#Fucker has so many names I gotta write them all 😭😭😭
pastry3 · 2 months
posting this here too cuz I worked my ass off drawing this for a good 4 days
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depressopax · 6 months
Before it's too late
Nacho Varga x gn!reader
Fandom - Better call Saul
Yoo! I haven't posted in ages, been feeling down and mentally exhausted 😭 Also been writing on my very own novel for a school project AHHH Basically been writing, procrastinating, writing, etc etc... But so far so good!
Now then... ✨Angst time✨
Pairing: Nacho Varga x gender neutral reader Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort Warning(s): BCS SPOILERS! Based on s4e3 “Something Beautiful”. Major character injury. Mentions of death and violence. Blood. Guns and bullet wounds. Cuss words. Mentions of surgery. Reader is gender-neutral and has they/them pronouns Words: 1.6K Summary: Based on s4e3, in which Nacho gets shot by Victor and is left in the desert. After being saved by the Cousins, reader rushes to the vet office to see him.  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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The sun is burning in Albuquerque today, making the concrete and highways threateningly warm. It’s an early morning and will only get hotter. The streets are empty and people are either sleeping safely in their beds or avoiding the burning morning-light. It’s a perfect day to stay in the shadows or - for those who have the option - close to the fresh breeze from the AC. 
Not everyone has that option. 
But bleeding to death in the desert is a rare case, too. 
This is how I die. 
Nacho thinks. He’s lost track of time. The man is lying on his side, facing away from the sun and hoping it will protect him from a sunburn. It’s the last thing he needs right now. 
The wounded shoulder is enough. His hands are bloody and so is the warm sand he is facing. 
Dehydration and blood loss. - That was not the way he thought he’d go down.
If it weren’t for the sharp pain in his shoulder - that’s slowly spreading throughout every inch of his body - he’d feel angry and humiliated.
Gus and his men left him to bleed out in the middle of nowhere. The damn Chicken Man. 
Arturo is dead. 
Nacho? About to join Arturo in the afterlife. 
His mind is bitter and he’s losing the battle of patience. 
“Do it quick, before you pass out” - That was the words of Gus’ lap dog, Victor. He was quick. Directly after he was left bleeding, he dialed the number to them. The Cousins. 
Where are they? 
He’s lost count if it's been days, hours or minutes since he got shot. All he knows is that he is slowly going insane. The sun burns his neck and he lets out a grunt, opening and closing his dry mouth. There's a taste of iron on his tongue due to his dry, chapped lips. 
Water. His vision gets blurry and with gloomy eyes he looks at the wet, red sand under him. 
They’re not coming. Those fuckers aren’t on their way. 
I’m dead. 
The realization hits Nacho, fueling the pain he’s already feeling. 
Guilt washes over him. What will happen to his dad if he dies? That, and…
He whispers your name hoarsely. 
You. His beautiful partner. The one who’s always been by his side, the only one that knows about and doesn’t judge him for his fucked up choices and his chaotic life. The person he’s been so distant and cold towards lately. Worst part is… 
They have no idea how much I love them. 
“I love you” - A sentence yet to be said. So many emotions are left unspoken, so many things left unsaid. 
Without thinking or caring about the consequences, Nacho reaches for his phone. With shaky, bloody hands, he dials your number and listens to the waiting tone. 
“Ignacio?” A soft voice filled with concern says. Nacho smiles. 
“Did I wake you up?”
“Yea… But don’t worry. What’s up, Nacho?”
The silence lingers. What the hell is he supposed to reply? 
“I gotta tell you something.”
“Nacho… What is going on? Are you ok?”
“No… But listen, mi amor.”
“I love you.” Silence again. His voice cracks from the emotions “...I love you so fucking much.”
“Why does it feel like you’re saying goodbye?”
“...Because I am.” His voice is barely a whisper anymore. “Take care of my father for me, will you?” 
Your voice breaks on the other line. 
“Where are you?”
No reply. You realize it’ll stay that way. He is too stubborn to let you help him. As if accepting defeat, you break apart.
“Don’t cry, mi vida…” He whispers.
“Please don’t die. Please.” 
I promise. Nacho wants to reply. But the last thing he wants to do right now is give you false hope. So he stays quiet. His ears are ringing and he wonders how he still has blood left in his body. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I love you, Ignacio. I love you…”
He smiles in relief. That was all he needed to hear. 
It’s all said and done and now he can at least die with some peace.
“And I love you.” 
He hangs up.
When a character faces death in movies, they see their life flash before their eyes. 
A cliche. Nacho thought up until now.
He envisions the few happy and peaceful moments he’s had in life. Most of them involve his dad Manuel, and you. The first date, first kiss, first time… 
Maybe it’s the sun or maybe he’s actually walking into the light, when suddenly a shadow covers it. He grunts. 
In the distance, he can hear two men talking to each other in Spanish. Someone lifts him from the ground. 
Exhaustion catches up with Nacho and everything fades to black. 
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You almost kick open the door to the Veterinary Office. 
How you even got the address is a miracle.
Maybe because you’ve called Nacho’s phone at least twenty times within the last hour, or maybe because they know Nacho has a partner? That seems unlikely. Nacho has made sure to keep the relationship secret from everyone, to protect you. Only people that know that he is your boyfriend are Manuel Varga and your family. 
The last explanation… Maybe, somehow, Nacho’s Cartel colleagues are humane enough to let family and friends say farewell to their dying loved ones… 
Apart from an elderly lady and her cat, the waiting room is empty at this time in the morning. The receptionist looks startled when she sees you. But then again you can’t judge her. With puffy and red eyes and the almost wild expression on your face it’s no wonder people are concerned. Without waiting for her to greet you, you rush to the office whilst the woman shouts after you. 
Nothing can prepare you for what you see. 
It’s your boyfriend - lying down half-naked on a metal table whilst the vet, Caldera, performs surgery. Two men in suits stand next to the tense vet, watching over his every move with caution. As the door shuts behind you, the three men turn to look at you. One of the twins raises their guns. 
“What happened to him?!” A voice barely noticeable. The man lowers his gun as his brother mumbles something to him. The vet goes back to work and Nacho squirms on the table. They’re killing him. 
You know that's not true and makes zero sense. 
But what makes sense about this situation either way? 
You don’t realise that you’re shouting allegations until someone grips you and drags you out of the room. Before you get kicked out of the office, a weak voice calls your name. 
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Minutes turn into hours, morning turns to day and then afternoon. You remain seated on the cold tile floor hugging your knees against your chest. The anxiety grows stronger and it feels like you’re about to drown in worry. When the door to the office finally opens, you can barely stand up. 
It’s impossible to read the expression on his face. The scrubs he’s wearing are stained red. You can feel your stomach twist. 
“He’s alive.” 
Nacho wakes up from his feverish dreams. His mind is foggy and his eyes feel heavy. The sedatives are wearing off and his whole body aches, especially the place where the bullets penetrated his shoulder. 
He is in a cold room with his bare back resting against an even colder metal table. He feels like shit. With a raspy voice, he repeats the only word he’s been able to say lately. Your name. When a warm hand intertwines fingers with him, he finally breathes out. 
Your sobbing wakes him from his trance. He opens his brown eyes and looks at you through heavy eyelids and black eyelashes. He manages to give you a weak smile and in a raspy voice, he greets you.
“Hey, mi vida.”
“Hey, my love.” You reply and manage to smile through the tears. “You’re alive…” 
With those words said, you burst into tears again. The cousins and Caldera look uncomfortable with the emotional outbursts and the scene between the two lovebirds.
“...Let’s give Varga and his partner some time to talk.” the vet says. He’s quick to leave and the twin men don't protest. 
Once finally alone, Nacho brings a weak, trembling hand to your cheek. He feels the soft skin against his palm and feels a sense of relief. When you lean forward he doesn’t think twice before pulling you into a kiss, and then another one. 
He’s alive. 
“I love you. I should’ve told you earlier, I… I’m sorry.” 
Your boyfriend tries sitting up and winces in pain. 
“You don’t need to apologize.” 
He can no longer hold back the wave of emotions. The shock of watching Arturo die, the stress Hector and his nephews have caused him, for years. The worries for his own life, but mostly for his dad, and you. It all comes crashing down. And now… Gus is a threat.
Nacho knows his life just got more complicated and a lot more dangerous. 
He’ll have to tell you everything. 
But for now… 
He cries. He lets you hold onto him. 
Nacho squeezes you close to him, to make sure you can’t slip away. 
Once he’s healed, he’ll go back to duty. He’ll protect you.
But for now… He lets you protect him. 
When you whisper “I love you”, he feels at peace. 
You’re his shelter and his home.
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Did my mentally unstable a- cry when writing this because I love Nacho so damn much?? Yes. 2am emotional damage
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