#Fyodor: *murder intensifies*
authorcacao · 2 years
In light of the tragic events of the Meuresalt(?) chapters, I present you with two things that murder me whenever I get reminded of Dead Apple.
First, Dazai disappears in front of Ango as if he's some ninja-edgelord in front of Bar Lupin. He's basically saying "catch me if you can" and then ditching him in the fog. Keep in mind that Ango is permanently sleep-deprived. Like, this man probably thinks 20 minute naps are actual moments of sleep.
Ango: This is why we can't have NICE THINGS.
Ango: *deep breath* *dials up one of his last resorts*
Ango: You owe me one. Help me with this because your ex is in danger after pulling some shit.
Chuuya: Uno reverse bitch, you owe me. This is shit you fuckin' caused.
And poor Ango's day just gets worse. The city clean up afterwards still can't clean up his sleep schedule lmao.
And the second? All these masterminding hoes have coordinated outfits. Shibusawa took out time during his planning for mass murder to take measurements for this. This man really said "on World Domination Wednesday's, we wear white."
Shibusawa, inviting them into his HQ: Get in losers, we're going to commit mass murder!
Shibusawa: *holds out outfits* You both have to wear these.
Shibusawa: I'm not committing mass murder with either of you when you're wearing coats that you haven't washed in years.
Dazai and Fyodor: *now 100% planning to murder this man*
Dazai: *secretly offended because white isn't his color, damn it*
Help me, behind the scenes Shibusawa in my head is Regina George FFS
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hanazou · 4 years
*slides you $40* can i perhaps get some jealous fyodor hc's
╰ ⋆ ଓ. 𝐅𝐲𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 • ₊˚
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𓏸֢  . beware of nsfw - light manipulation
𓏸֢  . theo baby take your money back this is on the house for u (I'm flattered you think my work amounts to $40 hehe) love u
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If you manage to make the Fyodor Dostoevsky, the anaemia man with God complex jealous, I have two things to say. Congratulations and brace yourself.
Congratulations because now you've set his mind on establishing more of his influence over you thanks to you reminding him that he does want you all for himself. You will get all the love he can muster all for yourself and his affectionate ways will intensify by a lot.
No, this isn't greed, there's no way he'd fall into one of the seven sins this easily just because of you, right?
Also, brace yourself because he’s going to be extra crafty and most definitely, possessive. You won’t realize it but after he’s set on strengthening his love for you, your activities will be centred around him, following his tempo.
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First and foremost, how did you get him jealous? You see, Fyodor is unexpectedly p-e-t-t-y.
His high confidence in both himself and you makes him believe that you’d never betray him—what does he lack aside from iron?—but that doesn’t mean he’s not easily… bothered.
Meaning that making him jealous isn’t as hard as you think. Yes, he has god-tier intelligence, but emotional intelligence? That part is untouched. He’s good at keeping his cool though.
Maybe Nikolai has his arm around you for one second too long, maybe you taught Sigma how to operate the database a little too close, or maybe it's just the way that one man glanced at you last week in the library.
“Gogol-san, as your colleague, I advise you to retract your hand. It’s unethical to be that close.”
“Oops, sorry, Dos-kun! Did that irk you?”
His grudges aren't against you but to those who forget that you're his, and the most effective way to remind them who you belong to is to establish an understanding in your mindset that you love only him.
What do you mean those people didn’t even intend to flirt with you? Have you heard what they said to you? You conversed with them for one minute too many and touched their hands when shaking hands.
He spoils you rotten.
He knows that mere objects are nothing compared to actions of love. Jewels do nothing, they’re just pebbles, but before he starts to sweet talk you, he thinks that some gifts will do good as a warming up before he gets more intense in hoarding your attention all to himself.
Did some stranger compliment your shoes? You’ll wake up with three new pairs by your bedside, all from designer brands in the styles and colours Fyodor knows you like. He wants you to hug and kiss him on the cheek in return.
And truthfully, what reason is there to deny him that? He may be a criminal genius, but that doesn’t mean the trouble he went through just to please you is nonexistent. Your hugs are also his source of heat.
Don’t try to find out where he got them though, he cleared all his criminal records.
One day, out of the ordinary, he takes you on a date to see a local orchestra, already reserving the tickets for the best seats, which is rare because he doesn’t go out unless it’s to murder someone or to survey a location.
His hand stays around yours for the whole date, starting from the walk there, during the performance itself, and the way back. By the time he lets you go, your hand is hot and moist from the sweat.
You're in for some delicious mind games. Jealous Fyodor, albeit very crafty, is still an attention seeker at the core. And what do attention seekers do? They pay extra attention to their lover, which in this case, you, and hope for you to reciprocate the gesture.
The sweet prize of his long term game is your verbal and physical confession that you don’t love anyone else aside from him.
Fyodor drives you into doing what he wants and although very subtle with it, it's effectively done.
You feel like you're being proactive in showing your love for him. And you are, but you're following his tempo. You're doing the things you think is completely under your free will when it's actually all according to his plan.
Remember what he said to Ace, something about "people are easier to predict when they think what they do is under their decision"? That's what he's doing.
Fyodor will make you so drunk in love with him and will have the impertinence to tease you as if he's not the one being territorial and petty.
Are you an artist of some sort? You’re in luck because Fyodor somehow makes you want to want to perform/create something with him as your muse.
You’re a writer or a poet? You’ll scribe while daydreaming of him. Are you a musician? You’ll compose or rearrange a song while thinking of him. Do you draw/paint/carve? You’ll form new art while being intoxicated by him.
He goes through extra lengths just to get your attention even if it means worsening his physical condition it's almost crazy, yet he still makes himself think that it's rational of him. He knows his own body’s limits and makes sure he doesn’t cross the line to actually endanger his life. He’ll use any cards he has to secure you.
He'll use his anaemia.
Fyodor deliberately breaks all the heaters by making it seem like rats chew on the internal wires (yes, rats) to make his lips pale or even blue so you can offer to wrap him with your blankets (that smells of you) or giving him a cuddle session.
He wants you to sit in front of him, your head under his chin, as he types and clicks and you fastening the blanket around both of you.
When you apply your flavoured lip balm on his chapped pale lips, he smiles at how close your face is.
"Aren't you affectionate today?" He brushes your face, tasting the cherry flavoured lip balm on his lips. It tastes like you.
Do you think he’s already hard to convince to drink his tablets? This is worse. He goes on a strike for at least four days without drinking them at all just so you can catch him in your arms before he falls after standing up.
After that, he leaves his medicines in places hidden yet noticeable makes you think they got there by accident so you can pamper him by telling him how important they are for his health.
He places his cello in a position near him so you can notice how much it stands out in the background whenever you watch him work, steering you to realize how long it has been since he last played Antonin Dvorak’s pieces for you, to increase your craving, multiplying your longing.
When you ask him to perform for you, he can't hide that slick smile, and he'll deny it for a while just so you ask him more frequently
Someone humble this man his god complex is popping OUT at this rate.
He actually chips off the tips of his fingernails for you to notice how messy and jaggy they've gotten so you'd sit down across him and clip his nails shorter AND so you can feel how cold his hands are. Two birds with one stone. He’s thought it all through it’s concerning.
When you offer to hold his other hand to keep him warm (basically being his heater) while he uses his other to work, he brushes your bangs upwards and kisses your forehead (with his cold lips, of course).
"I appreciate your kindness, love."
If he hasn’t motivated you enough to always stay by his side, that line sealed the magic.
He skips sleep for two days just so his dark circles get even darker so you'd apply an eye roll on his skin. He slightly opens his eyes when you do so he can get an intimate look at your concerned face, the fold between your eyebrows, and the way your lips curl inside under your teeth from worry.
Time for physical affections. Fyodor, as long as in private, can be a handsy man. Normally he’s very subtle with how he shows his love for you, but when jealous, his neediness is basically triggered. He won’t admit it, but you can notice that he’s more clingy.
Touches are an important aspect in dating Fyodor. First reason is because he's a man who values privacy including his body autonomy, so doing skinship isn't a daily occurrence. Second reason is because it confirms your trust and faith in him, considering what his ability does to people.
So as mentioned above, when Fyodor gets clingy, it says a lot about your relationship with him which he touches you anytime, anywhere, and anywhen he pleases.
Are you cooking up something warm for him? Fyodor’s suddenly wrapped to you from behind. You didn’t hear him coming, he was as quiet as a rat to surprise you. He basically absorbs all your body heat to reach a state of equilibrium, just like how well your personalities mix together
Fyodor touches your face more often. He brushes the littlest things off your face, like that one tiny speck of dust under your eye.
“You look much more enticing up close, my dear.” He coos, face leaning on his hand.
His sudden nibbling on your ear gets more frequent and unpredictable. It can happen when you’re sitting on his lap when he’s working, it can happen when you’re cuddling, or even outside.
Protesting won’t work because he’s so smooth with his words that you’re convinced that maybe it’s okay to let people stare when his mouth is on your ear.
If you ask him why he’s suddenly clingy and touchy, he’ll stop doing it completely altogether so that you’d feel empty without his body pressing against yours. Now you’re the one asking for more skinship.
“The pesky mouse wants me all of a sudden? Cute, but I thought you didn’t like getting touched.”
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[Start of NSFW mentions] He purposefully arouses your ‘certain’ needs and leaves you basically begging and crying for him to give you what you want using his sweet sly tricks, he knows your body more than you do.
The deed will be so sloppy and wet. He'll spend extra time with his mouth on your mouth.
When he finishes the business of "claiming" you back, he will... leave permanent ‘marks’ of his "ownership" over you and even the most expensive concealer can’t hide half of those unless you dab forcefully over them, just like what territorial men do to their lovers.
He has high patience and uses it against you. When you’re crying and begging for him, he’ll just stare at you first, taking in your pretty whining face, before giving you what you want, painfully slowly, so that your need for him is drilled into your subconcious. [End of NSFW mentions]
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At the end of all of this, you’re already twice more madly in love with him than you were that you can’t go through a day without hugging him from behind, rest your chin on his shoulder, and chirping sweet “I love you”s.
Of course, he’s so proud of you for realizing he’s the only one you need. He’ll take your warm hands, fasten them around his body, and kiss your cheek.
“I’m the only one you love, right?” He asks.
If you’re sharp, you’ll catch the light corrosive sound in his voice that reminds you of the sourness jealousy has. Fyodor doesn’t mind if you notice it, in fact, that’s even better, because now you can confirm your feelings for him.
“Of course.” You tilt your head to fit into his neck. “What about you? Am I the only one you love?”
"без сомнения возлюбленный,"
(Without a doubt, darling.)
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kaikaikitanmp3 · 3 years
fyozai hanahaki au where both of them unexpectedly catch feelings occasional flower vomiting at the same time but both are so blissfully unaware and in denial that at first theyre sincerely convinced that it’s some kind of a rotavirus gastroenteritis because the thought of falling for someone (let alone for each other) doesn’t even cross their mind;;...,,,. but little do they now that it’s just the beginning of their mutual journey to a nervous breakdown happily ever after
featuring a lot of
— “no it can’t be him”s
— “oh my god it’s him”s
— “that’s it, i am going to die”s
— denial. more denial. hell ton of it.
— where is my mind.mp3
— indignation, resentment, rage
— “technically i knew he’d be capable of being the death of me but.........not like that”s
— “like fuck am i going to let his idiot flowers lull me into a grave”s
— “what if i kill him first?? would that be enough to get rid of this...thing????”s
— “okay i’m going to kill him i don’t care if i die afterwards i absolutely have to avenge my heart”s
— “i mean the audacity?? of this asshole to make me like him seemingly enough to not be able to lead a life without reciprocated feelings??? gross”s
— weeks of violent confrontation
— a truly fyozai-esque series of murder attempts (mostly from fedya’s side — dazai resigns much quicker); all failed miserably
— reluctant longing
— “oh great, apparently i had done something that pissed him off and now his homicidal tendencies towards me are getting intensified”s
— overthinking
— pining; yearning even
— that “you look like shit” / “so do you” moment during yet another couple bonding activity murder attempt
— dazai can’t help but notice the tension in fyodor’s posture, as if he’s holding back a cough; and then there’s that thin track of blood in the corner of his pale lips
— fedya sees the way dazai’s chest is trembling and his adam’s apple is shaking; he stares at the bandages on dazai’s right hand that are familiarly crimson red over his palm and outer wrist
— begrudging affection.
— “he’s still beautiful”s
— “wait where the fuck did that come from..oh nvm i’m screwed”s
— rather picturesque mutual horror written all over their faces
— horror and disgust
— “well at least i shouldn’t be dying anymore...right?
how am i supposed to heal by the way?? it’s not gonna magically disappear is it; or do i have to vomit the rest too
i hope i don’t, feels like there’s a lot
oh wow he likes me too”s
and followed by
— “i see” / “inch resting”
— “that won’t change anything, understood?” / “that won’t change shit”
— “you’re still tedious” / “i still hope you choke”
— “tell anybody and i’ll make you wish you were dead” / “don’t worry your rat majesty, no one’s gonna believe me anyway”
— “good” / “fine”
— intense staring contest
— pathetic attempts to ignore that disgusting warmth caged up in the middle of their ribs
— “see you around rat” / “until next time you wretch”
— “as a date?”
— fyodor’s smile could light up yokohama after dark
— “you wish”
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10 Interesting Russian Novels
1. Fyodar Dostoevsky, David McDuff (Translator) - Crime and Punishment 
Raskolnikov, a destitute and desperate former student, wanders through the slums of St Petersburg and commits a random murder without remorse or regret. He imagines himself to be a great man, a Napoleon: acting for a higher purpose beyond conventional moral law. But as he embarks on a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a suspicious police investigator, Raskolnikov is pursued by the growing voice of his conscience and finds the noose of his own guilt tightening around his neck. Only Sonya, a downtrodden sex worker, can offer the chance of redemption. 
2.  Fyodor Dostoevsky,  Richard Pevear (Translation),  Larissa Volokhonsky (Translation) - Notes from a Dead House 
Sentenced to death for advocating socialism in 1849, Dostoevsky served a commuted sentence of four years of hard labor. The account he wrote afterward (sometimes translated as The House of the Dead) is filled with vivid details of brutal punishments, shocking conditions, and the psychological effects of the loss of freedom and hope, but also of the feuds and betrayals, the moments of comedy, and the acts of kindness he observed. As a nobleman and a political prisoner, Dostoevsky was despised by most of his fellow convicts, and his first-person narrator--a nobleman who has killed his wife--experiences a similar struggle to adapt. He also undergoes a transformation over the course of his ordeal, as he discovers that even among the most debased criminals there are strong and beautiful souls. Notes from a Dead House reveals the prison as a tragedy both for the inmates and for Russia. It endures as a monumental meditation on freedom. 
3. Karamazovby Fyodor Dostoevsky,  Richard Pevear (Translator), Larissa Volokhonsky (Translator),  Fernando Otero (Translator),  Marta Sánchez-Nieves (Translator) - The Brothers
The Brothers Karamazov is a murder mystery, a courtroom drama, and an exploration of erotic rivalry in a series of triangular love affairs involving the “wicked and sentimental” Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov and his three sons―the impulsive and sensual Dmitri; the coldly rational Ivan; and the healthy, red-cheeked young novice Alyosha. Through the gripping events of their story, Dostoevsky portrays the whole of Russian life, is social and spiritual striving, in what was both the golden age and a tragic turning point in Russian culture.
4. Fyodor Dostoevsky,  Richard Pevear (Translator),  Larissa Volokhonsky (Translator) - Notes from Underground
One of the most remarkable characters in literature, the unnamed narrator is a former official who has defiantly withdrawn into an underground existence. In complete retreat from society, he scrawls a passionate, obsessive, self-contradictory narrative that serves as a devastating attack on social utopianism and an assertion of man’s essentially irrational nature.
5. David Benioff - City of Thieves 
During the Nazis’ brutal siege of Leningrad, Lev Beniov is arrested for looting and thrown into the same cell as a handsome deserter named Kolya. Instead of being executed, Lev and Kolya are given a shot at saving their own lives by complying with an outrageous directive: secure a dozen eggs for a powerful Soviet colonel to use in his daughter’s wedding cake. In a city cut off from all supplies and suffering unbelievable deprivation, Lev and Kolya embark on a hunt through the dire lawlessness of Leningrad and behind enemy lines to find the impossible.
6.  Svetlana Alexievich, Richard Pevear (Translation), Larissa Volokhonsky (Translation) - War's Unwomanly Face 
This book is a confession, a document and a record of people's memory. More than 200 women speak in it, describing how young girls, who dreamed of becoming brides, became soldiers in 1941. More than 500,000 Soviet women participated on a par with men in the Second World War, the most terrible war of the 20th century. Women not only rescued and bandaged the wounded but also fired a sniper's rifle, blew up bridges, went reconnoitering and killed... They killed the enemy who, with unprecedented cruelty, had attacked their land, their homes and their children.
7.  Simon Morrison - Bolshoi Confidential: Secrets of the Russian Ballet from the Rule of the Tsars to Today
Vodka, Tolstoy and ballet are three main stereotypical symbols of Russia. Simon Morrison decided to unveil all the mysteries behind the curtains of Russia’s main ballet stage- the Bolshoi Theater.
8. Ivan Turgenev – Fathers and Sons (1862)
Fathers and Sons did what many other Russian novels did: pit the younger generation against the old. When Bazarov, a strict nihilist, challenges the well-established mores of Provincial life, he lures the naive towards his radical ideas. But when his beliefs get challenged by the unexpected appearance of passionate love and spirituality, he suffers a crisis that will force him to rethink his entire worldview.
9. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
This short, harrowing, yet strangely hopeful masterpiece tells the story of a single day in the life of an ordinary Soviet labor camp inmate, of which there were tens of millions in the Soviet Union. Based on Solzhenitsyn’s personal experience as one of those prisoners, this book is authentic, full of rich detail, and devoid of sentimentality, which intensify its powerful emotional impact.
10. The Funeral Party - Lyudmila Ulitskaya
This English-language debut of one of contemporary Russia’s most important novelists describes the bizarre and touching interactions among a colorful cast of Russian émigrés living in New York who attend the deathbed of Alik, a failed, but well-liked painter. At once quirky and trenchant, The Funeral Party explores two of the biggest “accursed questions” of Russian literature—How to live? How to die?—as they play out in a tiny, muggy Manhattan apartment in the early 1990’s.
*Note- all summaries were copied from GoodReads.
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