#Funnily enough.. the thing that turned my attention to him was giving him the HoH headcanon
flare-dragon · 2 years
It's always kinda weird to look at a character you once held zero interest in and just go "They...really are so relatable".
Anyway, this is a Jake appreciation blog, so feel free to leave adorations at the door and love letters in the mailbox.
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malliexox · 7 years
So... this is gonna be a lot but I can honestly say this is one of those things in my life that I’ll treasure always and never forget.
My journey for this one actually doesn’t start on the day of the concert, let’s jump back to the 5th of May, shall we? Funnily enough I’m not actually from Warsaw, or Poland for that matter. Nope, ya girl flew herself out all the way over the waters from the UK with my wonderful fellow BABY buds, Shaza & Sandy! Me and these girls have only met twice now (Sandy @ LOE once and Shaza I’ve known mutually for a couple of years now) and when I heard they were going I kinda thought “What the heck” and got myself a couple of plane tickets, a B.A.P FUN ticket and grabbed my passport. Friday was kinda a write-off for me, truly, by the time we’d arrived at our hotel I was pretty knackered. All that travelling, even if it was a short journey, made me sleepy. However, before I shoot over to the main event of my trip I gotta tell you guys about my hotel room. Aight, so we stayed in a pretty fancy place, not gonna lie, the staff were all super friendly and my room was honestly so nice. But the SHOWER thoooo. Okay so Idk if this is a normality in Poland, but my shower was in the middle of my room. No lie that thing was just smack bang in the middle. And it was perfectly aligned so my lazy ass could watch TV, look out onto Poland all whilst scrubbing my hair and humming along to B.A.P on my phone. If I miss anything about that room it’s my goddamn center shower. 
Now. Saturday though. I decided I was going to stay at the venue the entire day again, like I did for LOE. My lovelies were going sightseeing for the day so I made my way to Progresja, got my queue number and tickets for Hi-Touch & entrance and so began the long wait~ I met so many people that day. Holy heck. So firstly I made friends with these three ladies in the queue for wristbands, who had just come over from the concert in Frankfurt. We kept bumping into each other throughout the day, in queue and even after the show. A girl also came up to me, whom I’d never met, but she said she remembered me from London because of my Red Hair. Honestly I love that I have this signature hair colour. Not only does it make me feel wonderful it also makes me memorably and I find that super sweet. Thant, who I also met at LOE, found me later on in the day and it was super nice to chill with him for a bit in the sun. 
Then. Something really amazing happened. We had heard B.A.P arrive and start rehearsal but about 10 minutes in, the music stopped and suddenly they’ve come out onto the balcony to see us! Some of the fans had prepared a flash mob and came together for B.A.P to see. We all were chanting and waving to them. Youngjae was wearing a blue suit and damn did he work that, Yoo for President. Junhong also looked like a model, as always, and all of the boys kept smiling and waving at us, they clapped all the people dancing and then went back inside to continue rehearsals. 
Soon enough, we’re all in our relevant queue systems ready to go into the venue. Progresja is actually a really nice place. It’s a club turned concert hall and it was just the right size for my smol butt to see even though I didn’t have any kind of early entry. I ended up near some really super lit fans; honestly these girlies really made me shout and dance and props to them for being so hyped up even before anything had happened! 
So, shall we move onto the concert? 
DJ B.Shoo opened up for B.A.P, he had a 10 minute set and honestly, I’ve never known a DJ to hype a crowd like he did. He didn’t play solely kpop but a mix of western songs and he really knew what he was doing to make us jump and scream. Serious props to my guy, he’s super talented and I’m glad he got this platform to show his stuff. 
Then the countdown started for B.A.P. They. Rocked. It. I never remember every single song but let me break it down for y’all. The boys were on fire that night, it shows how much they loved seeing us. They did a multitude of songs from most of the eras. I finally got to see Dancing in the Rain Live, I’ve always had a soft spot for it and seeing it really made me let go and have fun! That’s My Jam, Do What I Feel(!!!) really got the crowd going, over to the sexiness of Fermanta and I Guess I Need You, to the likes of Skydive, One Shot and Wake Me Up, it was so lovely to see Yongguk especially getting the love and I’ve never heard a crowd shout so passionately for a member like that. Carnival era has always been lucky for me; Feel So Good, Be Happy and Carnival were all really fun and got us all dancing so energetically, B.A.P always know how to keep us on our toes. We also got their solo’s that night and hoh boy lemme tell you. Jongup’s was ace. I really love his song and couldn’t wait for Shaza to hear it, he’s improved so much over the years and it’s really great to see him getting his shine. Now speaking of Shine... Zelo’s solo. I’d held off as much as I could to hear it and it did not disappoint. Zelo has created a song, entirely in English, purely of his own colour. Zelo wasn’t molded from B.A.P as a vocal. He was and still is an amazing rapper. However you can tell he loves to sing, in a vocal sense and it works for him. Truly he has a lovely voice and to see him produce such a beautiful song... I’m so proud. Really I am. We then got Daehyun’s solo ft. Zelo and though I am the loyalist of Zelo stans, I think Dae’s is my fave. It’s really interesting and the way it grows to it’s peak is amazingly well produced, Daehyun’s voice mixed with Zelo’s quick fire rap really makes this song for me. Unfortunately, JaeJae didn’t have his vocal- I’m unsure if it’s a mix of him having his fan event pick, or if it was because he was pretty unwell that night but regardless he kept it going for so long and really did his best for us. The boys ended up coming out for two encores and all the confetti reminded me of London, but as always it was all over too soon. 
And then after a wait where I met two lovely Spanish girls (I was helping them understand what was happening, where we needed to be, and basically just translating for them), B.A.P Hi-Touch happened. I’m just gonna bullet point each member as clearly as I can remember...
The order was Yongguk, Zelo, Daehyun, Jongup, Himchan & then Youngjae. 
Yongguk- Okay so putting our wonderful leader first was a lot for my heart to take but I tried my best. The girl in front of me tripped a little and he was so attentive to make sure she was okay. It was really sweet to see. So she had her hi-touch and moved along and then I got to see him. Yongguk stared to my hand as I grabbed his, and I saw his eyes flicker further up my arm, and he got this really big smile on his face. For those of you who don’t know, I have a Matoki tattoo on the inside of my lower arm and I’m not saying he saw it and smiled, I’m saying he saw it and glowed. We then made eye contact again and I said thank you for being so strong and gave his hand a squeeze. He nodded with his super gummy smile and I moved along.
Zelo- Ayooooo it’s ya girl’s bias. So, I do this thing at hi-touch where I don’t just ‘clap’ their hands, I go for a full grab and squeeze their hands. Now me and Zelo, our hands freakin’ smacked together because he gives real strong hi-touches. So I’m there just squeezing his hand kinda tight and I’m telling him thank you, and how proud of him I am. And he’s staring at me with those big ol’ contact filled eyes with his hugely buff arms and honestly I coulda fainted. He was so hyped and happy and just seemed super enthusiastic about seeing us. He really made me feel honestly special and loved ^^
Daehyun- Obviously after Zelo, I’m practically shining at this point and I knew my smile was pretty big, but it was nothing compared to Daehyuns. He looked so happy! I gave his hand such a squeeze (and yes, just like I remembered his hand was so soft! ) and even though he was leaning over the barrier with his hood up nothing could dampen that smile. We both kinda said thank you in unison and he said it in almost a singsong tone, even after a full concert he was still so hyped up. 
Jongup- Honestly Jongup & Daehyun were very similar... They had the same kinda vibe about them even though they express themselves so differently. Again, I gave Jongup’s hand a squeeze and thanked him for coming. He had his little bunny smile going on and even though he seemed so shy he still quietly thanked me. I’m always so surprised when I see Jongup of just how small he is, but equally he’s got such a presence about him. 
Himchan- Okay... So... this one was a little awkward XDD Basically I went in for a full hand grab but it was just as Himmie was bringing his hand down for a second so I kinda grabbed his hand at the completely wrong angle. But it was fine! I still gave it a small squeeze, making sure my nails didn’t dig into his hand at all, because of the angle. Himmie was a lot different to last year, this time around he seemed a lot more tired. Which is totally understandable, but he was still very attentive to us, making sure to thank each and every person. He’s always stunning when I meet him. Seriously his features, I always notice something new whenever I see him. 
Youngjae- Bear in mind that our JaeJae wasn’t feeling especially well he was still trying his best when I got to him. I think he was trying not to get anyone sick but as I didn’t know at the time, I still grabbed his hand fully and gave it a small tap. I could tell he was pretty tired so I tried to give him a Daehyun worthy smile and gave him a really encouraging thank you. He gave me a pretty smile back and a little head nod and I moved along. I ended up walking backwards just to get one last look at these precious boys before I got out the door. 
And that was that, we’re pretty sure our uber to the hotel was actually right next to B.A.P’s van rushing off to the airport for most of the trip back, but that’s neither here nor there (as there’s no way we’ll know for sure if it was them). It just seems likely seeing as their sound van was right in front of this tinted windowed van... Anyways! The next day, me and Shaza & Sandy went sightseeing in Poland and it was a really lovely comedown from the hype of the previous night. Warsaw really is so relaxed and chill and they do the nicest foods and damn do I miss it. I’m so glad I had this experience and even through the stress of it all, I don’t regret it for the world. B.A.P really are special to me, to my tiny munchkin butt, and to see them for the second time a year later after my first concert with them was freakin’ wonderful. Whenever I get to see my boys, the experience is always so much more than just a concert. It’s seeing my idols do what they love on stage, it’s meeting my idols, it’s getting to know new people and seeing good friends, it’s going to a different country on a spontaneous whim of ‘I wanna’. I love these six boys and I’ll cherish them for life! 
Until we meet again, Forever With You~
Mallie xox Hugs and Kisses
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