#GOD that was actuallly FUN to write
the-acid-pear · 4 years
Okay reviews came in on my post joking about making an essay comparing bugsnax to drugs so i guess i must do it now. I want to clarify that i didnt invent this theory, this was mentioned by some ppl here, some let’s players joked about too and even Tv Tropes mentions it, so im just going to ramble about it bc idc im hyperfixating HSBDSAMS. So let’s go (beware of spoilers)
First off we have how bugsnax are. Bugsnsax are a thing that make you desire them, they change your mind and body, you become extremely easy addicted to them, everyone in the island always talks of how goood and tasty they are. You could even theorize they can also block pain, implying by floofty’s leg. They change one’s mind, they make you need them until there is nothing of you left.
Now let’s describe the grumpuses side quests, but instead of saying bugsnax, i’ll say drugs. Wiggle to start. A famous star, with a single great hit, now she cant find the right inspiration to make another song. She is stressed and feels like she needs to come up with something new so she starts consuming ‘drugs’ thinking they will give her the inspiration she is looking for. She even does things like manipulating the man she loves in order to get more.
Another example, an interesting one, Cromdo. Cromdo is a poor man with a terrible job he hates. His solution to finally have money and being able to live his dream? Selling ‘drugs’. 
Chandlo is a very athletic guy. He constantly works out so he can become stronger and be able to protect his boyfriend, he even tends to push himself too hard as seen when he was trying to pull off the stump, so he starts consuming ‘drugs’ because he believes it will make him stronger.
Shelda is a one that i quite like. The spiritual hippie, trying to convince everyone in the island about how bad and toxic the ‘drugs’ are by pulling her whole show, but in the end even she cant resist the urge to consume them, thing she is clearly ashamed of, and its almost a “Don’t end up like me, kid” situation.
Gramble too is a good one, because he doesnt directly eat grumpuses (unless you force feed him that with this metaphor is even more awful), but he stills uses ‘drugs’ as a way to cope with his family abandoning him, thinking they love him and will make him happy.
I could go on and on explaining every single one of the grumpuses side quests like this, but its not necessary, since they all end up in the same thing. ‘Drugs’ dont help them. In fact, in most cases they do worse. They try to fix their lives consuming them, sure that they will give them what they are missing and make them happy, until in the end of all of their side quests they realize ‘drugs’ wont solve anything.
There is also something interesting to point out, and it is that bugsnax ONLY affect those that have a deep emotional issue, a hole they need to fill with something. All the grumpuses have a deep personal issue they need to deal with but instead ignore thinking ‘drugs’ are the solution for it. The only exceptions? The protagonist and Filbo. Meanwhile Filbo DOES consume ‘drugs’, Beffica mentions how he doesnt even like it, he just does it because everyone else does. One could theorize this is because Filbo doesnt have such deep emotional trauma that he needs to deal with. Yes, he does have problems, he has a very low self steem, but i think out of the entire cast is the one that tries the hardest.
For the protagonist, they are straight up are allergic to ‘drugs’ (which well irl would straight up kill you) and they’re not even aware of it. Why are they the only one that can’t consume them? Because their only problems are literally their job. They dont have any other sort of problem, they just need to get this story ready so they don’t lose their job. They aren’t out of ideas, out of money, out of second chances, etc. They just have one single problem that is being easily solved.
In conclusion, Bugsnax are a metaphor about drugs and how they can’t solve your problems, but will in fact just ruin you until there is nothing of you left,
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shhhhyoursister · 5 years
hi friends this post is gonna be a bit long and sappy so sorry in advance
(im absolutely using this as an excuse to be sappy the way ive been wanting to be for a while) so i woke up today to see that i had over 250 followers and i just wanted to say like,,,, what the fuck?????? like yeah my main blog has a lot of followers but im sure like 80% of them are bots or inactive so the fact that i have that many followers here and that its something ive built up with actual like,,, content and stuff thats????? so wild????? when i started watching druck i never expected to make a tumblr for it, let alone write fanfics and stuff for it???? i know i go off about it all the time but i really did just start watching because i saw david in his binder and i knew i HAD to watch, and that was after waching skam og s3 and knowing that it was gonna be mlm and ive never been more grateful to a random gifset on tumblr like??? i dont know where id be as a person right now if i didnt have druck and this community on here and wow im just really so :,) and yeah like its just a show and all that but finding something that first of all made me more represented than anything else ive ever watched like??? thats amazing, but also a show that has given me actual real friends and a community of people that support me and value the random stuff that i write like??? holy fuck yall im just feeling a lot of things rn and im just so grateful to all of you <3
i also of COURSE need to shout out all of the amazing friends ive made here???? so first like tumblr specific people @rimbaux, @brisingr-iettauthr, and @bagels-and-seagulls like i didnt expect to be friends with yall but im so happy i am???? yall are all just so talented and also super freaking nice and funny and great people and im?? so glad that we all talk now its so great wow im really :,)
gotta shout out all my dungeon gays, like you guys??? i cant even express how much each of you means to me in every way?? like yall know some of the stuff that i deal with when it comes to like,, friends and shit like that so the fact that i always have you guys to scream to is so nice and im gonna actuallly start crying jsut cause i love yall so much and you all mean so much to me oh my GOD so @navollidiot, @davenziabend, @vildelesbianqueen, @sourflorenzi, god i LVOE you all so much <3
i gotta give special shout outs to @chlouais like yon,, youre always putting up with my bullshit whether that be editing my stuff or dealing with me yelling random ideas at you and like i think you were the first druck person i really became close with and im just :,) im just love you SO much yon and i know i say it a lot im just,,, big uwus over here!!!!!! and also of course a shout out to my fucking HUSBAND @theyellowcurtains like harri i feel like even though like 60% of our convos are jsut talking about how much we love eafch other i have to say it here too?? thank you for always listening to me complain and dealing with me when im drunk and stupid and justl letting me say stuff to you without the fear of being judged???? like i know we joke and make fun of each other constantly but ir eally do appreciate having someone i could go to with like,, anything i think so wowi love you and thank you <3
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clarenecessities · 7 years
language in the morning--we were... wow, what were we doing. ... weather! wwe did weather. and some other stuff. i asked how to say hi to animals and in the process learned they’ve got a different word for dog up here (mada vs mhadru).
tagged along w some classmates, ate at the cistin--i ended up getting a ham and cheese on ciabatta. nice, simple, edible--and protein! haha! went up and spent some time with the kittens after, ‘bout an hour,, then class again. liam was telling about like, how irish is dying and the gaeltacht are shrinking and all that and i mostly just drew a cat tbqh but he didn’t tell us really anything sean hadn’t already taught us/i didn’t already know. he tried to show us the yu ming video but sean stopped him since we’ve seen it (i was actuallly pretty bummed, i love yu ming)
fed the cats, got some sorely needed advice from @gaystripe on how to help them, went back up & told them the plan after being briefly abandoned by Hisspis, who apparently trusts me enough to babysit, like a fool
went into town to get some dinner--officially met Ghost on the way. he’s younger than i thought he was--same age as Heather & Hisspis and Sweet Baby. god we need to coordinate better on naming cats.. but yeah i think he’s another littermate of theirs. he’s skinny too, though not as skinny as SB or Hisspis. He’s very talkative! he just sort of sat there and meowed every few seconds and didn’t want me too close. i’ve gotta work out a way to feed him where his sisters won’t just gobble it down the second i turn my back.
evening class was music with a fiddler from carraig,, he plays wonderfully but i had absolutely no idea what i was doing so i stopped & drew some more. read a bit of the dictionary, did a bit of research. planning on getting some writing done this weekend so there may be an update soon depending how long i sleep tomorrow heheh. so far this “all day class” thing is pretty easy to handle. the language is the only like, intensive part--and as y’all can see, i’ve filled my time with about 9 cats in a hastily pasted together bandage for the toby-shaped hole in my heart
we’ve got cathal o searchaigh coming in tomorrow, which will be a lot of fun i think. maybe he’ll know my question about genderfluid “be” nouns. i love anna but she had absolutely no idea what i was talking about & sean is really more of an “i have a gay friend” kind of resource
unrelated but i just... saw shauna malwae-tweep in an irish ad about domestic violence? so uh.. ? why ?
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