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ur-daily-inspiration · 2 days ago
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the-wolf-and-moon · 2 days ago
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Clusters M35 and NGC 2158
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spacewonder19 · 1 day ago
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Cosmic Cathedral, NGC 6357 ©
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miniiinebulaee · 3 days ago
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New creature feature just dropped. Cosmic dragon worm thingy
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oatslemonade · 3 days ago
I've been thinking about this post and realized I posted my thoughts about "How the Multiverse works" around 2023. So I have been thinking how/why the Balance works.
Link to the AO3 post
But I also wanted to expand on my thoughts since then. What can I say, I love world building.
I do regret not not bookmarking/screenshot older theories I came across. These theories, are foggy memories that have stuck with me.
1) AU Galaxy Theory.
*Each AU is their own "Galaxy". If everything is balanced, then it doesn't move, and thus stable. But will start to drift if there's too much Positive or Negative energy. And like real Galaxies in space, they can collide with another AU. Crashing both AUs. Which could cause a huge Domino effect and destroy everything in a "black hole".
* If you follow the Multi - Multiverse idea, that each set of "God's/Guardians" is their own Multiverse, same idea.
2) Toxic Positivity
* Nightmare keeps track of the Negativity, so Toxic Positivity doesn't corrupt Dream.
* This is a great reason to show Nightmare doing all the paperwork.
* There was a YouTube short I came across, I think it was Doctor Who, but a good example of extreme Toxic Positivity, is eliminating anyone that shows any negative emotions. The clip showed a person finding out their close relative died, they showed grief and were taken away to be eliminated.
3) Restricted Space/Multiverse Growth
* Some Multiverses have a set amount of space to create AUs in. That's the reason why Error must destroy the weak/unstable AUs. Because if another AU crashes into the Original Undertale, everything gets destroyed.
* Other Multiverses, work on the "Expanding Universe Theory". But the Universe expansion is not quick, so even then AU creation and growth should not be rushed. Like a balloon. If you inflate it too quickly, it will explode.
4) The Food chain/Circle of Life
* There was an interesting case in one of the USA's National Parks. The wolves were hunted out of the park. The herbivores and plant life started to get weak. The herbivores overpopulated and the plants started to disappear. When the conservationists reintroduce wolves back into the National Park, the entire ecosystem became healthy. The weak/diseased herbivores were eaten, and the plant life came back much, much more healthy and thriving.
* Take that into a fanfiction setting, it can also apply. Such as waking up an AU to strengthen their military, to be more prepared for the Human.
Came across a post that had a stupid comment so I had to say something. (Also using just a general “you,” so this is not targeted at anyone in particular reading this.)
You guys cannot claim that the Bad Sanses are not something like terrorists when yall have been portraying them like that for years now, but have just simply refused to acknowledge it or take it seriously, then get pissy when people say what they are or do think critically about it and portray it seriously.
Yall cannot depict and write them constantly going on “missions” specifically to terrorize, torture, destroy, invade, and kill an entire AU’s closest population/underground for the purposes of generating and spreading negativity—to maintain a supposed “balance” of negativity and positivity that this gang’s leader (who’s the one planning out and maybe even leading all the attacks) claims is why they’re doing all that in all the fanfics—and then get upset or act surprised or offended when people acknowledge that they’re not just some random ass friend group, or polycule, or found family.
Saying “it’s just their job!! They have to maintain the balance!”” not only doesn’t excuse what they do, just explains why they believe they have to, but also some of yall refuse to have nightmare and the gang explore other alternatives or even acknowledge that they did try to explore alternatives but all of those failed for some reason and so they believe this is their only option.
Or ya know. Just ignore all that completely and come up with other reasons why all these characters are all in the same place at the same time living together and giving a shit about eachother. Nothing wrong with that idea.
The Bad Sanses are almost, if not entirely, a completely fanon concept. They’re not canon, the whole bad sanses vs star Sanses was also never supposed to be canon either, which is why the creators involved never took it seriously and that attitude rubbed off on the fandom.
So if people get the impression that they’re like terrorists and write them as such, ya know cuz all the characters involved are all literally canonical murderers and one of them is literally a corrupted thing of negativity, then there really shouldn’t be anyone acting surprised or offended. That did not just come out nowhere for no reason.
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mim70 · 1 day ago
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Sumgait, Azerbaijan
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spacetelescopescience · 2 days ago
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NEW: Hubble is studying a swarm of 36 dwarf galaxies that orbit our neighboring Andromeda Galaxy. The dwarf galaxies are evidence that Andromeda has had a more dynamic history than our Milky Way galaxy: https://bit.ly/4bswtsl
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spacevoyagerx · 7 hours ago
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Omega Nebula
The Omega Nebula, also known as Messier 17 (M17) or the Swan Nebula, is a magnificent star-forming region located in the constellation Sagittarius. It is one of the most famous and iconic nebulae in the night sky, known for its distinctive swan-like shape and vibrant colors.
It is approximately 5,000 light-years away from Earth.
The Omega Nebula gets its name from its resemblance to the Greek letter Omega (Ω). It has a distinctive, elongated shape and is often depicted in images as a colorful cloud of gas and dust.
The nebula is a region of active star formation, containing many young, massive stars. The intense radiation from these stars ionizes the surrounding gas, causing it to glow. It spans about 15 light-years across.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA and J. Hester (ASU)
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sushi11 · 3 days ago
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The Beehive Cluster, 600 light-years away from us. © space8K
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starstrucktoby · 3 days ago
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Jupiter Abyss
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the-wolf-and-moon · 1 day ago
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Heart of Pluto
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spacewonder19 · 2 days ago
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Martian polar ice caps © ESA
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docprof · 2 days ago
Happy Mahashivaratri to those who celebrated Infinite Shiva
Esoteric Shiva - Infinite Mind Body Animals - MahaShivaratri
Om Namah Shivaya means to let go of the identification to the limited mind body and surrender to oneness with the Infinite (Shiva)
- Dr Devang H Dattani
- Infinite SriSriSri DDD
See funny cute animals birds nature landscape panorama mind body Video
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite Sri Sri Sri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
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die-rosastrasse · 10 months ago
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Various stars & moon details from my gouache paintings 🌙✨
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surpriseimbored · 11 months ago
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Fun fact of the day
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