russilton · 1 year
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MercedesAMGF1: Didn't see us on track much in FP3, so here's a few more from the garage for you, Team. 📸
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ndcgalitzine · 7 months
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#work of art
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2rose2furious · 3 months
are you guys screaming and crying about these photos on here too?
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gloomygloworm · 1 month
Hi I just woke up and didn't sleep well so I'm vaguely delirious but like why does everyone shove edwin into typical roles in modern aus? Like I get it yeah but someone make HIM the tattoo artist! Unassuming white boy in leggings and a sweater the boys fucking autistic make him soft and messy with a job you wouldn't expect looking at his face! I see those tiktoks all the time of those femme tattoo artists like "look at these creepy and weird and cool tattoo ideas I've done" DO THAT FOR EDWIN! MAKE HIM THE TATTOO ARTIST THAT STEALS CHARLES HEART!
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l8tof1 · 1 year
lewis + towel + tummy for 1:20min :)
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heartsoftruth · 3 months
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hi everyone!! i'm having some health problems now and the prices of meds and tests are just making me even more sick ☠️
so, i'll be really happy to take a bunch of commissions! these are B&W headshots and they cost just 10$ – they're the fastest for me to draw (i'm also working on my masters thesis, which takes a lot of time too), but if you wish – you can check my pinned post for more options!
these are some examples of commissions i did <3
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youngexwivesclub · 6 months
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shoutout to @tallmadgeandtea for not only putting me on to the fact that IAN KAHN MADE HIS OWN BEST OF GEORGE WASHINGTON HIGHLIGHT REEL and for making this joke that i just had to meme
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russellius · 5 months
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2024 IMOLA GP Qualifying : P6
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dreamupdates · 11 months
Dream posted on his Snapchat!!!!!!
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aromanticgarbage · 2 months
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Sorry.....that first one has me shaking and crying...he looks so soft.
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iconsfinder · 7 months
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Pillow Talk
I got this prompt (find it here) in the middle of the night yesterday and immediately had to start writing it. I dont even know how to explain it - it melted me, flustered me AND inspired me all at the same times. I seriously got goosebumps. I love this prompt so much, you all know I love my mean tks but I adore soft praisey tks too 🥺 Thank you so much for this anon, I hope you enjoy 💘
prompt: "OKOK so maybe lee!dream and ler George and sapnap? dream being a tired, overworking mess, AND on top of that having doubts about how his friends see him as, their friendship, if he’s weird or something, just being an overthinking puddle okay. And then the boys catch on and soft tickles ensue, lots of praises and compliments and reassurances :(. Dreams worst spot may be his tummy, but I HC that it’s also a melt spot if tickled correctly !! Pillow underneath his tummy and the softest kisses and the lightest trailing fingers and soft nibbling on the hips and sides until he’s just a mushy, giggling and happy puddle :3!!"
(lee!Dream / ler!George / ler!Sapnap : 2.3K words)
“Is the pillow really necessary?” Dream questioned, voice slightly wavering due to his nervousness. He looked down at his own tummy, his shirt pulled to his ribs in order to reveal the pale skin beneath it. His shoulder blades were pressed into the mattress as his back arched off the edge, a pillow or two wedged beneath him to further pull his tummy taut. He wiggled his hips back and forth to test his movement - it was more limited than he’d originally thought. 
After all, it was only George straddling his thighs. 
“Yes! It is definitely necessary,” The brunette quickly replied, leaning forward and using his pointer finger to boop Dream on the nose. “I mean, we need to have your tummy as stretched as possible!”
Dream clenched his jaw with a nose scrunch at the incredibly flustering explanation, turning his head to the side to try and hide his blushy cheeks as he squeezed his eyes shut and tried his best to ignore the elders teases. He brought his hands up to cover his face, needing a place to hide while he tried to calm his jitters the best he could.
“Yeah Dream,” he heard Sapnap from somewhere near the bottom of the bed, voice growing in volume as he walked closer and eventually took a seat on the bed next to George. “How else are we gonna give your tummy the love and attention it needs?” His question was followed up by two pokes on either side of his ribs, making sure to target the ones in the center purely because he knows they make Dream’s laughter jump in pitch. He batted the hands away with a squeal, moving them from his face to cover his torso with his arms. 
“W-Well I….I dohon’t-“
“Exactly!” the younger boy interrupted his stutters, leaning forward to crawl towards the empty area by the headrest of the bed. He took his place above Dream’s head, crossing his legs in front of him as he leaned over to smile down at the blonde, both giggling as they looked at each other from the upside down perspective.
“Besides,” George began, using his right hand to begin rubbing his palm soothingly all around Dream’s tummy, letting his fingertips drag teasingly from time to time just to hear Dream whine in an attempt to keep his giggles in. “You know why we’re here. We’re not here to wreck you, we’re here to help you!” 
“Yeah, we just want to help you feel good!” Sapnap chimed in as he leaned back and rested on his heels, running a hand gently through the sandy curls. “We know you’ve been overwhelmed lately with how busy everything’s been and with you not getting enough rest. You deserve to feel good, you deserve to relax - let us help you, okay?”
Even though he knew the two were serious, Dream still felt shivers down his spine at their reassurances. 
An hour earlier the blonde had been pacing at the top of the steps, hidden out of view in the hallway from George and Sapnap who were sitting in the living room down stairs. A hand was buried into his hair while the other one was pressed against his cheek, trying to calm his anxieties and doubts he’d been feeling lately for no particular reason. He continued to pace back and forth in the limited space he had, trying to decide if he felt it was important enough to share with his two best friends. 
When he reached the start of the steps once more while continuing his walking, he was startled when he saw Sapnap staring up at him from the bottom of the steps. Dream let out a whine but decided to follow when Sapnap asked him to, finding himself squished between the boys on the couch while he spilled out his insecurities. At the end of it, he felt incredible. Though tears were shed, they had managed to help talk through his feelings and get a lot of the tension released from his muscles due to him holding all of his stress.
It would seem that the two weren’t finished as they began peppering quick little kisses all over his cheeks, dragging him up to his own bedroom while still in a fit of giggles. 
Those were the events that led them up to this moment - Dream with the pillows under his back with a very tiny British man straddling his waist. It would’ve been comical if he weren’t so damn flustered. 
The call of his name pulled him out of his thoughts as he felt warm hands wrap around both of his wrists. He watched as Sapnap slowly raised them up above his head and rested them in his own lap, still holding onto them as a confirmation of what they were planning on doing. 
“He asked you a question, angel. Is it okay if we help you feel nice?” The kindness in George’s voice caught him off guard, his jaw dropping slightly before realizing and snapping it shut again when he did. The brunette laughed at that but kept his cruel teases to himself, knowing this wasn’t the time to tease him into oblivion. 
“Mm….mhm.” Dream didn’t allow himself to answer with words, knowing it would come out high pitched and absolutely wrecked. The two boys weren’t always that gentle with him, at least not like this, and he had absolutely no idea what to do with the feeling. He felt giddy and excited, but at the same time he knew what they were capable of. He knew they promised to treat him nicely, but he couldn’t help but be a little nervous anyway.
“Great! Now I can tell you about how great of a person you are while George gives your tummy a little attention.” The moment the words left Sapnap’s lips and seeped into Dream’s ears he was whining, a long high pitched squeal revealing itself at the idea of George showing his tummy any form of attention. 
“What, Sap- nahaha wahait!” Dream was rudely interrupted by an eruption of airy giggles, light and jovial as George began to peck little kisses around his tummy with no warning. 
“For what, cutie pie? I wanna tell you how much we love you! And how incredibly hard working and boss bitch you are!” George stopped the tickly kisses to bark out a laugh at Sapnap’s choice of words, rolling his eyes as he listened to the other two boys giggling before getting back to the task at hand. He felt as Dream’s tummy jumped beneath his lips, attempting to suck in his stomach but not being able to hold it down forever. It didn’t really matter though - George’s lips followed regardless. 
“Nohoho!” Dream pulled lightly at his arms that were still being held up by Sapnap, groaning when they didn’t move and the younger boy’s strength was put on display. “You’re bohohoth idiots- NO NO NO NO NOHOHO!” 
The insult that he threw at the two brunettes prompted George to take a quick inhale of air, filling his lungs as much as he could before dropping his head down and blowing a raspberry on his lower tummy. Dream was squealing, practically in stitches as he began thrashing and kicking pathetically, his laughter growing once more. 
“AHAHA OKAHAHAY! I’m sohohOHRRY!” Dream’s apology was cut off once more as George blew another quick raspberry, this time directly over the sensitive little dip in the center of his stomach. Before he could reach hysterics, George was rubbing his hand over it, doing his best to calm the tingly sensation he was still experiencing.
“George, we’re supposed to be helping him, not killing him.” Sapnap commented with a chuckle as George sat up sheepishly, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth as he shrugged his shoulders. Dream was attempting to catch his breath while the elder replied.
“I know I know, I just couldn’t help it. He insulted us! He’s the real idiot, we both know that!” George exclaimed in fake annoyance, causing Sapnap and Dream to break out into a melody of giggles. Sapnap rolled his eyes at the older boy as he gently ran his thumbs over the insides of Dream’s wrists, smiling when he heard him let out a relaxed sigh. “I promise to be gentle now, okay Dreamie?”
Dream felt the heat rise in his cheeks at the nickname that George always used to fluster him, butterflies in his stomach further heightening the sensation of the ghost tickles. He nodded his head and was sent into another flurry of giggles as George began to kiss over his lower tummy once again, the brunette giggling along with him every time Dream let out a squeak when he would kiss over the patch of skin directly under his belly button.
“Now, as I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, you are incredible,” Sapnap suddenly continued, making a dig at the oldest boy while still rubbing his thumbs over the thin skin on his wrists. The curly haired brunette slowly began to trace his pointer fingers up Dream’s  forearms, smiling when the giggles turned into little chirpy squeaks. “You are so smart, and you’re so extremely talented, Dream.”
The blonde opened and closed his fists, not knowing what to do with them as he didn’t want to pull them away from Sapnap’s tickling fingers. While the sensation was very tickly, it also felt incredibly relaxing and he didn’t want it to end. The same sensation soon appeared on his tummy as George began lightly tracing over it, sometimes allowing a finger or two to trace over the spots he had just kissed just to make his laugh get a little louder. Dream melted into the bed at this treatment, the softness of it all turning his brain to putty as the two continued their light tickles and praises. 
“You’re such an amazing friend too, Dream. Don’t ever think you’re not. You do so much for everyone, you care so much about everyone no matter what. You really care about us all, and we feel it. And we love you just as much.” Sapnap continued speaking his train of thought, only letting up when he saw that Dream’s eyes had become glassy. He cooed at him and moved his hands from his forearms, instead guiding one through Dream’s curls once again. 
George followed Sap’s lead, slowing down his skittering fingers as he leaned back to sit up, looking down at the boy below him and also audibly cooing at how adorable he was like this. “Gosh Dream, how do you expect us not to tickle you so much when you melt so easily for us?”
His hands, now free from Sapnap’s grip, moved quickly to cover his face, groaning when he heard the other two boys laughing at the action. 
“Oh come on, baby boy, we were nice to you. It wasn’t that bad.” Sapnap purred, feeling his stubble rub across his left ear as the younger boy leaned in closer to speak. Dream let one of his hands temporarily move from his face to rub his palm at the shell of his ear, biting his lips to prevent any more laughter from escaping so he didn’t set them off again. 
“Stohohp! You’re- you’re stihihill both idiohohots!” 
The silence he was met with told Dream that he had made a big mistake. When he was about to lower his hands to see what the other boys were doing, they were pulled away by Sapnap, who had a tight grip on his wrists again. And just like before, Dream watched as he pulled them over his head, the same butterflies he felt earlier reappearing, this time doubling in the fluttery feeling. He couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he opened his eyes to see George and Sapnap grinning down at him, clearly fueled by the reused insult he was punished for earlier in the night.
“You know, I think our little puppy here could use some more reassurance. What do you think, George?” Dream’s eyes bulged at statement, the butterflies returning once more as he looked between the two boys quickly, feeling his stomach drop as he saw how wide their smirks were.
“Absolutely.” And with that, the tickling began again. Sap continued to trace the gentlest lines up and down his forearms while George littered his tummy with kisses, using his fingertips to skitter lightly at the sides of it. Dream let out a strangled yelp at the second round of tickles, falling into bright giggles as he threw his head back against the blankets, his eyes squeezed shut as he allowed himself to melt further into the mattress.
They continued like this well into the late hours of the night, the two eventually falling down on either side of Dream to cuddle him and drown him in even more praise. The blonde couldn’t stop himself from blushing, the widest smile on his face as his best friends continued to whisper compliments and reassurances until he was sound asleep between them. They each placed a kiss to the top of his before cuddling back down into the human space heater that Dream was, both allowing the calming sounds of Dream’s breathing lull them to sleep.
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nonoqy · 1 year
whyhyhyyy did i just wake up to a video of dream singing "But it don't matter cause i got you babe" while looking at george
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russilton · 1 year
hai mark ^_^ i drew dis for u! i hope you dont mind fluffier hair gr ^_^
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-your friend synthy
CHECO “SYNTH” ZHOUBOTTAS THIS IS MANIPULATION OF THE HIGHEST ORDER- YOU CANT JUST -oh my babies look at their cheeks- YOU CANT- georges little lashes Jesus- YOU- oh look at Lewis’ lil sticky out twist im gonnanloseit
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