of ragtag assholes together like a mutual cause. Truly, I didn't know we had it in us to work so well together."
"Hmm, good to know. Maybe I'll get kidnapped and thrown into servitude more often."
"No!" It was too much, too loud, and the shock on her face made him cringe yet again. "I mean, that's a bad idea, probably. Obviously. Of course, you're joking, but sometimes with you it's hard to tell. I think you pushed Regill's bleaching back several decades with the introduction of worry into his life. Even Woljif, with all his immaturity, was concerned. Really, everyone was--"
"Even you?" Her eyes searched his, roaming the expanse of his dual-skinned face and Lann turned the human side away from her to hide the blush.
"I--I was a little worried."
"Only a little?"
"Come on, we both know what a monster you are in battle. That asshole never stood a chance." Lann broke his cardinal rules about affection to briefly run his finger down her cheek. "You're a force of nature, Commander," he said it softly, more emotional than he'd meant to be.
Her features shifted and the smile she gave him was as brilliant as the stars of Elysium. "Thank you for coming to rescue me. You're quite the night in shining armor."
"I don't wear armor."
"Before the night is through, hopefully you won't be wearing much else." Her grin was cheeky, the suggestive tone of her words more for show than substance, but beneath it all, there was that look in her eye. There was no privacy now, not since their camp became a veritable orphanage for all the slaves she'd freed, and not for the first time, Lann cursed her and her glorious purpose.
He was a man, a simple man, and sometimes all he wanted was for her to be a simple woman. Because, if she was, then perhaps the fates and the powers that be wouldn't be trying so hard to kill them and he could steal her away for the rest of his short life. The Commander was made for greatness, glory itself ran through her blood, but Lann loved her because she snuck Aivu cookies whenever she could and she let Ember braid her hair whenever she wanted. He loved her because she was still a mortal, despite her mythic calling, and her every action towards their group of miscreants spoke to that.
Lann loved her because...he loved her. And that was a revelation unto itself.
"Ah, but the sun doesn't rise here so this night will never end," he pointed out.
"All the more reason to leave then, isn't it?" She stopped, glanced back at where their companions were standing, and threw her arms around him. The weight of her, the physical evidence of her safety, was the only home he'd known since stepping out into the big, wide world. "I missed you, Lann," she whispered.
"Please don't get kidnapped again, my ugly mongrel heart can't take it." He knew the weight of what he said, but he said it anyway.
"Well, you don't need to worry about your ugly mongrel heart anymore." She let go of him, but did not back away. "It's mine now, and I take excellent care of my things."
It was and she did.
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silversiren1101 · 2 years ago
You've mentioned Mino wanting to rebel against house Thrune... would you ever write a fic detailing that? 👀 I think seeing Mino and Reg stretched to their limits, forced to survive with their wits against a threat far more (despite the devilish influence) human than the mindless drones of the Worldwound, with politicking, tending each other's wounds, surviving, would be like, PEAK. Obviously you don't have to write it but I think it'd be really fun 👀
>Hello!< These non-prompt related asks always catch me by such surprise! I know I say it all the time but it astounds me people like my lil personal canon world sdflkjdslaf I appreciate them sincerely. Much love and hugs.
As for your question, I would fucking love to! It would take me AT LEAST a year to get to it though because I'm also in the process of writing the long fic of the before WOTR main game timeline. Starting from the moment Minovae pledged herself to the Order of the Scourge at the height of the original civil war. How she meets Regill and the events that set up some of the key changed moments of the WOTR main plot for them. Enjoy a short lil thing from it.
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I have a crazy busy job and also GM 3 pf2e games (one of which is entirely homebrew stuff around Absalom) so my time is just crazy strapped sadly. I'm lucky if I can bang out a thousand words a week ;(
I have a bunch of moments keyed down for the post-game 'next fight'.
Red Mantis assassins since they specialize in would-be god killing and Mino would be extra susceptible to their blades
Having to tap into the powers she hates more and more to withstand the diabolic armies
Working with the other Orders and against the ones that would back the Thrunes (Scourge getawayescape tunnel to the barrowood go!)
More of the social intrigue, attending parties and operas to woo the old noble lineages that want to return to how things were
Their DAUGHTER, for one, who they leave Cheliax for temporarily so she's not born on Chelaxian soil because they don't know just how far "Thrunes literally damned the entire country itself" goes and they would never risk it (Ah the indignity of their child technically being Andoren lmao)
Dealing with Lictor Shokneir and Citadel Gheistano
Those desperate battles in the streets of Egorian
Having to deal with nonsense from Axis and the Maelstrom on top of it
Lying low in Parego Dospero with no where else to immediately go. Both wounded and hiding in some old entrance to the waterways she remembered because she used to play in them as a kid, telling him about it as they both wait for someone to find them: either to help or finish them off.
I have plenty of ideas. SOoo many ideas. So little time.
(Lovely ask thank you!)
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