stormyoceans · 6 months
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
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(1/2) Sanji Vinsmoke
DBSB, 3272, nigga, that's my potna dem
G-L-O-B-E, A-B-B, nigga, that's my potna dem
Softly touching up the edges, the orangish, red hair color was now apart of you. Just staring into the mirror as you let go a bit of a smile. The only time you smile when you look at a mirror is when you're staring at your face... any more inches down and it's like you could just puke.
"I like that color on you (y/n)!"
Glancing towards the phone that was on the sink , you just gave a kissing noise. The woman on the other side of the screen happened to have the same color hair, though hers was natural.
"Thats what's up Nami, it was a lotta money... but...Sanji brought it fa me..." You muttered that last part, still feeling bad about even talking about him.. It caused the female to sigh, she knew your problems.. and your issues that you face everyday. Nami is caring, as well as the other female who happened to be in the call. Robin, and Nami had always been on this agonizing journey..
Their bodies were beautiful, just perfect. While you, felt as if you'd be better off covering up with a jacket. It's bad, really... Sanji is your lover, you've accepted to live with him and yet you still cover yourself up anytime he's around. A jacket is always in arms length.
Once, Sanji almost walked in on you changing and in result in hating yourself.. you immediately threw the bedsheet over you. This obviously made Sanji feel some type of way but at the same time he respects you. As strong as you are, as much as you deal with just being a black woman.. he respects you...
Sanji hasn't touched you in any way, not sexually, nor in a domestic type way. His hands are always to himself.. as much as his insides hated it. All Sanji begs to do is touch and love on you. Alas, you overthink and wonder why Sanji is even with you..
"You neeed to tell him how you feel, (y/n)... the situation will only become worse... Your relationship is so strong that sex was never needed.. you're a beautiful woman... You're unique, and fun to be around... give it a chance, yes?" Robin's soft voice echoed slightly in your brain, just sighing out in retaliation. Nami's face showing that she definitely agreed.. but it's just not that simple..
You wish it was that simple.
"(Y/n)-swan~~~~ I'm home!"
A jolt rushed through you as the look you gave the two females happened to be a rushed one.
"Imma talk to y'all later Ight..?" You gently spoke before ending the call as quickly as you could. Moving from the bathroom and you grabbed your black jacket. It was quite huge on you and it had 2pac's picture on the back of it, his name on the front. This jacket originally came from your brother, but you claimed it of course...
Throwing your phone on the bed, you gently walked into the hall and went downstairs. The house you both lived in was a dream. Sanji isn't a poor man... he has his own restaurant, and it rivals with Gordon Ramsey's restaurant... come on..
"Hey, you feelin' ight..?" You gently spoke as you were finally off that last step. Your blonde man standing in front of the door as he blew some of the cigarette smoke. It was something you didn't mind.. the house was big so.. not everything smelt like it...
Though seeing your beautiful, slightly chubby face and your beautiful new colored hair made him die inside. His throat and lungs giving up on him as he choked and coughed. A huge blush rushing quickly to his cheeks and ears... Even now he just.. he gets all school girl on you.
"Babe! Babe! You Ight..!? Aye..." you kinda panicked actually, just softly touching his arm and moving to pat him on his back. The coughing fit he was having eventually surpassed and you were now holding onto his arm. His arm happened to be between your breasts.. he could feel it, he didn't need to see it..
Thing is, you didn't even realize...
"I'm fine.. it's just, you're so beautiful... I bought that right..? Glad that was a thing.." Sanji rambled off to himself as he then finally stared at you and chuckled. That genuine smile causing your insides to twist and turn.. your face was burning up, but your ancestors gave you the ability to not show the blood rushing to your cheeks..
"Oh.. you like it..? Thanks baby... thanks for buyin it fa me..." your voice soft as you got on your tippy toes and wrapped those arms around his neck.. well you tried.. he had to lean down a bit.. his lips connecting against yours and all you could taste was cigarette smoke, but it was this hint of sweetness.. probably from whatever he cooked today.. nevertheless, you were used to it.
The kiss was short like always, and Sanji didn't dare touch you. His hands weren't inching whatsoever, as much as he wanted to... he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
"Oh, since you worked today, d'want me to make you sum to eat?... or.."
"Actually, I wanted us to go to my restaurant and eat... we haven't done that in awhile." Sanji's gentle smile and that shrug made you feel completely bad. The two of you rarely go anywhere together.. it's just that you hate the fact that Sanji has to go anywhere with you...
A little smile appeared on your face, it seemed a bit forced but as good as your acting skills were, it probably passed. Fidgeting on the heels of your feet, you kinda shrugged as well. The hoodie that you had on suddenly felt tight and honestly you hated it. Did you look huge in this too...?
"I-.. Ight.."
What in your right mind possessed you to say 'ight'?! Just flailing around in your walk in closet. As many clothes you had, as many outfits.. you never touched them. They collect dust every day. But that's nothing compared to what you were doing now, the clothes being scattered across the floor as you looked at your final option..
"I'm not goin..."
The words you spoke made your eyes kind of tear up, just staring at the soft, white dress. It was soft and it wasn't tight, but at the same time.. it clings to your skin. It shows every bump and curve. Not to mention how it had little slits on the side.. to show more of your thighs that were already showing... Nope.. just Nope..
Though another bomb was going to come rushing down, because how the hell were you going to tell Sanji..? What were you going to say? Jesus Christ...
Actually, there is this one thing... yes.. for sure..
"Yeah... it just started... can you get me them pills in the cabinet? Ion wanna move... we can literally go next week though.." you gently spoke when you were now in front of Sanji in the bedroom.
It was odd, just a few hours ago you were perfectly fine... not to mention how your period just went off a week ago. The blonde keeps notice of these things, he's not a dumb male who doesn't pay attention to his girlfriend. He's only collecting notes, he'll go with your maze run for now.. but in the end.. he'll find the way.
"So.. you're just up for me makin somethin..? I can teach you the gumbo you wanted to learn..." you gently spoke, only because the atmosphere was kind of tense? Or maybe it was just you... Sanji was laying on his back and he was smoking like usual.. but it seemed like he was thinking hard about something.. and it made you want to go shit.
Have he finally had enough..?
"I thought you'd never ask (y/n)-Chan" Sanji gently purred with those same hearts in his eyes as he decided to follow you out the bedroom and to the kitchen. There was some things Sanji just didn't know how to make. Yes he's an amazing chef and you're sure he'll get this in one go.. but he doesn't know much about.. let's say : black people dishes.
You've just been teaching him about the wide range of things.. and he's been having a blast. As well as being enamored with your aave...
Sanji just loves being with you... didn't matter what it was.. he's obsessed with you, even though his touch is limited..
The night had already been here, though it was now 11 pm, the house being ripped of all its lights that were on. Sanji made sure everything was cleaned up because it wasn't a surprise that you were knocked out in bed already. His own attire consisted of just his underwear... which you didn't mind but that's probably because you wore that jacket to sleep every night..
Sanji snapped out of his thoughts and he noticed the light to your closet as was still on. His body maneuvering over to go inside and turn it off.. though.. the mountain of clothes restricted him. His eyes widening as the cigarette from his mouth had dropped ever so gently to the floor.
The closet was a mess.
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ Masterlist 2
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 1 Episode 6: A Fanatic Heart [Part Two]
I mean Fara is doing her best to be a good leader but I'm still pretty convinced she's going to die
FakeMusa is doing her best and I support her
Actually fuck OFF Terra you have NO RIGHT to ask that of her, much less EXPECT it
Also just a lil bit of FakeMusa analysis, she is not only feeling her boyfriend dying, but also all of the pain and terror and regret and anger of everyone else in that room. Of fucking COURSE she's going to get overwhelmed
Also also imma say she like, felt the death of her parents or something because that's been a building subplot all series
"He's in pain" ...so you want FakeMusa to feel it instead. Wow real good friendship there, Terra
Also it's bad enough that Terra's asking this, but for her dad, a TEACHER, to ask this of a first year who hasn't even learnt that technique yet, is fucking ridiculous
Called that
Well they kept the Musa Dead Mum plot... and now I'm upset
Don't FUCKING touch her Terra. People shouldn't have to expose their trauma to be allowed to say no - FakeMusa needs a hug but NOT from you. You want to talk about consent issues? Because this whole subplot is a big fucking red flag.
The one thing Fate got right - which I am certain wasn't intentional - is the neurodivergent coding of Musa. Like, the headphones to block out painful or too much stimuli is actually really well done (hence why I think it was an accident)
Sorry was Terra actually unbarricading the door? Sacrifice the many for the few is it, Terra?
Oh shit it JUST wants Bloom
Fara Bloom literally TOLD you they were just after her
I'm actually so mad that FakeMusa is negotiating her personal boundaries due to an adult and her supposed friend bullying a child
Oh Bloom's floating. Okay. We don't have the budget for wings but the fire fairy can float for no apparent reason
Why are some of them super easy to kill and others take like... a whole thing
Oh shit she can turn them back into people. Right okay, feel like that should have come up sooner
Dowling is such a good mother and I'm so afraid she's going to die. There's way too much time left for nothing else to happen and Rosalind is just rocking about
Sorry Terra that crossed a line. I actively hate you.
Oh Beatrix just fully lied about being an orphan, she has a dad
Oh no he's not her bio dad
So Riven and Dane are villains with Roz now. Right
"Cooler?! I love Tinkerbell!" "Of course you do" good friend banter but I despise Terra now so can someone else have banter with Stella instead?
Aisha you didn't even introduce yourself how would Bloom's parents know who's talking to them
"Bloom transformed" no she fucking didn't she got shitty fire wings that have made me SO ANGRY. That's not a transformation it DOESN'T COUNT
None of you are considering the possibility that the whole "Blood witches" thing was a lie? No? Eveyone just tells the truth all the time always, even Rosalind?? Right okay. I hate this bullshit show
Also you canNOT just throw in a term like "blood witches" in the last fucking episode. That's a fucking joke Weed Boy
Sky is having Sad Boy Hours
Ooh a Sad Boy montage
See Bloom's going to talk with Dowling and I feel like it's going to go badly because NO ONE IS LOOKING FOR ROSALIND
Bloom is finally being open and honest with Dowling and accepting her as a mother figure so she's DEFINATELY going to die. These death flags are waving in my fucking face
Also from Fara's face: when was the last time she got a hug oh my god
That's just not what a figurehead is. You wanted to becime a symbol. There's a rather large and important difference
I'm so angry that she's getting this development now. In the last 20 fucking minutes of the season
Stella is so awkward and cute I love her why didn't we get HER FROM THE BEGGINNING
Also if this important conversation happens off screen I will feel robbed
And it's happened off screen. That is bull-fucking-shit
Sad montage of their baby... yikes
Oh the mother is leaving. #NotMyVanessa
This montage is bullshit I wanted a CONVERSATION
Okay but the Winx actually acting like friends is cute
So Riven and Dane went missing the night the school was attacked and no one's seen them and you just... aren't worried about these literal children? What kind of bitch-ass school...
Oh the Solarian army has FINALLY arrived
Stella ain't here lads
Oh fuck OFF Queen Nightlight
You're arresting Silva??
Sorry there is literally NO fucking way Sky's dad is alive. I mean he clearly is and is clearly Beatrix's dad but that makes no sense. Shit writing at it's shittest
Stella's mum is CLEARLY involved in this shady shit
Also what kind of justice system...?
Hello there Bitchboy King
Fara vibing with the freshly burried corpses
Okay Rosalind is here and I'm scared for Fara's safety
Also apparently no one was aware the Burned Ones used to be people. I had assumed that was common knowledge but apparently that was supposed to be a secret reveal at the end that I worked out... so long ago. Come on lads
Also also I'm so scared because Sword Dad is being arrested and now Fara is alone with Rosalind and I feel like Fara is going to get murdered and replaced by Rosalind while Sword Dad is replaced by Sky's Dad
Oh Rosalind knew about the Burned Ones being people
Rosalind is a really good villain but she scares me and also her actress is still shit
The dragonfire is now the "Dragon Flame" and created the Burned Ones. I just. I'm so out of fucks to give
And Bloom has it too. Shook
Of course she risked kids to test Bloom - have you MET this woman she's shady as fuck
Dowling is talking about how she finally saw the light when she stepped out of Rosalind's shadow and clearly this a whole "I've escaped your abuse" thing and I'm so happy for her. And also terrified because she's definately about to die
If I leave this on pause Fara doesn't have to get murdered
And Queen Exposed Wire is in fact a part of the coverup. Shocked
I like that Rosalind is explaining everything. I genuinely do appriciate a good villain monologue
I'm so fucking upset. She just. Snapped her neck. Lifted her up and murdered her. I'm actually on the verge of tears it was so brutal. I cannot believe they made me care about Fara in the last fucking episode only to KILL HER OFF
Did she just speed-rot Fara's body?? I'm so upset. I'm so fucking upset
And now all the Winx who were actually happy and getting along are coming back to this shitshow
Brian Young is a fucking criminal. Thank fuck that's over
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flyingkiki · 4 years
How to slide into DMs
Oh boy. This is the longest one-shot I have ever written. Would have wanted to break this up into chapters but eventually decided not to and just gave it my all. This is a story best consumed whole - all 85k+ characters of it.
I had the best time writing this.
Raven knew that drinking one margarita too many was a recipe for disaster. And as she would later reflect on the turn of events, Raven knew she was partly to blame for the disaster that would unfold thanks to all the alcohol. But right now, it was Karen’s birthday and it was rare for the girls to come together – unless the world was just about to explode and end. So, Karen demanded that they celebrate in style.
And drink Raven did.
So here they were, a couple of superheroines dressed in skimpy bikinis on a yacht far out from Jump City’s bay (how Jinx even got one was beyond her), drinking frozen margaritas, mojitos, and tequila shots. They looked like an image straight from every young teenage boy’s (or hot blooded adult, really) wet dream – superheroines in skimpy bikinis lounging around on the boat, draped over beanbags and recliner chairs, and sliding ice cubes between the valleys of their breasts trying to fight off the sweltering heat.
Some Ke$ha was playing in the background, thanks to Starfire – who had Jinx to thank for her latest music genre obsession.
Raven cracked an eye open as Jinx passed by her and plucked her empty margarita glass out of her hand. A frosty glass quickly slipped into her hand she eyed the frozen drink with a slight frown.
“Live a little, Raven,” Jinx winked and adjusted the straps of her strappy black bikini before plopping down into the cushions next to Karen. Her mojito dangerously sloshed around in its glass because of her jerky movements.
“Exactly,” Raven sat up and took a sip from the deliciously cold alcoholic beverage and found some relief from the sweltering heat. She wondered if it would be best to just dump the whole frozen margarita over her head. “I want to live.  And not die because of liver failure,”
“Pish-posh,” Karen took a healthy swig of her margarita. “We metabolize this shit faster than we drink it. Hit me up, Jinx,”
Raven was impressed that Karen still knew what metabolize meant as she watched the curly haired woman dump half of her margarita down her bikini top. “Of course we do,” she said.
Starfire ambled back onto the deck with a pitcher of frozen margarita and mojito in both of her hands. Karen and Jinx cheered at the sight of more alcohol and Kori clumsily set out to top everyone up again. Raven eyed her drink absently wondering if Kori snuck in a shot of mustard into their drinks.
“So, Kill, Fuck, Marry,”
Raven cringed. Leave it to Jinx to come up with the crudest games. Karen howled and Kori leaned forward curiously, obviously already familiar with the game. Jinx grinned widely as she eyed the girls.
“Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Bruce Wayne,”
Raven made a face and Karen cheered while Jinx chuckled lecherously. Kori looked as she was genuinely mulling her answers before downing her margarita and taking a generous sip out of a mustard bottle. Raven felt her stomach roll. “I shall go first!” Kori announced.
“Marry Bruce Wayne, Fuck Oliver Queen, and Kill Barry Allen,” announced Kori while filling her margarita glass to the brim.
Karen made a face. “You’d marry your future Father-in-Law?”
Kori shrugged and sipped her mustard-laced margarita. “Better than sleeping with him, right?”
“Huh, that makes sense,” Karen shrugged.  “Okay. I’ll Fuck Bruce Wayne, Marry Barry, and Kill Oliver,”
Three sets of eyes curiously turned to Raven. Jinx leaned forward and grinned mischievously. “C’mon, Raven,”
Raven rolled her eyes and thought of her options. “Fine,” she huffed and downed the rest of her margarita. If they were all getting drunk, she might as well join the party. “Fuck Oliver, Marry Barry, and Kill Bruce – sorry, Star,”
Kori was now lounging on her side across some throw pillows that made her boobs stick up more. Waving her hand that she honestly did not care, Kori continued to listen in on the conversation and drank her poison of choice.
“Still not a fan of the Bat?” Karen whistled. They knew about Raven’s history and how originally Batman had been apprehensive of her and her origin.
Raven rolled her eyes and had her powers top up her margarita glass. “Oh, I’m over that,” she shrugged and leaned back in her recliner. “I don’t think I can handle Bruce’s brooding and secrecy. I got enough of that already,” Raven said. She quirked and eyebrow at Karen. “Besides, have you seen Oliver Queen?”
Karen rolled her eyes. “Have you seen Bruce Wayne?” She clumsily threw both of her hands up in the air and drew them out, dousing Jinx in some of her margarita. “Those broad shoulders!” Kori hummed loudly in agreement.
Jinx looked incredulous. “What’s wrong with all of you?” she all but gasped. “I’d Fuck Barry Allen in a heartbeat – hello, The Flash! His body vibrates!”
Raven raised of her eyebrows at the thought and they all shared a brief look. Karen leaned forward and placed her chin into her hand. “Well, Raven and I are marrying him, so he can vibrate for us all day, every day,”
Crossing her legs, Raven had to agree with that logic. She raised her glass in agreement. Kori looked thoughtful and tilted her head towards Jinx. “Perhaps I should change my answers,”
Karen laughed. “No take backs,”
“Okay, this one,” Jinx nursed her mojito. “Cyborg, Nightwing, Changeling,”
Raven rolled her eyes. “Kill Changeling, Marry Cyborg, Fuck Nightwing.” She shrugged. “Easy. Sorry, Kori, Karen,”
Karen waved her hand dismissively. “Same answer, easy.”
“Marry Nightwing,” Kori smiled at the thought but then paused as she mulled over the other two. “Perhaps Fuck Cyborg, Kill Changeling,”
Jinx looked exasperated at the girls. “Really? Have none of you seen Gar lately?”
Raven threw her a withering glare. “If you’re going to say anything about his transformations and sex will push you off this boat and drown you.”
Jinx rolled her eyes and waved her hand with her mojito glass. The mojito sloshed around and spilled over her leg. “When did Gar get an those chiseled abs?! Delicious. That’s all I’m saying.”
Raven wrinkled her nose. “Eh.”
“Oh, I know,” Kori sat up and helped herself to some more margarita from the pitcher. Karen watched in disdain as she added a splash of mustard to hers. “Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Richard Grayson,”
“Duh.” Jinx said. “Fuck Jason Todd,” she paused to take a sip from her drink. “Eh – I guess Marry Richard, and Kill Tim,”
“I’d go for Fuck Richard,” Karen turned to Kori and sent her an apologetic grin. “I’m sorry Kori, but that ass,” to which Kori gave her a drunken thumbs up sign. “Marry Jason, Kill Tim. Same logic – Marry Jason for those thighs,”
Raven was starting to feel the buzz of the margaritas on her brain. She had to agree that all the Robins were good looking. “Fuck Jason, Marry Tim,” It seemed that they owed a lot of apologies to Starfire. “Sorry Kori, Kill Richard,” Dick had gotten on her nerves lately with his complaints over their training drills. Might as well hypothetically kill him and fuck and marry his brothers so he could roll in his grave.
“You know while it's totally fun to objectify the men ones in a while and talk about who we want to sleep with, Imma go for a pee break. Hold on for one second. Keep those thoughts of Dick’s ass and Jason’s thighs on your dirty little minds, ladies,” Jinx stood up and stumbled away.
“You better not jump into the ocean and pee,” Karen called her out with an amused laugh, to which the pink head raised her hand and sent her the middle finger.
Raven rolled her eyes in exasperation. Eyeing the empty pitchers of margaritas and mojitos, she wondered if she should offer to go and make another round. Jinx had made sure to stock enough of alcohol to light a bonfire – or at the very least light the whole yacht on fire.
Realizing that Kori was rendered useless right now as she lay sprawled over the pillows and it would be rude to have the birthday girl prepare her own drinks, Raven sighed and grabbed the two empty pitchers. She was surprised how fast they went through their drinks.
“I’ll make us something more to drink since we’re drinking this like water,” Rave announced and walked towards the minibar.
Karen smiled up at Raven. “Thanks, Raven,”
Raven threw Karen a rare smile. “You’re lucky it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, Karen,”
“I’m back, what did I miss?” Jinx appeared from below deck and she rejoined the group. Seeing how Raven was busy with their drinks, she grabbed Karen and Kori and pulled them up. “C’mon, let’s take some photos. We need to put these sexy bikinis to use,”
Kori giggled. “For the ‘graham, yes?”
“For the ‘Gram, Kori. For the ‘Gram,” Karen grinned.
Pushing them towards the boat’s railings, Jinx grinned. “You can send some photos to Dick, Kori. I’m sure he’ll appreciate them,” She wiggled her pink eyebrows. “Get the blood flowing,”
Karen rolled her eyes. “And here I was thinking you can’t get any cruder,”
Kori gamely handed Jinx her phone. “I believe Dick would like them,”
“Of course Dick would,” Jinx grinned and winked before telling Kori where to stand and how to pose.
Raven joined them with their drinks levitating behind her. Handing Karen her drink, she eyed Jinx and Kori in amusement. “Please don’t tell me we’re having a photoshoot,”
Karen tilted her head and tried to ignore Jinx’s instructions to Kori (“Those bewbs look awesome, Kori!”). She gave Raven a small laugh and took a sip of her margarita. “More like take photos for your boyfriend shoot,”
“Photos for Dick!” Kori chirped, happily slurping her mustard-laced margarita and cocking her hips to the side as she leaned against the railing.
“Photos for the dick!” Jinx grinned, throwing the two exasperated girls a dirty grin. “What? Like you never sent dirty photos to your boyfriends.”
Karen downed her drink in one go. “Not saying anything,”
Jinx stopped snapping photos of her and Kori and threw a wide grin at the retreating birthday girl, watching her get another drink. “I knew it!”
Karen returned with a particularly full margarita glass. She eyed the amused Jinx in exasperation. “I’m just saying if that’s what you and your partner do in private, that’s fine. No need to make a big deal out of it,”
Jinx waived her mojito around in agreement. “Exactly. We’re all adults here, right?” She pointedly ignored Raven’s raised eyebrow at her. “If we wanna spice up our relationships with sexy photos that get panties wet and boxers tented, then we can do so. What we do in our private lives is our business. No judgement,”
Raven made a face, looking scandalized. Leaning against the yacht’s window, she eyed the pink-head. “And then they get leaked,”
“If he leaks them, we magic their dicks into pickles,” Jinx shrugs nonchalantly.
Karen hoists herself up onto the railing, and expertly balances herself on the silver railing despite the number of margaritas she just downed. Her curly black hair whips around her as a gentle hot breeze brushes over them. “Sexy photos shouldn’t be the be all and end all of a relationship. But if you mutually want to show your junk to each other on photo and videos, there better be a lot of respect in that relationship and no pressure,” she said before taking a healthy drag from her drink.
“Like, if that’s how you want to improve your sex life, go for it,” Jinx shrugged and took Karen’s phone to take a few photos of her on the railing.
“Richard sends pics of the dick,” Kori suddenly announced, casually leaning against the railing and sipping her margarita. “They’re very exciting,”
Jinx laughed loudly, delighted at the revelation. “I bet they are,”
Raven shuddered. “Thanks for that mental image, Kori.” The idea of Richard taking photos of his crotch was not a pleasing thought. Raven downed her drink in one gulp. She was not too drunk for this.
“You’re welcome,” Kori chirped.
Jinx chuckled and stumbled past Raven. Refilling everyone’s drinks with her magic, she gabbed Raven’s phone and pulled out the camera app. “C’mon, Rae. Let’s take some photos of you,”
Raven frowned. “No,”
Completely ignoring Raven, Jinx grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the railing. She nearly knocked off Karen, who in turn drunkenly laughed and barely caught her balance. “Stand there, for the love of god, try to look sexy so we can post something on your painfully boring Instagram account,” instructed Jinx.
Raven frowned, taking offense. “My Instagram is not boring,”
Karen frowned and looked up from scrolling through her phone. “Girl, your last post was literally just a picture of a cup of tea,”
Raven glared and tried to ignore as Jinx took a couple of photos of her. Leaning against the railing, she took a long drink from her margarita glass. “I don’t see the point –”
“Point, shmoint,” Jinx waved her off. “Point is your hot. Hotter than your lousy, boring cup of tea that only got,” she looked over Karen’s shoulder and sent Raven a look of disdain. “Four likes – two of those are pity likes from Kori and Victor. Live a little, put that scandalously bikini-clad body on your Instagram because @RachelRoth needs to spice up the lives of your,” she paused again to look over Karen’s shoulder at Raven’s depressing Instagram account and her face fell a little. “24 followers. Seriously, 24, Rae?”
Crossing her arms under her breasts, Raven sent them a look of annoyance. “Who would I possibly add outside of our circle of friends?”
“I have over 600,000 followers on Instagram,” commented Kori, looking over Karen’s shoulder eyeing Raven’s social media account.
Karen grinned. “Of course you do, Hun. When you’re the fiancé of Richard Grayson, everyone wants to know what you guys are doing,”
Jinx furiously tapped on Raven’s phone. “Your online presence is depressing,” She gave her a pointed look. “You don’t even use dating apps,”
Raven looked incredulous. “Why would I use dating apps?” She downed her margarita and went for another one. “Do you have any idea what our jobs are like?”
“Girl, even your DMs are boring,” Karen looked utterly disappointed. Jinx, Kori, and Karen ignored Raven’s complaints and moved back to the lounge area, bending over Raven’s phone.
“Oh sure, go through my private messages.” Raven joined them and grabbed the pitcher of margarita. When had it become “Humiliate Raven Day” when it was actually Karen’s birthday? God, she needed more drinks
“It’s not like you’re sexting anyone,” Jinx rolled her eyes. “Have you not heard of sliding into someone’s DMs?” With the hand holding mojito glass, Jinx pointed an accusing finger at Raven. “This is why you are single.”
Raven threw her hands up in the air, sighing loudly. She staggered to her feet and grabbed both unsurprisingly empty pitchers. “You know, fine, whatever,” Raven, as she would later reflect on the turn of events, would realize this is where her mistake truly began. “Fuck it. Do whatever you want. Your yapping is annoying. I’ll go get us drinks.”
Jinx let out a little squeal and all three girls ducked over Raven’s phone. Jinx furiously typed on Raven’s phone and the three women shared a short laugh. Somewhere, in her lime margarita addled mind, Raven knew that this was a huge mistake. But she’d take care of her mistakes later, like the responsible drunk that she was.
After a few minutes of mixing drinks and making sure that she had refilled Kori’s disgusting bottle of mustard, Raven ambled back with the ice cold pitches and mustard bottle, and deposited everything on the glass table in the middle. Draping herself over a few lounge pillows, she eyed the amused ladies in front of her in disdain. “Give me back my phone,”  
Jinx offered her a lecherous grin and tossed Raven her phone back. Thanks to her drunk reflexes, it slipped out of her hand and landed on her breasts before falling into her lap. “You’ll have to thank us,”
Raven grabbed her phone and quickly looked through her apps. “You better not have signed me up on Tinder,”
Her phone pinged a couple of times and Raven eyed her phone apprehensively. “What did you do?”
Jinx waived her hand as Kori and Karen giggled. “Nothing to get your panties bunched up,”
Her phone’s notifications went off a couple more times and Raven frowned. Ignoring the girls as they made plans to take a quick swim – which was also a recipe for disaster considering how drunk they were -  Raven focused on her phone and the notifications that kept on popping up.
Frowning, Raven opened up her Instagram and eyed the notification for new messages. Feeling a headache coming along – and not because of the margaritas she had downed – she opened up her DMs and her frown deepened.
“Why hello there,” @ImAliveJTodd sent her a reply. Raven warily eyed the wink, volcano, eggplant, and water droplets emojis.
She was torn between crushing her phone in her hand or screaming bloody murder at Jinx. “Fuck you, Jinx,” she said loudly, which she assumed the pink haired woman in question heard when Raven heard a faint cackle in the distance and a loud splash.
Jinx sent a photo of Raven in her black skimpy bikini to Jason Todd and what she could only guess a couple of other people in her friends list. Raven felt her head throb as she eyed the photo Jinx took of her. She wasn’t looking directly at the camera, probably at Karen, holding her margarita glass with her right hand and her hips leaning against the boat’s railings. The blue ocean behind her was a beautiful backdrop and somehow seemed to highlight her pale skin and bounce around her full curves. Raven wasn’t ashamed of her body, and she had to admit that it was a really nice picture, but she was not thrilled to have her photo so widely circulated. An innocent “Hey there” with a wink emoji accompanied the picture.
Growling as Jason sent her a string of emojis with some more volcano and eggplant emojis, she promptly sent him a message to fuck off and quickly deleted the conversation.
“Fucking Jinx,” mumbled Raven as she ignored the latest emojis Jason sent her. An eggplant and peach. And promptly blocked him.
Ignoring @GarTheBeast’s “Dude!” (with a fire emoji) and @VStone’s “Put some clothes on!”, Raven promptly replied to @RoyHarper’s GIF of a cartoon wolf whistling with a GIF of cartoon monster biting a man’s head off. Jinx had sent the photo to Garth, who had yet to reply. @WallyW sent her a couple of fire emojis, which she basically just ignored.
She event sent one to @BruceWayne. Fucking Bruce Wayne. Thankfully, he had not yet seen the message and Raven hastily deleted the picture. She was going to kill Jinx.
@ClarkKent had seen the image. Totally mortified, Raven quickly sent a brief apology and explanation to Superman.
“How many margaritas did you have?” @RGrayson sent her a reply.
Raven rolled her eyes. “Just enough for me to murder Jinx in a drunken haze.”
“Make sure to dump the body further out at sea since you’re already out there. Good luck.” @RGrayson sent her a thumbs up emoji. After a few minutes he quickly sent a follow up message. “Though, seriously. Don’t.”
Sighing loudly, Raven eyed her phone in disdain. Sliding into someone’s DM’s was too much work. She decided to block Speedy after he sent he a string of annoying GIFs. Eyeing her notifications, Raven discovered that Jinx had also posted her photo on her Instagram account. Her bikini-clad body stood out from all her admittedly boring content of coffee mugs and books.
As Raven’s phone vibrated ones more, she was just about ready to throw it into the ocean and hopefully hit Jinx over the head with it.
“Uhm, hi?” @TimDrake replied.
Raven groaned. Did Jinx send her picture to all the Bat Family members? Ready to just give Tim a piece of her mind, Raven furiously began to type a long essay that basically told him to piss off.
“Did somebody hack into Rachel’s account?” @TimDrake sent another message. At least Tim was smart enough to use her alias.
Raven paused and blinked, her finger hovering over the send button. Deleting her intended reply, she quickly sent her answer. “Hi. This is Raven. Jinx hijacked my phone. There might be murder later.”
“Oh. Well, good luck with that.” Tim replied.
“Hah.” Raven leaned back into the plush recliner. She stared at the screen as Tim seemed to work on an answer.
“Hide the evidence.”
“We never had this conversation.” Raven replied.
“Right. Never.” Emoji with lips zipped shut.
Raven felt her lips curl just a little bit as relief swept over her. Finally, someone sensible in this shitstorm. “Thanks.”
Raven dropped her phone onto her lap and took a hearty swig from her margarita. She was already drunk anyway – what was the point of slowing down now. In the distance she heard loud splashing and giggles from Kori and curses from Jinx. Raven silently hoped Kori somehow managed to drown Jinx. Eyeing the ocean from her spot under the shade, Raven decided not to join them.
Feeling herself relax just a little bit as the yacht rocked with the waves and the sounds of the ocean gently wrapped around her, Raven leaned back into the ridiculously comfortable recliner chair. Hearing the shrieks of laughter from her friends in the background, Raven bristled slightly at how Jinx thought she was boring. She ignored her phone as it vibrated against her sweaty thigh. So what if she liked posting tea cups and books on her social media feed.  Her margarita filled brain told her she could do exciting.
Picking up her phone, she ignored Jason’s text message (“Did you block me? Lol. Unblock me, Rae!”) and looked surprised as she got another message from Tim.
Opening up her DMs, she felt her lips curl lightly as she stared down at the image of a huge swimming pool surrounded by a lush garden she guessed found at the Wayne manor. “Not as amazing as the view you have there, but this ought to do.” The text below the picture read.
Taping her finger thoughtfully against her phone, Raven contemplated if she should send Tim a reply. Deciding that she really shouldn’t think too much about it, Raven took a photo of the lounge area in front of her, catching the nose of the yacht, the pitchers of drinks, colorful lounge chairs and pillows, and her right ankle and newly pedicured toes into the frame.
“That’s a lot of drinks!” replied Tim.
“It’s Karen’s birthday. Jinx has been plying us with alcohol.”
“Sounds like fun,” Raven snored at the GIF of drunk girls.
“Until one drunk girl drowns.” Raven replied. “May or may not be Jinx.”
Tim sent her a photo of a cold beer bottle he held up in front of the camera. “We live for danger. Cheers!”
Taking a photo of her own margarita glass, Raven sent it to Tim. “Cheers.”
She had met Tim a several times and among all the Robins she had met, he was perhaps the one of the most pleasant Robins to talk to. Except of course for Richard, with whom she still shared a special bond with. Jason was an explosion of emotions, and Damian still had so much to learn (and had such intense emotions for a 10-year-old). Tim was a welcome calm presence whenever they met and she truly enjoyed talking to him.
And, while this maybe the margarita talking, she honestly enjoyed the gentle press of interest she felt from Tim over the last couple of months they met on occasion. Raven took a long swig of her margarita, downing it, and she thought of Tim. As much as Jinx would like to tease her, she wasn’t blind and stupid as much – she knew what the gentle prod of emotions meant. And she actually enjoyed it.
Raven eyed the half empty pitcher of margarita in disdain, cursing at how open she felt. Fucking alcohol.
Her phone pinged and buzzed against her leg. Placing her empty margarita glass clumsily on the side table next to her, she picked up her phone and opened her DMs. And openly stared at the image of a smiling Tim Drake in the ridiculously huge Wayne pool, head and torso wet and leaning over the pool’s ledge. His muscular arm was folded over the ledge with this chin propped over it while his other arm was stretched out to take the photo. His long hair fell into his bright blue eyes and Raven’s lips pursed as the thought of wanting to push some of his hair out of his face crossed her mind.
“Time for a swim!”
Raven contemplated over what she should reply – and if she should reply at all. She eyed the photo a bit longer than she should have, taking in whatever defined muscle she could see. It was ridiculous how all the Wayne kids looked like magazine models.
“Enjoy!” she replied. She heard the girls’ drunken laughter in the distance and wondered if she should join them.
Her phone vibrated in her hand again and she stared at the profile picture of a smiling Tim Drake in a plain polo shirt. “Won’t you go swimming?”
There was a splash in the background and a shriek. Raven wasn’t all too sure if she wanted in on the drunken swimming. “Maybe later.”
“Okay. I’ll do a few laps for now. Enjoy your day, Rae.”
Raven locked her phone and placed it on the table in front of her. She heard a couple more splashes and shrieks in the background. Eyeing her phone momentarily and her thoughts slipped to Tim Drake in the Wayne Manor Olympic-sized swimming pool. Feeling a bit warm, and Raven honestly blamed the heat, she stood up and decided to go for a swim. Perhaps that would help her cool down a bit.
“Get a lot of DMs?” Jinx grinned wildly after Raven gracefully slipped into the water joined them in the water.
Raven swam over them and sent them a withering glare. “You sent Bruce Wayne my photo!”
“I’m sure he likes younger women,” Jinx shrugged nonchalantly.
Karen laughed. “I’m sure he does.”
Raven gave them a nasty look as if they were crazy. “You’re out of your minds.”
“Well, you obviously took your sweet time, so I’m guessing you got busy sending out replies.” Jinx wiggled her eyebrows.
Kori giggled in the background. “Who did you slide into, Friend Raven?” she asked.
“Slide into his DMs, Kori! Damn it. I did not slide into anyone!” Raven sent an exasperated look at an amused Kori.
“But someone might be sliding into Raven soon,” Jinx laughed.
Raven groaned and splashed a cackling Jinx with some water. “Jinx, stop it!”
Karen swam closer and laughed, narrowly avoiding a splash from Jinx. “But seriously, girl. Don’t leave us hanging. Did anyone reply to the messages we sent out?”
“Jason sent a string of eggplant emojis, if that’s what you’re asking,” Raven looked extremely annoyed as she swam in the warm water. Jinx and Karen laughed loudly.
“Eggplant emojis? Did he send you dick pics?” Kori sent her a look of surprise.
Raven looked scandalized. “Damn it, no, Kori! I thought we updated you on pop culture already,”
Jinx sent Kori a sly look. “Eggplants are dicks. But dick pics are dick pics, which you, sexy mama, are getting a lot of,”
Kori nodded. “I am,”
“Can we not talk about Richard’s penis?” Raven deadpanned.
Karen laughed and her sparkling brown eyes focused on an annoyed Raven. “Anyone else reply?”
“Roy sent a couple of GIFs and Wally a few fire emojis,” Raven rolled her eyes. “Apparently grown men cannot use words,”
Karen chuckled. “You’re too hot, Rae.”
“And no one else replied?” Kori eyed her curiously. “Not even Bruce?”
Raven flicked water at Kori. “No, god no. Bruce did not even see it,” she paused and shrugged. “Tim replied.”
Jinx lurched forward and her wrinkly hands wrapped around Raven’s arm. “Oh, ho, ho, ho.” She gave the annoyed woman a sly grin. “Tim Drake replied?”
“He slid into you?”
“Damn it, Kori. No!”
“I bet he will” Jinx winked at Raven.
Raven pushed some of her wet hair of her face in annoyance. “There’s no sliding into anyone. We just talked, that’s it.” She paused and frowned before pressing on with her margarita addled brain. “And besides, I don’t think he’s interested in me that way,”
Karen grinned and swam a bit closer to her. “And you are?”
“Tim is nice to talk to,”
Jinx rolled her eyes. “Then keep talking to him!” The pink haired woman groaned. “Do we have to take more hot photos of you and do everything for you? I swear, I’m gonna do it,”
Raven frowned. “Just drop it,”
With the sun slowly setting and after few more rounds of teasing and gossiping, the three women decided it was time for more alcohol and some of Karen’s birthday cake before they would head back to the island. Jinx and Karen led the way back to the yacht, climbing up the boarding ladder of the yacht and disappearing out of sight. Raven helped the uncoordinated Kori climb up the ladder before climbing up herself. Hoisting herself up on the transom of the yacht, Raven turned to climb up the ladder careful not to slip and potentially kill herself by hitting her head. As she reached the top of the small ladder, she stopped and frowned as Jinx and Karen had once again accosted her phone and took some photos of her as she struggled to safely climb back on board.  
“What are you doing?”
“Tim Drake sent you a photo of him in the pool. Did you see those arms? You need to send something back,” Jinx said and snapped a few more photos.
“I’m sending you back in a body bag,” Raven announced as she frowned and pulled both her legs back on board and sat on top of the ladder. “Stop it,”
“Girl, your hot. You obviously like to talk to him, and he obviously likes to talk to you. And you’ve both been sending photos to each other.” Karen waved her hands around as emphasis. “Might as well have some fun. My spidey senses are tingling, I’m sensing something good,”
Raven frowned. “You’re a bee. And the only thing that’s tingling is your head from all the alcohol,”
“Send him one of the pictures I took. A photo of you wet is gonna make him wet,” Jinx tossed Raven her phone, which she clumsily caught in between her wet hands.
Sending Jinx a nasty glare, Raven ignored the comment and sank into one of the pillows as the rest of the girls busied themselves in getting more drinks and Karen’s birthday cake. Browsing through the photos Jinx took of her, she silently wondered if she should send Tim one back. He did send her a photo of him swimming – and it would be only fair to send in a quick update of her swim as well. Right? Of course her margarita brain agreed.
Picking the one where she sat on top of the ladder with her looking at the camera with a neutral expression (all others had her frowning at Jinx) and with a full view of the ocean and the sun setting behind her, she sent the photo to Tim. “Went for a swim.”
Dropping her phone on to her lap, Raven watched as the girls returned with more drinks and a chocolate cake. Depositing everything onto the glass table, they all gathered around the table to grab more drinks and a few slices of cake.
Raven was half asleep and half listening to Jinx narrate her recent undercover mission where she had to “seduce a rich asshole” when her phone pinged and vibrated against her leg.
Picking up her phone, Raven pulled up her DMs and blinked as she stared at the little heart emoji on her photo she sent to Tim. “That’s a really beautiful view.”
Did he mean just the ocean and sunset behind her? Or was that a compliment that included her? A shiver ran down her back. Was he flirting?!
Raven locked her phone and glared as Jinx leaned over her shoulder to steal a glance at Raven’s DMs. Pointing her finger at Raven with the mojito glass still in hand, the mojito sloshed angrily around the glass, Jinx wiggled her finger. “I told you, he’s into you.”
Raven dropped her phone next to her. “He’s into girls that look like drowned rats in a bikini,”
Karen rolled her eyes in exasperation and picked up Raven’s phone and tossed it back at her. “From the way you’ve been talking, it doesn’t seem like he’s just talking to because you’re in a bikini. And besides, you know Tim – he’s actually nice. You’d Marry him in our Kill, Fuck, Marry game. I don’t see where the problem is.”
Jinx shrugged and helped herself to another mojito and a cake slice. “And if he sends you photos, you have the choice to respond or not. Do whatever the two of you enjoy,” she paused and took a sip. She sent Raven a wink. “But you should send him more pictures to make him hot and bothered. Because it should be fun to make him squirm just as it should be fun for you to get your panties wet with his photos,”
Leave it to Jinx to make the crudest advice. “Whatever,” Raven mumbled and tuned out them out as they started to make plans to head back to the bay. Placing her empty margarita glass on the table in front of her, Raven turned to her phone and turned it on again. Looking at Tim’s reply, she pondered if she should take on Jinx and Karen’s advice and continue talking to Tim and if this was all worth her time and energy. In her drunk mind, Raven reasoned that she did like him, so it was well worth a shot.
Dropping her phone next to her and listening to Jinx haphazardly commandeer the yacht back to the Titan’s Bay, Raven leaned back into the soft cushions. Her phone buzzed softly against her thigh and she eyed it momentarily before picking it up again. Opening up her DMs, she decided to see where this would take her.
Raven groaned as her alarm clock blared loudly and she fought the urge to blow it up with her powers. While her demon heritage easily burned off most of the alcohol from yesterday, she still felt some of the side effects of drinking countless margarita pitchers that could easily induce alcohol poisoning to regular human beings. Slipping out of her bed, Raven made quick work in getting ready before grabbing her phone and heading into the kitchen.
“Morning,” Dick sent her an amused smile over his breakfast cereal. He grinned as Raven scowled. “Did you have a good time yesterday?”
Raven went on puttering around the kitchen, set on getting herself some toast and her herbal tea. She threw Richard a quick uninterested glance. “We had enough alcohol to drink an entire army under the table, we had cake, we were out on a boat miles away from Garfield, so yes, I had an excellent time,”
Dick chuckled. “And the DM?”
Raven rolled her eyes and sat down across of him by the counter.  Looking around the kitchen briefly, she assumed everyone was still asleep. “Jinx thinks she can make me ‘slide into someone’s DMs’,” she said before sipping her tea. “I shouldn’t have allowed her to take my phone.”
“Ah, the poor choices we make because of alcohol,” Dick tutted. Placing his elbow on the table and propping his chin into his hand, he grinned at her. “So, did anyone slide into your DMs back?”
Raven frowned, not liking where this was going. “Some replied. Most were just a string of eggplant and water droplet emojis.”
“Why do I have a feeling I know who sent them?” Richard quirked an eyebrow. “Jason said that you blocked him on several platforms.”
“How do you know about that?” Raven eyed him curiously while she nibbled on her toast.
Dick held up his phone and waved at her. “We have a chat group. He’s been raving over your photo that Jinx sent out,”
She snorted. “Of course the BatKids have a chat group.” She silently wondered if Tim mentioned anything on the chat group. Standing up, she picked up her mug and headed towards the door. “I’m going up the roof to meditate. I’ll see you at training,”
Not waiting for Dick’s reply, she walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. She felt that most of the tower’s occupants were still asleep. Once they got home from their day on the yacht, they still had a small celebration for Karen back at the tower organized by the boyfriend, Cyborg. It lasted well into the night with more drinks and poor life choices.
Opening the roof door, Raven welcomed the gentle dawn breeze from the harbor and sat down in a lotus position by the ledge of the tower. Fishing out her phone from her jean’s pocket, she eyed her phone with mixed emotions. She and Tim continued to exchange messages and a few photos through the party.
Switching to her DM’s she was surprised to see a message from Tim so early in the morning. As she recalled yesterday’s events, and the poor drunk choices that came with it, Raven winced as she went through her exchange with Tim. She unconsciously stopped at the last two photos of the night they exchanged – a blurry picture of her in her camisole buried in her pillows looking both less than glamorous and incredibly sleepy (a picture she sent as a reply to his “Aren’t you going to bed?”) to which he sent his own picture in bed, shirtless with his tousled long hair falling into his eyes, giving her an incredibly dazzling sleepy smile. “Good night.” Raven would admit that the picture of a shirtless Tim Drake jolted her awake briefly. She stared at well-defined shoulders.
While she was pretty sure that their whole exchange was innocent enough, Raven felt like it opened a floodgate of so many scenarios that she may or may not be ready for.
“Good morning!” Tim had sent her a photo message of Gotham City’s skyline as the city sprang to life with the bright orange glow creating silhouettes of skyscrapers and other buildings. Gotham, despite its dark secrets, was still a very beautiful city.
She smiled at the picture. Picking her camera option, she took a picture of the Jump City bay as the rising sun created a rainbow of colors across the sky and ocean. “Good morning.”
Raven smiled. “Metabolized almost everything. Perks of being half-demon.”
“Such perks.”
“I’m going to meditate. We have training soon.” She told him.  
Her phone vibrated softly in her hand and she looked down at Tim’s reply. “Don’t beat up Dick too much.”
The corners of her lips quirked in amusement and she placed her phone next to her. Feeling warm and content, Raven slipped into a calm meditative trance. As she centered herself and felt herself calm and her emotions settle down around her, she couldn’t help but think how talking to Tim Drake wasn’t all too bad.
Raven sat on top of a modern commercial building and eyed the alley below her in complete boredom. Dick had them on stakeout for the past three hours to crackdown a human trafficking cartel in the city and so far they had not even heard a mouse breathe. Apparently one of the buildings in the district was one of the common trading grounds of the cartel but save for rats running around the alley, there was zero movement in her zone. Either someone must have tipped the cartel off or there was no activity that evening.
“Anything?” she heard Dick as through their comm device.
“No, man.” Victor replied sounding as tired and bored as her. “I think we should call it a night.”
“No action in my end,” Beast Boy said. He tried and failed to hide a yawn. “This is boring.”
“Nothing on my end too,” Kori said. “Perhaps we should move out, yes?”
“Raven?” Dick asked, ignoring the rest of the team’s silent please the abort the mission tonight.
Raven’s purple eye’s slipped down into the alley once more. She watched in disdain as a couple of dogs dove into a trashcan. “There are dogs eating trash down here,” she said.
They all heard Dick’s frustrated sigh. They had been trying to track the cartel for a few days now and it’s been grating on everyone’s nerves. Raven could feel Dick’s frustration press into her. “Fine. 30 more minutes and let’s head back to the tower. Nightwing out.”
Their comm line went dead and Raven sighed softly into the cool evening air. She eyed the alley below her, trying to catch any suspicious activities. She watched as the dogs started to tear apart the trash and drag some foodscraps through the alley.
Bored, Raven turned her attention to the bright Jump City skyline. From where she sat on top of the building, the city was alive with lights at two in the morning and the moon shone brightly above the silhouette of buildings. Taking out her phone, she took a picture and sent it to Tim. They had started a habit of taking photos of sceneries and things they found interesting – she quickly learned that Tim seemed to enjoy photography and also appreciated her pictures of tea mugs (hah, take that Jinx).
“Nice! Still on patrol?”
Briefly looking down the alley to check for any activities. “Yes. Stakeout. Nothing has been happening for the past three hours.”
“Sounds boring.”
Her phone vibrated in her hands and she looked down at the image he sent back to her. She inhaled softly as she stared down at an image of thick muscular legs tightly wrapped in black pants and heavy combats boot dangling from what could possibly be a skyscraper. Past his legs and feet, she could see the bright traffic down below. It was actually a nice aerial shot. She stared at the telltale signs of his Red Robin costume and frowned as she saw a few injuries on the side of his right thigh. Their messages were encrypted so they could send messages to each other without worrying about being compromised.
“You’re hurt,”
“We saw Bane tonight.” He replied. “This is just a scratch.”
Raven heard the loud rustle of a garbage bag being torn open. She looked down at the alley and frowned. “That’s going to get infected.”
“It’s just a scratch,” He repeated. “Unless you want to come over and heal it?”
Raven stared at his message and felt a warm tingle run down her back. He always did this, Tim Drake had been doing this for a while now since that afternoon they had started messaging each other so many weeks ago – he’d find ways to slip under her skin. It was innocent enough. But still – Raven stared at the message and felt an excited shiver run through her.
“In your dreams, Bird Boy.”
Raven loved Kori dearly. She was her sister, albeit a complete opposite from her, but still her sister. But, as she stared at her reflection in the mirror at one of Jump’s most upscale wedding dress stores, Raven wondered if it wasn’t too late to cancel her friendship with Kori. She stared at the monstrosity of her Maid of Honor dress they had her try on and Raven felt herself suffocate in the sheer amount of lace, frills, and pink.
“Let’s see!” she heard Jinx snicker outside of her dressing room.
“No,” Raven snapped and struggled to zip up the dress from behind, trying to find the tiny zipper in the sea of lace and ruffles.
“Let us see your Flornarp dress,” Kori’s excited muffled voice drifted through the doors of her dressing room. She heard the sales lady ask “The what?” to which Karen hastily replied “Maid of Honor dress. Kori’s Finnish,”
Fishing out her phone from her bag, Raven pulled up her camera app and took a photo of herself in the mirror. She sent it to Tim. “Help.”
“Is there a cotton candy monster on the loose in Jump?”
“Funny.” She replied.
“C’mon, Rae!” Jinx sounded a little drunk. Which also wasn’t that much a surprise since the shop had offered them several bottles of champagne. “For the Wayne-Anders wedding only the best,” said the store manager.
“Yes, yes, calm down,” Raven mumbled and threw open the doors of her dressing room and all but stumbled out. Hearing Karen and Jinx poor attempt of stifling their giggles, Raven frowned and grabbed her champagne glass. She took a long swig while the rest of the girls studied her in the pink lump of a dress.
Kori stared at her. “Perhaps it’s too big, yes?”
Raven sighed and tugged at the frilly neckline. “Perhaps a dress that doesn’t look like it’s eaten me alive?”
Karen snorted. “Maybe something that looks less like Silkie?”
Finishing her champagne glass, Raven placed it back on the small glass table. Offering Kori an assuring smile, sensing that her friend was growing worried over their dress choices, “I’m sure we’ll find something better, Kori,”
Looking slightly relieved, Kori smiled and nodded. “Something with less ruffles?”
“Less frills and lace too,” Raven added kindly before slipping back into the dressing room. She heard Jinx say something about finding a hotter dress that showed more bewbs.
As she struggled to get out of her dress, Raven’s phone pinged. Letting half of her dress drop around her waist, she picked up her phone from the cushioned seat and opened Tim’s message. She felt her cheeks warm significantly and her heart jump against her chest as she stared at the image of Tim Drake in an impeccable tuxedo. His hair was tousled and fell into his amused blue eyes and he grinned into the camera as he took his own picture in the full length mirror. The boys were also at their own fittings, trying out tuxedos in Gotham City. Raven took a minute to drink in his broad shoulders and how his white shirt stretched over his chest.
“That’s not fair.” Raven hastily replied in a flurry of emotions.
“Lol. Why?”
Raven felt body warm as she snuck another glance at Tim’s picture. “You look better. I look like chewed up bubble gum.”
There was a pause and Raven watched as Tim started typing again, three dots dancing across the bottom of her screen. A thrill ran down her naked back. She was sure Tim was doing this on purpose.
“So I look good?”
Raven was at her favorite tea shop one rainy afternoon drinking ridiculously expensive tea from a tiny tea cup. After a morning of accompanying Kori for some more wedding preparations, Raven decided to take some time off in the afternoon and relax a bit. There was just so much excitement and stress she could take.
Taking a picture of her blue ceramic tea cup and tea pot, she absently sent the picture to Tim. She took a sip of her Belgian Mint Tea and idly looked around the empty tea shop. Kori’s wedding was a several weeks away and the stress of having to deal with Kori’s stress was, well, stressing her out. Raven relished comfort the tea and the steady beat of the rain brought her.
Her phone vibrated against the old table and she carefully placed her tea cup down into its dainty saucer. Picking up her phone, she stared at Tim’s reply in amusement.
“Just very fancy mint tea,” she replied.
Tim sent her a picture of his half-empty Batman coffee mug. “Just very plain coffee on my end.”
Leaning back in her chair, Raven crossed her legs and settled back comfortably. Her lips curled in amusement. “Nice mug though,”
“The finest Batman mug in town.” he replied. “I know a guy who knows a guy. I could get you one.” Tim sent her a bat emoji.
Raven looked out the shop’s window briefly and stared as the rain beat against the glass window of the shop. She felt herself warm at the exchange. She tapped the side of her phone with her finger thoughtfully, mulling over her reply as her heart fluttered suddenly. Looking back down at her phone, she smiled. “You know how to win a girl’s heart.”
A day later a neatly wrapped up red present waited for her on the Titan’s kitchen counter with the rest of the day’s mail.
Despite the throbbing pain her right thigh and a splitting headache, Raven sat comfortably in her bed. She leaned heavily against her dark pillows and tried to enjoy the book Victor blindly pulled out of her bookshelf to keep her in bed. Tonight’s fight with Slade ended with her getting shot in the leg and fracturing her femur. Raven argued earlier that except maybe the gunshot wound, she was generally alright. But Dick and Victor would hear nothing of it and removed her from field operations until she fully recovered.
Her phone vibrated next to her thigh and she dropped her book into her lap, careful to avoid her bandaged left thigh. Opening up her encrypted messages, she saw Tim’s latest message.
“Are you alright?!”
“Yes.” She replied and leaned back into her pillows trying to get more comfortable. Her leg throbbed in protest. Fucking Slade.
“Dick said you got hurt?”
Trust the BatFam Group Chat to spread the word. Raven rolled her eyes. She took a picture of the book in her lap and her bandaged left thigh. Not really caring how short her shorts were and how revealing the shot actually she was, Raven sent the picture to Tim. “I’m fine.”
There was a pause as Tim typed out an answer. Raven watched as the dots danced on her screen furiously. Perhaps in hindsight, as she stared at her legs and the sliver of skin between her book and shorts and the curve of her thighs against her dark sheets, sending that a revealing photo wasn’t her best idea. She wished she had a margarita to blame her poor choices on.
“Nice book.”
Raven raised an eyebrow at his answer. The book was in Latin, and while she knew that Tim was smart, she was sure he did not know Latin. The corner of her lips twitched in amusement.
“I didn’t know you knew Latin?”
“Fine. You caught me.” He sent her a blushing emoji.
There was a pause and Raven thought that Tim might have ended their conversation. Not really minding the silence, Raven started to turn back to her book when her phone vibrated again. She stared at Tim’s reply.
“I was worried.”
A warmth that she definitely did not allow ran down her back. Raven felt her cheeks warm at the soft affection and she smiled. “Thanks. I’m fine.”
“Just be careful next time, okay?”
Victor had her do therapy, which in Raven’s opinion was completely unnecessary. So sure, the bullet shattered her femur (worse than the initially thought), but with a little more healing, she would be fine. Victor would not have it though and demanded that she still did therapy – which was a bitch.
“One more, you can do it,” Victor watched Raven dangle on the dip station as she finished up her vertical leg raises. “Quit complaining – you’re tougher than that,”
Raven felt her abs and thighs burn as she swung her legs up once more. Her fingers curled tightly into the handle bars as she struggled to finished the set. She hated this exercise and her legs and abs were on fire. “Fuck you,”
Victor laughed loudly and approached her. “I love you too,”
Raven hopped down from the machine carefully. She staggered a little as her legs touched the ground. Gasping to catch her breath, she glared at Victor. “This is completely – ”
“Unnecessary, I know. Humor me, will you?” Victor threw a towel in her face. “We’ll make tomorrow’s session our last. I just want to make sure there’s no muscle damage once you completely healed,”
Raven rolled her eyes in annoyance and wiped her face. “I’ll be fine,”
Victor shrugged and he briefly looked at her left thigh. Save for a shadow of a scar where the bullet had entered, there were no other signs of injury left. “Looks like you’re all good,” he smiled and looked down at her. “Just one more session tomorrow, Rae.”
“Fine,” Raven mumbled and turned on her heels sharply. She walked to the side of the gym room where she left her phone and water bottle. “After tomorrow I’m burning that machine,”
“Hey, no hating the Dip Machine,” She heard Victor tap the machine lovingly. “I’m going to make us some dinner. See you in the common room,”
Raven made a noncommittal sound and picked up her water bottle. Taking a long drink of water to cool herself down, she absently picked up her phone and checked her notifications. Ignoring some of the annoying memes and GIFs Garfield sent to their group chat, Raven pulled up Tim’s latest message.
“Still doing therapy?”
“Yeah, just finished.”  She replied. “Dead tired.”
“Good job!” He sent her a thumbs up emoji. “Did a workout too.”
Raven coughed loudly as she choked on her water and allowed it to dribble down her chin and chest. Inhaling sharply, she clumsily placed the water bottle next to her on the bench and stared at the photo Tim just sent her. Looking up at her from her phone was a sweaty, grinning Tim Drake dressed in nothing but a pair of gym shorts. His disheveled hair fell into his blue eyes that practically burned into her. He took the photo in what she guessed was his gym at his apartment. She stared at his flexed bicep as he took a photo of himself in the mirror and her eyes swept over his arms and chest. She felt a shiver of excitement run down her chest and pool low in her stomach. She inhaled softly again and swallowed as her eyes followed the dips of his abs. She could see scars dance across his chest, arms, and stomach and she faintly wondered how it would feel like to –
Holy shit.
She inhaled unsteadily through her nose and frowned. “That’s not fair.” She furiously typed and sent back to him. Why did he always tease her? Her body tingled and she stole a quick glance at his photo again. Damn it.
“What is?”
He was teasing her again! Raven felt her cheeks flush and her stomach tingle in excitement. How Tim Drake managed to so easily slip under skin and stir so man emotions and flirt with her, all through her phone, was beyond her.  Her emotions purred inside of her, enjoying the attention.
She felt a flurry of emotions and she body practically hummed. She could blame the margaritas of so many months ago for this. But, honestly, this was all on her. She really had no alcohol to blame, except for her emotions that were practically burning her skin. Pushing herself off the bench, she exhaled loudly and marched towards the mirrors.
Still incredibly disheveled from her therapy session, Raven took a photo of herself in her workout clothes – a pair of rather short gym shorts and a sports bra. Looking into her phone as she took a photo of herself, her lips curled just a little bit in amusement. She hit send. Her heart beat loudly against her chest as she sent her picture – two could play his game.
It took a minute – just as long as it took for her to take in Tim’s picture – before Tim replied. Raven felt a satisfied tingle run down her spine.
Heart emoji.
While Raven was busy filing that evening’s report, Tim randomly sent her a picture of Gotham City’s park. She paused in her typing and stared at the beautiful picture of Gotham City alive at night with buildings illuminated by the moon and the enchanting shadows danced across sprawling park. Despite its grit and crime, Gotham City was beautiful.
“That’s beautiful.” She replied.
“Patrol is boring tonight. Thought you might like a view of the park.”
Raven smiled at his thoughtfulness. “Thanks. We stopped a bank robbery today. I’m filing reports.”
“Sounds exciting.”
“Thrilling.” She replied. She looked at her laptop, her Batman mug filled with tea, and some of the case files on the table, nothing really was worthy of a picture. “Nothing really as beautiful as your park to take a photo of here, really.”
“You could take a picture of yourself?”
“My mother was from Gotham,” she told him one evening after he sent her another picture of Gotham City’s skyline while he was on patrol.
“Yeah.” she replied while sitting on top of the Titan’s tower and looking out at the bay. Something stirred in her as she waited for Tim’s reply.
“Do think you still have relatives here?”
“I don’t think so,” she answered. “I don’t know.”
“We could find out?”
We. Raven stared at the ‘we’ and felt a warmth blossom that had been brewing deeply inside of her for so long. She smiled. “I’d like that.”
“We could go to some of your mom’s favorite places,”
She heard the whisper of an unspoken promise. Raven felt her heart fluttered softly against her chest. Her hair tickled her chin as a soft warm breeze swept past her. She shivered with anticipation. “I’d like that too.”
“It’s a date then.”
“Are you busy?” Tim asked one afternoon while she was hunched over on her bed engrossed in painting her toenails. It was a secret guilty pleasure she eventually developed after one too many girl nights with Kori.
Raven dipped the little brush back into the dark blue nail polish and grabbed her phone as she waited for her toenails on her left foot to try. “I’m painting my nails.”
Before she could reply or send a photo as evidence, her phone rang loudly and it slipped out of her hand as it vibrated. The black phone landed on her lap and continued to incessantly vibrate against her bare leg. She looked down and watched as Tim’s name appeared on her screen – incoming video call.
They had recently started talking on the phone on a few occasions – mostly when Tim was bored and wanted to tease Raven. She’d admit that she secretly enjoyed talking to him over the phone. It brought a thrill down her spine. She wasn’t all too sure what was happening between them but she liked the feelings that blossomed within her.
Her phone buzzed angrily.  Looking down at her attire, she was dressed in one of Victor’s oversized t-shirt and nothing else, and thought that it would be enough. Picking up her phone, she placed it on her nightstand next to her bed for them to see each other and answered the call.
Tim’s smiling face appeared on her phone’s screen. “Hey!”
Raven blinked in surprise as she took in Tim’s rather wet hair. “Why are you so wet?”
He was clearly holding his phone with his hand as his phone shook unsteadily while Tim combed his sopping wet hair with his other hand. Shaking his head a bit to get water out of his long hair, he looked back at her. “I was riding my motorbike and it started to rain, so yeah.”
Raven shifted on her bed and hunched over her feet. She hummed softly as a promise that she was listening. She began to paint the toenails on her right foot. “Where are you?” she asked while keeping a steady eye on her foot.
“At the mall. Buying some last minute wedding stuff,” she heard his reply.
Throwing an amused look over her shoulder, she watched as Tim’s face became a little blurry as he moved through some aisle. “Doesn’t the Wayne household have a delivery service to get their shopping done or something?” she teased.
“Hah,” Tim chuckled and his grinned at her through the camera. “Funny.” He explained the last minute items Alfred had him buy.
Turning back to her right foot, Raven shifted and bent her knee, drawing her foot closer to her. Her t-shirt around her thighs fell lower into her lap and pooled around the swell of her hips. She heard Tim pause briefly in his detailed explanation of his table napkin quest and inhale softly. He coughed and she could hear the distinct quiver in his voice.
“—so, yeah. Uh, table napkins. We don’t have enough,”
Raven briefly looked down at how her shirt pooled around her hips. Smirking, she threw him an amused look. “Troubles?”
Her emotions purred softly and a thrill ran down her spine as she watched Tim briefly glance down at her legs before looking back at her. They stared at each other for a moment before Tim smiled and shook his head. “Ah, no,”
“So, table napkins?” Raven cocked her head to the side and watched as Tim continued to walk through the dark aisles. It didn’t look like he was in the dinning section of the mall.
“Yeah,” Tim said. He was busy looking at some items in the shelf in front of him. His face disappeared from the frame a couple of times as he reached and rummaged through the shelves.
“You called because of napkins? That’s what was so important?” Raven asked with a lilt in her voice.
She heard Tim chuckle as she continued to paint her toenails. “Actually, no. I wanted to ask what you’re wearing at the dinner party on Thursday?”
Raven turned back to her phone and sent him a curious look. She watched as his face was busy staring at whatever was on display in front of him. “What I’ll be wearing?”
Dick and Kori’s wedding was, finally, less than a week away. Bruce was hosting a dinner party for everyone before the wedding. It was mainly just all members of the Titans from the different teams and Justice League members and whoever else who belonged to the circle, just so everyone could celebrate without worrying about trying to hide their identities. Raven was honestly thrilled that the wedding would be over and done with soon – Kori was stressing her out.
“Yeah,” Tim chimed. “What color is your dress? Help a man out here.”
Raven furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. What was he getting on with? “What?” She cocked her head to the side as Tim busied himself with the shelf in front of him.
“What color is your dress?” he repeated.
“Dark blue,” she replied in pure confusion. “What’s the point?”
Tim made a satisfied noise in the back of his throat and his face blurred out as he reached for something in front of him. “Like this?” he showed her a rather expensive looking dark blue silk tie.
“Kind of?” Raven frowned. “Why?”
Tim sent her a soft smile and shrugged. “Thought it’d be nice to match your dress?”
“So, you’re telling us you’ve been flirting and talking and sending each other pictures, and may I just add pictures that are borderline sinful, to each other for close to four months and you’ve never met up?” Karen shot Raven an incredulous look as they drove towards the Wayne Estate in Gotham City for Dick and Kori’s pre-wedding dinner party slash ridiculous gala dinner Bruce Wayne organized. Removing her eyes from the road momentarily, Karen looked utterly disappointed at Raven. “How could you have not met up?”
Raven looked annoyed in her seat. “I don’t know. Maybe because we live in different cities, we have jobs, he practically runs Wayne Enterprises, and we’re all trying to save the world from impending doom every week?”
“Saving the world my ass.” Jinx scoffed and leaned into the space between the two front seats. As she leaned towards them, the neckline of her red dress dipped dangerously, momentarily flashing both Karen and Raven with her breasts. She shot Raven an amused look. “I’m sure in between all that, you could have still squeezed in some sex time,”
“I could squeeze your neck anytime,” Raven shot back. Her purple eyes dropped to Jinx’s cleavage in disdain. “Your tits are out.”
Jinx laughed and slumped back into the backseat of Karen’s car. Adjusting her red slinky dress around her chest, Jinx sent Raven an amused smile. “I bet you your tits are gonna be out too later tonight,”
“Why am I friends with you again?” Raven stared at Jinx darkly through the rearview mirror.
“Pretty low standards?” Karen mused loudly as they rounded the corner.
“Hey!” Jinx looked indignant. “We’re on the same team!”
“Look, you like him, and from the way he’s been flirting with you, he’s hot and heavy about you too,  hold it, wait!” Karen briefly raised a perfectly manicured finger into Raven’s face as the purple haired woman was about to protest. “Don’t even deny it. Tonight you’re going to see him after all of whatever it is you two are doing over the phone,”
“It’s like you’re dry humping over the phone,” Jinx said dryly.
Trying to be the more sensible friend, Karen completely ignored Jinx and briefly cast the annoyed Raven a quick glance. “You can’t just keep on talking over the phone. What are you going to do, Rae?”
Raven frowned at them, her emotions stirring slightly. Smoothing out her dark blue dress around her legs, she frowned. “I didn’t say I’d go and avoid him, I highly doubt that would be even possible,” she said.
Karen shot her a curious look. “How are you feeling about all of this?”
“Hot and bothered?” Jinx chimed from the backseat.
Raven rolled her eyes at Jinx. Leaning back in her seat, she crossed her arms defensively under her breasts. “It’s a lot to take in,” she said. She cast Karen a quick glance, briefly admiring her in the long deep yellow dress she was wearing.
“We’re not telling you to jump him, Raven,”
“Though you totally should,” Jinx said. “Or he should jump you, whatever works your kink.”
Raven let out a long suffering sigh. “I’m going to see him and we’ll see where it goes. Maybe he just likes talking to me over the phone and things change when he sees me,”
Jinx rolled her eyes. “When he sees you in that dress, he will not take you out of his sight. I promise you that. We picked the right dress,” She sighed dramatically. “I’m so proud of you. You did well in slipping into his DMs.”
“Just have fun tonight, Rae,” Karen said, completely ignoring Jinx in the backseat.
Raven made a non-committal sound in the back of her throat. “Kind of hard to do when I’m still on Maid of Honor duty for Kori,” as if on cue, her phone vibrated in her black clutch. Fishing it out of her bag, Raven eyed Kori’s text. “She just sent me a messaging asking us to buy her a liter of mustard. Why would she want a liter of mustard?”
“Why doesn’t the Wayne household have liter of mustard? It’s a fucking manor.” Jinx gave Raven an incredulous look.
“There should be a 7/11 or a supermarket nearby. We can make a quick stop and get the bride her mustard,” Karen said while trying to spot a supermarket along the way. She shot Jinx a quick look through the rearview mirror. “Be useful. Try to find something on your phone. It’ll be faster that way,”
Raven’s phone vibrated again. Opening up her messages, Tim’s headshot smiled up at her. Ignoring the feelings that stirred in her chest, Raven opened her encrypted messages.
“Are you here yet? Where are you?”
“We’re still downtown. Kori just texted. She wants a liter of mustard.” She replied. Jinx and Karen argued in the background where to take a turn. For superheroes, it was grossly disappointing how poorly they could operate Google Maps.
“Oh, okay.” Tim replied. She watched as the dots danced across the bottom of her screen. “The party is starting.”
“We’ll be there in a bit. Trying to find mustard.”
He sent her a photo of the brightly lit ballroom (it’s ridiculous how they had a Grand Ballroom – but it’s Bruce Wayne) that’s filled with beautifully dressed superheroes dancing or feasting on the buffet tables. She could see Garfield dance with Terra in one corner of the picture. “Hurry!”
They had stopped at a gas station. Jinx and Karen had volunteered to go and get the mustard. Lifting her phone to the window, Raven took a photo of the gas station. “Mustard run. See you later.”
“I’ll save you a dance.”
The Wayne Estate was breathtakingly beautiful. Raven forgot how beautiful it was up until tonight. On the handful occasions she was here because of work, she remembered how quiet and dark the mansion was. But tonight, she could feel how the mansion was alive with emotions. Raven heard laughter and loud music drift through the halls, the sound of silverware hitting fine china tinkled softly.
They were a bit late after their Great Mustard Run of 2020. When they stepped into the foyer Alfred was ready to welcome them and take the one liter of mustard out of their hands (it painfully clashed with their dresses).
“The three of you look stunning. Thank you for the mustard,” Alfred smiled kindly at them. “I’ll take this to the kitchen. I trust that you know your way to the ballroom?”
“It’s wonderful to see you again, Alfred,” Raven smiled. She hugged the man briefly before leading Karen and Jinx towards the ballroom. She could hear Victor’s loud laughter carry through the hallways and she smiled.
“There you are!”
Victor all but barreled into them, his bright blue tuxedo stretching across his muscles as he hugged all three girls at the same time.
“Easy there, Sparky,” Karen laughed and pushed her boyfriend away from them.
“Thought I’d have to send out a search party for you three,” Victor grinned. He handed Karen his champagne glass. “BB and some of the older Titans are at the table over there,” he pointed at one of the center tables in the brightly lit ballroom.
Wrapping her arms around Victor’s left arm, Karen looked around the ballroom with bright eyes. “Wow, I didn’t realize there’d be so many people,”
“Leave it to Bruce Wayne to throw a party,” Jinx commented, stealing two champagne glasses from Alfred as he passed them with a full tray.
Taking one of the champagne glasses from Jinx, Raven surveyed the ballroom. Modern jazz music drifted through the air while people were busy talking, dancing, or eating. All of the Justice League and their sidekicks, Teen Titans and the original Titans were in the room. It was impressive to see so many heroes dressed to the nines in such a relaxed and normal environment. She spotted Clark talking to Lois and Diana by the bar and waved when he caught her eye.
“Clark Kent fills out a suit so nicely,” whispered Jinx into her ear.
“Don’t,” Raven rolled her eyes and gently pushed Jinx away. They followed Victor into the fray of the party, waving at some of friends and the younger Titans.
Kori in her flowing lavender dress hugged Raven tightly out of nowhere. The smaller woman stumbled back slightly before hugging Kori back and gaining her footing. Looking over Kori’s shoulder she saw a highly amused Dick looking stunning in his tuxedo. Pushing Kori away gently, Raven smiled. “Hi, Kori,”
“Thanks for the mustard,” Dick laughed as they all gathered by the designated table for the older Titans.
“It should be crime how hot you two look,” Karen commented dryly, eyeing Richard and Kori in mock disdain. Kori was dressed in a light lavender gown that dipped dangerously down the down the front and back and flared around her hips. Dick matched her dress with a lavender tie and undoubtedly expensive tuxedo.
“You look stunning, friends,” Kori said, smiling brightly at them.
Jinx was dressed in a slinky red dress with thin straps around her shoulders and a neckline that was close to scandalous while Karen was in a rich yellow dress that hugged her curves. Raven had initially protested in getting a new dress, but Karen and Jinx had essentially held her at gunpoint and they bought midnight blue dress with a deep neckline, which according to Jinx, “helped accentuate her tits.” The dress had a long slit run up her right leg, exposing her thigh as she walked.
Kori leaned into Raven’s personal space and gently pocked her in the ribs, much to her annoyance. “Tim has been asking for you.”
Raven blushed and she felt her heart jump into her throat. Looking away from Kori’s amused look, she pulled away, and turned to Karen. “I’m hungry,” she said hastily. No way was she going to subject herself to more teasing. “Let’s get some hors d’oeuvres.”
Kori giggled. “I’m happy for you, Friend Raven.”
Raven felt her emotions warm her. Throwing a soft smile over her should as she maneuvered Jinx towards the buffet stations, Raven caught Kori’s eyes. “Thanks,”
“So you’re not going to look for Tim?” Jinx asked as they pocked around a wide array of canapés. She absently waved at Wally on the other end of the buffet station. “Don’t you want to push him into one of the dark corners of this mansion and have your way with him?”
Raven eyed her in disdain. “How about I push you off one of the balconies here and make it look like an accident?”
“You’re no fun,” Jinx snorted. “Just have fun tonight. I’m sure he’s looking forward to seeing you and potentially ravishing you,”
Ignoring Jinx, Raven briefly scanned the room in the hopes of maybe spotting Tim. When she did not spot Tim, she turned back to her cucumber canapés ignoring the slight twinge of disappointment in her chest. She followed Jinx back to their table and they joined the rest of the old team.
The party seemed to slowly get into full swing as Roy joined their table and placed a few bottles of expensive wine and whiskey in the center of the table, much to the delight of Victor and Jinx. Ignoring Garfield’s bad jokes, Raven stood up and told Karen she was getting more champagne. There was no way she was going to fall into Roy’s trap of getting everyone wasted.
As she walked towards the bar, she waved at Dick and Kori as they were dancing slowly in the middle of the room with a Clark and Lois and a few other couples. They happily waved back before wrapping themselves into each other’s arms again. Raven felt the warm brush of their emotions against her and she smiled. She was glad her friends finally got married.
“Constantine,” Raven wasn’t all too surprised to see Constantine by the bar. Taking one of the ready champagne glasses she joined him leaning against the bar and eyed his tuxedo in amusement. “I am pleasantly surprised to see you out of your trench coat,”
Constantine knocked back his whiskey and poured himself another shot from the bottle next to him. “Z threatened to hex me if I even thought of using my old coat,” he shrugged with a hint of disdain in his voice. He waived his whiskey glass at her. “You look amazing, by the way.”
Raven hummed her thanks and took a sip of her champagne. She briefly looked around the party, watching in mild amusement and awe as superheroes drank, ate, and danced through the party. She smiled briefly when she saw J’onn awkwardly dance with an amused Diana. Her eyes drifted towards the side of the ballroom and she inhaled softly when she finally spotted Tim talking to Commissioner Gordon. Ignoring how her heart seemed to beat loudly in her chest, she placed her champagne glass back on the bar and fished out her phone from her clutch. She felt her lips curl in amusement as she opened her phone’s camera and took a quick phot of Tim. Quickly tapping on her phone, she sent him the picture she took and dropped her phone back into her clutch satisfied.
“Didn’t know you were much of a stalker,” Constantine commented in dryly as he sipped his whiskey. He eyed her curiously.
Raven shrugged and grabbed her champagne glass again. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Tim pull his phone out of his pocket. Turning back to Constantine, she leaned against the bar with her left hip and offered an amused smile. “Picked up a new hobby,” she told him.
“Hah,” Constantine laughed. He tipped his glass at her and grinned. “Z told me to pick up a new hobby too,”
Raven snorted and raised an eyebrow. “That isn’t drinking?”
“I’d like to think mixology is an excellent hobby,”
“With you, I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a hobby, John,” Raven countered.
Spotting Zatanna and a few other female members of the League re-enter the ballroom, Constantine pushed himself away from the bar and offered Raven shrug. “Z’s back from her bathroom break with the rest of the ladies, why do you need to go in groups?” he asked absently. “I’m going to back to our table. Nice seeing you, Raven,”
“Bye, John,” Raven waved at the warlock’s retreating form. Taking a sip of her champagne, she felt a warm presence behind her. A warm tingle ran down her back as she felt the faintly familiar press of emotions against her.
“You still owe me a dance,”
Raven laughed and turned around, an inexplicable warmth spreading across her chest as she stared up at a highly amused Tim Drake leaning against the bar. She felt her lips curl into a smile as she stared into warm blue eyes. “Oh?” she breathed, a pleasant thrill ran down her spine as she watched his eyes appreciatively sweep down her figure before settle back on her face. “Didn’t you say you’d save me a dance?”
“Hmm,” Tim hummed and tilted his head lightly in amusement as he looked down at her. Raven felt his emotions tickle her. “You’re right, I did.”
Feeling like she could drown in his blue eyes, Raven tore her eyes from his and looked at his tie. Dark blue. She inhaled softly and felt her heart beat loudly in her chest. “Nice tie,” she commented and titled her head up at him.
Tim let out a soft laugh and leaned his left elbow against the bar as he fully turned to her. Raven watched as his other hand smoothed over his tie and she absently thought how handsome he looked in his tuxedo. It was ridiculous how distractingly handsome he was. “Thanks,” Tim said and offered her a gently smile. “You look beautiful, Raven,”
She felt her cheeks color and she shifted her weight under his gaze. It was absurd how flustered she felt after all those weeks of flirting with him over the phone. And now here he was, looking like that and looking at her in such a dangerous way that shifted the air around them and had her slowly go weak in the knees. She wondered if she had too much champagne. “Thanks,” she breathed.
She watched the corners of his lips curl as he continued to look at her. “Do you…” he trailed off and tilted his head towards the elaborate patio doors that lead to the Wayne Estate gardens. He tapped his whiskey glass thoughtfully while waiting for her reply.
“Oh,” her eyes darted from the patio doors to back to Tim’s gaze. She smiled and nodded. “Sure,”
Grabbing her champagne glass and tucking her clutch under her arm, she slipped past his gaze. Gently touching his elbow, she walked past him and headed towards the patio doors. She felt Tim next to her as they navigated through the crowd and shared amused smiles at each other. When they reached the door, he opened the door for her and gently paced his hand on her lower back and lead her outside. The touch sent a warm shiver up her body.
“How did your mustard run go?” asked Tim as they walked out of the grand patio and into the beginnings of the Wayne Estate garden. They stopped by the elaborate stone banister and stood next to each other, elbows touching and leaning over to look at the sprawling garden in front of them. They were alone and it was much quieter outside compared to the partying inside. They could still hear the muted dance music drift through the air.
“It’s sorely disappointing how Gotham City has so very few stores that carry one liter bottles of mustard,” Raven said followed by a soft chuckle.
Tim snorted. “Does it warrant a strong worded letter to the Gotham Supermarket Association?”
“I think Wayne Enterprises should definitely make this a priority,” Raven teased, throwing him an amused look before turning back to the rose bushes in front of them.
Tim laughed and took a sip from his whiskey. “I’ll make sure to bring it up at work on Monday,”
Raven hummed. A soft breeze swept past them, rustling the trees and bushes in front of them. Her purple hair tickled her chin and she pushed it behind her ear again. “So,” she breathed. “Are you enjoying the party?”
Tim cast a curious glance behind them as a loud round of cheers and laughter from erupted from a table close to the windows. He threw her an amused smile. “I’ll admit it’s a bit unnerving to see so many superheroes drunk,”
Raven let out a soft laugh. “You just wait until Jinx and the others make their way through all the alcohol they brought over to our table. It’s going to be very interesting,”
Running his free hand through his hair, Tim laughed. “I feel like I should be worried,”
“Victor and Karen are with them. They’re the designated drivers. So if anything, they’ll keep everyone in check,” said Raven. Her purple eyes twinkled as she looked up at Tim. “Or the very least, keep Garfield from drunk transforming,”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “And that’s not something we want to see?”
Raven tilted her head with a wry smile. “Unless you want to see him accidentally rip through his tuxedo and transform back into his human form naked,” Her lips curled lightly around the corner as she watched him make a face.
“Maybe we should ask Alfred to send them some water?”
“It’ll be okay,” she assured and turned back to watching the garden in front of them. She stared the garden thoughtfully and thought it would be nice to meditate here. “The Wayne Estate has a such a beautiful garden,”
Tim stared at her and smiled. “Yeah. It’s pretty breathtaking,”
Raven felt the warm brush of emotions against her and she caught him staring at her. His emotions were warm and she was sure he did not mean the garden right now. She felt herself flush. Raven leaned in just a little bit into his space, seeking just a little bit of the warmth of his emotions.
“That’s why I brought you outside. I thought you’d might like to see the garden,” Tim continued and shuffled just a little bit closer to her. His eyes were searching hers. “Have you been to the manor before?”
“Just a couple of times, all for work. This is my first time to really appreciate the manor,” she replied and absently fiddled with her empty champagne glass.
Tim raised his eyebrows in surprise and he smiled brightly. “I’ll need to show you the library later then. I know you’ll love it,”
His smile and energy was infectious. A thrum of emotions ran down her spine and Raven returned his smile. “That’s two promises you’ve made with me, Tim,”
Tim chuckled and tutted loudly. Placing his whiskey glass on the banister and unceremoniously plucking her champagne glass and clutch out of her hands and placing these on the banister as well, he reached out and took her left hand. “I’m not one to break promises, Raven.” he told her, blue eyes twinkling mischievously. His warm hand squeezed hers gently and tugged her closer to him. “Would you like to dance?”
“Here? Now?” Raven heard surprised quiver in her voice and she breathed in slowly. She briefly looked around them, making sure they were alone and no one caught this rather embarrassing moment. Her heart leapt into her throat. As if in cue, the band inside the ballroom began to play a new slow song with violin notes drifting through the air. She felt his warm hand squeeze hers again and pull her closer.
“Yeah. C’mon, Raven,” Tim tugged her hand and gently guided it towards his shoulder and allowed his hand to ghost over the side of her body and settle on the dip of her waist and his other hand curled around her right hand. “I promised I’ll save you a dance, didn’t I?”
Raven realized that the playful, flirty Tim Drake over her phone was vastly different from the playful, flirty Tim Drake that stood in front of her. Tim Drake practically enveloped her in his emotions. Where she thought she was prepared for whatever Tim might reveal tonight, she simply found herself slowly wrapped up in a warmth of emotions that were both his and hers. She felt her own emotions purr and a shiver ran down her spine. Allowing him to slowly lead and sway them to the soft violin music, Raven smiled up at Tim. “You’re strange, Tim Drake,”
Tim laughed, his blue eyes bright, as he continued to sway them to the soft violin music. He gently tugged her a little closer as a more comfortable air dropped around them and his hand slipped around her waist just a little firmer. “I live to please,” he told her softly.
She felt his chuckle against his chest and Raven unconsciously leaned into him more, chasing after his warmth. She could faintly smell his aftershave, sandalwood, and Raven inhaled softly, feeling drawn into his presence. Relishing the soft press of his body against hers, she absently wondered if Karen and Jinx were right and she had really nothing to worry about over whatever this was.
“So,” Tim continued, his voice low and soft. His fingertips pressed gently into her waist as he pulled her just a little bit closer. Raven could feel his heartbeat against her chest, a fast thrum as he continued to sway them to the music. “I – I,” he paused and let a soft laugh. His hand squeezed hers and he looked down at her in amusement. “Sorry, I’m – uh –maybe just a little bit nervous?”
Raven looked up at him caught his sheepish smile and she stared into blue eyes she could drown in. And she felt it, the warm press of his emotions – want, lust, nervousness, excitement – pressing into her. She titled her head and her lips curled into a smile. “Oh?”
“I’m glad you’re here, Raven,”
“Out here?” she asked. She felt her own emotions tingle under her skin and she slipped her hand from his shoulder down his chest and behind his back. Raven was sure she wanted to wrap herself around his warmth more just as a cool breeze swept past them.
His hand wanders a little further around her waist and presses gently into the small of her back. Blue eyes steadily hold her gaze and he continues to smile down at her. “Yeah, here,” he repeats.
Raven hums. “I’m glad too,”
She felt him shift against her and his hand travels just a little up her back, fingers splayed confidently across he back. She looks up at him curiously. “I know we’ve just been talking over the phone, but –“ he pauses and lets out a soft chuckle and looks at her. “I really like spending time with you,”
She felt a warm rush of emotions spread all over body and Raven felt something shift between them. She felt herself go just a little breathless and she smiled, her purple eyes twinkling just a little. “Oh,” she whispered. The corner of her lips threatened to copy his own infectious smile. “I’m not boring you?”
Tim laughed and dipped his head a little, blue eyes dancing in delight. Raven inhaled softly as he pressed himself closer. Raven was sure everything just seemed to melt away and the air still seemed so alive around them. “Far from it,” he whispered.
“Good to know,” Raven mumbled. She watched as Tim smiled, looking pleased. His gaze dropped to her lips and she felt her breath catch in her throat. She unconsciously shifted closer, heartbeat thrumming loudly in her ears.
“I’ll kiss you, okay?” His breath fanned her face and Raven was sure she was intoxicated with the emotions and electricity that seemed to wrap around them.
She heard him release a soft laugh before he pressed even closer and kissed her. Raven felt her emotions roar and she released his hand, grabbing onto his arm to anchor herself. The kiss was gentle but needy as his lips worked against hers and drank her soft sighs. She felt his other hand curl around the side of her neck and gently tilt her head to provide better access. Her fingers curled into his bicep as Tim pressed into her further, silently seeking for more.
It was like a floodgate of emotions opened and headily wrapped around her as Tim coaxed her lips open and groaned softly into them. Raven was sure that his lips, tongue, hands, and emotions were burning her – and she desperately chased after his heat. Sighing softly into Tim’s lips, Raven allowed herself to be wrapped into their heady want and relished his eager kisses.
After a few more long, desperate kisses, Tim gently pulled away and inhaled shakily. Pressing his forehead against hers, his hair tickled her cheek and he grinned at her. “Wow,” he breathed against her. “I’ve been wanting to do that for weeks now,”
Still reeling from the press of emotions around her, Raven held on to him. She let out a softy breathy laugh and the corners of her eyes crinkled. “Really?”
“Really.” He pressed a soft kiss against her lips again and pulled her flush against his body, hand sliding down low and stopping at the just at the swell of her ass. Pulling away again and inhaling shakily, he looked into her eyes and his thumb gently swept against her cheek. “Be my date to the wedding?”
Raven chuckled in amusement. “I’m the Maid of Honor. I’m already there,” she teased gently.
“Well,” Tim breathed softly and chuckled. Pressing a kiss to the corner of her lips, he looked at her in amusement. “I’ll save all my dances for you then,”
“I’d like that,” Raven whispered into his lips and kissed him once more.
Hands sliding over her sides and leaving a hot trail down her back, Tim pressed into her. “You know,” he whispered against her lips and Raven felt his fingers curl into her sides. “I need to thank Jinx for sending me that photo,”
Raven chuckled and pressed into him. “Shut up and kiss me, Tim Drake,”
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Run For Your Money
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A/N: I know I was supposed to post this last week, I just didn’t know what exact to write. I’m so sorry. But imma make it up to y’all.
Pairings: Tony Stark x (Y/N) Rhodes (platonic friendship), James Rhodes x Black Reader (Siblings)
Warnings: Cursing(?), Unwanted Touching
Words: 1.5k
“Ugh if I look at another word on this screen I think my eyeballs are gonna fall out,” you said in mock despair. Hoping to get some type of reaction you turn around and find Tony still in his own little world working on yet another project. You groan loudly with actual despair; you had been using the archives -that would be at the library in physical form, but are all at your fingertips thanks to Tony having basically everything ever written in digital form- for hours to write your thesis for your masters and honestly a sweet, slow painful death would have been more fun than writing this damned thing. Tony allowed you to use whatever you needed and you could have easily gone to the living room to write all this but you had told him you’d much rather sit in his lab with him because you liked the company and you secretly enjoyed his taste in music. Thus your current predicament of tired eyes, aching back, and now growling stomach.
“Tony,” you called hoping to get his attention, to no avail; you get nothing in response.
“Tony!” you yelled a little louder. ‘He’s gotta be able to hear that’ you thought. Yet again… No response, grabbing your pen from the small desk behind you and flinging it at him and successfully hitting him in the head, he looks at the ceiling in confusion.
“Is there a leak?” he had questioned still staring at the ceiling and rubbing the back of his head.
“No you idiot, it was me. I’m hungry,” you said dryly. He said nothing at first, he looked to be thinking,“Burgers?” he had simply asked pointing the screw driver he was holding at you.
“Pizza.” you answered.
“Delivery?” he had asked starting to ask JARVIS to get food delivered.
“No!” you had groaned,“I need fresh air and so do you.”
He opened his mouth to deny it, before he could start you cut him off,“When was the last time you were outside and there wasn’t something threatening our planet?” Your question caused him to immediately close his mouth, you smirked knowingly, starting to put your shoes - that you had kicked off at some point to get comfortable and focus more- on.
“C’mon, I know a good spot not that far from here.” you said as you stood.
“I guess I could get some ‘fresh air’,” he said while using air quotes,” not like that exists in New York,” He had murmured that last part but you had heard; you rolled your eyes playfully,“JARVIS needs this new update I just finished.”
Jarvis replied instantly “Thank you, Sir.”
“Yeah, take the night off buddy.” He replied nonchalantly.
“See? This is a sign for you to get your ass out of here for a while,” you had playfully teased him and began your trek up the stairs and to the elevators; Tony close behind you, grabbing whatever shoes were near the elevator doors slipping them on with no socks. ‘White people,’ you had thought, rolling your eyes playfully.
“I know, right?” he mocked in fake disgust, genuine smile plastered on his face, indicating you did not say that in your head. It was good to see him actually happy after all the things he’d been through recently. It was like he was a danger magnet. While you were lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the zip up hoodie he was throwing your way and that had landed on your face. Taking it off in confusion you glanced at the window behind you and noticed that it was dark outside. Raising your eyebrows in confusion, you graciously put the jacket on knowing it would be cold out there. As soon as you slipped your arm in the final sleeve, the elevator dinged; indicating the it had arrived and you both stepped inside.
“So how’s the thesis going Mini Rhodey?” he asked while pressed the button commanding the elevator to head towards the ground floor thus beginning your descent.
“Ugh I don’t even wanna talk about that right now. And don’t call me that, I hate that nickname,” you groaned feigning mock despair again.
“What? Why? Rhodey loves that nickname!”
“Yeah because he’s older! And only by a couple years!”
“And it makes him sound like my dad.” you replied in mock disgust.
“Or you’re being dramatic.”
“Aren’t I always?” you replied striking a silly pose. The elevator dinged once again and the doors opened immediately. You both stepped out and made your way out the building; Tony pulling on his hood to avoid any questions about the Avengers or Iron Man by anyone waiting outside the building. Successfully dodging that non-existent bullet, you began your quest for food.
“How’s Pepper?” You had asked trying to make the trip shorter by filling it with conversation and life updates.
“She’s good, running a huge company rather successfully,” he replied, full of pride over her.
“Mhmm, like some I know should have been doing,” you replied boldly, only playing around and bringing his ego down only slightly. He faked a painful expression while holding his heart.
“Ouch (Y/N), just ouch,” he said, you simply shrugged and raised your hands in fake surrender.
“Where is this place any way?” he said looking at his surroundings in wonder, like he had never seen this place before walking slowly.
“We are literally right around the corner, and it’s faster and cheaper than getting delivery, rich boy.” you replied grabbing his hand and practically dragging him to the restaurant.
Just as you said, about ten more minutes of walking and you had arrived at Joe’s Pizza. You two had entered the establishment and began to get warm from all the people inside. You had told Tony to find a place for you two to sit while you got the food. Quickly grabbing your food and drinks, you found your way to Tony and began to chow down.
“So you wanna talk about that masters yet?” he had asked in between bites of his pizza. You sighed and simply shook your head, mouth full of food.
“You’re gonna have to talk about it at some point.”
“Yeah I know,”sighing sadly again,” It’s just so nerve wracking and I need a distraction from it before I die of stress,” you said, semi-jokingly to hide your stress; picking at a piece of cheese off the side of your pizza. Tony had looked at you with sad and understanding eyes.
“Well,” you looked up at him,” This is the most delicious distraction I’ve had,” he said before taking a comically huge bite of his pizza, stuffing his face. You chuckled at his successful attempt at making you feel better.
You both stayed there a few minutes longer after having finished. Joking about anything and everything you possibly could, holding your stomach from laughing so hard. This is exactly what you needed; you felt refreshed and ready to head back to more hours of sitting on your ass and reading millions of words. You both felt it was time to head back so you grabbed your belongings and trash and made your way back.
You were so close to the building, finally opening up about what your thesis was about; totally lost in the conversation, when you suddenly felt a hand swat your ass, stopping you completely. Swinging around you saw a man looking at you with an evil like in his eyes and a disgusting smirk plastered on his face, almost looking proud of what he had done.
“What?” Tony had asked looking back.
“That dick just smacked my ass!” you had replied angrily.
“Hey asshole!” he had stopped and turned completely around at the sound of Tony’s voice. Smirk still in place, he slowly started making his way back to where you and Tony stood on the busy sidewalk.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you better apologize before you get your ass handed to you,”yo said, trying to hold back the rage burning in your chest.
“And who’s gonna hand it to me?” the man replied smugly.
“Me,” Tony said, taking off his hoodie. You looked at him in confusion, wondering how the hell he was gonna fight this huge Vin Diesel wannabe with his own strength or without his suit seeing as JARVIS was most likely still updating.
“Oh yeah Iron Man? Bring it then,” almost immediately, Tony punched the man square in the jaw, taking him by surprise. Making the man angry, he charged toward Tony and punched him in the nose, causing Tony to fall flat on his ass. The big man laughed in victory, angering you further, causing you to walk up to him and punch him right in his stomach causing him to double over in pain. You grabbed the back of his head and bashed it against your knee. He howled in pain. You stepped back trying to see what his next move was. He stood, face cover in blood, he had started to make his way over to you somewhat stumbling. You dropped and swept your leg beneath him knocking the man over swiftly onto his back. You stepped over his body and punched the man directly in the nose with all the strength, knocking the man unconscious surely from the unbearable pain. You adjusted the hoodie and turned too see Tony -eyes wide and mouth agape- looking like a fish out of water. You extended your hand to help him up, he took it slowly getting up; still looking at you in awe. You ignored the crowd that had surrounded you that you figured at some point wanted to see the spectacle but you hadn’t noticed. You pushed your way through, Tony close behind still stunned from the events that had just occurred. You both walked into the building and directly into the elevator that was waiting for you.
“How the hell did you do that??” he questioned you immediately.
“Boy, do you not know who my brother is? Do you not know I train with Nat some weekends?” you replied nonchalantly.
“Well,” he said, eyebrows raised,”you’re about to give Romanoff and Rhodey a run for their money.”
Taglist: @oceanscorazon @snazzyjazzytrash
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twilightvolt · 5 years
Twilight Thoughts (BEASTARS Episode 6)
Episode 6:
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- Ok, so first we--someone’s dead again.
....o h .
Of course, everyone’s like “Whelp, gotta dip, carnivores. cya.” and Jack be a sad boi. ;w; man, these guys have it hard.
- Then we get introduced to our next main character from the trailers: Juno!
Imma be honest, i was really iffy about her before this because i was hoping her character isn’t what i think it would be. and i’m sure any Persona 4 players who’re watching this show can get what i’m about to say.
.....I hope she’s not like Rise.
For those of you who haven’t played P4, Rise came off as SUPER clingy to the main protagonist. at least in my opinion. i know some say she’s best girl, but no. not for me. that’s Naoto’s title. lmao
I am praying that Juno doesn’t do the same and become clingy towards Legoshi and like, becomes that character that just feels like a shoehorned love interest because y’know, she’s a wolf too. so far, she seems ok. she was being bullied and Legoshi stepped in and played hero for a moment which was great. but her mentioning she was also in drama and also one of his kind just kinda raised a little red flag for me. i dunno.
Also, shoutout to the way he saved her. like “I’m her older brother.” but then she sees her face and he like “D-damn! We look nothing alike!” i’m sorry, i’m ded. lmao
- I was excited to see what the world outside the school was like. i’m the type who likes taking in all the little things and seeing the town be all bright and bustling was just so nice. then i heard Louis be like “Don’t go to the black market.” and i was like “Wh-....b...black market?” O_o
Oh no, things’re gonna get crazy again, aren’t they?
Y’all don’t just tell people not to go somewhere. that’s cartoon talk for “Go there. That’s where the plot is.” lmao
- So they eatin’, gettin’ that W c D o n a l d ’ s , and i’m like “Huh....I want fries now.” and then a little while after the episode, we come home with fries. and i never outwardly asked. it just happened. and i was like “MY FEELINGS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED.”
And Legoshi’s just sitting there quietly eating like a third wheel and i’m like “Dude, same.” also, Bill acts very much like one of the popular kids at school that i totally used to have to be in the same classes with and i swear i felt a twinge of old school annoyance resurfacing.
Still, it was fun seeing what the town was like. i’m hoping we get to see it much more in the coming episodes.
- And then they get lost (Thanks, Zoozle Maps. XD) and accidentally end up in where? the black market.
And i was thoroughly traumatized.
I was like, “Oh, it’s an old shopkeeper. probably sells weird trinkets or so-” *Shows his fingers. or lack thereof*
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U-uhh....w h a t ?
Like, it’s the black market. i expected it to be weird. but like....not this disturbing.
He was just, like, selling off his LIVING body to the carnivores and i was like “Oh god, that’s horrible.” goodness, i signed up for this, huh?
Then i hear the market theme and hear some sick beats and i’m like “dONTCHU THROW SOME JAMS AT ME AT A TIME LIKE THIS I CAN’T VIBE TO THIS nO-”
And then Bill be like:
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And suddenly i wanted to beat him upside the head. thankfully, my boi did that for me. lmao
But for real, i was mad, but like....it’s understandable? like, i hate that i understand enough to not be totally angry with him, but like....he’s a tiger. and ngl, after the bunny blood, i did NOT put it past him to react like this. i just wish he weren’t so....B i l l , y’know? the more he’s on screen, the more i wanna smack him, but i still actually kinda like him enough to see where he might go as a character. cuz he’s not a bad guy, he’s just.....an idiot. it’s weird. XD i’m still holding onto my theory that he killed Tem tho.
Just....man, this is heavy.
And then they cut to right after the last episode where Legoshi and Haru finish their heart to heart moment and then they cut back to him running off through the market street not knowing what these feelings are. like, he genuinely likes her and he can’t stop thinking about her.....but at the same time, he’s uncontrollably drooling?....i dunno man, sounds like you’re just hungry. and that concerns me.
Oh, right, right afterward he gets taken in by the panda from the trailers whom i believe is named Gouhin? but yeah, he ties him up in chains and a muzzle and proceeds to interrogate him about his feelings toward the one he thinks he “likes.” and then shows him a wall of pictures. pictures of carnivores just like him that have tasted meat and couldn’t get over it. to the point where they uhh......yeah, let’s just say i was shook by the things he said. like, that could potentially be what happens to Legoshi and honestly, that’s really sad and i don’t want that to happen. i legit felt a chill when i saw some of those photos. no joke.
Then i guess he takes him to the next room and has a little chat with him. what the conversation was about was basically Gouhin telling Legoshi that his “love” isn’t real and he should cut ties with Haru if he wants to not eat her by accident. but in a way where it sounds like he’s telling him off for it cuz Legoshi was like “That’s not true! we’re friends!” and he basically says that Legoshi’s way of thinking is a childish, flawed mindset. like, d a m n . he verbally smacked him. lmao
Then he starts to leave, but not until Gouhin hands him a copy of bunny porn.
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“If you get excited over this, then you’re just a young boy with a fetish for small animals. if not, and you stick with your one rabbit, that’s bad.”
Ok, so if he feels something, then he’s just a weirdo. but if he doesn’t, then he’s in danger of eating her and that’s a BIG problem. huh....kind of a lose lose situation here, don’t you think? ._.’
But yeah, Legoshi runs out thinking to himself about how much he hates this and that he wants to forget everything that just happened. and honestly, this is the point where i kinda felt sad enough to cry. cuz this is an innocent kid that wants to stay connected to someone they believe they love, but then reality just hits them REALLY hard. and they just want to cover their ears and stay unaware about what’s really going on.
All this time, he believed the adults just stayed vegetarian cuz that’s probably what he was taught or maybe what he assumed because of how he was taught. but when you think about it, not everyone can repress their true feelings forever. they’re animals. it’s in their nature.
He keeps trying to tell himself that this is okay. that he won’t hurt her anymore than that first night. but....is that true? can that be true? or is this just some twisted sense of “love” that ends in yet another unfortunate death? things seem to be getting more and more frustrating for him and if i didn’t feel some form of sympathy for him i sure as hell am now.
But....i wanna believe he can overcome those feelings and stay close to her. maybe they won’t be able to be a couple. they might just have to stay friends. but anything to let him be happy, y’know?
The episode ends with him finding Aoba the eagle again. he tells him that he just couldn’t go through with eating that guy’s fingers cuz he thought of his herbivore friends which just made him feel icky about it. and yeah, that’s understandable. birb boi is a good boi....who probably just stuck by Bill cuz he wanted to fit in, but y’know.
This causes Legoshi to cry and yeah, i broke after that. i was highkey imagining an alternate ending where he just runs up to him and hugs him crying in a full on bro moment and i kinda wish that happened cuz honestly that would make me cry a river. for real. i would die.
And i guess that’s that. this episode was quite a wake up call for Legoshi at least. but here’s hoping things look up next episode. see you again!
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73 questions.
I was tagged by @enchantedamusedslightlyconfused
I tag @iamdorka  @xwonderlandxinxhellx @mrs-machinegun-norris (you’re my top three recommended tags)
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
Like, a 5? I’m at a point in my life that I can go in any direction so I have a lot of freedom and choice. But, I have no idea where I want to be going so I’m in limbo and that makes me anxious...
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
I use it to tag any content I’m posting and Tumblr is typically where I’m the most honest.
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
Oooo I don’t know
Colson? Yungblud, maybe Mod Sun as well...
Definitely Colson though - that man is a dream 👀
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
I genuinely don’t have the foggiest...
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I’ve done pole fitness since I was 14.
What’s your wake up ritual?
Wake up, check the number of notifications I have on my phone, have a wash, get dressed, makeup, breakfast.
What’s your go to bed ritual?
PJs, have a wash, music, lights out, music, fanfiction, daydream, pass out.
What’s your favourite time of day?
Anytime between 2:00 and 4:30 in the morning. It’s when my house is guaranteed to be asleep so I’m finally able to just stop and be me.
Your go to for having a good laugh?
I don’t actually remember the last time I had a good laugh...
KellyVision makes me chuckle though.
Dream country to visit?
America. It’s kinda cliche but oh well. Definitely hitting up Cleveland for EST Fest and maybe NYC. Probably would wanna go to an amusement park as well - I just have this idea that they’re very different to British ones.
And NZ! My cousins are there and together? We’re hurricanes.
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
This is one of those questions that I suddenly can’t think of an answer for.
Maybe @xwonderlandxinxhellx​?
I don’t even remember how we started talking but I never thought (I dreamed but never thought) that I would actually make a friend on Tumblr.
So, thank you 🖤
Heels or flats/sneakers?
CONVERSE! I will die in my Chucks.
That being said, ya girl loves feeling herself in heels. I can’t do normal heels so I have these block heel brogues that I adore.
Vintage or new?
I adore the vintage style but sizing often isn’t on my size.
Also love some dark punk grunge clothing.
Who do you want to write your obituary?
I don’t want an obituary.
When I die I want that to be it. No funeral, no nothing.
Style icon?
Colson, Dom?
I’m very into aesthetics that I could never really pull off.
What are three things you can’t live without?
My glasses
My headphones
The Bloom album (quite literally in this case)
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
Mixed herbs or sweetcorn.
Love Worcestershire Sauce as well.
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
Colson Baker (needs a heartwarming homecooked meal)
And there are probably others but none that really spring to mind.
My mum, to thank her?
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Fear of isolation
I’m not scared of being abandoned (if you do that to me then you’re doing me a favour)
But I am scared of closing myself off to people that could be there for me and letting things get bad and consume me again.
Window or aisle seat?
Aisle seat!
I like looking at what’s going on about me.
And it’s odd but I also don’t hate the inconvenience of getting up to let people pass.
What’s your current TV obsession?
And nothing else will ever match it. It’s a crime it was cancelled before a second season.
Favourite app?
Tumblr, followed closely by Pinterest.
I think it’s because they’re spaces that are specifically for your interests, dreams, all that mess in your head and I vibe with that.
Secret talent?
I’m not very talented, not gonna lie.
I can rap all of Breaking News which I feel is impressive?
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
I’ve not had many opportunities to be adventurous.
Skipping school always gave me such anxiety so my body definitely thought I was jumping off a cliff or something.
How would you define yourself in three words?
Witty, fangirl, brave?
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
I have a green and grey checkered suit jacket that I adore.
My Adder Technology jumper is my favourite oversized item.
Black ripped jeans.
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
Brown leather belt. I don’t know why but I’ll never go back.
Superpower you would want?
Power of time? Just to like slow it down. I feel like I don’t have enough time to do anything so to slow it down and get shit done would be great. Or just to give myself a minute to breathe. We don’t get enough ‘time out’s in life.
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
Colson has always been inspiring to me.
He came into my life when I was 15 and literally saved it. He’s always going to mean that to me.
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
Mod Sun: I’ve always been a little bit reluctant to say I’m gonna be the best at something because I didn’t wanna disrespect other people, like ‘Imma be the best at something, you can’t have it’. So I’d never really be like that. But if you don’t say you’re gonna be the best at what you’re doing, your insides, that power that you have, doesn’t know what the fuck to do.
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
Just live, please. We were so close to not living and yet here we are. Please, please, just throw the rule book in the flames. Go to school hungover, pull allnighters to just feel music, smoke, don’t do your homework.
Promise me to be unapologetically yourself.
A book that everyone should read?
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote - just stick with it...it’s an interesting story and raises some questions about life.
The Selection Series by Keira Cass - my favourite YA series.
Harry Potter by JK Rowling - pretty self explanatory? 
What would you like to be remembered for?
I don’t wanna be remembered.
I’m gone, just move on. Find a new energy to bring into your life.
How do you define beauty?
    (That is a purposeful blank space.)
What do you love most about your body?
That it’s never given up on me.
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
Music as loud as possible so you can just lose yourself.
Favourite place to view art?
Oh this has me stumped.
I like art that is significant but isn’t technically legally displayed.
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
It would 100% be a word or phrase that wouldn’t turn up in the lyrics at all.
But you listen to it and the title seems like the perfect title, nothing else could represent this song.
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
Guitar, bass? No, drums. Vocals...
I just want some musical talent!
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
Oooo, get ready.
Bee, on my collarbone.
Lace Up, on my wrist.
Tree, on my sternum.
Stars/an astronaut/a solar system, somewhere undecided.
Dolphins or koalas?
Don’t really have a preference...
But the dolphins in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy were great so...
What’s your spirit animal?
I think maybe a seal?
Best gift you’ve ever received?
My headphones.
I have tiny ears so have always struggled to find earbuds that are comfortable for a long period of time.
I found some!
And then they were discontinued so it’s really difficult to buy them.
I was surprised with 3 pairs once and I practically cried.
Best gift you’ve ever given?
Ummm, I’m not very artsy creative but I once made my mum a birthday card using a teabag, I think she liked it?
I was a teenager so it was really rare that I ever did something artistic so I think she especially appreciated the effort and discomfort I felt.
What’s your favourite board game?
Game of Life.
Cards against humanity.
What’s your favourite colour?
Least favourite colour?
I used to have this severe hate for pink because it was forced on me as a child (I shared a room with my little sister and she loved pink so pink was what she got.)
I’ve grown out of it: pink is punk as fuck.
Diamonds or pearls?
I don’t really have a preference.
I much prefer simple things.
If we’re talking jewellery then I like plain silver.
Drugstore makeup or designer?
Ummm...I’m not sure how to differentiate.
I try and use Natural Collection for the base of my makeup but my eyeliner and eyebrows are Rimmel London and NYX.
Blow-dry or air-dry?
These curls only work one way and that’s their way.
Pilates or yoga?
Depends on what I need in the moment.
Coffee or tea?
I’m not allowed so it’s hot chocolate all the wayyyy.
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
The weirdest words are the ones that you learnt reading so pronounce one way when actually it’s said entirely differently.
Me, in Year 10, with the word ‘epitome’.
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Depends on my mood really...
Cadbury released this bar that mixed the two together and that seems kinda perfect.
Stairs or elevator?
I like racing people in the lifts to see if I can get up the stairs quicker. Such a child, I know.
Summer or winter?
Winter, for sure.
Natural ginger so the summer is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced.
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A desert you don’t like?
Apple pie (or any fruit pie)
And custard.
A skill you’re working on mastering?
No time like quarantine, eh?
Best thing to happen to you today?
Woke up naturally alert so felt ready to tackle the day productively for the first time since lockdown began.
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
That my writing has helped someone.
Someone told me that A Night of Many Firsts perfectly represented what they were feeling and helped them feel strong enough to get help.
Favourite smell?
My deodorant, baking, the local library.
Hugs or kisses?
Hugs. Simple as.
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
Intense case study of teenage mental illness into adulthood.
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
Pretty Toxic Revolver - Machine Gun Kelly
Probably every episode of Torchwood ever
Lipstick or lip gloss?
Sweet or savoury?
Savoury. Vegan corn chowder, garlic bread, potatoes.
Girl crush?
I don’t really have any?
I mean, I’m bi but no one really comes to mind.
How you know you’re in love?
I’ve never been in love but I hope it would be seeing them and feeling peace.
Knowing that they get every part of you, good and bad, and still choose to stay. And vice versa.
Song you can listen to on repeat?
Pretty much anything MGK
Currently feeling the Lace Up album.
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
I wouldn’t want to be someone else.
I’d much rather be able to jump forward and experience a day in my future...for reassurance.
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
I’m leaving and hopefully never coming back to this place, this mindset, again.
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The Girl With A Red Shirt (A Red Shirt, part II.)
A/N: This is for @papisully, bcs I just wanted to, alrite? Also, you, as the reader, are drunk as hell in this, just letting you know. Also, the reader is drunk and cocky as shit, so let me live, pls. 
Description: Victor Sullivan, treasure hunter and a businessman in his late thirties. One day, he got back from his gig and met a cute girl in his favorite laundry; just to forget his talisman there. And so, the trouble with the girl starts.
Mood for this one-shot: It just somehow went from Location by Khalid, went through Let’s Get Lost by G-Eazy and Devon Baldwin and somehow ended up at Tumblr Girls by G-Eazy. But you know the drill, listen to what you like to.
Warnings: I might get too carried away by smut. I did an oopsie. 
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“Don’t ask me why,” Sully said to the cell phone he had pinned to his shoulder with his head. He was smoking a cigar, calling someone and shaving at the same time. His mind was blown away not even a half an hour ago and he was actually curious about how many things he can multitask at once. “But Imma not gonna come tonite.” 
“But we’re finishing the last pieces of the gig!” A woman with an Australian accent shouted back. She seemed to be mad at him and Sully couldn't say even a word back. They were almost done, after all, and he will be missing during the most important meeting of all. “You know how useless can you be when you get the intel on paper and not personally!”
“I just can't come to see ya tonite, Chloe. I have some different things planned.” Except his planes came to the sight before twenty minutes, maybe even less. He wasn’t sure about that. 
Victor just needed his red shirt back, because he didn't feel complete without it. It was his talisman, after all, wasn't it? And a ridiculously hot girl who chewed bubblegum all the time had it on and she asked him to take it off. 
Was he actually mad to miss this opportunity? Bet your best cowboy hat that he wasn't.   
“You suck my blood so much it isn't healthy, Sullivan. You’ll have to count on Nathan to give you the intel. But I'm genuinely scared of the idea, God knows what would he tell you,” Chloe answered in a seriously irritated tone. 
She and Charlie Cutter were usually the brains of the operation, Sullivan was the money giver and transport reinsurer and Nate was used to be the dumb monkey and muscle. 
“Why couldn't you choose any other day?” She asked when Sully shouted a curse word out loud. He cut his chin on a place where it seriously hurt and he almost killed himself, when he jumped over a stool in his bathroom while he searched for a piece of toilet paper to stuck on the wound. 
“Some plans just come without expectation, love.” He answered when he saved himself from bleeding out. 
“Okay. But you'll need to study OUR plan then, don't forget about that.” She finally gave up and hung the phone. Sully finally got the time for himself to have a quick shower, put some cologne on and to choose clothes to not look like an old archeologic discovery. 
He settled down on a plain white t-shirt, his bomber which he wore while he was driving on a motorcycle and some old pair of jeans. He looked like a man close to his forties, he couldn't lie to himself. But at least he had some personal style.
And Y/N looked like she was into him, so he wasn't worrying as much as he would normally do. Having a woman of her age showing him some affection gave him boost on his pride and gave him some sort of confidence. 
Okay then, he answered her text finally. He was smiling wickedly to the screen of his phone while his tongue was stuck out a bit. Just tell me the place where we'll meet. I'll be there. 
Again, he wasn't waiting too long for a response. She just shared her location with him and he was more than kindly willing to see her. So Victor took his car and went on a short drive to see her. 
He came on the address that she sent to him after not even twenty minutes, looking at a house, there was a seriously loud party on. He had to say that he was disappointed. He looked forward to being alone with her; he really did. 
Not to mention countless scenarios brushing over his head. His imagination was more than kind when it came to those things. Which things, you might ask?
Things like having that girl sitting on his lap in that shirt which was his, slowly taking it off while her smile became larger because she could see the things she caused him, that beautiful pain in his lap. The slow blinking of her eyes while they became darker with lust while she took the jeans off her body, throwing them far, far away. Victor closed his eyes as he inhaled slowly, crawling off his car after that. 
There was a house full of people. Full of young chicks who were smiling at him while they sipped their beer with devils in their eyes. Some pop song was on and there were a few couples dancing, making out in a wild pace; everyone could see that they'll be in the bedsheets together in the next twenty minutes. 
Victor was never actually fond of parties. Yet he didn't seem to be the man, he liked to be with a woman in private, just him and her, not on a loud place, maybe on a walk or on a dinner. Not even at his marina days, which happened twenty years ago, he wasn't actually a party animal. 
The guys seemed to be amused by him; he was at least twenty years older after all. They were all buffed, all young and they seemed to be the funny ones, the cleverest in the whole world and the perfect lovers for someone like Y/N. And he was just there, an old man trying to look cool. 
Maybe he was reading to her in a bad way after all? Maybe he heard what he wanted to hear? Maybe she wasn’t into that idea? 
He almost turned around and walked off the house, letting her to keep his favorite shirt. But then he saw her. 
Well, at first he saw that shit which belonged to him. The shirt showed more and more as she jumped during the dance. Y/N was dancing on the table with another girl, in short, denim shorts and his shirt on, her ponytail was swinging from side to side and her eyes were partially closed as she sang the lyrics. 
He leaned onto a wall, smiling lightly as he watched her. She was smiling, dancing on the table and the youth was dripping from the tips of her fingers. Sometimes, she grabbed that second girl, pushed her body onto hers and put her hands onto the girl’s ass, sliding them into her back pockets.
“You're her dad or what?” A girl leaned next to him and offered him a cup of beer, watching Y/N on the table, putting the show-off. 
“Do I look like her dad?” Sullivan asked with amusement, taking the offered cup and smiled at the girl. She was a redhead with huge glasses on, yet she didn't look like a nerd. It made her round face cute and it just got along with her personal style. 
“If you are, she has an incredibly handsome dad, I must say,” redhead took a sip from her cup and then she trailed her look back to Y/N. “She’s always like that.”
“Seems to be funny enough to me,” Victor answered as he took another sip. He was becoming more and more thirsty as Y/N took the other girl’s to face into her hand, motioning that she might kiss her, yet she didn't. 
“If you like her, you better stop and you should find someone different. She’s almost unreachable for most of the guys out here. And, no offense, old pal, but you're definitely far after zenith for a girl like Y/N.” The girl patted his shoulder as she left him standing there. 
The song finally stopped and Y/N threw her hands into the thin air as the people around them started to clap. Then she high-fived the girl and accepted one boy's hand as he helped her to get off the table. Then she noticed him standing next to the door. Y/N felt as her smile grew a bit larger. She was drunk at that point; she always was when she was on a party of this type. 
Normally, she wouldn't be able to even foreshadow having something with a girl, but when she was drinking, she didn't care. When she was this level drunk, she was able to kiss literally anyone.
Or at least before. Now, she has one particular person on her mind. She wasn't truly believing that Victor will come there to see her. She thought he might not have the balls to strip the shirt off her. But she smiled when he truly came. 
“Hey there, washing lady,” Victor offered her his cup of beer because she seemed to be thirsty as hell. She didn't hesitate at all, drinking almost all of that beer. Y/N seemed to be really gentle, small and cute next to him. He was a giant next to her and that caught the attention of a few girls, including the redhead, and a lot of boys. Nobody actually believed that she would be into that guy, but these things happen.
“I'm glad ya here,” she threw her hands over the back of his neck, looking him to the eyes. Victor leaned in, forgetting all about him being a gentleman, putting his fingers into the back pocket of her denim shorts, bringing her lap closer to his. 
“Well, you told me to take the shirt off. Who am I to not to listen to a lady's wish?” Victor looked into her eyes as she smirked. He felt the redhead just focusing her stares in his direction and he was really proud to prove her wrong. 
Without any foreshadowing, she just leaned in and kissed him. Their lips crushed hard and he could feel her heat just slowly trailing his body as well. She was definitely drunk as hell, but Victor wasn’t complaining. It gave her the courage he liked and pushed him further as well. 
“Come then. I’m not able to wait for you any longer. You let me hang on for almost a week and you didn't come to wash your clothes in the meantime,” Y/N whispered with her eyes pinned to Sullivan’s, taking the cup out of his hand.
She tugged his hand as she navigated them through the house. Victor felt the stares surrounding them and yet he wasn't more proud until that day. 
They took a short hike on the stairs and Victor let her take the lead. She was looking around, changing short looks with other people. Every second she checked Victor. She was afraid that he would leave even tho he was holding her hand in a tight grip. He wasn't planning on leaving her there at any circumstances. 
Finally, she found a bedroom without anyone inside and she let out an animalish growl as she turned around and slammed the door shut, locking them. The music was loud so much Victor couldn't even hear his own thoughts which was actually a good thing. He didn't want to be bothered with his own thoughts. There was no space for rationality at the moment. 
It all happened so fast. Heated kisses stopped only when there was a need to breathe, fingers circled in his air and a smell of desire and passion in the air. Only growls mixed with the music could be heard in the thin air. His bomber flew off his body in an instance, just laying down on the ground just so he could feel her hands roaming his body. 
Then the shoes and socks left their bodies at an equally fast pace, disappearing into the unknown. There was no need for words, no need for anything. There was only her and him alone in a room and desire was burning on each of them.
"What the hell are you doing to me? Just rip the shirt off, stop teasing me, Victor." She begged into his lips and tried to take the shirt and take it off by her own force. Victor immediately stopped her, holding her wrist in a tight grip.
“You're so impatient, young lady,” Victor whispered as he pushed her and let her fall directly on the bed. “You need to learn some patience,” Sully whispered with a voice sounding more like an animal than himself. He had to say that he really adored that a young girl of her nature was able to do that to him. 
He learned how to have his own nature under control while he was in the marina. It looked like if it happened a hundred years ago, it was more than ten years ago and even now, sometimes the man who was working as a marina soldier showed up in him. Especially in times like this.
Victor wouldn't describe this part of himself like a dominant or selfish part, not at all. He just became sure in everything he has done, he was direct and he knew a few ways how to make her scream under his touch. All it took for her was a will to listen. 
“And if I don't want to be patient and I'll be a naughty girl?” Y/N asked as she swung on her knees, taking his belt to her small soft hands, trying to undo it with the grace of a horny beast. 
Victor held her wrists with a small effort to that touch, only a little push was needed to knock her off on her back, pushing his body directly on hers and letting his face rest in front of hers. He stayed in that position a while, he listened to her heartbeat and the rhythm of how she breathed. 
Y/N looked like a painting with her face full of the sweet expectations, she had rosy cheeks and a naughty light in her eyes. Her lips were swollen because of the urgency of the way he kissed her and he felt how much was her body trembling under his weight. 
She was sweet like honey and intoxicating like a shot of alcohol. His head was spinning a bit and if he couldn't feel the heat in between her legs, which was burning through their pants, he would stay in this position for forever. 
“Then I would have to use some methods which are used when I'm taming a little baby girl like you are,” Victor answered in a low, perfectly husky tone even though the voice was raspy and it was stuck inside of his throat. 
He lowered his hands after he made himself sure that she would stay in a position with her hands above her head, kissing her throat hungrily as he made a few of love marks and bites here and there. Victor couldn't help himself, some urge inside of him directly needed to mark her as his, for everyone to see when they left the room. He also expected her to stop him, but when she closed her eyes and panted in a sweet high tone, he knew that he's doing the right thing. 
His hands slowly lured over her, unfortunately, still clothed, body, caressing it through the fabric of his most beloved shirt. With a quick movement, he took off his white shirt and threw it all over the small bedroom. Y/N didn't even give him a quick look, because she used her own hands to unbutton the shirt. She slipped out of it, standing on her elbows and finally watched, how handsome he was. 
He was in good shape, without a doubt. His shoulders were really wide as the muscles were appearing perfectly clearly under his suntanned skin. He was scared and bruised in many places; her favorite was a light, yellow bruise under his left armpit. His body was through a lot and she knew it; he told her about what he does for a living. It wasn't a thing to wonder about.
“You are like some fucked up fantasy,” she whispered under breath when she touched Victor's chin while he unbuttoned her shorts. “Can I be your little dirty  kink?” 
“Let me taste and then we'll see, baby girl,” the shorts and panties were far gone now, as she lay in front of him with her legs opened to show him everything Y/N got. She was basically sinking into the mattress, even the little valley dividing her sweet fanny was wet. She was breathing heavily as he watched her, almost waiting for permission. 
Without any other things popping up in his head, he just leaned forward, showing his head directly to the place she was dripping from. His tongue was fast, rough and that's what she needed so badly. She screamed to the roof and leaned from him in a wave of pleasure; so his forearms circulated around the top of her thighs, holding her directly on his face. Victor wanted this girl to be his death and that was a thing he never wanted before. 
He wished to slowly drown in her dripping pussy, he wanted to close his eyes and slowly fall into the warmth of her lap, letting the tightness slowly choke him. Victor would accept all of that with a graceful smile. None of this was forced. He couldn't even remember a single time when he was kneeling in front of a woman, licking and sucking her like he was about to die and her pussy was the last thing that could save him. He growled into the sweetness as he was trying to get more of that juice. 
After a while, her body found its rhythm, slowly moving in the tempo of his tongue as her hand slowly risen up and twirled in his hair, tucking it gently. Her sweet pitches were the thing that was heating up to go further and further, even though his tongue and jaws were hurting.
“No, no, no,” Y/N said in a shaky voice. She tugged his lips from the hottest spot on her body and Victor looked at her with confusion. Was he too rough? Why didn't she tell him that he's not doing her good? What could be done better? “I want to come on ya, Texas. Take those fucking jeans off and just do me good with that dick you're hiding down there.” Y/N leaned in for a short kiss, tasting her own flavor from his lips. 
“I don't believe ya that ya haven't fucked woman in the woods. I mean, look at ya.” She said as she sat down on her ass and started to take her bra off, taking it with the shirt and throwing it on the ground.
“Look at me?”
“You look like a playboy, Texas. Your body just screams that you just lean woman on a tree and fuck the soul out of her body.” She smirked as she lied on her back, circling her fingers around the top of the bed. 
“I mean, I haven't tried it yet,” Victor smiled when he kicked his jeans on a nearby bookcase. He climbed on the bed in between her legs, watching as her breasts moved up and down. “But if you're up to this sort of things, you can teach me.”
“Fuck me hard, mister Sullivan and then well see,” she whispered in a quiet tone. He mumbled shirt curse word under his breath; he hadn't think about condoms until this minute. 
“Just do it, Texas,” she wiggled her hips from side to side with a smirk of a naughty girl. “I'm on my pills.” 
He didn't need any other words. This was everything he needed to hear. He wanted to fuck the words out of her mouth and the teasing out of her head. Victor took her left hand in his right, entwining their fingers together and crashing his lips into hers as he slowly buried himself inside of her. No words were needed at that moment. It was just the two of them, breathing, sighing of a high woman and animal man growls and the song downstairs just slowing down and thrifting into another one. 
He wasn't gentle with her at all. He was bouncing into her in a rough, quick tempo, he wasn't holding back anything. She was moaning his name with grace and gratefulness, being completely full of his dick. One of their hand was entwined with each other, holding each other in a tight grip, the second one was holding on the headboard od the bed, trying to hold it tightly from moving. 
They were already heard all over the second floor and they knew that, but nothing could stop them at that point.
Her little valley was burning hot and wetter than Niagaras, her boobs were jumping in the tempo which their bodies were moving in. She tilted her head backward, closing her eyes with a sweet symphony out of her mouth. Victor leaned into her throat and started to bite into the tight, firm skin she got there.
They weren't too far from achieving the heights of orgasm. At one point it seemed that she wasn’t able to even breathe as she whined and shaken bit, holding him close by putting her leg on his waist. He could feel her little sanctuary where he was buried tightening in light vibrations at first, just as those words escaped her mouth. 
“I'm about to come, Texas.” 
And that's what made the bomb inside Sullivan just wildly go off. He wasn't gentle with her until that point, but now he went fully in, fucking her into the mattress like a machine. Her body just moved into his as she arched her back and shook her head as the sounds were just escaping her mouth. They went higher and higher as the closed her eyes firmly and all of a sudden...
“Oh my fucking God, Victor!” Y/N screamed loudly out of pure extasy as her body shaken firmly, she held him in her arms as he continued on fucking her to release himself; now holding the head of the bed in his arms as the sweat was pouring from him onto her skin. 
Y/N was lucky enough to find a new level of ecstasy with him. Normally, the guys stopped when she was done, just handling their boners on their own; but Victor wasn't that kind of guy. He wanted to mark even on the place where no-one could see it. Her pussy was wet and handling him so good that he hadn't got any reason to stop until he felt, how the energy is released from him. 
Then, after all of that, he slowly put his forehead on hers, trying to catch his breath. He didn't even notice how wet both of them are because of the sweat and how red her cheeks were. She was still holding his back, trembling a bit, her eyes were closed. She held herself close to him, her pussy was holding his dick, her thighs were holding his waist and her hands were on his back. 
He could finally see what he caused to her - the left side of her neck was practically violet, full of bloody love marks and bites; there were a few on the other side of her neck as well, but not as much as on the other side.
“Are you alright, baby girl?” His palm slowly smoothed her wet hair, definitely released from the ponytail. 
“I've never experienced anything as good as this, Texas,” Y/N said quietly as she kissed him slowly, with that tender, post-sex passion. Sully slowly crawled out of her body, lying next to her, watching her slowly turning to lay on her belly. 
“So you asked if you could be my kink, did you?” Sully trailed his hand from her shoulder to her waist, gently caressing the skin of per perfectly shaped bum. She nodded, smiling into her forearms. “I'm sure you can. But what now?” 
“What about just take the clothes on and leaving this place together? Take me wherever ya want, Texas.” She sat, searching for her panties and denim shorts. 
“God. I want to fuck you again as soon as I can.” Sully whispered as she slowly put her bra on, hiding it underneath his white t-shirt and that motorcycle bomber. Her hair was all around her face in long waves and she was smiling, still having rosy cheeks and sweaty forehead. 
“So come on, we’ll see what we can do about that.” She tried to speed him up while he was taking his boxers and jeans on. When he was all tidily done, she took his hand in hers, taking him out of the house. Sullivan couldn't describe the pride when she moved her hair so every single person could see her marks. She showed them as war scars, she wore them proudly. 
So they left together that day. And the days after as well. 
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
A Bottle Of Rum Named Chuckles - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @bibliophileap Prompt: A sibling is genuinely disconcerted by another sibling’s laughter. Summary: The Fenton parents are out of town so Danny gets his drink on, but he's a laughing drunk and Jazz comes home from university a little too early.
Warnings: Drinking, alcohol, unintentional self-harm, broken bones, impaling, blood, one instance of vore, Danny is very drunk
also on my AO3 at GothMoth.
Danny glides smoothly down the steps, today’s a day with the house to himself. Jazz? Off at college. Mom and dad? 4-day convention. Sam and Tucker? Well, they’re not really friends anymore. So today’s a day to himself, a rare one at that. So as Danny saunters over to the fridge he sticks his hand straight through the floor pulling out a bottle of rum. Spinning the bottle in one hand as he opens up the fridge and grabs some milk. Placing the bottle on the table, Danny turns around and goes to make himself some cereal, but is suddenly struck by an idea. Spinning back around, bowl of dry cereal in hand, Danny cracks open the rum and pours it into the bowl. “Hey if cheesepuff bacon smoothies are great, this ought to be better.”.
Halfway through his cereal he’s finding it hard to keep eating through his giggling. “It’s just” chuckle “god so” chuckle “like look at the fuck rocks man” chuckle. Rum cereal abandoned, Danny wanders the yard pointing at random rocks and wobblingly arranging them in poorly laid out constellations. Laughing and grinning he flops on the grass surrounded by his rock stars.
Eventually, the hot sun forces him inside as he opts to play some games. Not being bothered enough to move them from his room, he plays up there instead. He doesn’t really play Doom anymore, he’s more into single player stuff now. He does however, take the bottle of rum with him. After a few hours, Danny is solidly fucked up, so much so that he doesn’t hear his sister coming home early. She does however, hear some creepy ass giggling ringing throughout the house. “Christ did someone stuff one of those broken demon Elmo dolls into the walls or something?”. Jazz moves around methodically trying to find the sound just as Danny burst out into another fit of laughs and giggles. He managed to get a famous glitch in his game, one where the characters limbs and head fly and stretch out all over the screen. In his laughter Danny accidentally crushes the rum bottle against his chest, splashing the little remaining rum and glass all over himself. “Aw man....” Danny goes to stand but immediately pitches forwards slamming face first into his wall. Laughing even more erratically, cause he can see himself in the door mirror, Danny just slowly slides down to the floor. Laying in a heap of limbs and laughs.
Jazz meanwhile is standing awkwardly on the other side of his door, somewhat in shock. At first, she thought there was some weird new ghost after Danny but after listening close, “the ghost in you sure shows in funny ways” Jazz mutters quietly. With a soft though unnerved smile on her face Jazz goes back downstairs, looking to make herself some toast but promptly notices the milk jug and very disgusting looking half-eaten cereal. “What the hell was that made with?” She grumbles at the offending cereal, well aware of Danny’s strange taste, as she puts the milk away. “I wonder if his ghost half has anything to do with his tastes” she taps her finger on her chin and shudders, as yet more booming laughter erupts from upstairs. She elects to smell the cereal for clues rather than taste it, cause Plasmius knows what’s in there. Jerking back she realizes that whatever it is, it’s definitely alcoholic. “Where’d you even get that little brother and why” she shakes her head as she goes up to confront Danny. Whom she’s now certain is laughing so much because he’s drunk. And she’s totally right on that part.
Meanwhile, Danny has been intentionally flinging himself around his room, trying to land it the most awkward and absurd positions possible. He’s so utterly plastered that he never even notices all the glass from the rum bottle embedded in his chest, making him bleed profusely. Him flinging himself around isn’t helping either. And his future self will not thank him later for the massive amounts of blood smears everywhere. Not to mention all the knock over things and glass. Eventually, he winds up leaning against the mirror on his door making faces at it and smearing his face around. Resulting in many muffled giggles.
Jazz, standing in front of Danny’s door can actually smell the alcohol through the door now. Scratching her nose she swings the door open, catching Danny totally unprepared as he staggers backwards; straight out the window. Running over to the window she looks down and sees Danny laughing his ass off on the ground covered in blood and glass. She physically shivers from the combination of Danny’s demonic ass laughter and the visuals.
Jazz bolts all the way down the steps and outside, running up to Danny who’s now standing up and wobbling all over the place. Seeing Jazz he shouts “is afff uckin airy! Whooooo!” Throwing his hands up in the air, Jazz runs over and hooks an arm under his right armpit. “Danny what the hell, let’s get you inside before anyone sees” Danny lightly giggles “leds meh to dis lits airy”. Jazz practically has to drag Danny into the house as he flips between muttering about fairies, or “ariy” as he’s calling them, and laughing. Effectively, slowly unnerving Jazz more and more; as well as making her unimpressed with his drunken state. Jazz sets him down at the table and points at the half-eaten rum cereal. “Just how much have you had Danny?” She asks in an unimpressed tone but she’s to creeped out to sound threatening. The only response she gets from Danny is “Is callied it Chuckles” then he sticks his hands out spreading them apparent vertically to about the high of his rum bottle. Jazz isn’t quite sure what he means for a second but then pinches the bridge of her nose. “Christ Danny, and what was it exact-” Jazz gets cut off by the sight of Danny pulling somebody horror shit, spreading his mouth inhumanly wide and straight voreing the entire bowl whole. Rum, cereal, spoon, bowl and all. Jazz having never bared witness to his body horror crap nearly vomits, which causes Danny to go into another fit of laughter. She sickly looks over the counter at him as he laughs himself so hard he falls off the stool. “Ok, now your creepy laugh is also pissing me off. I’m creep out, disgusted, disturbed and angry all at once.” Jazz shakes herself off and tries to push away the lingering shivers Danny’s laugh sends across her skin.
Danny starts crawling forwards on the floor but Jazz rushes over and sits him up on his knees. “Don’t do that” she scolds “you’ll rip yourself up more and-” looking down at the floor “-dear god... make more of a mess”. Turning her head away from Danny, arms still on his shoulders, she mutters “how the hell am I going to clean this up”. Danny chuckles slurring “clench ‘n exbird outwash fix erry”. Jazz just stares at him, “ok, I got bleach but the rest is lost on me”. Danny just shouts “exbird outwash!”. “Danny, what even is that?” Jazz sighs exasperatedly, as Danny starts making gargling sounds but then chokes on his spit. Resulting in yet more laughter. “Einstein, lend me your strength” Jazz groans as she jerks away from the sound of Danny’s laugh.
Eventually, she manages to get Danny sitting upright. Slowly pulling out shards of glass, though Danny is not making that easy. Danny’s rolling his head all over the place, occasionally flailing his arms around, and talking mostly gibberish, interspaced with giggles and laughter. “Danny, I will tail you for a week and throw psychology terms at you, if you ever even consider getting wasted around people who don’t know about this ghost shit.”. Finishing her threat with flawless timing as Danny straight up phases through the floor. Jazz, sighing, gets up to walk down to the lab. Looking around she fails to see him till she hears his wild creepy giggles coming from the ceiling. Looking up she sees Danny dangling with one foot still stuck in the ceiling. “Imma uckin chandii!”. Sighing “ yes Danny you are definitely a chandelier, for sure, 100%”. Danny just shouts “yay!” As he swings his hands up towards the ceiling smashing them so hard Jazz hears cracking and Danny, with a chunk of the ceiling, crashes to the ground. She stares at Danny and mutters “you could kill a many without a second thought and I don’t even think you’d notice the impact...”. Just as Danny rights himself, smashing apart the other bits of ceiling. Which suddenly brings Danny’s fingers into view. “Oh my god Danny, you freaking broke your fingers”. Deciding she’s had enough, Jazz digs through the lab until she finds what she’s looking for. An Ecto-shield blanket, “mom and dad say it’s for keeping out mosquito ghost but it should make a fine Danny burrito”. Jazz walks up behind Danny and quickly wraps the blanket around him. Danny just squirms, falls to his side and starts flopping about like a fish. Sighing Jazz grabs the Fenton fisher anti-ghost fishing line. Line in hand she picks up Danny and walks up to his bedroom. “You need to eat more Danny, and real food not junk food. My textbooks weigh more than you.”. Once in Danny’s room, she ties him to his bed headrest with the ecto-line. Danny naws at it while giggling and making exaggerated chewing and biting sounds.
Jazz attempts to study while she watches her brother and waits for him to sober up. But it’s difficult with all the usual sounds, gibberish and increasingly disturbing laughter. “God, it’s like it gets more and more unnerving the more you hear it”. She mutters into her book, trying her damnest to focus without completely ignoring her inebriated brother.  Eventually, she gives up on that endeavour and elects to inspect the glass she’s managed to get out of Danny’s chest. Fully expecting it to be window glass, she’s shocked to find it's from a bottle. Sticking a few pieces together she realizes it’s from a bottle of rum, high proof rum at that. “Danny what the hell?! How did you even get this! Mom and dad don’t even like rum!”. The only response she gets out of Danny is more giggling. “And how long has this glass even been in your chest! Did you drink the whole thing!” Danny giggles enthusiastically which Jazz takes as a yes. “Danny! That would kill a full grown man!”. This time she actually gets a response out of the drunken lad “Tis tooo lats, ta jib allreds don.”. Jazz groans leaning back in her chair, “even wasted enough to kill a normal person you still make death jokes”.
Things continue on like this for a while till Danny eventually starts to slightly sober up. Which takes an impressive, and scary to Jazz, single hour. “Wyys my handz harts” Rolling his head around “and wyts wit blankie?”. Jazz snorts as she walks over to him, “little bro, you smashed your hands into the ceiling”. Looking up at her, his head limp, “wyys i dos dat?”. Shaking her head, “I really don’t know Danny but it might have something to do with thinking you were a chandelier.”. Danny just looks more confused now, but Jazz, noting his limpness unties him from the headrest and lays him down in bed. “I think you best just sleep, little brother and please, no more laughing”. Danny just tiredly sticks his tongue out at her. Jazz falls asleep herself, knees folded on the ground with her head resting on Danny’s bed.
—Next Morning—
Danny wakes up to a whole lotta pain. “What the...” He trails off as he pushes his blanket off himself, yanking his hands back hissing. “Fuck me” Danny mutters as he looks at his hands, nearly every bone is broken or chipped and his advanced healing has only fucked his fingers up more. Healing them incorrectly in almost every way, “how did I even? and how am I supposed to fix this?”. Then looking down at his chest he groans “seriously? Did I get into a boxing match with a bunch of mirrors or something”. Swinging his legs out of bed he walks to his mirror. He’s peppered in bruises, some that are extremely weird. He has bits of drywall in his hair as well. Shaking his hair out he turns to take in his room and just stares. Half his shit is on the floor or on the opposite side of the room than where it started. Blood is smeared almost everywhere, bits of glass are stabbed in the walls, his window is destroyed and there’s both ecto-line and an ecto-shield blanket on the floor. “Yeah I’m just not going to deal with this now, or possibly ever” Danny mutters as he opens his door with his mouth, keeping his hands up around his chest not quite touching though. As he descends the stairs he’s already thinking of ways to easily just hide the mess but once he reaches the living room his mind blanks. “Oh fuck” he breathes out, seeing a long blood streak on the floor, some glass and bigger bits of drywall.
Danny stares down at his hands, and that’s how Jazz finds him when she steps out of the kitchen. Mop in hand Jazz watches Danny as he stares at his hands muttering to himself, looking horrified. Danny slowly lifts his head up and just mutters at Jazz “what the fuck”.
Inside his head, Danny is just screaming over and over again, because she should not be here and there’s a massive really bad looking mess and he was completely wasted and -. Jazz cuts off his thoughts as she answers him “I don’t really know Danny, you were so messed up I could barely understand anything you said. You called me an “airy”, ate an entire bowl whole, punched a hole in the ceiling while pretending to be a chandelier I think, flung yourself out your window, and I think you stabbed yourself with a bottle of rum.”. Danny just stares at her, his mouth hanging open, so Jazz elects to continue “you were already covered in blood and glass when I got here and there was a bowl of cereal mixed with, what I assumed was, rum. Seriously Danny what the hell and where did you get rum?”. Danny just mutters “uhhhh from the floor”. Jazz crosses her arms “Danny, that makes about as much sense as whatever-” clearing her throat to attempt the make the freakish sounds Danny made “-exbird outwash fix erry” is.”. Danny shakes his head “Wow, sounds like I had fun”. At Jazz’s highly unimpressed face, Danny goes to run a hand across the back of his neck but winces instead. Eyeing Jazz again, he goes for a more serious response. “I guess I’d need context for those, uh, words? And I literally got it from the floor. The bottle was inside the floor.” Danny looks away sheepishly. “You mean to tell me you hid booze in the floor?” Arms crossed stiffly. “Heh, yeah” Danny shrugs “wasn’t really expecting anyone home so soon.”. He finishes. “Clearly, if that had been anyone who didn’t know about you, you’d be in massive trouble. I’m pretty sure you drank the entire thing, which should have been deadly. That combined with everything else...” Jazz trails off as Danny waves a mutilated hand at her “ya ya I get it, I’m lucky it was you”. Jazz sighs grabbing her mop again, “I would tell to help but I know your injured, are your hands going to heal fine?” She asks laced with genuine concern as she starts mopping the blood streaked on the floor. “Well, first you might want some of my hidden mouth wash”. Jazz stares at him “ok what?...is that what you said earlier?!”. Danny shrugs “maybe, expired mouth wash is pretty good as a cleaner”. Danny jumps up through the ceiling startling Jazz, he returns the same way. Flicking a bottle of mouth wash at her, that he was previously held by the cap in his mouth. Jazz, mixing it on the floor, “oh wow that’s just plain weird and I don’t even want to know how you discovered this”. “Yup” Danny says curtly as he looks around for any other damage. “So, your hands?” Danny snaps his head back to her, “Uhh well I’ll have to re-break, like, everything and place it all back the way it’s supposed to be but it should be fine, I think.” Danny says awkwardly. “Danny, Christ, how are you even ok with doing that, none the less how are you going to do it with both hands messed up?” Jazz glares at him, still mopping. Shrugging “uh painfully?”. “Oh my god, Danny.”
Danny sidestepping her gets a bowl, cereal and milk all out with a combination of footwork and his mouth; Jazz watching him all the while as she mops. “That better actually be milk and I’m rather concerned by how good you are at that”. Sitting on the table top Danny pours the milk with his toes. “You’re going to be pissed if I tell you “practice” aren’t you?” Glaring at him as he sits down with his cereal, eating by scooping his tongue around. “Of course, you shouldn’t have a reason to be used to it.”. Danny grunting, “well I do, resident superhero ghost boy here”. Jazz chuckles lightly, which reminds her of something, “hey Danny, has anyone ever told you your laugh is extremely creepy and unnerving?”. Danny coughs on a couple of frootloops, “What? No, why?” Chuckling again Jazz shakes her head “you were laughing, giggling and chuckling like your life depended on it. Genuine laughter too, but for whatever reason, it was spine chilling.” Pausing to look at Danny “you sounded like a demonic broken Elmo doll”. At that Danny chuckles deeply a bit “seriously?”. “Yeah, you even laughed as I tried to fix your wounds and you laughed really hard when you fell out your window and crash into the yard.” Danny chuckling again, Jazz noting that it actually is still slightly creepy but nothing close to before. “Wow that’s got to say something about me, don’t go analyzing me though.”. Rolling her eyes “I’m more focused on fixing your mess Danny, the lab is literally missing a third of its ceiling and I had to tie you to your own bed.”. Danny goes wide-eyed laughing, “so that's why there’s ecto-line on the floor.”. Jazz just shakes her head as Danny continues more seriously “was my laugh all creepy just now?”. Jazz pauses “slightly I guess but nothing like last night. It was like the more you laughed the more completely disturbed I felt. Now your laugh just has the same slight offness it usually does.” Danny looks incredulously at her. Noticing she sighs and stands up, one hand in her hip “Danny, basically everything about you is slightly off or creepy. But it’s so minimal you really have to pay attention to notice at all. And paying attention to you is my sisterly duty.”. Danny rolls his eyes but visibly relaxes some, “geez thanks.”. Jazz sighs as she heads down to the lab to collect the ceiling debris. On her way coming back up she hears cracking sounds. “Hey, Danny what are you doing?”. The cracking stops “uh, fixing my fingers”. Jazz just sighs.
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andersonunleashed · 6 years
I usually don’t get too upset watching @wwe but they took me to a level tonight that has my blood boiling. I’m far from the biggest Bella Twins fan as far as wrestling is concerned (I like them better out of the ring) but I hope Nikki rips R*ndas spine out her ass and feeds it to her. Let’s break this bullshit monologue of hers down.
It all started with the “yes chant,” which I mean come on guys WHO ARE YOU CHANTING FOR!?
Then R*nda screws up her face cause she’s obviously constipated and can’t remember her lines.
R*nda: I tried my best to be respectful.
Well your presence alone is disrespectful but continue.
R*nda: Everything that the divas era stood for made me sick to my stomach.
Hold up, wait a minute! You’ve been here two seconds and you think you changed something? Do you think your showing up magically changed things? Every single girl that has stepped foot in that locker room has worked their ass off to get the womens division where it is today’s from Mae Young to Chyna to Lita to the Bellas to Little Miss Bliss and all the women in between. Even Summer Rae and Eva deserve a shot more than you. I would have been less upset if they said Renee Young was going to be the next champion to not see you’d destroy all the moment you stepped into the arena with your shitty appropriated hairstyle and “tough guy” act. (Seriously, can someone please stop making her look like a stitched up football?) The divas era was about women’s empowerment and trying to get to the main stage to be on top and equal to the men. Without the divas division you’d still be nursing your pride at home after the two second KO—oh are we supposed to pretend that didn’t happen?
R*nda: I try my best to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were just doing the best you could with what you had. And so when you guys came running up to me after wrestlemania—-
I’m gonna stop you right there. They don’t need your benefit of anything. They don’t need your approval. They’ve earned their stripes. You’ve broken two arms and injured at least 3 people and still haven’t actually wrestled in less than a year but somehow are the “champion” it’s you who are a disgrace and it is you who people have tried to give the benefit of the doubt. They literally had NO chances. They MADE their opportunities. These women took and still take risks that will get them fired just to get a shot. You’re right tho they are a disgrace after seriously injuring one person in 12 years compared to your 3 in less than 12 months. As far as then running up to you, you should have seen that coming not just because this is fake but the moment you showed up the girls were trashing your overhyped ass showing up and it was not just the Bellas!
R*nda: I thought how cool are these ladies.
I would just like to point out that you’re sad cause you’re a fan girl and they don’t like you IRL or in the ring. And let’s be real nobody likes a transphobic racist so I don’t blame them.
R*nda: I thought we could be like sister soldiers and persue the same goal that we could be driving forces in the woman’s evolution together.
Sorry, but I need to check my notes. Didn’t you just say, “everything that the divas era stood for made me sick to my stomach.” Now call me crazy but if I hate something you stand for I’m not going to team up with you.
Id like to also note that when Nikki runs her tongue along her teeth like that she’s usually heated and trying not to hit below the jugular which tells me she’s not faking being pissed at this point. She has the shorter temper of the two and scripted or not she’s currently being told everything that she’s been fighting for years by someone who doesn’t deserve to be in the building right now.
R*nda: You guys are the embodiment of a stereotype, DNB.
Bitch, now my wig done flew off my head. You’re gonna tell me that two women who have fought from poverty to where they are now do nothing? First of all, let me direct you to Nikki’s Instagram where you can find just how much of “nothing they do.” And don’t forget everything they do they STILL credit the WWE from their clothing line to their wine collection, they include the WWE. Tell me again, how often do you promote the companies you’ve worked for previously and/or currently. They genuinely love everything about wrestling and show up even if they are told to just sit in the stands and pretend they give a fuck about the trash can that’s taking the spot they and others like them deserve. Let’s get one thing straight, you’re only here as a publicity stunt and as soon ass they can’t make money off of you anymore you’ll be written off or show up less than Lesnar.
R*nda: You weren’t there to support me, you were there cause there was a camera point at me.l and never in my life have I seen such desperation for attention.
That may true it may not be true, but the camera was pointed at them before you were in the ring so it worked didn’t it? But we all know the truth, Vince told them to be there to start the plot line and also promote Total Divas return which is still a hit and Nikki still produces. Unfortunately like RAW you’re ruining that too as we watch the girls being forced to pretend they like you being here. Now if this was pointed only at Nikki then I mean I’d be less annoyed but you’re talking about Brie too. Brie, who would rather be playing with Birdie in her garden than worrying about showing up to something extra just for a camera. Brie, who cried over not breastfeeding because of work. You really think she cares if the cameras stop rolling?
R*nda: blah blah blah minimum amount of talent...
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I would like for you to see one of the baddest female power finishers in the business the Rack Attack and Rack Attack 2.0. Bitch, you couldn’t even execute a Samoan drop properly and have yet to prove that you can do anything other than an arm bar (even in mma you barely won with skill).
R*nda: You leached off of the names of your men.
Again with the “yes” chant guys .. who the fuck are you supporting? The bitch who shows up every week to talk or the girls who only ended up with their men through plot lines when they were either both still new or both huge. There was never a big power dynamic with the exception of Cena being a man so he made more money. Also notice both girls wrestled even when their men weren’t on the show either cause of injury or filming. You see they didn’t need a man to get them their jobs. They didn’t need a man to open their doors. They kicked the doors down and then allowed men to join them. They found success in spite of their men. When they were told no, they didn’t accept it and screamed “yes.” (This audience really needs to learn when to chant .. now is the time for the “yes” chant people!)
R*nda: You plagiarize and dilute their move sets.
Now, I know the Bellas aren’t the most intelligent, in fact they probably had to ask Daniel later what you meant. But sincerely from the bottom our hearts R*nda,
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DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A MOVESET IS OR IS VINCE FEEDING YOU LINES LIKE HE DID LIO RUSH? Cause let me tell you something bitch, the crowd chants “yes” for Brie more than Daniel. And last I checked Nikki is single and still on top without the help of anyone else.
R*nda: You’re not pioneers, you’re callous. You’re relics of the past waiting to be eviscerated like small pox.
Oh sweetie, they didn’t catch any of that. To be honest, you sound like me when I’m practicing my word of the day on the mornings I remember to learn them. This line should have been eradicated from the script.
(Honestly the best scene in this was Nikki looking confused as fuck when she heard and Brie looking for help from the audience.)
R*nda: (nonsense) I can rip your arms off and beat you with them.
A one trick pony’s gotta do what it’s gotta do. If you think anyone is actually scared of you, you have a rude awakening coming your way.
R*nda: *stutters* stoping me is going to be the referee and everyone knows their not very good at holding me back.
You’re right their fake attempts to “hold you back” are about as good as your tongue is at not getting in the way when you speak each week. (Seriously, is there a compilation somewhere?)
R*nda: But you know, I am much more than a pretty face with a deadly body.
Giiiiiiiiiiirl, you didn’t have to tell us those aren’t your best attributes. And don’t get me wrong, you’re not hideous until you open your mouth and release all that hate speech you like to throw out. Your attitude makes you look like the troll in HP: The Sorceres Stone.
R*nda: I will ruin you. Regardless of how much money is poured into marketing you.
None, the answer is none. The only woman who’s getting marketing money is you. You’d know that if you’d been here thought this entire revolution. And not just the tale end of it. Bitch, do you not see that they aren’t even spending money to market Evolution?
R*nda: I will make the name Bella into a four letter word—
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R*nda: blah blah blah societal sore (🙄) blah blah ..
Brie: honestly I’m so distracted by the yes chants AGAIN that I have no clue what she said and can’t be bothered to go back because I’m in BIAS MODE (lol I crack myself up, that was punny). Is R*nda gonna cry?
I did catch Brie reinforce that she’s only talking about R*ndas career here .. Brie, you’re a heel. Heels don’t say nice things sandwiched into mean things. You just stop at career. She doesn’t get credit from you for past things, cause you’re a heel babygirl.
Nikki spits some truth even to those of you who hate her. Honestly, like her or not they did the damn thing and opened doors. Let’s not discredit their work.
R*nda: My entire career I been knocking down doors. (Names irrelevant companies) here at the WWE..
Nobody said you didn’t, just that you haven’t in the WWE. And because Brie is so nice (😒) she has already reminded you that we aren’t discrediting your entire career. But imma stop you right there bitch you’ve done NOTHING for the WWE.
R*nda: The only door you ever knocked down was the door to John Cenas bedroom .. and he eventually threw you out of that exact same door.
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Sit down girls, let mama fix this.
First off bitch, you better buckle the fuck up for this truth I’m about to shit down your throat. You have the audacity to discredit a six year relationship AND slut shame right before a WOMANS EVOLUTION. Sit the fuck back and think about what you just did. Let’s set aside the fact that I wanna take you to the back yardso you can choose your switch for a moment. You claim to be the face of the evolution and yet you stand up here and degrade a woman below the belt ON TELEVISION about her PERSONAL life. Let’s say she did fake the relationship. Wtf does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Don’t sit up here with a holier than thou attitude only to try and make a woman insecure about herself and her relationship.
“But the twins started it,” SHOW ME WHERE AND I’LL TELL THEM OFF TOO! don’t come at me with some heel turn bullshit either.
“But Nikki broke up with John,” FACT BUT IT DOESN’T MAKE THE HEARTBREAK LESS! And honestly that’s a whole other diatribe for me.
“But they ran away,” they got laid a lot of money to runaway and hold off on beating her ass.
There is never an acceptable time for women to talk to other women like R*nda did tonight but adding that it’s so close to Evolution and with all the shit already has so many of us ready to walk away, this was disgusting. I didn’t actually care who won the championship cause I want Bliss to come back and have a real fight for it win or lose but now...Fuck you R*nda, I hope Nikki destroys you and you never come back to the ring.
Let’s just take a second to say, FUCK YOU @wwe for making me side with Corey douchebag Graves.
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imagine-loki · 8 years
TITLE: Magical Mishap  CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 3 AUTHOR: Valarieravenhearst2 ORIGINAL IMAGINE:
imagine if one day Loki just kinda… Poofs into a Cat. Like, think Maine Coon Long-Hair Cat, except he’s somehow managed to turn himself blue and got stuck in a cat form. He can still talk, it’s just now he’s an annoying cat who follows you around wherever you go until you break his accidental magical curse. Shenanigans ensue!!!
“Hey, I’m back.” Kicking the door closed with my arms full I head down the corridor. Loki leaps from the table; dozens of books and scrolls tossed across the floor. “What on earth?” I place my things on the counter and turn back to frown at him. “Have a tantrum did we?” I place my hands on my hips, tapping my foot.
“This is ridiculous.” He seethes. “There’s not one solution for this.”
“I’m sure your mother will know what to do.”
“But she shouldn’t have to! With everything I have, all I know, there should be something. I’ve never needed anyone’s help before.”
“Sweetheart, it’s going to be fine. Swallowing a little of that pride won’t hurt you. You need to learn how to rely on people sometimes.” I pat him from head to tail. “Just be patient hunny.” I turn back around to pack my things away and he follows me into the kitchen. Twirling around my ankles, I struggle to put things away without accidently kicking him. “Is this what it feels like when I’m in your way?” I question, nudging him out of the way of the fridge.
“I don’t know how you manage to be so short.” He muses, jumping onto the counter.
“Well not everyone can be giants, and besides I don’t think you’re in the best position to be preaching about height right now.” I scrunch up the paper bag and throw it at him. His pupils expand, consuming the emerald of his eyes, as he leaps at the paper ball – hitting it across the room and scurrying to follow it.  He runs around the room, playing soccer with the furniture like a frantic little rabbit doped up on meth. I can’t help the laughter erupting from me as I watch him bounce from wall to wall in a blue blur. Well, at least I can get the kitchen done whilst he’s distracted.     After a minute he loses the bag under the fridge; running head first into it. His arms disappear beneath it, trying to retrieve it but he only pushes it further under. “Oh no; the fridge wins.” I giggle and he meows in response; rolling around to gain a new angle.     Leaving him, I begin flittering around the rest of the house to get everything clean. I pack away all his spell books and what-not and begin setting the table as he starts following me around again. Taking the garbage out I have to remember to hold the door open for him so he doesn’t get locked out. Though I thought about it just for the fun of it.
“I’m hungry.” I almost step on his tail as he runs between my legs as I open the fridge. He puts his front paws on the bottom shelf, trying to reach higher.
“What do you want?” I sigh.
“I don’t know, lift me higher so I can see.” He demands with his little voice, so I pick his little blue body up – cradling him like a baby. “Ooo, what’s that?” He points and almost falls out of my arms reaching for the cake that I prepared yesterday.
“No, that’s for tonight.”
“They won’t miss a slice.” He reaches again.
“Yes, they will. And cats don’t eat cake.”
“I’m not technically a cat.”
“You’re still not having it. How ‘bout soup?” He shouldn’t make too much of a mess with that.
“Hmm … no.”  He shakes his little head. “Ooh steak.” He reaches for the T-bones on the next shelf down.  
“And how are you supposed to eat a steak?” I put him on the ground. “Here, there’s leftover mince from spaghetti the other night.” I pile it onto a small plate and pop it in the microwave quickly. “If you haven’t noticed, you don’t have hands and can’t use telekinesis. So you’ll be eating like a cat.” I place the plate in front of him and he looks like I just dropped his food on the floor then picked it up and spat in it. “What? It’s not like you’re eating cat food. You’re just eating without a spoon.” He grumbles before eventually eating ever so carefully, so not to get it stuck in his fur.     He follows me around for the rest of the day, though runs away from the vacuum cleaning, but chases the mop around and keeps slipping on the wet floor. He has a little nap whilst I prepare dinner and when I go to get changed he follows and watches intently – so I throw my shirt at him; knocking him off the bed he gets wrapped up in it and struggles to free himself.     Joanna finally arrives, and I get up with a disheartened sigh. Loki tries to follow but I shut him in the bedroom; I can’t exactly explain a blue talking cat. “Hey!” We both exclaim at the same time; embracing each other in a long overdue hug.
“Oh God, I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” We part so I can welcome her in.
“Oh wow, this place is nice.” She spins, studying her surroundings. “You did good girl.”
“Thank you.” I blush, leading her into the living room/kitchen.
“So, where’s your strapping man I’ve heard so much about?” She smirks, excitement gleam in her chocolate eyes.
“Oh, um…” fuck, “he got called into work; I’m not sure when he’ll get home.” I let my displeasure show and she makes a noise of disappointment.
“Oh well.” She quickly smiles to cheer me up. “Now we can have a girl’s night. Lordy, I’ve missed girl’s nights.” We chat and reminisce for an hour before dinner is ready and as I begin to take it out of the oven the phone rings.
“Lady Calliope, I hope I’m not interrupting.” Thor’s voice booms on the line. “I’m out the front but I noticed you had company and didn’t want to disrupt anything.”  
“Oh,” I try not to act suspicious or overly excited to dash away. “No worries. Um, did … everything go well?” I don’t want Jo to get nosy, I know she’s listening.
“Ah yes…” He sounds unsure. “I did as you asked and she gave me a response for you.”
“Okay good.” I hang up. “…Okay, okay, great, well I’ll see you tomorrow, okay bye now.” I pretend, hanging back up the phone.
“Hey listen, imma run to the bathroom; do you mind just serving I’ll be back in a minute.” I smile at Jo.
“Yeah sure, no worries.” She begins without question whilst I disappear; bypassing the bathroom and opening the front door quietly. Thor looks slightly confused still staring at his phone.
“Sorry.” I smile in greeting. “But she’s nosy and I didn’t want to have to come up with some lie about all this.” He shrugs in understanding, pulling an envelope from his pocket.
“Is Loki back yet?”
“Ah, no.” I’m so tired of lying today. Loki makes it look so easy, I find it to be a lot of effort and tiring. You date the god of mischief and lies, you expect him to do all the lying. “I just sent him out again. We ran out of wine.” I laugh jokingly with what I hope is a pleasant smile. “But he’ll call you tomorrow if you’d like?”
“Alright.” He still looks suspicious as he hands me the letter. “I’ll speak with you tomorrow.” He nods and heads back to Jane’s car. That small thing isn’t meant to contain such a large man. We both wave before I hurry back inside quietly. I sneak into the bedroom where I find Loki kneading his little paws into my cardigan.
“You little…” I threaten to whack him and he leaps up in shock. “Here.” I open the fold and lay the piece of parchment on the bed. “This better turn you back.” He begins reading intently. “And you owe me a new cardigan!” I hiss and exit, shutting the door over behind me. I paste on a smile as I walk back into the kitchen just as Jo is bringing plates to the table. “So where were we?” We pick up our conversation through dinner, though as the clock ticks on concern begins to tap at the back of my mind as Loki still is yet to emerge. What if it didn’t work?
“But enough about me.” Joanna interrupts my worry from festering. “So tell me about your man?” She grins wickedly. “From the very few photos I’ve seen, he’s quite a looker.” She gives a frustrated sigh.
“Yeah well, he doesn’t like photos.” I pick at my plate. “But yes he is ‘quite a looker’.” I return her smile. “He’s too gorgeous for his own good.” I roll my eyes. “Just wait till you hear him speak; he’s got a voice like an angel.” I chuckle, sipping what’s left of my wine. “He’s intelligent and charming, with an ego the size of Mars ‘cause he knows it.”
“Ooh, controlling?”
“Nah,” I smile to myself playing with my glass, “he just … he has a sense of power, this confidence … he likes to be in charge; he’s good at it. But with me, he has this … sensitive side. Sure he can be a cocky bastard that makes me want to hit him over the head with a pan. But he can truly be the definition of prince charming.” I smile genuinely at the table, unable to help the smile spreading my lips wide.
“I can’t remember the last time I saw you this happy.” I shrug, the blood rushing to my cheeks. “You love him?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“I love you too.” That sultry voice finally enters the room. I turn, a sigh escaping my lips, as I gaze upon his divine godly body, clad in that black suit that makes me undoubtedly aroused. He sheds the jacket, loosening the tie as he leaves it on the lounge. “I apologize for my lateness.” He gives me a quick, though lingering kiss, before smiling that thousand watt smile at Jo. “You must be Joanna, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you finally.” He kisses her hand and he mouth drops open in an unfathomable smile.
“Oh sweet mother of god.” She sighs with a southern accent. “Are you for real?” She gawks at me. “Where’d you get him and where can I get one?” She beams at him, not the slightest bit embarrassed. “Can I just have him?”
“No, he’s mine.” I give him my best seductive/possessive look; though it’s no match for his. He chuckles as he walks around to the kitchen.
“Can I get you, ladies, another drink?”
“Please.” Joanna turns in her seat to study him in detail. “Lordy, you’re the luckiest person I know.” She addresses me with a chortle.
“Oh no, I’m the lucky one.” He brings over a new bottle of wine. “I’ve never been more blessed than the day I met her.” He takes the seat next to me and I give him a narrowing gaze.
“How long have you been home?” I arch my brows and he smirks.
“A few minutes.” He admits. “But your conversation was so riveting I thought I’d just listen for a bit.” He grins mischievously before leaning in to deliver a more passionate kiss.
“Oh, of course, it bloody was.” I shove him playfully. “Anything about you is riveting.”
“Only the good things.” He takes a sip of wine.
“Seriously where’d you come from? Heaven? You read him out of a book didn’t you?” She points her finger at me accusingly. “Is this like Rocky Horror? Did you create him in a lab? Can you make me one?”
“Please, Love. I’m really not that perfect.”
“Well, sir that’s definitely up for debate.”
“Well, you can debate it later. But now I finally have you here, you must tell me stories of my Calliope growing up. I’m yet to hear anything slightly embarrassing.”
“My friend you’ve come to the right place.” She reclines in her chair as if she’s a sort out oracle proud to be of service.
“Don’t you dare,” I warn. But alas, any preventions of me stopping her from continuing are futile. So for the rest of the night, the three of us retreated to the lounge, laughing to the point of tears, with my face burning red from the recitation of all my embarrassing failures.      By midnight Jo falls asleep on the lounge whilst Loki and I retreat to the bedroom. I stand on my tippy-toes facing him, my fingers skimming through his raven hair, just reaching his shoulders. “Now want have we learnt today?” I question as his hands grab my waist.
“Not to dabble with ancient magic so arrogantly.”
“And it’s okay to ask for help; and that evidently I don’t know everything, and I would be lost without you.” His lips greet mine greedily after spending two days apart; our tongues dancing to a heated rhythm. “And that you were a clumsy child who often got herself into an unfathomable and unfortunate situation.” He chuckles as I hit him, but he quickly scoops me up and lays me on the bed. “And also, that I’m the luckiest person in the world to be able to call you mine.”
“Damn right you are.” We giggle as we continue to kiss, leading into more serious foreplay. “I love you.” I moan as he nibbles down my jawline whilst removing what’s left of my clothing.
“I love you.” His lips meet mine once more before continuing their journey down my body.
“And I definitely like you in this form better. How ‘bout we just buy a cat next time.”
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