Being booped is like being in the mosh pit
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
Hi! A drabble idea i have for perfectly wrongnis that in an alternative universe where y/n ends up with jk and tae is jealous so he goes after her, you can decide the ending 😙👉👈
perfectly wrong | drabble [8]: who said you didn’t want jeon jungkook the way he wanted you?
word count: 2.3k
warnings: cussing, jealousy, almost had a taehyung v. jungkook round 2, alcohol consumption, block party scene, slight angst?
note: (this takes place after chapter 12) HOHHHKAY, ANON! I SEE YOU! I LOVE THE SWITCH UP HERE! we are in this thangythang 🤪 gotta show our other baby some love, right? this also ended up being a lot longer than planned so i’m sorry lol i just didn’t know how to end it properly. enjoy!
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Enough time had passed and you were tired. You were tired and you were over this shit. Hell to the no you were not gonna let this man keep on walking all over you. This was not you.
You picked yourself up and dusted off your shoulders.
You've deleted Taehyung's number for good. Tossed out all those memories, the need, the want for him. You pushed aside longing for that familiar feeling. You were done and Taehyung fucking hates it. If he wasn't mad before, he's livid now. He hates losing. And he knows after the shit he pulled at Jin's party with Aiko and the way he disrespected you, he lost you fair and square. He noticed how well you were doing even after the whole incident - clinging onto Jungkook and the public PDA, doing all the flirty, cute couple shit. It drives him crazy that it can't be him, and he knows he's to blame for his stupid antics and messy attitude. He truly can't say he regrets throwing fists at Jungkook. Somehow, Taehyung knew he was always going to lose this battle in the end. It was only a matter of time.
"Wakey wakey to my favorite couple!" Yoongi yelled, repeatedly opening and closing Jungkook's door before he finally had the nerve to jump on top of you two snuggled under his sheets. "Block party time!"
"Get the fuck off." You mumbled near the crook of Jungkook's neck, causing him to slightly chuckle as he tried to wake himself up. Yoongi didn't move, his body weight still fully on top of you two, so you did what you had to do and kicked him off.
"Aish! Agh, ow!" He laughed as he fell onto the floor, grabbing his shin. Jungkook shot his head up and began to laugh, watching as he dramatically limped out of the room. "Y/N kicked me off the bed." He begins to tell Hobi, in which Hobi faintly replied with a 'serves you right for going into the room like that.'
"Did you really have to do that?" Kook snickered as he booped your nose and watched you stir in your position. Jungkook, surprisingly, had easily welcomed the fact that you've passed the unspoken "bestfriend" boundaries over time and how you opened that door. The title alone is what gave you both those boundaries, but if it were up to him, he would have asked you a long time ago about taking this further. He loved you, he truly did. He always has, but he always respected you before anything else. He just wanted to make sure you were happy first and foremost, whether or not that meant being with him or someone else, so he never pressed it. Instead, he figured he'd let it naturally happen if it was meant to. 
For the most part, you were good and that's all that mattered. You were good even though Taehyung had the nerve to do this shit to you and to call you a meaningless fuck. You were good because you had someone like Jungkook that could make you feel safe and protected. This entire time had you wondering if the person you were really meant to be with was in front of you this whole time. Why were you chasing someone like Taehyung when Jungkook was here? All the shit Jin and your friends had tossed your way, teasing you about your relationship with Kook - maybe it was true. Maybe there was some truth to it. That's why you opened the door to see what the other side was about.
"100%." You sat up to fully wake yourself up from the nap. Kook gets himself out first and heads to the bathroom to get ready. Once it was your turn to get ready, he waited outside in the living room along with Yoongi and Hobi. There was a block party happening downtown, with Yoongi and his friends dj'ing for some part of it. There would be tons of local restaurants, beer, wine and other food trucks in attendance, along with other activities like face painting and temporary tattoo booths, shit you'd pretty much see at a fair.
You'd done a great job avoiding Taehyung and running into him head on, so you were hoping your streak would remain alive tonight. You knew he'd be there. There was no way he wasn’t going to. Taehyung and his friends were always present at any event.
His silence was a curse. Had always been. So if he had anything to say to you now, you didn't wanna hear it.
After sitting in the car, taking swigs of vodka from a water bottle and chasing with White Claws, you all find yourselves walking through the food trucks and booths. The block party is fucking packed from end to end on the street, with You, Jungkook and Hobi trying your hardest to stick together. Yoongi had ran off to the main stage, already starting his set as you three are trying to find a good spot to dance and chill at. Kook is holding your hand, but as soon as you all find a spot you agree with, he's bringing you to the front so you could dance with and on him. Really, it's nothing new to you two, the dynamic not really changing even if you were exploring new heights in your relationship with him. Your friends also really appreciate the dynamic between you, them never really feeling like they're third-wheeling or out of place.
When DJ Yoongi is starting to slow the music down, Jungkook wraps his arms around your neck, singing along and holding you close as you vibe to the beat of Southside by Lloyd and Ashanti. Hobi is standing next to you like Kris Jenner, recording Yoongi during his entire set and trying his hardest not to bounce around too much while recording. All of a sudden, Yoongi's friend hops onto the tables and shit gets turnt really quick. It's almost like a mosh pit, except you and Jungkook were able to make it out and Hobi is somewhere within the crowd trying to find Yoongi on the other end.
"Shit, where's Hobi?" You said while tippytoeing, trying to catch a glimpse of his head in the sea of people.
"He'll be okay, I think? Let's head to the other side and see if we can find him and Yoongi." Jungkook says, intertwining his hands with yours as he leads the way towards the other side. It's a little calmer on this side being that there's a barrier to block off the party from the sidewalk area. You two catch a glimpse of Hobi making his way towards Yoongi next to the stage, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief.
"Ah, okay. I see him. Thank god." You say, pushing your back against the wall. You were just worried he would get hurt trying to find his way through.
"Hobi's a big boy." Jungkook chuckles, scrunching his nose. You two observe from the sidelines for a bit, figuring this is probably the safest area to stay at for awhile. "Hey, I'm gonna head to the bathroom, okay? You gonna be alright here?" Jungkook squeezes your hand as he looks down at you.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." He smiles toothlessly before planting a quick kiss on your head. You watch as he waddles off to the bathroom, a line starting to form around the corner just to get in like it's some kind of club. You lean your back against the wall, scrolling through your phone to keep yourself busy until he gets back.
"So, that's it, huh? Can't say I'm surprised, though." Taehyung says, coming out of fucking nowhere? He comes closer, nodding towards Jungkook's way. His eyes are piercing through you, and suddenly, every moment you had spent with him flashes in your head.
"Please get the hell away from me."
"Can we just talk for a minute?" Was he serious right now? Out of all fucking places?
"Talk about what, Taehyung?"
"Look, let me just say this. I'm sorry for how things went down at Jin's party. I—" He paused. "I didn't mean the things that I said."
"Then maybe you should learn how to think before you let shit come out of your mouth." You turn behind you to check if Jungkook is coming back anytime soon, but you don't see a sign of him. "I'm really not trying to do this--"
"Maybe next time you shouldn't come at me about toying with emotions." He's furrowing his brows, slight anger peeking through his eyes. He shakes his head before he steps closer to you, his hands dug into his pockets. "Can you really say that you're done with us?" He says softly, his gaze following from your eyes to your lips.
"Us?" You scoff. "There was never an us." You glare at him. "This is done. You said all of this yourself, loud and clear."
"Y/N, I was stupid. I just didn't know how to control my feelings about everything going on." His jaw slightly clenches.
"And that's your problem. You don't know how to control anything. You have things you need to figure out and quite frankly, I'm not trying to be around for it. I'm not waiting for you to get your shit together. I don't fucking deserve to put myself through this after all the mess you've caused, all the shit you've said to me." You shook your head "No."
"It's been Jungkook this whole time, hasn't it?" He scoffs. "You always denied it, but you knew it was always going to be him."
"Don't turn this on me."
"So, what? You think he's gonna do you like I did?" He comes closer, his breath hitting against the side of your neck. "Touch you like I did? Fuck you the way that I did?"
"None of that matters if you can't even pull yourself together and own up to your shit."
"You know this isn't what you want."
"And how do you know what I want, Taehyung? You don't even know what you want for yourself." He glares down at you.
"It's still you."
"Bullshit, you don't disrespect someone and expect them to come back. Not me." Suddenly, you feel Jungkook's hand around your wrist. You turn to see him and Taehyung having a stare off, afraid of what might ensue if you don't get Jungkook to walk away. You were not trying to have a Taehyung v. Jungkook Royal Rumble 2, not with all the cops and security present here.
"Are you serious?" Taehyung laughs. "If he's really the one you want, then whatever. So be it, I guess."
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jungkook spits out as you grip his arm tightly.
"Just thought your girl might have second thoughts, that’s all." He smirked slyly while shrugging. The thing with Taehyung is that he knew how to piss of anybody. He just didn’t give a flying fuck.
"Taehyung, stop." You say, getting in the middle. "We don't have shit to discuss anymore, okay? This is done. Get yourself together before you think about fucking over somebody else." You slightly push Jungkook to walk away, his eyes still kept on Taehyung until you've placed enough distance between the two.
"What else did he say to you?"
"Nothing, Kook."
"He just tried to talk to me about Jin's party and apologize."
"Apologize?" He furrows his forehead.
"Leave it, Jungkook. It's fine, alright?" He sighs heavily.
"Alright." Jungkook doesn't say much for the rest of the night, and so don't you. You both tried your hardest to push it aside and enjoy the rest of the night, but everyone knows the damage Taehyung has done and what that comes with. It's just awkward, and a really uncomfortable vibe whenever you two happen to cross paths again in one way or another. You weren't trying to be friends, you weren't trying to talk about anything. He made himself clear at Jin's party. You weren't shit to him. So why should you care?
After the block party, everyone is pretty tired and is ready to go straight to bed. You all take turns washing up and getting ready in Jungkook's apartment, Jungkook being the last to step out of the bathroom in a shirt and pajama pants. He watches you sit on his bed quietly, scrolling through your phone.
"Hey." He says softly, gently touching your arm to bring you closer to him.
"You know I care about you, right? You know how I feel about you." He says in a soft tone.
"I know."
"So then you know that your happiness is more important to me than mine. You're what matters here."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I know I tell you time and time again that you deserve better than Taehyung, but part of me also feels like I really can't stop you from feeling what you feel. If you--" His head drops as he sighs. "If you wanna work this out with him, just tell me." He says, genuinely concerned about your feelings. He knows he wouldn't hurt you but he's also partially afraid that you might be distracted since things didn't turn out well with Taehyung. Although, whatever, it's always gonna be a big fuck you to him. He's an asshole, and Jungkook was never going to change his mind about it. But what mattered here was you. Kook knew you deserved way better and he was willing to be that for you, but he wasn't going to force you if this wasn't where you truly wanted to be.
"I am happy. Right here."
"Are you sure?"
"Kook. That's done with. I'm not going anywhere."
"Okay." Is all he responds with before he's pressing lips into a fine line and squeezing your hand. He leans over to kiss you on the forehead before he makes his way out of the room to help your bestfriends get settled out in the living room.
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verytamenow · 6 years
Reputation Tour Movie: Reactions
On the off chance anyone has wanted to know what it’s like to deal with my commentary when I will not shut the fuck up, click that read more to get my Reputation Movie commentary!
- Taylor is the most extra bitch. I love her.
- Opening video still gives me chills
...Ready For It?
- The strobe lights make this as sometimes irritating to watch as it was live. Which is a pity because I love the performance.
I Did Something Bad
- Will idsb ever not give me chills and murder me?
- I want her to bite me when she snarls
- Her hips. The idiot giraffe is blessed.
- Her vocals
- Fuck Me Up
- The most precious happiest koala😭
- (spots a rep room wristband) lucky bitch
- I’m So disappointed a step above gorgeous being gorgeous didn’t get immortalized in the tour video
- The assholes (I say out of jealousy) with the triangles. Why didn’t we think of that!
- “And I’m Taylor” Bitch I hope so. I spend so much on your ass.
- Stop looking like that Taylor it makes me feel things
- I get why style made the set list and love the songs but justice for ootw
- That guitar riff gives me ALL THE FEELS
- yes bitch strut! Thank you Karlie Kloss
Love Story
- Aww all the throwback and legacy feels 
- Is it legal not to jump during this song?
- Boop.
- “I keep waiting for you but you never cum” is probably not a problem Taylor has. On either end.
You Belong With Me
- (proceeds to bounce in place because Taylor owns me)
- The parent holding up her daughter is Kristen in the future
Look What You Made Me Do
- The lwymmd pre video is my sexuality
- I want murderess snake queen Taylor to end. my. life.
- Would let her choke me
- I’m the bitch mouthing oh my god
- This is my favourite part of the tour ngl
- side note: also remember when we thought it was a dragon and not a snake?
- She really snapped and killed a bitch with this song
- like mosh or something fuckers
- I weirdly love the back vocals she recorded for lwymmd. The short “ah”s really make it
- The sass
- A queen
- I’m so gay
- This is why I’m doomed with whoever I date
End Game
- The disappointment Ed never guested on the tour
- The choreo for this is 🔥
- I mean all of it is but her hips
- Her legs are worth every penny of 40 million
- The hand over the face bit is an objectively weird closing move
King Of My Heart
- How do we actually make her America’s queen
- This is the softest song
- I stan komh so hard
- Like I love delicate but this is just as soft. Softer even
- I love I’m getting to see the other half of the choreo because we sat on the left side each time
- Up on the roof with a school girl crush /  Drinking beer out of plastic cups / Say you fancy me not fancy stuff / BABY ALL IT ONCE THIS IS ENOUGH
- This is the closest we’ve come to a poc love interest in anything she’s filmed. Except the End Game MV sort of.
- We didn’t stan the dancers hard enough
- The drums made this tbh
- Oh gods I’m not ready for the delicate speech
- I’m the dude who screamed he loved her
- Bless the rainbow dress
- “Shit is that what is was on my wrist? I thought her stalker and taylurking ways had just finally gone to tracking bracelets.”
- (knock at the door) Me, pausing: umm I blocked out this entire 2 hours for our lorde and saviour Taylor Swift???
- (Scott Swift voice) I’m going back into my zone
- The lights are so pretty. No wonder Taylor loves the bracelets
- Bitch we know your unreleased stuff
- Do let’s go/battle as a surprise song and be shook
- 1! 2! 3! LET’S GO BITCH!
- Can you believe she flew right over us
- That little dance. She’s so fucking precious
Shake It Off
- B stage. Remember how she gave invisible to the gays
- And finally played breath
- The only redeeming thing for shake it off is that she made it as gay as she could
-I still wanna know what inspired “my ex man brought his new girlfriend...to the fella over there with the hella good hair” bit
- What did Di do? And who did Taylor hit on? Or is Karlie the one with the hella good hair?
- Giuseppe got down on one knee long before Karlie ever will
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
- How smug was Taylor when her jump to pop worked?
- There must have been so many I told you so’s
- It started raining. The closest I’ll ever come to a rain show.
- I can’t believe she played this song in Nashville with Karlie right there and kept her shit together
- Taylor’s never more magical then when it’s just her and a guitar
- I would give anything and go deep in debt to go to an acoustic show
- This filter was unnecessary and such a call out
- She had one fuck left and it’s name is alliterative All Too Well
- I hope she keeps doing acoustic surprise songs like this next tour. Where it’s a set thing.
- I’m so relieved she approves of lyric tattoos. Like....imagine if she didn’t and I have my entire forearm
- Put down your fucking phones and watch her be magic personified
- Also fuck this song for being so powerful
- The way she sings the bridge
- Now did she really lose the 12 minute version or is it just a little too obvious who it’s about
- Her wink! I’d die
- Is that chick okay? Did she live?
Blank Space
- The crowd walk! I’m still so so fucking endlessly proud
- Look at her!
- My precious angel reclaiming walking through her fans
- How the fuck are these people not dying tho?
- Still want her to hit me in the face with the golf club
- And kick me in the face with her boots
- This is also still my favourite mv
- It was so perfect
- This is also quality choreo. I wouldn’t have made it had it seen it right in front of me
- Gay icons
- Holy fuck dress is so gay
- Like.....we been knew but still
- This song is why she didn’t dare film in Nashville
- The vocals should be illegal
- Like, they’re NSFL (Not Safe For Lesbians)
- The first time she did that (strip tease thing) and the Nashville show were the best ones
Should Have Said No / Bad Blood
- This is still the most fucking random mash up
- I mean it works and redeems bad blood but wtf
- The person sitting on someone else’s shoulders has to really be pissing off someone else who can’t see
- Aggressive banjo
- Can’t believe she puts on a show and sells like this and Borschetta wouldn’t give her the masters. Idiot
- The dudes dangling are braver than any US Marine
- Instead she negotiated for better artist pay AND her future masters. The Legend jumped out
- I remember watching this the first time and being briefly confused because this sort of drawn out thing is what they normally do for show closing but it was too early
Don’t Blame Me
- Oh fuck here we go
- this entire fucking performance. No words
- I love all the dude dancers had the blinders like headgear. As if such powerful sapphic love is distinctly not for their consumption
- I have found religion
- I stan a queen
Long Live / New Year’s Day
- I love she knows how many people work on the tour and genuinely appreciates their effort
- I hope this mashup sticks around, at least as the surprise song at the closing show of the next tour
- I’m not crying you’re crying
- Hold on to the memories, they/I will hold onto you is one on my favourite lines she’s written
- Along with with please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
- Oh my fucking god stop letting her be this precious
- Remember how fucking loud we were in Denver?
- This is my favourite moment of the entire show - for her. You can tell how much it means to her
- She owns my ass and wallet forevermore
- “I had the time of my life....with you” is a whole emotional mood
- Her quick little thank you 😭
Why She Disappeared
- Oh that’s the first time I’ve heard the echos
- Those boots probably cost more than my life
- This should have been the close or open of the getaway car mv
- Imagine if it shows up in an mv next era. Starts with a car on a pink x
Getaway Car
- The 1989 neon is an interesting choice
- Is that the shift to pop being a getaway or the close of the 1989 era being one? (More thoughts on this later)
- Hits you like a shotgun shot to the Heart is a fucking amazing line
- I loved that bit straight away
- I can lowkey see getaway car being about switching labels tbh
- This last album maybe IS the getaway car (more, again, later)
Call It What You Want
- Ciwyw is one on my favourite love songs of hers
- Trust him like NO OTHER was right at her fingertips
- Who the fuck would say no to running away with her?
- I would let her RUN ME OVER, running away WITH her? Fuck yes
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together / This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
- WANEGBT/TIWWCHNT is a brilliant mash up
- But fucking ridiculous to type
- “But I’m not the friend you’ve lost lately” is the shadiest fucking line and I love it
- I’m disappointed we never got video of her recording “cause forgiveness is a nice thing to do”. I can only imagine the sass and snark
- “Taylor the mic is picking up you muttering ‘fucking prick’. You need to record it again.”
- “.....Taylor, muttering ‘backstabbing motherfucker’ isn’t any better. Maybe try it without the muttering?”
- The mouthed “I love you guys” ❤😭
- They’re not showing people collecting confetti? How unrealistic.
- Oh, there they are.
- “The words are all the same over and over again and I know that’s my fault....” still funny as hell
- “What’s a 767?” What’s it like to have that kind of money?
- Will pay to watch Taylor skip through a stadium
In conclusion: Taylor owns me. Kristen puts up with a lot from me. And I can’t wait for the next chapter.
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