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silvestromedia · 8 months ago
Sr. Angèle Gapio braves danger to teach nonviolent communication in Congo via @sistersreport
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444names · 2 years ago
roman emperors and russian forenames + fijian names
Abaisa Abamili Abarinov Abaulia Abauraki Abdakor Abduvenéi Abduvuni Abell Aberina Abert Abilitaly Abium Abiuvunia Abolavvauli Aborontina Adifo Adikha Adius Adiya Adotecian Adraterosei Afoduvunika Agafonsteli Agapan Agarcina Agart Agicevunir Agici Agnustinus Alavdi Albataina Alesia Alevei Alivenia Alluseveli Alody Alomerea Alomiloduva Aloraid Aluikt Anikoterena Aniktogdana Anila Aninia Anyan Arakalavena Arakovivena Ariacha Asavala Atagargy Ataladia Atone Atuicama Aureph Avaki Avalesi Avdanian Avdos Aveikanini Avekh Avekibakia Avelav Avena Avene Avesei Avesimilia Avespa Avgus Avidan Avidim Avikea Avilosia Avinax Avitinir Aviveta Avkse Avlikiriani Avolofey Avrea Avreapi Avrena Avrorisoi Avsip Avtorina Avtoromius Avudia Avuduvu Avuliandy Avunika Avvai Avvalus Avvauripa Baleka Balulonoana Bamajohn Biewaqanikh Boklomotr Bolody Bosim Boyah Brambaste Buavksi Bukamuamana Caktonivaki Calavunies Calena Calesia Caman Cariana Casefa Caveniuvena Clawaikh Clesai Colewai Comuamasi Conica Conigurin Dakaca Dakata Daksi Dakumirina Dariya Daurel Difonoana Dimert Dimou Dulibatinax Duvalekat Ecicica Elaraka Elenici Elisla Eliya Emila Emmocini Epenjus Ephia Eramar Erigamaia Eslaya Flomarin Flordi Florisaije Floslaga Gafina Gafini Galibela Gamaikoty Gaperus Gapio Gariscus Gavivon Gavuka Gelina Gelybra Genadomai Gennau Geopentia Glyce Goran Gorinacha Gratelius Griania Grikh Heonstaukir Hocini Iesikatia Igaruwana Igoni Ilaia Iliusel Inilya Irabasir Iraijan Ireli Irises Ischa Iseiantima Islavenai Ivena Ivetraian Jiose Joase Jonaiwalekh Joria Josipavgus Jostan Joves Juliuseanus Kachela Kacus Katokalu Kauraki Kobieta Koivaka Kolgafi Konilyara Konstinermo Kothor Kovudom Laitana Laniva Lanya Lastianti Lavgus Lekamius Lemily Lenacia Lereasivita Lerinasippi Leserus Lexion Liangenia Libateri Libery Ligataleon Ligus Linatianisa Linilanya Linisa Liseni Livaro Livivy Lolalusi Lolosy Loniilia Ludomerea Lulla Lumbali Lumekiro Lumieracus Maclianya Mafoniqolo Magap Maisavia Majarius Makat Manadelisa Manaselyan Maniesevaka Manika Manim Mantinadian Maraks Marase Marisoniva Masilian Mastaiwa Matekamili Matermoclav Maxey Maxionini Medisifan Mekir Merentin Meria Mietaly Mikatai Milauressa Mstabauri Mstinoria Nadius Nadora Naiamau Nakiton Nasikea Natagalori Natele Natubua Nauluci Niantini Nielavou Nigarip Niilinodos Nivina Okorabury Olaulalo Olavir Olaya Olomilani Omediy Omicely Ovulerey Pasavalla Pasila Pasitaili Pavian Pecamons Pecia Pelia Penivale Penéi Petantobu Polies Polom Polor Prosla Qabduvu Qaleonstina Qantinori Qarataratin Qerenika Qeries Quisonovi Rabaiwaik Rabdus Rabuadimoty Racaku Racha Racolotos Radala Radereania Radius Radmikh Radorislaga Raije Raitan Rakia Ramilia Rasav Raterinasi Ratone Ratorgy Raviana Rebauniesoi Relinoasio Reventy Rigafoni Robervanai Roivakiya Rokaly Romma Ronommons Rosenerea Roslan Rustalu Sapolody Savito Seintin Selian Selil Selinaiana Senadifoa Sentinoni Serentia Serewenus Serina Serus Seruwaqa Sevakui Silla Sivolanisla Sobeleodos Sobietr Sonom Sonovelifa Stavva Stereba Stilai Stimeretra Stina Stini Stius Svimo Tabda Tachadaniko Taili Taislarac Talieto Tasilomir Tasita Tasiusta Tatagara Tatai Tatemmartya Tawaqa Tawaqabusel Telena Thelius Themius Theodory Thola Thonisi Thora Tiliba Tilinustim Timocleni Tiniermo Tinikamir Tiustiakina Togapeta Tomito Tonaitor Tonermofaki Tradim Tubasiani Tubuliy Tuitra Tukam Tulli Tulustina Tuvenéi Ularisalo Umerus Vagieli Vaiwaijes Vakianius Valbagafa Valekin Valereboks Vastalola Veinad Vekeptius Vekiaki Vekit Venasy Venka Venodorina Ventiana Vesapolom Vetry Viteka Vitoga Vivitons Volici Vonikinatia Vseika Vserky Vsigafilav Waika Waila Wanika Wantia Wijah Wijeslavia Yegorelevu Yegorisigus Yuboya Yubuky Zenjuba Zenjus Zoeani Zoradius
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rudrjobdesk · 3 years ago
दुनिया को कोविड-19 वैक्सीन सप्लाई करने पर डॉ. हर्षवर्धन बोले-विनिर्माण का बड़ा केन्द्र बन रहा भारत
दुनिया को कोविड-19 वैक्सीन सप्लाई करने पर डॉ. हर्षवर्धन बोले-विनिर्माण का बड़ा केन्द्र बन रहा भारत
नई दिल्ली. केन्द्रीय स्वास्थ्य और परिवारकल्याण मंत्री डॉ. हर्ष वर्धन (Dr. Harsh Vardhan) ने कोविड-19 महामारी पर नियंत्रण के लिए सरकारी प्रयासों का सराहना की है. भारत कोविड-19 (COVID-19) से संबंधित विभिन्न मानदंडों के अनुरूप बेहतर काम करने में कामयाब रहा है. हमने विश्व भर में लगातार न्यू��तम मृत्यु दर और उच्चतम रिकवरी दर बनाए रखी. स्वास्थ्य मंत्री ने वैज्ञानिकों के योगदान का उल्लेख करते हुए कहा,…
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recondite-querencia · 5 years ago
Dharamshala: Once His Holiness the Dalai Lama had taken his seat this morning, he was welcomed to today’s virtual conversation by Dr Anupam Sibal, President of the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) and Dr Akshay Anand, … Continued
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newstimes-blog · 6 years ago
Interview with Dr. (Prof.) Raju Vaishya
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Dr. (Prof.) Raju Vaishya , a surgeon of international repute, is best known for his swift surgical skill in the field of Orthopedic & Joint Replacement. He has been working at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi as a professor and senior consultant for the last 23 years having total working experience of over 35 years.
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Dr. Raju Vaishya is currently in Tashkent to participate in the 10th International Conference of the Orthopaedic Association of SAARC Countries (OASAC).
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Dr. Raju Vaishya is Editor-in Chief of Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma (2019–21) and Assistant Editor of Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. Apart from his distinguished clinical work in the field of arthroscopic and joint replacement surgery, he is well known for his academic contributions. He has more than 150 published articles in various International and national peer-reviewed medical journals and has been regularly invited to give lectures, chairing sessions,etc. in Orthopaedic conferences around the world. His work was recognized in the Limca book of records in 2012, 2013 & 2015 for doing bilateral Total Knee Replacement in 93 years old gentleman, bilateral Total Knee Replacement in the oldest couple in a single sitting, ACL reconstruction on oldest man.
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Here is an interview with Prof. (Dr.) Raju Vaishya.
What are the changes you find in healthcare sector?
There is a sea change as far as patients’ awareness is concerned. They have various options like google search machine etc. of searching doctors and gaining some knowledge before coming to doctors. Things are changing very fast.
What are the challenges as a healthcare provider?
Need to understand the patient’s problem, expectations and provide an amicable solution, holistically.
According to you, What is the most important aspect of the healthcare to be focused?
Lot of emphasis needs to given for preventive medicine than the curative therapy, as ‘prevention is always better than cure’.
What are the steps Government should initiate to provide quality healthcare to the masses?
National programs to improve the sanitation, to provide clean and safer water, basic education to children about the health, safer roads and working environment for workers and laborers. Government should also provide the healthcare facilities within easy reach to all the population across India.
What is your opinion so far corporatization is concerned?
Corporatization should be taken as a blessings and boon for the Indians. A lot of new technologies have been transferred as a result highly professionals retain in our country. Instead of brain drain it has become a brain gain a reverse trend.
What is future of medical tourism?
A. It is a good concept and successful one. Patients from other countries visit Indian and also take treatment which have been cheaper in comparison to their states. It has a lot of potential to boost the healthcare business. India on move, many things will be happening in years to come.
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          Dr. RAju Vaishya receiving prestigious “SIEMENS-GAPIO Innovation        
         Award in Medicine during inauguration of the Global Health Summit, 2018
As a successful doctor, what is the secret of your success?
Passion, dedication and honesty towards the profession.
How do you take your career as a doctor?
It is a very noble profession and gives us the opportunity to heal the sufferings of people.
Usually, doctors have more or less hectic schedule of clinical activities, how do you balance between your work and family?
It is often very difficult to keep a strict balance between the professional work and the family commitments, as a doctor. But an efficient time management can help in coming over this challenge.
What are your hobbies? How do you find times for those?
I like sports like playing Lawn tennis, Table tennis, Swimming and watching Cricket. Medical research and publication is another passion and hobby for me.
Had you not been doctor, what would you have been?
What makes you happy or satisfied?
Relieving peoples’ sufferings to the best of my abilities and a happy & supportive family.
How do you see yourself after 10 years from now?
A. Would love to retire from an active clinical practice, but would provide guidance, teaching and social work for the younger doctors and general public.
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                 Dr. Raju Vaishya receiving award from Dr Prathap C Reddy
Any event in your life, professional or personal which has influenced you most?
Meeting, Dr Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo group of hospitals in London (in 1989), when I was working in UK. He showed a glimpse of hope and light of better healthcare opportunity in India. This helped me in returning back home to serve the needy people of India. And there has been no looking back since then.
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indiaepost · 2 years ago
GAPIO- Award for the PGI faculty
IEP Chandigarh PGI faculty has again brought laurels to the institute by bagging awards by the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO). Dr Ajay Duseja, Professor and Head of the Hepatology department, has been conferred with prestigious GAPIO- Dr. IA Modi Award in the Distinguished Category.  The awards were given by the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare and…
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rmsarogyalam · 2 years ago
Vaccines are one of the most effective to protect infants, children, and pregnant women from diseases & mortality.
Govt of India under its Universal Immunization Programme provides vaccination free of cost against 12 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.
Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.
GAPIO appeals to get immunized and stay protected for a Long Life!
@boyapatisyamala @rmsarogyalam
@anjaneyuluPilladi @SatishAndhra_YB
#GAPIO #Diptheria #Measles #Tetanus
#hepatitis #WorldImmunizationDay
#Yoga #Ayurveda #Naturopathy #YogaSecrets
#SuryaNamaskar #freeImmunity #Pranayama
#YogaTherapy #YogicTechniques
#ShatKriyas #shatkarmas #Yogakriyas
#Bastrika #Kapalabati #AnulomaViloma
#Bahya #Tribanda #Brahmari #Udgeeth
#Ujjayi #Pranava #InhaleExhale
#Kumbakas #Jalaneti #Sutraneti
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anjiyogi1baba · 2 years ago
Vaccines are one of the most effective to protect infants, children, and pregnant women from diseases & mortality.
Govt of India under its Universal Immunization Programme provides vaccination free of cost against 12 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.
Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.
GAPIO appeals to get immunized and stay protected for a Long Life!
@boyapatisyamala @rmsarogyalam
@anjaneyuluPilladi @SatishAndhra_YB
#GAPIO #Diptheria #Measles #Tetanus
#hepatitis #WorldImmunizationDay
#Yoga #Ayurveda #Naturopathy #YogaSecrets
#SuryaNamaskar #freeImmunity #Pranayama
#YogaTherapy #YogicTechniques
#ShatKriyas #shatkarmas #Yogakriyas
#Bastrika #Kapalabati #AnulomaViloma
#Bahya #Tribanda #Brahmari #Udgeeth
#Ujjayi #Pranava #InhaleExhale
#Kumbakas #Jalaneti #Sutraneti
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drsandeepchatrath · 5 years ago
Leadership Development Program GAPIO delivered Chairperson talk...
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444names · 3 years ago
russian and spanish forenames BUT excluding "h"
Aardoncian Aarin Ababean Abdado Abdula Abianodio Abidislar Abiedo Abigap Abilixto Ablaida Ablisla Abnor Abrica Abrilav Abrina Abundo Abureda Aburen Adida Adolo Adorgy Agafico Agafoksa Agalionza Agapio Agapitana Agavgue Agrosery Aguarinay Aguelaur Aidanda Ailad Aitosefian Aladaya Alauredare Albery Alens Aleona Alermaely Alertel Alfris Alian Aliandy Alieleia Alion Allerto Alode Alono Aluca Alupe Alvia Amantya Amargy Amilado Amina Aminan Aminti Amirode Ampabra Anakirod Ancia Andro Angalilya Angenkatyo Angero Anida Antim Antina Arcestiv Arciotr Arenrio Ariniila Arlaro Audinov Augui Aulia Aulisana Avdayte Avdely Avdialina Avdoraul Avena Avenikata Avenna Avessa Avesti Avetan Avguela Avgurotan Avgustiana Aviandiel Avicarodiy Avicatia Avikat Avion Avionna Avksa Avlavivita Avolavks Avolibergy Avrebago Avrelisa Avrenado Avrocia Avsefa Avuncio Avvakon Avvakona Bario Becio Belad Belda Belena Belia Benrin Beraul Berena Beres Bermoily Blavksa Bonando Brado Brina Brines Calbela Calito Carievo Casobor Celiolego Ciano Cisladado Clanasca Claya Cobenka Cobieday Cobor Cobunda Colfon Conovan Crigon Dadio Dalian Dalil Dalvica Damirja Dandote Dante Dantina Davdeldes Delio Delorto Didakira Didiola Didisco Dimela Dmiraim Dmirodo Dmuron Domayagafo Dordo Edadomar Edgapiya Edmilavit Edmira Edmurafo Efiya Ekarmeleo Elion Elleton Emana Eriano Esarkya Essia Estero Esulian Eufey Evaleoda Eventos Fabda Facin Faciono Facionsope Fadosue Faelinata Fakiya Fedgapilor Fedim Felanton Feleo Felia Feliyania Felleo Ferana Ferna Ferto Fertyo Filya Flonina Freagernes Frodo Frosy Fulcon Fulejacio Fulia Fulianday Gafacia Gafana Gapio Gapyomonio Gardoriqui Gario Geliela Geloy Gemil Genanil Genka Genkatom Gnada Gnicias Goramundo Greya Grina Gustiana Igavva Ilily Ilionsor Inanato Intia Isaleono Isila Islado Islana Istita Itanaro Itoritonza Ivado Ivaliando Jacio Javeta Joaquiel Jongellen Jonora Joscunikto Josegusti Joses Josilida Josla Juadra Jualdey Jualta Juandro Juaniacido Jubelian Jullana Katjanuel Kebra Kebrinia Kitebenria Konia Kovievada Laurafon Lavdianas Lavim Lavundo Ledmiraqui Lenicion Lenir Leodo Lerena Lismana Ljuana Ljuania Ljubor Lomigapiya Lorayan Lorey Loribar Luberque Lubert Lubogdan Luboge Lucio Luinto Lukya Lundavto Lundy Lupedan Magafa Mancio Manya Marceca Marciseven Mardikatan Mardosla Marintin Mariy Marlorean Marmai Marogel Marto Mastina Masto Maximons Menria Merad Mericobel Minel Minifilda Minimurair Minma Mirel Mirey Mirinesana Mirio Miromira Modam Moila Moisa Moledga Molomel Monger Monnalia Moter Munia Narcia Naria Narin Nasia Nestan Nianata Nicarcio Nietter Nifica Nisipe Nitlad Nueta Ofelavva Okliana Oleodymy Olexey Olfongor Orelian Osianila Oslal Oslas Oswalia Pabio Panomon Paqueta Parteo Pasip Pateons Patry Paura Paviya Pavva Pieda Pietla Pionom Pitome Poledgap Puradis Racio Racque Radercenka Radiso Rairo Raito Rambela Ramelito Rando Rasidady Rator Ratricion Rensustita Rentina Robercio Rodes Rodray Rogdaik Roilia Roladions Rolia Rosabam Rosey Rosuetaso Roxan Rubercito Rundrad Rusta Rutoldo Saarcenia Salistan Salvikt Sefanarcia Seodora Seriz Sneofeliya Sodymyr Stanito Stina Sventomila Tadorilay Tefina Teonsto Tilacio Timarod Tinara Tolio Tonnada Trian Triciel Tricio Ulayotr Ulian Ulidey Unadel Undina Vadalaw Vadonin Vadracio Vanasodo Vasidades Velicor Vessim Vetasio Viana Vicio Vicion Videbea Vidio Vimira Viotasian Vivia Vlado Vlarte Vlian Vsegure Ximenermir Yefakir Yefila Yurebato Zucio
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getbookmarking · 5 years ago
GAPIO - Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin https://tinyurl.com/y9fr6muj #SEO #Backlinks #Onlinemarketing #entrepreneur #trending #influencer #followback #today #trends #business #growthhacking #promotion #tumblrquotes #tumblrpics #tumblrpoetry #tumblrfashion #tumblrs #tumblrlife #tumblr #tumblrposts #tumblraesthetics #tumblrpost #tumblraesthetic #tumblr👽 #tumblrtextpost
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newstimes-blog · 6 years ago
Orthopaedic Surgeon Father and Son Received Best Research Paper Publication Awards
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New Delhi, May 10, 2019. Renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon and Medical Researcher Dr. (Prof.) Raju Vaishya and his Orthopaedic Surgeon son, Dr. Abhishek Vaish were conferred the ‘Best paper publication awards”, the most prestigious Awards of Apollo group of Hospitals, by its Chairman, Dr. Prathap C. Reddy.
The award along with a citation was given to Dr. Raju Vaishya and Dr. Abhishek Vaishya during a glorious function organized at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals this week. The function was attended by a large number of distinguished doctors and healthcare professionals. These awards are given on behalf of Apollo Hospital Education Research Foundation (AHERF).
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Dr. Raju Vaishya has once again received a maximum number of 30 awards for his research papers published in 2018, which were the maximum in the whole group of hospitals. He was also awarded the adjunct title of Professor in this function.
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Dr. Abhishek Vaish also received the award for his paper on 3D printing in complex orthopedic fracture cases. Dr.Abhishek Vaish is a consultant orthopedic surgeon at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi. He has completed top five master degrees in Orthopaedics (MS Orth, MCh Orth, Dip. SICOT, DNB (Ortho) and MNAMS) in only 30 years of age. He has worked as Senior Resident Orthopaedics in Central Institute of Orthopaedics, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi and in Kent, UK, before joining the Apollo group of hospitals. He is also credited with 70 publications in various reputed medical journals and has authored many chapters in the medical books.
Dr. Raju Vaishya is one of the most prolific and well-known researchers in the Orthopaedic community of India. He has more than 350 publications to his credit, in the various reputed International and National journals and has also authored many books and chapters. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the reputed Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma. Also, he is on the Editorial Board and Reviewer of several other well- known medical journals.
Dr Vaishya is also the recipient of several other distinguished awards like Dr. B.C. Roy Oration Award and Gold medal, Siemens-GAPIO innovation award in Medicine, Pride of Asia International Award, Vijaya Raje Scindia Excellence award, Professor’s gold medal for the best research at Oswestry, University of Birmingham, UK and the Best Researcher IRJULA title awards. The world famous Royal College of Surgeons of England had also conferred on him FRCS.
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ashraf10897 · 6 years ago
Inaugurating the 13th Global Healthcare Summit organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) and Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), in Hyderabad, Naidu advised the doctors to take active interest in the functioning of PHCs in their villages and help to improve them.
Pointing out that nearly 86 per cent of all the medical visits in India are made by people living in rural areas with majority required to travel long distances, the Vice President called for paying greater attention to the PHCs, which play a pivotal role in building a robust low cost healthcare system.
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smestreet · 6 years ago
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu Urged Doctors of Indian Diaspora to Contribute in Rural Health Services
Vice President #VenkaiahNaidu Urged Doctors of Indian Diaspora to Contribute in Rural #Health Services #Healthcare
Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu has urged doctors belonging to the Indian diaspora to give back to the society by adopting their native villages and strengthening Primary Health Centres (PHCs).
Inaugurating the 13th Global Healthcare Summit organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) and Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), in…
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rmsarogyalam · 2 years ago
Vaccines are one of the most effective to protect infants, children, and pregnant women from diseases & mortality.
Govt of India under its Universal Immunization Programme provides vaccination free of cost against 12 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.
Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.
GAPIO appeals to get immunized and stay protected for a Long Life!
@boyapatisyamala @rmsarogyalam
@anjaneyuluPilladi @SatishAndhra_YB
#GAPIO #Diptheria #Measles #Tetanus
#hepatitis #WorldImmunizationDay
#Yoga #Ayurveda #Naturopathy #YogaSecrets
#SuryaNamaskar #freeImmunity #Pranayama
#YogaTherapy #YogicTechniques
#ShatKriyas #shatkarmas #Yogakriyas
#Bastrika #Kapalabati #AnulomaViloma
#Bahya #Tribanda #Brahmari #Udgeeth
#Ujjayi #Pranava #InhaleExhale
#Kumbakas #Jalaneti #Sutraneti
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princeashy · 6 years ago
Dr Raju Vaishya received “Innovation Award in Medicine” - APN News
Dr Raju Vaishya received “Innovation Award in Medicine” – APN News
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Real Estate sector Expect growth momentum in 2019
Dr Raju Vaishya received “Innovation Award in Medicine”
Published on December 29, 2018
New Delhi : The prestigious “SIEMENS-GAPIO Innovation Award in Medicine” was conferred on Dr Raju Vaishya, a well known Orthopaedic Surgeon during inauguration of the Global Health Summit, 2018 organized by Global Association of…
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