riyaori · 2 months
❝ these are such fearful times. some nights i can hardly sleep, for fear. ❞
“  kaveh  ..  ”  sunday  sits  side  by  side  the  engineer,  finding  himself  leaning  against  his  companion's  frame.  there  is  a  moment  of  hesitation,  before  halovian  opens  up  his  jacket,  freeing  one  of  his  wings.  similar  to  that  of  a  comforting  blanket,  he  hooks  his  feathered  limb  'round  the  other.  “  try  to  rest,  even  if  it  is  only  closing  your  eyes.  ”
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wuhei-archived · 2 months
@gildedsplendors :  “  my  dear  Moze,  you  cannot  hide  from  me  most  of  all.”  Foxian  tilts  his  head  as  he  regards  the  trees.  “I’m  well  equipped  to  protect  myself,  but  I  would  not  ever  deny  your  presence.  Shouldn’t  you  be  sleeping,  though?  My  dear  silly  bird?”
when  his  name  is  called  out,  corvus  shifts  himself  around  so  that  he  is  hanging  upside  down,  legs  latched  onto  a  branch  to  prevent  his  fall.  “  jiao,  if  i  wanted  to  hide  from  you,  you'd  never  find  me.  ”  he  swings  a  little,  staring  at  his  companion  from  upside  down.  “  i've  been  tasked  with  an  important  mission.  can't  sleep  'til  it's  finished.  ”  even  if  he  finds  daylight  exhausting.
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malumae · 28 days
@gildedsplendors ( cont. )
makeup was never his thing or anything he considered trying until, of course, requested by kaveh. he stares at the reflection of himself, head turning slightly to study the fine line from another angle. it’s not bad, not as bad as it could have been. not that he lacks faith in the blond but he wouldn’t have been surprised if it looked completely ridiculous on his face. 
“do you wear eyeliner, is that how you know how to do this?” the mirror is put aside, hands finding kaveh’s waist to rest upon. “perfect, hm? i think perfect deserves a kiss.”
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trashcanknight · 1 month
It wasn't often that Argenti had time to relax, but as he was going to be on the Luofu for a while, he decided that, at least in the evening staying here with Kaveh, letting down his guard was fine. Which meant the armor he always wore had already been shed in favor of much more comfortable clothing, despite that they might end up going out.
Or maybe they wouldn't. As soon as Kaveh returned from work, long after Argenti was done with his own tasks, Argenti had swept him into his arms and both of them were quite comfortable.
"How was your day, my love?"
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astrummorte-m · 1 month
@gildedsplendors. / kaveh, here.
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his eyes are the only warmth his body carries, and yet they seem to burn with a gentle firelight rather than an enraged fire as his sun speaks with such cautiousness around him. he knows, he knows he has never been good at communicating his feelings, but he has always made it clear that he - and aryin - love kaveh deeply.
not just the hot nights, not just the good nights, but every night, every day. every dawn, every twilight.
the tall galaxy ranger steps forward and brushes cold fingertips against the architect's cheeks, wishing for a visible moment that he could feel it. that he could sense the warmth that he knows is there. all he has now is the faint recognition of someone who has sensors for skin and a monitor for a heartbeat. "Ya know I'd never get tired'a you's. Yer my sun, n' Aryin's my moon. I don't know where I'd end up, wit'out'cha both. Don't forget, ya might be one of many - but yer our sun, and I'm your North Star."
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pantachorei · 2 months
@gildedsplendors : "Something tells me otherwise." - kaveh
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that's his prerogative to keep to, just like it is any other's who knows nothing about him.
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dasniichts · 2 months
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[  lean  ]  sender  leans  on  receiver - @gildedsplendors
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No reaction. Shock, if Welt had to wager a guess, the poor guy kept himself seemingly locked up at all times so he wouldn’t blame the lad if action was a bit too much. Same honestly went with all of them, really, Trailblazing should be about the adventure not the fighting— 
Not to mention how many of them probably weren’t used to it like he was. 
He sighed softly, a gloved hand reaching over to pat the mess of golden blonde hair. Oh well, his own aches could wait for the time being. “You did good today.” 
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riyaori · 1 month
quiet night. our muses snuggle up together beneath a blanket on the couch or in bed and listens as the other muse reads a book to them.
it  has  been  a  while  since  he  allowed  himself  the  luxury  of  sitting  down  and  attempting  to  relax.  had  it  not  been  for  kaveh,  sunday  doubts  it'd  be  possible.  halovian  leans  his  head  against  his  partner's  shoulder,  careful  not  to  hurt  him  with  his  halo  nor  wings.  golden  hues  close  as  he  listens  to  the  engineer  read,  finding  his  voice  soothing.
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wuhei-archived · 2 months
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@gildedsplendors  :  “  i  would  know  your  face  in  dark  or  disguise.  i  would  know  it  even  in  madness.  ”
mòzé  hesitates  before  he  steps  out  of  the  shadows.  his  left  hand  reaches  up  towards  his  face  to  pull  off  the  mask  that  concealed  half  of  his  face,  allowing  his  companion  a  full  view  of  his  features,  a  pleasure  that  most  do  not  get  to  witness.  corvus  then  circles  fully  around  jiaoqiu,  examining  him  with  abyssal  eyes,  before  moving  to  stand  in  front  of  the  foxian.  “  ..  were  you  up,  waiting  for  me  ?  ”
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reallyrandomtj · 1 month
Comments are from THIS post:
@draconicfool said: eros is here to bury himself in the boyfriend tits
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"For you Eros, you may 'bury' until your hearts content."
@xianzhou-craftsman said: "cover them up!"
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"Come make me put my clothes back on then, Yingxing ~"
@gildedsplendors said: kaveh, looking away bright red
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"Hello Kaveh, are you alright? You look a little brighter than usual."
@aluckiicoin said: "Hm, no, cannot say I'm impressed"
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"This is fine. We all have our own preferences."
@ryusxnka said: Looks around. " -- What buns? "
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"These buns ~"
Offers the other a steamed red bean bun.
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"Chili oil, pepper, salt....who put coriander here?!"
Inbox call! | @gildedsplendors
"Haha, did that old lion slip something into the seasonings you brought?"
Never fear, Jiaoqiu, for Feixiao will pluck the vile herb out and... pop it into her mouth. Just like that. No hesitation. Just raw.
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"Don't worry, I'll save you. See? All gone."
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draconicfool · 3 months
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"Y'act like s' shockin'." He replied with a soft laugh, brushing part of his hair back as he looked up at the taller male. "'m usually a lot more obvious but- maybe I wasn't this time."
@gildedsplendors || c.
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iiryoku · 3 months
⸺ @gildedsplendors liked ( x ) for a small starter.
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❝ Tighnari, you're certain that it's okay that I'm here? I'm not disturbing your work? ❞
Kaveh asked as his crimson depths settled on the forest ranger, taking in the sight of his friend writing something down, in his notebook. Having had a rough day, the architect had asked to tag along, but now that some time had passed, Kaveh wasn't certain, if it had been the right thing to do.
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captivemuses · 6 months
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Blade should feel eyes on his back for stirring the pot, he's being stared at.
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soliloquics · 19 days
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@gildedsplendors :
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The Yaoqing advisor simply sets the bingo card down with a twitch of his foxian tail.
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❛    an   impressive   scoring   indeed,   mister   jiaoqiu.   you   appear   to   be   a   man   of   many   talents.   ❜
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dasniichts · 2 months
Kaveh, quietly just handing over a cup of tea. "You've had a day, here."
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"Ah--was it that obvious?" If he seemed surprised, well--he wasn't trying to be. Still, he offered up a sheepish little look even as he gratefully took the cup. "Apologies for the trouble. I think--I just have a lot more to think about than I thought."
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