#Futuristic Time Cop : Starman Junior
atom-bound · 3 years
The following is a trial concept of how a boss battle might be in this canon. This is subject to refinement as the story progresses.
Buzz Buzz, Bowen Chuuno, Don Dunverlin and Douglas Dunverlin
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S T A R M A N   J U N I O R
First Turn - BUZZ BUZZ
Buzz Buzz casts PSI Shield Σ!
A protective field envelops Buzz Buzz, Bowen Chuuno, Don Dunverlin and Douglas Dunverlin!
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Douglas Dunverlin throws a punch! CLUNK! 1 point damage to Starman Junior!
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Don Dunverlin... pretended to cry!
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Bowen Chuuno takes a swing! CLANK! 4 points damage to Starman Junior!
Starman Junior casts PSI Fire β!
The attack was nullified by the shield protecting Buzz Buzz, Bowen Chuuno, Don Dunverlin and Douglas Dunverlin!
Buzz Buzz attacks! WHACK! 36 points damage to Starman Junior!
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Douglas Dunverlin throws a punch! CLUNK! 1 point damage to Starman Junior!
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Don Dunverlin is profusely apologising!
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Bowen Chuuno takes a swing! CLANK! 2 points damage to Starman Junior!
Starman Junior is on guard.
Buzz Buzz casts PSI Shield Σ! 
The protective shield around Buzz Buzz, Bowen Chuuno, Don Dunverlin and Douglas Dunverlin is growing stronger!
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Douglas Dunverlin throws a punch! CLUNK! 1 point damage to Starman Junior!
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Don Dunverlin thought to himself!
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Bowen Chuuno decides to eat a cookie! 6HP recovered!
Starman Junior casts PSI Freeze α!
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The attack was nullified by the shield protecting Bowen Chuuno!
Buzz Buzz attacks! WHACK! 65 points damage to Starman Junior!
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Douglas Dunverlin throws a punch! CLUNK! 1 point damage to Starman Junior!
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Don Dunverlin is complaining to Bowen Chuuno!
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Bowen Chuuno takes a swing! OH NO! He just missed!
Starman Junior casts PSI Fire β!
The attack was nullified by the shield protecting Buzz Buzz, Bowen Chuuno, Don Dunverlin and Douglas Dunverlin!
Buzz Buzz casts PSI Shield Σ!
The protective shield around Buzz Buzz, Bowen Chuuno, Don Dunverlin and Douglas Dunverlin is growing stronger!
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Douglas Dunverlin is chanting a magic spell!
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Don Dunverlin is playing dead!
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Bowen Chuuno takes a swing! CLANK! 4 points damage to Starman Junior!
Starman Junior casts PSI Fire α!
The attack was nullified by the shield protecting Buzz Buzz, Bowen Chuuno, Don Dunverlin and Douglas Dunverlin!
Buzz Buzz CHARGES forward! POW! 118 points damage to Starman Junior!
. . .
.  .  .
Starman Junior has been DEFEATED!
V I C T O R Y!
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A power emits from Bowen’s hands. Knowledge quickly gained, a new ability is learned...
Bowen Chuuno has just realised the power of PSI Lifeup α!
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“Phew! I was taking a really big gamble there! He came from ten years in the future, just to kill me! We can't relax yet! From now on, you'll be fighting enemies sent by Giygas.... as well as humans who have evil thoughts! They'll definitely make trouble for you during your adventure! You might find some animals end up increasingly violent due to Giygas' influence over the evil in their minds. It is the truth, so please, listen!"
...Okay, now would be a good time to drop off Don and Doug home, before one of those things comes attacking again!
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atom-bound · 3 years
1 note · View note
atom-bound · 3 years
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So now we have Bowen Chuuno, leading the charge, with Don Dunverlin and Happy in tow, out in the night air, to find Don’s missing brother, Douglas.
Their first port of call, was the hill, the meteorite to be exact. The first thing Bowen found was, well, it seemed Don was right. There aren’t any police officers around whatsoever! Not even the cars that came up from before. Maybe the Sharks were acting real crazy right about now.
What they did notice was that all the animals were out and about too. A runaway dog, barking, lost. Coil snakes rushing past by their feet, that gave Don a jolt. Spiteful crows, that could swoop at any moment.
It seemed more dangerous than usual.
Even Lyre wasn’t out the front of his house, but the coast was... it was all clear! No more roadblock, they could actually go up to see the meteorite all by themselves!
Coming round to the left, right up to the top of the hill! It was in sight and.
...That stopped them in their tracks. Well, Bowen and Don anyway, since that came from...
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If I knew this was going to be such a scary place, I wouldn't have come along... I'm outta here!
And so, the dog promptly bolted, at full speed, hurrying all along the hill like a scaredy cat all the way home!
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“Happy, wait!” Bowen called out, but it was too late...
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“..Damned dog...”
...Well, it was just the two men now.
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There it was, the meteorite, in all it’s... glowing glory. Man even now it still held that glow.. and it was warm all the way from here. Maybe it was still even very, very HOT!
But not only that...
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“...I hear snoring...”
As much as the meteorite had it’s own ‘hum...’ there was a more human noise Bowen had heard, coming from the tree at the edge of the top. It sounded human... but there was only one way to find out, motioning for Don to follow, rounding the other side of that tree.
Well, seems the search was over far quicker than they thought, there was his brother, sitting down, resting by that tree.
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“Hey... hey Doug..” Bowen put a hand on the guy’s shoulder, to rouse him.
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“GUAH?!” ... Well that startled him right awake! His gaze quickly shot up to see who had woken him. "Oh! You.. woke me up.."
That was when he looked over to see his brother with the blonde.
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“Don! Jeez man I’ve been looking all over for you!” A sigh, before looking back at Bowen. "You see, we got here.. then Don got real scared and just.. ran away!"
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Sure. Even Bowen’s inclined to believe Doug.
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“Well, I’m glad you’re okay, at least. Let's go home now. I bet Mom and Dad are both worried sick about us." Followed by a sigh. "Sometimes I wonder which of us is the real big brother."
And with that...
(Douglas Dunverlin joins the Team!)
Looks like that’s the end of that adventure... the boys were now about to walk past the meteorite. It’s late, it’s time to go h-
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“Hey, Bowen.. I hear something... it.. sounds like a buzzing noise.. can you hear it?”
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The blonde stopped for a moment, pausing, staying still. “...Yeah... yeah I hear it too actually, faintly.”
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“You can hear it too! It sounds like a bee’s buzzing... don’t you think?”
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“...Bit strange for a bee to by flying around this time of night..”
Just then, from the meteorite, a bright yellow opening appeared, almost like a beam, in a sense. Thin at first, it soon grew out to the entire diameter of the crater! It caught the attention of all three men, staring in wonder, while the buzzing grew stronger louder.
Finally, appearing from the crater, a small creature, like an insect, probably a little bit bigger. As it approached the three, upon glance, it almost looked like a stag beetle of some sort, but with hands.. and an actual face.
“A bee I am..... not...”
A voice that was childlike, like a little boy.
“I’m from ten years into the future..”
Such the being spoke as it drew closer.
“And.. in that future...”
Until finally it’s appearance can be recognised by all of them.
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“All is devastation...”
The three stood in silence, eyes in surprise, in shock, at everything, at the appearance of the creature and it’s revelations. For the blonde, especially, he felt it the most, a strange, eerie feeling.
"A being by the name of Giygas, who shall become the universal cosmic destroyer, will send all to the horror of eternal darkness.. and all shall become nothing, never to blossom, forever more.."
A bleak beginning, hailing a march toward destruction, in only a decade’s time.
“...However, please listen! Where I am from, there is a well known legend that has been handed down from ancient times, well into the future! The legend goes: 'When the chosen one reaches the point, they will find the light. The passing of time will shatter the nightmare rock and will reveal the path of light.' You see... it is of my opinion..."
Now the creature looks to the blonde.
"...That you.. are that chosen one, Bowen."
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That was a bigger bombshell. The blonde himself clutched a hand to his chest, the weight was heavier now. It even knows his name! “M...me?”
"Yes.. this I believe..." The being closes it's eyes for a moment in thought. "Giygas' plans must have been set in motion somewhere on Earth. If you start to confront the enemy immediately, you might have time to counter the evil intentions of Giygas."
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"Three things are of the utmost importance: Wisdom, Courage and Friendship. .... The legends from the ancient times tell of four special individuals, who come together to defeat Giygas."
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“Four special individuals.. okay..” Sounds like he might have to find the other three.
"I will tell you more later. Go now! And please, do not be anxious about the future. You have much work to do, Bowen."
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“Yeah... this is.. geez.. this is heavy... better get to it.. got no time to waste.”
"I understand. I feel you have listened to all of my story. You are as exceptional as I expected you to be. You will go far, young Bowen."
(Rejoice! Buzz Buzz joins you!)
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"Uhh.. Bowen... It.. it looks like you're really in a lot of trouble now. Four individuals? I'm.. not one of those four, am I? Cause.. I'm not into this kind of thing at all!”
Typical Don, wanting to get out of any form of ACTUAL responsibility. Bowen ends up looking at him straight in the face, expression absolutely serious.
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“...I honestly doubt you are. I really don’t think the world would rest on you.”
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“God.. my heart is really pounding out of my chest right now!”
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“...I rest my case...”
And so back down the hill they went.
There was a little bit of small talk, deciding to call their new friend 'Buzz Buzz', well, it was the being's actual name. Aside from that, the descent was mostly silent. Bowen had a lot to think about really.
The future was bleak. Eternal darkness? In only ten years? Maybe less? That was scary enough.
But the fact the fate of the world rested on him and three others?
That he was the chosen one? Believed to be the chosen one?
One couldn't help but feel the sense of anxiety that was mulling around his stomach right about now.
He'll definitely have to go home and pack some things too. This could be his longest journey, his longest adventure.
First things first was to drop the Dunverlins off home, they weren't going to be a part of this adventure, best they stay safe.
Rounding the bottom of the hill, near the trees that would lead back home.
A flash of light.... followed by a beam of light! White. An individual coming down from the sky, landing right in their path!
An individual all in silver, with strange looking arms, no hands by the looks.
Could it be some sort of suit? Or was this how this creature looked? It stood arms akimbo, clearly looking like a thing of authority.
...And from the future...
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"It's been a long time, Buzz Buzz...” It’s voice, futuristic and masculine,  “You've been successful at foiling Master Giygas' plans..... But.... Buzz Buzz... you must now surrender. You're no longer a hero. All you are.. is just a useless insect! I shall stomp you hard!"
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